Newspaper Page Text
L_ FOR SALE FOR SALE—Eight Seal Skins, rea aonable. Phone 128. FOR SALE—Or will trade for a good Guitar and case, one 7x5 plate camera with case and tripod in good condition. Write Geo. ,W. Pearce, Chichagof, Alaska. FOR SALE—Alder wood. See D. B. Femmer. FOR SALE—The greatest bargains ever offered in used cars. LIB ERAL TERMS Connors Motor Cn FOR SALE—Fancy work for Christ mas Gifts. Mrs. B. Schwarzenberg. phone Douglas 383. FOR SAIdi—MAXWHSJL CAR, RB eeatly os erhauled. Aleo for hire |»7 dey or hour with or without ttrlver. Iaqulre Imperial Pool Hell._ WANTED WAMTfili—To oifv 2nd hand suits und pants. Phone 197. WANTED First -class hand sowers at Miss Campbell* dress making parlors, Hoorn No. 7, Valentine Bldg. _ FQjjTREyi_ FOR RENT—Furnished flat, rea sonable. Inquire San Francisco Bakery. _ FOR REN1 • - S room furnished house, piano and furnace heat. Phone 173. __ FOR RENT—3 and 6 room furnish ed apartment. Phone 2004. FOR RENT—Flat mostly furnished, ^pply at Nugget Shop. FOR RENT—2 and 3 room furnish ed apartments. 3rd and Gold Streets. Phone 136. FOR RENT — Furnished and un furnished houses. Phone J506. FOR RENT—1, 2, 3, 4 room apart ments, fully fqrnlshed. Feldoi Apts. PHONE 286.__ ! PHONOGRAPH lor r»ui. Pn#» | US. PIANO pom KEN'r--pnoi»» 14* MISCELLANEOUS_ CARD READING at SIS Went tth K , oa Tide Plata. PAUIIBT—w»a« aad has* your |eettut* told from four head. Work, hualbeea, marriage aad the ' itars foretold (Of Frost 8t. CUFF APARTMENTS I ul ( room gputaentg i I _won w. j FERRY SCHEDULE Lean Innate lot Denstea, Tread wall t=J Thane. {effective Tueeday, Jan. 29. 1914. 13:15p.m. •1:10a.m. •OtSOf.m. 9:40 a.m. a: 11a.m. »:lla.m.t »:lip.m. ail: 19p.m. Ill midnight! llnoont* *T :20p.m. |l:00a.m f 1:00p.m. Leave Nnhi^lir ^ TreadwoU and ■1:11a.m. 4:49p.m.: $:IOpjn. 11:11a.m. 11:19p.m. 1:11p.m. Leave Treadwell for Thane 1:10a.m. ll:sep.aa.t 4:90p.m.t Leave Thame fee Treadwell, Deaflai and 7anean. S:10a.m. 12:36p.m.t 6:06p.m.t Leave TreadwoU for Booties aad Janaaa. • :25a.m. 6:20p.m. t a:S9p.m. 11:10a.m. 11:10p.m. 10:00p.m. leave Beaflaa tor 7ameam. 3:30p.m. 1:30a.m. 6:25p.m.t 10:06p.m. 9:10a.m.t «:40p.m. 'U:I0p.m. 11:99p.m. |T:4lp.m. |l: 21a.m. laiMt gkt will ae leeeptaa. only. irdaja eatp. t Saturday night, edule leaving ll:il p. m, wtn otart Monday, Peb. 4. 3mmm Farry ft NarifatMU Canpawr. Study tha more aoe—and learn aftent thoee new 9hfnga which art shown for the fln* «*• today POLLY AND HER PALS p? n ip? STERRETT WU0SWU* Mrs. W. D. McDermott, traveling auditor tor the Pacific Coast Coal Co., arrived last night on the steam er Admiral Rogers and will be busy checking over accounts in the local office of tlie company tor several days. K. T. Fisher, r,f '.he i'. S. Immi gration Service office at Ketchikan, arrived here yesterday on official business. He experts to remain sev eral days. H. t/. Morris. Alaska representa tive for Schilling's Best line, re turned lo his home here yesterday on the Admiral Rogers after calling on the trade ir. towns in the south ern end of the division. Hans Wick. City Marshal of Pet ersburg, Ih a local visitor who will l>e here until the Northwestern sails south. II' came up ns a witness In a naurallzation hearing before the local Federal District Court. Ben Dronoahl, Petersburg, ar rived on the Admiral Rog is to appear before the District Court for examination for his final natur alization papers. Federal Game Warden R. M. Goddard, who has been cruising be tween Juneau. Sitka and Wrangell in the Biological Survey boat Sea Otter fot the past three weeks, in vestigating reported game law viola tions, etc., passed through Juneau on the Admiral Watson last night enroute to his headquarters at Sitka. D. M. Bothwell. local merchan dise broker, returned home yester day aftei a business trip to the southern end of the district H. F. Preston, representative for the National Grocery Co., for South eastern Alaska, returned to his head quarters here yesterday and left on the Admiral Rogers for Haines, Skag •way a/rd Sitka. Neil MacGregor, Federal Deputy Marshal at Petersburg, arrived yes terday on the Admiral Watson on ifflciil business. AT THE HOTELS Oa&tineau Mrs. V. D. MiIMrmott, Seattle; G. T. Morgan, Seattle; S. 15. Corn best, Seattle; I. Thue, KsUhikan; E..