OCR Interpretation

The North-Carolinian. [volume] (Fayetteville [N.C.]) 1839-1861, June 29, 1839, Image 1

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f "Ma r
II. i. HOLMES, Editor and Proprietor.
$2 50 per annum, if paid in advance ; $3 if paid at
the end of six months ; or 83 50 at the expiration
of the year.' Advertisements inserted at the rate
of sixty cents per square, for the first, and thirty
cents for each subsequent insertion. '
JdF"Letters on business connected with this estab
lishment, must be addressed H. L. Holmes, Edi
tor of the North-Carolinian, and in all cases post
paid. '
Notice is liereby givefi
KipHAT I, Peyton R. Parker, have file my peti
If tion, in writing, in the Superior Coiirt of Law
for the County of Sampson, for the emancipation of
mvnero lad, Peter, ana snau apply at tne next
term of saifl OLtL h ui uu.vc yi ij 1 l wsaiu pcuuim
Published by order of the Superior Court of Law
Forf'ie County of Sampson, at Spring Term, 1839, in
the North Carolinian, at J; ayetteville, for six weeks
Wa. McKAY, Clerk.
June 8, 1839. !5-6t
Hi -will
Silk Worm Eggs.
&g$S& a crop of COCOOMS, and a sup
ply of Ees may be obtained on application at this
Office. There are several varieties of Mammoth
Yellow the Two Crop White and the Italian Pea
Nut. Price, one dollar per thousand. June 1.
1,000,000 Si 11c Worm Eggs
TTB Y the Subscriber. The worms of about one-half
Um of them reared upon the leaves of the White
Mulberry. W. H. MAFFITT.
June 8. 5tw.
FOR twelve months, a first rate WAGON DRI
VER, of good character, for whom liberal wa
ges will be given. Apply at this Office, or to the
Subscriber. DONALD McdUElN.
Fayetteville, June 8, 1339. 15tf.
BEGS leave to return thanks for the liberal pa
tronase he has received "and also to inform his
friends and tHe public generally, that he still continues
to carry on the Tailoring Business in all its branches.
He has received the latest fashions for the SPRING
and SUMMER of 1839, and is always ready to exe
cute orders with neatness and despatch.
P. S. All those indebted to the subscriber either by
note or account, will please call and settle the same im
mediately, as cloths cannot be bought without cash.
May 4, 1839. 10-tf W. L.C.
An Agency is appointed in
Fayetteville for the sale of the
most approved New York
Piano Fortes. They will be
sold at the lowest New York
Drices. with expense of trans
portation, and warranted. If not satisfactory, they
may be returned. They may be packed for safe
transportation to any part of the State. They may
be seen at the Female Seminary, where purchasers
are invited to call, or on Col. S. T. Hawley.
The Parlor Organ, or Seraphine, which has been
used and generally admired at the Seminary for the
past winter, is now offered for sale at cost.
June8. 15tf.
THE proprietors of this long established and well
known Foundry, have made, and are continuing
to make such improvements and additions to the es
tablishment as to enable them to furnish with promp
titude, every variety of types and printing materials
of the very best quality, such as cuts and newspaper
ornaments in great variety: '
Flowers and Borders,
Brass Rules,
Leads and Quotations,
Cases and Stands,
Job Cases,
Wrought and Cast Iron Chases,
Composing Sticks,
Galleys of every description,
Imposing Stones,
Roller Stocks,
Lead cutters,
Ball Skins, &c. &c. -
Printing Pressess of every kind,
Printer's Ink,
Colored Ink,
Varnish for making Colored Ink.
All orders will be promptly attended to, and exe
cuted in such a manner as to insure satisfaction.
June 8, 1839. Baltimore.
WE have received and are now opening
our Spring supply, which comprises a large
and extensive assortment of
Dry Goods, Hardware and Cutle
ry, Boots and Shoes, Leghorn and Tuscan Bon
nets, Fur, Wool and Palm Leaf Hats, Writing and
Wrapping Paper, Cotton and Wool Cards, D.-ugs
and Medicines, Paints, &c.
