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BRINGING UP FATHER i. « \ ' ier.e,cd cnlv one To find out IE 1*3 CONNA. LET l *b To A^>K f HER- ) y 1 .• i * - \-i \ t ” ■" 5 t • Jlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllliillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll*_r ISPORTSl «■ 5S ?<miiiiiumiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiimiiimiiiiiiiimiiimiiiiiiiii? VEAN GRECB IS HOLD OUT WASHINGTON, Jan. 15.—Vean Gregg, veteran southpaw Lwirler for the Seattle cluh, may not become a member of the "Washington Senators next season, It developed following the failure of Gregg to sign a 1925 contract. Gregg, according to President Grif fith, has refused to affix his signs ture to a Washington contract until the‘Seattle club has made good to him certain payments he alleges are due him for extra work during the 1924 season. The Washington team purchased the aged pitcher for $15,000. CASEY STENGEL BACK TO MINORS NEW YOllNi Jan. 15.—Casey Sten gel, ‘one of the heroes of the 19221 vorld series, has probably played I his last major league game. Casey j is due to blossom forth as a minor! le&jj-tfS" "ifie'mbef "next" season" with 'The Tulsa club of the Western league > President Crawford of the Tulsa Oil eps, admits that Stengal is an ap plicant for the job and that he is disposed to engage him. The Boston Braves have asked for j waivers on Stengel and no (dub has ! put in a bid for the home run slug : ger. 1 ,»e Boston ’ Club owners would | not stand In Casey’s way if he re- j c%ived the call to Tulsa. Stengel's homers won two world's j series games for the Giants in the | series with the Yankees in 192.'!. j Then he wad shipped to the Boston , ■tUS,.no 300 MILE FLIGHT COST $1.25 BERLIN, Jan. 15.—F. Botsch, a South German aviator, recently made 300 miles in three and one-half hours in a ten horsepower glider fitted with an auxiliary "tomtit” motor. The cost of the trip was $1.25 for oil and gasoline, which is said to be a record for Germany, at least. The same journey to a town In Thuringen by rail would require lti lours and traveling tnird class woulu cost nearly $8. PACIFIC COAST KING Vui...uW, CAL., Jan. 15.—Mickey Walker, welterweight champion, has been matched for a fight with Bert Colima, Pacific Const king, to go 12 rounds on February 21 at Boyles Arena, according to announcement today. WELL KNOWN RACERS NEW YORK, Jan. 15.- Ladkin, con queror of Epinard. has been sold with Lucky Play and Blind Play, also 17 two-year-olds, all sons of Fair Play, j to an unnamed purchaser according j to reports in turf circles. SITE FOR NEW BALL PARK IN SEATTLE IS UNDER CONSIDERATION LOS ANGELES, Jan. 15.—Presi dent Lockard said today that a site was under consideration for pur chase for a new hull park in Seattle. CUT THROAT TROUT RAISING IN ALASKA ! LAKE IS DISCUSSED BELLINGHAM, WASH., Jan. 15 — Plans for cooperation in raising cut throat trout fry in Lake Eva. Bar anoff Island. Alaska, by Whatcom. ; Pierce, Skagit and Snohomish conn- j ties were discussed with Sam Bar | rett, chairman of the Whatcom Coun-J ty Came Commission, by William Dunstan, Superintendent of Fish hatcheries in King County. King County launched the enter prise last year on Thorne Arm. Chairs in London Parks Parked in Groups of Two _' LONDON, Jan. 15.—Remittance of money long owed to various depart ments of the Britisli government is not unusual, but M. W. Shanley, the chair king of London, who has plac ed thousands of chairs about the city's parks which he rents for two, pence each, haB received from Amer ica his first conscience money, u penny which an unknown American rorgot to pay for the rent of a Hyde Park chair ten years ago. The penny md the letter have been preserved as prized podvenire. Mr. Shanley’s business is the only one of its kind in England, and was established by his father 80 years ago. Shanley now owns more than 150,000 chairs and employs a large force of men to go about collecting tupenny rental. Receipts tickets are given, and the occupant may re tain the chair the entire day for his t wo pence. Most of the chair^ are placed in groups of two, but it was au eye for business, not a desire to befriend lovers, that dictated the grouping, according to Mr. Shanley. He noticed that people generally went about In twos, and that groups of three or four were much in the minority. So he arranged his chairs according ly. GLYCERINE* MIXTURE PREVENTS APPENDICITIS Simple glycerine, buckthorn bark, etc., as mixed in Adlerlka Is excel lent to guard against appendicitis. Most medicines act only on lower i bowel but Adlerlka acts on BOTH upper and lower bowel and removes all gasses and poisons. Brings out matter you never thought was In your system. Helps any case gas on the stomach la TEN minutes. Bptler-Mauro Drug Co., Sold In Deuglas at Guy’s Drug Store, (advertisement.) 