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THE NOME NUGGET GEO. S. MAYNARD. Editor Published Monday, Wednesday, Friday, by The Nome Publishing Company, Nome, Alaska. Subscription Rates Payable In Advance. Delivered by carrier in Nome, Little Creek and Sunset Creek, for $2.00 per month. By mail postage paid out side of Nome and vicinity, $1.50 per month. Entered in the Post Office in Nome as 2nd Class Matter MEMBER OP ASSOCIATED PRESS rROTECTION FOR THE FRONT DOOR OF AMERICA The recent outrages on Ameri can lives and property in China by the Japanese, much as they were professed to have been ac cidents, naturally bring to the front again Alaska's strategic position on the Pacific rim in re lation to that aggressor nation. It has been pointed out that it is possible for Japanese planes to span the Pacific and give their military a foothold in America’s “front door” in the space of a few hours. Although highly im probable, the last bit of Japanese savagery makes us wonder how our own Uncle Sam feels about the same thing. It seems, however, he has got ten the jump on us in that re spect, for apparently without much to-do and with a minimum of fuss, the navy department has a naval airbase for purposes of protection well established in Al aska. Brief news items have mentioned seaplanes hopping to Sitka but the real significance of the flights was recently brought out in two editorials in Seattle papers. “Wings Over the Pacific” in the Seattle P.-I. says: * * * “The navy department's deci sion to establish year round head quarters at Sitka, Alaska, is wel come evidence of vigorously broad ened national defense policies. “Seattle has previously noted, with interest, the dispatch of squadrons of naval planes from Sand Point, to Sitka. The importance of the Wash ington pronouncement is two fold. “It indicates that our govern ment is determined to give this nation the protection it deserves, despite objections from any oth er country. “It indicates that the naval command recognizes the necess ity of giving its personnel year around training in North Pacific waters, instead of confining its visits to the period of sunny sum mer weather. "Japan has no right to feel that our protection of our own terri tory is a hostile gesture. “The United States many years ago gave up its right to fortify the Aleutians to gain Japan’s ad herence to naval limitations. “But the treaty covering this bargain has expired. Japan did not want to renew it. And no reason now exists why the Unit ed States should not proceed to a sensible protection of its shores. "The Post-Intelligencer, on num erous occasions, has pointed out the necessity for peace time op erations by navy ships and navy planes, in the North Pacific on a year-around basis. ‘The fleet maneuvers in the North Pacific, now scheduled for next February, will provide train ing for warship personnel, under the conditions that would be most likely to be met if a hostile fleet should ever seek to attack these shores. “The training of naval flyers at Sitka is an important and grati fying extension of these defense plans. “It should be followed by pro vision for a permanent naval base, probably in the Aleutians, and the early establishment of an army air base in the interior of Alaska. The Original Customer: "I notice you’re us ing chicken in your chicken salads.” Manager: “Yes, the price of pork and veal has gone up.” The Irish Of It Casey—Ye ought to apologize to the lad. Cassidy—That’s fair enough. Oi’ll apologize, but if he accepts me apology I’ll knock his block of! ! MIROW AIR SERVICE Connecting Seward Peninsula With The Coast Cities F airban ks-Anchorage-Valdez Dependable, Fast, Equipment For Your Personal Taste!! Here is one of the many brilliant coiffures designed by Phyllis. It is to be seen at my Salon.—Watch This space for future announce ments. PHYLLIS’ BEAUTY SALON Licensed Operator Located Over Polet’s Branch Store on Front Street Clegg Mentioned GOP Candidate Alaska Delegate JUNEAU, Jan. 19, (/P)—As a Republican candidate for Dele gate to Congress, Judge Cecil H. Clegg of Fairbanks is prominent ly mentioned by political leaders in Juneau following the Territor ial convention of the Republican party last week-end in the capi tal city. There still is evident some fric tion between the faction which is headed by A1 White, former U.S. marshal in the First Division, and which is in control of the machinery of the party, and the anti-White faction, but neverthe less both factions seem united for Judge Clegg as the party's con gressional candidate. Holds