Newspaper Page Text
t Classified Ads I THE EMPIRE ] IS THE MEDIUM Through which the general ; public can always have its I wants supplied. Closing time for classified ! advertisements: 2 P. M. Closing time for display ad vertisements: 11 A. M. — Ten cents per line first ih- I sertion. I Five cents for subsequent in ! sertion. I Count five average words to the line. ■---■ FOR SALE FOIt SALE — Hot Point electric heater three sections, fine condi tion, price $1S.00. 6tli and Main.' Mrs. Raymond's. ---■ ; FOR SALK—The greatest bargains ever offered in used cars. LID-j ERAL TERMS. Connors Motor Co. FOR SALE—Maxwell ear, recently overhauled. Also for hire by day or hour with or without driver Inquire Imperial Pool Hall. WANTED WANTED Housekeeper to care for; small hoy between hours of 9 and fi and prepare two meals. Phone 1GS1. | WANTED — Seeds, rooted cuttings and small plants of the native Alaskan Violet. Plants to be pack-1 ed in moss, enclosed in proper container, and mailed to the fol lowing address. Plants received in good order will be paid for and postage refunded. Please write first. Geo. L. Calloway, South Hingham, Mass. HELP wanted for general house- j work. Apply forenoons. Mrs. Charles Goldstein. WANTED—Waitress. Must be white and experienced. California Cafe. YOUR canvas work solicited. Boat, covers, awnings, any style, a specialty. I make anything out of .canvas. W. D. Brown, Front, Street, Box 181. —————————— ! LOST AND FOUND FOUND- Gold watcii on Franklin Street near Presbyterian Church, j Inquire Empire 2760. FOR RENT FOR RENT—Furnished rooms, 403 Franklin St. Reference required. FOR RENT—Steam heated rooms with bath. Mrs. Raymond, 6th & Main, Phone 2734. FOR RENT—2 pleasant housekeep-, ing rooms, furnished. Third & Gold St., I’hone 136. FOR RENT—6 rooms, unfurnished, j bath etc. Free water. Gus E. An-1 derson, corner 6th & Kennedy. — _______ ! FOR RENT — Apartments, rooms and cabins. Seaview Apartments,! Mrs. Hogan. FOR RENT—Furnished flat. Apply the Nugget Shop. FOR RENT—2, 3 and 4 room apts.; furnished. CllfT Apts., H. G.; Welch, Phone 20t>, FOR RENT — Furnished and un i furnished houses. Phone 306. | PHONOGRAPH for rent. Phone' 143. PIANO FOR RENT—Phone 143. MISCELLANEOUS CARD READING at 322 West 8th St. on Tide Flats. PALMIST—Come and have your for tune told from your hsnd. Work, business, marriage and the future foretold. 306 Front St. ■ .——f I. J. SIIARICK Jeweler and Optician Watches, Diamonds, Silverware Jewelry 1 ■ . ..■ Stuffy the' store ads—and learn about those new things which are phowo for the first time today. — ' -4 * * - POLLY AND HER PALS -By CUFF STERRETT ILL CALL A \ 1 TAXI vx/HILF- ] YOU HOP J i MTO >e?UR \ “THiMfiS. / "7 pA! --- ' _ J o ♦ MARINE NEWS V l1' V..-... Capt. Gibson Leaves Entire Estate to Widow SEATTLE, March 4.—Capt. J. S. Gibson, who died recently in Manila while on a Seattle Mission expedi-j tion, left his entire estate, value i undetermined to his widow, Corinne Gibson. The will has been filed forj probate. ,.4 A. M. Steamer Yukon, after taking on a full cargo of copper ore at Cordova, sailed for Juneau yesterday after noon and is due to arive here to-1 morrow morning about :i o'clock ac-! •ording to advices given 'out by Ag- j ?nt Willis E. Nowell, of the Alaska Steamship Company. FISHING BOATS IN The fishing boats Alpha, with 5,000 pounds of halibut and the j Celtic