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POLLY AND HER PALS ^ qjfF STERRET7 THE EMPIRE n to MiDnni Thronrh which th« removal public ea* a'way* h*« It* want* roppUad . fTloeinr time far nlaaaifed advertnewfat* ■ I P ¥ floaint tiroe for li*pl«7 »i Tartuemeats: 11 A. ¥. Tm sent* per lisa ftnt la aertioa PIt# eea** far lahaapiaai la Cona* It# emera** vari* t* tte Uaa .- -* FOR SALE SaLc.—nunny Suds electric ( washing machine, good condition,; property of Mrs. Dehne. Inquire Jorgenson’s Tailor Shop. i POR SALE—The greatest bargains ever offered in used cars. LIB ERAL TERMS. Connors Motor Co _ PUP SALS—MAahbuu CAR, RE aaatly overhauled. Also tor hire Pj dey or hour with or without driver. Iaqulr# Imperial Pool Hall. WANTED .Vvrt.v'Ti'.lJ To buy. used type writers, old and new models. Boyd's. I’hone 1M. f UK Kfcft I FOR RENT — furnished, steam heated room. 310 Franklin,; Phone 287. _j FOR BENT—Barber shop and cigar •tore at llyder, Alaska. See Chas. Miller. i j FOR RENT—Cabin, $5 a month, j Apply Feldon Apts. _ , (OR RENT—2, 3 and 4 room apts. i furnished. Cliff Apts., H. G.; TVreIch, Phone 209. ___i FOR RENT—2 and 6 room furnish-j •d apartment. Phone 2004. FOR KENT — Furnished and un furnished houses. Phone 806. fob RENT—1, 2, 8, 4 room apart ment*. fully furnished. Feldot Apts. PHONE 286._ ' FHONOOKAPH Tot r»al. Enos _ FLANO M»n K*NT—Phoa# 141 j MISCELLANEOUS j CARD READING at 322 West 8th. St. on Tide Flats. _— . ■ — ; PALMIST—Come and have your for tune told from your hand. Work, business, marriage and the future foretold. 306 Front St. --- , FERRY SCHEDULE Leave Juneau tor Dougias, Tread-, well and Thane. •7:10a.m. t9:16a.m.8 *12Noo» > 2:00p.m. t3:16p.m. •4:30p.m. 6:16p.m. 7:16pm. 9:40p.ra 11:16p.m. 12 Midnight 1:00a.m.Jl Leave Douglas for Treadwell and Thane. •7:25a.m. tl2:15pm. •4:45p.m.: F:66p.m. 1:15am.t 6:30p.m. Leave Treadwell for Thane. !< •7:80a.m. *12:20 Noonf || •4:60p.m.f ij Leave Thane for Treadwell, Douglas and Junean. |t 8:10a.m. *12:35Noon 6:06p.m. || Leave Treadwell for Douglas and i Juneau i 8:25a.m. tl2:50Noon 6:20p.m. | 10:00p.m. 1:20a.m.t 6:35p.m., Leave Douglas for Juneau. U 8:30j .m. t9:30a.m.t812: 55Nn. , * :15p.m. a-sop.m.t 6:25p.m.'( 6:40p.m. 7:30p.m. 10:05p.rn.'. 11:30p.m. 1:25a.m.t t—F.-elght will be accepted. |—Douglas only, t—Saturdays only. •—Thane. Janet* Ferry & Navigation . Company. Study the store a<w—and learn cheat ‘Jjoae =ew things whteh art : •howa tor the flrat lima today. n--~ ' MRS. M. MACK HAIRDRZ33ER 248 Willoughby Ave. Phone 4 36. Ladles Soft Water Shampoo a Specialty. 1 — -- L J. SHARI CK Jowelar and Optician W a tehee. Diamond* Silrenrmrt Jeweiri - i ] All Alaskan Trail. and at j , HOTEL ATWOOB iflffl a >a. and Pina St . Start It • IhHlar Prison—Nearest i as Bramble a I «■> TATIOB. Pro*. • 4. I aat—asaa « - ‘ ■ WHEM I THi^k 5PEL4KIM OF CPOSS'y>CS?r> cf 'icer a swell puzzles, thepe eotsC FAMILY I HA'D THE 6UY WHO BE POPE THEY IWVEMTED 'Em1) WEaJT puzzle CP4ZY. I SEE F?E:D* Is New Commander of Germany’s Navy. STATE - OWNED VESSELS ARE SHOWING LOSS [ Government Erred Holding Vessels, Lord Inchcape Tells British. LONDON, Jan. 20 In competing against snips which arc privately owned, state-owned ships have come i off the worst, according to Lord Inchcape. Hu chairman of (he I’, v <). shipping company. He said that during the war the British govern ' ment