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. rr ITU T I a H v. n. WE P. K LT. B T IDITtw ' ' H. Li. HOLMES. Tbrms $2 50 per annum, H" paid in advance; $3 if paid at the end of six months; or 3 SO at the expiration of the year. Advertisements in serted at the rate of sixty cents per square for the first, and thirty cents for each subsequent inser- 1C3 Letters on business connected with this establishment, must be addressed H. L. Holmes, Editor of the North-Carolinian, and in all cases post-paid. Report of tlie Minority of the Select Committee, Concluded.' To allow either House of Congress, by its action alone to direct its scrutiny into the con duct of this or that particular officer without charge, allegation, or suggestion of miscon duct would be to usurp an authority not re cognized by the constitution, and liable in high party times to great abuse. It would be an arbitrary exercise of power of no ordinary character. Similar to the sic volo of the Ro man lady, it would be the concentrated essence Of despotism. For the purpose of testing this great principle, and ascertaining the Bense of the committee on it, one of the un dersigned submitted the following resolu tion: "Whereas, doubts appear to exist as to the power conferred on the committee by the re solution of the House of the Representatives; and, as il is important that a distinct expres sion of opinion should be given on the sub ject, for the information of the House, under whose authority we ac and the people of the United States, "Be it resolved That it is the deliberate opinion of this committee that the authority conferred oa them, by the resolution afore said, is Invited in its character; that it is con fined to fie investigation of the late defalca tions, and to the actings and doings of the officers of the Government therein contained, against whom any charge is made, or suspi cion rests; but that they are not authorised by virtue of the said resolutions, to call upon all or any of the officers aforesaid, to exhibit their books, papers, accounts, and correspondence, unless some foundation is laid for the inquiry, by a distinct charge, general rumor, or the suggestion of some member of the committee, upon his responsibility, that there is cause to believe there is misconduct in the manage ment of the office; that any other practice would be dangerous to the rights of individuals- arbitrary in its character, and in direct conflict with the genious and principles of our Republican Government. 1 he commit tee, so far from considering such a power was ever intended to be conferred on them, are of opinion that the exercise of such an unlimited authority, by the House of Representatives alone, would be a violation of the constitution, and the common principles of justice." Which was rejected. At a subsequent meeting of the committee, when the reading of the journal was in pro gress, the mover of the resolution proposed to amend it, by striking out the last sentence, and substituting the following: "The committee, so far from considering any other power was intended to be conferred, are of opinion, the delegation by the House of Representatives alone, of an unlimited au thority, to call on all officers, without restric tion, would be a violation of the constitution, and the principles of common justice." "It is evident the object of the mover was not to change the nature of the proposition, but to express, in more distinct language, the idea intended to be conveyed. This reason able request was inexorably refused, and the proposition itself not allowed to be inserted on the journal. It is submitted, without further commentary, to the calm judgment of the House, and the intelligence of the people. The "latter being seldom wrong in their opinions, in their sen timents, never." Jy ine rejection oi uiui lesuiuuuu, uuu uie course pursued by the majority of the commit tee, it was manifest to a common observer, i the case of Swartwout and Price was to be, i partially, abandoned, and a new field of dis j covery opened an entered upon. f The underswned. fnllv lmnressed with this idea, deemed it a duty they owed to the House and the country, to have a distinct expression of opinion by the committee, on the subject I of the defalcations of Swartwout and Price, constituting, as the undersigned supposed the - I 1 L " A C .1 XT .1 (( principal uujei ot uie nouse in raising me committee. Foi this purpose, on of the undersigned submitted the following resolution: "Whereas, under the resolution of the House of Representatives, one of the great objects was the investigation into the cause of die defalcation of Swartwout and Price; and as the visit of the committee to IV ew York was to attain that object, the persons and pa pers being there to enable them to make the id as the public mind h? been greatly ex ted on the subject, ana looks to this com ittee for a thorough investigation into the ictings and domes ot the persons above men- ) honed: "Be it resolved, That this committee will Toceed with all possible despatch to investi- feate the case of Swartwout, in which they have fmade considerable progress; and when that is complete and ended, they will take up the case of Price, and give that a thorough investigating" I Which resolution was laid on the table. ri-,i il i ,i l.. ii . . 