OCR Interpretation

The North-Carolinian. [volume] (Fayetteville [N.C.]) 1839-1861, August 25, 1855, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Library, Chapel Hill, NC

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South Carolina Know X othin; State Council. ,
CiTAr.LESTox. Ans 1C The Know Sotlung
Saturday, August 25, 1 855.
JOsSr Mr G. S. Rollins, at Terebinth, will
please accept our thanks for procuring a list of
ten subscribers to the Carolinian, payment for
which has been received. , v
Mr D. G. Smith has our thanks for five
new subscribers, payment for which is hereby
JS We learn that Hon. Ij. Bethune and P.
M. Powell, Esq., have been appointed by Gov.
lirag-g as Directors on the port of the State in
the Fayettcville and Albermarle Plank lload
Col. David Gillis and lion. L. lietliune will
hold Ihe State's proxy in the annual meeting
which takes place on the 30th inst.
55- AVo are glad to see such prompt action
on the part of our Town authorities to prevent
disease. We notice lime spread about the
streets, and a general cleaning up commenced.
K?The Professorship in Davidson College
tendered Ilev. Adam Gilchrist of this place,
has been declined by that gentleman.
,,.Ca'jmag&3. The other day, wc spent. a few
TYumues m A.. A "McKetban's extensive Car-
riage Repository and saw some of his excellent
riding vehicles. Here a man can be accom
modated with any style and at prices ranging
from one hundred dollars to seven hundred and
fifty dollars all finished in a superior manner.
Those wI.o want something really nice to ride
in ought to examine Mr McKethan's large
assortment and we arc sure they can be suited,
both in price and quality. These carriages are
finer and more durable than those made North,
and we venture the assertion that they cannot
be surpassed anywhere in the United States.
If anybody doubts this, wc ask them to go
mid examine the work. Southern people ought
to encourage Southern manufacturers, especial
Iv when thev cau be so well suited.
5T The Washington Union of the 19th an
nounces that Mr Dobbin, Secretary of the Xa
rv, has returned to his post improved in health
"by his visit to the springs.
.Yellow Feveu. There appears i to b
abatement of this terrible disease in orij
.1! stress is aid to i
vail among the inhabitantsT
- '
State Council met here on Monday night, and
abolished the Catholic test, allowing; any na-
tive born citizen, who would renounce an ai e-, .arA forwarded farthe r.
mmicr- bnth civil nnd ecclesiastical, to tlie i .. . . . . . . .. . -
r ) : .. : .
it opposes any
- J
and we liotiee
Church, to become members.
infringement upon the existing rights of natural
lzed citizens.
Those who have joined the Know-nothings
through fear of the Catholics, will now begin to
see that the leaders of the secret party hav not
so much at heart the curtailment of the infln-
of the poor. The Norfolk Argus, apeaMn,
the flio-lit rf iwrsnns frnm that citV. SaVSfjW
"Of the lour or five lneinbersjof thecf
who have hurried off, it may notbecome?
sneuk now Thev know their dot y. iiPS,
this is not the time to indulge in jvitnperajk
not. as bad as'rcp
For the Jorth Carolinian.:.
BY W. F. W. .. . . ; .--
JVU de'vp'randum. young man, though the cloud f
'Anfl the storms of adversity gather around thee;
Tlio' the sneers of the rich and, the scorn of the proud.
-tAnd the frowns of the high and the haughty sur
f - round thee: - .
Kan thy flag to the mast-head, and, nailing it there,
iShout boldly life's battlc-crj j.eipair : -
desperandum. resolve to bo great,
i-A scholar or statesman, as hero or IwrcU
Tlirow down the gauntlet to fortune and intc,
t And take tor iny romi -
feEl.ECTIOXS TO TAKE PEACE. -TllO following
is a schedule of the elections which' are to take
place during the present year for State ; officers
and representatives to Congress.
California Tuesday, September 4, State of
ficers. ,..-,,... : , ,-..-. --v:-
Vermont Tuesday, September 4, State offi
cers. . - - :: v
,.,1 in,l'.-, ..1. .n. l.nrwt ; ic rinrviv.ilS ' :
t-u, V . :.t" I j cmna the Wh
ence of the Romish Church, as they have a de- stores are nearly all closed; our streets aret.,-- ,ve ot u.c ZZr n.snair!
serted; the dead and the dying are nrouu. -j.Ana toe voice i iuj-...v..;v - 7
excepting the rattle . of the physician's - coach l de randttmj hy yield up thy claim
lip:irsps nnd hnsnitfil WflCOHS. the silence, in ., . , f;,l nnd shrink from the fight
1 . ' . . : r rpt ' 1 0 Hl mtiiiu:i r-r -
; i 111
sire to gain power and office for themselves.
It will be seen by the above that the Know
Nothing State council of South Carolina opposes
any infringement vpon the existing rights of nat
uralized citizens. Now as it is an existing right
Mnlno ' Af,...i',.. o . 1 ,.! ; , w." Alexander Wiiuam, o-te not recollected, a
cor. " ' SePtembcr 10 State. ,offir; tw0 orsMo-Dotla.-s. Ako, on Note in T
. ' "' n - j sulyeriier; ' signed ly Nathan Ivtng, dated
Ueorgia Monday, October-1;- State, officers -anrfry or Jlrit of 1-ubruavy, amount abou
streets is . often absolutely oppressiv
frantic wail of the widow falls dolefully on tht
car; the piteous cry of the orphan rings nmtP
iirui icu citizens. u m m uiakiug ngi'" ? i --j . , - ; tA Kav souna iiie nw
for a naturalized citizen to hold office (provi-! f a..d dies away "P. ..