Also, Groceries, & c .
60 bags Rio and Laguira Coffee.
19 hhds. New Orleans and Porto Rico Sugars
125 casks Nails
200 pair Bright Traces
12 qr. casks Malaga and Madeira Wino
100 dozen Weeding Hoes
25 do Patent and Dutch Scythes
5 hhds. Crockery
30 boxes Window Glass '
10 .do Collins' and King's Axes,
Which we offor at Wholesale, at a small advance
for cash, or on time to punctual customers.
Fayetteville, April 6, 1839. .tf
54 AVE Just received a large assortment of
rT, Aner Salting Cloths. Which will be sold
thP- April 13, 1339.
Tl Hhds. Prime Porto Rico Sugar,
J.; 5 Hhds. N. O. do.
50 Casks fresh Thomastown Lime,
30 Hhds. Molasses,
5 Barrels N. O. do.
20 Boxes Bar Soap,
100 Sacks Blown Salt,
20 Boxes Fayetteville Mould Candles,
10 Boxes Smoked Herrings,
For Sale by . GEO. McNEILL.
June 15. 16tf.
E. J. & L. R. CLARK.
Respectfully inform their
friends and the public, that
they have opened a TIN,
5 doors southof the Market
House, on Gillespie street,
where thev will keep, con
stantly on hand, a full assortment of plain and Fan
cy Japanned Tin Ware.
JOB WORK done at the shortest notice.
IC? Orders from the country, would receive
prompt attention. June 8. 15:6m
THIS thorough-bred and beautiful Horse,
five years old, will make his first season this
Spring, and will stand at the Plantation of Wm. S.
Latta, (and may be seen frequently at his stable in
Town,) Averasborough and McArthur"s Bridge.
SIR PHIliIP is a beautiful dark bay, hand
somely dappled, black mane, tail and legs, full 16
hands high. Sir Philip was sired by Optimus, and
dam by Sir Archy. For full Pedigree and terms,
see handbills of the day. ISFIAM DRAKE,
mar 30-5; 2m Groom for the Owner.
For Tickets in the follotcing Schemes,
Apply to S. J. SYLVESTER,
130 Broadway, & 22 Wall st. N. Y.
Class 4 for 1839; to be drawn at Alexandria, Va.
July b: 7o oNos-12 drawn Ballots. . 1
Thirty Thousand Dollars.
1 PRIZE of 30,000 Dollars,
1 10,000 Dollars,
1 6,000 Dollars,
1 - - 3,140 Dollars,
1 3,000 Dollars,
1 .2,500 Dollars,
1 2,000 Dollars,
50 1,000 Dollars,
20 5,000 Dollars,
123 - - 2,000 Dollars.
Tickets Ten Dollars. A certificate of a pack
age of 25 Tickets will be sent for 130 dollars
shares in proportion.
Class 3 for 1839 to be drawn at Alexandria,
July 13 7S numbers: 14 ballots.
12,000 Dollars!
5,000 Dollars!
2,500 Dollars!
1,769 Dollars!
20 prizes of $1,000, 20 of 500, &c. &.c.
Tickets, only Ten Dollars, Shares in proportion.
40,000 Dollars!
6,000 Dollars!
3,000 Dollars!
2,000 Dollars!
30,000 Dollars!
Class No. 4, for 1839, to be drawn at Alexandria,
Va. on the 20th of July, 1839. 78 No. Lottery:
13 drawn ballots.
30,000 dollars. 10,000 dollars. 8,000 dolls.
4,000 dollars. 2,500 dollars. 1,747 dolls.
DC5- 30 Prize3 of 1,500 Dollars!
CX3- 50 " 500 Dollars!
00- 50 " . 400 Dollars!
0O- 50 " S00 Dollars!
One Hundred Prizes of 200 Dollars!
Sec. &c. &.C.
Tickets 10 dollars: Shares in proportion.