'j can unaer me resolution Detore alluded o, was made on Mr. Hoyt, the presentcollector, or papers ana documents m relation to his mcicial conduct. He responded i n a written mmunication, and among other matters, ask- uuj committee considered him as a default and embraced in the resnh louse of Representatives. Th rw, ras by a resolution in the following word: fAReSTJVed' That in resPnse to the letter if Mr. Hovtof thA SSth inct 4K u: . j - -uainiian ue instructed to call upon him again, to furnish lis committee with all tetters furnished, from the several officers of the treasury department, to the late and present ollector of New York, and from said n. ors to said officers of the Treasury Denart- " uj iirst uay oi .January, 1837 up the 17th day of January, 1839; and also " all orders and instructions from said offi- 85 fp rrm 4- "Character Is a important to State, an it Is to imtUvldturtaf ail the glory of the State, is the common property of its citizens. Vol. I. PAYETf EVILLE, SATURDAY, MARCH 30, 1839. No. o. cers to said collectors, and the answers of said collectors thereto, if any, not heretofore fur nished, since the first day of January, 1837, up to the 17th day of January, 1839. "And be it further resolved, That this com mittee cannot recognise any authority or right whatever, in any collector, receiver, or disburser of the public money, to call upon 'the committee, or 'any of its members,' to prefer or disavow a charge of his 'being a de faulter,' before such officer sends 'the corres pondence' of 'his office,' when required under the authority of the House of Representatives, 'to send for persons and papers,' to enable its committee 'to inquire into and make report of any defalcations among collectors, receivers, and disbursers of the public money, which may now exist. Nor can this committee, or 'any of its members,' report whether Mr. Hoyt is or is not now a defaulter, until, by examina tion of the 'persons and papers,' for which it has sent and will send, it shall discover 'who are the defaulters, and the amount of defalca tions, the length of time they have existed, and the causes vhichled to them.' And when the committed shall have found the facts em braced by dicse inquiries, or closed its inves tigation, it will make report thereof to the House of Representatives." By this resolution, the House will perceive (he opinion entertained by the majority of the committee, as to the extent of their power, and the mode and manner of carrying it into execution. The doctrine here avowed is, that an officer of Government, against whom no charge is made of defalcation, and no suspicion express ed, is called upon to exhibit the papers of his office; not in compliance with the requisitions of existing laws, but the ipse dixit of a com mittee professing to act under the order of the House of Representatives alone, and who say to him "they cannot report whether he is or is not now a defaulter, until, by examination of the 'persons and papers,' for which it has sent and will send, it shall discover who are the defaulter?." If the political doctrine contained in the re solution is the doctrine of the House of Rep resentatives it is important it should be known to the people. If it be wrong, they will put their mark of disapprobation on it- If it is right, they will give it the sanction of their opinion. But until they do give it their sanc tion, the undersigned will consider the doc trine at variance with every principle of liber ty and individual right. Mr. Hoyt complied with the resolution, and furnished the papers; but demanded of the committee, as an act of justice and matter of right, that they would go into a thorough in vestigation nf"hl5 nfKfiol onnlupt r"- r tVioir departure from New York. The House will see hereafter what attention was paid to this reasonable request. During the investigation a practice was pursued in the examination of two and some times a greater number of witnesses at one and the same time, embarrassing to the com mittee, and calculated to produce great confu sion. Also a practice of allowing interroga tories to be given to witness, with the privilege of answering them at their leisure, and out of the committee room. The injuri ous effect of the latter practice was strongly exemplified by permission given, under reso lution, to David S. Lyon, who was afterwards proved to be a dismissed officer of the customs, and stood in the relation of a public prosecu tor of Jesse Hoyt, the collector, to take the question or questions home with him, to be answered next morning. The resolution is in these words: "Moved, That David S. Lyon, a witness duly sworn, and now in attendance, and who states that he is in ill health, and unable lon ger to attend the committee this evening, be permitted to take away with him the first in terrogatory propounded by Mr. Wise, and that he be allowed to draw up hi3 answer thereto in writing, and bring the same to the commit tee for their consideration