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Image provided by: Alaska State Library Historical Collections
Newspaper Page Text
THE NOME NUGGET GEO. S. MAYNARD. Editor Published Monday, Wednesday, Friday, by The Nome Publishing Company, Nome, Alaska. Subscription Rates Payable In Advance. Delivered by carrier in Nome, Little Creek and Sunset Creek, for $2.00 per month. By mail postage paid out side of Nome and vicinity, $1.50 per month. Entered in the Post Office in Nome as 2nd Class Matter MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS ON WITH THE DANCE Several million Americans will join with the President and his family in a happy celebration of his fifty-sixth birthday on Janu ary 30. At the same time they will give perhaps as much as a million dollars toward the alle viation of suffering and the at tack of science on infantile par alysis. The chairman of the na tional committee for the Presi dent’s Birthday Ball for the four th time, estimates that no fewer than five thousand parties will be given throughout the nation. Alaskans will keep step with others of the nation. Sourdoughs and Cheechaknes in the chief Northland centers will do their part—making merry simultaneo usly with Americans in Hawaii, Puerto Rico and other insular possessions. Americans in tail coats, Sunday suits, wind-breakers, pierrot cos tumes, sweaters and overalls: beardless boys, men in the prime of life, war veterans, bewhisker ed granddads, the high school bas ketball team; Fifth Avenue soph isticate and mid-western farm hands alike, wrill twirl the ladies in a waltz, entrance them with a rhumba or the big apple or stomp their way elegantly through a Virginia reel. American women, dowagers, sub debs, school teachers, the girls from the five and ten cent store where you meet the million dol lar princesses, the Junior Leag uers, artists' models, the ladies of the Browning club and the girls from across the railway tracks, they will be "among those pres ent” at the President’s Parties. Whatever their costumes whether Chanel’s d.rnier cri or a "take me home for $10.95", they will be in themselves sufficient reason for a celebration. The President’s Birthday Ball this January, as in past years, will be an American gesture, na tional in scope, altruistic in pur pose and gay with the spirit of a young and generous people. POPULATION OF ALASKA BT RACES The following statistics on the population of Alaska were taken from the 1930 census. However, since that year many people have come to the Territory to live, and the next census will undoubted ly show a much larger total pop ulation. Population of Alaska 1930 Census Total Population .59,278 White .28,640 Indian . 29,983 Chinese. 26 Japanese... 278 'Negro. 136 ! Other Races. *215 : * Comprises: Filipinos.164 Mexicans.29 Hawaiians.11 Koreans . 11 Population By Districts First Judicial Division 19.304 Second Judicial Division 10,127 Third Judiial Division 16,309 Fourth Judicial Division 13,538 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given, that JOHN A. FALLMAN, has been appointed, by the Probate Court, for the Cape Nome Precinct, Ter ritory of Alaska, Administrator of the Estate of JULIUS KNUT SON, deceased, and all persons having claims against the said estate are required to present the same with proper vouchers, within six months from the date of this notice, to the undersign ed administrator in the city of Nome, Territory of Alaska. Dated this 6th day of Jan uary, 1938. JOHN A. FALLMAN Administrator of the Estate of Julius Knutson, deceased. Publish—Jan. 10, 17. 24 31 1938 MIROW AIR SERVICE Connecting Seward Peninsula With The Coast Cities Fairbanks-Anchorage-Valdez Dependable, Fast, Equipment ! For Your Personal ! Taste!! i i Here is one of the many i brilliant coiffures designed , by Phyllis. It is to be seen at my Salon.—Watch This space for future announce ments. PHYLLIS’ BEAUTY SALON Licensed Operator Located Over Poletfs Branch Store on Front Street Eiler Hansen Gives Report Xmas Fund The following is an accounting of the Pioneers' Home Christmas Fund, rendered by Eiler Hansen, superintendent, the letter having been sent to John Lichtenberg, with the request that he hand it to the Nome Nugigtt, and is here with published: On behalf of the Pioneers I thank everyone that contributed to their Christmas Fund. It is a generous and thoughtful act. To nearly all of my 182 men, it is the only cash they have for an entire year. Anyone that could witness the expressions of sincere gratitude of the recipients of this money would feel that their gift was worth while. It would be wonderful to con template that in time a trust fund could be set up that would in sure a perpetual fund for the use of the residents of the Home. This could easily be accomplish ed if some of the Alaskans that have became wealthy would make a proviso in their will for this purpose. Some of the future winners of the ice pool might also become willing contributors to a fund of this nature. I render herewith an account ing of the money received and distributed this past Christmas: Coll.ctions through W. D. Gross, Juneau,.