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The Alaska prospector. [volume] (Valdez, Alaska) 1902-1908, October 16, 1902, Image 3

Image and text provided by Alaska State Library Historical Collections

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84021905/1902-10-16/ed-1/seq-3/

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Molybdenum at Afognak.
Special <'urr’*«pnii«!rn> •’ totb** rRihmioR.
Afognak, Kept. 4. (Delayed in
Mail) Mr. J. Falstad and H. Dick
were here recently, and brought
some fine sjieciniens of quartz, rich
in Molybdenum. Tlie ore is from
a vein they discovered on Mnlina
bay, Afognak, island, and is situated
about two thousand yards to West
ward from their cabin. The vein
alsmt four feet wide, und as the
price of molylHienum is aWut #li:{
a (tonnd at present, they think it
will pay to mine it. Of course, as
no assays have Wen made, it is
hard telling how rich is their find.
After the strike on Dry island,
the country for miles around is
fairly bristling with stakes and lo
cation notices, and every fortunate
locator thinks he has located on
extension or some part of extension
of Jack Filee’s rich strike. No
work lias Wen done on the cluui s
except on (Kiwash) Brown’s claim
on Kodiak island. by Mr. lirown
and his partner. The ore looks fair.
Mr. F rank Cort has done some pre
liminary work on his claim also,
hut the rest are lying idle wailing
Uvak biy quartz mill is idle
temporarily. The su|>crintcndent,
Mr. Cornell, is going down to Cali
There arc four new copper claims
located on Sliuyak island, and it
apjiears that there are two lug cop
per veins running parallel across
the island. After a few years this
island will lie a good copper pro
The P. P. *& N. Co’s, cannery in
, Uvak bay have done fairly well.
Their steamers brought a great
many fish to Uvak from Chignik
hay, and in the spring their men,
under the alue management of pop
ular and experienced fishing Imiss,
Robert Johnson, caught a great
many fish at Kiirluk. In Red riv
er there were not many fish this
summer. In Uganuk fish were very
plentiful. Also at Kisuguk, where
the natives and some others caught
a considerable quantity of fish in a
short time.
The A. I’. A. cannery at Karluk
has been running full capacity
since beginning of season, and do
ing remarkably well. Their ship
Star of Russia sailed to Han Fran
cisco, with the spring catch of about
75,(XX) cases of salmon, early in the
There was a light run of hump
backs in Karluck, but tin- genial
pioneer in the waters around here,
Capt. Gust Grun, of the Htr. Ka
diak, reports it is now over, and the
A. P. A. will put up a good pack.
Mr. Bankowski, the superinten
dent at Karluk, is getting more
amicable every year. He is giving
employment to many natives and
white men of Alaska, and certainly
the A. P. A. deserves pruisc for pay
ing good wages and supplying
healthful food to their employees.
In Uganuk bay the A. P. A. have
hail two fish traps every summer,
but this summer they had only one.
The Fish Hatchery in Karluk,
for lack of fish spawn, will not he
run to full capacity this coming
winter, and will employ a few men
Governor of Alaska, John G.
Brady, honored us with a visit. He
arrived on the schooner U. T. Hill
late in afternoon. He was on shore
for lialf an hour, had a walk on
our water front, and left for Wood
island on the schooner the same
evening. He advised us to fence
in our lots, and other improvements
in our community. At Wood is
land he was entertained at Baptist
mission by the missionaries, and
enjoyed a prayer meeting.
Our Russian priest, whose parish
extends to mainland from Ca|>e
Douglas to Wrangel, has been visit
ing these places this summer, which
he does every summer, where he
administers to the spiritual wants
of the natives and collects money
in return. He reports that the
• . * t i
natives of I longlas village saw sea
. otter last winter, but were unablc
• to get any and are jMM.r. In Kst
, mai tile natives are industrious
land living in prosperity. Further
W’est the natives are short of gro
ceries, as the only store along that
shore is the A. C. Co’s, at Katinai.
but otherwise they are well sup
plied with native food anil had
lots of money among them. The
priest undoubtedly reaj»ed a rich
A. F.
A Welcome Vistor.
