Newspaper Page Text
'T&he l&.eziexn emocral, havXoiic, iT-CS- .,, . II I P - " - ' ' " ' 1 I" I . II - I - . M II The Golden Side. There is many a rest in the road of life, If we ouly would stop to take it; And-many a tone IVoni the better l.iud, If the querulous he irt would make it ! To the sunuy soul, that is l'uil en hope, And whose beautnul trust ne'er laileth, The grass is jrreeu and the bright, Though the wintry ttorm j)revaileth. Better to hope though the clouds hang low, And to keep the eye still lifted; For the sweet blue sky will soon peep through, When the ominous clouds are lilted ! There was never a night without a day, Or an evening without a morning; And the darkest hour, as the proverb goes, la the hour before the dawning. There is many a gem iu the path of life, Which we pass iu our idle pleasure, That is richer far than the feweled crown, Or the miser's hoarded treasure; It may be the love of a little child, Or a mother's prayers to Heaven, Or only a beggar s grateful thanks For a cup of water given. Better to weave in the web of life A bright and golden filling And to do God's will with a readv heart, And hands that are swift and willing, Than t5 suap the delicate minute, threads Of our curious lives asunder; And then blame Heaven fur the tangled ends, And sit and grieve and wonder. A negro named Ephe, who was a regular at tendant at church, was proud ot his Ruble learn ing. He was sawing wood one day, while his masters sou, a laa ot about twelve years, was looking on, and now and then asked questions. Whirdi "4" tho OTuKtloe ill v-mi lllrf IiKvf asked he of Ephe. "1 likes Ramson, says r.idie ; "lie was so Etrong, and piled up deni wicked folks so." i:Why, Ephe," said the boy, '-tsamsou was not one of the apostles.' Ephe put down his saw, looked at the young Bter a moment in amazement, and then asked him, with an air of triumph : 'Look here, white boy, how old are you?" "Twelve."' "Well,"l'se forty; now, who ought to know beet, I ax you dat ? GROCERIES ! GROCERIES ! ! A l U 1LU1NG 1U.N, .V (J. We have just received tat u.var.ii' of our Stock of Groceries, consisting of Pork, Sugars, Teas, Soap, Mackerel, Starch, Cheese, Flour, Pickels, Family Butter, Which we offer to Caudle, Cottec. Crackers, Euckw heat Flour, Ac, &c, the trade at the lowest Cash market prices. A full supply of Groceries will he ke;t constantly on hand, to which we would call the attention of Couatrj Merchants and others H. 11. COWAN A CO , No. 32 Water Street, Wilmington, X. C December 0. 1867 Ira State of North Carolina, Union County. In Equity Fall Term, 1SG7. William B. Marsh and Jane Rivcns vs. Walter Marsh and two other children whose names are unknown, Heirs of Edmund Marsh, deceased. Petition for Sale of Land. In this case it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that the defendants in this cause are non resident? of this State, so that process cannot be per sonally served upon them, it is therefore ordered by the Court that publication be made for six weeks, successively, in the Western Democrat, commanding them, and each of them, to be and appear at the next term of this Court, to be held at the Court House in Monroe, on the Sth Monday after the 4th Monday in February next, and answer, &e, or judgment, pro conftsso, will be entered against them. - Witness, T. D. Winchester, Clerk and Master of I eaii Court, at office in Monroe, this Sth day of No vember, 1&67. 96-6w T. P. WINCHESTER. C. M. E. Southern Express Company. The Southern Express Company lias opened com munication with all Northern ai-.d Western States, and is now prepared to forward Freight. Money and Taluable Packages safely and promptly. Messen gers leave Charlotte daily, connecting at Raleigh with Adams Express Company, and at Richmond with Adams and Harnden's F.xpress Companies. Letters will be forwarded by this Company to all points South and North having no male facilities. " W. P. HILL, Agent. Charlotte. Jan. 1. IS"". The Southern Express Company, For the transportation of merchandise, valuable packages, specie, bank notes, bonds, &c, for all parts of the South and Southwestern connection with ADAMS EXPRESS COMPANY, hare established their agency at o BROADWAY, NEW YORK, where orders to call for goods to be forwarded South will receive prompt attention. Merchandise and valuables delivered t : Harnden's Kinsley's, American and United States Express Com panies, for the Southern Express Company, will re ceive prompt dispatch. For particulars, rates of freight. &c. &c. apply at the office of the Southern Express Company, oi) Broadway. il. E. PLANT. Jn. 1, 1867. President. State of North Carolina, Gaston county. Court of Pleas $ Qiutrter S-'stians. Xov. Session, 