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EDITED AND rUBUSHED, WEEKLT, B Y II. L.. HOLMES. Terms S"2 50 Per annum, it" paid in advance; $3 if paid at the c"d of six months; or g3 50 at the expiration of the year. Advertisements in serted at the rate of sixty cents per square for the first, and thirty cents for each subsequent mser- tcp" Letters on business connected with this establishment, must be addressed EI. L. Holmes, Editor of the North-Carolinian, and in all cases post-paid. - ' - 3 Vol. I. "("ar"rlCr 18 ag linirtant to Stte, . It i to lull vllUal,; a thegU,ry of tUc Stotc, la the common propcrTof its citoeahW FAYETTE VILLE, SATURDAY, APRIL 13,1839. DEBATE IN CONGRESS-. SPEECH OF MR. ROANE, Concluded." My colleague speaks of that "atrociously corrupt doctrine," that "to the victors belong the spoils." Now, Mr. President, I have never paid the least regard to many of these V phrases, seized upon by party newspapers ana WtmnArers. and often perverted from their f. true sense. The one quoted, and that about glory enough tor one day," ana nundreos 01 others, are unworthy of attention. I know not to whom is attributed the above expression; the first time I ever saw it in print over a re sponsible signature, was in a letter signed by the Senator from New York Mr. Tall- MADGE. FHere Mr. T. said it was marked with in verted commas. re it so, said lur. koine: l know not the quotation, or whether the wnence 5 came rrontloman noa if at ll iimfft in Irnnv nr ll rision, or approval. Let it all pass. it My colleague says, "it Mr. Jetierson did not dismiss from office, it was because no in ? stance of interference in elections occurred." Now, sir, I can never forget the hue and cry I .$ raised against that great man, for turning out .; ! the Federalists whom his predecessor had . I foisted into every department of the Govern V ' I ment. When complaints were loudest against him for so doing, he asked what be was to do: tor mat "none resigned, ana oui lew uieu. General Washington had declared that "it would be a sort of political suicide to put into '-.- office men whose political tenets were adverse to the measures of the General Government." What would that immortal patriot have thought of the odious provisions of" the bill before us? But Mr. Jefferson's circular to public officers ' s A has been read and appealed to in justification " -m of this bill. That circular only speaks of the ,j public officers so interfering as to control the free exercise of the elective franchise. It -v speaks not of advice or persuasion. No, sir; S that great man, who thought there was no danger to our institutions, as long as "reason and truth are left free to combat error," could ,i never have sanctioned this bill. His remedy I was to turn out faithless and incompetent offi I cers, whether that infidelity or incompetency arose from intermeddling in elections, or from " auy other cause. When did he ever recom fmeud to Congress to pass such a law? He ' .Jknew they had no such power, and that he had f ample power to make all his subordinates be- fhave themselves. My colleague asks, when did a minister of England or France ever in- -,S tertere in an election, as did the Secretary of the War Uepartmeut, last tall, by writing a letter to South Carolina? Now, sir, I have no very intimate acauaiutauce with ministerial doings in England or France, but I am yet to Iani of that scrupulous nicety, that fastidious deli:ai-y on the subject of elections claimed for them by my colleague. Sir, I have read, ' with inexpressible disaust, of the foul corrup- lion, openly practised, to secure a seat in the i House of Commons of Great Britain. Seats fj-in that body are purchased. Great as seems the salary of your President, instances exist - jj.of a much larger amount being paid by a can- "Aidate for a seat in ilio Houe of Commons. That cou;itry, sir, where not one man in many thousands is entitled to suffrage, can, in no maimer, torm me illustrations 101 us uitu geulleme.i are so urgently pressing. 1 respect not the British examples about elections, or office holding. But, Mr. President, to the other point. I know nothing of the letter of Mr. Poinsett, which has been so harshly spoken of by my colleague. I know not whn, to whom, or about what, it was written: or whether it was an original or a responsive letter, and, there fore, cannot defend or condemn its contents. tBut this much I will say: no man cares or Ithinks less thau I do about what is called dis- fu'itv of office. The office of Senator of the United States has, by many, been considered in that aspect as second only to that of the Pre sident; and I am yet to learn that a Secretary ot a department, having a temporary resi dence in this city, is to be rendered odious for writing a political letter to his native State, where he has left, tor a time only, his friends, his property, and all his dearest rights, whilst a Senator may, with perfect propriety, I write letters to a distant State, in which he has no such stake or interest. It will be readily perceived that I allude to a letter writ ten to Pennsylvania, pending an important j State election! Mr. President, I must omit many things I might say in reply about this bill; and say that I utterly disagree with my colleague as to his mighty compliments on the British system, as affording examples for us. No man is more disposed than I to pay the just tribute to those immortal patriots, who have occasionally risen in that nation, and fallen martyrs to the true spirit of freedom. Locke, Sidney, Rus sell, Hampden, and others, will be ever dear to the friends of liberty. But I deny that it is tr them tvo rwf nnr freedom. Tn snnnnit of t . rr . i this doctrine so warmly pressed, allusion has I been made to the early settlers of our country. 