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THE ALASKA DAIS Y EMPIRE “ALL THE NEWS ALL THE TIME” VOL. XXV., NO. 3828. JUNEAU, ALASKA, SATURDAY, APRIL 4, 1923. MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS PRICE TEN CENTS CANADIAN RDM RDNNERS CONVICTED CHAPMAN FOUND GUILTY; IS TO HANG JUNE 22 . ! Criminal Lxtiaordinary Con-; vie ted of Murder of Police Officer. HARTFORD. Conn. April 4. — Gerald Chapman, spectacular mail bandit, jail breaker and criminal extraordinary, was convicted of the murder of Policeman James Skelly, in New Britain, Conn., on October 12 and lie was sentenced to hang June 25. The jury was out a little over 11 hours. Chapman, who acted as his own counsel, received the verdict un- j flinching!)', with Ills frail body erect, and his striking head held High, his eyes straight ahead. Gaston B. Means Is Indicted for Forgery, WASHINGTON, April 4.—Gaston B. Means was today Indicted for forgery in connection with the Dau gherty investigation by the Senate. He pleaded innocent and was re leased on $1,000 bail. • Secretary of War Weeks Passes Restful Night _______ i WASHINGTON, April 1 Secre tary of War Weeks passed such a restful night that physicians did not call until late this forenoon. ■ ♦ ♦ Anniversary ot World Flight to Be Celebrated SEATTLE, April 4 The cele bration next Monday of the anniver sary of the start of the world flight will he a feature by a program and luncheon at Sand Point with Erik Nelson, one of the flyers, guest of honor. -» ♦ »-— Bullet in Lung of Man Calls for Investigation SEATTLE, April 4.—The widow has demanded an investigation into thedeath last Wednesday of Harold V. Mooring, Federal Prohibition Agent. The autopsy disclosed a bul let had contributed to his death, "having been found in the left lung." The bullet is the same calibre as that carried in the pistol of William M. Whitney, Assistant State Prohibition Director, who was with Mooring when he was wound ed on September 23 in a fight with Elmer Todd and "Gypsy” Smith, Cosmopolls bootleggers. Mrs. Moor ing said her husband requested that tlie mystery of his death ho clear ed up. --• ♦ ♦ Private Capital to Be Invited by Soviets MOSCOW, April 4 The Council of Labor and Defense has decided to Invite private capitalists to cu ter trade In Itussia after finding that government control of trade and Industry is a failure. It is also announced that the Gov ernment has instructed the Finance Commissarat to prepare a hill to reduce taxation on private capital. The Government will take steps to strengthen national commercial firms and promote activities of co operative organizations. The budget provides 10,000,000 rubles for this purpose. - ♦ ■ - Coolidge Selects Man As Minister to China WASHINGTON. April 4. — John Van A. McMurrav, Assistant Secre tary of State, has been selected to succeed Sehurman as Minister to Peking. Quizzed in McClintock Death j I _ ...........-.■ ■ - ■. :»■-.. iHP^ J 0 nAXHDSW,. A'-W WATT,? ATTK Vf.VY Kb’J KafX^EI/ .. I Mrs. Jam*s 0. Davidson ami Miss Ruby Teel, of Albuquerque, New j Mexico, acquaintances of Mr. and Mrs. William D. Shepherd, the former under indictment for murder in connection with the mysterious death i of William N. McClinlork. the •'millionaire orphan,1’ whose estate Shep herd inherited, were questioned in Chicago by States Attorney Harry 1-evy, regarding their knowledge of circumstances leading up to the Illness and death of young McClintock. DODGE FORTUNES WILL BE SAVED DETROIT, Mich., Aprn~T" TJBiTRe Brothers representatives said the sale recently of the Dodge Brothers Motor Company, was necessary for “conserving the fortune created by the late John F. Dodge and Horace E. Dodge.” NEW YORK. April 4.—The Dodge heirs indicated they will reinvest a lurge share in I lie purchase price in the new company formed by the Dillon, Read and Company. NEW YORK, April I. Two un successful bids, one of $124,GOO,000 ••ash and another for • $140,000,000 combined cash and securities, were submitted by the General Motors for (lie Dodge Brothers. The amount winning the bid is said to involve a transaction between $150,000,000 and $170,000,000. Seventy Men Dropped In Cage, Krupp Mine ESSEN. April 4 At noon today, 63 of the 70 men who were in a cage that fell at the Krupp mine nearby, were accounted for. Twi were killed, three seriously injured. 