187. James Ferguson, Adra'r. vs. John Ferguson and Gracy J. Adams. Petition for Partition. It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that the defendants in this case reside beyond the limits of this State, it is therefore, on motion, ordered by the Court that publication be made, for six weeks successively, in the Western Democrat, a newspaper published in the city of Charlctte, notifying said de fendants of the filing of this petition, and that unless ihey appear at the next Court to be held for the county of Gaston, at the Court House in Dallas, on the 4th Monday iu February r.cxt, and answer the petition, the same will be taken pro confesso as to them, and an order for partition granted. Witness, Amzi Ford, Clcik of cur said Court, at Office in Dallas, the 4th Monday in November. A. D. 1867. A5lZI FORD. Clerk. 08-w pr. adv. $10. State of North Carolina, Gaston county. Court of Pitas $ Quarter Sessions. Xov. Session. 1SC7. Sarah Ferguson, Admr. vs. John Ferguson and Graev J. A J rim?. Petition for Dower. ft appearing to tho satisfaction of the Court, that the defendants in this case reside Jieyond the limits of this State, it is therefore, on motion, ordered by the Court that advertisement be made, for six weeks successively, in the Western Democrat, notifying the defendants, John Ferguson and G racy J. Adams, of the filing of this petition, and that unless they ap pear &t the next Court to be held for the county of Gaston, at the CgutI House in Dallas, on the4th Monday in February next, ami ar.swer the petition, the same will betaken pro confesso as to them and A writ of dower ordered to be issued. Witness, Anui Ford. Clerk of our said Court, at .office in Dallas, the 4th Monday in November, A. P. 1867. AMZI FORD, Clerk. 98-6w pr. adv. $10. NOTICE. MR. S. P. ALEXANDER is from this day onr legally appointed Agent to Rent Houses and "make Collections for the year 1SG8. A B. DAVIDSON, R. A. SPRINGS. Ptefjabtr 16, S7 ln Hospitality Among Lions. Chenier, in his book on "Morocco," relates tbig: "J. have been assured that a Brebe who Went to Luut the lion, having proceeded far into a forest, happened to meet with two Irons' whelps that came to caress him. The hunter stopped with the little animals, and, waiting for the com ing of the sire or the dam. cook out his breaklast and gave them a part, The lioness arrived, un- perceived by the huntsman, so that he had not time, or perhaps wanted the courage, to take his gun. After having for some time looked at the man who was feasting her young, the lioness went away, and soon after returned, bearing a sheep, which she laid at the huntsman's feet. Thus become one of the family, he took this oc casion of making a good meal, skinned the sheep, made a fire and roasted a part, giving the en trails to the young. The lion came also, and. as if respecting"thc rights -of hospitality, showed no tokens of ferocity. Their guest, having finished his provisions, returned the next day, and came to the resolution never more to kill those animals, the noble renerosity of which he had so fully proved. He caressed the whelps at taking leave oi them, and the dam and the sire accompanieu him till he was safely out of the forest. Six per cent Interest. Deposits received subject to sight checks and six per cent interest allowed at Oct. 7, 1807. CITY RANK OF CHARLOTTE Great Reduction in Prices at BUXBAUM & LANG'S, At Corner Store under Mansion House, Charlotte, Are now offerinsr ercat bargains preparatory to closing their Fall Stock. Our Stock of Dry Goods is large and consists of Calicoes, DcLaines, Worsteds. Heps, Poplins, Meri noes. Flannels. Domestics. Shawl.-?, Cloaks, and ull other goods iu the Dry "Goods line too numerous to mention. Give us acall and we will give the benefit of thelate declines. Our stock of Piece Goods is complete, such as Jeans, Kerseys, Sattinets, French Cassimeres, Droad Cloths, vc. We call the attention of the Ladies, to our fine as sortment of Cloaks, of the Newest Styles, Inch will be sold at prices to suit tne times. .Also a line stock of Ladies liats. Hock Island Cassimeres and Jeans. Our stock of Clothing and Gents furnishing Goods cannot be excelled iu regard to Fit, Quality and Price. A full line of Boots, Shoes, Hats and Caps. We have always on hand a full line of MILLS & SONS S'noes lor Ladies and Gentlemen. Also, Trunks, Valises, Carpet Rags, &c, S.e. A full line of Eljukets at greaiiy reduced prices. Our friends and the public generally are invited to give us a call. Dec. V, 1M7. BUXBAUM & LAXG. Groceries. , Tea, Molasses. Soap. Candles. Table &c, cheap lor cash, next door to the JAM LS II AllTY & CO. Sugar, Coffee Salt, Mustard, Court House. Nov. 11. 