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JAMES PISH £> Co. We will close out our hard ware stock, and will make prices to suit. HARDWARE f Don’t Forget Your Friends We have n complete line of Perfumery, Fine Soaps, Sh ■ vmg Sets. Manicure Sets, Toilet Cum .',o\t pox»s, Cuff Boxes, Collar Boxes, Handkerchief Boxes, Jt vei Cases. Work Boxes, Photo Cases, Albums, Smokers’ Sets, Traveling Cases, Atomiters, Fine Sta ion« ry. ami dozens of other neat and appropriate articles for Holiday Presents Call in and examine them at THE VALDEZ PHARMACY City Market ^NEXT TO MERCHANT** CAFE. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Beef, Mutton, Pork and Poultry Our Price? are RIGHT. Give u« a call. ST. ELIAS RESTAURANT, ONLY FIRST-CLASS RESTAURANT IN VALDEZ. Merchant’s Lunch, 12 to 1, 35 c Sunday Dinner 75c. Dinnners 5:30 to 8 p.m., 50^ Merry Christmas and i A Happy /New year. With Many ‘Returns. W. C. 5TUwL, Optician, Jeweler and Watchmaker. Moral Wave at Juneau. A moral wave struck Juneau «'i li full force a few days ago and ! a sc <» ;mr nnieai laws lias been ; l1'. cti r i Hu In oliservanee o; I lie people copied fro ii 'he Pilgrim j FS ..i N i. u ... ndc li on c . i.- • . i Hock ages ago. Every store, saloon, harlcorshop, theatre, or place of amusement must close on Sunday. * tiamhlers and the soiled doves | are unde r arrest and held on f.iKJ, hail. Many will he exhiled to Si - i ka. i No man can kiss his wife on ! Sunday and the wearing of bloom- j ers, false hair aiid low neck dress es is forbidden. Every married man must jiost a certified copy of • bis marriage ce rtificate on his door ; jiost or live alone. All statuary and nude or pm | tially nude pie.urea mus. lie e<.\-, 11 red 1 wtween the neck and the nn : kh s and tlm curfew hell will ring ' at s o’clock each evening. The Post-office and the Preshy-' 1 terian church which Judge Brown i attends an* the only public houses open. It is threatened that the whipping jiost. the stocks and the ducking board will lie brought in-. | to use. j flu' frtvdom of the press has1 ' lieen denied and the papers ean-i | not say what they think for fear of bringing down on their heads ju dicial displeasure. Boarding house kee|>crs must serve cold lunches on Sunday. For 8ale. The buildings, stock and good- j will of the best roud-1 louse in the Copper river district, situated at Tonsina p<ridge. Well equipped and well situated. Good hargain. Call, or address Chas Yager. Val dez, Alaska. They are now working three shifts at the Giadhaugh mine in klllumar and turning out ore in | large quantities. Shipment* stv >>eing made on every 6 miner and the bin6 art always well tilled. More men will be put on after the| firu of the year. mm m AT WASHINGTON. EDWARDS WRITES 01 BecenMefislalion For The District and the Outlook for Changes in the Future. Washington. P. C., Pec. 15th, 1W2. Alaska Prospector, Valdez, Alaska.—A several days stay in Washington in and a Unit the Cap itol and the various de| nrtinent-. convince*one that Congress has at last awakened to the fact that Alaska deserves some legislation. There are several hills pending affecting the Pistriet. On June 3Uth, lust, an amend ment to the Code passed lmth houses with slight difference*. This bill is practically certain to puss and receive the Presidents signa ture during this short session. It provides first:—A technical change in the form* of pleading in equity practice. Second:—An amendment to the divorce laws allowing a plaintiff who has resided in the Pis.rid. one year to bring suit for divorce upon the grounds already provided. Third:—A complete dt minion of the powers of municipal corpora tions, greatly enlarging their tax ing power and providing that all the revenues collected by the Ciov «rumen! ifnder tbe present license law slvali lie paid to the treasurer of the municipal council for the benefit oi tiro school fund and the corporation. Fourth:—An ample private in corporation act. After going to conference committee this hili will I women 'aw, almost as a matter oi course. A lull has linen introduced pro viding for the election of a dele gate for Alaska. The objection raised to thi* is the great expense of election. '1 he passage of i Lis lull at this si ssion ,s i.ov.btful. Commissioner Herman, oi tIn La nd office, has approved a pro posed amendment to lie land laws allowing he i umed;a e occupancy of a ho uestcad of 320 acres and requiring a five years residence to obtain title. If a the tml of live years residence, the government 1 i«is not ext* tided its surveys to the v cinitv of die land to which title is sohght, the s* t hr may then have a special survey made and rc cei e a i a‘on\ It is probable that this laud law will pass this session of congress. Tliere is also a hill pending that the gorerumcn furnish each of the canneries a certain number of sal mon spawn each season, which the c anneries must place in the streams whence their lish are taken. Mr. Hoggctt, of Nome, Mr. Ivey and our own George Ksterly are doing good work here in Whalf of Alaska. 