Newspaper Page Text
/ Classified Ads ■-1 l THE EMPIRE IS THE MEDIUM Through which the general public can always have its wants supplied. Closing time for classified advertisements: 2 P. Ms Closing time for disjWay ad veitisements: 11 A. M. Ten cents per line first in sertion. Five cents for subsequent in sertion. Count five average words to the line. -1 FOR SALE FOR SALE- At cost Lone Star Bil lard Hall, 211) Front St. FOR SALE Two room house turn ished or unfurnished on scow 12j 30 near Green House. J. S McGrew. FOR SALE One five passenger Brougham style car reasonable, California Grocery. —--—. FOR SALE one silver gray wild fox skin. Us a beauty. Inquire J. S. Harris, near Grandma’s Kitchen, Willoughby Avenue. FOR SALE $5,000 boat for $2,000; length 4 2 ft; beam 12 ft; gooi for cannery tender, seine or hali but fishing; fully equipped. In quire of Jack McDonald, 1‘hone 415. FOR SAi-r, une ilorse, cheap, Guar anteed to work anywliere. See I). U. Feuuner. /Oil SALE — Makery and Coffee House.. Centrally located Juneau. Good business. Owner to engage tv farming. Also 1924 Stude l.aker touring car splendid con dition. Inquire 27 38 Empire. Foil SALE—House, four nice rooms newly furnished, bath, Majestic range. Peete Sarto, r>2!) Park Ave. one block above Kennedy. FOH SAKE One 30 ft. gas tioat and one 28 ft. gas boat, both ful ly equipped. Inquire it. E. Hen son Co., 188 Front St. Full SAKE—The greatest bargains ever offered in used cnrB. LIB ERAL TERMS. Connors Motor Co. LOST ANDFOUND FOUND Near school house, lady's small gold watch. Owner can have by identifying same and pay ing for this ad. at Empire Office. WANTED VOUK canvas work solicited. Uout covers, awnings, any style, a epecialty. 1 make anything out of canvas. W. D. Brown, Front Street, box 181. ____ FOR RENT FOR RENT — Kuril, steam-heuted single or double rooms. Tel. 2734. Feldon Apartments — 1. 2 and 3 roum apartments, fully furnished, l’hone 28G. FOR KENT—2, 3 and 4 room apts. furnished. Cliff Apts., H, G. Welch, Phone 209. FOR RENT — Furnished and un furnished houses. 132 6th St. PHONOGRAPH for rent. Phone 143. PIANO FOR RENT—Phone 143. MISCELLANEOUS CARD READING at 333 weBi Bin St. on Tide Flats. PALMIST—Come and have your for tune told from your hand. Work business, marriago and the futun foretold. 302 Front St. B—. 4 NORTH TRANSFER P. BATTELLO, Prop. Coal and Baggage,Moving,Storage STAND: At Geo. B. Bice’s Shop Phone 34. P. 0. Box 896, Juneau, Alaska. B— ----- - 1 Study the store ads—and lear: about those new things which ar shown for the first time today. Bundles of old newspapers nt Th Empire, 25 cents a bundle. Simple Mixture Best For Constipatioi Simple buckthorn bark, magni Blum Btilpli. c. p., glycerine, etc., a mixed in Adlerida, is excellent fc ccnstliction. It often works in on hour or less and never gripes. Th pleasant and QUICK action of th: efficient intestinal evacuant wl surprise 3Tou. Adlerlka helps an case gaj on the stomach, unless dii to doop-Beated causes. Often n moves matter you never thought wi Jn your system. V POLLY AND HER PALS ~ ~ " - By CUFF STERRETT ' 9 , — ' " r-n 'fk MARINE NEWS V I > - - - - STEAMER JEFFERSON ON WAY TO JUNEAU SEATTLE, April 16. Steamer Jef- ' ferson sailed at. D o’clock this morn- * ing for Juneau and wayports with j 125 passengers the following for Ju neau: E. 1). Wetzler. Mrs. L. Ham ilton and child. VIRGINIA IV LEAVES. i - j The mail and passenger boat Vir- j ginia IV., Oapt. Tay Bayers, left Juneau at lo o’clock last night for Cliichagoff and wayports. Passen- | gers leaving this port were: For Cliichagoff A. Nyman, E. Els-j 'man, Ed McArthur, E. A. Mcilamil Ion, Lewis