1 I deny that any support for such principles can be drawn from those men who first land ed on the barren rock of Plymouth, the burn ing sands of Carolina, or the island of James town. Their history affords no countenance to this doctrine. They fled from the persecu te ana oppression ot mat Government, now o lauded by American Senators: thev nrefer- u 10 eucounter nunger, and all the terror of vage man and wild beasts, thau to suhmit nger to the oppression of that Government. which is, in this chamber, exibited as a model jpr our imitation. U hese people were perse cuted and oppressed for two hundred years by Jthat Government; they, with filial obedience uunng uiai wnoie period, were unresisting; but at length were obliged to raise their hand against a cruel parent, and fight, yes fight, for the liberty and freedom we now enjoy. And s I. i am I, sir, by subscribing to all the fulsome compliments to the British Government, to charge upon my glorious ancesters the crime of parricide. No, sir; no, sir. I totally deny the truth of the contrast which has been drawn "between the two Governments in favor of En gland. In the conflicts of the Revolution, ia the appeals then made to the justice of the mother country, and in drafting our public papers, reference might well be had to British magna charta, and to the writings of Locke, and other British patriots. But that time is passed away we have a magna charta of our own, a glorious one, written. Yes, sir, written with a pencil of light. Here it is, sir, (holding aloft the Constitution.) By that sacred instrument do I choose to be guided, without any reference whatever to British "magna charta" or British usages; and when ever any measure is proposed, I am willing to adopt the golden rule laid down in Madi son's report to test its constitutionality. "The first quofliion i?, whether the power i express ed in the Constitution? It" it be, the ques tion is decided. If it be not expressed, the next inquiry must be, whether it is properly an incident to any expressed power, and ne cessary to its execution," &c. If by this rule the bill before us is tested, it cannot gain fa vor with the American people. Nor have we further use for the writings of Locke, to define our liberty. We have those of Jefferson, Madison, Taylor, and hundreds of others, whose paths we can safely follow. Sir, those who are perpetually quaffing from the pure fountains, as they call them, of Locke and other British writers, but too frequently, be fore their thirst is slaked, are found drinking from the muddy pool of Filmer; yes, sir, the exploded doctrines of Filmer; that man is not capable of self-government lies at the bottom, and is the necessary inference from all these fine theories drawn from British writings and British practices. My colleague should re collect, in all his learned, and, in my opinion, mistaken applications from England to this country, this great essential difference between the two Governments, which constitutes our great shield. There, they have septennial elections and an hereditary monarch; here, we have frequent elections and twenty-six sepa rate, independent Governments, all watching with ceaseless vigilance the movements of each other, and of the General Government, common to them all; and, sir, if my colleague could only look with the same Democratic eye of faith and admiration for the precepts of the immortal Jefferson he has often professed, he would admit that there is nothing in the char acter or history of his life, or in any word in his writings, that does not put upon the whole British system the seal of his abhorrence and detestation. Yet, sir, is that system .quoted in this Senate as a model for imitation, and as an arjrtimont in fnvnr V ordinary and abominable bill! I could cite innumerable passages from the writings of Jefferson to sustain me, if time permitted; but I am admonished to draw to a close on this subject, and pass on to others. I am, sir, a Democrat of the school of '9S. I have never changed my name nor my principles. My colleague well recollects Mr. Jefferson's pro phetic history of the change of names which the Old Hamilton ian Federalists would assume,- but I doubt whether his prophetic spirit could keep pace with the extended nomencla ture of the present day. Mr. Presideut, one word more about this jealousy of Executive power. I have shown that it is against Federal power, in all its de partments, that the States ought to be jealous. What has been the history of the Government as to this point? Every two years shows you great changes in the popular brauch of your Government; aud they are very often occuring here by the power of a vigilant people. Yet, sir, in a period of fifty years there have been only two instances in which the President of the United States has not given satisfaction to his constituents only twice, in the thirteen elections we have had of a President, have the people expressed