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ALASKA DAILY EMPIRE JOHN W. TROY - - - EDITOR AND MANAGER PuJMiahed every evening except Sunday tiy the EM I * [ 11 Id HUHTINO CUMI’ANV at Second u:.d Main Street*, Juneitu, A Irak* _ ■ntered In the I'oat OHi> e In Juneau as Second Claa* matter ______ SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Hhwnil by carrier »n Juneau. Douqlat, Treadwell aJtd Thane for SI.25 per month. By mail, postage paid, at the following rates: Om» yrnr, in advance. S12.nn; six months, in advance, SePO: Hire month*, in advance, .t ree; on> inuiith, in advance i\.2o Bubsrnbcrs will confer a favor If they will promptly notify t|M Hustles* Office of any failure r 1rr< gularity In the de Ihrwry of their paper* Telepho-e for Editorial and nuslnes* Offer*. J,4. MEMBER OS ASSOCIATED PRESS. The Ase<-elated 1’ress Is exclusively entitl'd t" the use for i« iSHcati, I. of all news dispatch' s credited to it or not otherwise credited in thi* paper and also the local news puh Nahed herein. '_ CTE.-JUATION <51 AltANTEED TO HE MOI:E T11AN DOT7BI.E THAT OF INY OTHER ALASKA Nh.\\ HPAPbB. LOCAL CONTROL THE ONLY REMEDY. The more experience the people have with the i -„i lit - e.ul lls trie regul Uious the more conoiuftl . ■ I he proof Hint there Is only -me sound and pruc HeSjl way to handle the matter and that is through control by tile p:op!e of Alaska—by the people 10 ■ .nun tin i a vital business proposition. No pedirle ate as greatly interested in preserving both hit li b .supply and the industry as the people of A l;e kiiv'S.ntl none si well situated to give the ipue-iiou S'Sthihjt ■f-Pii tiler: t Ion. ]; i- very tiisv foi pe iple who .-il in comfortable s.wlvel chairs in sections of the eounrtv Where the eimdition of tin- Alaska fisheries does not menu any more than a benevolent theory t > theorize and experi ment. It is quite a different matter here where i hi weal or woe ol those who live and work and all of whose interests are very vitally involved in the matter. . • . It is uni irtueale that Alas ka's v-olee in the cou:i ii!~ ol iho Nation has so often .been the voice of i iin- who do not want to have the Usherics qVetiou -o-t ilcil by tie pi-iple cf Alaska but who prefer lo k'-i p it in an agitated condition wlitrc ii might : . i' i ;u e al f(*uc. I’RACTICING AS HE PREACHES. t ourio s always makes approprations of funds io fii>vW llie costs of ail Presidential trip-. This ■ ; oiu became fixed during the Koosevelt AdminU; u nion when .Hyy president devoted a lw* i*ilr liny i tr.vid. I’retU’ent Uoofcevelt also -l-tngtn, e^yyiipU ilia t has been frequently followed of tmveHng by pi piil trmfn. He and bis successors always lia■. privi-.e ears at their disposal. Yet the other dfiy v- lo n I’nutdiaii Ciolidge went from Washington '< < lilciigo and return he occupied an ordinary state room in an ordinary Pullman sleeping ear. President Poinidge practices as lie preacher. The President's course and his messai^- a in; httvipr a tendency to put a bra he on the Iheorrrt-s. sen ri i ntallsi anil political-issue-chuseri who tins- so font of t pi tiding the money that others earn by hard work end good management, while they keop.