Johnson. A. Matins, Pete, Mandervicli. Mike Pieeli, A. J. Trent, | ,Oscar Olson. Frank Ituvlch. and A. I Black. For Port Althorp Mrs. E. Axel. For Hoonoh II. II. Pryde. MOTORSHIP OREGON IN JUNEAU WITH CARGO I - I The Motorship Oregon, of the In-1 'dependent Steamship company, was ■in port yesterday from Seattle with a freight cargo for Channel points. The ship had general merchandise | I for Juneau and coal for Douglas and left here in I lie afternoon to make cannery calls cnroute south. The Oregon is in command of leapt. Julius Johanson. formerly of jihe Alaska Steamship company. Jo 'hunsoii relieves Capt. Edwards who jlvas been transferred from the Alas |ka run. The personnel of the ship's icrew is new this trip. | Capt. Johanson is well known as jan Alaskan navigator. For some jtime he was master of Ihe steam jship Alameda and was recently mas tier of the freighter N'abesna. ' NORTHWESTERN TOMORROW. ! The steamship Northwestern is due to arrive in Juneau at 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon from tlie west ward enroute to Seattle. The North western left Cordova al 11:30 o'clock last night according to advices re ceived here today. 1 -»-»•♦ «-----r Tides Tomorrow i.-—-• i High tide7:58 a. m. 13.2 |Eow tide 1:59 a. m. 5.0 ■High tide 9:22 p. in. 13.G i Eow tide 2:45 p. m. 1.1 AUTOS FOR HIRE THE 82 TAXI PHONE 82 Day and Night Service DRIVERS: I Jimmy McCloskey, Frank Wright i i : . =; Carlson’s Taxi ] | Stand—Alaskan Hotel I I PHONE SINGLE 0 Day and Night Service, i, a * “ a i a-a i| Visit i SITKA HOT SPRINGS j Rates $3.00 Per Day and Up Dr. F. L. Goddard, Prop. 1—---B I BERRY’S TAXI * I | Careful and Efficient Service | PHONE 199. 1 | Office Next to Gastlneau Hotel j BERRY’S TAXI ■-a e ---■ -:-:-■ Covicli Auto Service Juneau, Alaska Day and Night Service. 1 PHONE 444. Btand In Front of Arctic JOHN COVICH. Prop. e . * ■--■ t Lakich Taxi y SERVICE DAY AND NIGHT e Stand in Front ot Jnnean i- Rooms 3 Phone 4772. a ■ ■ a ^--, I ^ I Steamer Movements | | NORTHBOUND. QUEEN due to arrive Sunday. PRINc ESS MARY due Sutur day night or Sunday. JEFFERSON clue Monday. | SCHEDULED SAILINGS i ESTEBET1I will sail for Sitka | and way ports at 11 oclock tonight. YUKON scheduled to sail from | Seattle April IS at it a. in. ADMIRAL WATSON scheduled to sail from Seattle April 21 I at 10 a. m. | ADMIRAL ROGERS scheduled to sail from Seattle April 22 at | 10 a, in. ALAMEDA scheduled to sail from Seattle April 22 at it a. in. | VIRGINIA IV. sails for Clileha- | goff and wnyports at 10 o’c loc k next Wednesday night. | SOUTHBOUND SAILINGS , NORTHWESTERN scheduled to sail southbound at 2 o'clock j next Wednesday night. ADMIRAL EVANS southbound | about April 20. ALASKA southbound about Ap ril 21. m0$m# Henry Mossersclunldt nut Juneau m the steamship Admiral Rogers for the states lo be gone several weeks. T. S. Elsemore of (lie Rank of Petersburg left on the Rogers for his home. He was in Juneau sev eral days on a business trip. Oscar F. Hart. Alaska representa ive for Neustadter Bros., left on he Rogers on a business trip to the southern district. J. J. Meherin, of the brokerage irm Olson and Meherin. passed thru Itineati on the Rogers on a business rip to the southern district. Jtev. it. J. itivitt. pastor of the ’reshyterian Church at Wrangell was i passenger on the Admiral Rogers rom Sitka for his home. He went o Silka to attend the meeting of he Presbytery of Alaska this month. A. A. liurafrey, local broker, pass 'd through Juneau on t lie Rogers rom Sitka going to the southern owns on a business trip. H. T. Tripp returned to Juneau on he Estebeth from Skagway where te has been on a business trip. W. It. Singleton, fox