their disapprobation of his conduct. Your Congress has passed un constitutional laws; one or more judges have been impeached, but there has not been an instance yet in which the President of the United States has been impeached. No, sir, with all the bitter opposition which each of them has encountered, not one has yet been impeached! Then why all this railing against the.danger of Executive usurpation? Who does not see that it is unfounded, and all for party aggrandisement. Sir, when, some few years ago, an honorable Senator from Ken tucky, now in my eye (Mr. Clay,) offered to the Senate a resolution condemning aud cen suring, in strong terms, the official conduct of the then President of the United States, it was deemed to be a sort of quasi impeach ment of that high officer, and my colleague promptly stepped forward, and, by an able speech, and an efficient vote, aided to ex punge the resolution from your journals, on which it had been recorded; and yet, sir, he is now alarmed at the mighty "persuasive" pow ers of these poor gaugers, weighers, and tide waiters!! He is frightened about Executive patronage. Sir, I must pass on. My col league, on this subject, as on many others, admonishes us against the "mad dominion" of party spirit. Yes, sir, very much has he said about motives, about party and party tac tics, and party dictation, and about patriotism and elevated, statesman-like views, and all that. Not less strange than new is to hear him railing against party! I have nothing, sir, to do with the patriot ism or motives of any gentleman. I only claim for myself all that any Senator can ask and receive on that score; while I set up no special claim to those great sratesman-uke views, rising above all party feeling, of which we are so often reminded by my colleague; and whilst I boast not of a patriotism warmer, or motives purer, than those of others, yet, sir, I am bold to say, that I am utterly unconcious of ever having been actuated by any vote giv en in this chamber by any other consideration than a free, independent, and unbiased desire to' promote the public good. I came into this chamber, and am at this moment, as free as any man in it to pursue, on all questions which may arise, whatever course my own conscience and judgment shall indicate as most conducive to the best interests of the nation. I had no : consistencies to establish, no inconcistenoies to reconcile, no resent ments to gratify, no heartburnings to appease, no favors to ask, no hopes to indulge, no fears to allay, and, thank God, no ambition to gra tify. I brought with me no bantling scheme of my own; and have most patiently and atten tively listened to all that have been' proposed by others, to give ease to the public mind, and promote the great interests of our beloved country. And if, sir, like the fabled JVlomus, there was a glass in my bosom, I would not hesitate to permit the world to look in upon the operations of my heart, in regard to the great national questions w have agitated in this chamber. - But, Mr. Presideut, candor requires that I should admit that, on such an inspection, it would not be found that those operations were beyond the reach or influence of party. I admit, sir, that they are much controlled by party feelings. I pretend not to be beyond or above the influence of party. . 1 am a party man, and glory in being so; for my heart tells me that my party feel ings are the result of au honest and an ardent, though, perhaps, mistaken or misguided, pa triotism. I doubt not the word of any gen tleman who says he is not influenced by party feelings. But, sir, it is almost inconceivable to me, how any man, who has taken au active part in the late political turmoils of the day, can be free from its influence. Whoever he may be, his temperament is very different from mine; and, I believe, from that of nine teuths of the people of this country, and of England too; aud I go further, and say that neither of these countries would long preserve their liberty, but for party spirit; and that the great spirit of self-preservation will always afford a timely check to its mad or dangerous excesses. Of this truth we have recently had au exemplification at Harris! jrg, in Pennsyl vania, which is cousolitory to every lover of the liberty aud Union of America. Mr. Pre sident, in connection widi this subject of party spirit, which my colleague now so bit terly reprobates, and in order fully to define my position in regard to some of the leading topics of the day, I beg leave to be permitted to take a brief aud rapid review of the present Administration of the Federal Government, and its supporters and opponents. Throughout America we have receutly passed through a convulsive struggle to form a new Executive Administration. Violent, indeed, was that struggle. That party who, for eight long years, had so bitterly opposed measures of the late Administration, made a bold, graud, and well concerted effort to elect a Chief Magistrate entertaining their own feelings and opiuions. Their opponents were equally active aud untiring in their ex ertions to elect one who would, in the main, pursue the course of that reviled Administra tion; ay, sir, if you chose so to have it, who would ''follow in the footsteps of his illustri ous predecessor." They succeeded in ihose exertions, elected and the present Chief Mag istrate. I, sir, in