0 I ir"i\ of trX'elers'vvsit “'fc&nfl. (eautiful" durinif me regular • l -eason in “the eood. old" in the Canadum Kies, hot Banff, in winter. Is > as picturesuue and interest i hen the ereat mountains ris . mile mch above the v^Uev - Ku» liner are covered with a.< it is in summer, when oeaks onlv are tipped with sverlastma white of Jack t he trip from Montreal. 01 .jo. across the prairie prov in Vancouver, with a slop Banff, is a perfectly com .ole one. and both Banff, in AL a and Kevelstoke. in British iinhia. are famous for tbeir ski .inuinir and every ooptilar winter I'orU While Banff has plenty of enow »nd ice dunnir the winter, it is not unusual for visitors to ride aronne Banff on Christmas day. or later to automobiles, sod see a dozer BRITAIN’S BOO NEW YORK, Jan. 15.—Mrs. Helen j Vennet, Great Britain's only woman i bookmaker, who says she handlesj $25,000,000 annually, has arrived here j enrpute to Palm Beac h, just on a i visit slve says. PLANS ABANDONED BY TROJANS FOR GAME WITH PENN LOS ANGELES. Jan 15 — Plans fo- j a University of Pennsylvanla-Univer-! slty of Southern California football ! game next fall have been abandoned,! the Los Angeles university officials j assert. The easterners offers the. Trojans a game in the East this! fall but would not agree to a return engagement here in 1920, it was said. o:::::uY*sETs NEW RECORD AS BIG LEAGUE UMP NEW YORK, Jan 13.—Tommy Con nolly. dean of American league um pires, has established what is be lieved to be an umpirical record. Through a period of three years Connolly has not found It necessary to put a man out of a game. That | * speaks well for bis decisions. Billy Evans once went through two full seasons and until August of his third year witnout giving a player the gate. , ICEHOCKEY -LOS AMJHLfcS, Jan. 15— Hockey, a sport hitherto not *- played in Los Angeles because of the absence of of ice, will make it appearance with the opening of an Ice rink here the latter part of this month. The Los Angeles Hockey league has been formed and coaches are scouting for Eastern and Canad ian players reported living here. Study the nor* a os—end lean shaat those sow t-'.nga which art ohawa ter (ho trot ttao today Doctors and Lawyers Feel Effects of Irish Partition DUBLIN, Jan. 15.—The effects :>f the establishment of the Fre< State, and of the partition of Ire land into North and South, are be ginning to be felt in the professions :>f law und medicine. Hitherto at torneys have been able to practice In any part of Ireland, but hence forth they will have to choose be tween Northern and Southern Ire und as qualification in one does tot extend to the other. Free State physicians have form erly had a place on the British medical register, which gave then i right to practice in Great Bri tain and the colonies. As man] Irish doctors are educated for ex port this was a valuable right The Free State is now considerini the setting up of a separate Frei State medical register, and mean while the hid arrangement is con tinued. i ' ■— .1 i 4> Banff, f/ie Beautiful, /s 4s Picturesque In Winter 4s It Is During the Tourist Season In Summer __—w. ^inni> ' S»kC| JUMPER IN MIO-AIR., BANFF IN THE SNOW the pantry. Her timid Lawns would eat' food from the hand, but not in the house. In February of each year Banff bas a wonderful winter sports pro gram which the trana-continental traveler may witness. Sld-ing. ski joring. figure and speed skating, the fastest hockey between teams of ladies and other teams of men. ski-running and aid-lumping from one of the best jumps In North America, curling with expert “skips" and half a dozen other sports. Switzerland la wonderful in winter no doubt, bat ns the man who advised everybody to see America first would say, "What's the matter with seeing Banff, the beautiful, first," beautiful and In teresting In both winter and suw mart I wild deer feedinz along the road Dast the golf links. Banff is the I capital of Rocky Mountains Park and. as such, is sanctuary for big and small game. Oeer come down from the mountains into the very heart of the town, now and then a black bear is seen in the outskirts and mountain sheep, elk and goats are among the oldest inhabitants. One black bear 8 long the Banff Windermere motor road is so tame he climbs up on the running board of an automobile and begs for a bite to eat. But he does not bite the sometimes timorous traveler. Cute? Everybody loves him. when they get bis angle on food. He is only a wild Teddy Bear, anyway, but interesting. Byron Harmon, famous Banff photographer, tells about Lady Deer, and her two fawns, which visited his home last winter. Lady Deer left the timid fawns outside, for safety-first pur poses, but would enter the kitchen door herseU and steal bread out of It Is hoped by legislation both in the Free State and Great Britain to effect an' accommodation of tlfe matter about which the medical pi%fessiou is much concerned. GERMAN GLASS lb- .