1S FERTILIZERS FOR WHEAT. We have now received our supplies of Guano and Phosphates for Wheat, consisting in part of Pure Peruvian Guano, Soluable Pacific Guano. Raugh's Phosphate of Lime, Zoll s Phosphate of Lime, all in sound packages and "warranted free from adultera tion. HUTCHISON, BURROUGHS i: CO. 150 Barrels of Rockport Lime. "n Sacks Liverpool Salt, l,Xfl.) Gallons Cardenas Molasses, in barrels and hogsheads, 2o0 Kec: Nails, assorted sizes. 'HUTCHISON, BURROUGHS & CO.. Commission Merchants. FIRE INSURANCE. HUTCHISON, BURROUGHS & CO., Agents. Policies written on Storehouses, Dwellings and all kinds of Merchandise in Store or -in Transitu." Ag gregate Capital represented. Twelve Million Dollars. e. x. iii'tciusox. j. c. m unot ciiis. r. a. sritixos. Plaster of Paris, Rosen. lale Cement. Rockport lame, Land Tlastcr and Clover Seed, iust received. HUTCHISON, BURROUGHS & CO. October 14, isr7. Dr. JOHN H. McADEN, Wholesale and Retail Druggist, CHARLOTTE, X. C, Has on hand a large and well selected stock of PURE DRUGS, Chemicals, Patent Medicines, Family Medi cines. Paints, Oils. Yarnishes. I've Stuffs. Fancy and Toilvt Articles, which he is determined to sell at the very lowest prices. May -20, 17. HOME PRODUCTION. North State Washing Machine Best in Use. Patented OetoLtr hth, 18G7. ! (he JSuftrrt'bn-x awl JLtnuJactitrcrs, at Charlotte, X. C. If you need anything of the kind, you will en courage home industry by purchasing one of our Machines. It is easy to operate, occupies a small space and does not injure articles to be washed. It and substantial, and dees its work in a short time. It is an actual improvement on others of similar out side appearance. In the North State AVashing Machine the Clothes are placed in hot suds and while thus immersed with the air excluded, tl : Machine is operated, giving the Garments a rolling, rubbing pressure, and at the same time they receive the solvent power of the soap. The Clothes ai ot impaired by the use of this Machine. You can make money by saving the wear and tear which your Clothes are subjected to by washing and beating in the old way. This Machine gives the advantage of using boiling suds and of confining the steam. It cau be worked sitting or standing. It is cheap. The price of it puts it within reach of nearly every family, and pays its cost back in the saving of garments. Trv it! Tkvit!: Bit It!!! Manufactured and sol 1 by EARNHARDT Xov 2-, 1SG7. HOUSTON. Charlotte. N. C. C E UTI riCATE. Cu u.i.oTTr. N. C. Nov. 221. lsV.7. Messrs. Earnhardt i Houston: After a fair trial of your Machine. I feel fully convinced that it is the best I have ever s-.en. LLavehad live or six different Machines since I have been a housekeeper, but always found the servants averse to use them, both on ac- count nf the labor and as they sav the failurp tn r,-i tho ...,tr0:lk of dirt" out of the" clothes. This Ma- chiue is so easy in its operation and to perfectly cleans the clothes that I fin 1 no difficulty in getting them to use it. No family ought to be without one. Sincere wishes for vmir success. Yours respeciUiLy, Mr.. M. A. Charlotte Fcumle Institute ClIAELOT'iE. N. C, Nov. St I. 18t')7. Messrs. uarnharut & hoa:u: S:rs: I have tried1 your Vi a.-Ling Machine, r.n 1 fully concur iu every- ' thins that Mrs. Ihirwcll says in regard f... it. J Yours Truly, Mrs. Dr. .1. M. Mijlke. J t Chablutte, N. C , Nov. So, lsrt7. Messrs. r.arnhardt x Houston: Sirs: The North State Washing Machine is really more than I expected, and can with candor say that there is no humbug about it. My servants say that it doe? i:s work as well as enn be done by hanl. And I take pleasure in recommending your Machine to my friends, and all who leire a la' -.r-saving machine. Ret wishes for your success. Respectfully yours, Mtts. Daviu Parks. 1 I ess A vmin? ladv. who proposes to assist in editing the fashion column sends the following : "As for lo necks, the loer it is the more fash- TLil vn air rlrpst. Miss Goolra jrive me a blue silk of hem and I cut its neck orf, and Suzen ! -a ' . 