\V«- have received a numlier of
letters of appreciation from persons
who have loved ones in this part of
Alaska, who have liecll thought
ful enough to have the Prospkctor
sent to their friends. We pub
lish herewith a letter that we great
ly appreciate and are much grati
fied to know that the Prospkctor
is a welcome visitor.
Kditor of Prospkctor:
As in all times of danger the
men have the work and the women
the weary waiting, so in the devel
opment of Alaska’s great resources,
the ones left at home must feel the
anxiety and loneliness.
‘•Hack in old Missouri” there is
another home, that, like Mrs.
Rolteson’s, is gladdened by tin- reg
ular appearance of the energetic
PhnspwTOH. Just how eagerly
its columns are scanned, only those
who have dear ones in Alaska can
I want to offer the Pkospkctor
my I>est wishes for the increase of
its circulation, Imtli because we
value the paper and liecause l wish
the lot of all the stay-at-homes
made as bright as possible.
Yours very truly,
Mrs. H. S. Lea veil,
New Florence, Mo.
If you want to buy an outfit in
tin- interior, or have goods deliver
ed to any part of the district, or
wish yourself taken to any part of
the interior witli guides, call qn A.
Aii ordinance repealing Ordinance No. 12.
Belt ordained by the Common Council of the
town of Valdez, Alaska, that Ordinance No. 12
be and the name is hereby repealed, together
with the franchise, right* and privilege* there
in granted, are hereby declared forfeited, ac
cording to the terms and condition* of *aid
Clerk. Mayor.
l*a*sed Oct. 6, 1902.
draining unto J. L. St«elo, his associates, suc
cess »rs or assigns, the rigln*to install, vrcet.
maintain ami operate all electric lightingaml
power plant within the corporate limits of
the tow u of Vald z, Alaska.
Sec. I. Be it ordained by the ('oinmon Coun
cil of the town of Valdez, Alaska, tlrnt the
right be, and the same is hereby granted unto
J; L. Steele, his associates, successors or as
signs, to iustalt, erect, equip, maintain and «.it
erate an electric ligliting ami power plant
withiu li»e corporate limits of the town of Val
dez. Alaska, and also withiu any addition or
addition* which may hereafter be added tfi or
which may hereafter become a part of the
said town of Valdez; hereby granting unto the
said J. L. Steele, hi*unsocial"*, successors or as
sign*, tin- right and privilege of placing and
maintaining poles iijimu any and all streets and
alleys within the corporate limits of the said
town of Yald-z, a* the same now exist* or as
the *am* may hereafter be extended, subj. ct to
th- regulations, requirements au<l coiiuilion*
hereinafter coutaiued.
Sec. II. That said electric lighting ami pow
er plant shall be installed, constructed, equip
pens and in operatiou «•*» or before the Itlst day
of lieccmbcr. 1902, and all jades jilaos) or set
iijs>ii streets wrliich are sixty tc *t iu width shall
1* placed or *et eight feet from the lot line of
said street, and all piles placed or s-t np< u
streets whicn are titty feet iu width, shall be
placed or set seveU feet from the lot liu- of
said street, ami nil jmle* placed or set iijain
any alley shall he J laced or set as near the
lot line as jMissible, due regard being had lor
the safety of auv build lugs or structures abbut
tiug upon the line of sain alley aud all |m le* so
| jdaccd or set upon auv street or alley withiu
the corporate limits of said town shall lie jdaccd
or net so that the top of the same shall lie at
I l"»*t twenty feet above the established guide
i of said street or alley, and if said pole* of
| wood, the tame shall lie at least six Inches in
I diameter ut the top oi the same.