with a.uoO pounds of halibut, arived in port early this morning from the halibut banks. Neither boat had sold its fish early this af ternoon. Prices today are said to be fix and three cents. VIRGINIA IV IN PORT The boat Virginia IV. tender of the Chichagof mine, arrived in Jun eau this morning after making the regular run to Sitka any wayports in place of the mail and passenger boat Estebeth. The Virginia IV. wfTl leave at II o'clock tomorrow night, again on llic Sitka run and will put in at Chichagof. MINE TENDER HERE The American I. tender of the ^ 'iagg Hay Mining Company, arrived in Juneau this morning from the company property on Chichagof Is land. The boat will leave probably Sunday morning with supplies for the mine. be* buiiy* carpenter (mop for fobbing and Cabinet work. Phone UC. -*9» ■---■ I All Alaskan Trails End at | HOTEL ATWOOD | First Ave. and Pine St., Seattle i Popular Prices—Nearest to Everything. TED TAYLOR, Prop. |---■ ■-’ -- ■ I | MRS. W. E. BATHE PLAIN SEWING AND ALTERING Phone 2703 or 288. ■ AUTOS FOR HIRE Carlson’s Taxi Stand—Alaskan Hotel PHONE SINGLE 0 Day and Night Service. ■---■ 1 Visit * I SITKA HOT SPRINGS I Kates $3.00 Per Day and Up Dr. F. L. Goddard, Prop. ■ - - * i • --■ * BERRY’S TAXI ; Caretul and Efficient Service PHONE 199. 1 Office Next to Gastlneau Hotel | BERRY’S TAXI ■ -——■ 1 Covich Auto Service T | Juneau, Alaska Day and Night Service. | PHONE 444. |. Stand In Front of Arctlo JOHN COVICH, Prop. B-,-■ * Lakich Taxi f | SERVICE DAY AND NIGHT Stand in Front of Jnnean | Booms j Phone 4772. ■- -1 k LIGHTS AND COLORS BE KNOCKOUT EFFECT AT FIREMEN S DANCE An entirely new and novel design of decoration will greet the guests attending the Nineteenth Annual Hall of the Juneau Volunteer Fire Department to be given tomorrow night at Klks hall. To tell too much would spoil the pleasure of the surprise In store but enough to say there will be lights, and lights, myriads of them and the effects of tie varied colors are going to be beautiful and fantastic and more than that, artistic. In short the ball room may remind one of a spot, say somewhere near Forty Second and Broadway, or again perhaps, and by contract, a beach cafe on a moon lit night. To add to the effect the Alaskans will give a program of dunco music in keeping with any mood tie- guests may feel and to do this they will play a variety of numbers, the ever popular fox trot, the syncopated trots, md one steps, the near jazz waltz and the waltz music dear to the true dancer of the step. The programs will lie nltieliv' in the department colors of red and black and containing tli > g oup pic ture and the names of tli ■ m inborn of the department will bo i lever souvenirs of the event. Tbs Fire Boys, each and every one, will be a special committee to 11end to tlie pleasures of the guests, rio y will be easily located by their uniform dress of blue will) Hie long white ties and are anxious that any one they may assist in any way does not hesitate to rail on them. Invitatioil to the dance is extended to the residents of (iastineuu Clian uel and n special invitation is ex tends dto the members of the Ter rltorial Legislature and out of town guests who are visiting in the city. Dancing will start promptly at o'clock and there will be 21 num bers. WHO'S WHO I 1 AND WHERE | E. II. Sherman, deputy l S. Mar shal at Tenakee, arrived in Juneau last