1 i ; Simmons cut on hern and we attrax a great neat of attenshun to our necs, promunadin in the streets like uther ladys and holdin up our cloz. Nobody isn t nothiu now wnicn aozeni note up her cloz, and the hier you hole 'em the more yu air noticed." z. B. VAXCE. C. DOWD. VAVnr A- DOWD. Attorneys at Law, Charlotte, N. C, . TT (Office in tue coubt hols:,; Having associated themselves together, will practice in the Courts oi JlecKienourg. ireueii, tamua, uu. vidron. Rowan, Cabarrus and Union, and in the Fed eral and Supreme Courts. Claims collected anywhere in the State. April 2, 18CG. tf Ragged Money. Torn and defaced Shinplasters, Greenbacks, and National Hank Notes, bought at a very reasonable discount at the CITY BANK OF CHARLOTTE, November 1, 1S07. Trade Street. House Furnishing Articles. Chamber Setts, .lapaned some very handsome ; all kinds of House Furnishing Articles, Knives aud Forks, Spoons, Castors, Candle-sticks, &c, next door to the Court House. Nov. 11, lbf.7. JAMES II ARTY & CO. Fall and Winter Stock 1S67. FOR THE "WHOLESALE AND RETAIL TRADE. WITTKOWSKY & RINTELS, Have no a iu store one of the largest stocks of Goods ever brought to this market. It consists in part of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, READl-MADE CLOTHING, &c. They invite particular attention to their elegant assortment of Ladies Dress Goods, and feel confident that they can give satisfaction in price and ipiality. Their stock of Ready-made Clothing arid Gentle men's Furnishing Goods is complete and embraces everything in that line. Boots and Shoes In large quantities and at the lowest cash prices. Their stock of Groceries and Hardware is sufii cient to supply the demands of their customers and friends. In fact, everything and anything can be found in their Store, l'roiuthc smallest needle to a "cross-cut" Saw. The attention of country Merchants is re quested, and they are respectfully invited to call and examine this stock of Goods. Returning thanks for ''e liberal patronage hereto fore bestowed, they r-;nuse to do all in their power to give satisfaction U customers hereafter. Millinery and Dress-Making. A separate department is devoted to Millinery and Dress-making, where the Ladies can have work done promptly and in the latest styles. WITTKOWSKY & RTNTLT.S. between the two Drug Stores. Oct. 11. lSfi7. " Grocery and Provision Store. ALEX A XI) K K HERtt YIITL At the centre Store under the Mansion House, has for sale a good assortment of GROCERIES A XI) PHOl'ISIOXS, Such as Sugar, Coffee, Molasses. Salt, Flour. Meal, llacon. and anything usually kept in a Family Gro cery Store. Persons who buy at retail will find my prices as low as any iu this citv. A. KERRYIIILL. October 28, 1S07 Cm New Foundry and MACHINE SHOP. TATEM, ROOKE & CULPEPPER, Practical Mechanics, Have opened a Foundry, Machine and Rlacksmith Shop, at the old stand of J. M. Howie, where they will execute, in the very best style and finish, all work in their line. They are prepared to make all sorts of CASTINGS for Steam Engines, Mil's, Factories, Water-v, heels, Cane mills. Farming Implements, and, in fact, every thing pertaining to their business. Particular attention will be paid to the EEPAIR IX(f of all kinds of machinery. All work shall be done in the very bet style, with the best material, and at living prices. Ail kinds of work for GOLD MINES executed with skill and dispatch. Remember, we are practical workmen, and will warrant all our work. Give us a call. TATEM, ROOKE CULPEPPER. October 14. 18".7. THE NEW BOOK STORE, CIZ A KLOTTE, X. C. TIDJ)Y & BRO Has just received a large addition to their Stock of New Rooks, Stationery and Fancy Articles. The public are invited to call and examine their stock. They are prepared to furnish "Wholesale Customers on as good terms, or probably better, with anything in their line, than any other house in the City. SCHOOL BOOKS. Davies. Rowdon, Primary Old and New Arithme tics: Also. Keys to the same; Pike's, Fowler s. Green leaf's, Appleton's and Smiley 's Arithmetics; Bul lion's Greek, Latin and English Grammars and Readers; Bin 'iam"s Latin and English Grammars : full series of McGuii'cy's, Sterling's, Goodrich's, Wil son's, Sargcnts and N. C. Readers; full series of Mitchell's and Cornell's Geographies: Cop- Books ; Quackenbo's and Bruokfield's Composition: all classes of Speakers ; Williard's and Titter's Univer?al History; Quackenbo's History of the United States; Sewell's History of Rome; Comstock's and Parker's Philoso phy: Webster's and Walker's School and Unabridged Dictionary. NEW PRESBYTERIAN HYMN BOOK, Just out : also, an extensive supply of Methodist Hymn Books: Bibles; Thornton's and Jay's Family I'ravers, .c. HISTORICAL. Annals of Tennessee: History of the Late "War. by Pollard: Abbot's Histories: Democracy m America";! J roudes History of England. HOVELS. A large selection of the litest and best; Also cheap Novels Dime Novels. STATIONERY. The largest and cheapest ever offered in this market, comprising Note, Letter. Foolscap. Blotting and .fis sile Paper, from t!ic cheapest ,0 th? finest American, German an 1 French ; Envelopes, all sizes, from the smallest to the large official plain and colored borier: Lead. Slate and In lellible Pencils: Arnold's English Writing Fluid; Moore's Writing Ink in bottles for School u-o: Indian Ink: French Paints in boxes all sizes: Canul II. iir Pencils: Cohen's. G