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* | SUNDAY MATINEE—NIGHT AND MONDAY | Concert Palace Orchestra—7 P. M. ; Educational Small Features # | • Li ALSO | “THE NEW SHERIFF” Tuxedo Comedy with “Poodle: Htmneford” [i Extra Attraction FRED LYNCH H will sing at both shows H “IN THE SUNSHINE W ITH YOU y and | “My Own Home Town” | LAST TWO TIMES TONIGHT | Wesley Barry in “The Printer’s Devil” and Jack Dempsey in another 2 FIGHT AND WIN PICTURE -iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiip Attractions at Theaters ATI nACTIUNS iONIGI-ir PALACE—Wesley Barry in ‘The Printer’s Devil" and Jack Demp sey in another "Fight and Win’ picture. COLISEUM—Charles Jones in "Sec ond Hand Love.” COMING ATTRACTIONS PALACE—"A Girl of the Limber lost." COLISEUM—Jack Holt in "Making z Man. ’ CONSTRUCT VILLAGE FOR "SECOND HAND LOVE" For "Second Hand Love” Charles Jones' latent William Fox production, ; n entire village was constucted af lor the description given by Shan lion Fife in the latter’s story of the same name. Carpenters and electricians, mas ons and architects’ assistants work ed two weeks on what is believed is the most perfectly detailed vill age ever constructed for a motion 1 icture. In addition to the care taken with the actual raising of the viluge. at tention was given urst to the site. An entire department, comprising : ome fifteen persons, is especially commissioned at the William Fox : ’udios to the determining of loc ations for various scenes. This de 1 artment searched everywhere for a likely site for this village without avail. From the town pump, the town lamppost, to the town's hall of ini quity and the town’s reform cham ber, the village built for "Second Hand Love" is complete, and Is at the Coliseum tonight. WESLEY BARRY LAST TIME AT PALACE Wesley Barry will be seen at the Palace tonight for the last two times in “The Printer's Devil,” which is a comedy from first to last, with a good love story, in fact two, and also thrills. It is a rollicking ro mance of a small town newspaper, funnier than fun, where seriousness and comedy are rolled together. Harry Myers, star of “A Connect icut Yankee,” Katherine McGuire who rocently won a beauty contest and other screen favorites are in the cast. Jack Dempsey is seen in "West of the Water Bucket” which is one | of the best of the series “Fight and Win” pictures which has bo far been I shown at Hie Palace. There is all kinds of good comedy in this two rceler. FUNNY INCIDENT IN MAKING A MAN” Dignity upset is the greatest pro I ducer of laughs. For example, lhint< <f the everyday slip of the man n tlie banana peel or the dignified >!d gentleman, (lie top hat, tho snow : tail and tlie small boy. This fall of dignity accounts foi ; evcral humorous situations in “Mak ! ing a man” a Paramount picture 1 starring Jack Holt which will lie dis [played at tlie Coliseum theatre Sun ! lay. In tlie role of Horace (i. Wins >y, Mr. Holt is represented as e wealthy, snobbish and ultra dignifiei man; one who looks upon linnisell is a sort of monarch and regards Hit neighbors as beneath his notice ' Naturally, such a man is immensel) I unpopular. Perhaps tlie most laughable situa ion in “Making a Man” is the oc casion of Mr. Winsby’s plunge inti i muduole. As he leaves Ills home n tlie little town of San (Jeronimo Cal., to go to his office, he tells his i ihaffuer, that he will drive tlie eai I But tlie machine stalls in tlie cen i lor of a huge mudhole. His neigh | bors gather around, but because ! Winsliy is so unpopular, they re I fuse to aid him. Seeing some stones ; sticking above the surface of tHe ! unhide,Winsliy thinks lie has dis covered the way to reach dry land. Then there is a surprise. FRED LYNCH AND MOVIE BILLS SUNDAY, PALACE With Fred Lynch in two populai songs, a good feature and a com edy. beHfdes the usual concert fron 7 to 7:10 o'clock, there will be plentj of good entertainment at the Palaci | Sunday night. The movie features will open wit! | the matinee tomorrow. “A Girl o [ he Limbprlost” the screen verslot • of Gene Stratton-Porter's own pro Iduction of her famous novel, is th< I stellar attraction. A big cast, a fini 'story, capably acted, tnat is this. The comedy feature will he “Th< New Sheriff" with “Poodles” Han Ineford having the bulk of the fui I making to do but surrounded by otn j jr comedy stars | S-n MUlir* cvrv*nt*f Shop to I lobbing and Cabinet work. PhOBi 11>«. — — -V_—L. .. . lj Will Remarry I - : i ! TrreyjeKT /■V7g^| When both fathers and mothers agreed that seventeen and nine teen are too tender years for a couple to embark on the sea of matrimony, the marriage of Betty ! Tucker, seventeen-year-old San Francisco schoolgirl, and Charles E. Betts, nineteen, was