43 slightly hurt and 15 were un harmed. The four storied cage piling ed down the shaft when the guai broke. Ute Medicine Man , Sentenced, Murder CORTEZ, Colo. April 1 Mormon Joe, aged I'te medicine man, today pleaded guilty to second degree mur der and was sentenced from 20 to 25 years in the penitentiary for beating a Mexican fellow prisoner to death. The Mexican upbraided Joe for burying a baby alive on a charge of which Joe was jailed. PASADENA—A live foot wall of water rolled do\\n Sawpit Canyon which forest fetes re'-ently devastat ed following 1.7 inches of rain fall. Hundreds of chickens were drowned. ------— 90 Girls Sacrifice Tresses To Japanese Superstitution TOKIO. April 4.-Miss Tsune Kar asumoto. a maiden of Kuehikiinura. recently offered herself as a sacri fice to be buried alive in the foun dations of the new temple to "be built near the imperial tombs in Momoyama. Tradition says that some 30 years ago a girl of Tokio was at her own request interred in the central pillar of Asakusa Tem ple, and the popular belief Is that her sacrifice saved the edifice from the earthquake disaster of Septem ber, 1023. Times have changed in Japan, however, and Miss Tsana's offer was refused, so she and 8!t other maidens of the town offered their tresses Instead, and these will lie under the cornerstone. The temple is to house all the imperial rescripts of which the late Emperor Meiji Tenno was the au thor and the building material is being supplied hy the villagers of the vicinity, each of whom will fell one perfect tree and carry It to the site. THREE GERMAN PARTIES UNITE “"BERLIN, April 4.—Tlio Centrists, i Democratic and Social Democratic parties have nominated Wilhelm Marx as Presidential candidate and J it is now freely predicted that with the three parties agreed on one can didate. the nominee will have a plu rality in (lie presidential election to be held on April 2G. BERLIN, April 4. Otta Braun, former Socialist candidate for Presc ient, has been elected Premier of Prussia. BERLIN, April 4.— Former tier man Crown Prince will try to refute Germany's war built in his hook: "1 Seek the Truth" the manuscript if which has been finished. It cov are a period from 1870 to 1914. Nu merous official documents appear. BERLIN, April 4 —An effort has been made to persuade von llinden burg to accept the nomination of the National Bourgeons for the President election because it is doubted whether Karl darres can defeat Wilhelm Marx, candidate of three parties combined. Aviation in Austria Reports Good Year VIKNNA. April 1 Aviation In Austria experienced considerable de velopment in tile past year. The number of flights recorded on the routes Viennu-Munch, Vienna-I’rague and Vienna-Hudapest increased 30 per cent, and the mileage flown was greater by fiO per cent. The carriage of passengers showed a like increase, while the transporta tion of goods doubled. The distance flown by the various companies last year over Austrian territory was equivalent to 14 times around the world. The opening of new routes, namely Vienna-Berlin, Vienna-Cra eow and Vienna-Trieste, are in con templation. No Funds, Cathedral May Be Forced Close i LONDON, April 4.- The poorest 'uthedral in Christendom is South wark cathedral, according to the Bishop of Woolwich. There is practically no endow | menl. the bishop explains, and the ! leans, I lie sub-deans and canons were not paid a single penny. The cathedral is in a pool locality and for 12 years the windows have not been cleaned because of lack of fi nances. The organization faces bankruptcy. WASHINGTON—A new kind of an accident was reported today when an airplane was wrecked lighting on the deck of the airplane carrier Langley off San Pedro. No body was hurt. BOTH BRANCHES OF LEGISLATURE DEFER BUSINESS Mark Time m Irxlay’s Ses sion — Only 22 Working Days of Term Remain. With four members of the House and three Senators absent on an in spection trip to tbe Pioneers' Home at Sitka, both the House and Senate marked time in the Legislature to day. The sessions in both branches lasted but a few minutes No new hills were introduced and adjournment was taken when the daily calendars were reached. It is not expected that any business of importance will tie undertaken by cither branch before the members return from Siting aipj resume their regular duties next Tuesday. lint 2fi more days of the leginln tive session remain and four of these arc Sundays, leaving 22 work ing days. In the 34 days that have elapsed since the session opened only three hills have been enacted, all of which have been approved by Co*. Hone and become law. All of tliesc were appropriation hills, one a de ficiency covering wolf and eagle bounties, another supplementing secool appropriations for the past biennium und the third supplement ing old age