Newspaper Page Text
MMMMiiiiii5iiiiiiiiI MaaatiMM wa amii,! .1. ..i.uif DAILY EDITION. r inaae, atcaa cs waaexss, , ; BDITORS "A.8D fBOPWKTOES." ; -P ATXi-gV : ' ' 1 Year,v gs.oo " . 6 Mot., . .. aoo Wlcly. ; - -1 Year, -.t 1.50 '. Altl'RRTTSrtfG It A TBS '.LOW. ' POWELL & SN I DEB'S COLUMN POINTERS I " ? V' f The general tonejof the Grocery ' Trade is good, and from . present in dictions the coming season promi ses well. CANNED, GOODS " Our Stock is the largest' ever of fered in. ., Western North . Carolina. Quality guaranteed, and prices very low. ' ." TEA. We carry a full line of the finess Teas that can be bought in New York, 40c. to $1.00 per lb. COFFEES. Our Stock is large, and embraces Green and RoaSted Mocha, Man deling, Ptdany and genuine-0. G. Java, Costa Rica, Maracaibo, La guayra. Santos and Rio. - ... SUGAR- ; ' ' ,Cu't Granulated, Extra Cand Yellow, at cut-rate prices. MOLASSES AND SYRUPS: , "New Orleans, P. R Mayagues, Golden and Silver Drip, in bbls. or kegs all prices and grades. ; - RICE. ; - Always a largo stock of Carolina Rice on hand, 5 to 81c. . s SPICES. . U . Our stock id specially large and vn-ll selected. SUNDRIES. r - , I J We have some special selections and bargains, as Raisins, Prunes, Figs, Nut'?, Candies, Cranberries Currents, Citron, Oranges, Lemons, Olives, Mince Meat, Jellies, Jams, Olive Oilr Pickles, Sardines, Pre served Gingrr, Catsup, Gelatine ; Chocolate, Broma, Cocoa, Macaroni, Vermicelli, Extracts, Herbs, Crack- ers, Soap, Cheese, and in fact, a .stock of . . Fancy Groceries that cannot fail to suit the most fastidious in prices and quality. "K r Our Flour? Grain and ' . Teeil Department Is complete. We buy direct from producers, and always - keep on hand car lots each of Flour, Corn, Oals, Hay, Bran and Shorts," which we can furnish at'. V. JjBicctt Jtlarket Prices, To cash Wholesale buyers in our line we will say price our. goods be fore buying.' . - V . To retail buyers we will say that our g'ock is ; always fresh, full and complete bought for cash on the ; best markets, and: Fold at fair and reasonable prices. .- . . , Powell & Snidei1, " Cor. riain'pt and Paifon Av'e. DAILY EDIIQN. INTERESTING BEADING MATTER ' ON TIIEFOURTH PAGE, r f Arrival aba Departure of ttae V rains. Saxjsbctbt Mai train arrives 9:29 a. x. ' " . " Departs 5:88 r. m. - - .. - - DaT train unra a 9-14 v w. " " deparU at 10:30 A. K. l eanossee Am res 6:37 p. m. . . Departs 9:47 A. x. . . ; '. -WAYXEsnixx Arrives 4:39 v. itL A;- . " ,Detarta :8Aif. ft-: - The Waynesvillo train reaches tiat point at uav ; rctnnung, eaves wavoesvuie at 1.36- TIIE DAILY CITIZEN : AVill Jbo published every Mornijig (ex cept Monday) at' the' following .rate strtctly cash ; One Year, Three ; , One " a One Week, . - . . , . 60 "- Our Carriers will deliver the paper ev ery Morning in every part of tne city to our subscribers, and . parties wanting it will please call at the Citizen Office. r W. T. Weaver, Sole Agent for Hess' Hand-Made Shoes for men. tf Send your Job Work of all Ifads to the Citizen Office, ff you ujjit it done neatly cheaply ana mii dispatch. Billiard and doII -tables witn inonarck cushions, upBtairs, at Haropton& Feath erstone's. .,. : " No kind of wine made Dut what can be found at Hampton & Featherstone'B. - CoL Hoyt, of Turnpike advertises some tine new thoroughbred Berk shire gentlemen pigs for sale. The first day of the' new rear o pened bright and very frosty, but closed cloudy and threatening. Mr. John H.; Everett of Charles ton, was in the city yesterday. : ; Ex- Sheriff Franks, of Swain was here Wednesday. The decision of the Supreme Court