„tiui. ureasur on ilie brakes in order to make proll|s difficult' oi .u-'iii vi-im-nt. lie Is diseouragiing new adventures in|t mom y-spending and is:. eurlnHlng rqjm- of those v hith had become almost habitual. lie u lion? Pdr *,:,r-s. but Hie reaction had lo come and !h«: soonei 11- ee 111 in-- Hie lc >s the reaetlon required. LABOR SPREADS. Organized labor plans fo expand In tilt* lit insurance field as vigorously as It lias brum bed out Into banking The two are closely related. Insurance' being a method of scientific sating. Organized labor Is Just beginning to realize the powers it lias by reason of Its or;: n zation Labor, with its failings, even ‘nail, coul;! but nut j|« employers. - (Seattli Star, | t'liiui means that with pi\»por industry ami thrift Hie worker of toda> may be the employer of Hie next 11 1 ‘'at Is not so bad for a paper that Has ■a red .1 lot oil HI count of tile “hard conditions ' !l !•'boring m-a have to meet Ii f lit rows soni" “'ll on i b cause be. iiul the refusal of workingmen I‘| lake Senator La I'ollette's hHVrl link campaign ». itottrly. g y i "■ , NEW DIRECTORS FOR FEDERAL RESERVE BANK. In accordance with the provisions of Section t "i lie 1'cderal Reserve Act as amended, pro Cerent tut 1 'hn- it number banks In Group Three, having ■ I '<-:! an«I sulplus of let- than 1125.000. duly cat O' i heir authorized officers, have been canvassed, i lot Howard Whipple. President, Kind . .National gap* ' ' Tinipek. California, lias been uleolofl a Cla-s' A Lilt .er of tile Federal Reserve Bank of Sun Fran ' 1 ' l;,r ■' l®,m of three years..bogInning .lunuarv '■ to ■ uei eed M. \ Buchan. of Palo- Alto i .iliiorata, who was ineligible lor rS-cdect Ion hi bunk in Group Three by virtue of 'has iW*': be. 0nit ui; wfTIc • and direct ir of a Group Two -bank. Jn a enrdanee with the same authority, preje^en 1 ballots, of member hunks in tlronin Two. having •apit lr i not less than $125,000 nor more than duly ca t by their authorized octwrs.-.have •c< n ‘s'nv isaed, and William T Sesuoij. ^grlcTilturlst. ■v.iiml. California, lias been re-electtnY a Glass li Lire tor ot tlie Federal Reserve Bank of San Fran csco lor a term of three years beginning Januarv 1 J 920; BRICKLAYERS WILL REMA+N ArP*HOIVfE. Over in Itus ia doctors jutfke ntifl-e than l lie bricklayers. but since a'good doctor over •here average- only about #42 n month and a bricklayer less than #150 we doubt ir fho’e will lie any great null of .taiericaii ;-l»li.vldcihiiy. to Russia eren rnr thc“povc|ty v ■ ’■ ' nrr: y^TUuWST-' H of being able to make mom titan a briek layer.— (Cincinnati Enquirer. I Ami it is a cinch that the bricklayers will not cause a jam on boats and trains going to Russia. In fact we are fairly safe from danger of losing population through emigration to Russia. America's copper exports are 40 per cunt, higher titan they were a year ago. That indicates improved conditions in Europe and illustrates how improved coalition.. in Europe ate helpful to American tmiottetrs ■ ■ ..— ■- — i ■ '■ Tito more Emma Coldmnn talks about America in her English spr-ehes and interviews the firmer is jour conviction toot she never agutin will get neater | the United Slates than Land's End. Another good thing about the little red -.ehoolhouse. U never turned out any red radicals—-(Cintinn. ti Enquirer l We hope that i. trie, hut where were all the ! little red rutile: Is of t> Wisconsin, Minnesota md Dakota Main fir ots hatched? Ontario, Canada, lias taken first place among all tho political division.- of North America as a producer of gold. Her lf)24 production is estimated at $25,000,000, exceeding California by several minions. While we will all bo interested in the efforts or those scientists to turn mercury into gold most iof us will feel fortunate If we can turn hard work I ipui i little of tliat metal. — When Kipling : aid "East is East and West is West and ne'er .hall the twain meet," he did not | lone American elections in his mind. Now if he i ' ad -aid "North is North and South is Smtu. etc..", : T.c lmll.i' i,ox”s would be witnesses to hi-4 verity j Alaska’s Needs and Achievements. i le inner.) Alaska is prosperous. Ils business with 111 state iii the last fiscal year totaled lmost *75,000.