-T. 1'isbei, Ketchikan: Eer Gron dahl, Petersburg: I. N. Steu-lam!. Ketchikan; C. Clausen, Petersburg, Hans Wick, rv.trsburg. Chris Chris tensen. Petersburg; S. W. Adams. Ketchikan: John Olson, Ole Kerr, Petersburg: Dr. A. 15. Jones, Pet ersburg; Mr and Mrs. 11 b. Mor ris, City. Hotel Zynda Mrs. H. R. Sarhor, Peter tbur.;, C Adrlanrff, Mrs. C. N. Andtlinoff Petersburg: Dr. R. X. Rogers, Pet ersburg: Xell C MacGregor, Pet ’rsburg; H. Berg, Petersburg. Alaskan Hotel Oliver Mar. on, Killlsnoo; Steve lusdick, Security Hay; Fred Porter. H Owens and M. Yaniasliila, Peters burg. -♦♦♦ See Sully* umrpontcr Shop tor lobbing and Oablnot work. Phone 13d. —adr AUTOS FOR HIRE CaHm’i Tw? Stand—Aluku Hotel PHONE SINGLE 0 Day and Night Smioe. ■- --■ 1 VS | I SITTCA HOT SPRINGS | Xatee $3.00 Per Day tad Up j 1 Dr. I. L. Goddard. Prop. 1 ii. . w. .1 ■■ «,».■■■ ... ■ . , T BERRY’S TAXI 7 . (hnStf and Efficient Barrie* PHONE IBB. Office Meat to Oaatinwu Hotel. BERRY'S TAXI •---! |-■ Coyich Auto Semes Juneau. Alankn Day end Night lime*. PHONE 444. Stand In Front of Aretle JOHN OOVK7H. Prop. ■4.. - 1 Uldck Tud I | SERVICE DAT AND NIGHT | | STAND 62 FRONT BT. Day Phone 271. j Sight Phone 477, ^ ROGERS BRINGS BIG PASSENGER LISTYESTERDAY — Forty-Six Arrive on Admiral Line Vessel—Five Days’ Mail in Cargo. With 46 passengers and five days' mail for this port, the Admiral I.ino steamer Admiral Rogers, (’apt. En-ftuist, arrived at 6 p. m. yester day. It discharged 204 tons of freight at various docks here and railed for Haines. Skagway and Sitka at 6:3ft a. m today. Passengers arriving on the Ad miral Rogers were: Miss Mary Adams, Mrs. \V. Brown, Edward Colburn. 8, B. ConJbest. John B. Godfrey. Mrs. N. 8. Madsen, Eliza betb Madsen, G. S. Morgan, D. M. Bothwell, H. L. Morris, Ole Kerr, John Olson. K. L. Fisher. K. Men s, T. K. Stobsland, T. Time. 8, Adams, S. F. 1 lance. Mrs, S. F. Han-e, C. Clausen, Bc.n Gnndahl. Chris Christensen, Hans Wick. G. Aud rianoff. Mm, C. Audrianoff, Mrs. H. H. Sanber. Haakon Berg, Neil McGrorror. Maimal Soales, Tom Rice. Harry Owens. Susie Dixon. Maggie Adams. Mrs. Jessie Craig, K. Urata. V YamaehU, Fred Porter, Dr. R. ! X. Rogers, Dr. A. B. Jones and five | steerage. Passengers leaving for the north including: George Donovan and C VV. Ask, for Skagway, and Albert A. PerricU, for Sitka. » Tide* Tomorrow High Tide 0:27 a. m. .15.1 Low Tide G:U6 a. m. 3.4 High Tide 12:09 p. m. 17.1 Low Tide 6:39 p. m.-1.1 Fm-iutur*. -miret. aafl ttored Heavy bnubng done. Phone 48 Juneau Tmnefer — adv bee Sully* varpenter Shop vo» lobbing and Cabinet work. Phone 194. —Mf Children’s Colds Checked Overnight Nothing to Swallow—You Ju*t Rub It Oa The next time it he kiddles come in wet and sniffling try the fam ous "external” method. Rub Vicks over throat and chest, then spread on 'thickly and cover with a warm flannel cloth. Vicks not only penetrates thro' jnnd stimulates the shin jlke a poul jtieo or plaster, but the Ingredients, ■ vaporized by the body heat, are I inhaled with every breath all night long. I The child is usually better next morning, and all danger of up sot ling the stomach Is avoided. Vlrks is just as effective for ad ults. in fart for every member of tho family. Ovrr 17 million Jars used yearly. At all drug stores. *--i I STEAMER MOVEMENTS | I i NORTHBOUND 1 1 ALASKA in port, went bound. , I 8CH; UULtU