in the Buncombe stock-law case was filed yesterday. We will set the opinion this morning. ; " , We acknowledge the compliments of the season from Mr. W. B.' Wil- liamson whoee liberal check on1 the Bank of Time we hope will be duly honored. - - We have well pawed the thresh old of a new year. Can any tell what its signs of promise are? Heav en grant it may be peace, and plen- ty-and prcepcrity, tc-at5i-hcr-pcc.pKj ot tlie earth. Don't you forget the tobacco breaks which open at all the ware houses next Monday. Full houses are expected, and times will bright en up very considerably. The new year opened brilliantly, and closed somewhat gloomy, a gen uine picture of the fortunes of the year, chequered and changeable, with , its justp roportion of good and bad. - ' , ,Lord Salisbury lias his eldest son, his son-in-law his brother-in-law, and two nephews in the House of Commons." - This is . all right, as they are elected by the people, and not appointed by the noble Lord himself. A different, system pre vaiffr on this side of the Atlantic. A Maine paper boasts that that State has '"one oouniy larger, than all Massachusetts and. equally 'fer tile;" and ii "bigger than Ireland or Scotland and nearly as big as ; Eng land;" but it has a ' citizen . , whose name is Blaine who was thought to be as big as" these United State3, but he fell somewhat short .when the test earned, ' f' :'.:'':f'Jr. 'Mr, C. B. Mqore'a '.new-year's greet ing was unique and; pleasing.' It was, in appearance.- a fac-simile of the U. S. postal card, but bearing the sentiments Vof the season rather than Uncle Sam's official imprint. It was very neat, and appropriate to our clever chiefl clerk 4m the post Office.' T : ' The ypung ladies Aid Society will attempt to amure the public, with an entirely new 'entertainmenta "Bonbon Soiree" n the" evening of the 5th in st, Tuesday, at the Caroli na House, north mam street. px are" urged to come. Doors open at 7. SO p. m. Admission 30 cents. The fir2bcll tingled and jingled at times all day yesterday, but thereJ was nothing alarming about it y It was being arranged so that hereafter, when an effort is made to sound the alarf um ;the good bell will give forth no' ua certain sound that is, not be so funereal as It has been, at times, df late, while something very lively was wanted and needed. Capt. H.C. Fagg superintended the ar- rangement: The regular monthly meeting of the Asheville Tobacco - Association will be held at the-Farmers' Ware house Monday afternoon Tat 4 o'clockJanuary 4th. - E. I. Holmes, Sec'y. Go to Law's fob Pkesekts. ... . ; I " A larger and finer line 6f goods offer ed this year than ever before, and prices lower . than ever. A grand stock of Silverware, crystal, cut, - engraved and colored- - Dohemian Glass; j A lot of real Faience pitchers in three sizes, at 50, 65 and 75-; cents each, (about half price.) Hammered Brass ' Trays. ' New style clocks in brass and Faience. For Christ mas or bridal presents po to - La w's, -..-'.. opposite lagle llott'l. , .-; , .- Huass Clocks." - - - New lot jnpt in at LawV. AlaK Signals., ' -i tj'rfiz-'. The arrangements were completed yesterday 'by which the fine 'alarm bell may. .be , madeta, giyepnt -its proper sounds. One thing is wanted, however; that is the signals to direct ta the loca tion of the nre-v This town covers large area; and it is cohfosiag' both to the' fire department and the citizens to depend upon a; general alarm.' 'Much valuable time is lostfrom nncertainty m the loca tion of a fire, which may be confined' to the interior of a building, giving no out ward signs of its whereabouts.