Newspaper Page Text
THE ALASKA PROSPECTOR. H. II. HILDRETH, Editor. \V. H. C’RARY, Associate Editor. • .MIS, A. BOl RKE. Rnsiness Manager. Published at Valdez. Alaska, every Thursday by the I’kospkitdk Pibi.ishixo Cn. I’hoxk. Main I. Entered at the Valdez |>ostotliee as second class matter. W'WH’HIKTltW HATH*. jDnc Year ..... Hix Months .... fa.wi Thw M *mh- .... fl no ><Miii|ile t*o|»y .... 10 cents Al>VKNTI*I.Vi RATE*. One dollar |*er month t^n one inch, -inale /rolniun. Local-. III cent- per line lor lir-t insertion ^nri live cent- |*»r line for each -ute>c«|nent insertion. AI TfiniflXKI) AflENTS. The !*KO*rRiT«*K i« mi *mle >«t the following nr** *l*n«l*: I*. O. XfW-« SInn*l. Seattle. Puget s*tiiiitl Xew« ro. s*ntt|c. I*, o. New* SIH 11*1. .Illll. Mil. Eugene MeTarthy Xf ws Stand. Skaguay. I*. U. NfW* Stand. Eagle. Alaska. MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT. I'orxm.MKN. jAMErt Mrll IK. ('HAS. SlMuN.tTEAli. Al. White. Ki». Wnow. j i\ X. t'KAEY. I’ll Art. 4'KAWMiEI>. J. L >*TEELK I J. L. steele. Mayor J. <i. SRYDRK. TRE tACRER. l.EEiiY. City \ttorxey Iir. c. a. wirara. IIrai.tii orrlcER. II. II. Hildreth. clerk. .Iiiiin hinhirll. Prim. School IIoird. LETTER FROM NOME. Ex-Collector J. W. Ivey lias just received the following conununica tion which will la* of great interest to many, as it is authentic and voices the sentiments of the )ieo|ile of the Nome district. Hon. J. W. Ivev. Valdez. Alaska. Dear Sir:—The undersigned, who represent the different organiza tions of this.(Northwestern) portion of Alaska, with Nome as its recog nized political and commercial cen ter. having Wen given to under stand that you propose visiting Washington this winter, would, with the full approval and consent ttf the different hodics they repre sent. respectfully request that you, through such channels us you may find accessible, represent to Con gress the urgent necessity existing for further legislation and some much needed additional appropri ations for Alaska, to meet the rapid ly advancing development and pro gress of the district. 1 he different organizations for which, in t his instance, we are only the mouthpieces, fully appreciate the fact that no man is better in formed as to the resources and needs of the district, or is more competent to suggest proper legislation for the fostering of the former, and the sat isfying the latter. It is now pretty well known throughout the Union that we arc g heavily, and in many cases, a very much over-taxed people. We use the word "people” advisedly, hut it is not so generally known, the large amount we annually contri bute to the National Exchequer, without representation or any per son legally authorized to represent us or speak in our behalf and make this at present practically “terra incognita,” better known, at least, to our own people. As we Itcfore stated, you are so well informed as to our require ments generally and so wpll able to make them known and suggest the proper legislation necessary to ameliorate our condition that we would Im- stultifying ourselves by offering suggestions in this di rection. He u-arn wnn much satisfaction that the government is extending the light house service to Alaska. We would nevertheless ask that they may he urged to continue and extend the good work and turn their attention to other portions of the coast of Alaska, where such ser vice is much needed. * * * We would also resjHictfully call your attention to the Indian ques tion and urge that steps lie taken hy the appointment of an Indian Agent, or otherwise to ameliorate the present pitiable condition of these gentle and peaceable people, especially that they l>e protected from debauchery by dissolute white people. The question of the expediency of providing a full form of Terri torial government for the District has been much discussed and opin ions on the question differ, but we say that we ladieve that we are en titled to, and should have some form of autonomy. If the extent of the District would seem to make guy form of government unwieldy, then the Distr.e; could la* divided. We have ample territory to form two large districts, which would give each one an area of nearly 300.000 square miles, or if this is not done we should at least have representation in Congress. The rapid development and practically illimitable resources of the country j Would seem to suggest to Congress ! at least the expediency of giving us some little say in our own affairs, or providing some person author J i/.cd to speak in our liehalf. I Signed by Willoughby Clark, j Chairman Republican Central Com mittee; S. X. Carman, Sec. Republi can Central Committee; J. F. A. Strong. Pres’t. Non-Partisan Pol itical Association; Kd. V. Hill, Sec. 