built a gri at many .steamers | Itul very wisely after I lie war had | ceased they got rid of them, and at liigit prices, for trade was then boom j mg. Not so wise were Canada. Am j erica. Australia, Brazil and Portu | gal. which held tot to their state jowned steamers. These vessels had ; | been competing with privately owned ' j vessels tile world over wit t the t i : suit that thrse countries h-td lost j millions of pounds which had to Hu mnde good it; tit ■ taxpayer. it would, he believed, have paid tlte ship-owning governments to liuvu sun'.: their ships '•sitlu-r titan to have p: tin in running during tlie last four > a.s. When governments rid ,:!;• 'tii .-lvc-s of tile incubus of state | owned vessels the public may sea i i moderate return to prosperity tit l...v . ....uilding industry. Meantime ' the shipbuilding yards of Great Brit | ian w ill have many empty berths, ! with tile resulting lack of employ ment, hut shipowners will not go Ion building ships unless they can ! expect a reasonable margin of pro fit. Governments would he better off, concluded Lord Inchcape, if. in | stead of competing with private en terprise. they took a share of busi jness profits in the form of income | lax. If they continued to run ships ■they would fail commercially, and to intake good their losses, would have -recourse to additional taxation. -- I« i STEAMER MOVEMENTS NORTHBOUND ALASKA is due to arrive this afternoon at I: SO o'clock, west bound. SCHEDULED K*lllNG« I KSTEBETI1 will sail for Sitka and way polls at it o'clock | Thursday night. YUKON Ik scheduled to sail from Seattle January 2i at it a. m. | j l PRINCESS MARY scheduled to j sail from Vancouver January | 24 at 9 p. m. | MAIL BOAf GhOHOE lh sails , | from Juneau tor P tersLurg , j and way ports at ildulght i , next Monday night. | SOUTHBOUND SAILINGS ALAMEDA is due soutnoound j tomorrow night or early Thurs- I day ApsuRAL ROCKR'J due rout'll i hound some!into lomomi ADMIRAL V'A'iaON i> «fu u ntil hound uhout J.tiuury 21. 4- -« AL.-\wtvrt Uu b 1 HiS P. Mi Steamer Alaska, scheduled to arriv ut lo o'clock (hi i morning, was un 1 doubtidly hung-up in the snow storm | last night and is now imied lo ar-1 rive at 4:30 o’clock this afternoon, westbound. The steamer has SB tons of freight aboard for Juneau am; i good list of passengers. ALAMEDA DUE LATE TOMORROW * Steamer Alameda Is due to arrive here late tomorrow or early Thins , day morning. The steamer sailed n from Seward at 1 o'clock yesterday ( ( afternoon. ESTEBETH LEAVES ON Waterfror £ With Iwo passengers for Haines, the nmilboat Kslebeth, t'upt. Fat Davis, sailed at 11 p. m. yesterday for Lynn Canal ports. It is due Ur back here early tomorrow morning. In Passengers leaving last night were: oti C. Venanzo and F. Vicinini, both for ft Haines. of ...a aiStebeth arrived yesterday af- of (ernoon from its weekly Sitka voy age with seven passengers includ- F. ing: from Sitka, R. Newton and Mrs. th J. A. Smith; from Ivillisnoo, A. Van Li Winkle; from Tenakee, K. Raiso, I Hi John Olson; from iloonah, Charles, it! Moses and Jack Brown. Dry lessoned min wood, 16 inch! *• length Janesn Trawler. ad*. I 19 [aDMIRAI> E>EHKKE~| Admiral Behnke ht3 been ap pointed commander-in-chief of the small fleet left Germany under the terms of the treaty of peace. “Big Bill” Thompson Is to Run for Mayo SPRINGFIELD. 