SXIklNbk ESTEBETH will sail for Sitka and way ports at 11 o'clock Thursday nlgln ADMIRAL WATSO.V scheduled , J to scil from Seattle tomorrow t morning at 10 o’clock, j ALAMEDA scheduled to sail j from Seatlle December 13 nt | 9 a. m. PRINCESS MARV scheduled to ; 1 sail from Vancouver December 13 at 9 p. m. f MAIL BOAT GEORGE JR sails . from Juneau for Petersburg and way ports at midnight 1 ( next Monday night. SOUTHBOUND SAILINGS NORTHWESTERN d»" south l-onncl about Tint'srU.v. ADMIRAL ROGERS outhbouihl j Tim: iday n'glu. CONDITS r.LrUR't NORTH Dr. and Mrs. James H. Condit. former Juneau residents and now living at Sitka, where Dr. Condit Is superintendent of the Sheldon i Jackson School for Indians, were local visitors last night while the Admiral Rogers was In port. They are* th Hitka after a short I stay in Seattle and vicinity. They were called to Seattle by the illness, of their son Donald, who has been teaching on Seward Peninsula in a Federal Bureau of] Education school. The young man was placed in a sanitarium by his i parents. WOMEN OF MOOSEHEABT LEGION TO MEET. The Women of Mooseheart He- j Ciuii will hold their regular meet-! Ing Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock i in the Moobo Hall. Balloting. MBS. A. F. McKINNON, | —adv. Secretary, j A feeling'OF security; You uaiurauy feel secure when; you know that the medicine you j ate about to take is absolutely pure and contains no harmful or habit producing drugs. Such a medicine Is Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root, kidney, liver and blad der remedy. The same standard of purity, strength and excellence Is main tained in every bottle of Swamp Root. It In scientifically compounded! from vegetable herns. It Is not a stimulant and Is taken iIn teaspoonful doses. 1 It Is not recommended for every , thing. It Is nature’s great helper In re lieving and overcoming kidney, liver I and bladder troubles. A sworn statement of purity is with every bottle of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root. If you need a medicine, you should have the best. On sale at all i drug stores in bottles of two slses, medium and large. However, If you wish first to try this great preparation aend ten cents to Dr. Kilmer * Co., Binghamton, V. Y., for a sample bottle. When writing be sure end mention this paper. (advertisement) -^—:-; ESTEBETH FOR SKAGWAY | The mail stearate. rtstebeth sailed .at 11 o'clock last night for Skagwyy I and vray por*s carrying the mail but having no passengers. The boat is due to retain tomorrow forenoon and will nail for Sllka at 11 o’eloek Thursday night. CHOIR MEETS THURSDAY The choir of the Presbyterian Church, which is engaged in pre paring its annual Christmas cantata.' will meet Thursday evening at 7:3(l( o'clock at the church, it was an nounced today. SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION. No. 24 28-A In the District Court for the Ter ritory of Alaska. Division Num ber On-:, at Juneau. ALICE .1 PETTYGROVE, Plaintiff, vs. FRANK W. PETTYGROVE, Defendant. THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: To FRANK \V. PETTYGROVE. the above-named defendant, GREET ING: You arc beraby required to ap pear in the Dietrtst Court for the Territory of Alaska, at Juneau, in the H rst Division, within thirty ( days after the last publication of| thin summons, namely, within thirty: days after the Sttth day of Decem ber, 19 24, ins case this summons la published, or within forty days after tho date of Its service upon! you, in case thiB summons is served upon you personally, and answer the complaint of the above-named plain tiff on file ill tho said court in the above-entltiod action. The said plaintiff in said action demands the following relief: The dissolution of the marriage contract between said plaintiff and said dc-j