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Weather Condition! At Recorded by the U. S. Weather Bureau. e'omwat for Jdmk sad nciuity lor Zl noun oecinnins: S p m to lay: | F.TrfUuiffliX ..and Saturday. :>Hght!y colder tonight; moderate to fresh east and i.rhtliea.-t winds. ! LOCAL JAI t ftarom leir.p. uunadit* Wine Vrioeits Weather 8 p. m. V2it'y , 30.30 27 93 S 1 Snow . 8 a. m. ‘oday 30.37 3? ',3 SE 20 Clear 12 nc-n today 30.39 23 41 SE 18 Clear CABLE AND ?. DIO SEBUM'S I tibl.i 'A I UiKtlBAi A if.ib j ^Au*< I a A Au. fiwtlB. A a (U **e»T10rA MV'II'I. • ••». f»| 1 ■!»»■)?* *« ■ a ' ...M1^ Nome .... :i 3 2 28 30 26 9 Cle..r H< thcl ... ‘:l(i 3 2 I 2 6 \ o — o Clear ;T.inuna . .. 18 S | -2-2 — 0 Clo r Eagle . 10 8 30 28 — o Clear 'laiitouPli's 2o It! | 4 it it Clear | A relic rage . 24 14 | S 8 * 0 (Tc li fe;.. Paul .. ... 38 .38 j 38 — it Cldy Dutch Harbor .... 4 1 4 2 j 3 8 4 0 — Rain Kodisik . 4'I 4 0 | 38 318 — — Rain Cordova . 28 24 , 2a 26 ° 0 Cldy tJuntau . 28 27 25 32 20 .15 Clear j Sitka ... ::6 34 28 36 Trace Cldy I Prince Rupert .... .33 30 20 32 » 0 Cldy Ed mon toil .... —- 10 lit * 0 Clear Seattle 31 2 2 — — — 0 Clear Portland 28 26 — — — 0 Pt. Cldy San Francisco .... 60 46 38 38 * 0 Clo r •—la-ss than 10 miles. NOTE: Ohserviiti'inK at Prince Rupert. Edmonton, Seattle, Port I land and Sin Fran cisco are made at 4 a in and 4 p in, Juiienii time. T c haremet’-ic ; ir pressure wi hi ;h this morning froin tiie Vu 1 vw Veil y southward to i. flic i re.:, being at Eagle where a e ding trt 30.72 inch*.- was record I. I; lms bean accompanied by fair j vuiilior and moder tely low temper tore.- throughout eastern Alti&ka i -nd ill the western Slates. An enea area of low barometer covered I bg Alrurian Islands. and was e:;t.m lin t its 'Influence as far cast i s ! ivcbIIiiI: Island. M id weather fi t- tlm season p vailed ye terd y pnd tL!s morning V ver the Seward Peninsula and th Kn T /kwim Valley . BRITAIN HONORS l’nV; \(]' \{ I’lli:KN. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiii:>:i>£ FLORENCE 1 HEATERS ] CONSTRUCTION I S Tv this construction, the § smoke, gases and other pro- = ducts of combustion, which § arc usually wasted, are con- = sumed and the fire can be = perfectly controlled and regu- S la led to any desired degree = of temperature. E EXCEPTIONALLY FINE i VALUES IN DRESSES I AND COATS 4 There are dresses for f street use, for business wear & and for afternoon use. I Garments in all the popu- t lar silk weaves and also in - ’ fine wool twill.; All have been reduced. . < | $15.00 to $35.00. ,, Jit i ■ , | Coats in sports and dressy models. With plenty of cold t weather ahead you will be ' able to get plenty of service and style for very little i * money. ■ i. »■ * J As Low as $13.50. ^ LADIES' WOOL UNDERGARMENTS Wool Union Suits are included in Our clearance at a worthwhile savings. Long sleeve and ankle length—no better time to buy undergarments than now. $1.00 and $1.50 a Sait. ' J ;■*! S r k ’ * "i 5 i■ , ' CHILDREN'S UNDER PANTS A broken lot of .children’s woo’ pants, ankle length. , CO cents a pair. \ ueirs suits and - J h COATS I Well wearing and smartly styled suits and all > wocl Overcoats of fancy plaid-back matelv ials all rexkiced. One Fourth Off MEN’S BATHROBES | One-Fourth Off if “ * ' ' ‘i f (JARE REVEAIS STOltt 01 DEATH RIDE. J* «•'* *.*- |l . •"<*,* $ * 'I' T ' * {• & 1 1 ? * 1-LJ.