farmer from he Iloonah District, is in Juneau on t business trip. Major E. M. Maddox, in command it Cliilkoot Barracks, came to Ju teau on the Alameda to be here sev sral days. Mrs. M. Malcolm, representative of t Seattle firm of clothiers, returned o Juneau on the Alameda from a justness trip lo Skagway and Haines. II. F. Preston, representative of he National Grocery company re lumed on the Estebeth from Haines where he has been on a business trip. ALL ABOARD FOR WHITEHORSE ALMA LEAVES JUNEAU Approximate MAY 22 Fare for the Round Trip $15.00 — Bookings accepted now. Let’s Go.—See Later Announcements Juneau Ferry & Navigatioi Company YAGATAGA OIL FIELDS WILL BE DEVELOPED General Petroleum Corpora tion Signs Contracts and Will Begin Drilling. (Continued from Pago One.) three miles west of Icy Bay on the Manley and Bydii'k claims to the Itv'ch 2'tnI Ross claims just cast of White River. Robert W. Wiley is a well known Northern mining man who has been active in the Interior and in the Rainy Hollow country. For the last three years he has devoted his time to working out plans for the develop ment of the Yakataga oil field, as the representative and one of the owners of the Yakataga Oil Company. John I). Hull, who worked with Mr. Wiley in interesting the General Petroleum Company, is of the Alaska Development Syndicate, a common law trust, which holds three claims located by M. J. Sullivan, Dr. W. II. Chase and Kdgar J. Davis. Interest ed with them are G. A .Iaivensaler, the well known mining engineer, and Maurice 1). Leehey, the Seattle lawyer, well known throughout Alas ka. This syndicate has often been referred to as the "Sullivan Syndi cate, ” on account of the activity of Mike Sullivan, one of the directors of the new company, in its organi zation, etc. Robert VV. Wiley, head of the Ya kataga Oil Company, which was in corporated under the Alaska laws over a year ago, is credited with socurlng the interest of the General Petroleum Corporation in the propos ed development. He got the General Petroleum President, Capt. John Barneson, who is now Vice-President iJnnd General Manager, Interested and their company made the contracts. Dan Nolan, chief geologist of the General Petroleum Corporation, very strongly supported the proposals of Mr. Wiley, and lie was also support led by Dr. A. G. Maddren, who wrote |the first report on the Yakataga field for the United States Geological Sur j vey when he was a member of that j [organization. Dr. Maddren is now in j , private practice, and is ot'len consult-j led by the General Petroleum Corpora-! I Don. John D. Hull of the Alaska Devel-j [opuient Syndicate cooperated with | | Mr. Wiley, and is credited with hav-j ling rendered good service in getting, [the General Petroleum interested In' I the project. j The U. S. Geological Survey has i [always looked with great favor upon I the Yakataga Field, and has con tended that all the indications point ed toward its being rich in possihili-1 ties. -— INFORMATION WANTED. The Vice Consulate of Norway at Juneau lias requested that the Ju neau and Ketchikan papers publish tlie fact that information is wanted [about the whereabouts of Eerling Hansen Myrhaug, alias Ed Moors, [horn at Kyrhaug, near Tromos, Nor i way, October !(, 1895. COURT OFFICIALS LEAVE I A. G. Sliotip, U. S. District At torney, Walter I!. King, chief deputy In the office of the clerk of tile court and Mrs. I,. Botsford. of the office of the district attorney, left Juneau on the Admiral Rogers for Ketchikan to attend tlie spring term i of court which opens there this | month. WOMEN OF MOOSEHEART LEGION MEETING. The Women of Mooseheart Le gion will meet Thursday night at ! 