at the meeting to morrow morning." These practices, so novel and unprecedent ed, in the opinion of the undersigned, and so likely injuriously to affect the rights of all persons implicated in the investigation, it was deemed necessary to check, if possible, by a direct vote of the committee. One of the undersigned moved the following resolution: "Whereas, The practice adopted by the committee, of examining two witnesses at the same time, is calculated to defeat the objoct of this investigation, and the just expectations of the country, as well as to produce great em barrassment and inconvenience to the mem bers, and particularly when under the rule of examination, one member is compelled to ex amine two witnesses at the same time; and whereas, the injurious effect of this practice is strongly exemplified by the examination at the same time, and in presence of each other, of two witnesses, to wit: Henry Ogden and Joshua Philips, cashier and assistant cashier, attached to the custom house, and called upon to testify to the actings and doings of the cashier department: be it therefore "Resolved, That, hereafter, one witness alone shall be admitted into the committee room, whose examination shall be complete and ended before the introduction of another." 1 he other resolution was in the words fol lowing: "Whereas, The practice of permitting wit nesses to prepare their answers to interroga tories out of the committee room, and not in the presence of the committee, upon the sug gestion of ill health, real or affected, is dan gerous in its character and injurious to the rights of those implicated, as the conduct and manner of witnesses in giving their testimony are almost as important as the matter; and as the intention of the House of Representatives, from whom we derive our power, was to have a fair, honest, and impartial investigation: "Be it resolved, That all and every witness in the course of this investigation, shall be sworn and examined in the committee room, and in the presence of the committee." The latter was rejected, a substitute' being offered and adopted, as wilt be seen by refer ence to the journal; the latter laid on the table. These acts need no further observation; we give the text, the commentary can be applied by others. While on this branch of the sub ject there was another practice adopted by the committee, which, in the opinion of the un dersigned, affected the private rights of indi viduals, inquiries, not as to defalcations, but the disposition by officers of the Government of their own money for party or political pur poses, as will be seen by a question to, and answer of, Depeyster, also a dismissed officer of the customs. "Question 3. While you were connected with the custom house, do you know whether or not the officers of the customs were called upon to pay any part of ttvsir salaries, at any assessment or tax thereto for party or politi cal purposes? If yea, state whether you have ever, and when you have made any such pay ment, and state the motive upon which such payments were made. "Answer. The weighers were called on to pay fifteen dollars each for the support of the elections, and when I declined, Mr. Vandef pool, the deputy surveyor, observed that I ought to consider whether my $1500 per annum was not worth paying 15 dollars for. Under the impression that it was the price for my situation, I paid it. The above occurred during the last spring election for charter offi cers. During my holding office, for about five years, I was occasionally called on, but always declined until within the last two years." In the pursuit of this object an occurrence took place in the committee room, which was deemed of sufficient importance to be spread upon the journal. The statement is in these words: "Resolved, That the following facts be en tered on the journal: "Mr. Wise propounded to the witness, Abraham B. Vauderpool, the following ques tion, to wit: "Question 2. Do you know whether the officers of the custom house have been called on to contribute sums of money to party and political objects? What officers have been so called upon; by whom; for what amount; when did they contribute; if they refused; was any intimation given that their refusal might occa sion their removal; what amount has been so contributed or collected; and for the support of what party at any one election? "The witness took the interrogatory without objection to propounding the same, and pro ceeded to write his answer thereto on the pa per attached to the question, and had written the following, to wit; torn house to have been called on for when Mr. Owens, member of the committee, in terposed and informed the witness that he was not bound to answer any interrogatory relat ing to his private affairs; and thereupon Mr. Foster, another member of the committee, ob jected to propounding the interrogatory. The witness here commenced to tear off what he had written before objection was made to the interrogatory. Mr. Wise prevented him from doing so by forbidding the act. Mr. Foster insisted that the witness had the right to tear off what he had written, and that it was not his answer