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Newspaper Page Text
I | THE EMPIRE | IS THE MEDIUM Through which the general public can always have its ; wants supplied. Closing time for classified | advertisements: 2 P. M. Closing lime for display ad vertisements: 11 A. M. Ten cents per line first in sertion. Five cents for subsequent in sertion. Count five average words to the line. —-■ FOR SALE FOU SAI.K Electric washing ma chine. Inquire Smith the Painter. FOR KENT Furiiislieil lions- In quire .Mrs. II. P. llrnson's resi lience. FOR SAKE Automobile, (Sandler, four passenger roadster. Inquire J. F. Mullen. FOR KALE — 7 room two story house. Inquire Empire. FOR SALE American Itakery and Coffee House, opposite Coliseum Theatre, (live me a bid, 1 want to engage in fur farming. FOR SAI.K Standard make piano, sweet, toned, also Fuller shower ba'.li brush cheap, never used. Phone 18ii5. FOR SAI.E One 30 ft. gas boat and one 38 ft gas boat, both ful ly equipped. Inquire 11. E. lien- i eon & Co., 1S8 Front St. FOR SALE—Tlie greatest bargains ever offered in used ears. LIB ERAL TERMS. Connors Motor • co. ; FOR SALE bargain llirsch prop erty, No. 110 2nd St Price for quick sale $3,000. See 11. R Shepard & Son. , WANTED WANTED Man for janitor's and other work; leave word at The Em pire. WANTED Male stenographer, 35, with legal and business college education wishes position in Ju neau. Two years experience in law office and with business firm. Am employed at present, hut wish position with opportunity for ad vancement. Local and Seattle re ferences. Empire Ull YOUR canvas work solicited, boat cove ib, awnings, any style, a specialty. I make anything out of canvas. W. I). brown, Front Street, box 181. FOR RENT ! Full KENT Unfurnished house 7 rooms model n. line mile north of Juneau on Glacier Highway. ln tjuire J. F. Mullen. FOR. RENT a room furnished apartment -121 1 ^ 7th St. l’hone1 2004. j FOR RENT—Newly painted single and 2 room furnished apartments j also clean cosy furnished cabins at $5 per month. SEAV1EVV APARTMENTS. FOR RENT Furnished si am heat ed single or double rooms. Mrs. S. P. Raymond. Phone 2734. Feldon Apartments — 1, 2 and 3 room apartments, fully furnished, l'hone 280. FOR RENT—2, 3 and 4 room apts. furnished. Cliff Apts., H, G. Welch, Phone 209. FOR RENT — Furnished and un furnished houses. 132 Cth St. PHONOGRAPH for rent. Phone 143. __ PIANO FOR RENT—Phone 143. MISCELLANEOUS CARD READING at 322 West 8th 8t. on Tide Flats. PALMIST—Come and have your for tune told from your hand. Work, bualnesa, marriage and the future foretold. 302 Front St. LOST AND FOUND LOST—Between school building and telephone exchange, white gold wrist watch with name "Verna" engraved. Phone 99. ~ gee Sully s Carpenter Shop for Jobbing and Cabinet work. Phone 130. _a<1V Study tne store nos—und learn about those new things which are shown for the nrst time today. ■ —-■ north transfer p. BATTELLO, Prop. Coal and Baggage,Moving,Storage STAND: At Geo. B. Bice’s Shop Phone 34. P. 0. Box 896, Juneau, Alaska. I----» N tA Ij POLLY AND HER PALS By CLIFF STERRETT HOW KIM AMVBUDDV/ f OUR ECOMOMIC LI^T E-.m TO POSiTiOm is STROM© ER SECh TRASH HAM EVER. THE; -' ^ ~~ T ' PEDERAL RESERVE \ BANKS - > ^ I o i) ^ _ ■AMD YOU ADP 1 \ PTJUAJX5 OP BUTTER J ApjXS A PIAJCM OF \ LET'S HAVE ) A CA/-4CE, ) b&rt y New Safety First at Sea Radio |~jpirwiREt ,F:s'l:ouiPpf- vU fi.;0A7 ‘.w^ Photo shows Donita Castlegrand as she signals to the bridge of the H. S. Orbita to lower away—and the Ortita’s radio-equipped lifeboat takes to the water. This lifeboat is the first of its kind and is a ne» departure in safety first at sea. Thore Is a specially trained crew to operate the portable radio which, in case of ucciuent to the steamer, would at all times be able to maintain communication with rescue ships. ! Tides Tomorrow ; a-■ High li(U* R:00 n. in 1! .2 | Low lido 2:15 n in ' High tide It: 15 |i. in. 1:: 2 iLow tide 2: '.7 p. in ::.o P. L. WILSON WANTED. Inquiry lias entile to the Hover nor’s office for information eon leertiing l’hillili