—i-i-—:— -- -—- --—--— Hr rjr pure ' IS WRECKED; 7 l PERSONS KILLED f - — v." : j }' tlWOPON. Wr, per. *26. — Tile. pilot bud all seven passengers werrj J killed this morning when ‘a R»t-j: 1 ; airplane, London to Paris, fell bum- 7 * lng, ahmUyafter leaving the air I here. The machine liarke lJ 1 OW from oorodowe Into a regular tamed sidewise, at a )oiv r e, ilvea began to fall. ...r, + »-». —a. Rtiiil I usfdwte Whop to* : woi*. Phone i' !T'«' >» »o»« ■' *"*’ i ' OH pgjarr irr ante M The —HU. i 1 . . ■ 1 S ■ . ■ v •; v • * •. Ambulance Seaplane U Swamped; 4 Men Killed NORFOLK-,' Doc. 20 Th'ree nav> men anti one civilian were killul when a naval ambulance ae:iplane • ttumdiii'a <<(f thy North Carolina oest with a pattont. was swamp «<1 a: the Fampton Roads landing. RARE AMERICAN STAMPS ^ BRINU ERY HIGH PRICES AT A LONDON AUCTION I OM -ON. D - -. Hit. Sir Xtcb idss Wut Nuume's fiunouit collet lion of America it stiwupa was uiu Honed <•» tamtHin rot ently aud r dl r-d ¥<?8.t>Wl Many of the Hump trill remuiu In England, but u largi lumber wilt refit'll in America Elliott Pti-ry. of New Jarsey, pa it1 1,4*5 for n ten cent black <1 i •51 a tamps which e Igtnulty ona- t Hr Ni-.-holas lifi'f. MILLINERY CLEARANCE 1 This offering takes its place with the I others. These hats are of the better > quality and show artistry in making and 1 A distinction only to be found in “Su- | . perb" Hats. In four lots. x $5.00, $8.00, $10.00 and $15.00. f CHILDREN’S SHOES Ont lot of Children s shoes. Broken sizes. $2.25 a pair. BOYS’ UNION SUITS Wool Union Suits in sizes 8 to 16 years and values up to $2.75 a suit -for • - $1.65 FELT SLIPPERS One-Fourth Off Another rar' blo.k of eight five c'C' Ota ir n< nt illC issue of 1ST. realized $5,750, and was purchased by Philip Ward of Philadelphia. Seven years ago this block was bought by Sir Nicholas for $100. Among other high prices was $5"'J [or a live cent blue, $075 for u .hlrty (cut ultra marine and pale aruilnc, $400 for a fifteen cent due and brown, and $575 l'or r wenty four cont purple ami grein 7nmous Hotel Burns; 4 Persons Dead, Flames STAMFORD. Tex., ueo. zo.—Pour v jti’ . inchiditki two children, ivoto burned to death last night lien the Stamford Inn, no led Pail ■undle hotel, was burned with a lostt of $75,000. 1 --—♦ Men and Liquor Are Captured, East Coast NEW YORK, f)ee. 20. — On^t tlv.ard officers captured 19 tafra aboard the British schooner Petaru ’ftrf a 46-mile chase In three mAt~i boats. Liquor valued at $600,OOt wl« relzid alto. — Former Anti-Saloon Man Amstod, Released, Bai NEW YORK. Dec. 26—FollowtfH ils rc-arrc t as he left Sing Si 04 •rioou last Wednesday morning, or 'idlerments of -grand larceny -ait •Xtodlioti, Former Superintendcnl \n demon of the Anti-Saloon Leag ue vent to hi* home In Yonhora to, he holidays rttcr $5,000 bail had been furnished. N. E. A. BMC WS KEEN INTEREST IN DRIVE EOR MORE MEMBERS BT. PAUL. Dei*. 26.—Police dogs, oure bred cattle advertising spare In trade publication* and oth r nriz s* In great variety are ottered by the National mttn-lal Assm in lion In the membership campaign it hae Juet launched. H. C- Hoteling of St. Paal. eye rutlve .Tccretsry of th asso la ion. declared he espez-tod the inem Ihi^hij .drive “to he the largest I I ' I 4 I -<r~.-T-— -— —r~ . "' 1 ' r ■ powAsse Quggjyr aiv^xaijpi^. rWiw^R'pr Afoxamlrn hxia lust wHptrrHlrrt h* » m^riiirfh rm-’h ■ inulVf*.ixi*iy in Ihii<1 Ircm nil tuinh ul ciit*|»»it* r.iuip W«M of euitgraiulat inu and gnod h« nr unri most < olo.-f:il im nmershi,) in: ! ! puign in ill" a'<nci.1lio.1V. -!-) y...i. j ! of activity.” ! Fifty attraetlv nn.l useful p dici ; j are in iu'j offered li.v tl;<• assotlu-j ! t ion to memhtis .ending in tin* j largest number of ni w livmbeits j i.-bfore May 1, UI25, and announce-, muiit of the will he made J at the annual convention in Rich | liioud, Virginia, in June, lt»2.'». INVESTIGATING i i SLUSH MONIES ; •' ■: \ | , '• <• *' : > WASHINGTON, Den. 26.—Unit d | vt»t s Attorney General Stono has jannouncud that an Dtvestlgaticn has j .’