( KEPT ALIVE BY MAh. BEER GLASSES BRESLAU, Jan, 15.--The manu facture of beer glasses has helped | to keep the German glass Industry on ’ its feet during' the last few months when there has been a let down in numerous other industries owing to the lack of ready cash for operating expenses. The demand has come chiefly from the home trade. Manufacturers, * however, believe that after some of the pending trade treaties with other countries have been agreed to the export business will gradually improve. 6,000,000 LIVE IN AUSTRALIA. MELBOURNE, Jan. 15. — The Australian population is now ap ■ ■■' ~rr 11 h. proxhnately six millions, and is in creasing at the rate of two per cenl annually. The largest city is Syd ney^ with a population of 1,900,000 Old papers ior sale at Tbs Empire CDVC DDIIilU PH H£NBY BAMAN- Huu*n rniL " DnUnll UUc seward street TRY OUR DEUCIOUS HAMS AND BACON~ FULL LINE OF FRESH AND CURED MEATS, FISH AND _POULTRY. Alt Meats and Swage government Impeded. M’CJtOL’S GARAGE • OPEN FOR BUSINESS All kinds of auto repair work. We have the men, the tools, the facilities and the ability. All work guaranteed.' We solicit your patronage. Call us, Phone 571, or bring in your car. i •• • 1 -By GEORGE McMANUS f 7 i [ DISTINCTIVE MOULDING We have a new and complete line of picture moulding. | I Just the tiling to bring out the j j proper effect on those pictures you received for Christmas. ! WINTER A POND i The Community Chest Drive Is a drive for funds with which to make Juneau the kind of a thriving city you always wanted it to be. I f I ALLEN SHATTUCK I GASOLINE We have imtalled a Victor Visible Gaioline Pump. You are i assured of pure, cle«n gas at all timel. Full measure. Gasoline Service Day and Night. MILLER’S TAXI SERVICE SAVE TIME AND TEMPER By Having Your Plumbing, Heating and Sheet Metal Work Done by Skilled Mechanic!. You Must Be Satisfied—We Estimate Your Job. WOODARD & NEWMAN PLUMBING SOUTH FRONT ST. SHEET METAL WORK Phone 373 Ree. Phonee 1401, 120S * ciiriimHiiimiiMiiimiimmiiiiniiiiNiiiiiiiMmmiiiiiuiiminfiiiiiiiiiimimiiiiiiui OLD METHODS FOR NEW | 2 In the development of activities already under way, and the en- | 3 couraging of new industries and new life, The Alaska Bailroad § § is playing a conspicuous part. Since the “Early Days,” when 2 2 the world first began to think seriously of Alaska, much progress 3 = has been made in all lines throughout the Territory; and visitors § 2 to the North are increasing in number annually, to learn that 2 2 Alaska is a really prosperous land and a good place is. which to 3 3 live—all due iargely to the exchange of “Old Methods for New.” | § The Alukn Bailroad operates year ’round freight and passenger 3 5 service Detween Seward, Anchorage and Fairbanks and over the 5 5 branches; and reaches districts the interests and attractions of 2 2 which everyone should know about. For descriptive literature, 3 2 time tables, etc., write 2 I THE ALASKA RAILROAD f I (McKinley Park Route) § | ANCHORAGE ALASKA | a Special week-end tickets (one and one-third actual fare) on sale I I at all ticket offices. f ^iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiniiMiumiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmiiuiniiimmiimiimiiiiiiimniimiili? r-r , RUSSIA!! STEAM BATH • Open Wedneedayn aad aatVdngV | j 1P.M. to 12 Midnight I O ASTI NIC AC AVBNU» i ^ - I FIRE ALARM CALLS 1-3 Third and rranKHm. , 1-4 rro»t and FmafcMm, i 6 Front, near Ferry WdP, 1-6 Front, opp. Film lnbal|| l 1 if’rcnt, opp. City WBmJ, 1- 8 Front, near Saw mil, 2- 1 'lome Grocery. 2-3 .Willoughby, opp. Sole BM> I 2-4 Front and Seward. 2-6 Front aad Main. | 2-6 Second and Malm. 2-7 Fifth and Seward. 2- 9 Fire Hell. 3- 2 Gaetlneau and Hew! WMi 3-4 Second and Gold. 3-6 F’ourth and Herrin, j 3-6 Fifth and Oold. j 3-? Fifth and lad. ] 1-8 Seventh and Gold. 3- 9 Fifth and Kennedy. 4- 1 Ninth, back of power hOMM 4-2 Calhoun, opp. Juneau Apta. 4-1 Dtattn Are., and Indian at. 4-6 Ninth and Calhoun. 4-6 Seventh and Mala. «-1 Twelfth, at Northern L’dry 1 4-» Twelfth and wmoajrnay. JUNEAU TRANSFER COMPANY Movft,, Pack* a»-J Store* Freight and Baggage. t Prompt Delivery at LADYSMITH GOAL > Phoue 48. I * " JAPANESE TOY SHOP T H. B. MASTRO ! I Front Stmt f ^ P. 0. Box 218 for Mail Ordaw ^ | Watch Him Go Alter It Let him drink an ne wants. U will do him good aa our miJB la absolutely pure and treah. Them la nothing better for children or grown-ups either, for that mat* ter. Let us leave you a quart or two each morning, uur cows nave 1 beer free from tubarculoaia (or four yeara. Juneau Dairy PKONB 141. I - ■ 'mS PROSPERITY IS HEREl Spruce Cement Hemlock Brick Fii Fire Clay Iron Bark Lima Oak Hay Shingles Grain Boat Lumber | JUNEAU LUMBER MILLS Study tha atora ads—and about thoaa saw thlso whisk ars •hows (or tha drat Lima today.