- ' " , w We may suggest plan. s In the? atj senco of apolitical division into wards let 'the tit? b "divided .into four fire wards. South and North Main . streets, including Merrimon street; Patton Av enue and t College .gtreets i&rming ithe , bapes of,tha -ward divisions., Let the! quarter eetioii between Sirth Main street and College' street, emoraelng an the area lying between to the corporation boundary be Known as the North' East Ward, or Number 1; that' between Col Ieee street, and SontL Main street, aj the Southeast Ward, or No. that be tween South Main street and Patton Av enue as Southwest Ward, or No. 2;.. and that between Patton Avenue and Merri- mon street and North Main street as Northwest .Ward or No; 4-' No in case of a firo alarm let the bell be struck rapidly- at first - Jhen, if the alarm is in Ward No. 1, strike one several times at measured intervals - Then repeat the rapid ringing for a minute, then repeat the single strokes, v So for .each ward, according to the occasion. This plan will mate tne use oi tne bell intelligent. " , Govl" Robinsox Passed through the cityS a few days ago, enrpute-thqmefor a few days, when he will return to Wash ington, and again start for the north west ,tQ continue;his duties; iGov. R. was looking very well, and - has much to say of a most pleasant na ture of Wisconsin and he has been in during the past few .months, bays it is a wonderful country, and a wonderful people in habit it He 'received' hnW kind ness from all, and made some most aereeable acauaintances. Just be fore starting for heme he experienc ed some z4-below-zero weather, but says it is by no means -go disagree able as one never Tiaving experi enced fit would imagine. With proper precaution you can keep comfortable in or out nf doora, and is the most delightful air for breath ing he ever experienced. Altogether uoy. Kvis much pleased with j his experience; but said when, he got in sight ofLhis. ownjoalive laountains. me . iiuioe roms people aim T ms friends a ihappinefes welled. Airi in his heart, which no other lana or people could induce. f Our citv enters upon the new year with brighter . prospects than ever before."' With j; a' largely increased population, and -rlecal and general trade,, with enlarged industry, and with a large .number of contracts for new.buildings the coming Spring and bummer, with another railroad giving direct connection "with the South just completed our people nave every cause to enter upon an other year most hopefully;; ' Our people can not, safely depend upon outside agencies or inni; build up their city. ihese agen cies, at best, are only tributaries o the uses our own people see . ht to apply 'thereto, 'and, of themselves will prove comparatively. orthless unless our people should - bestir themselves," and constantly, - to get tne most tney can attora. L&x our people be united and energetic,' and use well' the many adyantage8 i;we now . have, to l push your city more rapidly . upon the grand road of progress and prosperity. Let them specially be' more energetic in be half of local . interests, ; than individual benefit' and another new year will find us far in advance of this one upon which we have iu3t enteied. i The" Blue Ridge Baptist. : " : We regret we failexf lo merition in the notice concerning the.openihg of a business office- of the aboye paper in Asheville by;" its able editor,' Rev. Mrrv Carter, ' that the paper would not be : removed to .this place' for some weeks yet, On ' the 7th Mr. Carter will open a business office in the Burnett building., north ccmrt square, where he " will be found a few days of each week, whichVillbe announced hereafter ; in the Citizen. The post office address of the editor is Henderson vilie, until further no ticed ' -,?td. ;:-.'