Virginia, in my individual capacity, took a zealous and open part, within my limited sphere of action, in aiding to bring Martin Van Burcu, of New York, to the sta tion he now so ably fills; and was one of the organs of Virginia, in her electoral college, to bestow upon him the vote of that ancient De mocratic Commonwealth. In that memorable contest, we encountered all that excited, nay, maddened, party spirit could address to the ignorance, to the fears, the prejudices, or iu terests of a virtuous people. The vocabulary of epithet was exhausted aud heaped upon us. The foulest names ever given to a party were freely bestowed upon us by our adversaries, aud the fairest that ever adorned the friends of liberty, were assumed for themselves; but all, all, sir, would not do. The people could not be intimidated or deluded; they could not be "ersuaded or dissuaded;" they could not be led or driven, to abandon those evident principles of Republicanism they had so long and dearly cherished. In vain, sir, had they been told that Andrew Jackson was a despot, a knave, and a fool in vain had they been told, in one breath, that he was a self willed, obstinate, indomitable tyrant, and in the next, that he was a cypher, a supple tool, a mere automaton, vilely used by others; and in vain, also, were they told by these same men, that the promises of Martin Van Buren could not be relied on; that he was falsehood and treachery personified; and, notwithstanding his oft de clared opposition to a National Bank, he would, iu his first message to Congress, re commend one in its most odious form, to be located in his favorite city, of New York; and that, maugre all his honeyed words and fair promises about Southern rights, and the sa cred compromises of the Constitution, he would, before he was warm in the Presidenti al chair, show himself to be in heart and deed a Northern Abolitionist! and much more pro phetic stuff!, which I will not waste your pre cious time to recapitulate. Has he verified the forebodings of these men in any one of these particulars? I ask his friends, and 1 ask his foes; and for their complete aud entire falsification, I appeal to the three calm, lumi nous, statesman-like, Republican messages he has already sent to the Congress of the United States; and I furthermore appeal to bis whole conduct, both public and private, since he has filled the Presidential chair. I have, it is true, heard much difference of opinion about the correctness and practicability of his views in regard to the finance and currency of the country; but I have heard no man yet doubt their constitutionality, or complain of the temper or manner in which they have been submitted to the consideration of Congress.- And here permit me, sir, for myself, to say, that I have heard no man yet (and I have lis- No. 7. tened attentively to all that has been said here and read much that has been written) who has answered the lucid arguments by which he ha sustained them, or shaken the firm, Republicaxriconstitutional ground on which his recommendation of Independent Trea- tyii iu Keep u$e people s money, ltKe cllltfhp"--riF tinnlr'i. iV.,- sury, in secure irtXni the clutches vof bank ' or other speculators!;' Is based. Mr. President, be lieving Martin Van Buren to be a Republican, and a statesman of the first order, I came in to' Congress with a predisposition, nay, sir, I might almost say with a pledge, and pre determination, to support his Administration, hot right or wrong, sir; no, sir; not to "regis ter his edicts;" no, sir: for I abhor and loath all dependence and vassalage, as much, or more, than those who now boast most loudly of their independence and patriotism and dis interestedness. I came here elected by tnose who contributed to elect him; and I came, sir, I repea, determined to support hia Adminis tration, as far as I possibly could, with a safe conscience, and not to abandon it for light and trivial causes; and, above all things, for auy cause personal to myself. This course, I undertake to say, was expected from me by every man of every party in Virginia. I have thus far given to it an honest support; and, in so doing, my conscience and my judgment sustain my course. Nor, sir, has it been ne cessary to my support of his Administration, that I should concur in all his views and re commendations, any more than that I should have deemed it proper to become its bitter opposer, because I differed with him on any oue measure of policy. That, sir, I have done, and am at all times free to do. It cauuot be expected that there can, in the nature of the human mind, be a universal concurrence of opinion on every subject, even among those yho generally agree. The whole country knows my course, from the first momeu; I took my seat iu the Senate to the resent time, in regard to the great subject 'of the public land, on which I have diflered entirely from many of my political friends; and, sir, had I been associated with mycolleague during the administration of General Jackson, whn he recommended the same policy in regard to them, which is advo cated by his successor, I should have differed with him, then, with the same cordiality with which he now concurs with me. But, sir, a difference with the Administration on this great subject has not, for a moment, indicated that it was my duty to oppose it, out and out, and affiliate