, , l,;N4i,Lrt-J!ncnds "re parting,, perchance until vthe. J : , ; . , .
Why yield up thy birthright to honor and fame,
-Perhaps' but to fall in the cowardly nigm : .
! sound the bold note ol my ciai i ,
and Jever Despair
ded the people choose to elevate him) the know
nothing cry about Americans ruling America,
is the worst kind of Isumbuggcry, and was rais
ed for the purpose of catching votes. Will
those well meaning persons who joined the or
der because they apprehended danger from for
eign influence and the Catholic Church remain
in it now? We think many will leave it, as they
ought to do.
In Louisiana,- the Know-nothing candidate
for Governor is a -member of the. Catholic
Church. ..
In Kentncky.'the ritual of the ICnow-notVing
order has been changed so as not to disqualify
a man from becoming a member who has . a
Catholic wife. .
ment; and the lamentation of the motifs gyy desperandum, march onward -and oft
heard, "like Rachael, weeping for her childreTr, As thy spirit may falter, whatever may betide,
and refusiii"- to be comforted because they afe v The sweet little cherub that sits tip aloft,
not." . .;v.--rxrnfoldIng his pMiioas wiu speeu io
Tub Favf.ttevii.ee Ixni:rEXDEXT Comtaxy
celebrated its t52d Anniversary on Thursday
last by target firing and dinner. We could
siot make it convenient to attend, but learn that
everything passed off in a pleasent manner, as
The prize competed for was an elegant silver
goblet, which was won by Capt. Jas. M. Vann,
who made the best average shot, being 4 C-lf
inches. Private Kyle was second best, who
sil so made the best single shot. The goblet
was presented to the winner by Dr. T. D.
ITaigh .inau elegant and chaste speech.
The Oncers elected for the ensuing year are
as follows :
Walter Iraulioi, Major; Wm ITuske. l?t
Capaiu, .Tas Mcdilvary 'id do., A Mol'lierson ,
d d'-1 M Vann 4th do.; Wm W l'rizcll 1st!
A New Qi estiox. A writer in the Wil
mington Herald raises a rather novel question
with regard to the eligibility of Mr Winslow to
a seat in Congress. The following is the
" Is he Eligible ? Is Warren Winslow
eligible to a seat in the House of Representa
tives of the United States ?
The Constitution of North Carolina (Art. 4,
Sec. 4, amended Constitution,) reads thus: No
person who shall hold any office or J'i.ace of
trust or profit under the United States, or (ivy
department thereof, or under this State, or any
other State or Government, shall hold or exer
cise iinv other office or place of trust or profit,
under the authority of this State, or be eligible
to a scat in either house of the General As-j
Now it is certain, that a Representative in
the Congress of the United States from North
Carolina holds a "place" both of trust and pro
lit, cither under the United States, or under
this State, therefore cannot at the same time
be a member of the General Assembly.
Mr Winslow is a member of tiie General
Assembly, which post he can, I suppose, resign
into the hands of the Governor, but he is more
over, Spenker of the Senate, a position lie can
not, I take it, resign, except to the Senate it
self, and that bodv not being in session, nor
likely to be before Congress meets, he must of
necessity remain a member of the General As
sembly. Is ft right that he should, if he could, vacate
the office of Speaker of the Senate ? Suppose
the office of Governor becomes vacant, how
could a successor be found in the Speaker of
the Senate: and suppose further, that the
It is indeed a sad and gloomy. time in our
loved and devoted citv: md how much the ra-
lamitous visitation is increased in its In
bv the inconsiderate flight and absence
gious friends .aiiil the deprivation of their con
solatory instructions and prayers in-tlie rofrtv
where, death claims and seizes his yiiStinisP't
leave to the: imagination of ;;the-: pariic"-triefcn
Christian-- professors wIioHiav.esowaliJiMi;(i
salubrious climae . and a less dangerous"
tion. rjlTir y j
We heard one of orir ministers say,who has
not proved recreant to the high duties of his
office, and who go; a willingly to thepbodes of
woe and death, that he found a woman whose
husband had jut died of the fever. ; She too
was attacked, and, no one was tnere to nurse
and comfort her. lie looked out, and"rthe
neighbors had all gone their doors and win
dows were closed. "Here" said she, "I nmst
lie and die alone." And there was a boy "with
the black vomit, and no one but a young sistl-r
to attend him during the slow and sad hours pf
a long night of pain and sorrow. 4
Hut some noble souls and great hearts ne
left, and their recompense will be great. -Thev
i breathe still the deadly breath of the pestilenci;
iney pray lor tne sick anu ine dying, anu.wing
per sweet words of faith and consolation in tire
ears of the sufferers, whose thanks and prayer's
and blessings will be remembered in time an'd
eternity; and if the faithful soldier of the cross
falls while doing his duty when most needed,
h'e falls gloriously, and his reward will be un
speakable and eternal." f
and eight representatives
. 1 ennsylvania Tuesday, October 9 - State
officers. ,i . - . . ' .
Indiana Tuesday, October 9 State officers.
Ohio Tuesday, October, 9, State officers".
Louisiana -Monday, November 5, State offi
cers and tour representatives.
r .Mississippi Monda), - November
officers and five representatives.
New York Tuesday,. "November
officers. .
Wisconsin Tuesday, November fi
x.r . I O TICK. ;
LOST on Saturday the 18th imi.tant,"; fo' the town of.