pension funds. Many Bills in Committee Forty-two hills have been Intro duced ,111 the House. Three of these have passed both branches, nine oth ers have been passed by the House and sent to the Senate, two failed j of passage and one was withdrawn. Six House bills are pending action on the House calendar. Various committees of the House have 21 I measures before them for study and report. The Fisheries Committee lias six i of these as follows: Nos. 2 and i i3. by Haul, abolishing the Territor !ial Fisli Commission; No. 20, Crier, i (strengthening the Territorial Fur I [farming law; No. Ill, l’aul. Impos ing taxes oil fish taken In traps; No. 34, Crier, for importing 101k in I to t he Territory. The Committee on Elections, Elec tion Laws, etc,, lias four hills in i its charge. No. 1, Crant, Literacy Test: No, 2, Crier, Literacy Test; (Continued on Page Eignt.) ■ 1 ^ • ♦ ■■ SAILING ORDERS GIVEN TO FLEET — I SAN DIEGO. April I The great eat fleet ever assembled on the I pacific Coast, has lieen ordered to | sail from Kan Francisco on April II and will arrive in Hawaiian wa ters not later than April 20. APPROACHING ’FRISCO A HOARD C. S. S. SEATTLE AT SKA. April 4. The United Stales Fleet, occupying a semicircular area over 32 miles ill diameter, is ap preaching Sail Francisco in cruising formation with Hags of Iwo Ad mirals, one Vice-Admiral and seven Hear Admirals flying. It is Hie mightiest concentration of American seapowcr ever in these waters. Hart Joins in New Movie Organization | HOLLYWOOD. April 4.—Chairman I Sehenek, of the United Artists, to jday announced affiliation of William 'll. Hart with Douglas Fairbanks. Mary Pickford. Charles Chaplin. Norma and Constance Talmadge. and Itudoiph Valentino. ENGLISH TEACHERS VISIT AMERICA THIS SUMMER LONDON. April 4—A number of scholarships for British women teachers have been announced by j the Education Committee of the English Speaking Union, in carry jing out its policy of providing faoili |ties for British and American teach jers to visit the respective countries. ] One of these is the Page Travet (ing Scholarship, founded last yeur I in memory of the late American ! Ambassador to Great Britain, the I holder of which is invited to spend | her summer holiday in the United States as guest of the Union. The visitor may study any aspect of American life in which she is in terested. Two other scholarships include six weeks in the United States wth special privileges of the New York State Summer Chautauqua to be held in July and August. I Baron 0. K.’s Flirting; Wife Sues 1 B/HaOMBSS9 DE, The conviction that an passing lovo affairs of a Fr nance of Helen Tennyson, l separation papers she has fi' whom she asked $260 a weei later remarried him. Now t her a French husband could SAYS ELLINGSOi | GIRL SUFFERINl EGO, TESTIMONY KAN FRANCISCO, April t Dr. Fred Clark, Superintendent of the I Ktute Asylum for Insane, at Stock ton, testified late yesterday in the Dorothy Elingson case to determine her mental condition, said she “was like a piece of wood or steel which may run all right for a while hut go to pieces under a strain.” He said the jazz girl suffered from dementia praecox, which in inflated ego, due to failure to use punishment when she “fiew into tantrums as n child” and which increased as she grew older. I Publicity for World Court to Be Launched WASHINGTON, April 4. - A special publicity campaign for early ratification by the Senate of (lie World Court proposal, will be launched by 13 memberH of the or ganization of the World Court, com posed of women, about the latter part of this month. Intercollegiate Sports Are Bitterly Denounced COLUMBUS. Ohio, April 1. Prof. II G Marlin, of Purdue, cutis tically denounced Intercollegiate ath leties at a dinner last night of the Ohio College Association anil said Intercollegiate sports was on a pro fesslonal basis and the homecoming of football elevens from games was made Hie occasions for liquor drink ing and other debauches. -• * • i France Adopts New Policy for Its Navy - j I PARIS, April 4. ‘•While England | land the United States are dividing themselves in supremacy on the seven seas, France bus proclaimed adhesion to the principle of tin freedom of Hie seai:. and abandoned the bleu of building up a high sous' fleet" said Senator Itekerguzeo, of i the Navy Committee In traducing the naval budget. KELSO, Wash. A petition for the recall of Mayor Todd has been filed with 671 names, only 03k being required. SEATTLE—Frank II. Mitchell, 67, prominent timber cruiser, was killed yesterday when two gasoline speeders collided near Granite Falls. ■- —■ LOW.