Sec 111. That uuv and all wire or wires,
stretched along or across any of the streets or
alleys .if said town, or stretched or placed with
I iu tlie corporate limits of said town, snail be
fully insulated and shall lie so stretched or
{♦lured upou tiie jsdes hereinbefore provided
or. so that the same shall not become danger
ous to public traffic or a menace to the public
Tiiat should at anv time from any cause,
whatsoever, the said wire or wires or any
said wire or wires become detached from
the said pile or poles or any said
jade or poles hereinbefore provided for, or from
any building or buildings, or any structure or
structures, the same for the |iurjw se of this or
dinance. shall oc deemed a menace to the imle
lie safety and the said J. L Steele, his associates
succe-sors ora*-signs, shall at one**, ujsm being
notified. In auy uiauuer, or of learuiug of the
same, by or through anv jiersoii or persous. or
iu any other manner whatsoever, immediately
cause the same to be repaired aud placed in a
substantial and safe condition ujmmi said jade,
or jades building, or buildings, structure or
Sec. IV. Thai the right and privileges, here
in granted, to mainlaiu aud oja>rate said elec
tric ligliting ami power jdaut shall continue
In full force and effect for the jieriod of Ten
years from and after the said 1st day of Jan
uary, 19c4, at the pud of which time the said
town of Valdez, acting lu its corporate (*H|iaelty
shall have the right to purchase the said elec
tric lighting and jaiwer plant, together with
all and sltigular its machinery, a|iparatu*. fix
tures and appurtenances thereunto belonging,
if it elect* so to do, and If the said town of
Valdez, should elect to juirchasc the said elec
tric light)ug and power plant, the said jilant
Pacific Clipper Line.
The Fast and Comfortable Xew
Steamship Santa Ana
Sails from Seattle on the 15th of each
Month, and from VALDEZ to
I ,
on or about the 30th of Each Month.
The Santa Ann is the LARGEST and FASTEST BOAT on this|
run and Carries Mail nnd the
Ship Your GOLD DUST by This Boat.
For Further Information Ap)>lv to
Agents, Valdez. Seattle.
11 ' !
Felix's Restaurant
™” — nil —- . .
Regular Meals.
Short Orders
A Specialty.
McKinley St Valdez. <
together with all and siugiilar, it" right*, privi- '
lege*, machinery, apparatus, fixtures and ap
purictiaiiee* shall la* appraised hy appraise;*
domett, otic by the said town of* Value/, the
name of whom shall he given in writing to tlie
eity elerk l»y the Mayor, or acting Mayor of
said town, one hv the said J. L. Stif le, hi" a**o
eiates. successor*, or n*"igii*. the name of whom
ahull likewise la* given ill w riting to the city
clerk of the said town, and the two appraiser's j
so chosen shall *elcct a third, notifying tlie '
city clerk of said town iu writing of the uauie ;
of the |s*:son so cluiseii, which aliall complete j
tlie said hoard of appraiser*, who "hall imined- j
lately upon being notitied, in writing, by the ,
city elerk of "aid town, proceed to appraise the t
said electric lighting and power plant, together i
with all and "ingular it." rignis, privileges, ma- ;
chlnary, apparatus, fixture*, laud." and !
appurtvtuiuces and upon the completion ,
thereof shall immediately, iu writing
notify the elerk of the said town of
Vahh-z the result of <>aid appraisuient and said
apprai*iucnt *o made hy said board of apprais
ers shall be binding upon the said J. L. Klecle,
lila associates, *ucce**ors or assigns, and i»p-#n
the "aid town of Valdez, Alaska, slid tlie said
J. I,. Steele, his associates, successors. «»r ••ssi^ns
shall accept and the said town of Valdez, Alas
ka, shall pay, in lawful iunitey of the I’nited
State* of America the amount o! the appraise
meiit so fixed by the said board of appraisers,
upon the payment of which the "aid J. I,.
Steele, his associate*, successor*, or assign",
sbtll by go«al and "utlicicut deed of conveyance,
convey unto tlie said town of Valdez. Alaska,
the "aid electric lighting and power plant, to
gether with all and singular, its rights, privil
ege*. machinery, appliances, apparatus, tix- i
lures and appurtenances thereunto belonging.
Skc. V. Tnat during the term of tbf*or«li
nance the said eleetrie lightiug uud jaiwer
plant shall charge for light*, of sixteen caudle j
power, iu the town of Valdez, Alaska, no great
er rate than a monthly rental of two dollars
for all-night light*, one dollar and fifty cents
for tell o'clock lights, and one dollar for resi
dence ligiits.
Sec. VI. That if the said electric lighting
and power plant is not Installed uud iu <>|H-ra
tion on or before the :tl*t day of December, 190.*,
then the said common council of the town of
Valdez. Alaska, may declare the rights and
privilege* granted under this ordinance forfeit- >
ed at their option.
<’lerk. Mayor. j
Passed Oct. 6, Pkrj.
Endeavor Com;. Church—Cor.