Fayetteviilei'suppos-id to be between the MarketHouse,
Libertv Point and Kccles' Bridge, a red "Morocco
; POCKET BOOK, commou size, containing the follow-
lag Note!.'Viz : 1 wo ualinished ivotes lrawn ly the
subscriber in favor of Neill AleDouaid, for ninety-live
Dollar eaetif signed by James McKothan - as eeonrtty,
(ao other' siguatiire.) dated; sometime iit-- Juae-. last.
A-lsw, oue other Note, signed as the above, in favor of
Alexander Wifcuams, o-te not recollected, amount-till y
avor ot the
the last ot
about four him-
tfred and eleven Do! hus, with some credits on the .
back. The , lTook contained- a $1 note on the Bank of
Payeiteville also stone other papers not recollected..
The tinder of the above named 1'oekeb Book will Jm
liberaHy rewarded by retaraing'it with its contents to
the subscriber:- or to A. A. -McKethan or It. Oihaore.
All persons are forewarned again-- .trading for the
above described Notes or any of them, .
'Au'sat t, ?r.:,, "'';';,'. "CO-St- ."
GESEnof?. Two eminent physicians of New
Orleans, Drs. Stone and Peniston, have gone
to Norfolk and offered their services, to tlie
Board of Health of that city. They have lmd
considerable experience with the yellow fever.
And softlv will whisper the words in thine ear
4Take courage young "soldier, and J ever uespair .
fthidespereindmn, the world is before thee; , . : j
' yts honor, its pleasures all lie at thy feet; '
Heed hot the frow ns of the haughty ones o'er thee:
Themselves thou shalt conquer and shame with defeat.
And a monument high and enduring shalt rearf .
Iascribed with the liioltp oTjiCcver, Despair I .
A . desperandtim, . though hours ot gloom .
.Cast over thy spirit their shadows of sadness.
And clouds of misfortune and sorrow may loom
;. Parkver the once sunny sky of thy gladness;
Halt not, but, as often as troubles draw near,
Epok lip to Hope's beacon and JVecer Despair !
jFif'desperandum . while vigor and youth
Are thine own ask of Fortune no. favors at all;
But. girt in the armor of honor and truth.
' March valiantly forth to the field at the call
Of thy duty, and write on thy helmet and spear
" I fight but to conquer !" and Jrcetr Despair
7V7 despctandum, the' ship of thy fate
Young sailor, tho' tossed on a boisterous tide.
With truth for her pilot and hope as her mate,
At length into port shall triumphantly ride.
And the sentinel's cry from the land thou shalt hear
All's well with the mariner!" Jcvtr Despair.'
A"' desperanilvm. ne'er give up the helm.
Tho7 the waters are surging in breakers ahead.
And the loud raging waves threaten soon to o'erwholin
'"And bury thee deep in the sea's coral bed;
Stand firm to thy post at the tiller and steer.
While the Hag streams above thee, and JVcvcr Despair.
And when thou hast weathered the storm and the gale.
i And smoothly thy vessel glides over the wave :
When the billows are calm and the breeze (ills thy sail.
iK And the storm-god's returned to his deep ocean cave.
Then lift up thy heart in a thanksgiving prayer
To ' the God of thy Fathers, and ever Despair.
I'O TliAVKMlllS.
Th Shityiertbers convey tbe Mail between Favelte-
0. , r ' ville and Barclaysville iu a Bugaf, a;id can . nccomino-
1. tale Oi- i ,at0 crlv. (W0 passengers. Tiie" route is by way of
; Maryland Wednesday, November 7, six i Creek The days f(r leaving Fayettevilie are Tuesdays,
representatives. ; Thursdays and Saturdays, at o'clock, a. in. Ueturin
Massachusetts Monday November 1 9 St-Ue ' J!0'"17'' .Vllieiday uu'1 KPday cvt-uiui5:s- Faie tliml -
. .. -' ' 1 j 1-avelteville to S'.inuiier ille 2. -
officeis - i , . .T. U. HARRIS,
In Tennessee, Alabama, California, - Indiana, S An. 2.1. .1855, - , A. I AUK Kit.
Wisconsin,. and Pennsylvania, the legislature in I : ""; """ - --
Leach State elect one United States senator. J I OJ. UbA hty -
; For : building a ( ourt Ttonse for Harnett count3'' will
r c; . ,, n-tt t i t t- s receiv"t?d bv tl-.,; liuiUitg OominiWee at this place
Gf-ttino i C.iptam John Ianks of ,ltn th Hl8t hist. i.i, rtM.r-K(sfl.5.. i...
Steamer Brothers, informs us that he has made seen by calling on IT. Vrnon. FaVetteville. or on"
JBSuT" Jeremiah Clemens, of Ala., whose let
tcr extolling know-nothingism has been praisei
so much by the opposition papers, has been de
feated for a seat in the Legislature. Down lie
Pcbi.ic Mf.etixg ix Cn.vni.K-yrox. --A large
meeting of the citizens of Charleston, S. C, in
favor of State Rights, Southern Rights; and
opposed to the know-nothing party, was held
Richmond, Aug. 21st.
several triiis as hitrh as IJuckhorn Falls, and
Jironght frpm eight to teii thousand barrels naval
stores to market. ' ' ' -
We are further informed that nil the impor
tant work below llnckhorn has been let to re
sponsible contractors for sums . within the esti
mates of the principal Engineer, to be finished
durinar the vear barring freshets and other un
avoidable accidents. 117. Jlcrahl.