-■ Ctiti. K- transportation facililos never were so good :i« tiny are now. Coastal e immunities are accorded, (he la steamship service in their history. The in terior lor hundreds of miles Is penetrated by three, ! lines of tail mads—the White i'aits and Yukon from, I S-'ka way Into Hie Canadian Domini an, the Copper | River and Nort a western from Cordova to KennecoU land tli Government roiite from Seward to Fairbanks. I I Mare diitanl inland regions are made accessible by jFtdeiol trail.-, and highways. And yet. so vast i-: I Hie country, that great areas remain virtually un I known for wan, of additional roads. I Tho educational system i adequate. It extends I trim primary grades to an agricultural and mining I college. 1 The native population, except in a few remote Ipl.ici-4. is progressing. In the Southeast, Indians cn tgage in trade and industry, luive their own schools land enjoy the rights of citizenship. in northerly jdi. tlet., Eskimos count their reindeer by the thousands. Ala.-ka is orderly. its towns and villages are | well-governed. i All these facts arc set forth in the annual report ,1 Gov. Scot! Hone. They evidence a. steady ex , liat sioa of more permanent good to the Territory than tlu! temporary booms of the early gold rtaiii , P.cdi . to which the executive makes brief allusion. Yukon steamers that hick plied the groat, river j mn> „ ho t o-n "beached at St. Michael, long out of eomiiii siou." The report eonunepts on the "dwindling jmid pa.?-4ing" of once populnts places that "sprang ( into lying over night," and on abandoned mining .camps, "pathetic evidence of afflttenl days now | goii (V i i iiMm siuumuoais in incir time were won j'l'rl'i! packets. Tltey freighted the hopes. realizations and dir appoint nte nt« of throngs of adventurers. Tlieii jcargoes in spring replenished supplies exhausted dttr i in'; "liere, and in tlie fall provided stores that ini i ;iu last thriugh succeeding ice-locked months. Delay j in spring might lie inconvenient. Failure in the fall, jlieeaute oi low water or an early freeze, was tragic | Always the far-off whittle of an approaching stoaui jhiiai thrilled the camp and before the craft, like a ; tiling of life, could stem the current ta the landing Dims! of the popull.ion would tie gathered there. Towns that were populous when northern gold elrikes were new have experienced varied fates. I'.vlh, a place if teeming thousands when Klondike I: iati’pedi iv battered against tlie Chilkoot harrier, is a grazing Held lor the livestock of a dairy farm. Ska gw ay b yol a port of consequence, bin it |k>h. sc.-ms only u iracUon of its early multitude. At Circle, virtually deserted, dawned the golden e a that attained its zenith at Nome, still rich in .'Mils, and that continues to shine with u promise' j"f revived splendor at Fairbanks. Alaska's ilnauclal requests are moderate, relating , t i icilj 'o an administrative building, road improve ments and railway maintenance. The Territory, since >’ acquisition by tlie 17 n I eld States, has produced 111 I wealth from land and sea a thousand million dollars. In promote tlie stable development of such an empire, t ohgre ran afford to tie geucrous. _ I lie Republic.: n outlook b exceptionally bright.” .1.' (uaii nian Dutlo.r. We are not so cheerful about .live Republican outlook, but we in list say it is far mule luminous titan our Democratic. look-in. which iiidn t materialize.