IOO Prizes of a Thousand Dols.
Class 4 for 1839; to be drawn at Alexandria,
Va. on the 27th July, 1839.
75 Numbers 12 Drawn Ballots.
Splendid Scheme:
1 PRIZE of 30,000 Dollars.
1 - 8,000 Dollars.
1 - 4,000 Dollars. -
CO- 100 .Prizes of One Thousand Iallars.
Besides a great variety of smaller prizes.
Tickets Ten Dollars Shares in propor
tion. A certificate of a package of 25 tick
ets will be sent for $130 Shares in pro
portion. S. J. SYLVESTER,
- ' 132 Broadway and 23 Wall st. JV. Y.
June 45. 16-St.
North Carolinian
Has nearly doubled its subscription list (amounting
now to EIGHT HUNDRED) within the first three
months. It will continue to support the Administra
tion of the General Government, so long as Mr. Van
Buren adheres to the Democratic Republican course,
which be has so far, consistently pursued as Presi
dent. TFTnws Tm Tvn j cvrt r -nn
ifpaid in advance; Three Dollars at the end of Six
xvonins; or x nree xsouars aad t1 liy vents at tne ex
piration of U13 year. '
jy 1 12, E C T
THE Subscribers have the honor to inform the
public that they have made arrangements to
keep a constant supply of
on hand, which thev wnuM K 1,-nr.vtn soli Cnr
cash, or on reasonable time for good paper, as cheap.
uui cuciper man can oe imported tram inexsortn.
They have now just received and in store,
100 Hhds. Muscovado Sugar,
150 do. Molasses,
200 bags Cuba Coffee.
Wilmington, N. C. June 22. 17-3t.
Twenty Dollars Reward.
RANAWAY from the Sub
scriber living in Sampson County,
on the 14th insL two negro fel
lows, ADAM and ALLEN.
Adam is a stout black fellow,
about 30 years of age, 5 feet 8 or
10 inches high, weighing about
175 pounds. Allen is a common
bright mulatto, 31 or 32 yeais of
age, 5 feet 8 or 10 inches high, weigh about 165
pounds, and when spoken to, has a down-cast look.
It may be possible that Allen may obtain a free
pass. The above reward will be paid for the ap
prehension and delivery of the said negroes to me,
or in any jail, so that I get them ajain or 810 for
either of them. LYTTLETON TURNER.
N. B. The said negroes are out-lawed.
June 22. l8-3t
The death of a printer is thus chronicled
in an Fnglish paper: "George Woodcock,
the " of his profession, the type of honesty,
the ! of all; and although the 0O of death
has put a . to his existence, every of his
life was without a ." -
Jl Great Petition. The national petition of
the Chartists was at the last dates nearlythree
miles long, and contained H 1,250,000 signa
tures. It was carried to London in proces
sion, with flags, banners, Stc.
Advices from Jamaica to the 8th inst. re
ceived at Havana, say that the sugar cane
fields are entirely abandoned, and more than
one half the crops will be lost. On the cof
lee plantations, where the labor is le3s ardu
ous, the planters, have succeeded in retain
ing tne greater par. r iiEr -i-.
Charleston Courier.
We learn from the New Orleans Adver
tiser, that the law of Louisiana, which pro
hibits the entrance of free black3 into that
State, is about to be enforced, in consequence
of the number of persons of that class who
have emigrated thither.
Business is Life. Nothing will ma,ke a
man happier in this life, than some kind of
employment, zealously pursued. Without
employment, the mind and the body become
"stale, flat, and unprofitable." A very str k
inj? instance of the baneful effects of inacti
vity, is furnished in the suicide of Mr. Leg
gett, in London, late solicitor to the commis
sioners of the king's taxes. He was sisty
years of age, of .temperate habits, and a rmn
of wealth, having been pensioned in 1833, on
an allowance of 6350 per annum. The only
reason which he assigned for "shuffling off
this mortal coil," was want of active em
ployment. Saturday J"eics.