Baptists in the United St ATKs.The Bap
tists Almanac for 1856 contains a table of sta
tistics, by which it appears that there are in the
United States, connected with the Baptist de-'
nomination, 523 associations, 10,488 churches,
i . i . i i ir f ,. , T
i , ( ortiained uiiiiisTrrs, ova ncenuan-.i, .ui
! 842,060 members. The number of baptisms in
I 1854 was 53,f27. Adding the "irregular"7
j Baptists, such as anti-Mission Baptists, Uree
' will Baptists, Seventlwlay Baptists &q. to the
j above, the number of members is increased to'
1,251,059. f
The Paris Academy ! of Science has lately
been investigating the flying machine- invented
by Don Diego de Salamanca. The machine
consists in a case two feet long and one foot
wide, adapted to a bandof leather round the
waist, buckled behind. The two iron rods,
fastened to the case, support a small piece of
wood on which the feet repose. The case con
tains a simple and ingenous mechanism, similar
to that employed to set an automaton. in motion.
The mechanism is worked by means of a handle,
which sets at work two large wings, ten feet
long, made up of very thin caoutchouc, covered
Committee at iiuinnicrville.
- .j f.u--s .'n.fcvxiA'-.-
T: . , " . - , . --s. McKay.
i . n. coi'ir.rj), .
: . .1. T. KHARDOX.
;r:o. w. imccram,
:.. AUt.'H'l) CAMlCilOX,
- Committee..
ffifmmervine,' An
CII5., iLASS-X IKK, & t .
I am now opening, my Fall Supplies, comprising ;
very (rencral .tssnrinu-nt of every thing suitable for
the' Country and Town Trade.-
My Stock has been carefully selected, in person,
from the best mainwactitrers and iiv the best markets
in the Country.-
Country Merchants may' rely upon buying from me
at prices which will save l hem-all the trouble and de
lay of ordering from tlie North.
" . W. X. TlEEfXGItAST.
Pealervin Crockery, China and Glass-Ware.
Ani 22. l.S5.-. (iO-tf
You recollect that a statement appeared i with feathers, and the wings may be so worked
some weeks ago of the arrest of a man in Wil- j ns to produce vertical, perpendicular, or hor
mington, N. C, who gave his name as Ilenrv izontal flying. The number of turns given to
Abbott, and the additional fact that he had in ! the handle determines the height to which it
his possession sundry gold watches and other ; may go. The handle has to be turned every :
articles stolen from residents of this city. Offi-; quarter of a league to regulate the distance,
ccr Tyler went down to Wilmington "two or nnd the operation of turning lasts one minute,
three days ago, and the man was delivered to ! Horizontal flying is the most difficult; the wing ;
him to be brought here for trial. Handcuffs and I beat the air like the feet of a swan when it !
other formidable incumbrances were put upon swims. I
AVill be sol 1 at the Court House doar, on Tuesday of
September Court, at 1 2 o'clock.
to wit : - . - ': '."-..- ''
2 Woman-, 25 and. 37 years of age,
2 G-irl,. 5 and. I t "
2 Boys, 2 and Ui
TKHM3 : Cash-. Sale posifiVe'.
A, M. CAMPBELL. Auct'r.
Aug. 25. (50-21. "
We shall sell at the -Market. Hoits.'. for cash, on ,Sat
urday tlie 1st September 185.0, the, house and lot at.
present occupied bv Mr . James Branuin, on Mumford
street, .. .1. & TV WAD DILL.
: Aus 25, 1S55..' ..--. .
J&8 The Magistrates of Cumberland County
are notilied fo altend at tlie (.Join t House, in the Tou u
of Fa vctteville. on Tuesday of our next County Court
at 1" "o'clock. M.. for the transaction of public business.
BENJ'X BOBINM'X. Cl.aiimun.
Aug. 2'--2t
C'nr reel iid weekly for the JS'orfk Caroliniav .
. t . ,v r t- i.i I'tfHS individual, and our policeman started with!
the l.th inst. W . D, Porter .prcsided,.as:hitA .,1,0 train -rencbed Sto,i
do., 1 J McLeOd 4th do., Wright Hnske 5th
do.; Alex Ray 1st Corp'l, Geo Haigh 2d do.,
Jl A, Yates 3d do., II Erambert 4th do.
Nit. Df.spf.b vndum." The piece of poetry
in another column, bearing this caption, does
ienr to the pen and head of the author. W.
iF. Wightman, Esq., of Americas, Ga., is the
author, and we would be happy to receive other
pieces fram his pen with which to embellish our
N. C. State Bonos. The Public Treasurer
advertises the sale of $1S3,000 worth of State
Bonds, $63,000 to bear date Jan. I, 1855, the
balance July 1, 1855, and to run ten, twenty
and thirty years. Bids will be received until the
51st September.
JEST" President Pierce and lady are now on a
visit to the Virginia Springs. At Staunton on
the IGth, the hospitalities of the town were ex
tended them by the Mayor & Council. A splen
did dinner was prepared at the Virginia Hotel,
of which the visitors and a number of citizens
jpartook. After dinner the President and Hon.
7ames M. Mason made speeches. Subsequent
Hy, ithey visited the Insane Asylum and the
Deaf and IVamb Institution, expressing much
pleasure at all they saw.
Hon. Abbott Tjawrkxcb died in Boston on
the 18th inst. He represented this country at
the court bf St. James during Mr Fillmore's
administration. He was very wealthy, his
estate being worth $3,000,000. .
Mr. Sori.K. The name of Hon. Pierre
Sonle having been spoken of in connection with
the nomination for Congress in the first District
of Lonisiana, he publishes a short letter in the
N. O. Delta, declining the honor, and states
that he wishes to rest, for a while at least, from
the anxieties and agitations of public life.