night on the Virginia IV < n of ficial business. W. A. Eaton, manager of the t'lagg Bay Mining Company operations on Chichagof Island, arrived here this morning on the mine tender Ameri ca I. Mr. Eaton came in for supplies for the mine and expects to return there about Sunday. While here lie is a guest at Hie Hotel Zynda. Jack Tritt, Alaska representative of the Mill & Mine Supply Co. of Tacoma and Mrs. Tritt are in Juneau ■ ~T * FIRST CLASS DRY OR STEAM CLEANING | CAPITAL DYE WORKS C. Mcldner, Professional Cleaner and Dyer. Phone 177 | ■—--- ■ ■ FERRY SCHEDULE | Leave Juneau tor Douglas, Tread well and Thane. •f:10-a.m. tD: 15a.m.5 *12Nooo t 2:00p.m. t3:15p.m. MiSO-p.m 6:15p.m. 7:30p.m.fl 9:40p.m 11:16p.m. 12 Midnight 1:00a.m.: Leave Douglas for Treadwell ant Thane. •T:3ia.m. tl2:16p.m. *4:46p.m 9:66p.m. l:15a.m.t 6:30p.m Leave Treadwell for Thane. •7:30a.m. *12:20 Noont •4:60p.m.' Leave Thane for Treadwell, Dougla and Juneau. 8:10a.m. *12:35Noon 6:06p.m Leave - Treadwell for Douglas ant Juueau 8:26a.m. tl2:50Noon 6:20p.m ' 10:00p.m. 1:20a.m.| 6:36p.m Leave Douglas for Juneau. 8:30j-..m. t9:30a.m. t512:66Nn 2:15p.m. *:30p.m,t 6:25p.m 6:40p.m. 7:45p.m.1 10:55p.m 11:30p.m. 1:26a.m.t t—Freight will he accepted. I—Douglas only, t—Saturdays only. •—Than a. f—Saturdays only. Juneau Ferry & Navigatioi Company • -—--'i l and are guests at the Gastineau Ho- [ tel. At the Gastineau. H. F. Preston, W. W. Gifford, Sea-1 ttle; C. Ieonard, Chichagoff; M. I). ] Berry. City; II. G. Watson, Jack Tritt and wife, Tacoma. At the Zynda. . W. A. Eaton. E. II. Sherman. At the Alaskan. James Faester, Fairbanks; Clin ton Brooks. C. S. N.; Edward Anil-; ! erson. Chichagoff; Geo. H. Mullin, j i Tacoma. Jury Soys Guilty, I Innocence Proved « By Kindly Judge I NEW YORK, March 4 A Judg* ^ acting in the guise of attorney for ,the defendant, today proved a con- y ! victed man to he innocent. As a result, Edward Whalen. h"ld 1 to lie guilty of robbery -nirl fa n't a ^ if8-year t rni, Is a f:-<e men ! Three weeks ago. a- Whalen was ] being led out <f .Del George W. Mart ii'i Couil held to he guilty of (having i to i n .' i in jewelry, he . , , I m , ( xc'a ’n"d;. "I swear before Cod 1 am inno cent." Judge Marin heard the remark and delayed imposing his" sentence II Then he Investigated the case and M ]learned that Abraham Dubroff. jew- E lolor, who said he was robbed, wuis a H former convict and was under sur- L jveillance xif police as a "fence,” I The Court said: "The lnvestiga- | tIon showed that Dubroff did not I have in bis shop anything like the | id,500 in jewlery lie said was stol (». It was established that Whalen] 'was in Elmhurst, E. I., at the time H of the robbery was alleged to have 01 taken place in Brooklyn." [I* -—^- |P SEATTEE, March 4. — Funeral ri arrangements lor Seymour E. Col- p well, pioneer merchant of Seward' w jand Seldovia, who died recently ln li the north, and whose body was f< [brought here last night by his[ei I widow, are being made today. la ,--:-r^^n~r= Steamer Movements I NORTHBOUND. I ADMIRAL WATSON due to ar- | rive Sunday. SCHEDULED SAILINGS I VIRGINIA IV sails for Sitka and wav-ports at 11 o'clock tomor- | row night. PRINCESS MARY scheduled to | to sail from Vancouver jt 9 j o'clock tonight. ALAMEDA scheduled to sail from Seattle March 7 at 9 a. m. SOUTHBOUND SAILINGS , YUKON scheduled southbound | about 3 o’clock tomorrow i morning. ADMIRAL ROGERS due south j bound tonight at 10 o’clock. ALASKA scheduled southbound about March 10. -ft NOTICE iO MARINERS A - rangell Strait Rock Point Ruoq. , reported missing February 27. 