-J ij : . yisitipg friend ' from, the north remarked yesterday., lia - wc have, enjoyed here' eighteen? '. Consecutive daysof most delightful, cool bright,. pure, bracing weather, ;justf such as one would want and need for ont door exercise and pleasure. He and his aris greatly pleased iviUi our cli; mate and say itis the finest, they have eyer experienced. I Th?re are a large number .of visitors in the city now, for the winter. .7; ., ' ,;Mrs,;Col. Hoyt of Turnpike left a few days ago for her father s home in New York, ' called hence by -the severe illness -of her; father. The 8ymphathies of her many friends go with her. ' - 7 - See Pelham's cheap counter, the quality and the cheapness thereof is amazing. If yoa want some fine old . Pure X. C. Corn Whiskey, go to - '. O. Mulleb A Co. . Importetl French brandies and wines miadiiltcratctl nt Hampton & FfiUher- f-tonp's Dowk os the Coast .l: V ;;;The Wihnington Review Jvk xes fers to one of our townsmen.- ; ''Mr.'jQTEvans' Brow n, foi m er ly of North, Carolina, but Tor more than thirty, years a 'resident of New 2ea land,ia at the Purcell House on avisit combihjM 'pleasure and recreation.' liiS; tamuy are wiin nim,. aiinougn a son is now absent in the Eastern Eortion of.the"State, but is. eipected ere in a lew. days. They : will re main in this vicinity about two weeks longer, when they vvui go .Jurther South.'? ' : - ' The Telephone Exchange Opened regularly for tusineis yes terday, in.drning, ard the object of rA gojod deal of ratbnalr.curiosi ty. Many visitors called,, in during the rience has yet to .be overcome, send- ejSnIrfeiyetlbotK jaeing new to tne ousiness. . yve propose in- a aay or two' to give some definite idea of the' apparatus; and lts'lVorkings We aDpend the general JCules-ndop tedf -lflfiwI4'. '.,. To Gall: Rmsvour . belU and with the" earphone- to youreaTfask tlie central "Officer to connect fou with ; thett listen until- talks pr central tells you "the reason for not answering your call. -. .... - Numbers, not names, are used in designating the'in dividual "offices iri connection ' l To Answer: Ring your bell; and with your earphone to your-ear, ask "what will you have? V When through talking, tell each other "good bye;" and always ring your bell when y ou nav,h nifchen. , Itt': qrfewil ays, eachsubscjfiber will beiuruisbed with printed rules, and a list of oflices in connection with" the signal numbers of the same. " Mr.CIiff 13 in charge of the ofhee. assisted at present by the large ex perience of Mr. Girdwood. 1 t; ' A' large ttoch of Clothing, Dry Goods, Fancy Good, -Boot and Shoes, JIats. Car pets, &c, at fixed and reasonable prices. 'vtlstfeb " "-' ' ': ; Hampton & Featherstone enjoy a great repouuiun lor eeuiug . uure euuiu -w popular prices. 7 - ; NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. . i. . - j l.. -.W rsi. . I have three tboronrh-bred - Berkshire boar pigs, eight weeks old, for sale. Apply to an2-dlwk ; t. . .. Turnpike, N.C 3 BOF03ALS WANTED. ...f..- -i i,. Sealed bids will be received bv the Secretarr of the Asheville Cemetery Company for building two ornamental gates ana ineir pons, ana panels of fence accordina; to deUU drawings and spedfleatlonrwhich can be see.i oa Application at Searden & Rankin's store. ' J 4 All bids will be considered which are handed l- between this date, and 9 A. M. of Monday the The company reserves the riirht to relect any anaaa Dias. . t. w. rAiiva, jan 2-d3t a Secretary Asheville Cemetery Co, mHR FIRST NATIOKALBAJTS: OF ASHE- A. VIIXE. . . . - ,Ashbvii4.X, K. C, January 1st, 1836, Tie retmlar annual meetlntr of stockholders for the election of Directors will be held at the flanking honse on Tuesday the 12th day ef Jan- roiu open from 10 a. m. to s P. ts. ? . as. W, K.BRBESE. President.