JCifg- Some idea of the distress and panic in
Portsmouth, caused by the yellow fever, may
be inferred from the following:
" The accounts from Portsmouth are truly of
a melancholy nature. The deaths number
some twelve per day, and the new cases yester
day were between twenty-five and thirty, not
withstanding at least four-fifths of the popula
tion have left the city.
A correspondent writes as follows;
Our town presents a gloomy and sombre as
pect. There is not a magistrate or constable
here; the Council is without a quorum; and
nearly all the town officers are gone. Two. of
the police officers are dead, and a third is now
sick. The stores and banks are closed the
market is deserted the private dwellings are
tenantless and all the hotels and. boarding
houses are shut up. All our citizens (except
those who- remain, from a sense of duty,) who
could, raise means to get off have left; There
were twelve deaths yesterday, and fFom 20 to
20 new cases of "Fever."
For. the last week we have had an abundance of rain
in this region-
-- -v 1 - TT
twiL-r rtf hA Commniis ihnnl.l dip lie lin-.ble i ' . nlm foc TUchmoml.-U le train -renclieil Mnnyi - ivrw irffwj """" ' "'
speaker of the Commons shoul.l li "n..Die, Presidents and 4 Secretaries. Wwt - S.v r,,nfv -'nhonfc dnv break this i Nrw Orleans. An? 20. The Yellow Fever
J. u . liavne submitted an aUdress and ( nmrnimr, ami the redoubtable tlnet, seeing Air. is rapidly mcreasins;. 1 lie cioatns uunnir ine weei.
om his seat, ; have comprised ; 1 1 , including ..' troiii lever.
for liberty, j . .
notwithstandimr the cars were going at full i MARRIED.
to net. or absent from the
. . . . . . IT
exercise tlie powers 01 liovernmeni as pro- : mm.
vided for iu the 10th section of the original j resolutions, which were adopted. A committee! Tyler had fallen asleep, arose froi
i .,:..:.. .. r 11;, m : - . . . . . . - f . fhn rinnp nnri Tan. n. ie:in
r . . . - t- 1 .1 t 1 i.- o.l LuiiMiuuinii, vvn iu mi- iMicni v i i nf oiio liiii.tlroil wis !i niinuit pit tr nrirani7i o t "cuu i" - ---
CT" T 1 .1 liODitl-SOIl U UO.. l ri'r''Uuci -J-l ...
, even to the extent of call
tocrether. There is no provision.
of one hundred was appointed to organize a
tt 4i T:.-i. T......- :.. . : : . .
., . r f 1 I ..- r i OUULIICl II 1111111? 1 U V lil UlIIUltiUll l J tliC
that I am aware of, and in such continsrcncv I j c .it
do not see in what manner the State Govern- I know-nothings. The following are two of the
ment could be carried on. 1 resolutions passed by the meeting:
If Gov. Reid could not occupy a scat in the I : "Resolved. That we nrotcst atrainst the
Senate of the United States, and be the Gov-1 proposition put forth by the Grantf Council of
ernor oi .ortii uaronna at ine same uiiif. n i the Order in P i ade nh a. that
tne rn:im-
can Mr Winslow Governor contingent, be a tenance of the Union of these States, is the
Representative in Congress, and Speaker f paramount political good" a doctrine which
the Senate of North Carolina, at the same iissmnf;s that Government is above the objects
: 11 ii 11 A YAVri! n . - i ..... t ... . .. J
11.1.1 V IJLV.
We apprehend no difficulty in the matter
whatever, and think that the suppositious of
"Hanover" are entirely too far-fetched. He
for which it was instituted strikes at the very
foundation of the Sovereignty of the States
and under every violation of the Constitution;.
however llagraiit, and under every degree of
i oppression and injury, however destructive, de-
admits that Mr Winslow, as a member of the j mauds of the States eternal and unresisting
General Assembly, could resign to the Govern- j subjection to the central power; and we disap
i .i - i ",. , t - -it? i .prove, as heretical m principle and eminently
or, but thinks that he cannot resign the Speak-, J,Jinerens to the Sothi tl)e' idolatr5oils dev
ership in the same way. True, he cannot re- : tio to the Tjuiou of these States, so prominent
sign the office of Speaker into the hands of the j ly and constantly inculcated by the Constitu
Governor, but if he resigns as a member of the j tion and Ritual of the Order, when contrasted
c 4. - -i 1 1 t i 1 1 4i :, i with their silence as to the necessity of preserve
Senate up misifrino in n-nn rl nnt. hold the. Otiice . J ' .l"r
of Speaker. He cannot be Speaker of the
Senate without beinq: a member of that body.
could be settled by merely resigning as a mem
ber of the General Assembly.
"Crcmbs ok comfort." The editor of the
Argus in his last issue is "astonished" that the
democrats should have the heart to jubilate
over their victory in this District, yet wc find
the sapient gentleman himself drawing comfort
from the " deliberate dictum " to be found in
another part of his paper, that after " such
another victory locofocoism will be flat of its
VtncU i" all tliia regiAi of tVie State." Yerily
the editor betrays that he is not aJtogethar un
familiar with the logic used by "Sir Hudibras"
upon a certain occasion when, after he had re
ceived a mauling which left him considerably
more than half dead, he reasoned thus:
If he who in the field is slain
Is in the brd of honor lain.
Then he who's beaten may he said
To lie in honor's truckle bed.