fondant, and the awarding to plain-: tiff of the sole custody and charge1 of the minor child, Francis W. Pet-! t?. Tho date of the order for service' of summons by publication is De cember 1, 1924. And, in the event you fail to so! : PD oar and answer, the plaintiff will, take judgment against you for; want thereof, and will apply to the' court for the relief demanded ia her complaint and as hereinabove staled. WITNESS, The Honorable Thomas M. Reed, Judge of said Court and the seal of said Court hereunto af fixed on this 1st day of December, 1924. (SEAL) JOHN H. DUNN, Clerk. R. E. ROBERTSON, Attorney for Plaintiff. First publication, Dec. 2, 1924. Last publication. Dec. 30, 1924. Notice of neaping upon FINAL ACCOUNT. In the Probate Court for Juneau Precinct. Territory of Alaska, First Division. In the Matter of the Estate of Con H. Gallagher, deceased. The undersigned, having on the 24th day of November 1924 filed his final account as administrator w.iih the will annexed of the estate of Con. H. Gallagher, deceased, in the Probate Court for Juneau Pre cinct, Territory of Alaska, notice Is hereby given that Monday, January 26th, 1925, at the hour of 10 o'clock In the forenoon, has been! fixed by the Court as the day and hour for a hearing upon the said final account. All persons inter ested In the said eetate are hereby required to appear at said time in the above entteled Court, at Ju neau. Alaska, .to offer objections, if any they have, why said account should not be approved and allowed. Dated at Juneau, Alaska, the 25fh day of Nov. 1924. PHIL H. GALLAGHER, Administrator with the will an nexed estate of Con. H. Galla gher, deceased. iFirst publication, Nov. 25, 1924. lLast publication, Dec. 23, 1924. • jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiimimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimimiiiHiiii^ I INDEPENDENT STEAMSHIP CO. 1 | OF ALASKA | i MOTORSH1P OREGON I 3 *** | LEAVES SEATTLE FOR JUNEAU I § November 22, January 2, January 23 | 5 For Rate* Gall Up Phone 71. | | J. K. McALISTER, Agt. 1 ?iiiiiiiiniiniiiiininiiiniiiiinmuiiniiiiiiiniiiiinmninm»uunnmmnmnnmm? FOR WESTWARD ALASKA POINTS •• ■. “ITAll” leave* Seward on th* 10th of aaab meet* calling at a LI point* u far. west *a Unalaakn. SAN JUAN FISHING AND PACKING CO., fl. C. RENDERSON, Agent, toward. Alatka MAIL BOAT FOR PETERSBURG AND WAT PORTS— rrODFC ID Tshu Harbor. Snettlsham, 8p«*l River, Sem Jit. dum, Windham Bay.Gambler Bay.Pybua Bay. Brother Island, Five Flnrer Station, Fr^shaw, Farrarut Bav Leaves Monday at midnight. Takes freight until 10 o'clnet Monday morning. R AH STEAD TRAJTSP01TATI01 00. i ,, , ,. ...---- ■ — - ■ ■’ i" i - i i i i.i —■ ..i ■ — —Leave! Monday at 11 p. m. for Naina*, Shag* | way and way porta. I Leave* Thnradaya at 11 p. a. for Sitka. atap ping at Tenakee Springa end other way uarts. For information «ee Dave Renal. Phone 444. Freight aocepted until 12 neon, day of aailing. ---- ---- - - - - - --1 X LFO« FiniCE HDTTRT, TAWCOUVDt, WATTtF Leave Juneau Southbound—• PRINCESS MARY Dec. 18th, 1924—Jan 1st, 15th. 29th, 1925. *. jnsportation Issued to and from all Eastern ruler of the United States and Canada and to Europe and the Orient. W. L. COATES, Agent, Juneau. f '? ■ _I —' ' ..... . ». _—_._^_=__ i ■* Due Due Lv .Seattle Juneau NB Juneau SB 'ROGERS .Dec. 3 Dec. 7 Dec. 10 * WATSON . Dec. 10 Dec. 14 Dec. SB 'ROGERS ..Dec. 17 Dec. 21 Dec. SB ”, / Yv 'ROGERS .Dec. 31 Jan. 4 Jan. * A . WATSON .Jan. 7 Jan. 11 Jan. 2i < ‘ROGERS .Jan. 14 Jan. 18 Jan. tl l» *—Calling Haines. Skagway and Sitka, returalnf to Juneau southbound. t—Calls Yakutat, Cordova, Seward and all palate wist. Also calling Hyder, northbound. 6 C. 0. KICHOLB. Been OUT I. HOIK. Pkou i Phone IS ^ Douflaa. AJeeh*. Pacific CoMtwtsu Jirvloc ^ADMIRAL LINE wnmmmmmmH palkxanmlr mzBiozinwmmmmmM i