Glacier Avenue and Hobart j
Street. Rev. I). W. Cram, Paator. i
Services every Sunday at 10:.‘>0 a.1
m. and 8 p. in. Prayer meeting j
Wednesday night. Christian En
deavor Society meets Sunday even
ing at 7 o’clock. Melvin Dempsey,
Chcuch ok the Epiphany—Cor.
Glacier Avenue and Hobart
Street. Services on Sunday at 11
a. m. and 8 p. m. Rev. F. S. Tay
lor, Rector.
Order ok Alask a Moose, Pioneer
Tent No. 1. Meet in their nun
Hiill on Reser
vation A ven re,
every Thursday
evening at *8
o’clock. John
(iuodell, Killing
Spirit; A. J. Ad
unis. Keeper of
Wa Wa.(See)
Arctic Brotiikriioou—
Yalutz ramp Xo. 10.
Hall every Tues
day evening.
A. M. Edwards.
| Arctic Chief. J.
f G. Snyder, Sec
Brotherhood or Alaska Pioneers
Arthur Hoiigal, Chief. W. J.
McDonnell, Secretary.
[ Headqnarters, Afognak. Alaska.
j ValdezChambeh or Commerce —
! Meet on the first and third
Friday night of each month. J.
' Goodell, Pres. A. \V. Roehford.
ffi ? Who?
Everyone From Valdez.
Only First Class European Hotel in
John T. Spickett Proprietor
Headquarters for VALDEZ People
120 Rooms. Rates 50e, $1.00 and !
$1.50 per day. First class res
taurant in connection. Free
Lus. Opposite U. S. Postoffice.
W. G. POTTS, Manager.
Cor. 1st Ave. and
University St. SEATTLE

Cameron Golden'
1090 PiraeerToasofial Parlor 1090
The Oldest and Most
Reliable in Town.
Ladies’ Shampooing
a Specialty.
Ladies* and Gents* Baths
Porcelain Tubs. Fresh
and Salt -Water
Baths. Rooms Sep
arate from the Shop.
A11M odern Improvements;
Wagonmaking, Black
smithing and General
HU 1 Min.
For Assays Send Your Ore To
Gold. Silver and Copper 98.50
• Gold and Silver - 1.50
Copper - - - - 2.00
Lead - - - 2.00
Pacific Packing I! Davifafion (o.
Z. S. M(X)RE. M aster.
F. S. MOORE, Master.
EXCELSIOR Sails from Seattle altout 25th of Each Month for
^ nkutat, hllaniar. \ ALDK/, Illiamna ami Cooks Inlet Points.
Sails from \ AI.DhZ alioiit 12th of each month for Juneau and
Xh\\ PORTsails from Juneau alsmt 1st of each mouth for Yalilez and
\\ estern Points.
Sails from \ AI.DhZ ul<out 25th of each month for Sitka ami Juneau.
For Information ami Rates Apply at Olliee of
Olohe Building. Seattle, Wash. J. C. Martin, AfL
•K) California Street, San Francisco.
iflotel Northern
Only Billiard Hall In The City.
St Clair & Lauer. Props.
The Bohemian Saloon
Liquor and Cigars,
None Better.
McKinley St. Between Keystone and Glacier Ave.
Workman’s Road House
First roadhouse huilt on Government
Trail. Pan accomodate nO people, has large
warm ham for 20 horses and good quarters
for dogs. Good meals and everything the
musher desires.
Twenty Miles From Valdez.
"Best of Accommodations
For Man and Heast. ^
Reopened under New Management. *3
’ *
Donation Roadhouse.
Outfits Cached Free of Charge Free Horse an<l Dog Stables.
Distance From Valdez. 771 Miles, via Government Trail. Rest
Accomodations for Travelers.
CHAS. C. V ACER. Prop. 77 Miles From Vai.dkz
Harry C. Murphy WillDavm
Best roadhouse on the All American Route to the
Yukon. Fresh vegetables during season from our
own garden. Good feed for stock near bv. Best of
accomodations, winter or summer.
COPPER CENTER, ALASKA. 103 Milks From Valdez
Assayer and Chemist.
Gold and Silver $ 1.00 Gold Silver and Copper $2.50
60 Columbia St., Seattle, Wash.

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