"American Orca-n-." The Washington Star
publishes the following as the names of those
who own the leading Know-nothing paper in
this country called the "American Organ";:
The Joint Slock Company. As it is, doubt
less, a matter of some interest to our fellow
citizens of Washington to know who are the
owners of the Organ, we have been at some
pains to obtain a correct list of those gentle
men. The stock is divided into thirty shares,
which are owned at this moment, or were owned
a, few days since, as follows:
Ulysses Ward, 2 shares; Vcspa sin Ellis, 4;
S. C. Busey, 2; Wm. M. Burwefl, 2; Hon.
Bayard Clark, (Know-nothing member elect to
Congress from New Y"ork,) 8; Wm Tucker (of
Lane & Tucker,) 1; Selby Parker, (ex-secretary
of the Washington anti-Slavery Socictv,)
1; Ephraim Wheeler, 1; S Fowler, 1; M. i.
Emery, 1; J. M. McCalla, ; William Blanch
ard (publisher of the National Era,) I; Robert
Bcal (ex-Sergeant-at-Arms of the U. S. Sen
ate,) 1; Maj. J. H. Hollman, 2; W. J. Bas
er, 1; T. D. Sandy, 1.
speed- and the first thing Tvler knew was that! On the lfth inst.. near laimW Br'djr-, TtoV.on
l is char-c had escaped. "The result of the I onty by Her. Paniel Johnwn, Mr Win. J RTnith of
111 '-'"'n' ' . - , i Cumlioi hind, to Mis Barbara K. Mallov of Robeson.
jump we have not learned; for the off cei ; j Lmn,,cl.fon nn the Kith in.t.. by Thos-. a. Nor
came directly to this city, bringing wit h him j nit.t. K. t'ol. Alexander .H. McLeod of Moore eonn
thc burglar's plunder, consisting of gold watch-! ty. to MW Emily S. Blount, daughter of Major James
es Tewelrv. porte monnaies. etc etc. Tyler i Blount.
onrs from his own pocket $50 for the capture
of Abbott, who is described as a man of about
five feet six inches in height," with full cheeks,
unshaven beard, a scar under the left ear, dres
sed in a black frock coat, fancy pants, and snuff
colored felt hat. Correspondence of the Peters
burg Express.
In this town nn the 24th in?t., Mar Catharine, infant'
daughter of James II. and Mary MeDuftie, aged 3 mo.
17 days. ' "
la Vilmington, on the 10th inst.', after a painful ilb
ness. Christopher I). Cuthrie. n-red abotft :5(tyeas." a
native of that town, and a printer bv profession.
Mr (joutrey Jutlier, aged ti
uig unimpaired tne rigiu.s ot tne estates res
pectively. T
" Resolved, That in addition to these stria-
So the whole difficulty (if there is any) can or j gent objections, we are opposed to the kiiow-
notlur.G: uruer,
Because by its secrecy and mystery, its oaths
and ritnal, it is calculated to promote insinceri
ty and duplicity, and to stifle the bold, open,
manly conduct and conversation which charac
terize the man of honor and the freeman. f
Because its tendency is to organize a band of
spies in every eommunit', to wa'tcli the conduct
and catch the words of the unsuspecting, to be
reported to their secret councils, and made the
foundation of political proscription and persjar
cut ion. '.'
And because its practices strike at social
confidence, and all that is dear and valuable in
the social relation.". :. '-, ..-2t K.''kw'irVj
r The editor of the Argus complains that he tini
been reviled by certain persons in this community and
his name coupled -with the vilest epithets that malice
and detraction could invent," and very properly say
we care for none of these things." If the editor of
the Argus has been reviled and abused in this com
munity more than the editor of the Carolinian wd
pity him. Not only so, but threats of personal vio
lence, wc understand, have been indulged in towards,
us by more than one individual. The slander and
abuse we have treated with silent contempt and the
threats that were made never disturbed our equanimity'
in the least. Of course we held ourselves in readin
to- resent and chastise an unlawful atta,ek-r-duty
the law of self-preservation required' us to do this-
but we never apprehended great cause fov fear,'ibj
though frequently Warned. Words were spoken in the
heat of political excitement that were never inteiidt'd"
probably, to have much meaning. Be this oh" it may,;
certainly there are many individuals in the world wh'om
we do not expect to' praise ns, and as we hare an
Tnwanl conseioiisnc-B of bavin? done .richt. W
In I;indolph county.
' Sim's Foothold ix thf.Soi.-th. At the last rears and 5 months. -, -
-;:,l,..tb,l election Virginia o-ave a maioritv i In Bla.leiv county, on the 13tV inst... of congestive
l"1"';",, - i i,. x-..,-."i ! fever. Mrs AUv Brvan, wife of James Brvan. hsq.. m
of 15,281 for General Pierce. otwithstan-, fhe 47th V(.u. (-,.h. ae in the de-.th of this estima-
ding fusion and confusion, the alliance of wings j ,,ie la,lv 't!le cmte.nnity lias suffered. Though filling
and know-nothings, and an increased vote of ' a eomparativly humble sphere in life she filled it well,
o- l0-: Wise's maioritv was 10 180. 1 1 drawing aroutid her many sincere friend's, and show
"''."', i- Ttl ' ." :; r i insr bv her mild benevolent disposition that she meri-
'"North Carolina gave 1 rerce a majority of J fnUwit pst.eem.. rU rHor heinK fw
08 fi.' She HOW gives aoout 8,000 democratic j in tie family of Mr B. knew her well ; and can in truth
niajoritv. j av that she possessed a-nd indicated in nil her actions
Tennessee "arc a ma'oritv of 1,880 for Scott, j towards others, the most excellent goodness of heart.
