OCR Interpretation

The Alaska prospector. [volume] (Valdez, Alaska) 1902-1908, April 17, 1902, Image 3

Image and text provided by Alaska State Library Historical Collections

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84021905/1902-04-17/ed-1/seq-3/

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Some Stories About the New Col
lector of Customs.
Captain David II. Jarvis of the
Revenue Cutter Hear, who Wo., dis
linetion in I*•'*. hv his intelligent
daring in Ids (■ommnndof tlwoA-iT
. land (lovermiHiit expediti.m to
Point Barm* for the relief of im
periled winders, snvs the Hatonlav
livening P«»sl. has liecn selected hv
President Roosevelt as tlie proper
man to untangle the complex con
dition of Federal affairs at Nome,
Alaska; and to effect reform there,
he has Ixvn appointed Collector of
Customs for the District of Alaska.
Captain Jarvis is a remarkniiie
man. He lias nn»re ]mwer jiersnn
ally over the native’s of Alaska than
has the I'nitcil States tiovemment.
<>n his thousand-mile journey over
the ice-wilderness, wliere he faced
hlizzards la-fore which even hard
ened Aleuts ami Kskimos recoiled,
it liecniiic ms’essarv to purchase
three hundred reindeer as a food
reserve for the icc-lanind men in
the far desolation of Point Harrow.
Charlie Artisall. an Kskimo of
prominence, declined to part with
his herd though promised that the
United States would liberally repay
him, hut he said that if Jarvis
would take them on his own res
ponsibility lie was more tlian wel
come to them. Alai the Kskimo’s
faith in Jarvis was such tluit he
refused utterly to accept a written
acknowledgment or receipt.
Frequently the civil authorities
in Alaska, when unable to manage
refractory natives, liave called uji
011 Captain Jarvis, who, without
arms and without a guard, has
been able to pacify and disperse
the unruly men as if they were
“In his adventures in Alaska,
whether on relief expeditions or in
turning lmck plague-stricken ves
sels from northern jsnts. Captain
Jarvis has not gone armed.” said
one of his colleagues. “His mas
tery over men is due altogether to
iiis wonderful self-command and
his moral force. Although beloved
by the rough frontiersmen and
* feared by the outlaw element, Jar
vis has none of tlic rough charac
teristics which might l>c supposed
to win leadership among these
classes. He is modest and reticent,
never enters a liar, never makes
any sort of burly demonstration,
and is not a ‘mixer.’
“At one time a pirate cruising in
Arctic waters, terrorized the coast.
Jarvis, then a Lieutenant, was sent
by Captain Healey, known far and
I wide as a grim commander, to ef
fect the capture, it was believed
Unit the pirate had taken refuge in
a certain shelter, and Jarvis was
sent there with instructions not to
return without the sea-bandit. On
entering the cove Jarvis learned
from friendly natives tluit the pi
rate craft had gone a hundred
miles down the coast. Undaunted
ami obedient to instruct ions, he
followcd. Ten days later he re
turned with the outlaw and his
ship in charge, in emergencies of
any sort lie is cool and resourceful.
“On another occasion Jarvis was
sent with a small Imat and crew tn
carry provisions to stranded min
ers. The Imat overturned in tin
surf, but Jarvis remained cool ami
managud to save his crew. A Imat
sent to his rescue perished with all
on boariL When the storm hail
somewhat slutted, Jarvis put back
to the revenue cutter. One of tin
ship’s officers, viewing the strug
gling craft through a telesco|>e
said to the grizzled Captain Hcalv
“ ‘Lieutenant Jarvis’ Unit is re
turning, air, hut the Lieutenant, ]
am sorry to re|inri, is not on her.
“ 'You’re a liar.” thundered tin
Captain. ‘If tlie Lieutenant’s Itoai
> is coming I’ll bet a thousand dol
lars Ir*’s alioard!’ ”
In appearance Captain Jarvi*
gives no liiut of his ruggwl nature
He is lioyish in laiild and almost
shy in manner, lint those ads
saw him, single-handed, inan.|
half a hundred cutthroats of Nom<
to his launch and emhark w it I
them for the Bear, say he was likt
a man transformed.
Buhscrihe for the I'lmsm-mn
Miners Disapprove of Location by
Power of Attorney.
At a mass meeting of the miners '
and oilier citizens lield al Circle.!
resolutions were adopted strongly
favoring the passage of Congress-,
man Cusbn van's hill doing away
with locations by jmwer of attorney.
Ke-silut ions were also adopted ask
ing the government to put the com
missioners’ offices on salary in
place of making them depend soh
ly on the fees, as the miners regard
the commissioners’ office as move
inijsirtant to tJtcir interests than '
any other. Flic commissioners are
judges of tin- |>mliate court, justices
with jurisdiction in civil matters
up to a thousand dollars, criminal I
jurisdiction in all eases of tine and
jail imprisonment, and general ri-.
♦•orders of instruments. Nine-!
tenths of the business tin1 miners
are compelled to do is with the
commissioner, and they ♦lesirc the
office to lie placed on such a basis
as will insure good nun ami their
continuance in this office. The
meeting was held in res] muse to a
communication from the miners of1
the Koyukuk, wlm lunl taken simi- j
lar action, at a meeting in Coldfoot
This is certainly a move in ds
right direction. ami should ('me
gressman Cushman's hill pass, we
liclieve it would meet with the ap
proval of nearly every miner and
prospector in Alaska. The resolu
tions asking that commissioners lie
put oil salary is also right and pn>
|K>r, and should receive the atten
tion of Congress.