1 iiud that Valdez has la-en well advertised and the fact is now quite generally known that Valdez is the future metro|>olis of the District. I met Mayor and Mrs. Steele a few days ago in New York. Mr. Blci has organized the most com plete mining expedition that has ever come to the southern Alaska coast and will leave Seattle early iu January. Dr. Pearson, who is still in New York, informs me that he will arrive in Valdez early in the year at the head of a ( respect ing expedition. Ami.:: Sulwer’K- •*•»«'«».. Moose Dinner. Thu second Annual Christmas dinner given hy the Moose lodge on C'hri-tnias day to its nictiiltcrs and their families was a decided suc cess in every way. La-t years dinner was such a success that this years dinner and entertainment was looked forward to for months with the anticipation of a splendid time and no one wa disw|xloiuted. The hall was lieautifully ami ar tistically decorated under the *u jarvision of F. W. Rosenthal, the well-known artist. The four huge tables were nieelv arrangeil and decorated and were set for l.Hi peopde and at 2:30 p. m., when all were seated, the hall presented a scene of beauty that has not In ch surpassed in Valdez. The youth and beauty and the age and dignity of the town were there and it was as n great family reun ion. The elders talked of old times and related reminiscences of old days. Tlieyoung iieople danced and made love and the children played with Their toys and rolled on tls* floor. •After dinner n short program was rendered and speeches inude by meniWrs of the order. The dinner was prepared un der direction of Richard (Jilinetm, which consisted of tlic following menu. Loli*ter Pill Mt’kK r«lif«*ri»Ji r»lCelery, l urk.-y hikI Prouiiitf. It il «i llitur l*r»fMI*HnkiM tfwroe* I’ofHto • r«»rn A*«oru d Nut* Fivncii < muli s. I H il-iU'. M im*hI OrunKf-ft, A i*r*l»-* < lu*fit*,l nii»*, (H vurietU -*.) VunillH !«*♦• CreHiu. Telegrams conveying Christmas greetings were received from Ma.oi Steele, dated at Washington, I>. C. and from Harry King and R. HIix at Copper Center and a cablegram from Jack Miller, from his old home in Ireland. Much credit is due the commit tee of which Mr. (Jrani Sweet was chairman, for the success of tliei whole affair. Fire Apparatus Arrives. The new fire apparatus and en gine arrived on the Nome City and is Wing i ut into working order. The outfit consists of one 20 man power fin* engine, fitut feet of two inch safety cotton ruMier lined hose, coupled in 50 foot sections, one hand hose cart, six ‘•Patroll” tire extinguishers and everything meessary for repairing the a We. »• and extra couplings and expand ers. The engine and hose ear: are be ing put on sled runners by Dgarf & McIntosh, for winter use and in a few days a test of the apparatus can W* made. In the meantime he fire company is Wing organized and the fire house completed. Judge J. Y, (Grander, who has recently arrived here from Juneau to make Valdez his home, has lieen appointed U. f*. Commissioner In Judge Wiekershum. Judge Os trander will aet as justice of the peace, coroner and judge, and his duties will not conflict with those of Judge Lyons, whose duties are the same with the addition of be ing a m-order. Judge Ostrander served as the firs; U. S. Commis sioners at Juneau and has had much experience and will make an excellent ottieial. D. C. Browed]; HARDWARE, ramts. Oils and Cilass. THE NEXT EVENING WAS QUICKLY Lot Jumper Has House Moved Off In the Lntest Style. Another on«*e of lot jumping “throwing oft'1 occurred this week. Mr. 1. H. Loomis lniught of the lo cators, two lots on the reservation, hud them chared of trees and stumps and fenced. On the lots was several thousand f< et of lumber for building a large burn and ware house as soon as carp* nt* rs could If secured to do the work. There was also a large amount of hay, grain and coal, tools, sleds, etc.,on the lots, and everything showed lit Wu4 .1* | >,s?U;!On •.»! property and that he was acting in good faith and complying with the law in holding the lots. On Monday night some party jumped the lot andcomtm-iued the erection ot a cabin on it. Mr. Loouiis ordered him ott two differ ent times and tin- i.tsi time it.o'iiii *-d hin; that he would be there that evening at $ o'clock and if he was not oft the lot and with his cabin ue would bring help and throw U>tli man and cabin off. True to hi* promise. Loom:* was then at 6 o'clock wi it '!■> O; .lie lies c. i /ens. The house was there bm not he jumper and lie hoys tumbled lie house off ,ii o i s • *,■ J lie ac .on i» enuorsvt. oy a;i •vlio believe in justice and equity and t lie siiom r that people know hat they cannot jump projierty • >f private citizens who are comply* .ng with the law. the better ii will be tor ali concerned. Jumped The Reservation. Last Monday many of tin* citi zens oi this place were surprised to see a eabiu on the land at, *i»e cor ner of MKinlev and Alaska ave nue. opposite tne C. S. telegraph otliee on the land claimed liy tiie government. It was soon asctr ained that Willoughby Clark, lie a: ornev who is a new arrival here from Nome, had jumped the lot. I he house was built hy Scotty Crawford and 0 to Kanitz, on . Broadway, and was ntoved onto ibe lot Wttlnestlay night and Mr. C.ark installed in it. Nothing was done on Wednes day or Thursday, except to ask Mr. Clark by what authori.y lie was on the lot. On Friday morn ing. however, about 2 o'clock, a de tachment of solda rs under com mand of Lieut. Wheeler, arrived from For; Lise tun. and afier sta tioning sentries and guards, Mr. Clark was requested to leave the house, which lie did and it was pulled down and thrown oh the lot wiih its contents. The next morning the thorough fare, the street in front of the Tele graph otliee and leading from the end of McKinley stmt, past the old Whaiing huildmg was fenced in and teams and suds forh.dtlen passage. This worked a hardship to the residents of the reserva tion addition and a petition con* tuining a large nttuilier of names was presented Capt. Wilson asking that the road he again thrown open and he comput'd wit It their mp-, ,• . It >s usuii is t eicl .oa .■ 'i .-1 will now l>e matte to am u the governnu tit has a right to Itoid -he prtq>er,y.