25. will b.i replaced as soon as act icabie. Frederick Sound l’ybus Bay Mld lannel Rock Buoy, HS, retorted it of position February 20, 1925, will ■ replaced as soon as practicable. By direction of the Commissioner Lighthouses, W. C. tyibrell, Super tendent. _- . —.-- 9 Tides Tomorrow igh Title 9:33 e in. 13.1 ow Tide 3:35 a. m. 0 0 igli Tide 10:50 p. m. 12.4 nvv Tide 4:10 p. m. 2.0 iitcrnationally Known Crook Finally Arrested WASHINGTON, March 4. The ate Department has been inform I that Gen. Itanion de Santa Clara, ternationally Itnown as a Spanish isoner, lias been arrested in Mad d after 50 years police hunt. He ised as an imprisoned bankrupt ith a fortune being withheld from ill. lie was offered various sums r assistance, principally from Am irans whom lie wrote, and reaped fortune. I ALASKA MEAT COMPANY Wholesale and Retail Butchers PHONE 39 SEWARD STREET \--' I tiiiiiiHiMiiiMiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiTuiiiTuiiiuiiiuiiiiiiuimtiiiiiiiL | FIRST NATIONAL BANK 1 i OF* JUNEAU 1 = ■ '•<*, ' 1 J ’ _ k' 1 : = t = rays 4 per cent on Savings Accounts j?iiiiiiiiiiiHiuiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiimiiiiiiimiiiiiiiij - ■» Dua Dua Lt.Seattle Juneau NB Juneau SB tROGERS . Feb. 1 Feb. .4 •WATSON .Feb. 4 Feb. 8 Feb. 19 tROGERS ..Feb. 11 Feb. 15 Feb. 18 X tROGERS .Feb. 25 Mar. 1 Mar. 4 •WATSON .Mar. 4 Mar. 8 Mar. 17 tROGERS .Mar. 11 Mar. 15 Mar. 18 t—Calling Haines, Skagway and Sitka, returning to Juneau Southbound. *—Calling Yakutat, Cordova and all Westward points, also calling Hyder northbound. C. C. NICHOU, Arent OUT t. MOTH, Afoti Phone i Phone 18 Dougina, Aleak*. Pacifui Coastwise Jciviee ^ADMIRAL LINE aiBFrOTEBOTffiRM « ALEXANDER. PR CGI 15CI IT 3S&&S3Sltt? ----; _ . --- ALASKA STEAMSHIP COMPANY I SAFETY — SERVICE — SPEED SAILING SCHEDULE FOR MARCH Southwestern Alaska Route Leave Due Juneau Seattle Northbound Southbound YUKON Feb. 2? Feb. 25 Mar. 4 ALASKA Feb. 2S Mar. 3 Mar. 10 •ALAMEDA Mar. 7 Mar. 10 Mar. 17 NORTHWESTERN Mar. 1 1 Mur. 17 Mar. 24 *—('alia- Petersburg north and south bound. Southeastern Alaska Route ! JEFFERSON Mar. 10 Mar. 23 Mar. 23 ALAMEDA Mar. 25 Mar. 20 Mar. 31 WHEN YOU THINK ALASKA xHINK ALASKA STEAMSHIP CO. W. E. NOWEL, XtrENT JUNEAU, PHONE 2. L. W. WILBURN. AGENT DOUGLAS. PHONE 453. -———— ---- ■ m t tEOR PRINCE RUPERT, VANCOUVER, SEATTLE Leave Juneau Southbound— - PRINCESS MARY ■ March 9th, 19th, 30th. \ Transportation issued to and from all Eastern Cities of the United * States and Canada and to Europe and the Orient. W. L. COATES. A^ent, Juneau* l__ _ V i ! FOR WESTWARD ALASKA POINTS S. S. “STARR” leaves Seward on the 10th of each month calling at all points as far west as Unalaska. SAN JUAN FISHING AND PACKING CO. 'v G. C. HENDERSON, Agent, Seward, Alaska. V. ' •— 11 i • __|_;’ V ■■ ■■>. . * ty . t % . ^ MATT ROAT FOR PETERSBURG AND WAY” PORTS— m/vii-i Taku Harbor, Snettlsham, Speel River, Sum Dum, Windham, Gatnbier Bay, Pybus Bay, Brother Island, Five Finger Station, Fanshaw, Farragut Bay. Leaves Monday at midnight. Takes freight until 10 o'clock j Monday ‘morning. RAMSTEAD TRANSPORTATION CO. ~ A-—7—i . » H—m ■ -1-1-j 1 } J. : : ! ‘i I