- ' v w. Hi PEN LAND, Assist. Cashier. jan 2J,4th,51h and 12th. v ... TRIVATE SCHOOL AND KINDERGARTEN, j ... uaiiey street. . - Miss Hatch and Itisa Rilev beff tiv announce school duties will be resumed Mondaj Jan; 4, '86. Classes for instruction in French both elemen tary aud advanced , are being formed. Those desirous of Joining " are requested to send in their names to, and further particulars will then 17IOK SALE, LEASE OR RENT. a . 4 - tf. f The nice mrmln thnn Tin-re fiwriirf h 'Mrs. 8. C. Shelton." It is one and a half miles 'firm Asheville. Oood barn, farm house and fertile bottom.. Apply to , - - - r . i- ? - - w4 W. BARNARD, Beaker,' f jaa lst-5tw2wr v- - Asheville, H..C. fek'fFIitEJ FIRE!': We offer , the public our t entire 1 STOCK; OP GOODS ' j ' damaged by. the recent s-V- ; 3HT at their own figures.. Call md Becnra f t -.T ,ivtj jf nGJiMjy, J,;5f . 4 Two doors helow the old stand. . JilcCARGO and COBSON. Havlns- nurchased the stock of Dr. A. B. Ware. t shall continue the same business iu the build ing lately occupied bv him. in the old Central Hotel, and offer a full supply of . 1. 1 FAMILY CKOCmiES ; . r of the ' highest grades', Flour,' Canned "'Goods, Fraits, Vegetables, &c, 4c ' ""- "-" utve me eau. r . ; J. v. Mcuajv.uuLS3.r dec31-tf . .. f.yK'! ... . Notice. - .. , : - ' - , , i -i All parties owing us. where the aecount has been stan&ng over thirty days, mill save trouble and cost by settling immediately . ITT 1BONDS". MAYOR'S OFFICE,: )FFICEr : c N.c, . .Y : ;r S9,iaoS.r) t A8aevme, s ' December The Interest etiwie City Bonds maturing Jan- nary 1st, li6, will be paid on the 2nd prox. at the Bank of Asheville on presentation of the coupons. - i - t . uy order or tne uoara or a mermen. r ; T. O. H. DUKid, Secty 4 Treas'r, dec 30 St . . . , ' - fpO OCR CUSTOMERS ! ., . ... - . . rertna 1st Jn i awry, l , f ow rent, ttiat may be coui;w icu wita us. v r'e.M.'iued for payment on tae I-.t eacli r.i i te cniii. J 'i 1 pi ii'i t,i itmjJs of c rt .-e-M, tl r 1'W T ? 1 T ( IS fl' 1 I f 1 1 , mala t.. : i -w arii i .tit ' ; .' US Cld 1 a f r tiiac e r p 1 J s C V u 1 1 1 1 4 I 1 f 1 i V a ..nuance i f v-r ( i i k Ui i 1 l i tl hnve a cu t t; are English SpAreows J!'fv ; Wo clip! ; the following"' from the .Wilmington Star, : The' same nuis ance is here.'" 'A year agti last March thegreatcycl a jewi i sparrows across; the- moun tains; They found "lbdgment nn der the " eavea of the Court House, where they have multiplied largely, They will continue' 'tftihcreaie un- tilV.bev nt IPT.atTi rt'fl WAiMinWii - " ??r.v ney y naye aone eyery,wftere else, They will do this "where they- have driven aWflVftllflio ROnerhirTla r. ivp attatketUthe farme'irain crc-a, and when they weary thje caHBjrih iilhetEddismalxrQ2kiE6-chirn-ff .Thev have not eaeermngMrait- They are noisy anamtny ana impudent ly Offensive.' "'; : ' r We called .anUon tathemrhen they: first appeared that steps might be taken to nin ; the-nnisance In th . . - " ? We quote from the Star : 'English' sparrows, that were iiw ? grel1 of h premises indicate strong-v have innrfiR laro-pl-BTnlt flta nftW. 3il' nf iha ritv In nV,ar-nUin, and towns " wbprp tVv nrf mnro nn aJ? Df W ? r? lhey ar e 9?ejiu: uiciuua. 