mnic.rial. Washington. Medallion and Gil'ot's No?. 170, SOS and 404 Steel Pen. FANCY ARTICLES. Beehives. Vases. Wallets, Cabas. Ladies Companion. Card Receivers. Chiss Paper Wt-ights, Ladies Work B.ixcs, Watch Stands. Photograph Albums. NOTE BOCKS. Southern Harmony. Christian Minstrels. Timbrel o"Ziou. Christian Harmony, Presbyterian Psaliaodisr, Carmina Sacra, Songs of Praise, Sabbath School Bell. Happy Voices. Pocket Diaries for 18X ALMANACS FOR 18S8. Blum's. Housekeepers and Builders, Dcnfscher Kalcnder. The above is now offerol to the pnblic for their inspection. We sell for Cash, and by so doing we are ablo to sell low. j Dumber 107. T1DDY PRO. I NOTICE. Drafts on New York Without Charge. Parties, whether regular customers or not, wish ing to send money to New York, Baltimore, and other Northern Cities, will be supplied with Drafts for any amount, at City Bank of Charlotte, without charge. Also, for sale, Drafts in amounts to suit purchasers, on England, Ireland, France, and all parts of Ger many. A. G. BRENIZER, Cashier. November 4, 1867. NEW DRUG STORE, Nearly opposite the Mansion House, 3d door above Dewey' t Bank, Charlotte, X. C. KILGORE & CUIIETOX, Wholesale and Retail Dealees is Drugs, Chemicals, Perfumery, Surgical Instruments, Paints, Oils, Dye Stuffs, To bacco, Segars, Stationery, &c, &c. B. F. KILGORE, M. D. Xov. 11, 18G7. T. K. CURETON, M. D. Concord Female College. The next Session will commence on the first Mon day of January 18(18. It will continue six instead of five months. Tuition and board, will be $135, half in advance. with washing, Each boarder will furnish her own lights and towels and a pair of shoets and pillow cases. Music, Drawing, French and Latin are extra. Address, J. 31. M. CALDWELL, Statesville, N. C. November 18, 1SG7. 2m NEW STORE. At the Stand formerly occupied hy Steidiouse, JIacaulay cC Co. The subscribers inform the public that they have just opened a large stock of Groceries, Consisting in part of Sugar, Coffee, Cheese, Bagging, Rope, Iron Cotton Ties, Crockery, Boots and Shoes, and every other article in the Grocery line, which they offer at as low prices for cash as can be obtained in this city. J. K.UCK & CO. Xov. 11, 18(')7. Fresh Arrivals at the Elephant Store of PRESSON & GRAY. By arrivals to-day, we are now supplied with every article in the line of Family Supplies that may be called for such as Bacon Sides, Hams and Shoulders, fine Buckwheat Flour; a large lot of Coffee, which we sell cheaper than before: Sugars of all grades: some splendid Dairy Cheese; Mackerel, No. 1 and 2. We have on hand a general assortment of Tin and Crockery Ware. Also, just received, a tine lot of Sole and Upper Leather. We have now, and expect to keep, Corn, Meal, Peas, Flour, Potatoes, and every thing j ro duccd in the country. Also, a fine lot of Syrups the 'Golden Syrup and Maiden's Choice. A small, but well selected assortment of DRY GOODS, among which are a lot of Cedar Falls Sheetings. Also, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, among them Thomasville manufactured Shoes, all of which wc will sell as low, if not lower, than any house in the city. Dec. ), 1807. PRESSON & GRAY. Crockery, Glass Ware and China. Beautiful Gobi Hand Tea Setts. Cut Glas Goblets, Wine Glasses. Roh'-mmn Glass Toilet Setts, in great variety, next door to the Court House. Nov. 11, I8ti7. JAMES 11ARTY & CO. Watch and Clock Maker, ' Ai DKAI.F.ll IX JEWELRY, FIXj: MATCHES, CLOCKS, Watch Materials, Spectacles, A;c. Aug. in, 1SG7. CHARLOTTE X. C. A. W. ALEXANDER, Surgeon Dentist, CHARLOTTE, N. C. (Ojrice in the Braichy Building,') 3, Can be consulted on Tuesdays, W ednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. March 2 ), 187. j. a. w:li.ari. a. A. WILLAKI). Wiliard Brothers, WHOLESALE GROCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, And Agents for the Hazard Powder Co., and Marvin & Co.'s Safes. Also. Emery's Cotton Gin and Con denser, and Foster's Cotton Planter. Xos. 2'J, IX) and ;1 North Water Street, W1LMIXOTOX, X. C. September 2, 18CG Om Concord Mills. Having opened a House in Charlotte, near the Post Office, lor the sale of our own manufactured goods, we invite the attention of merchants and others to our YARNS. SHEETINGS, SHIRTINGS. OSN A BERGS. CARPET CHAIN, STOCKING YARNS. &c. &c. ISS.?" Cot ton taken in exchange for Goods. We sell low lor Cash. J. Mcdonald & sons, August 12, 1807. Concord, X. C. Covand & Harriss, G EX f: 11 A L CO M MISSION M ERCIIAXTS, 1V Commerce Street, XOREOLK, YA., Will attend promptly to sales of Cotton. Grain. Lum ber. Tcbacco, Naval Stores, &c, and purchase of Supplies. Will forward Cotton to Europe FREE of forwarding CIlAlKi E. D. G. Cowaxo, R. J. Habeiss. Washington