Long Wilson, horn land raised in Farmington, Missouri, now about 50 years of age, and who , is thought to have come to Alaska : about the year 11117. Information ; is desired by bis aged moth's . Any facts concerning him hotild lie sent I to the Hovernor’s office. NOTICE. Mrs. Mack wishes to announce ! to her friends and patrons site will , tie at the American llcnuty I’arlni from il to 0 each day. —ac'v AUTOS FOR HIRE i INTO GRAY HAIR Daikons Beautiful).? and Restores Its Natural Color and Lustre nt Once. Common garden ease brewed Into a heavy tea, with sulphur and alco hol added, will turn gray, streaked and faded hair beautifully dark anil luxuriant. Mixing the Sago Tea and Sulphur recipe at home, though, isj troublesome. An easier way is tol ■i t the ready-to-use preparation im proved hy the addition of other in-, gredients a largo nuttlo, at little cost, at drug stores, known as Wyeth’s Sage and Sulphur Com pound." thus avoiding a lot of muss W hile gray, faded hair is not sin ful, we all desire to retain our youthful appearance and attractive-; or. ■ P,y darkening your hair with Wyeth’s Sago and Sulphur Com pound. no one can tell, because It •lues it so naturally, so evenly. You must dampen a sponge or soft brush with it and draw this through your hair, taking one small strai-d at a 'inn-; hy mi rning all gray hairs ia\ > disappeared. After another no plici.tion or two your hair becomes oeautifully dark, glossy, soft and luxuriant and you appear years younger. (Advertisement) dr. w. e. mulhollan returns lias opened his dental office over First National Bank. —adv. ALL ABOARD FOR 1 WHITEHORSE ALMA LEAVES JUNEAU Approximate I MAY 22 ! Fare for the Round Trip $15.00 — Bookings accepted now. Let’s Go.—See Later Announcements —_ r. Juneau Ferry & Navigation Company TUG SINKS IN HEAVY SEA; 3 | MEN ARE LOST Captain Claims Passing I Steamer Could Have Saved All Aboard. , SEATTLE, May 1. A dispatch to' flic* Sealtle PoBt-lntelliiToncer from 1 I Aberdeen says Samuel Anderson, (’aptaiii of (he lug Ityhn, declared the* Etna Maru passed within ;t him Idled feel from where the llylni mink (yesterday in heavy yens off Grays (Harbor and prohobly could Iiuve i ]saved nil lives hy lino ring llie boats. I j Three members of the crew of the] II ug were drowned. ( Tile Captain of the Rina Muruj lias wirelessed that the heavy seas Iprevented him launching his life | ' iionts. | __ DID EVERYTHING POSSIBLE. ! 8KATTM3. May 1 A dispatch to llm Times said the officers of the Grays Harbor Stevedoring company' declared the Rtna Maru did every | tiling possible to save the tug. Captain Meland of the Luke Fran Cis criticized the Ktna Maru. saving! if it had lowered bouts all men ! I aboard the lug could have been j saved. SCHOONER RAMMED AND SUNK; 4 OR 6 MEN ARE DROWNED — HALIFAX. May 1—Four or six J .non are report! tl to have drowned | this afternoon wilt ti the schooner 'ape Dor sank off Nova Scotia. The steaunr Clackatna rammed her. Old papers for sale at The Empire. DON’T TAKE Ol R WORD FOR IT! Examine our gas tanks carefully and then compare with others First of all, note the distance between rivets; then nee how splash shields are fastened. Inspect the seams and •breaks.” Last, | but not least, come in our shop and let us show you what sort of metal we use. It costs more than ordinary metal but when you see how the galvanizing sticks you’ll be willing to pay the difference. HARRI MACHINE SHOP Plumbing, Heating, Sheet Metal Work, Iilacksmlthing. Location; Hear of C. W. Young Company Store. Phone 319 ' ■■■■•[> Alim Leaves Juneau City Dock every Wednesday* MflTflK \MIM night 10 o'clock for Honnah, Excursion? IllU | Rll Onil inlet canneries. Port Althorp, Apex-Ell j Nido, Hlrst-Chichagoff, Chlchagoff and wayj 1/IDPIUI A |\f P°rts' carrying passengers, freight and mall.