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Arhamsas PWansion, e SR, Published Every Saturday, BY THE ' MANSION. PUBLISHING (€O. Henry SiMkEss, - Epitos. . ADVERTISING RATES. . ’l‘en. lines constitute an inch-—one insertion $1.00; 50 cents for each subsequent, Local notices 10 cents per line. Business cards—not exceeding two inches—and paper per month, one dollar. . Al advertisements duo atter first Ingertion. ~ ] _ For special rates address the bu siness mavager, H. Simkexs. _Notices of births, deaths and mar ’mges, not over six lines in length, W : Artieles more than a column in length will not be inserted, nnless by special arramgement. ' Avonyinous communfertion will be consigned to the waste basket. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. 1 cooy, 1 week ~ - : $ 06 1 " 3 wonths, - 50 1 " nm - . a 9 1 e R e i " 1.00 1 o 1 year, e I e Invariably in advance. The names and-addresses must ac company any and all communica tions, plainly writien. All money letters must be registered, and post office orders drawn in favor ot and addrossed to . HENRY SIMKENS, No. 719 Main Streel, latute Rock. Ark. Railroad Lands. THE LITTLE ROCK AND FORT ' SMITH RAILWAY INVITEY . ALL 0. EXAMINF : THEIR LANDS. N AND - - ’ Timber ; O - ARKANSAS. .. BT e = Tor infgrgtien apply st ihadsANdx: '@ " RTMENT of the * ] AND Fort Smith eV Corner of Markham and Commerceo Strects, Little Rock, Ark. : W. D. SLACK, Land Commissioner. FW eLavamran. | e T e, McLAUGHLIN & DUVAL, ||] I | ATTORNEYS AT LAW. No. 322 West Markham St., LITTLE ROCK, ARK. For ‘Stylish Clothing FOR MEN AND BOYS, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, HATS EGL. BTG GotoM. POLLOCK & BRO. 103 5. Markham street. MILT. R. DENIE & (0., AGENTS FOR JouN A. DENiE'S CELEBRATED ALABAMA LIME.- Dealers in Sash, Doors, Blinds Cement, Plaster, Fire-Brick, L Lath, &ec., &e. 307 West Markham Street. LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS. TRUSSES AND SHOULDER BRACES, For Adults and Children, at Prices to suit the times. At JOIN A. JUNGKIND’S Drug Store, 714 Main street. T BSOS, LSO 0 Y O A SN 51 0 1 TOMINIE ARKANSAW ‘ STEAM DYE CO. (717 Main St,, O’Hara Building.) Gents Clothing Dyed, Cleaned and Repaired, In the Most Satisfactory Manner. Hats cleaned and dyed. Second hand Clothing bought and sold. ~ =« - Little Rock, Ark , June 2, 1883, “ A . Gershner’s Hall On 10th bet. Spring and Center Sts ~ Let for %nrfiea, balls, festivals, ete at reasonable rates. Political meet ings free. BY MANSION PUBLISHING CO. NeEw Serizs. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Notice for Publication. | No. 886. : Land Office at Little Rock, Ark., Jane 6, 1883, } OTICE is hereby civen, that the N, following pamed settler has filed notice of his intention to make final preof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be tore the Register and fflemeiver at Little Rock, Ark.,on July 9ih, 1883, viz: Thomas Hamilton, who made Homestead Entry No. 7628, for the N half N E quarter and NEN W quarter and S W N E quarter section 13, township 1 N, R'l3 west. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz - C. W. Leymer, of Little Rock, Ark; William Bunch, of Little Rock, Ark; John Higdon, of Little Rock, Ark; Robert Grindrod, of Little Rock, Ark. M. W. GIBBS, Register. - C. E. KeLsey, Receiver. june 9-ot . Notice for Publication. ' No. 882. Land Office at Little Rock, Ark., & May 31, 1883. } OTICE is hereby given, that the N following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore the Register and Receiver at Little Rock, Ark., on July 2d, 1883, viz: Charles Higgins, who made Homestead Entry No. 8204, for the N W S E quarterand N E S W quar ter Section 21, Township 3 N, R 13 west. He names the following witnesses to prove hig contirnuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Burns R. Rogers, of Malvern, Ark; Kdward Kirby, of Malvern, Ark;. Henry Fears, of Malvern, Ark; E. Wallace, of Malvern, Ark. M. W. GIBBS, Register, C. E. KeLsky, Receiver. Joaw .5t . : wfi‘?fh‘efi Jor “Publication.” No. 875. Land Office at Little Rock, Ark., May 22, 1883. } OTICE is hereby given that N the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore the Register and Receiver at Little Rock, Ark., on June 23, 1883, viz.: Gotfried Fexer, who made Homestead Entry, No. 8315, for the N E N W quarter Section 33, Town ship 2 N, R 13 west. : He namesdhe following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation ot said land, viz: John Williams, of Little Reck, Ark; James Smith, of Little Rock, Ark; Jack Glare, of Little Rock, Ark; KEhas Whoo, of Little Rock, Ark. M. W. GIBBS, Register. C. E. KeLsEy, Receiver. ° may 26—5 t Notice for Publication. - No. 877. [iand Office at Little Rock, Ark., 1 May 22, 1883. | OTICE is hereby given that the N following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore the Register and Recciver at Lattle Rock, Ark., on June 25th, 1883, viz : John Randolph, who made Homestead Entry No. 83%8, for the N half S W quarter,and S W S W quarter section 23, township 3 N, R 13 west. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of said land, viz: Henry Sutton of Marche, Ark; Louis Thompson of Marche, Ark; Alexander Rice of Marche, Ark; Wesley Kirly of Marche, Ark. | : M W GIBBS, Register. C. E. KeLsey, Receiver. ' ‘ may 26 5t ‘ C. J. COLLINS, Corner Main and Thirteenth Sts, DEALER IIN ' FTANCY and STAPLE GROCERIES. Goods delivered promptly to any part of the city. TRY HIM, - may 26-tf w ‘ Francisco Arteche, FABRICANTE DEL RICO CHOCOLATE, ‘ FamrLiar MEexicavo. MONTEREY, MEXICO, A STAT’_E‘ JourNaL, DEvorep ToruE IXTEAESTS OF Knucation Axp s PatroNs. LITTLE ROCK, ARK., SATURDAY, JUNE 23, 1883 [ AN ONTARIO TORNADO. - Chatham, Ont,, June {lB.—This afternoon a teriffic hurricane, with rain, passed over this section. The wind struek the bridge of the Erie and Huren railway, being con structed across the Thames river, utterly destr:iying it. There were five men upon the bridge at the time, all of whom jumped into the river. Two were injured, bt not seriously. The loss falls upon the contrac tors, a Buffalo firm. Several trees wereup rooted and other damage done. - i - ey - REBELLION IN HAYTI. PHILADELPH ne. 19.—Capt. Cooper of the uwamer’?rgkw. just from Port An. tonio, Jamaica, says the Haytian Govern ment made an attack on Meragoine *from the sea and were repulsed with a loss of twe vessels and many men. The rebels have captured Jacinet and have possession of nearly all the Western coast. i e — )el e In refereace to Honm, J. T, Rapier, the colored United States collector who died recently in Montgomery, Alabama, the Advertiser, a leading democratic paper of that city says: “While the air is thick with rumors of indictments against United States officials for malfeasance in office, and-in the midst of a trial against one of them for makipg out false and fraudulent accounts against the government, the death of James T. Rapier directs public attention to him as a conspicuous instance of oflicial integ rity and blameldss private life in this com munity. Large sums of money were re ceived and disbursed by .him, yet during his incumbency of that office there has not been a breath of suspicion or syllable of accusation against his efliciency or integ rity.” . ) : The Little Rock & Choctaw Railroad Co. surveying party at last advices were out some seventy miles west of this city, They had succeeded in crossing the Big Mau melle mountain successfully and were wrestling with the Fourche LaFave foot hills in Perry county, and were suceeeding in overcoming the inost formidable engi necring troubles beyand expeectation. The party were all in good health and expected to reach Waldron, Scott county, within the next three weeks. Mr. Lane, colored, has been elected pro fessor of Greek in Howard university. Railroad Time Table. Arrival and Departure of Trains. St. Lows, Iron Mountain & Southern Trains going North. Arrive. Leave, No. 2 Express 325 p.m 3:45 p.m No. 4 Express 10:00 p.m 10:25 p.m Trains going South, b Neo 1 Express 12:20 a.m 12:35 a.m No 3 Express 12:10 p.m 1.’30 p.m "Memphis & Little Rock. Little Rock No 1+ 12:10 a.m Little Rock No 3 12:00 p.m Memphis No 2 i o 3:56 p.m Memphis No 4 10:50 p.m Laitle Rock, Miss’pi River & Texas. Going South. Daily-——Sundays excepted. No 3 Pass and Freight 350 p.m No 1 Pass and Freight - 8:00 a.m No 1 Pine Blut 10:45 a.m No 1 Arkansas City 5:00 p.m No 2 Arkansas City 9:00 a.m Nc¢ 6 Arkansas City _ 4:15 Going North. Daily—Sundays excepted, No 2 Pass and Freight . 9:20 a.m No b 2ass and Freight 10:05 a.m NO G 'ass ana s oo . 