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r /—s. JAMES PISH & Co. A Large and Varied Assortment of Men’sFallSuitSj High Quality I Perfect Fitting Lowest Price Spot Cashfor Gold Dust I I That Prickly Feeling anil the red eruption on your akin are probably due to your failure to use CRARY'S WITCH HAZEL CREAM It relieves instantly. It is soothing to the skin, cools by the only natural method, that of evapora tion,-and does NOT leave the skin dry or rough. We will give you your money hack if you are not satisfied. THE VALDEZ PHARMACY City Market NEXT TO merchant’s CAKE. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Beef, Mutton, PorkandPoultry Our Prices arc RrGHT. Give us a call. HEADACHE It ought to I>e universally understood that eyes strain is the common cause of headache, Aside from headache produced from fever, tox eminia and organic disease of the hrain and its membranes, the eyestrain is almost invari ■ hl v a factor in the production of headache. The headache of eyestrain is not of any spec ial character. It may be constant or intermit ent, slight or severe, felt only on the use of the <-ves or felt after their use, continuous or irreg uiar, ot at certain interv 's. It is aggravated by many other causes, such as hunger, exhaustion, exjiosure to heat or cold; or indigestion, or it may stem entirely independent of other influence. In themajoity of cases of eyestrain, it is not only the only factor in the production of headache, but it may bethe only factor of importance peettuse it can be removed, and its removal will give relief, Such headaches are felt in the frontal, or temporal returns. Read the above again and remember* that eyestrain is relieved by glasses properly fitted. We are in a position to scientifically teet eyee, ai d deti rmine the right j. lasses. W. CSTU'L, Jeweler, Expert Watchmaker, Op tician an 1 Diamond Setter, VALDEZ ! * * «•< Electric Light Company Hu Bought Telephone System and Started Work. Mayor J. L. Steele has completed the organisation of the Valdes Elec tric Light, Power A Telephone Co. with a paid up capital of <25,000. As the name indicates, the com pany is organised to conduct an electric light and power plant and a telephone system. The company has purchased the von Uunther tel ephone system, and will entirely change it and put it in good work ing condition, and will add one hundred new phones. Mayor Steele has recived a fran chise for an electric light plant and expects to have the plant in opera tion within sixty days, work hav ing already commenced. The pow er house will be located at the foot of Keystone avenue. Weather Record. i 8 ! £ $ i Eemarki. 3 5 bep. 23 S3 M S-U 24 40 51 4 25 84 SO * 24 22 51 • 27 40 Si 5-14 24 84 43 5-4 24 41 44 5-4 20 41 46 14-14_ t Mindy. | Light Wind. • Cloudy. Above aero except where otherwlee ■ bated. | Rein. Vlgurea ahow precipitation In Inchee. Obeerveil and reported bv Or. L. 4. Cantlela. During September the thermom eter ranged from 32 to 58 degrees above zero. 11 rainy days, 16 par tial rainy days, total r.'.in 10 3-8 inches, 16 cloudy days, 11 partial cloudy days, 4 partial foggy day, 5 windy days. Oil Fields Banting. Special to tike I'kocraciua. Beaumont, Texas, Oct. 8—There is a great fire in the oil fields here. It is of vast extent and has caused the death of over 3000 people, and destroyed an immense amount ol property. Terrible destitution is resulting. Exchange your old stove for a new range at Richards’. 4.' • •*' • rtiVCH8B GRANTED FOR ELECTRIC LIGHTS Appoints Health Officer Franchise For Water Works Laid oa Table. Poll Tax. The city council met in regular seVion last Monday evening and fo« the first time in many months ^iathe niemWrs were present. The most important business c<».ducted was the granting of a franchise to J. L. Steele for an elt^tric light and power plant by a ui^nimous vote of the council. Tide franchise is granted for a pe iod of ten years, and at the end of (hat time the city has the privil ege of purchasing the same. The plant must lie in operation by iVa1. 