1 ill" v i.rn iuhim fiMritn i r rf a r uuisauuc, iuiu.iue oiru i is generally . J ll 1 ' 1 li unaer uie ;Dan it anves away na tive birds, destroys fruit and. grain, nrl i. lioam-oooKla . i Tbey ought to be exterminated, and - 1. 1 r v . . . ." ii is not -too soon to oegin worfc - at : V .1 H .AvuMimiiitr I II 1. 1 1 nnninn f 1 1 1 1 uo mcf itmu umnojogisw A rumor prevail at Chattanooga that union has collected evidence from Mr John JI. lnman,the millionaire rail all parts of the "country'Tvhere the road magnate of New Yorkjarsly inte- iingiisn sparrow occurs, and " has "published a report based upon their investigations. aney nave . urged thatiarvs be passed against ii, look ing ; ta P its, eutire extermination. 4-cting,upon this advice, .and upon experience .with, the past, several States have repealed their protect ive- laws for its protection - The un ion -in its report says; x?s .: i"In regard-td a means of destrue tion levied.-evervState offer asmall Dounty tor birds and ecrirsv and the small bdys will do the work." Birds are very quick at seeing whether or not tney are " wanted. - If i thev are persecuted, they instinctively draw away from manVasin thVtcase of the crowy- Wsmay hot -bcAble'.to entirely. rid ourselves 5 of the pest, but we can at Jeast, succeed in dnv mg them away? from thecitiesr and once- get them into , the country, where they carr be .taught to fear the shot-gunVand we shall have them at. least" under ' our "control. They, can be.'driven away from the cities 11 their -nesta are demolished as soon as madei and - if all the bird nouses are removed. ,; A carelul use of poison, might also work with ad vantage, and m the large.;' parks the shot gun in the hands' of competent men, couia, pe orougni into use ,t : -, . 1 " 1 1 : -4-. ... OUB HENDERSONVILLE, LETTER. j:.' Ut. H-EKDERsoNVitLr. Janil, 1S85. EpiTOES 'CltV:u-: -. '-. I write yoa the morning of the first day of the New Year; hoping yoa long 'Jife, usefulness and happiness, . At this sea son nearly: everyone t'intenda to "turn over a new leaf" and. we trust that those who propose to. do better this year than ever before-will be enabled to carry out theii good intentions, as there is much need of improvement in ma'miera anJ inorals.. - We had the jhoat Sqiiiet ChrLetj. mas- we Uavo ever seen. rue, 4he young folks had a merry time and there were tne usual turkey, mut cake and 'chicken fixens" of the time of year, but the boisterous features were banished. Therej .were -a-friendly knock-down r two and a lew wnose locomotion was eomgwhak Jrapaired.bta'fc all jwa8."merry as a marriage., pell and no calls for the Coroner. i ""i : i' j - ? We can't inform vou tfie exact time the cars will commence running through but weeara if Anibe'aoen-7 ji j f A. prominent' K. ll. man informed us tliat the road from PaintlRock to Knox- Would- be commenced at an. early dayv Tlie weatner for tne last week has teen so fine that . vegetation and birds have put m a spring, appearance and "hose r having Hotels . and boarding bouses have opened again for Summer boarders, j Gay equipages are seen On our streets and we will soon have a goodly number of visitors, t People are finding t the attractive features of our city ud are availing themselves of our mod erate terms of board. 1 : ' :..: ; tp'X ; The euests of the v irsriQia Ilouse on Wednesday nisht were treated to a d- lightful serenade by our city string band which" is composed of some of our most clever young men. 11 "music is the food of love," all we have to say is in the lan guage of McDuff play on. -. " A6Vome enquiriescome to usin regard to Gray & Thackson's whereahouts, 'wo will inform tall that Mr. - Gray is in Florida looking after the interests of his ouse.and Mr, inacksonis in (Joncord, N. C we presume, looking after his own interests f-M 'x-''tj' l.i i ii; Business is nuito dull here now, with the exception of the Hotels, and they are full, sndfjepjopjicto1 .getting fat and saucy." " .