annuled. j The couple eloped once, and de clare they will wait a few years and then try It over agalr FIREMEN’S DANCE HELD THURSDAY NEXT ELKS’HALL Local Department to Give Ball March 5—Tickets Now on Sale. Promptly at 1 o'clock today the j 'inance Committee of the Juneau Vol unteer Fire Department had started 1.1 canvaHH of tne town with tickets to I he Department annual dance to be I given Thursday next, March 5, at I ks Hall. Dancing will begin promptly at 9:30. The dance, in ac icordance witli plans of preparation is expected to be one of the finest social events of the month of March No invitations have been issued ■ the dance, for, as the committee n charge states, the whole of Jun au and (last Ineau Channel points, s personal friends and acquaintances of the Fire Boys, are expected to at tend. A special invitation is ex ended to the members of the Leg islature and other out-of-town visit ors. The committee on music has made arrangements for music to be fur nished by "The Alaskans" and this orchestra plans to release several new and jazzy numbers. The Firemen hold a reputation for unique and charming designs in decorut ion and while the dance is being given on short notice the committee states Chairman Schombel las something new up his sleeve, and the hall will be decorated in true "fire-eating" style. The entire Department bus been placed on the floor comnTTtteo and promises that no one shall lack any thing it is within their power to give for entertainment. The Comittees for the dance re port that final arrangements for the event are now being completed. Following is the list of commutes: Executive Chairman, Douglas Aus tin; Finance, Walter B. King, Wallis George, Don Austin, H. M. Porter; Hail ami Music, Earl Cleveland, A. F. McKinnon. Elliott Fremming; pro gram. Martin Lavenik. P. W. M. Col burn; Decorating. O. E. Schombel, O. M. Olson, M. 11. Sides; Floor, Entire Department. The Department announces that this spring will see the final payment made on the baseball park and play grounds and the proceeds of the dance will go to that end. It is stat ed this morning the Department it sires at this time to thans the publ c of Juneau and Douglas for its gen erous patronage In the past and be speaks future consideration It does not intend to stop here, but will go on with other civic and commun ity welfare work of one kind or an other. Several projects are under consideration and will be announced soon. Few Marriages in Cal., Are Said to Be Childless SACRAMENTO, Feb. 28.—On top of the many other blessings enjoyed • by residents of California, it has ■ just been brought to light by L. E. Ross, Director of the State Bureau - of Vital Statistics, that a smaller percentage of marriages are child less in this State than for the " United States as a whole. ' Old paper* for sate at The Umpire CHURCH r- | Sunday dervura win ne neld at 11 a. m In ibe Church of Chris tian Science Society of Juneau on Fifth Street between Main and Sew ard Srreeie. The subject will be; "Christ Jesus.” Sunday aonool at 12:16 o'clock Wednesday. 8:1b — Testimonial meeting Christian Science Reading Room In church building. This room Is open to the public Wednesdays and Saturday afternoons from 2:30 to 4. The public Is cordially invited to attend these services and visit the reading room y«t— .... ■ I. . -m ■ ■- ■ ■ ng SALVATION ARMY | : IE--B Sunday meetings: 11 a. m.—Sun day School; 2:30 and 7:30 p. m.— Salvation meeting. Week nights: Tuesday and Fri-, idays 7:30 p. m. Public meeting. All are welcome. _____ | • • - ■ - r - -. ; I ‘ r o». I iiiMT pact bvrtRiAN CHURCH i •t-g ; Rev. George G. Bruce. I>. U., Pastor. Sunday school at Thane 9:45. Morning worship at 11:00 Sub ject, “On the Firing Line.” Sermonette for the Juniors. Bible School at 12:15. Evening worship at 7:30. Sub ject, "A Father’s Gift." IS-g: ; CATHULIC CHURCH t--—gj Fifth and Gun* streets Sunday, March 1.—First Sunday of Lent. 6:00 a. m.—Holy Mass In the Sister's Chapel. I 8:00 a. m.—Low Mass, Sermon and General Communion of the Men of the Parish. 10:30 a. m.-—High Mass and Ser mon. 1:30 p. m.—Sunday School and Bible Class. 7:30 p. m.—Rosary, Sermon and Benediction of the Blessed Sacra ment. During Lent, on Wednesdays and Fridays, at 7:30 p. m. Special Lent en Services. Subject of Sermons on Sundays and Wednesday: Our Won derful Sacraments; What They Are and What They Do. — O-SJI i I HOLY TRINITY CATHEDRAL i Charles E K:ce. lr“"n Pioim su'i ! Holy Communon, I.tany and Ser mon at 11:00 a. m. Sunday School at 12:30. Evening service at Douglas. Wednesday service — Evening Prayer and address, 7:30 p. m. — —■ --- . —. .