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BRINGING UP FATHER By GEORGE McMANUS IoSJtVSj l K'N ,?N*C<i1E ItFT ^ H LOCKED UPAULNE C OR^EO° .1: CLOTHED AN w. m OUT- |'D LIKE To I I^IT OUT ME-jElF! / L ^_I_I ' ' ' ■"■ ■ . ‘ --' ---— t , . .,! • . ' u-—— NURMI CLIPS TWO MORE INDOOR RECORDS IN N. Y. r-\N!*:.:'.«rs i'" :.v i: :.!• .'um h-jUjui*. star; George Oja. who played with Juueau High early in the season hut who is not attached to the Alumni squad. These with Manager Subin will furnisn material for a team which should equal anything Ketchikan can send here, is the op inion of local fans. None of the local High School play ers were picked, tins was not In cause they were not considf red fast enough but because Coach Maker de sires lo keep them together. Sever uf th' hoys were mentioned. It is loSHlhle Maker will arrange for one game between the School and the Ketchikan-fivh during Its stay here. BROOKLYN WANTS KILUFER TO BE MANAGER OF CLUB SEATTLE, Jan. 22.—The Poat-In I lllgeneer prints a story today saying Killifer, Manager of the Indians, has refused a salary of $15,000 annually tu manage the Brooklyn club. Denial Made. NEW YORK, Jan. 22.—Answering reports from Seattle, officials of t.hp Brooklyn Nationals denied that Wade i.dllfer has been offered a salary . f $15,000 or any other sum to sue ■ eod Wilbert Robinson, ns manager of the ,club. WON’T GO TO MINORS NEW’ YORK. Jan. 22.—A1 Mamaur. termer Yank pitcher, released to the dinneapolis American Association ieam, will ask officials for a ten-year major league rating so that he will eot havp to accept the transfer. He said he would retire before ho would -a to Minneapolis AMERICAN’’LEGIONNAIRES ATTENTION. Regular luncheon tomorrow noon, | \rcnde Cafe. Important regular : meeting at Dug-Out starts 7:20 .sharp, tomorrow night. 1 HARRY SPERLING, -adv. Post Commander, Bundles oi otd newspaper* at Th r mpire. 25 cents a hundin J - ■■ ■ ■ r— — T ThY OUL Merchant’- Lie in* h i , li Grata I Arcade Lait ) ' MARY -OraO. Proprietor. 1 iiJU ;s»u«rK •»*>'? s* Toe Kiuplft. The Community Chest Drive ! . j: Is a drive for funds with { which to make Juneau the j kind of a thriving city you always wanted it to be. GASOLINE I We lure installed a Vieter J Visible Gasoline Pomp. Yoa an j assured of pure, clean gas at all times. Full measure. Gasoline Service Da? and Night MILLER’S TAXI SERVICE NEW YORK, Jan. 22 l'aavo Nur mi last night shattered two mori world's indoor records in the twf and three quarter mile race, spec ial feature of the St. Joseph's Catho lie Club games making it In 1; minutes ami three seconds, broakln Kolehmainen's 12 year recoid b> three fifths seconds: and then broki Kolemainen's two and one fourt! mile record by one fifth of a ond, making it in 10 minutes ant 42 seconds. Nurmi now holds 10 indoor FRENCH CUE CHAMP NOT COMING IIS PARIS. Jan. 22.—Roger Coin im French cue star, has prno'i. i:- >« up his mind to remain in Kn p. throughout the winter and thin, v. be a non-participant in tin- woi 1 18.2 balk line buiard elm nip matches in the United Utajcs n month unless he undergt h mi <•••■. enth hour change of mind. COBB NAMES HUNDRED GAMES AS HIS LIMIT DURING 1925 SEASON ATLANTA, Ga.. Jan. 22.