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The Nome nugget. [volume] (Nome, Alaska) 1938-????, February 16, 1938, Image 1

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Oldest Newspaper In Alaska.
“The News Of The Day In Pictures”
Member of The Associated Press,
| Nuclei '.Vialher Forecast. |
f Increasing Cloudiness;
|* Sligo.i> v. ' o'; Tonight
and Thursday. i
Published Every
VOL- 38. No. 20.
NOME. ALASKA, Wednesday. Feb. 16. 1938.
Single Cody 25cts.
Shooting in Fairbanks Two Killed
ALARM is felt over pro
Hitler activities of Konrad Hen
lein, 39, who Is campaigning for
autonomy for German people
In Czechoslovakia. Government
fears he’ll disrupt republic.
Marines Turned
Back Japanese
Shanghai Area
SHANGHAI Feb. 16,(/Pi—The
United States Marines turned
back for the fourth time armed
Japanese patrols of 13 men, at
tempting to enter the American
Defense Sector of the Internation
al Settlement.
The incident came as Marine
officers and Japanese authorities
conferred in an attempt to settle
amicable the issue of authority
31 the Settlement. The Am ri
cans maintained they were per
fectly capable of patrolling the
area with Japanese help.
Japan.se troops in the vast Lun
ghai corridor battlefront, fought
desperately to e tabh'sh a base for
crossing the Yellow River in their
drive to sever Lsnghai railway
to Teiraten and Hankow.
Cary T. Gravson
Head Red Cross
Died Washington
WASHINGTON, D. C., Feb. 15,
</P>—Rear Admiral Cary T Gray-|
son, renowned as head of the Am
erican Red Cross, ph.psician and;
oondante of three presidents, died
early today.
The 59-year-old retired Naval
officer had been in poor health!
a’mwt fro*n the time his close’
friesrf. President Roosevelt, per-1
sraaded him to accept one of the
world’s foremost humanitarian
jobs in 1935. H-» contracted a
cold during his Southern Visit
last month and developed bron
chial infection after he returned
President Roo&eveSt was Inform
ed of his illness arid called at his
home late yesterday.
Former President Theodore
Roosevelt started him on his em
inent career by appointing him1
to the White House for duty in
1907; William Howard Taft re-!
tained him and Woodrow Wilson
made him his personal physician
Two Dead And
One Injured in
Brawl Fairbanks
FAIRBANKS, Feb. 15th, (/T>1—
Shot while sitting in a parked
ar in the business district, was
Howard Shade, aged 26, and his
companion Myrtle Rurchard Grin
nell. aged 20, who was seriously
wounded last night, having been
wounded in the left breast and
Charles Fisher, aged 19, was
found dead a short time later
with a self inflicted bullet wound,
at a cabina on the edge of town.
Witnesses said the three had
quarrels and had been drinking
together before the shooting.
Shade is a truck driver; his
father carries the winter mails
out of Nenana. Fisher, who was
a railway employee, and the girl
are both part native.
Bill Introduced
Increase Pay of
Postmen Alaska
WASHINGTON, D. C., Feb. 16,
</P>—Delegate Anthony J Diimond
in roduerd a bill providing for
ustodial service for employees of
thr Postoffice Department in Al
aska, who should receive twenty
ner cent higher pay than those in
the United States.
New Gold Policy
Announced By
H. Morgentliau
WASHINGTON. D. C.. Feb. 15,
(JP)—Socretary of the Treasury,
Hnry M ugenthau announced a
partial abandonment of the treas
ury's golf sterilization program.
The tre - try head announced a
plan under which up to four hun
dred tni 11 n dollars worth of gold
which may come into the United
S'ates in any one year, will be
permitt.d to flow as the Nation's
credit base and thereby relieve
the Treasury the trouble and ex
panse of borrowing money to pay
for gold and keep it inactive. The
plan will be retroactive.
On January first app: aximately
th'r'y m<Hio,n dollars in gold was
acquired by the Treasury, since
then it was d'.posited with the
Federal II -:erv. System.