myself with those who avow "un compromising hostility to Martin Van Buren." No, sir, I have gone on steadily to give to his Administration an honest, and a conscien tious support; and, let me add, sir, that as long as I shall remain here, aud the President shall advocate the true principles of the Con thus far done, that support will be continued with unabated zeal and pleasure. Docs this, sir, define my position? JVo, sir, not as ful ly as I desire. My colleague, who has from time to time, and little by little, "defhred his position" towards this Administration, and re cently in a manner which none here present doubt or misunderstand, was with me, or ra ther I should say, I was with him, as far as I had au opportunity to know, (and I had many) iu every thought aud feeling, during the late warmly contested Presidential election; and, for the life of me, I cannot see why it is that we are now so wide apart in those thoughts and feelings about the Administration, and Administrators of the Government. I know of no public reasons for this difference, and much less of any private ones. But, sir, ei ther I or my colleague have entirely changed our positions, since we were sent hither; and lam reluctantly driven to put myself upon my country, to say whether it is I who have chang ed, as is roughly charged by my colleague up on all the friends of the Administration. Mr. President, before I came here as a se nator, I was personally acquainted with Mar tin Van Buren. My colleague knew him in timately; he had served with him iu public life; he had stood shoulder to shoulder with him in this Chamber, iu resisting the powerful aud combined assaults which were made on the great measures of Jackson's administration; he had zealously supported his election to the Presidency; he had voted for me as one of the electors of Virginia, substantially pledged to vote for him; and I have no hesitation in saying that, amidst all the foul charges brought against this theti personal stranger to me, the support which my colleague thus gave him, strengthened my confidence in the correct ness of the vote I had given for him at the polls, and afterwards bestowed upon him as a member of the Electoral College. On my arrival here as a senator, I determined to en deavor during my stay in this city, to form a personal acquaintance with the President, and to judge for myself in regard to the many charges which had been brought against him. Accident has afforded me a further opportu nity for this investigation than I could have anticipated; and, sir, I have scanned, with a scrutinizing eye, as far as my poor abilities would enable me, the character, opinions aud conduct of the man. I have, sir, when the 'curtain of ceremony was drawn to the skies," and when it was utterly impossible for him to know the operations of my mind, "tented him to the quick." I have looked, but looked in vain, sir, for all those leading chararteris tic trials of non-committalism, and manage ment, and intrigue, aud "mighty magic," wherewithal he was so loudly charged. I be lieve, sir, that his first message to the Con gress of the United States has hushed forever all the croakings about his non-committalism; and that all the slang about his magic arts ceased as soon as it was found powerless to dupe and deceive the people. Does any one pretend that the President has as yet violated any of the principles which those who elected, expected him to maintain? Let the continu ed, the untiring and remorseless opposition of the far greater part ot those who opposed his election, answer the question; let those of them who now give either the cold, reluctant approbation of silence, or are willing to re ceive, as a "good half-way house," the once Dy mem .denounced and reviled "pet bank" "experiment," answer the question. And how is it, why is it, that I find my colleague now pulling kindly in the traces with thpso gentlemen, and charging upon the President aupucny ano deception? But sir, he says he was the friend the best friend of the Presi dent, for that he advised him beforehand nay, sir, he warned him not to recommend to Congress his scheme of a Sub-Treasury. Ay, sir, he advised the President, and he did not follow his advice; he warned him, and he did not heed his warning, but went on to dis charge his high duty according to the dictates of his own judgment and conscience. Sir, suppose that some kind friend, (and would that he could have found such a one) knowing or suspecting that my colleague in tended to recommend to Congress his favor ite "pet bank scheme," had have gone o him and told him that it was an exploded experi ment; that it had been already fully and fairly tried, and, in his own impressive language, "had signally and mournfully failed;", and ad vised and warned him not to submit it; and that, notwithstanding all this, he thought it his duty to do as he 'did, and propose it to the nation: does he think that that friend should have manifested towards him the feeling and temper which he, on all occasions, now evin ces towards the President? My colleague has opposed all and every scheme thought of for the custody and dis bursement of the public money, except the one which he introduced, which has notoriously met with less favor in Congress and elsewhere than any other yet suggested. He condemns, with unmeasured censure, the President for again