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Image provided by: Alaska State Library Historical Collections
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f. L . ■ 1 i i . ■■ ■ i i m ■ ——————————— PreferredStockCannedGoods Mens Genuine Derby Ribbed Underwear Heinz's Bottled Goods Australian Lambs Wool Underwear Imported Goods The Latest in Men’s and Ladies’ Shoes A Department of Select Ready Made Clothing Has Just Been Added. Chinaware Rogers Silverware Glassware ***?££Part A FEW NEWS NUGGETS. W. C. Stull.(iraduate Optician. Mouse meeting tonight. Fruit Creams Valdez Candy K it - glien. See A Family Affair, laugh and grow fat. Cameras for rent or sale at Val dez Pharmacy. The Santa Ana will leave Seat tle to-morrow for Valdez. Houses and lots for rent or for sale. Call on Hr. Von tlunthor. Pack saddles. a| nrulines and rid ing saddles cheap at ltichards. I.ook at the new line of fancy stationery a! Valdez Pharmacy. Ahotu 91 in gold dust was shipped on i he Kxcelsitir yesterday. C. T. Hollingsworth has left for a short visit in his old home in Maryland. Mrs. \\ . <». \\ hurt, «»t ^iihlovui, has gone to California for a visii to In-r hoinc. C. C. Acton, the wi ll known min ing export, has gone to Ills lionie in .Colorado for a short visit. WanTkii—To Kent an unfur nished up stairs room, close in. pri vate family preferred. Address F. at olliee. Hath.I'.—One slid, two dogs and harness, will III' raiiled 'I* had Os good’s on Saturday evening, Oct. .25. Tickets $1. Bohn—t >etoher 12. to Mr. and Mrs. (’has. Klwood. a daughter. hr. King was tie attending physician and reporis mo.her and hahv as doing well. Another diamond ring. The outer wall of the large vault in the hank hu lding is completed and the interioi furnishings will In put in place as soon a- they arrive. Tile next hunt w ill hriug a large, modern time lock, burglar-proof safe. The bank will he open for regular business about Monday. Monday night Kwn it Houser was attacked by two soldiers, who demanded money from him. One of them struck Houser on the head with a stone. The soldiers wen arrested and one of them.tieo. Bov* hill, was found guil-y of as-. ult and sentenced to four months in the Vaide/, jail. I!round will soon he broken for flic erection of a -tore huddiii" op posite tlie S;. Rijns hotel. It will he iMxltXi anil two -tories tinder tlie eaves. The tipper tloor will tie arranged for hotel purposes and the ground tloor for a s’ore. The contract will he let immediate!V. ('has. Kracnier will Ik* the owner; The Valdez Klc-trie Light. Pow er and Telephone l'o.. incorporated, held a meet in" early his week and elected the following utlicers: ('has. Kraetncr. president; l>. 15. Lea veil, vice-presidi ill; S. A. licuiplc, treas urer- .1. L. Steele, seerelarv and manager. Plans have U-en drawn fora power house and work will commence >0011. i'. (i. (piinn has ltccli retained as electrician. Captain H. P. Ritter, of the Geo detic Coast Survey, let 011 tin* Kx .celsior for the Suites, af er several niou hs of good work in Prince W illiam soim.l. The work of sur veying. soimdingand p a iing tliese waters has h«; 11 of ines: imahle value to the mariner and prospect 1 .r and is "ready appreciated l»y the people of this par' ot \iaska. Our citizens will he "lad in hear that Captain Ritter will re urn in t ie spring to continue the work. \V. ('. Stull Kxjicrt Watchmaker. Cream Mint at Valdez Candy Kitchen. Wool blankets sfl.ttt* each at Richard’s. A Family Affair—A sure cure for all ills. HOI.LY FLOCK is for sale at the new store. Kern has received a larjre stock of new watches, chains and mips. Step into Kerns jewelry store and look at the tine new line of poods just received. The l.op Cabin saloon is prepared to sell beer to families or others at •Jo cents per ijnart. ('has. Sponhrrp returned yester day from a summer’s prospectinp trip down the Sound. Parker ltnnk House, on Key stone Avc. Hunk, stove and wink] All comforts, tine per day. Mrs Kriif Smith, of Sunrise, was an Kxeelsior passenper enroute for California for I lie winter. The Pacific Packing iV Naviua tion Co. insures your polil tlust ilurinp transportation 1«» the States Pud llipson. C. Seaareen. II. Ilat'pe) iiul W. I la wes arrived yes terday from the interior, via Cop per