She now gives about 2,000 maioritv for that anl S"'-'"'- m uumi.o... r . .. we
c.il "' r- . j t t " a consistent meinbev ot the Baptist church. Com.
nnwa verni!? democrat, Andrew Johnson. i ' T(1 ,
Uii i ... A tti muiliuii.'n i-if .In mua Rrrfl n ill !iilin nn n t V rtn
Alabama gave a majority of ll,84.- for
Pierce. She now gives upwards of 12,000'
majority for Winston.
' We have not been advised of . the precise
majority of Gov. Pease in Texas, but we have
no doubt that know-nothingism has been repu
diated in Texas as decided!-as it has been
repudiated in any of her sister States of the
the 6th inst., Marion Wiikerson. aged 27 year.
National debts of the world. A new
edition (says the New York Courier) of "Fenn
on the ' English and Foreign Funds," very
recently issued, gives a statement of the existing
Rational debts of the principal eotmtries of the
M world. ' This s interesting at ' tins- trme, wnen
the contraction of additional debt is very likely
to be forced upon all the Iem?"ug nations, of
Europe at least. The aggregate amount of
European debt is stated to be 1 ,044,841, 0"0!0,
of which tlie debt of England is .173,023,000;
France 233,000,000; Holland 102.451,000;
Prussia 3,500,000; Russia 08,000,000;
Spain 10,000,000; Iielgium 2o,000,000;
Austria 21 1,000,000. The various countries
of Central and South America, Mexico and
Cuba have an aggregate debt of o0, t88,2S0.
The debt of the United States is 411 it down at
10,000,000, and that of British India at
48ioOO,000 making the total public or na
tional debt of the world to be 1,102,029,480,
: Xo Sects in Heaven. The celebrated Whit
field, when preaching on one occasion from the
balcony of the Courthouse, Philadelphia, cried
out, lifting his eyes to heaven":' "Father Abra
ham, who" have von got in your bosom? Any
Enisconalian??"" "No-l" "Any Presbyterians?"
'"No'" Baptists? "No ' Have you any Methodist
treated political opponents respcctfnlly, we care verihere?" "No Ilave ymt any Imtepeiidents or
Fall s 855.
We are now rrpenini ovir
unbracinuf one of the
L.1I!tiF,ST .iJVI) HES2' Jl S S Oil TI1?JTS
j we have ever offered.
We are disposed to sell Tow for Cash or pronpt
1 nnlos Cull svinl InoT.
An?;, 2.1. Ij-". CU-fit
1. S. Our delinquent customers will please pay rip.
Observer' copy.
litthi about what a few may think .or say of us." TherJ
is room enough in the world for all to live, a'urf as al
the members of a community are nearly equally de
pendent upon each other for support, we neveF intend
to chansre our politics, or couFt the favor or humble"
ourselves to any man' or set of men for theeake oil!
patronage. It is greatly to be regretted that the last
..:TtTio'.'.3tfa'sistratcs of Cumberland County are
notilied to attend at the Court House in r a-yetteville
on Tuesday of September Term of our County Court
at ti o'clock, M., for . the transaction of public busi
ness. r.EN.J. TtOBIXSON', Ch'n
Aujr. 2."(h. 2t
Ar:cT 2f, 1855.
H'ACOX. jier lb.. 12 fii i:
IlKKSW'AX. p-r lb' 2t
H ) V V K K. i.cr lb
Uio. i2i in
l.uguiivv lai Ce,
St-."" Dominsro; un (; mi
COTTOX. per lb! H(;') Hi
COTTON 1;.VtCIXG. per yard
(iillHIV, IR f"1
- Hundk',. 14 (,,; UU
Mini-laps.- 1 0 I". 1
COTTOX Y'AUX, per lb. Xos T, to 10, IS . f Oil
CAXDLES, per lb
frperm, " " 41 .r0
. , FayettevLlTe mould',- - 20 Of) 0(1
- Aidmant4ne,. ' SO 0' '
DOME.STIC GOODS', per yard--
.-ilrown Sheetings, 71 (n)
- . ' Osnuburgs. - 'r ; 1 ' H ,(
FLOTJR, per barrel
-. -Family, S 75 0 00
- - Superfine, - - S f0 (a 0 00
. Fine, . 8 2."i ( 0 01 -
-' - f 'rosK,:'.:, ; " : ' 8 oo (, o m
FEATHERS, per lb ' 42 0, 4.1
.-'FLAXSEED, .per busjicf,- 123 0 Olt
G-RAIX, per bushel :
- " Covn, ' J fl." 0?,
- ' Wtojat,'; . 0 00 (.; 0 0
Oats, 4H Or, Hit
. fen,- "5 (. 0f
Uye. ' - 1 00 Ojj od
HfDES, per lb -
Dry,. 0 0i, 10
(Jreen. - . 0") 4
EARD, per lb. Hi () l2fe
EKAl). per lb. 4 (" 1"
EEATHESt. sole, per lb. 20 0 K
TOBACCO, miiiiufactured. per lb. 10 , 00
Liverpool, per sack, 1 70 0, 0 00-
Alum. ier bushel, (i0 . 0O
MOLASSES, per rallon
Cuba. ' 30 p. 00
New Orleans, 3 C") 01
SUGAR, per lb.