'Non-Partisan Political Association, of Nome. Alaska. * * * In the correspondence from Afog nak mention is made of a ledge of molybdenum having lx‘en discover ed near there. This adds another j item to the already long list of rc j sources of this wonderful section of | Alaska. Molylidenum was quoted j in the Mining and Scientific Press ; for September at twenty-five cents per gramme, which would make it | worth about $113 per pound. * * u. We are informed that some of j the street corner loafers are in the hahit of accosting and insulting la dies who are passing. Heretofore) ladies could travel the streets of Valdez in safety without an escort, but since our population has lteen increased by the addition of a lot of tin horn gamblers and holmes from below, things are different. If these bums can not show proper respect to a lady on the street, they had better confine themselves to ' their proper sphere, along the water front, for as sure as this practice ) continues some of them will get I hurt. * * * The colony of farmers that is go- i ing to be started on tin- Tatiana. I will, if properly managed, lie one I of the best things ever started in this section. It will prove to the I world that the interior of Alaska is capable of supporting a large; farming population. The Tatiana valley, while particularly suited for such a colony, is not the mil v placeiti this great district in which farming can lie profitably followed. in me lonsina ami i upper river valleys there is plenty of good ag-' rieultural land. Hay and grain! ean Ik- sold along the trail at fab ulously high prices to the mushers ^ in the spring. The farmer can i raise his own vegetables and meat, and ean sell them at prices that ; would make a sUa-kraiser in the States green with envy. There is a fine opportunity now presented here for a thrifty class of farmers to make good homes for themselves., Notice to Trespassers. Ti> Whom ti may i-nuceru. Ill lay? I slocked the southwest end of Knight’s Island with Blue Fox. I claim too saute. All |i T' .its arc warned not to molest tue foxes tli-rvoli, nor trespass for the pttrisisi* of raising foxes or other aui- ! mats. Walter K. Holland. &(p If you have anything for sale or trade list it with the Copjtcr River Mining, Trading A Development Co. One-third of your life is spent in In-d. Moral—buy a good one from Richards A Co. Recertified liovcrnment Script , for eftie by C, N. Crary. ' Colony on Tanana. Mark K. Bray, who has sjH'iit night years in Alaska and the Northwest, hasorganized about 100 families in New York to establish a colony on the Tanana. along the nro]Mised line of the V. (!. R. A Y. R. R. Mr. Bray j»ro|M>ses to land the families, with a large outfit, here in Valdez, in March, to start over the trail on the snow. Cows, horses, and all the live stock ne cessary on the farm, will lie taken along and used in moving the out tit to its destination. Advertise in the PnoseKcTOR. Summons. Tinted State* of America. Tidied State* Dis trici Tourt. District <d Alaska Third Division tteorge K. From l». 1 Plaintiff. j Summon* V*. > . for Fred W. Taylor, Publication. Defendant. j The President of the Tnitcd State* of America. Erecting to the above named defendant: You are hereby required C«* appear in the I idled State* Di*triei Court, ill and for the Dis friet of Alaska. Third Division, within thirty days after the completion «>f the period of the puhiieatlon of this *uuinions, to-wit: Within thirty day* alter the :tntli day of o« toiler, l!nrj; ami answer the com plaint of* the above named piniutifT; and unless you *o appear andan*Wer, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the re lief demanded in *afd com pla I tit. to-wit: To compel oil the part of the defendant, the *|*cci tie performance of a certain written contract d»dy entered Into la-tueen snid Oeorgc K. French and *aid Fred W .Taylor on ilet- her *;th. w herein and w lierehy *nid Taylor agreed to convey unto said French an undivided one fourth interest In and to the f..lIowingde*« ribed property, to wit: \n undivided one third in terest in au«l to idacer mining claim* known »* No* * and 9. and Fraction | rtl u,,|,.r ,.h,| •‘j** I in No. ll. aliovc lower discovery, on .lack Nile Crt ek. Alaska, also No. 1 on Taylor creek hII in I he F’rtymilf R 'cording Precinct of Al aska ; in consideration of certain professional services, a* an attorney and eoun*e||or-at-)NW . to la* rendered said Taylor by said French. Hie date of the order by the above named Court for service l»y publication is August 22, Witness the lion, .lame* Wiekersham. Judge of said Court, this22tid day of August, in the year of our lord, one thousand nine hundred and two and of our independence the one hun dred and twentv-s,.venth. ISKAI.J tieorge K French, Albert R. Ileilig, „ I*. P. Clerk First Pilhlieatiofl Sept. i‘i. Past Publication Oct. :to. Summons. United Stale* of America. United State* District Court, District of Alaska Third Division. (icorgiaua S. Place. Plaintiff, / Summons v*. > for Warren W. Place, k Publication. Defendant. ’ The President of tile United State* of Ameri ca.