31st and the charges are fixed as follows. All night lights g'2.50 per month, ten o’clock lights li.po per month and residence lights at II per month. The application of A. B. lies for a franchise for eleetric light and water works was laid on the table. Ur. C. A NVinans was elected Hrjth Officer, and will enter upon his duties immediately. The committee appointed to col - leet poll tax reported having col lected 192. The committee appointed to su perintend the building of the fire house, reported that work would commence in a short time on the building. ▲nivala. The Excelsior arrived the morn ing of the 8th, having left Seattle the night of Sept. 29. She had 215 tons of general merchandise and the following passengers: OeoU Ferry and wife, O F Hubbard, Mix* P Root, j Martjn. F William*, C Kelley, U Col well, H Labell, J Ableman, I Wardelf, W Sav age and wife, W Vroomau and wife, Wm Sav age, W Uaeger, M Doty and wife, R Morrim.ii, Mr* Walden, 0 Franeix, Rev (i Htixford, D Rov, K Campbell, Mixx Young, Minx Ford, Mix* R, y moad. Mix* Crawfurd, Teaxie Leroy, Kitty lx roy. Mini Somebody, Mr* Banniater, 0 \V Sly. F Woodman, W Dahlariit, F Jacobson, W U» rock, A Klugleman. The Newport arrived about eight hours after the Excelsior, with 50 tons of freight and the following passenger list: Mr* Hoover, Ml** Hoover, A Carlaon, J Crow ell, J Heilig, A K Heilig, C flarnea, Mr Lam bert, C Mi-Kay, C Shaw, O Aniuaon, A Jaekxon and wile. K McDonuel. W Farmucina, M Miek In, I> Baker, O Kngel, J Matheraon, A Lee, J M Hoeu. School Report. Pupils neither absent nor tardy for month ending Oct. 3d. Grammar and intermediate grades. Gorden Goodell. Jim Sweeney. Johnny Allander. Elinor Moorhouse, Teacher. Primary grade. Robert Kelsey. John Miller. Caroline Kelsey. Henry Miller. Catherine Bond. Vera Allender. Kenneth Rudolph Eliza Kafoury Alice Leedy, Teacher. It has been reported here that large numbers of circulars have been distributed in Juneau, Skag way, Dawson and other cities, call ing for axmen and laborers to work on the Valdes railroad and direct ing them to apply to B. P. Millard of this place. The Alaska Dis patch pronounces this a “rank fake” and it certainly is, as no laborers are needed or wanted here at pres ent. We desire to state in justice to Mr. Millard that the circulars were printed and distributed with out any knowledge or authority on his part whatever and by some one unknown to hint. Why such mis leading statements are circulated is not known here. • » i ‘4 / • » VALDEZ WITHOUT MEAT. The people of Valdez are once more experiencing the pangs of hunger for want of fresh meat. The cause of this is not with the different bntchers of the city, but with the transportation companies not having enough steamers on the run to keep up with the immense traffic which has sprung up be tween Valdez and the States. The Valdez market recently or dered 20 head of steers, 25 sheep and 20 hogs from Seattle, and re cefved word by letter of Sept. 27th as follows: “We are advised by the Excelsior that they will not accept any live stock out, hut will j ship by Santa Ana. The firm of J. F. Heilscher & Co finding they were to run short of lieef, telegraphed to Juneau for ten steers to be sent up on the S. B. Newport, but the cable from Skag way to Juneau being broken the firm at Juneau could not be reached in time for the Newport. The firm of Love & Whitley or dered their usual large shipment, but got a like reply excepting that the Frye-Bruhn Co. shipped them dressed beef, at shippers risk, in lieu of live stock, which the Excel sior would not take. This was very commendable of the Frye Bruhn Co., as they have the Alas ka meat trade at heart. The City Market will remain ujum lo» * f«*im JLU tk» of the rest of the markets are closed until the arrival,of the next steamer. It is high ti me that a city like Valdez should receive !