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Image provided by: Alaska State Library Historical Collections
Newspaper Page Text
BRINGING UP FATHER By GEORGE McMANUS 1/ HOUSES FOR SALE TWO RECENT LISTINGS Five rooms each and both nicely situated. Both furnished. One in the Casey-Shattuck Ad dition near the Governor’s House on large lot for $2700. $1000 cash. The other close in with fine marine view and southern ex posure. Price $2000. $1000 cash. ALLEN SHATTUCK INSURANCE—REAL ESTATE 1 _t ~ —, , ... , ~-' FIRE ALARM CALLS 1-3 Third and Franklin. 1-4 Front and Franklin. 1-5 Front, near Kerry Way. 1-6 Front, opp. Film Exchange. 1-7 Front, opp. City Wharf. 1- 8 Front, near Saw Mill. 2- 1 Willoughby at Totem Croc. 2-3 Willoughby, opp. Cole Barn. 2-4 Front and Seward. 2-5 Front and Main. 2-6 Second and Main. 2-7 Fifth and Seward. 2- 9 Fire Hall. 3- 2 Gastinean and Rawn Way. 3-4 Second and Gold. 3-5 Fourth and Harris, 3-6 Fifth and Gold. 3-7 Fifth and East. 3-8 Seventh and Gold. 3- D Fifth and Kennedy. 4- 1 Ninth, back of power house. 4-2 Calhoun, opp. Juneau Apta. 4-3 Distin Ave., and Indian St 4-5 Ninth and Calhoun. 4-6 Seventh and Main. 4-7 Twelfth, at Northern LVlry. 4-8 Twelfth nnd Willoughby. ^4-9 Home Grocery. JUNEAU TRANSFER 1 COMPANY j Moves, Packs and Stores Freight and Baggage. ‘ Prompt Delivery of LADYSMITH COAL Phone 48 . .— 1.11 HI It'll. *1 | v;hat WOOLD ( A b'C. Btekk with | VOO like to . the 'word"welCOME" i Eat a,i;r-5 (_J >h MvjbEi room^i oh j |T • But i m under, DOtTORb ORDERS bO BRING ME A c,UA-bb ^ OF- MIUK ^H' <s l cracker 5 " look at 1 | flow John let me THAT poor ‘bEE • ORvrsc, IME bOOP ■ MOT-HE'b J SOME Rl*bH- A 0*0 __ TOO LATE ^TEAk • POTvo^j PER. A, J ONIONS-TEA. r——) DOCTOR: I AKin C * 925 by I nt l Fcature Service Crcat Britain rights resrived . n C ~~~~~\ voora. NooertTE I DON'T | I'bN T VE^ J tHINS U.L C.OOO Tooxw.P H^VE ^ *J OEVsE^T -1 COAST LEAGUE !S TRAVELING; NEW SCHEDULE For the most part, the clubs of the Pacific Coast League were trav eling yesterday and will open this afternoon on the following schedule for this week: Seattle at Vernon. San Francisco at Sacramento. Los Angeles at Salt Lake. Portland at Oakland. >. " GAMES YESTERDAY. Pacific Coast League. Vernon (J; Sati Francisco 1. National League. Boston - Chicago postponed , wet grounds. Philadelphia - Pittsburgh postponed, ruin, two games today. American League. Chicago 0; Washington 8. Detroit 4; Boston 7. Cleveland 1 : Philadelphia 2. St. Louis 19; N< w York Id. STANDING OF THE CLUBS. Pacific Coast League. W. L. Pet. Sail Francisco 24 9 .727 Salt Lake . 20 1.3 .606 Seattle . 17 16 .515 Los Angeles IS 17 .514 Oakland .... 15 17 .46 9 Sacramento . . 15 19 .441 Portland 13 18 .4 19 Vernon 11 24 .314 National League. W. L. Pet New York 14 6 .700 Chicago . 11 8 .579 Cincinnati 10 9 .526 Brooklyn 10 10 .500 Philadelphia 10 11 .476 Boston . . 9 12 .429 St. Louis . 8 12 .400 Pittsburgh .7 11 .389 American League. w. L. Pet. Philadelphia . 15 5 .750 Washington 13 7 .650 Cleveland 12 8 .Go i Chicago . 14 10 .583 St. Louis . 11 14 .440 New York . 7 13 .350 Boston . 7 14 .3 33 Detroit .. 8 17 .32(1 LADIES ATTENTION. Miss Hobiri son at Mrs. Baker's Beauty Shop if giving during this month student marcels for 50 cents, 25 cents extra for bob curl. Make an appointment with us this week for a paper curl. We specialize in them. adv, EARL COOPER IS WINNER OF BIG AUTO RACE CHARLOTTE. N. C, May 12. Earl Cooper won the 2."o mile automohile race on the new Charlotte Speedway yesterday. Harry llartz wu ■ sec ond and Tommy Milton, who set the pace over half of the way, was third. Forty thousand auto fans witness ed the race. Cooper’s time was two hours two minutes and fifty-five seconds. Coo per won the $ltl,0U0 purse. Reggie Johnson was catapulted thru tlie fence during the !(4th mile, lint was not seriously injured. BRAZTLL KEEPS ON HITTING 'EM b—. FRANCRCO, May 12. Fran Brazil), of Seattle, retained th • lead in the Pacific Coast League 1 ist week with an average of .4-15 and gain 20 over the figures of a week before last. ——■ ■«. - Juneau Chapter No. 7, O. E. S , will meet in regular session Toes May 12 at S p. m. Business meet ing. Visiting members welcome. MARY WESTON. W. M.. FANNY I ROBINSON, Secretary. —adv. See Rally's Carpenter Shop for Jobbing and Cabinet work. Phone 136. —adv. MAKES HOMER BASES LOADED TODAY'S GAME PHILADELPHIA, May 12.