$500.00 Ketchikan .286.50 Petersburg 105.90 Sitka. 118.00 Wrangell . 123.00 Nome Igloo No. 1 .113.50 Fairbanks Igloo No. 4 .... 25.00 Anchorage Igloo No. 15.25.00 Nenana Igloo No. 17 10.00 Cordova Igloo No. 19.25.00 Craig Igloo No. 30.50.00 Anchorage Igloo Aux. No.4, 25.00 The Alaska Weekly fund .342.50 John Lichtenberg, Nome, 105.00 , Other Contributions . 30.60 Total.$1885.00 182 Pioneers received $10.00 each. Held over until next year, $65.00. Yours respectfully, Eiler Hansen, Superintendent, Pioneers Home. Sitka, Alaska. SALESMEN: We have opening for permanent full or part time representative to handle trade journal subscriptions for us in Alaska. High commissions and bonus. Give full details first let ter— Associated Publishers, 469 Fifth Avenue, New York, U. S. A. Cine-Kodak BIGHT •34-30 ■ lu) MU «f The Potter Studio & Scotch Shop Nome Kennel Club Discusses Plans Winter Sports NOME KENNEL CLUB TO BEGIN WINTER SPORTS SOON Directors of the Nome'Kennel Club and others interested in win ter sports in Nome met Sunday at the Odd Fellows Hall to dis cuss plans for dog racing, election of a Queen of the Trail, and win ter sports in general. Pr^ident Boucher appointed a nominating committee for a new board of directors, a committee of audit of the Club’s funds, to report at the next meeting to be held next Sunday at 12:30 P.M. at the Odd Fellow’s Hall. Plans w tte discussed for stag ing dog races this spring. The subject of electing a Queen of the Trail in Nome and sending her to the Fairbanks Ice Carnival early in March, to compete in the con test for the title of Miss Alaska, was also discussed, the details being postponed until the elec tion of a new board of directors. Receipt of a beautiful Ski Tro phy. from Archie Shiels, head of the Alaska Fishing Industry, was acknowledged, and the subject of holding a Ski Tournament was also discussed. The public will recall witnessing the Trophy and individual trophies in the display window of the Pole: Branch Store shortly after the last boat sailed from Nome last fall. All in all an extensive program of winter sports appeared likely to result from efforts of winter sports enthusiasts in Nome. An other meeting is to be held next Sunday. All interested parties are invited. Save $2 by paying in ad vance for vour subscription Notice of Hearing and Settlement of Final Account and Petition ' ' for Distribution In the Probate Court for the Fairhaven Precinct, Second Di vision, Territory of Alaska. In The Matter Of the Estate of JOHN NILIMA, Deceased. Notice is hereby given to whom it may concern; that the under signed administrator of the estate of John Nilima, deceased, has filed in the said above entitled Court, his final account and re port and petition for the distrib ution of said estate and that the 2nd day of March, 1938, at the hour of 11 o’clock A.M. of said date in the courtroom of said Court at Candle, Alaska, has been fixed by the order of said Court as the time and place for the hearing of the same and objec tions thereto and the settlement thereof and that at said time and place the Court will adjudicate and determine who are the heirs and distributees of said deceased. Dated this, the 1st day of Jan uary, 1938. THOMAS P. ROUST, Administrator of the Estate of John Nilima, Deceased. Publish Jan. 3, 10, 17, 24, 1938. BBITODILID Gty Cafe NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS Oriental Dishes, Chop Suey, Noodles—A Specialty Prepared serve parties on notice HARRY SAITO, Prop. MINERS & MERCHANTS BANK of ALASKA NOME, ALASKA. ESTABLISHED IN 1904. GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS CONDUCTED Checking Accounts Carried For Those Who Prefer Paying By Check. Interest Paid On Time Deposits Gold Dust Purchased WE SOLICIT YOUR BUSINESS WALTER W. JOHNSON CO. 351 California St., San Francisco, California. Builders of Gold Dredges, Prospecting Drills, and Other Placer Mining Equipment TWO PASSENGER FLIGHTS ANYTIME TO FAIRBANKS OR ANCHORAGE Via CESSNA “THE MODERN AIRPLANE* CALL WIEN ALASKA AIRLINES. INC. NOME’S OWN DRUG STORE CAPPY McDOUGALL Our Aim—Satisfied Customers BOILER, MARINE, TRACTOR, ACETLYNE AND ELECTRIC WELDING MATERIAL STOCKED: SHAFTING, STEEL. BRONZE, BUSHING, BABBITT, ACCESSORIES. Prompt Attention to Local and Oat of Town Work Telephone Black 111 NOME MACHINE SHOP W. L. SLACK AND SON, PROPRIETORS THE BOARD OF TRADE NEW LOCATION (Opposite The Dream Theatre) ARCTIC BEER PARLOR AND CARD ROOM Between Pioneer Drug Store And Dream Theatre Jack Solomon, Proo. Alaska Steamship Company S ERVICE-ON-QLL-RLQSKR-R O U T E 5* SOUTHWESTERN ROUTE Leave Doe Leave Doe Steamer Seattle Seward Seward Gruffly ALL SAILINGS SUBJECT TO WATER FRONT STRIKE SETTLEMENT (Note: All sailings subject to change without notice) Joe Hamiah, Agent V - ...... Subscriptions Always Payable in Advance—But if you want to save $2.00, pay for six months subscription in advance—You pay for five months and get the sixth month without ^?rge.