until it was complete and handed in, and he asked the witness whether it was his answer, and he replied 'it was not.' And the committee having decided that the inter rogatory should be propounded, the said ques tion by Mr. Wise was again handed to the witness, and he returned the following: 'I decline to answer the second question.' The witness was then permitted to retire." If the information given to the witness of his rights stood in need of justification or precedent, it is contained in the following statement of facts, which had previously occur red in the committee room: Mr. Owens propounded to Mr. Joseph the fifth question. The witness wrote his answer in the follow ing words, to wit: "He owed us a very large sum of money on account of these stock operations, as the re vulsion of 1S37 had occasioned a very great loss on the stocks we had, and which were sold after our failure by the parties who had them under hypothecation;" and handed the foregoing answer to Mr. Owens, who, after reading it, told the witness he had not answer ed the question fully, not having stated the amount of Swartwout's indebtedness. Where upon, the witness replied, "that he would not wish to state that, as he had not his counsel here, and the amount was yet to be settled be tween him and Mr. Swartwout." Mr. Wrise then observed, in the hearing of the witness, that, as a judge in this case, he felt it to be his duty to say to the witness that he had a right to decline answering a question relating to his private affairs. The witness, after some conversation between Mr. Owens, Mr. Foster, and Mr. Wise, took back his an swer, and added the following words: "As to the amount, I do not think it neces sary to state it, as it as a matter of account between Mr. Swartwout and ourselves, and has to be adjusted when we come to a settle ment with him." The subject is calculated to attract the pub lic eye and produce reflection. It affords a remarkable instance of the course pursued by the majority of the committee; the respect ob served to the rights and privileges of witness es under examination before a committee reg ulated by no known laws, but governed by the dictate of an arbitrary discretion. Jn the opinion of the undersigned, the question propounded to the witness had rela tion to his private affairs. The witness Van derpool answered but in part; but, as soon as he was informed of his right and obligations as a witness, he refused to complete it, and said it wa3 not his answer, and wished to de stroy it. It was nevertheless retained, as ap pears by the statement above referred to. The whole proceeding carries along with it, its own commentary; and, without further obser vation it is submitted to the House and the country. Whether a committee of this House, ap pointed under its extraordinary and discre tionary parliamentary power, undefined and undcfinable, Is authorized to go into the inves tigation of the private affairs of officers of the General Government, in relation to their act ings and doings as citizens of the State in which they reside, and having reference to their domestic elections, (the question is gen eral, and Depeyster refers to the charter of elections) is a subject of grave consideration. It assumes an attitude that places it beyond the reach of mere parry movements. It strikes at cardinal principles dear to the American people. It is the assumption of power not warranted by the limited constitution, under which the General Government lives, breathes and has its being. The doctrine of State Rights is a mere mockery to the understand ing, ir kta principle is warranted and acted upon. Admit it, and the acceptance af office under the General Government ipso facto de nationalizes the individual as a citizen of New York. The right of inquiry involves fhe right to pass laws. If Congress can say the officer shall not have the right to use his mo ney for one purpose, they may say he shall not use it for another; they may say he shall not attend the polls; and, putting the cap-stone to tiis political pillar, they may say he shall not vote at any election. Sanction this prin ciple and you have a consolidated government in all its forms. This doctrine, like others akin to it, may be maintained by specious argument and in genuity. But the people of this country, as they have heretofore done, in all the proceed ings, affecting their lives, their property, or po litical rights, will not be guided by the refine ments of learning, but consult their under standing, and be governed by the dictates of common sense. The evidence on the subject of money spent for party purposes has refer ence to Swartwout as collector. The gen eral conclusion derived from it is, that the practice is not confined to one party, but per vades all parties in New York. That it is Jbe general, if not universal practice, the best evidence is afforded by the witness, David S. Lyon, who, according to his own admission, belonged to both parties, and is well qualified to testify to the fact. That the payment was not compulsory but voluntary, is evident from the answer of De peyster, who says, for three years out of five, he