-" -.-"'. . ibe nxrhunter? here, are havmz a good time, and foxes are being tLir.n.ed out rapidly.- Plenty, of squirrels and irdeupon the market. " Ycurs truly ''-"": ' am ' m ' 08 oiBgT' ' ' Eev.J. W. Davis, a missionary to China now in this country will preach on Sab bath morninsin the Presbyterian church and lecture at night on China. Jlr. Davii ha3 a lara map of China and hh ire wi 1 be try iititatir-r lliv I lecture on fc:i 'n u. moon to 1 H'c c r oY n ft 3 s r & ! i " - - ( r t ; i t TELEGRAPHIC NEVlC : , poMESTia:; 1 1' l A. S . l i T w . Washmeton. which will reniwuint th views of President Cleveland Jand Mr, xwanuaii. . . The IJinraiafAi' Nafinnal Rank ton, Mass., closed its doors yesterday af- a 1.1 m . wr we casuier naa iw noot. .'...j .Capt; Davis, with: a company of U.S. troops,sent oat three , weeks ago to look after Apache Indians in Arizona, has 110 b fromnnce. ;A.HearehlnK - - - edatWellstpn,l)hio,'with f 150,000 capi . itf-T;'-t.?-'Ki,'':'-i ' ; : i . KThe 'Poles ui Detroit still threaten be7n 1 ie troops, are onauty. A Mr. Hammond, near-Tlomer. Lall V T named LeverSck. waylaid the latter while a en T6 to F'K H ho bim, " mnrra 1 1 xr u-ruinn nr i m 1 : 1 ' Eating raw, Idiseased pork,' killed a family, .or Germans et Streator, S .. .i.J. . ; Mr. J.-Wi Wallace, of tBe Knorville Tribune has been appointed special ex- i . m I . A new postoffioe in New Jersey has been named after Gen'l McClelland. - ine wurt or AlaDama Uiaims termi u:u iuj existence) tation. on the Slat bv limi- All cases before it were adiudi- cated reste l& tne l. syndicate, is about to buy the East Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia railroad. .-.y - Mexican ontlaws composed mostly of disappointed and defeated candidates in recent Mexican elections, are raisins a disturbance on nnr onnthern fmni.iar and threaten'an invasion of our neizhbo. rinf? republic. TJ. 8. troops are hastening k? tne iron i. r - - i - The Enellsh Kovernmenthaslnforma-1 tion that another battle between I British L day or two in Egypt, and Genl Steven son is pushing his late viotory. The Lynchburg Advanc4 says: . Breaks at the warehouses are very light, the quality generally very bad, and prices corresponds -low''--- Mrs. Bessie ; Johnson and Misd Carrie Rumbough of Warm Springs assisted Mrs.-il. B. Carhart, of Knox yille, irf receiving last night ' ", Adjutant General Drum of the armyays Gen'l Crook will soon sub due or exterminate the Apache In dian murderers. .'.'.'. i! What kind ; of dresses should far mers' wives wear? Gros-grain. Where did '-Noah keep his . bes? .In the Arc-hives. s s What country seat aJ-s wavs rents? J A barbed ; wire fence What town n Massachusetts need not fear. small pox or measles? It's Haddam. "' How can you make an overcoat last?,'. By making the un der coat first " Why was Adam the first in the market business? He had the first spare rib. Why was Eve like Monday? . She was the first of the weak. Chicago' Tribune. . ; A '. large slock of : Clothing Dry Goods. Fancy' Goods, Boots and Shoes, Hats. Cur- pets, tr.r at fixed and reasonable prices. Engraving. " -a ii': ''-' Mr. Burt Dension. ' of Bay Citv. llich.. with J. D. Robertson, will do all kinds of engraving, in initials, names and mono grams. Bring in your work. - - ... . . Kespectlnlly, .mv-j -. v . , 'r. -,. .... ' 'i J.D. Robkktson. -BUSINESS NOTICES. Gravuley' and other fine brands of cue wine tobacco at Hampton M foather- Stone's. ,.:-' . ., i Blue Grass Club. Kentucky Belle and Rockingham Rye whiskies at Hampton & Featherstone's. Whitlock has a fall line of Gentlemen's Underwear in all qualities, call and, -ex-. amine. , .