>etter trans portation service. Strike on Btrncoe Creek. Bpei-Ul to the ('BoeracroB. Dawson, Sep. 8—A good placer strike has been made on Buncoe creek, a tributary of Stewart river, and und a large camp is already started. From all reports this creek will make a great showing next season. Laying Pacific Cable. Special to the Cboukctob. San Francisco, Oct. 8—The hark Videle, just arrived reported meet ing the Vienna and Colonial in midocean, laying the Pacific cable. They started from Vancouver with the cable about a week ago, Coal Famine. Special to the PBoapBCroB. Pittsburg, Oct.8—The coal strike situation is becoming very critical. The national guards of Pennsylvan ia have been cal lei 1 out to preserve order along the Lehigh Valley railway. The strikers are not using vio lence and the sympathy of the public is with them. Church or ganizations have taken a hand to have the trouble settled, as the coal famine, if long continutd will work great hardships on the poorer clusscs. President Roosevelt is en deavoring to have the question set tled by arbitration. The operator* premptorily re fuse to treat with or recognize the Union. Coal is ut>w worth 925 to 930 a ton. Contributions are flow ing in from all points to relieve the poor during the coal famine. Snow at Center. Special to the Hhoktol Copjier Center, Oct. 8—Three inches of snow fell here yester day, but it has now cleared off and snow is fast disappearing. Notice. Any party holding voucher* against the Billy Placer Claim located on Miller Oulch, in the ' Chisna Mining Uiatrit-t will be paid on presen tation of said claims on my arrival In Valdes, on or after the 1Mb of October. MB. a C. H. Kb ABM IB. Receiver. Subscribe for the Prospector. mm m AMD COURT STARTS ZM NOT* B1CBRR. Za Which to Hold Court. The Judge will be Here la November. A. R. Heillg, clerk, and Geo. C. Perry, the marshal of the U. S. District court, arrived here on the Excelsior from Tacoma, A building will probably l»e secured where they have l>een for a va cation since leaving Eagle. Mr. Heilig is much pleased with Val dez and was surprised to see such a large anil enterprising little city. He is now making arrangements for a place for court head-quarters. Negotiations are being made for a building and in all probability the upper tioor of the new Hemple A Dougherty building will be secured, It is expected that the first term of court at this place will lie held in the latter part of Octolier. We are glad to welcqmg to Valdez not only in behalf of tfia Prosjiector but also of the citizens of this place, the court officials who have arrived this week The event is one which has been looked for ward to for niauv months. Judge Wickeasham is now in Tacoma on a short vacation, and will probably come up on the Nov ember trip of the Santa Ana. Wont Take Dost. The leading merchants of Daw son have declared against the con tinuance of the use of gold dust as a circulating medium. Thirty-six firms have agreed that all sales made shall be for ac tual currency or clean commercial dust at 113.50 an ounce. The photographic views secured by the Miles Bros, on their recent trip to the interior are beyond question the finest si>ecimens of photography and the best illustra tions of the wonderful resources and scenery of the Cupper llivcr country that could be desired. These gentlemen have headquar ters in San Francisco and New York, and, as representatives of a large newspaper syndicate and the American Biograph Co., make a specialty of systematically touring photographing and writing up some certain territory every season for the purpose of showing to the gen eral public what kind of a world they ure living in. The Miles Bros, are certainly art ists in their line, and Valdez is par ticularly fortunate in having been chosen as the scene of their present seasons operations. Some of the business men have requested these gentlemen to photograph their places of business, and incorporate . the photographs in a souvenir al I bum of views of Valdez and the Copper River country; the album to be subscribed for by the business men for sale or distribution here and in the States. The Miles Bros., who have gotten up many an elegant souvenir al bum of this description, have ex pressed a willingness to go ahead in the matter, provided their time is not too limited, if they do take the matter up our people should accord them hearty and immediate co-operation,as their product will he something our city will be proud of. Put your ad in the Pkoscbctob and s«* your trade grow.