contributed nothing, and there is no evi dence he was proscribed by Swartwout. With a view of putting a stop to such in quiries, aud to enable witnesses, particularly 3K n rw 1 nHli. gations, one of the undersigned offered the following resolution: "Kesolved, ihat every witness, upon being caueu 10 tesiuy, snail De in formed by the chairman that he is not obliged to answer any question upon his private affairs, or the pri vate affairs of others." Which was rejected. The examination of this witness, David S. Lyon, an officer who had been discharged by Mr. Hoyt from the custom house, had not progressed far before it was evident his in tention was to criminate the collector. The undersigned, considering the plainest princi ples of justice were violated by allowing the character and reputation of an important offi cer of the Government to be attacked as it were in die dark, without his knowledge aud without the means of ascertaining the charges made against him, one of them moved the fol lowing resolution: "Resolved, That Mr. Hoyt, collector, be furnished by the clerk, with copies of all the interrogatories and answers of David S. Ly on, a witness examined in this investigation as far as he has made answers to them, and having relation to the conduct of said Jesse Hoyt" Which was adopted. But this being considered too great an in dulgence, a reconsideration was moved, and carried, and an amendment offered as follows: "Resolved, That Jesse Hoyt, the collector of New York, be forthicith summoned as a witness, and that before he be examined the interrogatories submitted to David S. Lyon, a witness examined this morning, and his an swer thereto, be read to him if desired, or he be allowed to read them, and that he have liberty to attend the committee during the ex amination of any witness w'. may be called upon to testify concerning his official con duct." . The amendment was adopted, and the re solution as amended, was voted for by the un dersigned as a dernier resort, or the same would have been lost. They beg leave to call the attention of the House and the country to this amendment to this boon given to Mr. Hoyt, in his posi tion of collector, surrounded as he was by open and secret enemies, in the shape of of ficers discharged by him under an imperious sense of duty to the public and himself, from their places in the custom house, and foreign importing merchants, who fancied they had been injured by him in the discharge of his duty as collector. They beg the house and the country to look at it in its two fold aspect as a subpoena and as an indulgence given to an Americrn citizen, who had his reputation, dearer to an honorable man than life itself, at stake; and say, "if these things can pass us like summer clouds, and not attract our spe cial wonder. Mr. Hoyt was summoned to appear forth with, not as an ordinary witness, but in the double character of a witness and party ac cused. For rapidity of movement and quick ness of execution, it was more like a warrant than a subpoena. It was no sooner served than Mr. Hoyt was in the committee room. Lyon's testimony, as far as it had gone, was read to him, and he was instantly placed in the crucible of one of the members of the committee, who examined him for many con secutive hours. We know not how others felt at the scene passing around them: but for ourselves, it was a subject of deep humiliation, and has left an impression on the memory not easily erased. In the progress of the investigation into the officeial conduct of Mr. Hoyt, intimations were thrown out occasionally in the commit tee room, that the time had nearly arrived for the departure of the committee from N. York. These intimations were warnings not to be neglected. The evidence against Mr. Hoyt was in manuscript, though not pVtnted; it would, as a matter of course, appear o"n the journal. All that he had to oppose to' it was his own testimony, and that of one or two other witnesses. Justice demanded that he should have a full and fair opportunity to in troduce rebuting evidence. Propriety and the peculiarity of his position required this op portunity should be afforded him in the city of ioireW iiJovecT the "By reference to the testimony of David S. Lyon, a witness examined in the course of this investigation, it appears charges of a curious character are brought against the pre sent collector of New York, Jesse Hoyt, and intending to implicate Benjamine F. Butler, the district attorney of New York; and as jus tice requires the said Jesse Hoyt and Benja min F. Butler should be heard fully in relation to the said charges, to enable them to spread upon the journal of this committee the evi dence upon which their defence may be found ed, so that as the journal contains the posi tion, the antidote (if the testimony furnishes it) also should appear, for the instruction of the House and the information of the people of America - "Be it resolved, That the committee will not adjourn its setting in the city of New York, where the parties reside, and the evi dence most likely to be found, until the said Jesse Hoyt and Benjamin F. Buder have full and ample time to prepare