We liave a ('handier of Comnicree
a Fire l)c]iartmciit. Tilikum Cluh.
■ Social Cluh and various other so-1
eictics in wliieJi to practice- the no-'
hle art of "ragchewing.” hut these
are not eiwmglu By all means let
11s have a Territorial Cluh, and
meet once a week or oftener, so that
1 our silver tongucd "spielers” can
liave more opjiortunities to inflict
their oratorical sjmsms mi the
public. We might liave a keg of
heer each meeting to lubricate our
think tanks, and some of the A. B.
| smoker hraiwl of cigars to deaden
the |iaiii mused hv the flights of
oratory. Tin- jicojile don’t want a
Territorial (iovernment, hut we do
need a Territorial Cluh.
Darwin nays tliat man descended
' from tlu* monkey, if la* did, his
descent must liave lieen very great.
I especially in tiie east*of some of our
citizens, alt Is nigh we ran credit
tlu*m with trying to rise again, in
asmuch as they are doing their licst
to make monkeys of themselves.
if you want to huy an outfit in
: the interior, or liave goods deliver
ed to any part of tlu* district, or
wish yourself taken to any jwirt of
the hi to. or with guides, call on A.
j Hammond will carry a full line
of groceries at his Slate Creek Store.
Parties going in light can depend
on getting plenty.
Fox Island For Sale.
The well established fox ranch on
House island, Prince William sound,
j containing XKO acres, well timbered
ami good grazing ground for stock
*it all seasons, it is 8 miles from
the mainland, is stocked with over
200 blue fox. has ten good buildings
thereon and a good garden. Fish
in abundance for fox feed. Terms
low. Address, M. L Toretensen, or
Cl. W. Donaldson, KUamar, Alaska.
Blix can supply miners with
tools and mercury at Cupper Cen
• ter. at reasonable prices.
Have the Piuispectok sent tovou
this summer and get the news from
all parts of the country.
The cheapest insurance is pre
caution. Get tile pipes and proper
stove pipe at Fish’s.
i Bromide of Quinine Cajisules
cure a cold in one day at Valdez
, Pharmacy.
Salt liacks. 15c lb. at Valdez
Meat Market.
Heinz Bulk Mince Meat 50c a
quart at Fish Bros.
Market Price I*iat.
float «H pm W*
• ora Steal *»•-•"* •• i«"»
Butter. Jk“«*%e “ lb
Eggs 40c " iU»r
Sugar |7.iai •* li*»
Kiee .94JW1'* 97.10 •• 11*1
Ha eon Hfxl Ham .91.Vnntnfl7.on WO
Coffee *20 to HOr •* 11*
Milk V-’S to 20 - tan
tlranulnted Potatoes 20 to 2-V •• lb
Pried Fruit a to 1'a* *' lb
Svrup .91 to 91-W “ gaj
llVan*. -mall While f»oo “ WO
Mean*. Lima . 912.’*1 " !•*»
Rolled Oats . •V* •* H»
Tea *4> to 7*» •• ' II*
Tobaeeo, «ninking tiOtoTOe •• II*
Tobaeeo, chewing .'41 la 7.V •• lb
K. Wiedu double eond. timothy lia) .112.741 ton