—Ty Cobh manager of the Detroit Tigers o the American League, en route t. his home in Augusta. Ga., stoppei here today Jong enough to reaffirn his declaration of a partial retire iue^i, from active play this '■cason. He will continue to play enimgl to be classed as a playing manager but« not a member of the old guard One hundred games Is the limit hi has set for himself. Admitting tha he can still hit. he said his eyes ari older, with the same condition trui of his legs. Jess Dojlo, recently of the Pacifu Coast circuit. Is a great prosper, among the young pitchers, he says ROSSI REFUSES TO SIGN LINCOLN PACT SPKi.x,/ lLLD, Mo., Jan. 22.—Lei noSRi, who hurled several no-hit. no run games in the Western As9ociatioi two years age, and who was r. cent ly sold to the Lincoln club of tin Western League, has refused to sigi a Lincoln contract, local officials wer notified yesterday. Rossi was pur chased by the local club in 1922. II was a hold-out in 1923 and 1924, am last month was sold to Lincoln. Tli Lo* Angeles club Is trying to hti; Rossi now, so If the Lincoln deal fa.’! through he will be given a chance t go with another club. J. WILLARD WILL GO DEMPSEY ONE BETTER IN HOTEL BUILDINI LOti ___ Jan. 22 -Jos' Wi lard, one-time heavyweight oh no of the world, has thrown hi; lint the hotel ring and will compete wit Jack Dempsey. prefc»r.t holder i f t!i heavyweight title, in convincing , ftora from the east that South' California is a “knockout,'’ it was n ported today. Dempsey operates a hotel in L Angeles. Willard, in order to g him one better, has authorized li architect to draw up plans for a eight-story, 260 room hostelry t Hollywood, and has told them to U II cost up "to $50u,.n»0, which shout get Him the tax assessor's decision over Dempsey's 'bjiiirilng. "Fighting is kid's pmj. anyway, Willard is quoted as saying, "ami , Uenips y has deinousuvted that . good fighter can main more moie . iu a hotei mi; n i> than in li ring v . ••• - •• -• .. • • I :\!;W YOU/.'. Jan. 22.- Tim amnia'; inliioHegiat'' regatta probably wil In- rowed on .Monday. Jqne J:: ai j j? I’oughke psie over l>n thro/ :11i! I. ,iu" on tlie tgi, • -on ‘liver m , {of lie laig.'-a f+ieida m .»)»'• liel'-i/ [ ;,.f |l,o. <-i - i. takina |iail in I1,,1 ■ i r ; ‘I -dt.v race. i iii- » ihiLicaied in gonnH i on j ' wiih tie •lnjiohnceiai nt by r.faxwelt i dSt. tciisii; i hniniian ot tin tenure ; jot i. /vard- of ill" lilt reollegnite I mu .v.ssneliitiot’. that It. aiilnii.i j iieMi!'- -if '!1 *• sl> aids Will III hell': j r. t> da. io fanm> 1" yi, •< ;,i e I .Hi. . - *>♦«<► HURLINCHAM CLUB TO tNTERT AIN AMERICAN AHMY POLO PLAYER.' r I — I LONDON', Jim. Tim Hurlim*j i ham Polo <!Ju)i lias invited n .. n* j 1 . -mat Ives iif tin* American army :uj •! be guesifa of iIk club dm it.; i hoit i i j stay in ifin and next yen:-. t Pol. | i Monthly it i., expeled," lays tlm magazine j iliut Di" American army team wii , | arrive in Kngland in May. and great j interest wiit attach to their match I es again it tlio Ri itih army whom they i defeated so unexpectedly in tile t’n • . ited States last year. It is at leas’ ' t certain thl Sir Harold Snagge wii: , spare no effort, with the assistance j , of Lieut.-Colonel Scott-Duff, to giv< t tile American soldiers a very agree-; able time during their visit to this country. The inter-army matches at Hurlingham promise to be the moat attractive feature of nett season’s polo. ' Tobacco and Cigars. Copenhagen snuff, stamped December 17, the latent and best, at Boyd’s, (irotto Building. —adv ♦ - Dor licit ui oin newapeyen at The j inpir« 26 cents a bu»AU SAYSlEfPEPPER! iHEAT STOPS PAIN IN FEW MINUTES! I _ | RLcm ‘tsetr., 1,. .nbago, non lit is, i hark ache at- ff neck, sore