recommending to the consideration of Congress a financial plan, which, my col league says, has been repudiated by the voice of Congress and the nation. He knows that the people have not yet finally or fully passed upon that plan. He knows that it has twice received the sanction of this body, and each time been defeated by a small majority in the other House of Congress; and yet, strange to tell, he who urges this objection to the Presi dent's plan, thus sustained, is perpetually pres sing on Congress and the nation a scheme which, besides himself, finds but one support er in the Senate, and very few, indeed, in the other House of Congress, or elsewhere as though his plan had been less repudiated by the nation than the one submitted by the Pres ident, or the President of the United States was less authorized than he to "recommend to the consideration of Congress such mea sures as he shall judge necessary aud expedi ent." My colleague is opposed to the Bank of tho United S: wootuoc, I presume, it is unconstitutional. He is opposed to the Sub 1 reasury, uccause it win lfifcrease .executive patronage, because it will create two curren cies one for the people, and the other (the best) for the Office holders! and, I suppose, because he advised and warned the Present not to recommentl it; and as to a special deposite scheme, he says that is all a humbug. Noth ing, sir, nothing but his own dear scheme of "State Rights! banks," or "Bank State rights," I forget which! he called it, will do for him; and I am free to say that, after the fullest attention I have been able to bestow upon all that he has said in favor of this his darling pet, I can distil from it nothing more than this that having, on the emergency occasioned by the removal of the deposites in 1834 from the Bank of the United States, voted for the ex periment of the State banks a3 fiscal agents, he is consistent in voting for them again. Yes, sir, every change has been rung on the inconsistency of those who voted for them then, and now that they have ''signally and mournfully" failed to answer the desired pur pose, are opposed to trusting them a second time; whilst I have heard from my colleague not a word of reproof against those who then denounced his scheme as fraught with corrup tion aud ruin to the country, and now "damn it with faint praise," or stigmatize it as "a good half way house." Half way where? halfway to what? Why, sir, half way between that constitutional Treasury and that uncon stitutional Bank, between which, my colleague says, he would pause long before he would make an election! Mr. President, I beg leave further to define my position, by saying that every day's re flection and observation nay, that "recent events," if my colleague prefers the phrase confirms me in my conviction that the money of the people paid for the support of their Gov ernment, and no other purpose, should be kept in a Treasury independent of, and un controlled by, any other Government, or the creatures of any other Government on earth; and that I will try every possible feasible scheme which wise, patriotic statement can devise, before I will confide the public trea sure the taxes paid and intended by the people for specific purposes to the uncon trolled custody (as uncontrolled it must be, for I agree with my colleague that a general scheme of special deposites is all a humbug) of any bank; and least of all, of banks who owe their existence and allegiance to other Governments, and whom we cannot, there fore, supervise, regulate, control, or punish. If you cannot exercise these powers in regard to these banks, when curators of the public money, it seems most clear to my mind that it should not be entrusted to them; and if you can; it is equally clear that we may bid an eternaj adieu to all State rights, except what my colleague is pleased to denominate "Bank State rights." Far be it from me, sir, now to go into any thing like an argument in favor of the Sub-Treasury. .. That task has long since been ably performed by others. Its principles are before the people; and, like the principles of constitutional liberty and reform on other great occasions, may be slow, but will be sure. It has always been sufficient for me, that the system is supported by the plain principles of common sense and com mon honesty, and is notoriously the only mode contemplated by the framers of the Constitu tion, who denied to the Government the aid of a National Bank, and therefore could not nave contemplated or anticipated that of State banks, in conjunction with the National Treasury. Further, sir, to define my position in con fradistinction to that of my colleague, and that' which he now occupies in contradistinction to the one he occupied a few years ago, I beg' leave to read to the Senate an extract or two from a speech delivered by him in this cham ber, m the year 1734, on the occasion of the removal of the deposites. . I know, sir, that efforts have been recently made to explain away that speech to mean something very dif ferent from what its words clearly import. If he has not, since that speech was delivered, changed his opinion, aud shifted his ground, then indeed is language a most imperfect ex ponent of thought. I certainly have not changed my opinions on the subject of that speech it was about gold currency. I shall never forget the pleasure with which I