3:40 p.m No 2 Pine Biufr 3:20 pam 3:30 pam No 2 Little Rock 6:20 p.m No 4 Little Rock 11:50 am Little Rock & Fort Smith Ruilway. Pass and Express 2:40 pm 12:45 p.m Through Freight 12:30 a.m 7:00 p.m Ozark local 6:45 pom G:3O a.m —_——— e e ey : THE MAILS. ) The following is the schedule for opening and closing of mails since the recent change in the running of trains : St. Louis, arrives 12:30 p.m. and 1:10 a.m, St. Louis, eloses 2:30 p m. and 9 p.m. Memphis arrives 12:30 p.m and 1:26.a.m. Memphis closes 2:30 p.m. and 9 p.u. Texarkana, ar.ives 4 p.m. and 10:20 p.m. Texarkana, closes 11:30 a.m. and 9 a.m. Fort Smith, arrives 4 p.m. Fort Smith, closes 5 a.m and 11 p.m. Pine flufl, arrives 11:30 a.m and 6:40 p.m. Pine Bluff, closes 6 a.m. and 3p. m. Proposals for Constructing os pital Buildings at IHot Nprings, Ark. WAR DEPARTMENT, QUARTERMASTER | GENERAL’S OFFICE, r WASHINGTON, D. C., June 16, 1853, ) SEALED PROPOSALS in triplicate, sub ject to the usual conditions, will be re ceived at this office, until 12 o’clock noon, on the 20th day of July, 1883, for the con struction omn the Government Reservation at Hot pr:ings, Arkansas, of the following enumerated buildings, to be of brick, viz: 1 Men’s Building, 56 x 30; 1 Hospital, 63 X 72; 2 Ward Buildings, 130 x 27 each. These buildings are connected by a contin uous verandah. 1 Bath House, 143 x 37. A!l material and labor to be furnished by the contractor. Work of construction to commence by August 20th, 1883, and be completed by July Ist, 1884, Proposals will he received for construe tion of any one or more of the buildings,{ the price for each building bid for to be distinetly stated. Each proposal must be accompanied by a written guarantee signed by two responsi ble persons, to the etlect that if the propo sal is accepted within sixty days from the date of tae opening of proposals, the bidder will, within ten days after being notified of such acceptance enter into econtract and | give bond with good and suflicient sureties, and that in case of failure of the bidder' to enter into contract and give bond they will pay the difference between the amourt of bis bid and the amount for which contract ma( be made with another party, he Government reserves the right to re ject any er all proposals. A preference will be given to articles of domestic pro duetion. Blank proposals and copies of plans and specifications, together with printed cireu lars giving full instructions as to the man ner of bidding, conditions to be observed by bidders and terms of contraet and pay ment will be turnished on application to this oflice or offices of the Depot Quarter masters at St. Louis, Jeftersonville, Chicago, | New Orleans, New York,or to the Quarter- | master at Hot Springs, Ark. | Envelopes containing proposals should be marked—*“Proposals for construction bf Hospital Buildings at Hot Springs, Ark.,” and addressed to the undersigned, RUFUS INGALLS, : Quartermaster General, Bvi, Major General, U, S, A, June 23 4t gio A T " ARKANSAS PRESS EIcUR SION, WHAT WE SAW AND‘."?”AT WE BEARD. .. s 3 kg cfiA?‘l‘m L& Passing Blossom Prairie, continued Col, Woodruff, just twe YEurs aco, when there was ng railroad Ic}arl‘lw_l the mail ll‘flfll Litue;fl&}!_k t,QE'%sSs i»g-;l]l"}l‘llt| Yexas, many a time said be, WAL have rode over this T te on @ags ny chief reason foriu%t' trip 18 t€ see the wonderfy) changes 1o twenty years, The Col. kept us engay _a plessing Fe Crsation nutil, Vo i o et e we was pleased with Lis sRversation. At this place twenty minetesd®us allbwed ror dinner, the place where 4l Went to eat wa. not nearas nice a place =8 a gentleman’s kitchen is in .the aeril, the hrute thought it too good for &% gentleman of African dezcent to have his #eals in for the money, he was ashamed ozt s gee his kitchen, butl if we wanted & we could go there, our reply was: no!il ou cannot ac commodate us send us a luneto the train, which ‘was done, we pnidw and resum ed our journey. At 515 # T, we reached Sherman, which appeared to be a thrivin. town. The*® colored people here looke| thrifty. The Texas Pacific ¢fosses here. The next place of importaped was Temple Junction, where several roade eross, This lace is probably a city -of 8404 or 10,000 ip gabitums, and we did not seesthe top of o single house whose shingles fingn‘ot‘ look new, we supposed they wer: 2 ohilt with in six months or a year, we wWérg told that manufactories are going up hereand it was bound to be a manufacturing c\tgmol con siderable importance. Mea o%i ans and } enterprise would doubßtless do well here, | The next station of importance was call [ed Whitesborough, we arrived there ut labout 6p. m.. at this place we.formed the acquaintance of conduetor Wai. Kinnan and superintendent,H. G. Hughes,_ they both seemed to he gentlemes of tke highest l character, they gave us to uudqrsmnd that (all on board was under their care, and their chief aim was to make every thing pleasant and render every member of the excursion Zas happy as pc:fé_xble. “We said then. Mr. Conductor. as if sems tiat pre- Jjuslice is so strong through Tex.