to.. N. C. Late of Halifax, N. C. Refers to Capt. W. E. Satt and I Ton. Z. B. Vance, of Charlotte; and Hon. W. X. II. Smith of Hertford county. August 2f., ?f7 Crn TAILORING. John Vogel, Practical Tailor, Respectfully informs the citizens of Charlotte and surrounding country, that he is prepared to manu facture gentlemen's clothing in the latest style vaud at short notice. His best exertions will be given to render satisfaction to those who patronize liimT Shop opposite old Charlotte Hotel, next door to Brem's Hardware S:ore. . January 1, lb07. CHARLOTTE MARBLE YARD. I have this day -.d the Stock of the Charlotte Marble Yard to JAMES TIDDY. who will in the future conduct the business, an I is cordially recom mended to my cu.-.tonu-rs of the h'.'t ten vears. RICHARD N. TIDDY. Charlotte, N. C, July 1st. Ib07. James Tiddy, Dealer in Marble .-.nd Manufacturer of Monuments, Slabs. Headstones, &c. CHARLOTTE, X. C. Orlers will receive prompt attention. All pernors ir. hbtrd to the Charlotte Marble Yard will please c;r.e forward and make immediate pay ment, as further indulgence cannot be given. July 22, ls.57. COOPER SHOP. I have removed my Cooper Shop to the one formerly occupied by Mr Creswell s a wagon shop, near Mr Jamison'jj Blacksmith tdiop, on the Ft reel leading by the Court House, where I w ould be pless-ed to see all those who desire work done in my line. Xcw work or repairing don? at short notice. Give me a call and your work shall be done satisfactorily. House keepers who want water conveyed through their houses by pipes, will apply t the undersigned. Oct. IL l-a.7. y 'ills SCIINIDER. 3 PRACTICAL Wntr?li mid Clnnk TvT.qTrmv SADDLES, HARNESS, &c. - L. W. Osborne, (Opposite the Old Charlotte Hotel,') Manufactures Saddles, Collars, Bridles, and Har ness of all sorts to order, at short notice. He keeps on hand, and for sale at reasonable prices, BUGGY, CARRIAGE ' & WAGON HARNESS, HIDING SADDLES, And everything that may be needed in that line. Being a practical mechanic, he thicks that he can give entire satisfaction to those who patronize him. His prices will be found as low as any in this city, and the workmanship as good as the best. He respectfully asks a fair trial and a share of public patronage. JSgy REPAIRING done in the best manner with promptness. L. W. OSBORNE. . Dec 2, 18(57. . 6m GROCERIES. Hammond & McLaughlin Have just received a large assortment of Groceries, which they offer for sale at reduced prices. Their Stock consists, in part, of the following articles: Iron Cotton Ties, 40 Sacks prime Rio Coffee, 30 Barrels Sugar all grades, h 2-3 5 10 10 Hogsheads Sugar yellow, Barrels Molasses assorted grades, Hogsheads Molasses C iba, Barrels Potomac Shad, Half Barrels Potomac Shad, 10 Quarter Barrels Potomac Shad, 10 Half ' " Family Mackerel, 10 Quarter " " " 40 Kits, No. 1 and 2, 100 Sacks Liverpool Salt, uO Boxes fine English Dairy Cheese, f)0 " Adamantine Candles, 50 " assorted Stick Candy, 2-j " Layer Raisins, Fine Lot of Bacon N. C. and Western, " " Flour, Corn and Corn Meal, Codfish and Irish Potatoes, Hemlock Leather, Iron and Nails all sizes, Bale Yarn and Shirting, Sauces, Flavoring Extracts, Soda Crackers, &c. And every other article usually found in a Grocery and Provision Store. We invite the attention of country merchant? and others to our stock, aud solicit an examination. iiammond & Mclaughlin. October 14, 1807. tf B. KOOPMANN. Having completed my Winter Stock, I now offer to my friends and patrons in Charlotte and surrounding country, as handsome and cheap an assortment of Fail and Winter Goods as can be bought in or out of the city. As usual my stock comprises everything kept in a first class mercantile house. Of Dress Goods, a full and complete stock ; Calicoes in every variety and pattern: Shirting, bleached and unbleached; Sheet ings and Billow casing of all widths; Ticking, &c. Special attention is called to my extraordinary fine and extensive stock of Millinery and Ladies' Goods, Such as Bonnets, Hats, Feathers, Balmorals, Hoop skirts, Engl'u-h Hosiery, Vests, &.Q., Shawls in every variety: a lot of French Embroideries: Laces, thread and climy ; Edgings; Inserting; Collars; Handker chiefs altogether embracing an uosoi Uncut such as is only seldom offered in this city. Cloaks and Furs, Latest Styles, Furnishing Goods, Trimmings, Fancy Goods and Notions in endless variety. Cloths. Doeskins, Cassimeres, Satinets, Jeans, Tweeds. Kerseys, in shades, patterns and qualities to suit any and everybody. Ao. a heavy stock of Rock Island Cassimeres ami Jeans at Factory prices. CLOTHING 1 CLOTHING I ! CLOTHING III a better stock than ever. Boots and Shoes For Ladies" and Misses', Men's and Boy's wear. I bought and had manufactured for my use such arti cles only as I can honestly recommend. HARDWARE in all its branches, including a lot of double and single barreled Shot Guns. Wittcmore's Cards, Ames' Shovels, Collins' Axes, &c. &e. Groceries, Drugs, Notions, &c. The old and numerous friends of mv house know of course their interest de mands them to give me a call before purchasing, whilt t the public generally can rest assured tiiat a trial ; fully satisfied that I can as the lowest. WHOLESALERS, who it my store will leave them and wil sell at least as low do not wish to be under- sold, will do well to look Oct. 21, lb07. through my stock. B. " KOOPMANN. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Co-Partnership Notice. The undersigned have this day formed a Copart nership, under the name ofR. II. COWAN &. CO., for the purpose of carrying-on a General Commis sion, Shipping and Supply Business in the City of Wilmington, X. C. Their oiiiee, for the present, is on the Corner of Chcsnut and Water Streets, up stairs, where they will be happy to hear from and serve their frieuds. By the 1st of October next, they will be fully pre jiared lo furnish supplies of all kinds. ROUT. H. COWAN. JNO. W. CAMERON, JAMES H. HILL, Wilmington, X. C, July 1".', 1N17. tf J. Y. BRYCE & CO., General Commission Merchants. CHARLOTTE, X. C. Particular attention aid to the selling of all kinds of Produce, Cotton and Tobacco. EQ, Highest cash price paid for Cotton. 3, All orders from a distance promptly attended "to. J. Y. BliVCE. March -", UCG. W. II. BRYCE. FANCY. GROCERIES. Pickles, Preserves. Jellies, Mustard. Horse Radish, Powdered OingeV and Cinnamon, Ginger Preserves, Macaroni. Hermeirically sealed Meats and Fruits, Salmon, Lobsters, Oysters, Clams, Sardines, Pine Apples, Peaches. Strawberries, Salad Oil. Catsups, Soda Powders, Vinegar, Killikinick Smoking Tobac co, Havana Segars, Tobacco and Snuif. Chestnuts. Green and Dried Apples, Raisins, Fishing Hooks and Tackle, Violin and Guitar Strings. wines and brandies. Champaine, Pemariin Sherry, old Newton Ma deira, old Port, Catawba, Rhine, Ja.s. Hennessee Cognac Brandy, vintage of 18GS, Marc Renault double refined rectified Whiskeys, old Bourbon. I'y. Wheat, pure Corn and Monongahela Whiskeys, Hol land Gin and Schiedam Schnapps, Bitters, St. Croix and Jamaica Rum, Cordials and Lemon ami other Syrups. London Porter. A. Guiness & Sons' xxx Brown Stout, Dublin, Muir & Son's sparklin Edin burgh Ale. Glass, Bottles, Flasks and Demijohns of all sizes to the Trade. Old Corn and Rye Whiskey by the barrel, to the trade at small profit." isitors ami residents in Charlotte purchasing nnv of the above for medical purposes, can get a pure article bv crdling on Feb. IB. 18f,7. J. D. PALMER. J. E. STEXHOUSE, I ALLAN" MACAFLAY, f New Yor.K. Charlotte, N. C. Stenhouso & Macaulay, O MMISSION HER HANTS, 42 Stone Sircrt, XEW YORK. (otton. ( oiti.n Yarns. Naval Stores, &c, and the purchase of Merchandise generally. Consignments solicited. June lo, lfc;7. Benjamin Robinson, (Late of North Carolina,) . ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, G7 Xaszau Street, XEW YORK. Associated with A. Peyoe, Esq., formerly of Virginia, will attend promptly and thoroughly to all business commuted to his management. Aiii.Mij "Jf.. 1n.7. lv ; C. M. Query's New Store FALL AND WINTER GOODS. A new stock of Fall and Winter Goods is now Store for sale at reasonable prices. Ladies Dress Goods, Bonnets, Trimmings, &c cf all descriptions, in large cpaantities. '' Shoes, Hoop Skirts, Gloves, Yankee Notions and Fancy Goods, in great variety. " Millinery. MRS. QUERY would inf orm her friends Hint si, a has spared no pains in selecting her stock of Milline ry and Trimmings; and having had along experience in the business feels satisfied that she can please all who will favor her with a call. Bonnets and Hats made and trimmed to order on the most reasonable terms and shortest notice. ' Dresses Cut. Fitted. Trimmed and made on reason able terms and at short notice. Our terms are strictly Cash. Our motto is, nnall profit, and just dealing to all. ' October 14, 18G7. Fall Stock. J. BUXBAUM & CO., Trade Street, Charlotte, X. C. Dry Goods &c, Arriving daily, all to be . sold Cheap for Cash. To our old customers, and friends we return our thanks for their past liberal patronage, and take pleasure in announcing to them that we are daily receiving a full and complete stock of Fancy Dry Goods, Embracing every article kept iu a first class estab lishment. Hats, Bonnets and Ribbons, in great variety, to suit the most fastidious lady. READY-MADE CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES. GROCERIES, tc. EH5, Give us a call and judge for yourself. October 