-- r-. v-;wv,;t A good restaurant , is a necessary es tablishment for every city. Doc Hutch ison supplies this need by the Whilo Alan s Kestaurant on slain btreet, be tween tho Bonanza and the bank. Dock advertises oysters now daily, and offers a tempting bill of Cure,. ;." " tou-20 Call to-day or night at Farmer's Board ing House u you want Iresh Norfolk Oysters served in any style. .. . ..f l . nov la-tjanl x f , 1 5 , aicCav rv & Go. Ladies must -by all means examine Whitlock 'a wraps before purchasing else where (1 .. .. , i.i. v:.- ' ' tf Handaori.e cups and vaucerd, work boxes, photograph- frames, . boxes of er, whisk broom holders. at Whitlock is ehowin? some very hand some styles and would advise all to call on him who desires anything in the mil--linery line. . .. --. , , . - '4- Gcnts' attention is callrd to "W hillock's handsome scarfs at 50 cents." " tf " Ladies look at Whitlock's 111 cents pure linen fast colors Hunstctchcr handker chiefs.- ,,t -tf ' t Gibson's celebrated XX, XXX, XXXX whitiky kept at IJ&mpton i Featherstone's. . -: Cashmeres in all prades s l all colors and black, at Ai iiitlock's. Your old the; new only at. ? 3 cr.n be . J I fll i i c 1 .v.'J ' Great Nlarfii Am" Down Karrli! For the next CO dava WhiiWi wini: goods resardlees of cost. When he says cost, he means nothing else. Any one who is desirous of purchasing any article in his line will be much beneiittfxl hv calling to Bee the following goods and at prices cheaper than have ever . Wn offered before : Androscotpn 3G-inch bleached Domes tic, former price 10c. now going at 8Jc Fruit of the Loom 30-inch bleached Domestic, former price 11c now 9Jc. Peppereal 9i bleached Sheeting worth 30c now selling for 22J. . 4. , v H A good 1-yard-wide unbleached Do mestic, worth rally 8J0 now at 6c. Good fast colors Apron Ginaham worth 9c now going at 71c Best Calicoes are now selling "for CJ. ALL- DRESS GOODS '-H ft :rii: old at a great sacrifice. ' - . r' " '!' I.'";! Those beautiful SS-inch Satin Berbers worth fully 65c now selling at 37Je per yard. 54-inch all wool dress Flannel that has been selling at $1 00 now croin? taf7Xc..r- KAUiitifnl H.iahiul I? . 1 . I Z atilc aathpra equally as low prices and too many to enumerate. niasiocK oi ou lions and dress trim mings are all sold at prime cost. 1 1 HOSIERY aud CILOVFX Ladies all-wool Hose worth C5c ow sellinw for S7f. -: ' are .. Ladies full regular made Cotton Host) worth 60c going now for 40c. Children's all-wool Hose in all sizes at SOc per pair worth 50c. - , . , Children's lull . regular' made Cotton Hose at 25c worth 40a ' Ladies 3 Button Kids worth 11 00 nnv for 65. .1- V.'fvjf . A ll- SiHis;-Satiris s-'-i vrr-.. 7 -AND- Velvets ! An extra heavy black "silk 20 inches. wide worth f l 40 going tor 90c. ' A Verj y heavy black silk 20 inches; wide- worth worth si j noing now lor y.c. A very handsome black Satin 19 wide worth $1 25 now selling for S. still handsomer quality black satin woi k flfiOnowsold forfl 1G. I Silk velvets sold for f 1 DO per yan worth n 5a ... , . All colors In ZEPHYR are sold for i per ounce . 5;..- T7 :: ' Beautiful Ll.itk diagonal No trimined in Afitraclum v.hi;li f !0 ( 0 now pfjiT at and otiic only fiv .' i-i.lM .1 ! r : t e yea s ' .y a' luw. 1 1 :.!ic.; ro c;:i 5 ! .. i i j i . .. ';! -.' . ':!