— 4* : bethel beach home ■ S—--c Cuspel services on nrst Thursday of 'well month Auto leaves Bur ford’s Corner at 7 46 P M Friends atm neighbors invited Mrs H M. Krugh in charge. — .! a-u | ASSEMBLY OF GOD MISSION (I)etnel Peuecostal Mission) Chas. C. Personeus, Pastor Sunday services: Morning worship at 11:00. Sunday School 12 noon. Evening segvJCo 7:30. Week-nlglit' services Tuesday and! jFriday at 7:30 o’clock. Come and enjoy the spiritual feajit. 1 | J — - -■ — , PRESBYTERIAN NATIVE | CHURCH --—r: (Rev. liavia waggotittr, pastor.) 10:30 a. m.—Morning Service. 11:30 a. m.—Bible School. 7:00 p. m.—Wednesday — Mid week prayer service. A cordial welcome Is given to all to attend these services. - J METHODIST EPISCOPAL | CHURCH I! a-«| rtlenard D. Uecaer, aflnlster. ! dunday Sorvlces: Morning worship snd preaching service at 11 a. m. Sunday School. Wallis George, Su perintendent, 12:16 p. m. Evening service at 8 o’clock. Prayer and Praise Service, Wed nesday evening at 8 p. a. We will be glad to meet yea ti these services. Prison Schooling Helped Become | LONDON, Keb. 28 —While Ernest Everett was serving a sentence at Camp Hill prison for forgery he was taught engraving by prison authori ties as part of their scheme for the rehabilitation of prisoners, ltecently lie was arrested and found guilty of uttering spurious treasury notes, cunningly engraved. Lord Hewart, the Lord Chief Jus tice, has demanded an explanation I of why a forger, of all persons, I should be tabght engraving in i prison. jMiiiimiiinBmiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiKiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHwiiiiiiinimmiiKiiniiimmiiiiiHiminiiiHiniimiiniimiiH^ SUNDAY and MONDAY 1 IF IT 13 BETTER PICTURES THAT YOU WANT TO SEE—DON’T PASS UP i s THIS fl'CW = gj FOX NEWS I" p Another Round of EE | FIGHTING 1 J BLOOD | EE A PICTURE PROGRAM THAT |p !E STANDS FOR ENTERTAINMENT || H 2 Shows—7:30-9:25 10-20-40—Loges 50c 1 IN TONIGHT ONLY g I SFrOND ATTRACTIONS = JLWlli/ FOX NEWS 1 I HA kin CUR GANG 1 H Hf\nu COMEDY §g I LOVE 10-20-40 g = pmwts Loges 50c. E | 1CHARLZ5 JONES I 2—Shows—2 ( = iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiui Leads Middies WOMEN GIVEN SAME PAY AS PAID TO MEN RTOGin miljIVf, Fell 2N. Sweden's! working women have scored an lm-1 portent victory through the official! recognition by the Government ofi tiie principle of equal pay for men | and women in the employ of thej State. The recognition appears inj the form of a recommendation Mil)-, mitted to the Riksdag by Minister! of Finance Thorsson, along with thej estimate for the next State budget.; In justifying his proposal Mr. Thorsson points out that the civil service law virtually gives women the same privileges and responsl-l bilities as men, so far as the actual work is concerned, and it is only logical, therefore, that the salary ofj and given person should remain con stant, whether the service is ren-l dered by a man or a woman. What makes the victory for the' women the more striking 1r the fact that the budget estimate, in spit) of the strictest scrutiny of every Item, will involve an estimated ex penditure of $11,000,000 more thin last year. Tills means that, although no naw or Increased taxes are con templated, all hope for any early tax reduction must he abandoned. The Minister of Finance charac terizes the economic situation in Sweden us generally good. He looks for stable conditions during the next fiscal year and says that, if there Is any change, it is likely to be an improvement. FOG TAKES THE BLAME. LONDON, Fell. 28.—Mary Cope has played the organ at Holy Trin ity Church, in London, for 60 years. During all this time she has missed only two Sundays, once on account of illness, and once because a Lon don fog was so dense she could not find the church edifice. -♦ ♦ ♦ . Furniture moved and itorad. Heavy hauling done. Phone 48 j uneuu Transfer. —adv. V t/tt. MtriiroM'i Rear Admiral Louis M. Nulton baa been named as the new super intendent of the United States Naval Academy at Annapolis, Md. BEADY FGj& BUSINESS. Bod inrner’s Auto Service. Call 257—I have a new spring and a new coat. Yours truly, Miss Stude baker. Stand next to Boston Store. —adv. F. WOLLAND \ Merchant Tailor and Haberdasher Phone 66 j jfiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiimiiiiiimiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiimimiiiimimiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiimHfHtiKi 1 “WHY TAKE A CHANCE” sheet metal wonts | | I TELL YOU IN ADVANCE WHAT JOB WILL COST ALL KINDS OF SHEET METAL | 1 BETTER PLUMBING work done to your com- | 1 BETTER HEATING PLANTS *lete satisfaction | | BETTER PRICES w c jfcNSSfc I I GEO. B. RICE WINTER A POND BtftDtito | £ Phone 34. Winter A Pond Bldg. Res. 343 Phones—Res. 4042. Shop 84. £