111.. Jan. 20. Wil iiam II. <Dig Hilll Thompson, twic. nayor of the city of Chicago, an lounced his candidacy for mayor i: 1927. The aunounucement was made it a big round-up of his friends wh( ame down to Springfield on the ‘ Hi-. 3111 Special.” ■-♦-*--<> NOTICE AUTO DRIVERS. Bids will he received by th< Hoard of Education up to I p. m lanuary 21, 1925, for two trips or Jlacier Highway as far as Salmon ”reelt Bridge to be made on tilt following days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. Thursday and Friday )f each week for the purpose of (ringing pupils living on said road o school. First trip must arrive t School not later than 8:45 A. M. f each day; the second trip must save the school building at 3:20 M. each day. Passenger car (list he aide to handle twelve upils. The Hoard of Education eserves the right to reject any r all bids. Leave bids with tilt mdersigned at the City Clerk'r ifl'ice. JOHN A. DAVIS, alv. Secretary Hoard of Education JAPAN REGRETS RESIGNATION OF j GHASXHUGHES ! Secretary of State Regarded as Friendly to Nippons —Kellogg Unknown (Continued from Page One.) I _ ; Hanihara, former Japanese ambassa i dor to the United States said. "It is not easy,” lie said, “to find a man of Ills ability and character in any country. I personally regret iliifj retirement and have the warmest j regard for his personality, character j and achievements.” The Hocbi Shlmbun paid n high j tribute to Secretary Hughes ‘llis retirement,” this leading paper said, ” is a cause for regret not only in i lie United States tint world wide." i Was Real Friend. , “Hughes was a real friend of Ja i pan." tit* Jiji declared. "lie is 'ho highest type of statesman. His mer its wore immortalized in the work o' the Washington conference.’ ’Ilie japan Times said: "Hughes %tood as a- bulwark be lt ween this country and the Japan Tphobes of the United States and Ja I pan is sorry he lias resigned.” PIONEER AUXILIARY MEETS. The Pioneers Auxiliary will hold their regular meeting Wednesday | evening in the Moose Hall at S ^o'clock. Initiation. Refreshments, .j LAURA M’CLOSKKY, —adv. Secretary. ' ■ a ♦ • Furniture yon* and i to red V -.liKe done. Phone 4& Juneau Transfer. -ids Bundles of old newspapers at Ths |j tmeire. so seats a sonata. AUTOS FOR HIRE Carlson's Tax* I Stand—Alaskan Hotel PHONE SINGLE 0 Day and Night Service. * — ■■■- - ■ , Vi»il I SITKA HOT SPRINGS I latea $3.00 Per Day and Up | Dr. F. L. Goddard. Prop. I »- s 1 BERRY'S TAXI l I Careful and Efficient Barrie* PHONE 199 Office Next to Oaatlneau Hotel. BERRY’S TAXI a---1 i------——~i Corich Auto Service Juneau, Alaska Day and Night Berries. PHONE 444. Btand In Front of Arotle ^_JOHN OOV1CH, Pro*. Lakich Taxi I SERVICE DAY AND NIGHT STAND 62 FRONT ST. I Day mono 271. 1KI|ht Phoaa 47T. '-■■■ ■■■ ■■■' -■ Charge Jewelers Hired Men to Rob Them. jimiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitii||||||,|,|,|i3 1 INDEPENDENT STEAMSHIP CO. I | OF ALASKA | MOTORSHIP OREGON 1 !S LEAVES SEATTLE FOR JUNEAU I E November 22, January 2. January 23 £ E For Rates Call Up Phone 79. £ | j. k. McAlister, Agt. | ... ton WESTWARD ALASKA POINT' * * “iTARI" leave* toward on tb* 10th *f *aeb mo'ot' I *mUin« at aU woiati u far wett at Unalaika. I SAN JUAN FISHING AND PACKING CO., Q* C- KEHDERSON, Agent. Reward, Altiiki ( —^— ■ — — _ fAKE ROBBFPY ! \n«r f **Ht! 1' * li r ;*,» .. ,fH .1 »wn In this bag held by a detective •4 all that whi* left of the $4(UMl() eig of the Ihonefti Watch t him m.v, of New Vork t’Uy, following • is 11 b> haitdfis Israel Marnior in and In inifie? I m-besi prupri rs were Hrii-sl* il tha'ged t.ih •’tig I WU IlfLi 10 sl.1^1 a will* a ui, --* lid** Tomorrow -a iw Tide 3:12 a. m. 3.1 gh Tide 9:48 a. m. ... 