„o ON WALL STREET ARE EXPLAINED NEW YORK, April 4. — News paper:! throughout the country pub lishing daily New York money rates on call and short-term loans, often are asked by readers where they can get Rome of the money Wall Street In loaning at, say four per cent when local banka are asking six. A leading metropolitan banker here offers in reply that this lower priced money Is not available to tlie general banking public. It is put out under special conditions (Continued on Pag* Six.) CONVICTION IS SECURED OF 10 IN QUADRA CASE Sentences Immediately Pass ed Following Return of Verdict, Liquor Case. SAN FRANCISCO, April 4.—-Fed eral Prohibition authorities declared today that the verdict of the court lust night in convicting ten and ac quitting 34 of the Canadian steamer Quadra defendants, established a precedent in fixing guilt of inten tional offenders and exonerating crew members. Within 10 minutes after the ver dict of guilty in connection with the Quadra, which was seized Octo ber 12 off Golden Gate, with liquor valued at $250,000 the Court sen tenced Vincent Quartaro, San Fran cisco agent, and Charles H. Belang er, of Vancouver, director of the 'ensoiidated Importers, to two years 'avenworth, and fines of $10,000 >t. Ford, master, was sentenced > years and lined $1,000. First Mate was given 13 s at Leavenworth, the second 10 months In a jail in San tco, Chief Engineer lined $500 uir operators of lightering •s eight months in a San co jail. Statute Discovered; ;avy Sentence Is Given IT LB, Apr.i I -Discovering tatute reducing tho minimum m:c for grand larceny, Judge Ronald, lias resentenced . ive to 15 years, Stewart ly, bookkeeper, who entered of guilty to stealing $16,000 him by suburbanites to pay eriff Matt Htnrwirh reported to that hacksaws were found in mnas taken to the jail for Brock ■ y and he beJieved they were In itided to free three prisoners awalt ng extradition in the N'anaimo bank robbery, one being a cellmate of Brockway. Starwich said a girl had been smuggling in saws and he believed she was agent for a group of Chi cago robbers to whom T. S. Johnson, cellmate of Brockway belonged. Fred Stimson, of Seattle, Reported Fled from State SEATTLE, April 4 — Fred F. Stimson, son of the late Fred S. Stimson, wealthy lumberman and dairyman, has fled from the State after three charges, one for drunk en nets, another for reckless driving ami tho third for driving while drunk. A suit has also been died for $25,000 damages by Juanita White, calling herself a dancer and model, for Injuries received on ac count of Stlmton's car hitting an other, hitting a tree and mounting to a sidewalk last Tuesday. Japan Plans to Build Twenty-two Warships TOKIO, April I The Japanese Navy Department announces plans for the construction of 22 warships with a total tonnage of 121.'JO. JEAN l)E RESKE, FAMOUS OPERATIC TENOR, DEAD NICE, France, April I. Jean Du Iteske, operatic tenor, died here late yesterday afternoon. For a number of years Jean de Rustic was the leading tenor of the Metropolitan Opera Company, New York, and as such occupied with opera-goers a popular place similar j to that held hy the late Enrico I ! Caruso. lie had attained success j Inn the opera stage In all the prin-j iiipal cities of Europe before coming tio this country and with his brother. J ! the laic Edouard de Iteske, basso. hared the honors of being the principal attraction on the European opera stage. Although his reportory was a long one and included the tenor rides j of all the operas sung In his ting?! in Europe and America, it was said that de Iteske’s greatest delight was in singing Romeo in "Romeo et Juliette," for which he was famous a generation ago. He was almost jas popular iu Lohengrin and Vasco ilo Gamma Made Debut as Baritone Do lluake's debut in opera was as a baritone and as such ho ap peared in several European cities. When M. Sibrigliu heard him he at once recognized the possibilities of Do Iteske as a tenor and advised | him to cultivate the upper range of his voice. The singer abandoned the stage for two years to study under bigriglia, and at the Madrid in December 1879, made his debut as a tenor in ihe role of "Robert le Diablo.” His success, according to critics, was more pronounced than that which attended his prev ious appearance as a baritone. He continued to sing tenor sulos with such satisfaction that Massenet com posed “Le Gid" especially for him with de Iteske in the title role. Later Gounod superintended the re vival of "Romeo et Juliette" in (Continued on rage Seven.)