their defence (if auy they have) to the charges against them as officers of the Government of the United States." It was moved to lay the resolution on the table until the examination of witnesses was completed, and was so laid on the table. Mr. Hoj't himself under circumstances more particularly developed in the journal, sent a written communication making the same demand. It teas neither read nor re ceived. The ground upon which the rejec tion of this application was based, was the refusal of Mr. Hoyt to respond to a question propounded to him until his communication was acted on. On the same day, at half-past four o'clock, P. M. the following resolution "Resolved, That the committee having ac complished its principal object, to inspect the books and papers in the custom-house, in coming to the city of JVew York, and desirous to inspect the books and papers in the Trea sury Department, at the City of Washington, during the short period now left to the further prosecution of its inquiries, will adjourn this day, at 10 o'clock, p. m., to meet at twelve m., on Tuesday, the 12th instant, at the room of the Committee on Commerce, in the Capitol, and that the witnesses henceforth be summon ed to appear at that place until further ordered." It was moved by one of the undersigned to amend the resolution as follows: "Whereas, in the course of the investiga tions of this committee, witnesses have been introduced aud sworn, whose testimony has tended to charge the present collector of tlie port of New York with official misconduct; and whereas, tlie said collector has applied to the committee for permission to be heard in relation thereto, and to go into a full investi gation thereof, by witnesses to be produced by him; and requiring that such full investi gation may be had here, (in the city of New York,) where he alleges that the witnesses j whom he wishes to introduce reside; and whereas, it is due to the fair aud full adminis tration of justice, that the said collector should have a full opportunity to rehut the charge thus made against him; and whereas, several wit nesses are now under examination before this committee, the testimony of whom is not yet closed; and whereas, from the fact that several witnesses have been under examination at the same time, the testimony of several of whom is not now before the committee, either in manuscript or in print, (a portion of the manuscript being in the hands of the printer,) the committee have not at this time the means of ascertaining the effect to be given to that testimony, or the nature thereof, and individu al members of the committee are consequent ly unable (until a better opportunity should be afforded to examine said testimony) to deter mine how much further the examination of the witnesses should proceed, or want other witnesses ought to be examined into the in order to a full understanding thereof; and whereas, we are satisfied that the full investi gation of the facts connected with the defalca tions charged can be better examined into hero than elsewhere therefore "Resolved, That this committee will not fix upon a time for closing the testimony in New York, until the testimony is at an end; and that the fixing the time for adjourning to Washington, by a resolution passed before the testimony is ended, will be calculated to deprive the said collector of the right (which every man has when charged) of showing that those charges are unfounded, and of protect in his character from aspersion; will prevent the individuals of the committee from exam ining and cross-examining such witnesses as they may believe ought to be examined; will set a precedent entirely new and arbitrary in the administration of justice, dangerous to the rights and privileges of persons who may be charged with misconduct; will be deciding a question, the propriety of which the committee cannot possibly know, and will be well cal culated to destroy in the public mind all con fidence iu the results to which this committee may arrive "Resolved That hereaffcr- the time which the committee wilf be in session, shall be from ten o ciocK, a. m., till hajt.past four o'clock, p. Mi, and from seven oclock, p. m., till half past fen, p. m." The amendment was rejected and the feso-; lution adopted.. The determination therein expressed was' carried into effect and the committee was ad journed at 10 o'clock at night, while one of the undersigned was in the act of examining the witnessess, David S. Lyon, and another fn the act of submitting a proposition for sub poena's for Host's witnessesj In consequence of these proceedings against Mh jtoyt, the collector, but a very limited examination was made into the de falcations of Price, the d istrict attorney. Few witnesses Were examined,, and fetf facts of any importance were elicited nof already known. The undersigned however, regret a more mclrough investigation Was not made. They are under the conviction, from the gen eral complexion of the testimony during the whole investigation, that Price acted a very important part in these frauds and pecula tions.' , On the return of the committee to Wash ington they resinned