Ladies' Corsets. Mr. John Hand, of
Somerfield, Pa. gives notice that he has in
vented a very simple apparatus to be attach
ed to ladies' corsets whereby the delicate
little creatures may be compressed into the
compass of a hoe-handle, by the gentle draw
ing of two strings which can be tied in front.
We are sorry to learn, by the accounts
from Nova Scotia, that fresh food for excite
ment and ill-feeling is being created in that
quarter by the capture of American fisher
men. A number of vessels have already
been seized, and it is probable that others
will be. In the mean time a revenue, cutter
has been sent out from Boston, by order of
the Treasury Department, to see what is
going on. It is to bo presumed that the
captures alluded to, have not been made
without a plausible pretext. By the con
vention of ISIS, it was agreed, that the in
habitants of the United States, in common
with those of Great Britain, should have the
liberty to take fish, on that part of the south
ern coast of Newfoundland, extending from
Cape Ray to the Remean Islands on he
western and northern coast of Newfound
land, from Cape Ray to the Quiepen also,
on the coasts, bays, harbors and creeks,
from Mount Jolly, on the South of Labrador,
to and through the straits of Bellisle, and
thence northerly indefinitely along the coast;
but without prejudice to the rights of the
Hudson Bay Company. And the American
fishermen were, also, to have liberty to dry
and cure fish, in any of the unsettled bays
harbors and creeks, by the southern part of
tne coa3t ot JN ewloundland above described
and of the coast of Labrador; but where
such parts should be settled, were not to
dry or cure fish, without the liberty of the
proprietors of the ground. And by the same
convention, the United States renounce any
liberty before enjoyed or claimed by them or
their inhabitants, to take, dry or cure fish,
on or within three marine miles, . of any f
the British dominions of America, not in
cluded within the above limits. They were
however, permitted to enter such bays or
harbors, for the purpose of shelter or repair
wg damages, or purchasing wood and ob
tainimr water, and for
It is for alleged infractions of the terms of
convention, tnat most of the captured
vessels have been seized. One was seized
on a charge of smuggling tobacco into the
British dominions. How far these charges
can be sustained remains to be seen. . We
should not be surprised to know that they
are in general well founded. Fishermen like
to fish where they can get the best hauls;
and the bait may have sometimes been too
tempting to be resisted.
Admitting this to be so, the only question
is, whether John is not pushing the matter
too far, in capturing all the vessels he can
lay his hands on. To say the least, it is
unfortunate that the onset should have been
made precisely at this juncture. There are
already too many causes of alienation exist
ing between the two countries; and if more
must be added, they ought to be free from
unnecessary aggravation.
The Federal Speaker of the Connecticut
House of Representatives, placed a majority
of Democrats on the committee to which wa3
referred the Abolition petitions. The New
Haven Register says:
"By this rnanoevre a double purpose was
to be accomplished; the reputation of a Fed
eral Legislature was to be raised at the
South, by a strong report against Abolition
ists while, at home, it was to increase the
hatred of these fanatics to the Democratic
party -which would tend to bind Federal
ism and Abolitionism still closer together.
The same cunning course was pursued by
Hawley, in the Senate, for the same honest
purpose. Well, the committee have grap
pled with the subject manfully, and in their
report to the Senate have handled these mis
chief makers so much more roughly than the
Fedral leaders supposed they would dare to
do, that it has completely turned the tables
upon them. We shall now see what course
will be taken with the report: if they accept
it, their allies will turn their knives upon
them -if they reject it, their condemnation is
So HamairMands a chance of swing
ing on his own gallows." Old Dominion.
Strange Astonishing! It is little short
of a miracle to see how quickly the huge
pile of abominations, so industriously heaped
up by the Federal party before the election,
has been scattered to the four winds. Thev
are now as mute as paving-stones about
corruption silent as a church yard about
extravagance while the hobby of defalca
tions, which was to travel over the poor
Democrats rough shod, is effectually done
over. Will the honest portion of the Feder
al party forever allow themselves to be
cheated by crafty and designing men. lb.