Loaf and crushed. . 10 R, 12
StCroix, 1'ortoliico. A XOrleans. 7 0 'i
N'AILS. cut. per keg, , 0 20 0 00
Sl'lKlTS. per aIIoi ;
i'each Bi aridy,- 1 2" 0 nr
: Apple do ,' ' '!" Oh 7U
X. C. Wliiskev, 00 Or, CI
Rve do. " t 70 (. 0O
inOS, per lb "
Kiliflsi.- - - ' 41 Ch: . 0' -
, Sweeties, common b-ar iij (i 00" -
Do. wide. (.5 0", 0f
FODDER, per hundred, 100 Or, 0 (111
If AY. X. C. . ' , 70 G nil
VW"U per lb. ' 12 0' V'
comme'tsciaIj KrJcortn. '
Ann l V E I A T F A Y E T T E V I L L E.
Aifg. 10. 16 and 18 Sirs Fanny. Magnolia v. Rowan
(Lutterloh's line) with goods for II V, E J Lilly. E .1
Hale & Son. J ( Roon A Co. C llarmson. .1 A F fiar
rett. V L Howard, Beaver Creek Co. S .1 Hinsdale. C
McNeill. Houston t Oveiby. Worth &. Utley .f V
Towers & Co, P P Johnson, Troy t Marsh. Wm Rooth.
IT l. Mvi-nvm- X- Co. M Brown, J W Lett. R MiKbi 11.
C T Hai!ifV t Sons. W'oimick Johnson. Drake, Parker
& Co, W P Elliott, W H Lutterlon, is. .trange
TALUIW. j er lb.
BEEF, 011 tlie hoof, per lb .
BEEF, bv the quarter or side, per lb
PORK, per ll.
MUTTON, per lb.
E'tvCS. per doy.en,
BETTER', per fh:
POTAT(JES, Sweet, per l-uihcl,
Do. Irish, per I11.
ri Oh
0 O'j
di 0;
r, Oiy
12 Oh
10 01
20 Oi) 20
1 00 (', 0 00
0 00 0 0 0'i)
REMARKS. Bacon, we quote at 12 to. IS cts per IK
with good supply on the market. Corn sales at SHI"
et ;.. supply light. Cotton wanted by importers at 11
lo ri4 tor best grades.- 1- lour--receipts ugni anu pi 1-
-. i : - .. T.- ; 1 .. C-O Cnnr Sft T .'i
An-. 20Str Sun. (Orreir's Lin) with goods for E j ' ""vm" "1'- "- '
W Willkinus. L F Bugitv. H Starbee. JG Cook. C j Fine S M. C ross S8. .
W Andrews. W H Willis.'J W Dick, T .I Wright. j Spirits Tnrpent'ine 31 to 30 cts. per. gallon. Raw
Aug 22 Sir Fannv. (Lufterloh . Co's Line) wilh i do 1 25 to 2 25.
passengers, a nit gotxts tor 11 1; .1 ijoiv, 1 humiji- 1
son, S T Hawlev & Son, R' Mitchell, G McNeill.
Seceders?" "No!' no!" "Why, who have you ; fr,,mFish c
Aug 2:5 Str Margnolia. (Lutterloh's Eine) with pas
pengers, and goods for P P Johnson. Ray t Pearce. W
H Lutterloh. Hall fc Sacket. B Kose. J W Powers ,fc Co.
Auo: 23 Str Brother? with two flats (Banks Line)
then!" "Ve don't have these wames here.
here are Christians, belivers in Clirist," Oh is ; persons.
-that the case? Then Uod help -as nil 10 lorei
pArty names, and to become Christians in deed
and in truth!" ;
1 mnii f sn vtpi'K. liarnpn, v.fMir ly. on i. n i.-t.
cV TI i with two Huts ft-oin Vilniiirtoiv, with srooris foir' sundry
TVprt af fh tirpcpnf. fAm& 43 ITccnsed
canvass engendered more bad feeling thanany Pf paWnroter8 transacting business in N. York,
vious one within our recollection, but -e presume (anf1 it ,vouM appe.,r that there are but two out
Suined tlr ewgan.lal? nTlSk" theliumber who do not seek to extend their
ur midtU . business by dishonest practices.
Ana. 24 Str' Sun. with lioftt. D. McLairrirf in tow,
(Orrell's Line) with goods for .T. G. Cook, Webb .t
Bro. Pearce t"fc Ferguson, Sta-rr it Williams. Miss L F
Bnggv. t S Lutterloh, W H Mrsh. S Perrv, R M Or
rell, Worth & Utlev, .1 W Dick. , -
Arrived, Aug. 20th. Brig Nebraska aind Schr Humm
ing Bird from New York. 2 1st. Schrs Marine, Wake,
V B Scranton, A J DeRosett. and Helene. from New
York Schr C C Stratten from Philadelphia.
Wilmington market, ahjt. 23,
fvifrENTi-XK. 705 bbls. Yellow Dip Turpentine were
sold at S2.70 per hht.
SiTRiTS TrurKXTixr. 1,250 barrel's changed hands
at 30 cent's per gal. . - . , . .
RosIN- s OOO bld. Xo, 3 Rrtsin (bbls. various sizes,)
sold at S1.30 per bH.. and 1,0.10 bbls. at Sl,30 per bbl.
Tar 10 bbls. Tar fold at $2.20 per bbl.
" Coax. I, 9" b,tsi,els Covn sold at 80 cents per at.
lbs.,' 30 davs. Com.
- New Y'or.K. -Aug. 23, ISOO.-Market for. Spirits
Turpentine hWvy-therc arc filers at 41 i cents, but
no buyers to much extent. Accounts from Luropc un
favorable. Journal,

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