—(Houston Po« 1 li.uegb l.a Folette made an awful mess of it. he !"u promising candidate. - -(Cleveland Tiines-Coui ; ii.trvu.l,) . One reason why the Britons filled to enjov those I hasehall grilles is that they did not know how to j heckle the umpires. -(Omaha Bee.) | Tlie W C T. U.. which has pledged itself to 1.1e outlawry of war. is used to tackling tremendous problems. (Boston lilobe.) ____ 111” election returns also showed that the Third jl'ai y is about as popular as a drv agent —(Cin jcinnaU Enquirer.) I'm anally, we can't see why scient Hie hypothesis e.i'i i lie idled ilium to prove All, Everest has a too without going up to see. — (Ihi.llas News.) I lie new pictures sent from England bv wiro Iv puzzle us somewhat. We'ro not sure whether one o' em is Stanley Baldwin with whiskers or Charles Hughe? without cm—(Cincinnati Enquirer.) /;'l,lL "cathcr. not the close of tlie political cant pibTUi 9* man5r padl° enthusiasts may have thought rlv;>v,!‘|,blG ror ,ho milpko<l reduction in static — (’o Nows.) Concerning the reading- of Senator t.a Fotlette' m t ot the. Republican Party, the Wisconsin Senator i ould appear to be in a position to sav. "come out side and put me out.”—(Chicago News.) Tlie fit publican Campaign Committee reports -i surplus on hand. Wliy not? They could not pos sibly have spent all the money they raised —fVhila delphla Record.) ' f)H?iWkTQl ffi~- T’fl.. ■ , • - r* ' i•*'“»* 7 'v ' ■--... C, ■ , L . ALONG LIFE’S DETOUR j 9z UX HU I1 j-—- 4 Especially at This Time of Year She's shy—That's evident Where’er she goes— li must be fierce to be So shy of—of clothes. _____ Observations of Oldest Inhabitant Tlie old-fashioned tomboy would look Ilk.: a sissy alongside tin modern ktilckerod lass. The Ananias Club "I would rather read t lie Con gression Record than the raciest novel published," declared the flap per. Whatever That Means iilluks Do yon believe they are making htadway In enforcing pro (bibit ion? •links Well. I see this epidemic j of hiccoughs is spn uding. Get Busy, you Scientists A London woman dreamed her | husband bad a soulmate and an in i vesligilMon provAil that lie really did ■have one. The big job now confronting the j brainy nu n is to find something ; to give wives, to keep them from ! dreaming. Ho, Vluml! It’s tin. open season for rabbits. Also For l’ock"tbpok.s. The Same Continued— Seen everywhere T>n your Christinas shopping early. Asked everywhere What with? An Unusual Woman lie Kho is queer, isn’t she? She--Yep. she prefers political gossip to I lie old-fashioned kind. Very Seldom The tiles tlia( Whoppers never buy The married men think whopp rs; All married men* know that their wive* Are not that Hind of shoppers, j—Jtuld Lewis In Houston Host-Dis patch. -» j The married int u know doggone well That' when wiVe-i shop downtown all day j They may he minus money—but ‘ They'll run up "bills for them to pay. » • ■ Ouflht’a Interest the Undertakers Four-barrel guns, which combine rifle aiid shotgun, are a late thing in the American hunting world.