read hY and what golden opinions it obtained for my colleague with the entire Democracy of Vir ginia, or what heavy denunciations it brought upon him from those with whom he is now co-operating to make this a bank paper Gov ernment. But to the extracts. He then said that "Of all reforms, social, political, or eco nomical, required by the great interests of the country, that which is most urgently demand ed, and which promises, in its accomplish ment, the largest results of utility, security and public benefit, is beyond comparison the restoration of the Government to what it was intended by the framers of the Constitution to be a hard money Government. We are too much in the habit, Mr. President, of re garding the evils of a paper system as neces sary and incurable, and of being content with the delusive paliation of these evils, supposed to be derived from the controlling supremacy of a National Bauk." "Whatever influence such an institution may be suppos ed to possess in preserving the soundness of the currency, that object would be much more effectually promoted by a return, as far as practicable, to a metallic circulation. The first step towards that return is to let the Bank of the United States go down. The ordinary channels of circulation being thus supplied with gold and silver, the Government would be prepared, without hardship to the public creditor, to require payment of its dues iu spe cie, and thus realize a reform, than which none could be more deeply interesting, in every aspect, to the safety and prosperity of the country." "I conjure gentle men, then, with ability so eminently fitted for this great work, to leave the Bank of the U. States to its fate, and bring forward their pow erful aid in an effort to restore the Govern ment to its true constitutional character and destination that of a simple, solid, hard mon ey Government."1 Can language possibly be more plain, in tellible, or impressive than this? Sir, when I read lhi& part of that memorable speech of my colleague, I thought of John Randolph, whose dulcet and peculiar tones of voice, me thinks, I can still hear ringing in my ears: "This is a hard money Government give of your rags none of your paper money." These were the sentiments of that distinguish ed man, than whom, none better knew, or more sacredly revered, the meaning and spirit of the Constitution. These were the senti ments of the fathers and contemporaneous expounders of the Constitution; and, sir, they were the sentiments of my colleague, when he delivered his speech in 1834, if I can under stand plain English. Yet, sir, I know that it has been recently attempted so to explain the above extract, as to give to it a meaning to tally different from that which I gave, when I read it first, and which I give now. The word practicable is seized upon to pervert its true meaning, and make this a Government of State bank paper money. Mr. President, contemporaneous construction of language is frequently, and most justly, resorted to in cas es of doubt or difficulty. It has been a most efficient aid in settling doubtful phrases in our glorious Constitution. We are not without that aid in the present difficulty. Three days after the above speech of my colleague was delivered, Mr. Webster, in a speech on the removal of the deposites, said: "The second suggestion is that which was made by the honorable Senator from Virginia, Mr. Rives. 1 That honorable member pledges himself to bring forward a proposition, having for its ob ject to do away with the paper system alto gether, and to return to an entire metallic currency. I do not expect that the honora ble member will find much support in such an undertaking. Mere gold and silver currency, and the entire abolition of paper, is not suited to the times. The idea has something a lit tle too Spartan in it. We might as well think of going to iron at once. If such a result as the gentleman hopes for were even desirable, I regard its attainment as utterly impractica ble and hopeless. I lay that scheme, there fore, out of my contemplation." Mr. Clay, in a speech on the same subject, said: "And what are the remedies proposed by those in possession of the Government? None none. Idle and visionary and chimerical schemes are, indeed, sometimes thrown out, but even they are not seriously proposed. A member, not now in his seat, Mr. Rives, had suggested one of those schemes, which is to banish all paper circulation, and to resort exclusively to hard money. A more wild and impracticable project never entered into the head of man." Here is contemporaneous construction for you. With the understand ing of two such menj present on the occasion of delivering this speech, with my own under standing of it at the same time, and that of every human being who I heard speak of" it, I must be excused for not yielding my opinion to any quibble about the meaning, or import, or bearing of a single word. I should like to know, sir, whether my colleague is now in favor of the "hard money Government" the framers of the Constitution intended to make ours? I should like to know the advent of the time when he now thinks it. will be practica ble to "return to a metallic circulation?" As he advised, the Bank of the United States, which he considered the great impediment to his political and financial millennium, was permUted to go down. And I should like,