‘;flf here after when you order meals thead by tele. raph always say you have twy distingnish & gentlemen on board to whom they must bring two meals to the train, this wus dane several times and nothing could be Hd but take the $l. o we agreed (o leave oty case in the hands of condueter iinnan why kept a sharp eye on us all the way aigund, as well as our clever banker Mr. Ed. Parker Dr. Jesse ()olman, Parson Dye Misses. Kim ball and Bainfield were particulavly ‘nter ested in our welfare, Mrs, l.nughhorough never forgot to ask Simkens, how ar. ypu getting along, upon the whole we- b:vf't nice set of gentlemen and ladies, there W no disposition on the part ¢f enf gar @y make it unpleasant for us. [ro BE CoNTINUED | ¢ . T — ey vl . And what do such negreasac Doy 'ag and Bruce care for the poor außßardsw: *k ing massesof their race? N« yonby & an element in the backgrouu i Shove g wwwh be P T "h AR ot eetrated e T e lic life, and fram politice en Soat woul not only be more credital ihe countr: but far better for the col i race. The less the negro-has to do witholities ane public office the better for higiseit anfl the country. We know wowe w i think thi both a hard and a brave <a %3 but it i true, and we say it.—[Free = (th, It is perhaps a little ditticwdito tell how much Douglass cares for the paor and hard working masses; but it jg ‘-um; titting 't.h:tt, there should Le a ;u«__'pr.firm-(-gnitifll: ~of the grand talents of ene wham Wendel [ Phillips prouounced "lnzm#ss aneng | American orators, neevo thol gh %e he.’ “Perhaps the negroes think thaf in honoring ' Douglas they Lonor thensefves. Whitg 'men usually honor white ngn of distim guished talents, why should mot neeroes do thegame? The assertion 1.‘?& the negra should not meddle with volivies is not firse: class nonsense. Whenever Mprgcts up a rebellion and ‘cause a wastée 81 thansands of lives and millions of money by dealing In polities, as his white fellow-eitizus have done, it wild be. time enougt in listen to such conceited dogmatiam;, Put until the white brethren cam make 2 _little , mere ereditable showing of the regultsef their doing with pélitics, they ml\‘[ not be sur prised if cufty manifests Some‘finm'mlulity as to their limesi{gfi:fii‘gwflu‘iv fostrums down hixs throat, © 0. Black b 1 i be care tul where you tread, i 4 R . i %8 Ex-Senator Dorsey was serenaded by the republican colored club of \\-‘Jming&,nn,.D. C., on Thursday evening of j . Week after his acquittai by the juryin the -star route” trial. It Dorsey should come to Arkansas where he is known, with the expectation of receiving a similar ovation ¢ the hands of the colored republiéans o’ this neck of the woods, he would reckon without his host. There would be no spontancous up rising. But perhaps, if he wc-#d foot the bills and do the clever thing Dy the boys, after the cotton is laid by, they might ““en; thuse’” to that extent, Dég;!m if not guil ty, as the jury say, ha bean 8o badly *smirched” in the recent ¢ #iginter with the United States aul{HTr Ty, idis very little it any spontaneows sympathy felt for him in this region. Cwi. Bob Inger soll’s eloquence and the' afigipt on the part of the governments atforheys to con vict upon the testimony of 1 p&jurer, were the things miost in his favor inthe eyes of 'the jurers. Dorsey’s gmiit of innocence, were yery small factorsin {he making up of the verdict, we oyrine. 8 — e — ety » EMINENT COLORED MEN GROUPED. | H. Price Williams, (col:) cofrespondent ‘of the Philadelphia Press and cent editor of the Philadelphia (Gazetie, Botilied this office some time ago of hisw_cmnen to get up a group of the most eminent living col ored men of the United States, We think it is a thing needed and doublless will be very much appreciated by the tolored peo ple, but as ever the white mei| are trying to beat him to the task, They siready have out a prospectus and are taking orders through the south at seveaty-five ceats each, but they Bave a Vfi‘fififi'ing men onit. We are told that a great many dead men are grouped in it. Caur gice is not to take hold'of any until we fear ffom 1. Price® Williams, or see l}i! groun, then choose between the two. #t %is good thing that we'have men in ourmidst + hle tdmake ‘white men undertake the job, bat Williams will. gi¥e us the best group,because he knows our wien best, - * AT ! A RARE SPECIMEN. i ——— g Col. G. W. Dale of this ¢ity, has donated | to the exposilon commission a specimen | of a peculiar substance which he claims is | hearly allied to meerschaum, if it is not the | same material, This peculiar substance he | obtains from ene o 1 his mines -in Saline | county, in this state, a few mi'es southwest { of this city. Col. Pale has an artisan en !g;\«:m.l in fabrieating pipes, cigar holders l'and various other smokers conveniences | from this material, :ome of which will be { placed on exhibition at the Southern Ex l position at Louisville, Ky., together with ' specimens of the meerschaum in its erude | | formy If, as claimed by Col. Dale—that this ! is the genuline “sea foam” article—and it‘ | can be procured in Arkansas by mining i simgly in the region where this was found. | | it will prove a bonanza to the proprietor of | the mine and at the same time give Arkan ! sas a boom from another stand point. 