their arduous duties. Many witnesses were examined and docu ments referred to, all of which are incorpora tomVsVepSrYr' The subjects of inquiry were similar to those m New York, both as to the extent and causes of the defalcations; and also the causes why the same were not known at an earlier date to the accounting officers at Washington. In pursuing the latter inquiry it was necessa ry to go into an investigation of the peculiar duties required to be performed under existing laws, practice, or usage, by the Secretary of the Treasury, the First Auditor, and the Comp troller. The undersigned will not increase the volume of this report, by including in it all the evidence on this subject in detail, but beg leave to refer to the journal. They deem if proper, however, for a full understanding of the duties belonging exclusively to these dif ferent officers of the Government, in relation to the auditing and settling of accounts, more particularly those appertaining to the customs, to call the attention of the House and the country to the following documents, and the questions and answers of witnesses examined upon the occasion, and in reference to this subject. The evidence of Mr. Young, chief clerk in the Treasury Department: "Question 3. Will you state how the de partment of the Secretary of the Treasury is organised, legally and practically, in respect to settling the accounts of collectors and re ceivers? "Answer. The power of adjusting and set tling the accounts of collectors and receivers in respect to the fetenue from duties and lands, is by law vested in the accounting of ficers of the Treasury. Collector's accounts are adjusted by the First Auditor, subject to the revision of the First Comptroller; ac counts of receivers, by the Commissioner of the General Laud Office, also subject to be revised by the First Comptroller. The Sec retary of the Treasury has no power as to the settlement and adjustment of these accounts, further than to make allowances for the expen ses of collection, in cases where there is no express legislation fixing allowance for such expenses." That of Mr. Woodbury, Secretary of the Treasury, to the following: "Question 11. Am I to understand that you have never considered it to be your duty, and that you have never discharged the duty, of superintending the reports of the First Au ditor and the Comptroller, and that you did not know, and had no means of knowing, whether their reports were correct, or whether they had faithfully done their duty in adjust ing and settling accounts? "Answer iu these words. The reports of the First Auditor, on accounts settled, are, by law and usage, made to the First Comp troller, and not to the Secretary of the Treasu ry; and the reports of the First Comptroller, on accounts settled, when the balance are considered suspicious, or proper for suit, are made directly to the Solicitor of the Treasury. and formerly to the law agent. Neither in those settlements, nor in those reports, does the Secretary of the Treasury interfere; and it has often been decided by the Attorney Gen eral, that no officer of the Government has a right to control or reverse the decisions of the accounting officers in making those set dements and reports." Extract of a letter, dated office of the At torney General of the United States, October 20th, 1823, signed William Wirt: "In the origiual organization of the Trea sury Department, (vol. 2. Laws U S, p. 48,) the duties of the officers are designated speci fically. There was one Auditor and one Comptroller The duty of the Auditor is de clared to be to receive all public accounts; and, after examination, to certify the balance, and transmit the accounts, with the vouchers and certificates, to the Comptroller, for his de cision thereon; with this proviso, that if any person be dissatisfied therewith, he may, with in six months, appeal to the Comptroller against such settlement. Here the right of appeal stops; there is no proviso for an appeal to the President. With regard to the Comp troller, it directs that it shall be his duty to superintend the adjustment aid preservation of all public accounts, to examine all accounts settled by the Auditor, and certify the balanc es arising thereon to the Register; no Tight of appeal, from his decision, to the President.' Extract of a letter, dated Attorney General's Office, April 5, 1832, signed R. B. Taney: "None of the acts of Congress, prescribing the mode of settling accounts, and ascertain ing balances, look to a revision of the ac counts by the President; except, perhaps, some laws passed for the relief of particular individuals, in which the power is expressly given. The general laws upon that subject seem to regard the decision of the Comptroller os final, and require the executive branch of the Government to act upon it accordingly." The reasons why the defalcations were the sooner detected by the first Auditor and no Comptroller, to whom the duty of auditing and settliugtha accounts exclusively belonged, are given in their evidence, aud the general con clusion derived from it is, that it arose from the fraudulent manner in which Swartwout