river and < trial. P. II Lonsdale and If. V. Ilohen of Sunrise were Kxeelsior passen* pers hound for the Slates- They paid thi- olliee a pleasant eall. W. K. Hoitseher has purehased the Imrher on’fit of Hilly (ielineatt. and has ut out for three harhcrs who will arrive on the return of the Kxeelsior. lie will, in the meantime, put up a huildinp on Me Kinlcy street. A Family Affair, under ntanapc melit of F. .1. Itate. will he present ed here in the near future. Mr. Cate’s ability, tope!her with the adiiiirahle cast lie has secured for the production, is a safe puaranlee that a pleasant, enioyahle cvcniup will he spent. A Family Affair is a radical departure from the usual conventional play. It is sparklinp with wit and funny situations, and is intercstinp and plcasinp front start to finisli. niic m I in* iiiosi enjoy aide dances ever given in Valdez, was tlie Mustier.*’ (lance, at M i»«»se liall, Monday evening. Tlicgucsts U'gnu to arrive at t*. the luushers sending a carriage for the ladies. Tlx hall was soon tilled with an a—‘cmhlage of as heautifnl women and galialit men as could he found in any country. At midnight an uhuiidnui'c of delicious refresh nients were served hy the gentle men and later three freezers of ice cream were produced. Everyone enjoyed this most delightful oc casion and the mashers are to he congratulated on their success. The firemen's nia-iiucradc hall at Voidiiinther’s hall, Saturday, was (|iii*e a financial sueeess, not withstanding the siorni and the al niost i.n| issahle s'reels. There were numerous comical and well >tis,aincd characters. The prize w’lini r- were tiny Manta as Romeo hest dre-sed gentleman; Mrs. Da vis. lust dressed lady; Tony IVralt. I nele Sam, and Miss Susie Day. the clown, inns comical characters; Mrs. (’has. Johnson. s:gnorita. and John Wilson, greaser, most original characters;.!. I*. Worden, lieuten ant, and Rov Cooper. .Inlet, hest wal'.zcrs Jake Stead, Negro wench. i«os sustain, il character. The hall eloped a a late hour with the tire ilt par inent tfltts winner. If you want an outfit let me figure on it and you will save money. AGENS BUTTER h3s stood the test, take some with you when you go on the trail. A Family Affair . ISO laughs in 150 minutes. Walnut Chocolate Caramels at Candy Kitchen. The habv of Young Rillum, a Tonsina native, died here Monday night. Chase and San horn’s Celebrated Coffee is to he had at Hcmplt* & Dougherty’s. Richards buys everything you have to sell, and sells everything you have to buy. A ne« jail will lie built here in the near future. Marshall Perry is now having the plans drawn, and eon tractors are figuring on. the i building. Among the passengers on the) Excelsior from the Sunrise district i | were I., R. Reiman. .1. II. Royd. | <>. S. Ominy. Andrew Minich and! Samuel Mills. E. M. Rarncs. the well known j attorney of Eagle, who has been here for several days on official business, left on the Excelsior for a short visit to his home in Califor nia. Mr. and Mrs. (Seorge Estcrlv. wini left aliont a month ago on the j Manila for Latonehe, returned on the Excelsior. They had stnrmv! weather and were 1”> days making Latonehe. The launch was left at Ellamar. Mr. Estcrlv and his wife departed on the Excelsior for the Stalls. Louis Perry and Jack Verrct left on the Excelsior for Kayak, from which place they will travel along the Leach to Yaktap, where they have a contract with B. E. Millard to develop sonic placer property of his. Mr. Perry had the manage ment of the Four Black Dogsclaim , on Slate creek this summer. They expect to return to Valdez in Jan uary. An effort will lie made to reor ganize the A. B. Lodge at the Moose Hall on next Tuesday evening.; All members of the order are re I quested to be present, especially liienllicrs of Valdez Tent. The j meeting is called for 8 o’clock. The local tent has not(hcld a meeting I for several months, and an effort will 1m- made to resuscitate the1 this place. I lie r.xeelsior left here yestenlav afternoon \vi It 11s passengers anil over sMoO.000 in gold dust. Among the prominent persons of this plaee who were passengers were Hon. J. W. Ivey, Mayor J. L. Steele. F. M. Brown, (Jeo. Haz lett. (‘has. II. Kramer. CSeo. M. Ksterly, W. S. Amy 1). 