00l | S N AAP Wt | | The anxiety of both political parties to evade the tariff issue is shown in the en deavor of each party to fasten on the other the intent of evasion. But the question ‘ cannot he delayed by the timidity or ecraft of party leadership, "It has come to stay until the policy of the country is decided | s between a tariff for revenue and a tariff { for protection.—llot Springs Sentinel. ’ We beg leave to enquire of our esteemed cotemporary, whether it has heard trom the Buckeye State, recently? If not, Wwe would suggest that it might tind sowe, in j terresting reading among its Ohio; ex | changes if it would “retrospeet ”’ nu?h'grt l time among its last weels mail, from that ‘ region. The boom of the first gun for the | campaign of 1834, on the tariff issue, | eame echoing down the beautiful valley I and the rock ribbed shore ot the Ohio, last | week which announced to the world the | key note of 1834, and there was no disposi i tion manifested to ““ evade the tariff issue,” | by the Republicans of Ohio, “in gl;snd Mass State Convention assembled.” ; It was for a ““tariff for revenue and pro tection,” as flat-tooted and out-spoken as good plain Anglo Saxon could exprass it. Yes, the question has come to stay, mean jime the Repu)flicans have met it like men, vfhile the Boufbons are dissembling over if. Old coons who have lost a toe, are not Vo&/.nicr of the same trap than are the old M3ourbon leaders of the tariff quession. A SPLENDID NUGGET. The exposition commissioners are in re ceipt of u large nagget of lead ore, which was, forwarted them from the neighbor }9‘?{l Qi-' siu Home, Bayter cousty, tf; Fer: ot :—' weino S 5 only about two or three feet beloy the surface, Some three thousand pounds had already been mined on less than one-fourth of an acre, without going deeper than ten or twelve feet below the surface. This min cral is not found in ledges or in a stratified position, but in chunks and lumps; oftensa number of them in a pile. Competent Judzes assure us that the specimen on ex hibition at the commissioners oftice, will lipon assay yield nearly if not quite ninety five per cent of lead. Score another for Arkansas, and more especially for Baxter coltuty, 1 is now confidently believed that Presi dent Arthur and Generah U, S, Grant will visit the great Soathern Kxposition to be lield in Louisvilic this fall. Gen. Grant has already intimated -hgs willingness to loan ta the expozition committee a large collec tiou of iuteresting historical and curious i tiess many of which came into his pos session during his trip around the world, since heretired from the presidency. This coilcction alone it is said is worth journey ins any miles to see. And yet it is only one of the bundreds of interesting features of this great exposition, which now gives proinise of rivaling the great Centennial Exposition at Phlladelpia, in 1876, NATIONAFE CONVENTION. We elip the following from an exchange: WASHINGTON, D. C., May 23.—1 n obedi ence to the demand of the colored people of the conuntry, and in compliance with % resolution of the convention which created it, and yesterday granted it the power to chauege the place of holding the proposed National Convention of Colored Men, the cowuittee met to~day and decided to change the place of the convention from Washing ton, D. C., to Louisville, Kg., on the same day, September 14, 1883, FREDERICK DOUGLASS, Ch’'m’n. ARTHUR A. SMITH, Cor. Secretary. Now/if the 14th instead of 24th of Sep temiber is the time set, we have been mis informed. We would like the promoters to give us the fucts, us we copied thé24th from other papers. : L ‘ J. Edward Bruce, a well-known newspa per man, is writing a satirical work on eol bred society in Washingfon, and J. S. Har ris, city editor of the Kansas City Eater prise is writing a historv of the prominent colored men of the West.