.town ithct “fund*. were rent to tit ■ {Capitol for pse in behalf of the Rental Pay bill “ lie said lie lia l ! •*•-. determined Iiovv th : money vud. | , f. • Chinese Government Is I To Respect All Treaties PEKING, Dee. 2d. — The new ; Chine « Government has declared in iton'tlon to respect all treaties and , expruifiod hope that resolution • | adopted at the Washington Arms; [Conference wi'll he executed soon. | -» - i Associate Justice of - High Court, 4o Resign WASHINGTON, -Dec. 26.—As ,v i cinte Justice .McKenna, -c< --Cnoi i United States Supreme Court, is. Con - ( laddering lii, curly resignation on j account of tair health, it is reliably i [reported. Venturesome Youth Lands In Rich Ancestral Halls, LONDON. Dec. W—From a poky! Jittla «aJ»in aboard a tramp steam-’ er to the luxury of a Jacojieon. • mansion, was 1)1 quiik change ol d vi'iiiHUtiics x;> ricmed recently .y the 17 y-arol.l Karl of Suflolk l !iu"(ait U..(! iinn kuo. king around he woilii 01, the steamer Mount Stewart. lia it g the hard life and food of sailors for Is months, when he d nth of the old rail was an nounced. Tha young man's ship had just an Ivid at Nantes with a cargo of nitrate from South Amer ica. and he immediately said good bye to his shipmates and hurried to the family seat, Charlton House, near Mu1m shury. People in !h<* (Ustri: t, are wonder, ing whether tin- young earl wilt Settle down to fuu'iety's ways, or whether the travel temperamont Inherited from itis Amorican mother, a dattghier of the late Leri Letter of Chicago, will rule him away to fresh adventures. MAD DQG BITES MANY WOMEN CHESTER. S. C„ Dec. k--A mas terful collie dog, mad, attacked and bit six women and ns many mm and (hii.licn here when he ran will down on a Of the city's main thor ough fun s. For fully thirty minutes t rcigned throughout tlie neiglUio - hood as the animal dashed toward any who fell in his path. In the act of leaping at a woman in front of the candy shop, Sam Poilus. owner of the plac'p hurled a rock an 1 felled the dog, saving t.'.’ wo man. • In the meantime Health Officer Gill M. Gregory had fled into a nearby hardware store to secure ji vh>'’"Mn. He returned j'Ht as Poliufi had struck the collie down, A load f"om the double barrelled gun cnfol the animal's life. Those attacked are now be Inc watched for symptoms of rabies and the dog’s head Is being exam Inbd. j j JUNEAU HARDWARE CO, j • i ! BREAD! BREAD! BREAD! 3 LOAVES FOR 25 CENTS Pastry of AW Kinds—All Electrically Baked AMERICAN~BAKERY "The Baker Who Bakes” WE DELIVER PHONE 393 YOU’LL RELISH OUR RELISHES when you fry them in n rarebit, in su it or on cold meats or fish. They have just tlie right tang that tolls cf expert preparation, just the i Iren >t'i that makes a little go a long way. Anil tlielr purity is guar anteed. Visit thus grocery and learn ft some of the new relishes that i l ave made them, elves popular. SANITARY GROCERY 1 THE STORE THAT PI,EASES PHONE 85 LADYSMITH—BLACK DIAMOND—EVAN-JONES— BRIQUETS— Consistently the Best PACIFIC COAST COAL COMPANY HARRY G. WALMSLEY, A*ent. PHONE 412 _ “ ' ' - — , - r - ■ . r ■" t ----- ^•mninmiiiiimiiiiiitiii{ii!iiiiii:iiii!fimiiiiii!iiiii!isiiii:iiitiiimiiiitmuiimumis S 32 DROP IN AND LOOK OVER OUR 1 FLEXIBLE I 1 FLIER 1 | SLEDS | 5 s AH New Stock and First Quality | | WE HAVE ALSO A NEW STOCK OF SKATES f 2 ■ | _ | •" «aw | C. W. YOUNG GO. I • «• 2 mm ^iwniuiiniiiiimiiiimiiiiinmHiiiiiiMiiiiitfiiitiiiiifliiuiHiuHKiiuiHiaiimniui^ i ™ For Solid Comfort and Pleasant Thoughts In burliness for Twenty Years and our Service is yet unexcelled. YOURS FOR A GLAD HEW YEAS D. B. FEMMER * fHON* 'HI r THE JUNEAU LAUNDRY fiulUi OtTert, between Nm aaa «mim H. «*w>r» Ml re — Hu—»II— . ■ —...■III. II. - --r ... - • « -«