There are eight or ten members of the
Legislature, as strong friends of the Admin
istration as can be named, who, because they
differ with us upon the subject of the Inde
pendent Treasury this one question only
are put down as Conservatives, when it is a
well Renown fact that they will vote for our
candidates for Governor and Senator. 16.
Increase of Banking Capital. It appears
by official documents, laid before Congress
near the close of its last session, that the
amount of banking capital in the United
States and Territories has increased from
January 1811, to January 1838, from
52,601,601, to 317,636,778 dollars; and for
the fonr years preceding the first of January
1828, it ha3 increased 117,630,7S4 dollars.
Auarusta Chronicle and Sentinel.
The Hard Money System. This system
exists in perfection in France. We extract
the following from an exchange paper:
The Bank of France has in its vaults 236
millions of francs in specie; its notes in cir
culation amount to 12 millions; the deposites
on account of individuals are 59 millions; its
portfolio contains 165 millions, consisting of
paper not yet due. How extensive the fa
cilities afforded to commerce by this institu
tion, and yet what prudence in her manage
ment, evinced by the last named item.
Bowie Knife.
Washington's Opinion The following
was Gen. Washington's opinion of the evil
effects produced by paper money banks:
"An evilequally great (occasioned by a
paper emission) is the door it immediately
opens for speculations, by which the least
designing, and perhaps most valuable part of
the community, is preyea upon oy me more
knowing and crafty speculators." '
Whig Sub-Treasurers. The Vicks
burg tVhig states that the notes of the Decator
Bank are quoted at one dollar per peck.
What an excellent depository for the public
A fact to be remembered. The democrats
gained nearly three thousand voles this year
in Connecticut, as compared with what they
nnllpd one vear afiro and the federalists du
ring the same, have not been able even to
hold their own, but have fallen short nearly
700, as compared with their last year s vote
Washington Rep.
Before the election in New York, the fed
eral papers said, "as goes the city so goes
the State." Since the election, the papers
say, '-Let no Whig distrust New vorK.
Or the great principles invoiced in the
present controversy between parties By a
Virginian printed at the office of the
Democratic Review.
Continued from our last.
For two years and a half nothing wa3 done.
From december 1833, to June 1S36, the
banks were under no legislative restraint
whatsoever, and were left to run wild in their
excesses. That portion of the monied oli
garchy, who; for their own purposes desired an
overthrow of the United States Bank, haviog
gained their end, went to work in their respec
tive States to multiply their local institutions,
and increase their facilities for stockjobbing,
borrowing, speculating in petty schemes of
internal improvement, and plundering the
people. The friends of the United States
Bank differing from them in no one principle
whatsoever, having lost their favorite institu
tion, and feeling a common interest in pre
serving all power in the hands of the oligar-,
chy, naturally co-operated with tb.em.iu all
their schemes, and gave them a decided ma
jority in almost every legislature in the Union.
By their joint operation the number of banks
was more than doubled in the space of time
we are now spaking of, and nearly nine hun
dred manufactories of paper money were set
in motion, pouring forth their rags, really as
worthless as when first cast off by the beggars
in the street; but endowed with the magic
name of money, they came forth "thick as au
tumnal leaves in Valombrosa," a perfect
shower, not genial like the vernal rains,- but
blasting and ruinous, potent only for evil. I
was impossible to have employed profitably in
the legitimate business of the country, real
gold and silver, equal in nominal value to
those spurious issues of paper money.. Trade
and commerce are regulated by uniform and
invariable laws. They require a circulating
medium, bearing only a small ratio to the ac
tual productions of the country; and if, by any
unforeseen cause, those productions should
increase beyond the currency necessary to
exchange them, they would furnish a basis
whereon to rear a credk sufficient to meet the
increased demand for money. A healthy ac
tion of domestic trade, and a wise increase of
foreign commerce, therefore, had no part in
producing that flood of paper issues by which
rJ "l'''ixo j 'Vhe; mnnioA oliiramhv
wouia not nave Dee 11 laooring in meir voca
tion had they consulted the common weal
the permanent solid good of all the people in
the measures they adopted. Their object was
to get the public lands in exchange for their
paper to stimulate speculation drive com
merce beyond its wants and its means to
intoxicate the people with the idea of bound
less prosperity to make them reckless and
extravagant, so that their property, in the end,
their improvements, and their liberties, also,
might fall a prey into the hands of those who
had wickedly drawn them into the snare. Al
most the entire public domain, amounting to
townships, dukedoms, and principalities, fell
into their bands foreign trade was involved
in a debt of thirty millions beyond its resour-
ces, and as a legitimate consequence, an
enormous surplus revenue was accumulated
far beyond the most extravagant demands of
Government. Hence tnere arose anotner
difficulty. What shall be done with the sur
plus? We have not only to regulate by law
the connection between Bank and State, but
we have to dispose of the overflowing reve-
m . .1 11 a
nues naturally resulting trom tnat alliance.