17.1 w Tide 4::»!> p. m. . i.: gh Tide 11:00 p. m. 11' anon William Biiss, of Seattle, Dies in New Yorl NEW YORK. Jan. 20. Camm Wil m Bliss, of Seattle, President ol b White Cross Society, unoffit i i server of the Ogneva Opium Cot •ence, died here Sunday aftpruoon heart disease, lie was 52 years age. Yesterday afternoon Canon Oeorgc (ilover, of tilt* Cathedral Si Jjhn j Divine, conducted .service.; at St. ke’s Hospital and the Indy id iss was then entrained for Sea e. -♦ ♦ ♦—. See Sully** osi punier Sno® to uiniiR ana Cabinet work. Pbont 8. —04* MAIL BOAT fds pftfrsdttkg ard way ports f'PAPf'r !!j> Taku Harbor. Snettlehate. Street River. Sn® '' **r, Jj* dum. Windham Bay.Gambler Bay.Pybua Bay. I proper tsUed Five F1nr«r Station, Fanahaw. Farragut Bay Leaves Monday at midnight. Takes rrelgfct until 10 o'clock Monday morning. RAMSTEAD TEAN1POETATIGR 00. ! i — ' n .. ■■ -- --- '----| ■ m m „ _ Bi'f*™ Monday at 11 p. m. for H&inea, Ekmg- I , MAiL BuAtem4;^%p. f««^ — ping at Tanakee Spring* and other way LviLkCTIl *nrta. For information *eo D«to Montei, COSCDCM Fhone 444. Freight accepted until 12 noon, day of calling. FOE PEIRCE BUFFET, VANCOUVER, S1ATT1.P Leave Juneau Southbound— PRINCESS MARY , 29th: Feb. 12th, 23th. Transportal ion issued to nnd from all Eastern Cities of the L'nl1 *<1 States and Canada and to Europe and the Orient. W. L. COATES Airont, Juneau. ____ ALASKA STEAMSHIP COMPANY SAFETY — SEE VICE — SPED SCHEDULE FOR JANUARY ALASKA .Dee. 27 Dec. 30 Jan. S | YUKON .Jan. 3 Jan. 6 Jan. 13 •ALAMEDA . Jan. 10 Jan. 13 Jan. 20 ALASKA .Jan. 17 Jan. 20 Jan. 27 YUKON .Jan. 24 Jan. 27 Keb. 3 •ALAMEDA .Jan. 31 Feb. 3 Feb. 10 •—Calls at Petersburg bath north and south bound. WHEN YOU THINK ALASKA THINK ALASKA STEAMSHIP CO. When You Think Alaska. Think Alaska Steamship Company W. E. NOWELL, AGENT JUNEAU. PHONE 2. L. W KILB1JP.N. AGENT DOUdLAS. PHONE 4*S. "jfiiinr Lv .Seattle Juneau NB Juneau PR •J HV ’WATSON ... Jan. 13 Jan. 22 tUOGERS .Jan. 14 Jan. 18 Jan. 21 -T^r „ tROGERS .Jan. 2,8 Feb. 1 Feb. 4 \ ’WATSON .Feb. 4 Feb. 8 Feb. 19 A ' , i ROGERS .Feb. 11 Feb. 15 Fab. 18 /wlm } J ’WATSON .Mar. 4 Mar. 8 Mar. 1ft wA'.sffiidSjy > t—Calling Haines, Skagway and Sitka, returning tp i Juneau Southbound. •—Calling Yaktitat, Cordova, Seward and all pointa west, also calling Hyder, northbound. C. C. NICHOLS. Aguu GUY L. SMITH, Ami Phona i Pb»ae flf ^ Dongle*. 4iMt Paci/ic Cbsftwiw Jsruiee vADMIRAL UNE iKKJBHIH* ALCXANDfiR. PRERIDSMTaBBHHBHHf CHOP SUEY AND NOODLES Our Specialty CALIFORNIA CAFE Opposite Coliseum | NOTICE 1 II the Street Light on your corner is out, notify | the City Clerk, telephone 88, who will requisition us | for a replacement. * • — ■'■■■■■ ■ n» | | Alaska Electric Light 8 Power Co | Phone 6 Juneau Alaska | Cheerful Dispensers of Dependable 24-Hour Electric Service. i I ♦sllilMUmiAiAlliminimiiimiiuiaiiaiiamu ||immil****»****Mat««ss»sss« mmimimsmisissii •■mssimmiHfiiHiHl fVIWVIVIVVfVVVWVVMVItf tVIVlTOl flit! Wf If llVIVIIlIVVf HI IT IIIVIITVIVIIIIIIII i