—[Progressive Ameriean, It will take a mi%hty fmart man to write up the hiséefy of all the prominent colcred men in the west; because when we went west a few weeks ago we saw promineng colored men that we had never beard of before. So Bro. Harris will have to get eut from bis home and travel a little, or get reports from all quarters, e e — e e All the Little Rock representatives at, the northern colleges carried off the prizes. Charley, son of Poatmastelz)dgerton, cap tured four first prizes. kansas talent has indeed come square to the front. Next. —[Arkansas Gazette. Well, here it is. John Alexander, a col ored Arkausian, has been appointed cadet at Weßt Point by the democratic candidate for governor of Ohio, after beating all his White rivals in a competitive exsmination. .eO i . The North American Review for July copntains President Seelye’s.views on “Dy namit&®as a Factor in Civilization;” Gen. Sheridan off the “Last Days of the Rebel lion;” a symposium on “Church Attend ance,’” and other interesting articles by O, B. Frothingham, Geo. E. Waring, Jr., El bridge TéGerry. and others. It is a fine number. i P A e e :gfr-w TERMS—SI.SO IN ADVANCE. Vor. 4. No. 24. COMPLIMENT TO A COLORRD ATTORNEY. A correspondent of the Louisviile Bulle tin,in a sketch of the Bloom trial, thus compliments S, H. Scott, Fsq., a cdfored at torney of that place, viz: “The trial ex cited intense interest among all classes of citizens, and the case was conducted by some of the ablest lawyers connected with our bar, namelv,—Col. M. L. Bell, Mr, Boyd and Gen. H. K"\'flowm“' for the defense, and Mr. John Elliott, S. H. Scott and Cel. Grace being engaged in the g:roncmion. The jury was composed of eight white and four colored men. The pleadings occupied eighteen hours, and it is said not to have been surpassed in ability and eloquence by any ever made in our state, and they were listened to with the closest attention by an immense audience of whom the ladies formed a considerable number, although the court house was about as hot as Pur gatory. Mr. Scott opened for the prosecu tion, and his speech was highly creditable, showing an accurate understanding of the law bearing upon the case, an | treating those points in a calm and logical manner that was deserving ot the commendation which was bestowed upon it by all who were present. So far as my experience ex tends, and it embraces some knowledge of the most prominent events of the. last twenty years, no celored attorney has ever occupied’so prominent a position in a trial of such importance, and it i a matter of congratulativn among our citizens gener all{ that he acquitted himself so credit ably.” Ll e N For the Arkansas Mansion.] EIGHTH ANNUAL MEETING, The M. W. G. L. of the state of Texas conveszed in its eighth annual commuuica, tion in the lodge room of Magnolia Lodge No. 3, at Houston, on the 7th day of June, A. L. 5883, A.D. 1883, at 12 o’clock m, M W A Grant, G M in the east. After fwo days session the following reselutiens were adopted and grand officers for the ensuing masonic year elected: Resolved, That we recognize-the neces sity of co-operating with all the grand lodges of America in celebrating the one hundredth anniversary of colored masons on this continent, September A L 0883, A D 1883, and that a committee of three be ap{)ointed by the M W G M of this grand lodge to confer with other like committees of the various grand lodges on this subject of the one hundredth anniversary. Resolved, That the grand secretary be authorized to forward a copy of these reso lutions to the various grand lodges, with the names of same and their postoffice address. . . Resolved, That this committee guu in nomination St. Louis, Mo., as the % >of meeting, and thai these resolutions :}’ üb lished in all the leading colored newspapers. ‘', GRAND OFFICERS KLECTED, §f . & W, A Grant, GM, Augtin; RW, 2/ o, 1G M, Houstaut B W aick gl S W, Austin: TESVE-8 RO €3 | oy s ', - 3y { i v 8 ;s RW, Mack mnso:,“%Ch- >4 vt:n |, Committee: J H Armstrong, 5:1 Jeston; Mack Henson, Austin; L L James, Hduston. Galveston, ’l‘exu, June 12, 1884, : ————— e THE WATERBURY WATCH COMPANY,. This company has sent us a specimen watch, through our New York agency, which we have on exhibition at this office. The manufactory is at Waterbu , Conn., and their branch office No. 4 Maizn Lane, N. Y. City. This Company is turning out 1.000 watches per day, Each watch will be put up in a haudsome new improved spring box, satin-lined, which will carry the watcfi: safely through the mails. They guarantee all watches to have been run six conseou tive days in their factory, in varying posi ‘tions In Nickle-Stlver Case, (Plain Back) $4B per dozen. Upon receipt of business card, discounts and-terms will be furnish ed. Allorders and Correspondence as to | rices and terms should be addressed to gYew York Office, 4 Maiden Lane, Orders for less than one dozen are referred to the nearest jobber : they do not fill them. Particular attention is called to the fact that they are now prepared to furnish ma terial for repairing,either from the factory or N. Y. Office, in any desired quantity ata low figure ; all the parts are made to a standard guage, thereby obviating the trouble and time genérally consumed in fitting, thus enabling watchmakers to re pair the Waterbury at a low price. They are sending material to many watchmakers in different parts- of the country, who are doing & profitable business in repairing. NATIONAL COLORED (CON VENTION. S, Louis, June 18.