muscles, r;,in pvrins, aching joints. When * r* s iffi tin" sc you can hardly * -mind just try Ked Pepper i . r. i a,:s such concentrated 1 | penetrating heat as red poppers. when heat penetrates right ' down into piln and congestion re-. ill i»>me once. .1 s’ as soon as you apply Rr i j P-’ .oer Rub you Tool the tlnglln•. j. '.hoot. In three minutes the sor'-j 'spot is warmed through and through, ••• ,?ml the torture is gone ’ R oxvl is Red Popper Poib mail" from rod peppers, corns little at any i j drug store. Get a jar at once, j n i Re sure to get the genuine, with ! 'the name Rowles on every package. I | (advertisement.) L K mTOr-rNT iXf AMDS'. Cm I iiu- most irate holdups on record orrnred In the Squirrel ,1)111 h one of I.awrence It, Sands, president of the First National Bank i 1 I»i.i iburgh. 1'a , wlicr- Sands, his wife, his son, John W. Bands, the I, Hit r and t wo maids wi re lined up by two aimed men, who poKd as gas company employee. Tlio bandits demanded JilO.OOQ ou threat cf kidnaping Mrs Bands for ranaotn. When Sands explained he did not m i> tji.noo in the house, they forced btm to telephone the bank for money, but the bank officials wore cautious and sent for the police, in i! . mrantiu)' . young Bands h»d attempted to escape and was shot, not seriously. The robbers fled before police arrived. At pens TEAM FOB Twelve Men Ordered to Re port Tonight for Practice for City Squad. Manage*-.; o! tip* tends In the fit■ Basketball l,eagu last night eiecte* Harry Sabin manager of the City fiv* and ordered twelve players to re port at. the A. B. Hull tonight fo Ihe first workout, preparatory ti picking a team to play (lie fast Ket rhikan quint*t when it arrives her* In the near future. * An offer of S( per cent of the net gate receipts foi \ series of three games was wiret Manager Sniiili of ihe First City Ag gregatlon. Until additional information hai been received, no definite dates ca* be set for the gam While tie time will probably he short, to. man . gevs are confident a first els:-... om tit can lie whipped int j shape lo Ulo he floor on even terms, with Ketchi :.*n. Kvary upon niglit at A. I! Hal I ! wit! uli 1 i • • 'I fur signal practice : .ui*l ; ritnmae-. Every man re ptested U) report is in first class coti i <litiun. all of them being member* of team- in the City League. Fraction | only is icoiilred to perfect them in team work. i! j Mon selected foi the S'piud, virtu ''ally all of whom will have an op|mr Uunity to get into the serios. were: MucKpuddon, Steller forward of the Collegia;) flu and a player of the .heady type of more titan extraord - inury abilitv. Itrown, center tor the Firemen five, whoae work has been an important factor in the splendid | record mail by his team; Harry ■ I Sperling, who turned defeat into vie ! tor.v for the Firemen when they met I tin Collegians the first time, going , to center against Soumela after : Brown had failed to chuck that play er: Campon, former Juneau High School star and center for the J-D ; Alumni; Tom Cashen, member o 1 last, year’s Dougins High champion ’Jane! star guard for tip: Alumni; Gu George and Ernie Beau din. forward, on the same outfit: M« I. Baker, rat rd as one of flu- tmest guards and lie • floor men In the League, wh can also shoot as watt proven by hit ’work us forward for tho. Firemen last Saturday night; ,iuz bribe, who ha. rh cull a the most aggressive guard liti tlie- City League; Lance Hendrick :on. rood at t'ithci guard or forward ] At . Nelson, former Douglas High SAVE TIME AND I By Having Your Plumbing, Heating and Sheet Metal Work j [Done by Skilled Mechanic*. j You Muit be Satisfied—We Estimate Your Job. WOODARD & NEWMAN PLUMBING SOUTH FRONT BT. BHBtn MKTAL WORK Phone 373 Ree Phones 1401, l>03 ' ‘ :-— .