— News Item. The busy IntH'iHws asmumi hump ing themselves tp make the foul killer’s work iH»y, . .Most of the common, or garden variety of fools j find the double barrel or even the | single barrel gmi perfi etlv effic ient in getting them Into the next j world. More Or Less Truce Still, we suppose, the kind of a man who prefers the kind of a girl who doesn't use rouge and can discuss tax reductions intelligently is about as popular with the gen eral run of girls as that kind of a girl is with the sheiks. They nave quit weaving clothes 'underneath that ,scratch. bat you lean bet She kind of clothes they j do wear keeps dud scratching liard j er than ever. II is pretty safe to bet Sill per : cent of Ihc folks riding In liigli I priced cars tonldn’t even pay the grocer if they owned nothing but i flivvers. We suppo e people should do the things thej can do in st, and if iFSKINBREAKS | OUT AND ITCHES APPLY SULPHUR _ ! Just the moment you apply Men I tho-Sulphur to an itching, burning or broken out sbssT->-b^ i toll ing stops and dealing begins, says a noted skin ajieciulist. This sulphur prep aration, made inlo a pleasant cold croum, gives such a quick rellaf, even liery eczema, that nothing has ever been found to take its place. Because of its germ destroying properties, it quickly subdues the itching, cools the irritation and honls the eczema right up, leaving a clear, smooth akin in place of ugly eruptions, rash, pimples or ;rough ness. You do not nave to wait fop trn provement. It quickly shows. You can get a little jar of Rowles Men tho-Sulphur at any drug store, (advertisement.) __ IS ■- -- flappers can paint better than they | can cook it is better for them to spend their torn- jiainting. I Wo used to (think nothing could look more absurd than the old- ■ fashioned balloon sleeves the girls us< d to wear -but that was before men begun to wcur balloon punts. Love mean sacrifice and a wo man thinks her love should attend to that job along with his job of brendwlnning. tending the furnace | and so on an! we guess he should -anyway, lie does. ■ A thrifty man thinks he is a good spender, hut that isn't a girl's ideal of u good spender. And now w. suppose the wife of the man whose income tax returns were published will lie snubbing the ‘ wife of tlie man whose wasn’t. j The old-fa; iiionod girl who had no lnotlu ;• to guide her now would consider herself lucky having no mother to worry her or worry about. Bobbed hair has added consider able to the overhead expense of owning a wif> and daughter. t Daily Sentence Sermon One of th" hardest jobs in the. I world is getting I ha world to have! faith in you when you haven’t any] in yourself. News of the Names Club What we wanna know is whether | when Mary Perks in Detroit slut I over is cited to the Traffic Court.] As for Mac A. (lift, of Pittsburgh.j1 she’s just given herself to (ileun ■ Pfaff . ml we nope she won't, prove | ail exp n iv on though that kind j usually are. i professional" f r-j i Dn. Kucr ft Frctbar*«r f DOTBTB 1 and I Aoldatdn BMf. PHOBI N loan 9 a ■. to » » «. I---4 _ -*• - ■ ■ - - Dr. CImHm P. Jom DEHTUT Rooma I and 9 Valentina Bids. Telephoaa 17i. i - --*■' — I- — » Dr. A. W. Sttwarl DBNTIBT Hsura, 9 A. M. to 9 F. M. • BBWARD BUILD ltf4 Offlea Phona 199. Ran. Phoaa IT! - -» I--B Dr. DtVifku Mklony Buildiuf ■out 1 to 4. 7 to I. Phonea: Offlea. 10* I Ran. Hi. f Dr. W. J. Pi** FXTSICZAH Offlea—Second and Main Telephoaa 19 __a ~srrr bohumT * Phywcian and iurjeoa Juneau Muale Houae Bide. Telephone 1T9. I--■ WMGLEYS yiftir every meal A pleasant and agreeable sweet and a I-a-s-t-l-n-g benellt as well. Good for teeth, breath and digestion. 1. J. SHAR1CK Jeweler and Optician Watches, LiamnuU Silverwart , Jeweln | | Juneau Public Library | and Free Reading Room | City Hall, Second Floor Main Street at 4th j Reading Room Open from i 8 a. m. to 10 p. m. Circulation Room Open traai j I to 6:30 p. m.