7:30 o'clock in Moose Hall and ad journ in time for the card party which starts ut 8:30 o’clock. MRS. ADDIE M’KINNON, —adv. Secretary. Dry seasoned mill wood, 16 inch length. Juneau Transfer. adv. Bundles of old newspapers nt The Empire, 25 cents a bundle. BLACKSMITHING Blaeksmithing is not merely hammering a piece of Iron. It requires a man with years of experience coupled with an absolute understanding of metals. Our blacksmith department has just such men. HARRI MACHINE SHOP Plumbing, Heating, Sheet Metal Work, niacksmithing. Location: Rear of C. W. Young Company Store. Phon,e 319 iV ftlim Leaves Juneau City Dock every Wednesday linTnU V|I|P night 10 o’clock for Hoonah, Excursion fflUIUn Olllr Inlet Canneries, Port Althorp, Apex-El Nido, Hirst-Chichagoff. Chichagoff and way UIDPIMI A Ilf ports, carrying passengers, freight and mail. VlnlimlA IV Freight received at City Dock until 3 o’clock day of sailing. Ticket Office Alaskan Hotel, _ i , SEWARD FISH CO. H.i i H111 ii iiitii iiTiTiTTi iiiiimiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii = = = E = r = = E E — • •mm mm I 1 1 I — mm - ~ 1 I E E 'I J = = i § = t = = I I 1 rai i | | First National Bank § OF JDHEAU | II Pays 4 per cent on Savings Accounts | ?imii!miiiiiummiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiimiimmiiiiiii:iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirc ^ ; % •, . * * »« « •* v a ' . \ . r .. 1 -----•> Due Due Uv.Seattle Juneau ND Juneau^B •QUEEN .April 15 April 13 April 20 tWATSON .April 21 April 24 May 8 8ROGERS .April 22 April 26 April 27 •QUEEN .April 23 May 3 May 4 t EVANS .May 5 May 8 May 22 *—Qu£en not calling Sitka, calling Haines and Skag way returning to Juneau southbound, t—Watson calling Yakatat and all points West. t—Call all points West except Yakatat. § Rogers calling Si'tka but not calling Skagway, re turns to Juneau southbound. C. NICHOLft, Agent UUT u. mmSTR, Aft* Phone i Phoan 11 DooglM. A lank*. Pacific. Coastwise Jerrice ^ADMIRAL UNE ■KmnH ■> AUXANDER PRESIOEI Iimm^ C STEAMSHIP COMPANY SAFETY — SERVICE — SPEED SAILING SCHEDULE FOR MARCH Southwestern Alaska Route Leave I>ue Juneau Seattle Northbound Southbound NORTHWESTERN .April 4 April 7 April 10 ALAMEDA .April 9 April 12 April 14 ALASKA .April 11 April 14 April 21 JEFFERSON .April 16 April 20 April 20 j YUKON .April 18 April 21 April 28 ALAMEDA^ .April 23 April 26 April 28 NORTHWESTERN . . April 25 April 28 May 6 JEFFERSON .April 30 May 4 Muy 4 WHEN YOU THINK ALASKA THINK ALASKA STEAMSHIP CO. W. E. NOWEL, AGENT JUNEAU. PHONE 2. L. W. KILBURN, AGENT DOUGLAS. PHONE 453.__ — ■ ^ tFOR PRINCE RUPERT, VANCOUVER, SEATTLE Leave Juneau Southbound— PRINCESS MARY April 20th, 20th; May 11th, 21st; June 1st. Transportation Issued to and from all Eastern Cities jf the United States and Canada and to Europe and the Orient. W. L. COATES, Agent. L---— INDEPENDENT STEAMSHIP CO. 1 OF ALASKA MOTORSHIP OREGON LEAVES SEATTLE FOB JUNEAU March 26, April 15, May 6, 28, June 17. For Rates Call Up Phone 79. j. e. McAlister, Agt. __ .. FOR WESTWARD ALASKA POINTS S. S. “STARE” leaves Seward on the 10th of each month calling at all points as far west as Unalaska. . ' ; ~'*YV*q** SAN JUAN FISHING AND PACKING CO. O. C. HENDERSON, Agent, Seward, Alaska. I l.....■■"■■■ .. ' .■ I I II I ■ .1 1.^1 .. ■ I ^ ' t \ % r j Bi 1II Dn B T Leaves Monday at 11 p. m. for Haines. Skag MAIL DUAI wftyand way p01^ 1 Leaves Thursdays at H p. m. for Sitka, stop- j COTCDCTU ping at Tenakee Springs and other way LU I COL I n P°rt For information see Dave Honsel, Phone 444. Freight accepted nntil 12 noon, day of sailing. .. * * ‘I U ■' '"■uyfW i \ . • j