He*i Whitman Out* 912.-Vo ton
Alaska’s Official Directory.
tSovernnr-John h. Brady.
I*, s. Judge* Melvin-C. Brown. Mst. -Vo. 1.
*cat at Juneau; James Wicker* ham. Itiot.Kn. X
seat at Nome
t*. S. Attorney*—R. A. Frlcdrieh, IHst. No. 1;
Joseph K. Wood. J Harlan.
Clerk PNtrict No. 1. W. J. Hill*. IMst. No. 8.
A. R. Ileilig
C. R. Marshals— James M .Slump, IMst No. 1;
Cornelius L. Yaw ter. Plat. No. 2; 4*. *». Perry,
IMst. No. X.
Commissioners Edward do Croft. Sitka; 11.
II. Folsom, Juneau: F. I*. Tu*tin. Ft. Wrangell;
L. R. Woodward. Ciialaska: I*. tiallagh**r. Ko
diak; J. J. Robert*. Skagwav; W J. Jones. Circle
city; I.. It. Shepard. St. Michael; Sol Ripin*ky,
Haines Mission; J. I*. Smith. Keteliikati; <*. M.
Irwin, hougla*; c. T. llr«a»ks, Sunr*h*; John
Lyons. Yuld'-x, Preseott Sawyer. Eagle.
C. S. Land Ofteor* Surveyor General -\V. S.
IMst in.
Register—John W. Pudler.
Receiver—A P. Aypcr*oii_
Clerk* Ceo. StoWell. W. F. Jeffery*,
heputy C. S. Marshals hist. No. 1. speeial,
W. II. McNair, J. \\ Snook, Skagwav; 4. P.
Campbell, Sitka: E. F. Kelly. Juneau; Win. I>.
Crain. Wrange!; W Hillg. Pouglas Island;
Kilward c. Ilasey, Ynldcx: L**wts L. Ilower*.
K«*iiak;Peter Xi**«*ii, Porcupine; W Thom
as, Keteliikati; J P. Reyiioldsoti. Kagle. J.
Xubotf, KHHsnoo.
Alaska Views.
Views taken to order. DE
Films. Plates, etc. Received,
Developed and Stored for any
Persons in the Interior. Send
all orders to J. G. Snyder’s.
P. S. HUNT, Photographer
Endeavor Cslxo. Church—Cor.
Glacier Avenue and Hobart
Street. Rev. I). \V. Cram. Pastor
! Serviees every Sunday at 10:HO a
m. anti H p. m. Prayer meeting
Wednesday night. Christian En
deavor Society meets Sunday even
ing at 7 o’elttek. Melvin Dempsey
Ciicrch of the Epiphany—Cor
Glacier Avenue anti Hohari
Street. Serviees tin Sunday at -1
p. n». Jtts. Fish. Senior Warden.
Order of Alaska Moose, Pioneer
Tent No. 1. Meet in their owi
Hall on Rt'scr
vat ion Avenue
every Thursday
evening tit !
o’clock. Join
lioodell. Rulin
Spirit; A. J. A«i
am*. Keener o
Wa Wa.(See)
Aurric liiumiKitiiooi —
\ uiuc2 i’anip No. 1(1
.Meets at .turns
Hall every Tues
day evening.
A. M. Kdwarih
Aretie'Chief. .1
(1. Snyder, Sec
ret ary.
Valdez Social Ci.i b— F. Brown
I Pres. Mrs. Anna Fish. Sec. Mee
!at the Mouse Hull every Saturila;
Valdez Chamber ok Commerce
Meet on the first anti thin
| Friday night of each month. J
I Goodell, Pres. A. W. Kochfortl
' Sec’v.
I _
| Tlie Prospector will he on sale a
1 Hammond’s store on Slate creel
all summer.
Recertified Government Scrip
for sale hv C. X. Crary.
Sauer Kraut at Fish Bros.
Family and Bachelor
WnidiinK of all kind?*
Promptly Attended to.