* V mhlillA IV Freight received at City Dock until 3 ■ llivillin ■■ O'clock day of sailing. * Ticket Office Alaskan Hotel, _ _ r SEWARD FISH CO. » £IIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIItllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll|||||||||||||||||||||||||£ I Whateveryou fadn I M'aa. ~ *'em i mm mm = s I THB ' | First National Bank | | or jinmv | | Pays 4 per cent an Savings Accounts ftiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiumiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuLiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiis l'.' I I I \ Steamer Movements I I NORTHBOUND. ' QUEEN due Sunday. | JEFFERSON due Monday. I | SCHEDULED SAILINGS | ESTEUETfI will nail for Skag way and way ports at II o' clock Monday night. ALASKA scheduled to sail front Scuttle tomorrow morning at It o'clot k ADMIRAL EVANS scheduled to I | sail front Seattle May 5 at | j Hi a. in. I j ADMIRAL ROGERS scheduled to sail from Seattle May (lilt, . at 1(1 a. m PRINCESS MARY scheduled to nail from Vancouver May (i, j j at !i p. m. ALAMEDA in hcduled to sail front j i Seattle May 7 tit it a m Yl'utiX scheduled to sail front j | Seattle May 0 at b a. 111. | I VIRGINIA IV sails for Chlcha- j j golf and wavporls til 10 o'clock | next Wednesday night, i i SOUTHBOUND SAILINGS i i ADMIRAL WAI’SON due south- | hound about May K. NORTHWESTERN southbound | about. May 0. II ' QUEEN LEAVES KETCHIKAN. Steamer Queen sailed from Ket chikan at .'{ o'clock this afternoon for Juneau and way ports. If no cannery calls are made onrouto, the steamer can arrive here tomorrow night. — .—♦ ♦ -- ESTEDETH LEAVES. The mail and passenger boat Er toheth, ('apt J. V. Davis, left port at 11 o’clock last night for Sitka any wayporst: Passengers leaving Juneau were: For Sitka—F. W. Haynes. For Tenakee—Andro Holm, For Killisnoo Mrs. Mary Willis. GOLDBERG IS ILL. Lester Goldberg is in St. Ann's Hospital suffering from an attack of lumbago His condition is some what improved today. r . ' ' -- Due Due Lr.Seattle Juneau N'H Juneau SB tQI’BEN April 2!» May 3 May 5 :: EVANS May 5 May X May 23 * 110(1 HUS May « May 10 May 13 WATSON May it ♦Qf'EEN May 13 May IT May 2u SWATSON May in May 22 June ii * —Calling Haines, Skagway and Sitka, returning to Juneau Southbouml. J— Evans calls at points west except Vakatat. S -Watson calls all points west Including Yakatat. *—Queen not calling Sitka this trip. ; '• 0. JlCHOLi, Agust GUI Ju. MOTH, AfMf p“** « Phoaa II DougUa, AlukA. Pacific Co&stwiso Service ^ADMIRAL LINE ■RanHOBHBlHO ALEXANDER PREGIDEMTIOnMnHH -_-_ « □ ■ -- STEAMSHIP COMPANY SAFETY — SERVICE — SPEED ILING SCHEDULE [western Alaska Route Leave Due Juneau Duejuneuu Seattle Northbound Southbound YUKON .April IS April 21 April 28 AhAMHDA April 23 April 26 April 28 NORTHWESTERN . . April 25 April 23 May 8 JEFFERSON .April 30 May 4 May 4 ALASKA . May 2 May 5 May 12 YUKON . May 0 May 12 May 19 JEFFERSON .May 14 May IS May 18 NORTHWESTERN May 16 May 19 May 27 When you think alaska think Alaska steamship co. W. E. NOWEL, AGENT JUNEAU, PHONE 2. L. W KILBURN, AGENT DOUGLAS, PHONE 453. ... - -- . -■—~ '—-- — - - ■—« tFOR PRINCE RUPERT, VANCOUVER, SEATTLE Leave Juneau Southbound— PRINCESS MARY May 11th, 21st; J^ne 1st. Transportation issued to and from all Eastern Cities it the United States and Canada and to Europe aud the Orient. W. L. COATES, Agent. ------J INDEPENDENT STEAMSHIP CO. OF ALASKA MOTORSHl'P OREGON SAILINGS FROM SEATTLE May 18—June 8. 28—July 18—August 7 For Rates Call Up Phone 79. J. x. McAlister, Agt. ^- _-J --- .. ' ■ .... r ‘ " - ■' ' ' FOR WESTWARD ALASKA POINTS S. S. “STARR” leaves Seward on the 10th of each month calling at all points as far west as Unalaska. SAN JUAN FISHING AND PACKING CO. Q. C. HENDERSON, Agent, Seward, Alaska. - --—- i J MAIL BOAT F0R PETERSBURG AND WAY PORTS-. " Taku Harbor, Suettlaham, Speel River, Sum Hum, Windham, Gambler bay, Pybue Bay, Brother Island, Five Finger Station, Fanshaw, Farragut Bay, Leavea Monday at midnight. Takes freight until 10 o'clock Monday morning. RAHSTEAD TRANSPORTATION CO. s' ■ - Haul I MAIL BOAT swrAi? ‘ Thursdays at 11 p. m. for Sitka, «top EvTuDCTII pjBg at Tenakec Spring and other tU I [DC III P°rt- For information see Dave HonSCl, Phone 444. height accepted tttS IS BOOS, day of sailing. ' . .. .- •