Action was immediately taken
to freeze at lea.- t temporarily, one
billion, two hundred and twenty
three million now in the treas
ury’s inactive fund. The thirty
million had not been made a part
of the fund.
The action was taken by Mor
gen'thau with the approval of
the Federal Reserve Board. It
was learned however, that the
ne.v program iwas initiated by the
Tres v.ry and not the Reserve
3y item.
F deral officials declined to
give their opinion on the policy,
and what affect it will have on
business credit and other matters.
est ever constructed in America, was launched at the Glenn L. Martin company’s Baltimore plant.
Room for 46 passengers is provided in the air leviathan whose 63,000 pounds are borne on a wing span
of 157 feet. Its four 1,000 horsepower motors are capable of carrying the ship at a speed of 140 miles
an hour from New York to Moscow non-stop.
Japanese Near
Objective Today
SHANGHAI. Feb. 15, UP)—The
v?.r '.nrd of the Japanese army
is fighting its way into Central
Ch;"3 a.: 1 i' is reported to be on
ly t n mi.es North of China’s
lif line railway at Lunghai. The
advance patrol is said to be on
the North bank of the Yellow
R v.r opposite Kaifeng, a Lun
g'nai railway point, nearly three
hundred miles inland from Chi
na's eastern coast.
Th t capture of Kaifeng would
choke off the railway and give
the Japanese a base for their drive
oahwaid three hundred miles
D Harakow, the temporary loca
tion of the Chinese capital.
SEA PERIL WAS WORSE THAN WAR PERIL for the W,000,000 3.8. Presl
dent Hoover which ran aground near Formosa while trying ont a new course to avoid Sino-Japanese
war. Here, lifeboats filled with passengers are pulling away for nearby Island.
Reported japan
To Stop Salmon
Fishing Alaska
WASHINGTON, D. C., Fob. 16,
i/P)—Representative Fish told the
House Naval Committee that
State Department officials inform
ed hiim that Japan had agreed to
stop alj salmon lishing off the Al
askan coast.
He made the statement after
Representative Magnuson had as
serted that there would be "blood
shed” if conditions vver. not chan
ged. “If trouble comes to Japan
it is going to come to Alaska,
and there is going to be bloodshed
there unless it sto-p,.’ Magnuson
Rep. Fish said that R Walton
Moore, Counselor for the State
Department, informed him that
Japan had agreed to terminate all
its salmon fishing “off of our
coast", and Fish further added,
that he assumed all Japanese
boats would soon be withdrawn
from Alaska waters.
The Congressman said, he un
derstood that there was still some
d: pule with Japan ever Crab
fishing according to State Depart
ment advices given Representa
t ve Fish, but testimony obtained
dec'ined to confirm that an agree
ment had been reached with Ja
Salmon canning officials said
that Japanese vessels engaged in
making a survey of Alaska coast
waters, have disputed the fisher
ies question the past several years
with knowledge of the United
States officials.
Wilkins Enroute
Back to Aklavik
Repairs Plane
EDMONTON, Feb. 16th, (/P»—
Carrying a new engine for his
damaged plane at Aklavik, on the
Arctic coast, Sir Hubert Wilkins
left here today aboard a Mac
Kernzie Air Service plane, to re
sume his search for the missing
Soviet Polar fliers.
(Free Queen Votes Given Away)
When paying your subscription
to The Nome Nugget.
Sentenced Life
§2.1!) Robbery
Of Bus Driver
NEWARK, N. J„ Feb. 16, </P)—
Judge Daniel T. Brennan said he
would sentence to life imprison
ment two girls—one a poli.ce
man\- daughter, convicted of first
degree murder in the $2.10 hold
up of the slaying of bus-driver
William Barhorst.
Counsel for Mrs. Ethel Sohl,
aged 20, and Genevieve Owens,
aged 18. said they did not plan
to appeal from the verdict which
was reached last night by twelve
middleaged married men.
Patrolman Frank Strouge, who
testified that his daughter Ethel
was insane, wept as the verdict
was read.
to sun after swim, is followed by
Janet Kneale.
Baseball Doubleheader—High School Gym, 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 16

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