^* reding : To the above named defendant: You are hereby required to appear in the United States District Court, in a»d for the Dis trict of \la»ka. Third Division, within thirty •lays after the coinpl tiou of the period of the p iblicHtion of this s ii in in1 •!!*, to wit: within thirty day* after the thirtieth day of October. 19ir_\ and an-vyer the complaint of the above nam* d plaintiff; and uni *-s von so appear and answer. the pUintiiT will apply to the Court for the reli f d -maided in s,,j,i com plaint, to wit: The plaintiff seeks, in this action, to obtain a div »rc • from the defendant mi tlie ground of willful de*crtion for the p riod of two years. Tlie date of the order of th■ • above named Court for service by puldicatiou is August 23, 1902. Witness the Hon. .lam-** Wlckcr*ham. Judge of said Court, till* 23rd day of August, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and iw.» and of our independence the one hun dred and tvvcutv seventh SKAL. Albert K If-ilJg. Clerk. George K French, Attorney for Plaintiff Fir-; publication Sept. 2u. Last publication Oct. :m. Finest Bread Ever Baked. Try It. f. r. jcnnibT, PROF, Cor. McKinley St. and Broadway ndTHEWS, * Steam Fitting and Water Heating. LIVE AND LET LIVE. Vai.dkz. P. ANDERJON, Shoemaker Repairing Promptly Attended to. McKinley St. near Keystone Av. COOK INLET Prospecting and Hunting par ties can la* supplied w th necessary outfits bv H. N. WETHERBEE, a* Kcnai and Kussiloff at the ^lost Reasonable Prices in Al aska. thereby saying freight and trouble of landing sup plies. GEO. S. MEARNS, Agent, Kenai. Alaska, Professional, j Cards. % _ FRANK M. BOYLE, W. D. Physician and Surgeon VALDEZ, Ollier :unl Resilience ALASKA 215 Keystone Avenue. GOODELL & EDWARDS Lawyers. VALDEZ, ALASKA i FRED M. BROWN, j Lawyer Mining .ml! I...,. Sitoi'i.llif, i VALDEZ, ALASKA ' i I LEEDY & KELSEY, | Attorneys and Counselors. I Keystone Aye. | ORLAN CLYDE CULLEN. Counsellor-at-LaW' I*. J*. Supreme Court, Registered Attorney 1*. , S.l’Hteiit offlee. (’tilted State* n ltd Foreign Pat ent*. Caveat »,jTrade Mark* ami copyright*. No. 700 7th Street. N. W., Opp. 1.8. Patent Office. WASHINGTON, 1). C.! j j ———— ; A. JUDSON ADAMS, Civil Engineer and Surveyor. U. S. DEPUTY MINERAL AND LAND SURVEYOR, j Next door to Merchant* Cafe. JOHN F. RICE, . Lawyer. j McKinley St. Valdez. , DR. W. G. Alexander. DENTIST. ! i j McKinley sr. valdez. 1 NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE CO. WRITES TIIE REST POLICIES.; G. Sponberg, Agent, j R. BLIX. NOTARY PUBLIC And CONVEYANCER. COPPER CENTER, ALASKA. W. H. Brennen. HOUSE and SIGN PAINTER. Paper Hanger and Decorator. VALDEZ, - • ALASKA. B. F. ftlLLARb Is Prepared to Ex amine, Take Options on anil Purchase Mining Properties VALDES H I TITLE (0. _ I Complete abstracts o{ title to all mineral and other claims in the Valdez Min ing district, including the Prince William Sound, Copper River, Chistuchi na and the Chisna dis tricts. Mads EnisM to Valdez Tovi lots i ■ Valdez. Alaska GOOD GOOD./. GOOD SERVICE. TriHTpTzmTr -:- CLUB‘ROOMS IN CONNECTION -: D6ARF £» MACKINTOSH. Blacksmith Shop. $ All Kinds of Iron or Steel Work Done in the Best Manner. HORSESHOEING SLEDS J. J. YAKSHAW, Valdez Sheet Heial -. - and Plumbing Shop. Safety Flues, Pumps, Pipes and Fittings. McKinley Avk., Valdez. HOTEL MIZINrt . I Comfortable Quarters. Keystone Ave. Mrs. M. CHARLTON, Prop. Wines, Liquors and Cigars. The Senate. SeOTT S SMITH, Props. P. E. KERN, t • --- • ; Diamonds, Watches, Jewelfy, Cut Glass, Silverware, Clocks. Nugget Jewelry Made To Order, H. M. DEAN, General Merchandise Broker. I REPRESENTING SCHWABACHER BROS. A CO. M. C. NASON A CO. Wholesale Grocers and Tobacconists. Fruit ami Produce ARMOUR & CO. W. P. FULLER A CO. I’Mint*, Oil*. SmkIi Mild Door*. WASHINGTON SHOE MFG. CO. WASHINGTON RUBBER CO. ihs.ts and Shots. (}ALbRAITH-BACON°CO."* ^ K“bber r"0,w‘,‘r Hay. Grain. Lime, ('em -lit, Building Material. Cigars a Specialty. v.,d„, A,„ka. Dr. 1.5. Camkia. Dentist and Optician. i * A Full Line of Spectacles on Hand. Clocks and Watches Repaired on Short Notice. | McKinley St Valdes. PHIL ZinnCRHAN Cleaning, Repairing and Altering Done on Short Notice. Ladies Suits Cleaned and Pressed. Keystone Ave. next to Prospector Office.