—With the score t to 1 in the sixth of the first game of the double header to day, Pitcher King of the Philips homered with two on. Eldridge was liitching. Pittsburgh lost the first game today by 5 to 8. RAILROAD EMPLOYEE DIES. I). M. MeCambridge, baggageman on the Alaska Railroad, died sudden ly last week in the baggage car of bin train while enroute from Anchor age to Fairbanks, llu was last seen alive near Honolulu station, while walking through ike train. Three (liiarters of an hour later his dead body was found in the baggage car. M( Cambridge is survived by a widow and two orphaned children, residing in Anchorage. DR. W. E. MULHOLLAN RETURNS lias opened his dental office over First National Hank —udv. il 1 j WE SOLICIT YOUR COAL' AND j TRANSFER BUSINESS j I R. & M. Transfer I * i i 152 Front Street | j Phone 294 ' SATISFACTION OUR AIM SERVICE OUR MOTTO El) RYAN BOR MURPIIY THE JUNEAU LAUNDRY __ _ Franklin Street, bewteen Front and Second Sts. Phone 359. ALASKA MEAT COMPANY Wholesale and Retail Butchers PHONE 39 SEWAED STBEET N—- / —— ‘ ---- “ Qlw im i[ Tnnn WHITE ARROW Cord Come in now anil let us show you the famous Hood tread. It will pay to know, whether your tire needs are immedi ate or future. JUNEAU MOTOR CO. Phone 30. CJt the Sign °J the *HOOD* Seruice Man THOUSANDS HAVE KIDNEi TROUBLE AND NEVER ♦ SUSPECT IT Applicants for Insurance Often Rejected. Judging from leports from drug gists who are constantly In direel touch with the prbllc, there is ont preparation that has been very suc cessful in overcoming these condi tions. Tlie mild and healing influ ence of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root ir soon realized. It stands the hlghes' for its remarkable record of suc cess. An examining physician for one of the prominent Life Insurance Companies, In an Interview of the subject, made the astonishing state ment that one reason why so many applicants for insurance are rejected is because kidney trouble is so com mon to the American people, and the large majority of those whose applications are declined do not even suspect that they have the disease. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is on sale at all drug stores in bot tles of two sizei, rredfura and largo. However, if :’ou wish flrtt to test this great preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bing hamton, N. Y„ for a sample bottle. When writing be sure and mention this paper. (advertisement) A Grand Prize * I Eureka I b- FREE/ during your spring / housecleaning ' ThuT*fiZZ$2 removed) proem the ef ficiency of the Eureka "high vacuum" prin ciple of cleaning. In homes where ordinary . mo tor-driven brush * cleaners, commonly known as electric car pet sweepers, have been in use some time, this test will produce startling results. This great National Educational Offer, for a limited time only, gives every woman a wonderful opportunity to gain relief from old-fashionedclcaningmethods. This Free Offer Good For a Limited Time Only Write, phone or call at our store today and we will immediately deliver a new high-powered Eureka light to your door, and leave it for you to use just as if it were your own. There is no charge for this service, and you can learn from daily use, just how swiftly, easily and thor oughly the Eureka performs every cleaning task. Then if you wish to own the Eureka, pay only $4.75 Down—Balance Ea*y Monthly Paymentt I We are authorized to offer you, i for a limited time only, a special low payment of $4.75 down, and unusually easy terms. But you must accept this offer at once, as our supply of Eurekas is limited, and the first come will be the first served ! The Coats Electric Co., Inc. I I PHONE 24 and I I QrTl/\nt You Had Better Read This Ad. O A • for Your Own Protection PLUMBING, HEATING AND SHEET METAL WORK BY SKILLED j MECHANICS—YOU MUST BE SATISFIED. j WOODARD & NEWMAN ' * PLUMBING SOUTH FltONT ST. SHEET METAL WORK [ Phone 373 Reg. Phone 1401, 1203 M’GAUL’S GARAGE x OP^N FOR BUSINESS , ! All kinds of auto repair work. We have the men, the tools, the facilities and the ability. All work guaranteed. We solicit your patronage. Call ns, Phone 571, or bring in your car. * ' I .>■ PROSPERITY I The prosperity of any community depends very largely upon the by the many Individuals and Institu tions forming the community. There can be no lasting prosperity or genuine progress In the life of any community without honest cooperation between all elements that in any way affect the com mon welfare. So It Is with Alaska. No one section of this great land can ■ prosper for long at the expense of any other section; all construe- , tlve efforts must be so coordinated thut hut one outcome will result—Cooperation; and Cooperation means Prosperity It la the constant aim of The Alaska Railroad tc at all times render such service as will best serve the citizens of the entire Terrltory # Department of the Interior ^ I* The Alaska Railroad ! (Mt. McKinley Park Route) Anchorage Alaska Special Week-End Tickets (one and one-third actual *'• (are) on sale at all ticket offices. » Watch Him Go Alter It Let him drink all he wants. It will do him good att our milk Is absolutely pure and fresh. There Is nothing better for children or grown-ups either, for that mat* ter. Let us leave you a quart or two each morning. Our cows have been free from tuberculosis for 1 tour years. _ M . Juneau Dairy i PHONE 145. | PROSPERITY IS HERE] Help Make Alaska Grow Own a Home—Build Now Spruce Cement Hemlock Brick Fir Fire Clay Iron Bark Lime Oak Hay ! *. Shingles Grain *** Boat Lumber j| JUNEAU LUMBER MILLS ■i' ‘ -—