—The local committee having in charge the arrangements for hold ing the national convention of colored edi tors in th,irtay, commencing July 10, held a meetiuf to-night, in conjunction with a number of prominent colored gentlemen of this city, and completed the preliminary preparations for the convention and ArTang ed a programme of entertainment. The convention is expected to be one of great importance to the colored race, and, be sides most of the leading editérs of the countgy, there will be I'present and take part in the convention. Fred Douglass, ex- Senator Bruce, Rev. Dr. Crummell, Hon. ‘ M. W. Gibbs and ether notable gentlemen, ‘The entertainment of dele%;aus will be quite handsome, and :will embrace a mili tary parade, musical soiree and bsnquet. e 8 D it ey ' WASHINGTON, HEMPSTEAD Co., ARk., } June 16, 1883, Editor Arkansas Mansion: . 1 have just received your card in relation ‘to my Jsubscription having expired, and have to say in reply that you will please find enclosed pestoffice- money order ior $1.50, to pay another years sublcriPtion to your valuable paper, and let it be d stinctly understood that I would seorn the idea of going back upen a republican or a te&ubli can paper in or out of office: and by the by the republicans of this county have within the last few days come together.and we are now allin harmony. Thomas Muldrow, chbairman of the county central cemmittee, has called a mass convention to meet in Washington, this county, June 30, at 12 o’clock m. as 2 harmonizing convention, Respectfully, Gzo. H. MARTIN. R.S — | “Teachers and friends of education who expect to attend the State Teachers’ uoo-‘ ciation, sheuld send in their names to Prof, ‘ J. F. Howell, secretary, Arkadelphia, so that he can send certificates to thems that will enable them to get reduced rates on the Iron Mountain road. Other roads sell reduced tickets on certificat> ot the secre tary at Little Rock. Hotels and boarding houses in Little Rock will entertain visit ors at reduced rates—sl to $2 per day. Distribute these circulars among teachers and urge them to answer it. et B P e D. H. Harris and J. 8. Pleasants, have been elected principals of the ¢Hot Springs colored public schoels, ¥ EDITORIAL NOTES. Mrs. Mary A. Shadd Cary has graduated in law from Howard university.—[Afro- American. A The board of bishops, A. M. E. chureh, meets in Chicago, June 27. Cadet Whitaker's father died recently in Kershaw county, South Carolina. Mr. Theodore Sterrett, father of the wife of historian George W. Williams, died re cently at Minneapolis, Mian. He was for merly barber at the Galt house, Louisville, Kentucky. James T. Rapier, formerly a member of congress, died in Montgomery, Alabams, May 31. Mr. MeCabe, the colored state auditor of Kansas, is conducting his office with great credit to himsell and profit to the state. Dr. Jenifer writes to the Christian Re corder that he has cancelled the £lO,OOO on the Charles street, and the $666 mortgage on the old Anderson street eburches. A large massmeefing of citizens of Louis ville has endorsed the meeting of the con vention in that city, and pledged a “gener ous Kentucky welcome*’ to ail comers. Chicago has two colored medieal gradu ates this vear—Messrs. D. H. Williams and J. W. Henderson. There is a colored sec tion boss, named * Washington . Turner, in the employ of the Illinois Central railroad, who has a working gang of sixty-five col ored men. : Thomas F. Cassells, colored, has entered on his duty as collecter of the port of Mem phis. John H. Alexander, the colored youth recently appointed cadet at West Point, from Ohio, is & son of old man “Jim” Alex ander formerly of Helena, Ark., and well known to the old citizens of the state. James M. Alexander, Sr, was a member of the legislature in Clayton times. The State Teachers’ association meets in the opera-houseat the capital, Yune 27,28 & 20. A fine programme will be presented. The colored men of the Cherokee