—T: 00 p. ai, j to 8:30 p. m | Current Magazines, Newspapers, i Reference Books, Etc., FREE TO ALL I ■---—«j MRS. M. MACK HAIRDRESSER 248 Willoughby Ave. Phone 436. For appointment—afternoon or evening. ' | ■-■ /-—:--—“ I Dr. H. Vanca OSTEOPATH 201 Ooldeteln Buddies Hours: »:30 to 13; 1 to 8| 7 to 8, or by appointment. Licensed osteopathic physician. Phoaea: Office, 187; Residence Phone 813, Coliseum Ante. --- I — - —^-N | GEO. I. 1 AXIOM, D. 0. Chiropraotor 2nd loor Mee«*rachn><4t AM. Off4«e hours: 18 to Hi I to B| 7 to * and by appointment. Phone VI i -a Dr. F. L Goddard*! 1 Sanitarium Bates $3.00 Per Day and Up Every Comfort I-— Helene W. L Albrecht PHYSIOTHERAPY Swedish Method. 410 Goldstein Bldg. Phono 433. OUR Aim Meadowbrook Butter Turner & Pease Eggs At Lowest Prices J. M. GIOVANETTI PHONE 385. House Phone 385-2 rings B -- -8 YOUR "UNUSED'’ A.-48ETS— that ypewrlter, musical Instrument, fur ilture, office fixture or appliance ha classified columns of The Empire ire marketable, for cash, through ' V, It is our wish that the peace of the • Christmas season may bring you hap piness; that living in a community free from want may give you content ment; and that the best promises of tomorrow may be abundantly ful filled for you during the New Year. , r A* K ‘ • 1- . • > _I ; ‘ v , THE B. M. BEHRENDS BANK OLDEST BANK IN-ALASKA j fraternal Societies i -or i Gastineau Channel i B~. P~. (T 1LXI Meeting Wednesday (fT . Evening! at 1:0* \ffH, (JTi o’clock, Elks’ Hall, irav J. Latimer Gray, Suited Ruler JOHN A. DA VLB. Secretary. Visiting Erotbars welcome. Co-Ordinate Bodies of Freemasonry Soottish Rite Regular meetings second Friday each month at 7:30 p. m. Odd Fellows' Hall. ._ WALTER B. I1EISEL, Secretary. -— silvbb mw I LODaa NS. S a. 1 Meeete every Thursday at B P. It., Odd Fellows’ Hall. J. H. Hart, Noble Grand; P. Brevlk, Secretary. • rnnyzEAJc. SET" LODGE 10. *A. Meets every second and fourth Wednesdays In*. Hall, at 8 P. M. MABBL WlLflON, N. O. ALPHONBINS CARTER, | Secretary. I »-—---—# I-— MOINT JSNIAS LBNI No. 147, F. • A. St. .■ H Stated Communication Socr.nd and Fc .-th Mondays of each Month, in Odd Fall*—a Hall, beginning at T:lt e’daak. m William M. Fry, Master. 7 Chaa. E. Naflhel, Secretary 1 - Order of tkd EASTERN STAX Rocond and Fourth dare - — At t o'clock, L O. 0. F. PEARL BURFORD, Worthy Matro» LOIS NORDUNG, Secretary. KNIGHTS 0V COLUMBUS UBQHBHR COUNCIL Mb 174# Mooting* Quoad and last Mondara at T:SS p. in. Tranalont Broth ••re ■■rood to attand. Council Cham boon Fifth Street. Hector McLean, O. K., H. J. Turner, Secretary. AMERICAN LEGION Alford John Bradford Poet No. 4. Juneau, Aladka. Meets fourth Thursda# _ each month at ■ 9. at i The _'ug-Out. J. W. Kehoe, Foal ! Commander, Phone 46 9; J. H. Hart, ! Poet Adjutant, Phone 100. • L07AL ORDER 01 HOOSE Juneau Lodge 709 Meets eaery Frida) night, 6 o'clock. Moose Hall. Georgs Jorgenson, Dictator; It. H. Stevens. 1 Secretary. I | | I I J *---■ Auxiliary Alford John Bradford Post No. 4 American Lesion Regular meeting fourth Thurs day of each month In Council Chambera of City Hall at S p. m. President, Mrs. E. M. Polley. Secretary, M. C. Ducey. »-■ * AUXILIARY, PIONEERS OF f ALASKA Igloo No. 6. | Meeting every tltlrd Wednesday 1 of each month at 8 o'clock p. m. Cards and refreshments. At Moose Hall. MRS. E. L. HUNTER. President LAURA M'CLOSKEY, Secretary. * -— THE CAPITAL ^ Shoeshlne and Chiropodist Par lors for Ladies tnd Gertlemen. Corns and Bunions removed. 63 Front Street next to Sharick’a Jewelry Store, Phone 371. W. H. Pittman | ■-* 7——:-7 Western Ammunition j For Sale At , Rursefl’s Gun Store l +*- - ■ ■ T RELIABLE TRANSFER T I Fbou 148. lea. 1«| ; f Courteey and Good lerriee | j Op Motto, |