Both of these difficulties were solved, to tne
satisfaction of the monied oligarchy, by the
act of the 23rd June, 1836. That la w was
the work of their own hands, and devised for
their own benefit. By it, a perpetual union
of Bank and State was solemnized,- an indis
criminate reception of their paper issues was
authorized; a more equal distribution of the
benefits arising trom the use ot tne puoiic
funds was made among the entire fraternity of
paper coiners; and a precedent was establish
ed by which the annual surplus should be dis
tributed among the States, there to be used a
second time for their benefit. No schemes
could, apparently, be more happily devised to
promote tne ends 01 me ongarcny me em
bezzlement of the fortunes and the subver
sion of the liberties of the people. " But, by a
kind Providence, who has ever watched over
the destinies of our Republic, their chosen in
strument Was made the, means of producing
mm overthrow of catching them in
their own snare entrapping them in their
own craftiness. The act of 1836, instead ot
advancing the welfare of the banks, was the
chief cause of the disasters which subsequent
ly befel them. But before we proceed to a
consideration of that branch of the subject,
let us dwell for a moment on the extraordina
ry precedent of distributing the surplus reve
nue among the States, under pretence of a de
posite for safe keeping.
That measure, more than any thing else,
displays the true character and design of those
who, from the beginning, have controlled the
operations of our Government A proposi
tion for distributing the proceeds of the public
lands, and also the surplus revenue among the
States, had repeatedly failed.' Few were pre
pared openly to avow a principle, whose ten
dency was to destroy the independence of the
States bind them as pensioned provinces to a
central government of unlimited powers, and
to blot out every feature of popular suprema
cy traced in the Constitution. But when the
same principle was introduced in a covert and
insidious way, it was immediately adopted by
an overwhelming majority; and that which
men would not directly attempt, was thus in
directly accomplished. The liberties of the
people'cannot be safe, when, by indirect le-
VOL. j-JTO. 18.
gislation, a distinctly recog-nized violation of
me constitution is perpetrated, and a prece
dent is established of such evil omenv The
dangerous consequences of that measure are
yet to be seen; they are to burst forth' in fulf
vigor at some future day. Be it remembered
that the States, under the guidance of th
monied oligarchy, are plunged into the wiloV
est schemes of internal improvement. Jea
lous of each other's prosperity, rivaling one'
another in efforts to draw the trade and corn
merce of the country through their own chan-"
nels, they have undertaken gigantic enter
prUes, and pledged the credit of the people' :-.
for sums of money which would have startled'
the Congress of the whole union a few years?
since. States, whose revenues are barely
sufficient to carry on the operations of an eco
nomical government, are borrowing endK
mous sums, to be expended by speculafbrs'
and improvement mongers, on thriftles
schemes which can never be of any advan-"
tage to the people. Already have eighteen,
out of six-and-twenty, involved themselves in
a debt of one hundred and seventy millions.