11. Lea veil, A. J. Meals and many other*. Most of those who went out expeet to return in a few weeks. Following is the passenger list: N K nhl*Kon. .1 Millrr, S Miller. I II Liumiix. C R Hammond. R Yount;. (iro MeNoer R.-v I) W Cram. I> It I.-av.dl, C II Krnemcr, A .1 Mealcs C Sandberg. II S l.ea veil. J A llazeletf. fi C ; IImzI- if. I> Kim -. T W Hlakncv. W Criflln. Mr and Mrs.I W Williams. May Williams. .1 W ha vU, K hick- v. F H trues. .1 Egan. I* (aiiud.-dl, " Wan • r. F M i*«. s; |»ryor. H Eden. W F Kee l.-v. .1 C (.arw.MHl. J f.radv. .1 R Saun d II II V pan, W K fiieer. <i McMullen. I I Si* It. M Elliiicsltu. R M-*ver. E Hariies. |{ 'I trn'ty, '' L ib d! W Hr .\t n. C \ctoii. Mr and M *«; K«* rlv. J W Ivey. F M H own. .1 W H rns. Willard Sr 11. Clia*- Srhlo.s*er. F K'Tliali C F _ri:. c \»uii*rs«*n. T I* c •IHits. W s \iiiv, .1 Maektsy. H mi II .wall, W II nrv W Herrv. J It ( riff Mi«|ot|, I. K•*rv .• r. W K McCall, C Noran. A Nelson, c II •lling-.wortli. o A licn*<>n. o s lVtr>i.n. K I* »<^t»ii. I. Rieinaun. A Chisholm, T Mender* n. W I* Crow ley. T Cam*. S E Larker 1* l'oni<>a, E T.*vlin, A IV.seay, F E Jackson, C <’ \V S|,v c W Kf *r»*st. A Kiiizhman. J Finch. I» F lt«*v, K c c-un,i,..||. |. |Vrrv. i Verrct, J, Haiition. FEH-*un. J Free. O S K'ordell. ) Ci.vanagh, O S Hunt. O II llurd. 11 P Ritter and |»arty (II) Exchange your old stove for a new range at Richards’. J. Lindey Green, a well known attorney of Rampart, lias Wen ap pointed I’.S. Commissioner at that place by Judge Wiekersham. vice H. A. Halliet. resigned. Jack Miller and Chris Tjosevig, who left yesterday on the Excel sior. have a long trip Wfore them, one goes to Ireland and the other to Norway. They will both return in the spring. The citizens of Sunrise and the Cook inlet country are circulating a petition, which will Ik; present ed to Judge Wiekersham, asking that Commissioner Hronlow of Sun rise Ik* appointed a Recorder. I'lieir petition should by all means Is- granted. Mr. II. Label! of Seattle, who ar rived here on the last trip of the Excelsior, has leased the building on the corner of Me Kinley St. and Keystone Ave., and is now busily engaged in unpacking goods and fitting the place up as a store for the sale of gents furnishings, shoes, clothing, etc. He promises to keep in stock a large line of dry goods and notions. The Christian Endeavor Circu lating Library, heretofore kept at the residence of Mr. Cram, has lieen removed to the lecture room of the church. It will be under the super vision of Rev. L. (i. Hosford, who will be regularly in attendance be tween the hours of 9 and 12 each morning, and someone will always be in attendance to give out books at any hour up to 9 P. M. Headquarters for Stoves. Ranges. (.look Stoves, Yukon Stoves, and heaters of all kinds at Richards’. For Lease. Tonsina roadhouse. Supplies on hand at a low valuation. Apply Jas. Fish, Sr. Richards & Co have on hand a large lot of new and second hand windows that they are closing out cheap. Get Your Linen Lone Up At The Star Laundry. HAND & ROSS, Props. The Only Short Order House in City. Tie Ovl Dm? (o. Pure Fresh Drugs. Valdez. Alaska. Geo. Woods. Jas. Fowlie. wood; & towlie SAHPLE R22JU. VALDEZ, ALASKA. min town GENERAL MERCHANTS. Groceries, Hardware, Clothing, Footwear, etc. We are Agents for Chase &. Sanborn's Celebrated Roasted Coffee. Pioneer Outfitters _ This space is reserved for the BANK Or VALDEZ, That will open a (ieuerul Banking Business alsiut Sept. 15th with #10.000 ^ Paul Up Capital. | S. A. HEMPLE, PuOPHIVTOH. ^ A. A. A. A. A. A A. A. A ^ A Gold Dust Exchange. Highest Price Paid For Gold Dust Treasury Notes, Drafts and Money Orders Cashed Free of Charge. AL. WHITE, Proprietor. RICHARDS & CO, Furniture, Stoves and Household Supplies. Second-Hand Gisnls Bought and Sold. J. r. HIELSCHER 6- CO. Wholesale and Retail BUTCHERS Special Attention Given to FAMILY TRADE. Orders Taken and Delivered to Hotels and Restaurants. RAILROAD CONTRACTORS SUPPLIED. European Plan pates Reasonable HOTEL ST. ELMS (Only t irst Cla.-n Hotel in Valdez.) Headquarters for Mining Men and Commercial Travelers. DEB/M Eg * POOT, Proprietors. Keystone AveValder, Alaska. For General Hauling see The Alaska Tra nsfer 0o. Piano and Safe Moving Special Attention To City Trade. and General Forwarders