•!>iifiiiiiiififliiliillilllllilllltllliniiini«lliiilllliiMiiiiiti«Tiii(Mv>iiiiMii;i:itiii(;*mirJr. OLD METHODS FOR NEW ( 3 In the development of activities already under way, and the en* 5 3 couraging of new industries and new life, The Alaska Railroad 3 3 is playing a conspicuous part. Since the ‘‘Early Days,” when g 3 the world first began to think seriously of Alaska, much progress 5 3 has been made in all lines throughout the Territory; and visitors s 3 to the North are increasing in number annually, to learn that 5 3 Alaska is a really prosperous land and a good place in which to § 3 live—all due iargely to the exchange of “Old Methods for New.” 3 The Alaska Railroad operates year ’round freight and passenger 3 service between Sewsrd, Anchorage and Fairbanks and over the 3 branches; and reaches districts the interests and attractions of !j| which everyone should know about. For descriptive literature, 12 time tables, etc., write r THE ALASKA RAILROAD (McKinley Park Route) ANCHORAGE ALASKA Special week-end tickets (one and one-third actual fare) on rale at all ticket office*. tmtmwwm.niniwiiwiwmHmwiiwiBnnBiimtiiiwuiiwuannHHBingi -.« . ' • .. • • • ■ [nyr _ nnimu nr. henry baman, Mwngei i fl JL " DflUnSl UUt SEWARD STREET TRY OUR DEI 1C10US HAMS~AND~B~ACON 11 L LINE OF FI!F.SH AND CURED MEATS, FISH AND POULTRY. A!i Meats and Sausage Government Inspected,_ ump in— —iibii ii i»m«i in—— M'SAUl'S GARAGE OPc,N FOR BUSINESS All kinds of auto repair work. We have the men, the tools, the facilities and the ability. All work guat.mteed. We solicit your patronage. j ' Cal! us. Phone 571, ar bring in your car. r-—r 1HUIAK ITKJJf BATH t { Opaa Waoneadaya aad ullltayi | I P M to 13 Ml dal gilt j OASTINBAC AVBNtJB ! i t i F1K£ ALARM CALLS i t third end fnaldb, 1-4 io*t and FraakHa. ) & rri if. u»*r Farry Way. 1-8 Front, out.- Film tTIhngi i-7 . mt, offf> City Wkaft, I- Front, ixar Saw Mill. -1 -u.*i Iroeary 1 .1 a in* hhy, >of Sola Banu -4 Front and SdWdlC 3-6 F'rudt mad Mala. 2 8 ,4«oond aad Mala. 1- 7 Fifth aad Sarward. 3- 9 Fir# HaU. 2- 2 Ott«tia»uu aad Oawn WlB 2.-4 Snoor.d and Oold. ,-f> Fourth and Hama 3- 8 fifth end Hold 4- 1 -iftt aad Boat :-8 doranth dad Oold. l-a Fifth and Kaoaady. 4- i Ninth, hark of yomr MS 4-2 Calhoun, ryy iuanaa ABSa 4 .* tMatin At#., aad (adlaa at, 4-6 Ninth a no Callwaa r-8 s*T»nt) -ad Mala. 4-t Twelfth, at Northara l/dyy »-• i*wal£ta aad ~mnaak>y. JUNEAU TRANSFER COMPANY Move', Packs a*4 Stores Freight md (Saggage. ! Prompt Delivery SI LADYSMITH COAL Phoue 48. f ” “ Douglas Cigar Store Freeh Fruit, Candy, Soft Drinks, Cigars and Cigarette*. 219 FRONT STREET »-■ ■ ■ m ' JAPANESE TOY SHOP % il B. MAHNO i Front Street f,: P 0 Box £!8 for Mail Ordeet * , i Watch Him bo Altar It Lot film drink an a* vaau. it will do btm good aa our mug M abeolutely pure and fresh. Thwe is nothing better for ehtldvea eg *rown-upa either, far that ' t,«r Let ua leave you a Quart at > two each morning, uur oowe nave 1 beet tree from tub*r«uloili See. iour )-*T* 1 Juneau Dairy PKONU 14S. * Spiuce Lenient Hemlock Brick Hi Fire Qqr Iron Bark liBM Oak Hay 1 Shingles Grail Boat Lanhar j | JUNEAU <-UMBER uni t "it<*• tmn 35Si STirSiTS 2S£