That debt is annually and rapidly increasing;'
and all the works put together, on which the
money has been expended have not, and nev
er will have, a revenue sufficient to pay the ac-"
cruing interest The monied oligarchy, who4
have involved the country in these embarras
ments, and placed themselves in a delicate
position before the public, have but two alter-"
natives whereby to extricate the community,
and save themselves from the denunciations
of the people. The one is, a resort to direct.
taxation; the other, to the surplus revenues of
tne u. Alales. 1 he nrsl alternative they will
never adopt, so long as it can possibly be'
avoided. They know very well that while ,
they do not resort directly to the pockets of -the
people, they can cheat them, delude them,
or oppress them, to their heart's content, and
they will never detect the cause. But an open,
demand upon the purse-strings, an actual1
withdrawal of the taxes from the hands of the
people, awakens their attention; it sets them
to praying and examining into things. They
will want to know for what purposes their
money is abstracted ' from them. Such an
inquisitive disposition would not at all suit the "
taste of the monied oligarchy, who know they
could not give a just account of their steward
ship. Direct taxation, therefore, is not to be
thought of: the other alternative is the only
one ierr, ana, nappny ior mi mxy scnaim il
the oligarchy, the very best that could be de
vised. A large surplus revenue, arising from
the sales of public lands and the duties on
foreign importations, can only be obtained by'
a connection of the Government with the.
banks, and an indiscriminate reception of
their paper issues in payment of the' public'
dues. Then, besides the entire force of the
oligarchy, wielding all the monied resources
of the country, as we have shown, and. pres-'
sing the necessity of this Union, if we con
sider for a moment the tremendous auxiliary
forces they have in those who are interested
in the thousand petty schemes of internal im
provement in all the six-and-twenty States.'
Here is an honest, well-meaning" man, from'
some remote section, sitting in the Legisla
ture of his State. Catching the mania for'
improvement, he has a little scheme of his own,
by which he hopes to benefit his constituents,
increase his- own popularity, and retain his
seat in the public councils. His mind is'
wholly intent upon that; he thinks of nothing'
else; and is willing to resort to any honora
ble means to gain friends and votes for his
favorite enterprise. But he is told that: the
resources and the credit of the State have been;
exhausted; that a resort to direct taxation would
blow up their schemes aud themselves at
once; and that the only hope of success is to
obtain a surplus revenue from the Federal
Government. As the precedent of distribu
tion has already been set, we have nothing to"
do but obtain the surplus, which might readily
be had, could those radicals be once put down,
aud the Government permitted to . go on in?
its usual course. Could the public dues be
paid in such bank notes as the people receive,
and again deposited in the banks, to be loan-'
ed out to speculators in public lands, and dea
lers in foreign commerce, "we would soon
have a revenue for distribution, sufficient to-'
accomplish all our purposes; to pay the State
debt, which has become a serious matter, and:
to complete all our schemes of improvement.
Yielding to the plausibility of an argument
which solves so many perplexing difficulties
and only suggests that things be permitted to'
go on in their usual course, a really honest
man, and through him his constituents, who
would not directly do any thing to jeopard the
institutions of their country, are made mmuV
rectly to favor schemes whose inevitable re
suits must be to bring down the States in' vas
salage to a central power, and finally to sub
vert the liberties of the people. This conflict,
therefore, between the people and their ruter
the monied oligarchy the revolution, so
far from being at an end, so far from being
accomplished, has only begun. We are now
enjoying a short armistic living in a kind of
armed neutrality; but when the shout for the
rally and the onset i3 again heard, we shall
find a host of auxiliaries, we litffe dreamed ofj
arrayed against the people. Many f"01
among themselves, whose feelings and princi
pies are the same with their , own, led af7
by the petty interests of the moment; and du
ped by the plausible insinuations of the oli
garchy, will, in the next contest, be found ar
rayed against them. With earnestness, there
fore, and sincerity, we warm the people, and
tell them not to be deceived. The final eon
flict has yet to come; the shock of the allied
forces has still to be met; the Waterloo field
has yet to be fought. It was only deferred by

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