Record as Judge Judge Clegg was United States district Court Judge in both the Fourth and Third Divisions, and has the record for longer judicial service than any other jurist in Alaska’s history. He was prom inent in the practice of law at Nome in the Second Division be fore moving to Interior Alaska. He has a wide acquaintance in Juneau and other parts of the First Division. He is well known throughout Alaska. Would Unite Under Clegg In the opinion of republican leaders who attended the recent convention in Juneau, the repub lican party could be united un der the congressional candidacy of Judge Clegg. If he should file for delegate, his nomination in the republican primary is deem ed a certainty. His opponent in the election, of course, would be Delegate Anthony J. Dimond.who has announced he will be a can didate for re-election subject to the Democratic primary. Judge's Statement Judge Clegg, when informed of the sentiment of Republican leaders, said he had no intention of becoming a candidate for dele gate to congress. Federated tihurrli Rev. Vincent C. Widney, Pastor. Services for Sunday, Jan. 23. Church School, 11 o’clock. Evening Worship, 7:45. Sermon topic: “The New Cre ation.” All are cordially invited to worship with us. Eskimo Methodist Church Service 5 P. M. Cin e-Kodak EIGHT i of fan • |u| call in The Potter Studio & Scotch Shop Jamboree Takes Plaee Tomorrow Evening Jan. 22. The Home Arts Club, a group of 25 alert young women of Nome, has recognized the fact that the art of home-making sometimes leads on outside the home in or der to ensure the welfare and happiness of the family group. Seeing the need of a public play ground for the children and young people of the community, these women have initiated a program which should result in a well planned, adequately equipped, and carefully supervised Play Field. It is too much to expect that the project will be completed im mediately, but the campaign for, funds opens with a benefit Jam boree at the high school auditor ium tomorrow night. With the idea of providing an out-door base-ball diamond, tennis courts,' and safe equipment in a safe place where the young people may play through the long sum-j mrr days, the club is laying plans; for a series of benefits so that at least part of the equipment may! be ordered in time to come in on! the first boats. With every one helping a Play Field is assured. 1 Calkins’ Shoppe LADIES HATS GREATLY REDUCED THIS WEEK AT Calkins’ Shoppe j PIONEER WATER CO, BEST WATER. BEST SERVICE IN NOME A. POLSON. Mer. —PHONE BLACK 44— REMODELED City Cafe NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS Oriental Dishes, Chop Suey, Noodles—A Specialty Prepared serve parties on notice HARRY SAITO, Prop, YOUR INVENTIONS FRJFE valjiMr* bm>ks ouflinm,; patent procedure in seni upon request Nu obligation Write us today Uuf 61 years experience in councilin,; r»cn f C t S sl’Oll'd b I *j UP t< v C. A. SNOW /t CO. DEPT X-SNOW BUILDING WASHINGTON 0 f (By Hie A—octetrd Prase) The None Dally Nugget earriee leveral forms of printing blanks for your convenience — Dredge Logs, thawing and drill reports, Mining Deeds, Placer and Lode Location Notices. Vouchers, MINERS & MERCHANTS BANK of ALASKA NOME, ALASKA. ESTABLISHED IN 19M. GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS CONDUCTED Checking Accounts Carried For Those Who Prefer Paying By Check. Interest Paid On Time Deposits Gold Dust Purchased WE SOLICIT YOUR BUSINESS WALTER W. JOHNSON CO. S9I California St., San Francisco, California. Builders of Gold Dredges, Prospecting Drills, and Other Placer Mining Equipment TWO PASSENGER FLIGHTS ANYTIME TO FAIRBANKS OR ANCHORAGE Via CESSNA “THE MODERN AIRPLANE” CALL WIEN ALASKA AIRLINES. INC. NOME’S OWN DRUG STORE CAPPY McDOUGALL Our Aim—Satisfied Customers BOILER, MARINE, TRACTOR. ACETLYNE AND ELECTRIC WELDING MATERIAL STOCKED: SHAFTING, STEEL, BRONZE, BUSHING, BABBITT, ACCESSORIES. Prompt Attention to Local and Oat of Town Work Telephone Black lit NOME MACHINE SHOP W. L. SLACK AND SON. PROPRIETORS THE BOARD OF TRADE NEW LOCATION (Opposite The Dream Theatre) ARCTIC BEER PARLOR AND CARD ROOM Between Pioneer Drug Store And Dream Theatre Jack Solomon, Proo. Alaska Steamship Company S ERVICE-QN-RLL-RLRSKR-R0UTE5 SOUTH WI8TEMN HOUR Lem Dm Um ALL SAILINGS SUBJECT TO WATER FRONT STRIKE SETTLEMENT (Note: All sailings subject to change without notice) Joe Harnish, Agent Subscriptions Always Payable in Advance—But If you _ to save $2.00, pay for six months subscription in advance—You p# lor five months and get the sixth month without