A SWAN, Proprietor
Corner Keystone Avenue and
McKinley Street.
r, ? Who?
Everyone From VALDEZ.
Only First Class European Hotel in
John T. Spickett Proprietor
| Headquarters for VALHEZ People
120 Rooms. Rates nOe. Il.ito and
#l.oO per day. First class res
taurant in connection. Free
bus. Op|>osito U. S. Piistofliee.
\V. (i. POTTS. Manager.
! Cor. 1st Are. and
j University St. SEATTLE
> Trade Marks
. i Designs
Copyrights Ac.
- Anyone sending a sketch and description nmy
quickly ascertain our opinion free whether au
invention is probably patentable. <*«>111110111 Ira
.• tions»tricily confidential. Handbookon Patents
» sent free, oldest mcency for necunu^ patents.
Patents taken through Mui.n A to. receive
{ tptcial notice, without ebaree, in the
Scientific Hmerican.
A handsomely UlwtimwK weekly. l ament cjr
• i ruUtliui »f hut nwitaiir lonnuil. ffcrni* fj a
year: lour months. fL SoM by all newul.-alei*.
MUNN & Co.as18"-*"* New York
ttr«uch Office, ira K KU Wuhliwiun. U C.
Cameron Golden
; 1599 PioneerToosonalPailor 1595
The Oldest and Most
Reliable in Town.
[ Ladies’ Shampooing
a Specialty.
Ladies’and Gents’Baths
t The only place in town
where hath rooms are
separate from shop.
Latest Porcelain En
amel Tubs.
All Modern Improvements
Pacific Padiin; {Halation (o.
Z. S. MOORE, M t-attu
F. S_ MOORE. Mast mi
EXCELSIOR Sails front Seattle aln*ut 25th urf Kwh Month for
Yakutat. ERauiar. VALDEZ. Illianma and (Took- Itih-J Points.
Sails from VALDEZ aliout 12th of each month tor Juneau and
NEWPORTsailsfroniJuneatinbout 1st of eaiHa month fur Valdez and
Western Points.
Sails front VALDEZ about 2*»th of eaeli month for Sitka and Juneau.
For Information and Rates A|i)dy at Olliee of
Pacific Packing & Nav. Co. J. C. Martin, AgL
(llol>e building!. Seattle. Wash Kish Bros Store, Valdez.
HO California Street. San Franeiseo.
Workman’s Road House
• First roadhouse Built on Government
Trail. Can neeonmdate •*><■ people, has large
warm ham for 'JO horses and jrood quarters
for doe*. Good meals and everything the
musher desire*.
Twenty Miles From Valdez.
Roberts’ Road House.
Before erasing the Suncmit on the way to
the interior stop for rest slid shelte-r at Mr*.
Robert’s. BEST and ONLY pLare for feed
and water on the roaiL ‘1\ Miles From Val
DcoaSsoo Roadhouse.
Outfits Cached Free of Charge. Free Horse and Doc Stables.
Distance From Valdez. 771 Miles, via Government Trail, beat
Accomodations for Travelers.
CHAS. C. YAGKR, P««p. 77 Mile* Fkom Yai.iiei
When on the Way to tf*e Interior. Stop at the
Loomis Roadhouse,
Tonsina Bridge.
Good Meals. Good Beds.
Complete Line of Merchandise and Miliars Supplies at
Valdes Prices with Freight Added.
I. II. LOOMIS. Pi.-of. 77 Milk* Fkom Valdez
Harry C. Mimphy Wu.i. Davis
Best roadhouse on the All American Route to the
Yukon. Krisii vegetables during season from our
own garden. (■ ood feed for stock near bv. Best of
aooomodaiions. winter or-summer.
OPPER CENTER, ALASKA. 103 Milks From Valdez
Assayer and Chemist.
Gold and SilveF $1.00 Gold Silver and Copper $2.50
til) Coumhia Sr.. Skattlk. Was a.
Dentist and Optician.
A Full Line of Spectacles on Hand. Clock*
ami Watches Repaired on
Short Notice.
McKinley Sr.

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