nation have protested against the recent action of the Cherokee nation i: declaring that the lirge amouunt of money received frem the government shall be djstributed only to Cherokees by blood. Judge Geddes, democratic candidate for governor of Ohie, recently held a competi [ tive examination at Elyrea, for appointment to a cadetship at West Point, which re sulted in a tie. The Judge requested that the two candidates should be re-examined at West Point, with the understanding that the winner should get the appoint ment. The winner, a colored student from Oberlin named Alexander, was duly ap pointed. ‘“The world do move.” J.'S. Harris, city editor of the Kansas City Enterprise. is compiling 2 book to be entitled “The Prominent Colored Men of the West.” Kev. J. W. Asbury, a colored minister, is nominated for register of state lands in Kentucky. George Bentley, (col.) porter of the Fourth Ngtional bank of Grind Rapids, dich., recently robbed the bank of $l6OO. The richest colored man in America is Mr. Aristide Marie of New Orleans, Who ‘'owns several large stores-opposite the cus tom Wouse and has a yearly income ). He spgnde—ugek: W& AR vi _ Ao .‘ ;,«,—.- f “. ——-I—-?' WOV ey A etk LTNIRS CETT UGN ) Y o " [ veredmen iu Ameries. Y VR We Hive received a copy of\| o called “Poetic Gewms,” by RMLY g “ min, attorney at law, Ciarlot i o , It contains a number of poems, 32. J ete., by®he author, some of decided meri? *The Grand Tge of Colored Freemasons of Georgia, hag'purchased a site on Gwin nett st., Savannah, and proposes to efSet a “fine three-story temple. The corner stone will be laid June 25th, J. H. H. Longstarke, of the Savunnah Echo, translates the annexed from the | Georgia Familiar Journal: ¢ The present negro population of the United States is between 6,500,000 and 7,000,000. They have inereased during the last decade thirty-flve per cent. If the white population is not increased by emmigration and the colored people keep on at this rate, the negro will have at the end of one hundred years from now, a majority of 12,000,000. Messrs Palesser,Paleser, & Co., of Bridge port, Conn,, have lately is#ued a sheet con taining plans and specifications for a hand some modern six or eight room cottage, which is worth examining by any one in tending to build, 4'he same firm furnishes specifications in blank for any class of resi dence, which are of great practical value and convenience. Hon. Wm. T. Brown, formerly Superin tendent of Education in Louisana died at New Orleans, May 15. Mr Tully Con, a great under-ground R. R. manin the olden times, died in St.° Francis, Co., recently. In the New York Globe, Col. Williams, * the historian, moves that an « American Negro Historical Society,” be created, We second the motion. ee ) e The rape seed sown by the “late la mented” general assembly is beginning to choke out the bourbon vegetables. The new Thirteenth judicial district has Just eledted a complete outfit of independent demoerats. The summer of 1884 will be prolific in that directioh. The number of - bourbon moss-backs and “wah hou..n‘ that will be relegated to private life during that period will doubtless astonish the natives. . A corresponde BAYS: “Liale Ilt:‘ctk“l:ll :u?':l.; c&fi‘.'.{ s‘::" paradise. They are here almost o:r n.: equal with’ the whites. Last night I at. tended a kind of a concert, given by th negro High School. There were nine gndt uates, all of whom received diplomas. Onp arriving there I found the place filled with whites and blacks. Turning my attention to the stage I was surprised and fled to see two white girls rtep out on tm accompanied by two negro men. and 'mge., song togother.—[l‘exlrfinna Inter stat.e.g “’he genial correspondent errs in his state meat about “two white girls,” The ladies refcrred to, though of fair complexion are ofths African descent. Said corros'pon:iem needs “to see” & great many things, for as Shakspeare says, ‘‘Homekdepjng youths have ever homily wits.” : e s The Prescott Dispatch is laying t| tering unction to its zealous -ouf tll::tnt;t: two old parties are disintegrating. This may be true of one of these parties. [t 1s not true, however, of the great national party that has condpicted the affairs of the colintry for the last twenty-two years This party is still alive and in the enjoy: , mentof excellent health and will doubtless \ 80 continue until its sphere of usefuiness i circumscribed to such a degree that it ma die of inertia. The fabrication ot the bu’. rial robes and the preparation of the fune. « ral notes has notyet been suggested thin the republican family, however. % ' @ ¥ ». &s . .