7, lSf-7. Important to Carolina Shippers. THE NEW Bait. & Carolina Grand Trunk FREIGHT LINE, VIA PETERSBURG, VA., Comprising the following great Freight Routes: THE POWHATAN STEAMBOAT COMPANY'S FREIGHT LINE OF STi.AMlls PETERSBURG AND WLLPON, RALEIGH AND GASTON, NORTH CAROLINA. WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA. WILMINGTON AND WKLI-oX. ATLANTIC & XOLTH CAiiOLIV WILMINGTON AND MANCHESTER. CHARLOTTE & SOUTH CAROLINA RAJUV.n$, And their connections. Time. Quick and Rates Low. This new trunk line forms a Great Freight V.oute between Baltimore and AVehlon. Warrenton. Raleigh, Hillsboro", Lexington. Salisbury. Morgan ton, Cliur lotte. Lincolnfon, Goldsboro". Newbern, Eciinfnrt, Wilmington, Chrstervilk-, Winnsbnro' , Colin. I, ii, Sumterville, Manclie.'-1 1 r. stud all intt rt:v d'utc .'.i.ts on and near these great Railways Mid tlu .i c ' tions. The Powhatan Ste.ancrs connect at IVtershtug with Petersburg R:i.lwjy '.or ;.il po'.nts in the Caro linas. Cars are inn alongside ot St aim i s Whaif, and good" trau tcrrc d with c;.rc;:;l h;. .'..;! 't.;. CARS ARE RUN THROUGH WFiilOL'T 1-R1.AE-IXG LILK Between Petersburg and L.aic gh. ('harlot'.'-. 1 ilil boro, Wilmington. &c, tie. 1 his in.ui.'i "-se.-ses niiiny advantages over a Sia Lou.. Mai. tie risk is small and .s comj ai The Whart cf Powhatan Steamers being situated in the very centre el the gnat M.i) p i;z District of itullillioit-. iu:'l:ir it t i liTi uiciit to ;-injJxls, lii.'l drav;.ge is v. ry small. (treat attention paid to cons;gi.mtnts of Cotton, Coi n, Wheat, l'.o.-in. Aic.c. All produce forward' l at the lowest possible rate?. To injure tram-j ortation over this Irilniul Fast Line. ".-ids. whether Northward or Southward Iftund. Via Prtersburg." Y-jy Freight landed in Baltimore, day following delivery to the Steamers. Through Receipts are given and fixed rate jer 1H) pounds guaranteed both :.ys. Jtj" Rates in every case ns low as via Ih.y Line and Portsmouth to and fiom Baltimore, l'hiholeli hia and New York. N. B. With regard to last named points, freight is forwarded to and from Petersburg by Philadclj l.ia and New York Steamers. For rates and all further information, aiJ'ly to any Freight Agent on the Line, or at the Office of the Powiiatax Stka m ho vr Co., '." Light St. Wharf, B.w.timokk. T. BRANDT. Jr.. President Powhatan Steamloat I o. U. B. PEG RAM. Sup't Petersburg Railroad. A. B. ANDREWS. Sup't Raleigh X Gaston Railroad. JAMES ANDERSON. Sup't North Cttrolina Railroad. C. BOUKNIGHT. Sup't C. & S. C. Railroad. S. L. FREMONT. Sup't Wilm'n & Wehb.n Railnwd. J. V. JORDAN, Acting Muster Trans. Atlantic and X. C. Railroad. WM. M'RAE, Sup't Wilmington and Manclieftcr Railroad. September :)0, 1SG7. H. M. PHELPS. ''Home, Sweet Home ! There's no place like Home ."' I am harpy to inform my old friends of Charlotte and the surrounding country, that 1 have ag'i" re turned and resumed my old busin- ss am-i.j: "l ," and am fully prepared to ofiVr them the Cheapest Stock of Goods To be found at any other establishment hi the City. Having recently lived in the Northern States. 'and with my old experience in the purchase ot C ods, I am not prepared to say I will sell '-below cost.' ort a reduction on the original "at and below New York prices," but that I will sell if Chcaj, if not Cheaper, than any other House, and at a .-in"-' profit. As my stock was purchased for Cash, quei.lly I can utlord to dispose ot articles a a wbgui advance. I have now in Store, and aia constantly receiving, a choice assortment of Dry Goods, Ladies" Trimmings .,t the latest st les. LiPn T:O i'i Damask. Linen Diaper, and all kmd' of F'.ainf!--Calicoes, brown and bLuclud Sheeting', hbu-k "i colored Alpaecas, Ladies' and Gentlemen s I i:rn'.' - mg (ioe. Is, ic. Ate. II. M. I ll l.l.i March 11, 1S.;7. Opposite the Court L 11-p- ROBERT P. WARING, Attorney and Councillor at Law, CHARLOTTE. X. C. OCice. .1 doors West of Dewey's Bank, and opp': Carson's new store. September 1. 1K'"7. New Foundry and Machine Shop AT CHARLOTTE, X. C. M. MARTIN & CO., Having removed their Works from Stowc-iil-, county, to Charlotte, respi ct'ully infotm thvii "' ' patrons and the public generally th :h y ! ;,,c opened a Foundry tnd Maci'iic Shoput i- id Nu'J Yard Lot. in the 'city of Charlotte, v. 1 . re th-y aie prepared to make ufl d CASTINGS f' ' ' n.i'.U Engines. Mills. Factories, V.'fckr Wheel-, C;.nc Farming Trrplements. Ac. &.c. REPAIRING Particular attention will be J-'1 10 repairing of all kinds. All work frhall be doac iu th very Lice st t1'0' and the best material usceL M. MARTIN. JOHN WILKES. June 2-j. IPCS,. " Ch-rlouc V Fresh Drurs, A general assortment, always on hand, at Au;:st l'T. 1S7, SEVERS DREG TMM.-