Newspaper Page Text
THE ALASKA PROSPECTOR.1 H. H. HILDRETH, Editor. W. H. CRARY, A^ciatr Editor. JOs?. A. BOl'RKE, Business Manager. Published at Valdes, Alaska, every Thursday by the Prospector Pt’Bi.isiiiao Co. Phone, Main 1. Entered at the Valdes poetoflice as second class matter. RVIUK’ftfl'Tft]* RATER, One Year ..... |3 ,«o fix Months • • • • fg.oo Three Months • - • • Sample Copy • • • • 10 cents ADVERTISING RATER. One dollar per month for one hu h. single tnlnnii). Locals, in cents p *r line lor first insertion And five cents p*r line for eacu s»ile-e«|iieiit Insert ion. AUTHORIZED At 1 ENTS. The Pitu«ntrroB is on sale at the following news stands: T. O. New* Stand. Seattle. Puget Sound News Co. Seattle. P f». N-ns Stand. Juneau. Kugen McCarthy New* Stand. Skagwajr. P. t>. News Stand, Eagle, Alaska. MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT. COCNCILMF.W h»< MctllE. Chae. Firotetfad. Al. White. to. Wood*. C. N. CHART. CHAR. CRAWFORD. i. L. Rteele. I J. L. Steele, Mayor J. Q. SNYDER. Tre hirer. J. W. I.reiiv. City attorney l)R. r. A. Winann, Health OrrirEm. II. II. Hildreth. i'i.cek. John Coodell, I’re*. School Hoard. Tliis will be a great year for Val dez. • • 190ft will see ihe greatest devel opment that Alaska has ever known. • * Many a man will turn over a flew leaf to-day, hut how many will turn it in the right direction. • * • The falling snow and the cold Weather dot's not stop the progress of Valdez. The sound of the ham mer and saw is heard, and in all di rections houses are being erected und improvements made. * * * Should Alaska la1 made a Terri tory, every mine und .inner would have to j ay a huri.eusonie .ax ,o help sujijKiri a burdensome and expensive govt rnuient. - * • A few people in south-eastern Alaska want govern ment ami they are o make it appear that because they want it, ilia, all Alaska are of the same mind, but our law maktrs at Washington know better. * * * We do not bear of anyone intro ducing a bill in.o Congress pro * i ding for Territorial government for Alaska and should such a bill be 1 introduced, it probubly would not pass. Such bills as have a r adv been in.rodueed providing for lib eral land laws, giving munieipali-1 ties more power and all the monies collected from licenses, corpora tion laws, a delegate and a few oili er measures, is all that we need or1 want at i resent. I • * * The discovery of marvelously rich and large deposits of uold Itearing quartz in lie Chicken cm k ! dis.rii. does not come as a sur prise to those who are acq1 ain ed with ha: section or those who have watched i.s growth and develop ment. It has lieen expected for several years that a would be made in that coun ry some day. 1 he district now lias i a numlier of rich placer mines and ! the discovery of this large area ui quar z will make it a rich and per manent district. * a w I The death oi Hon. Thomas B. ^ Reed of Maine, removes one of the | rominent politicians and s.a ts men of our country. Mr. Kod *ras a member of Congre-s from Mtiine, from 18i7 .o 1^7, and was always a under. As sjeaker oi the house he was remarkable for* his soinew lint arid rary rulings j hut many of the'-Rml R .les” have hi'eome ] nr; of the parliamentary law hiiuusi .lay are in theint. rest of proftriM in business. Mr. Hud |.rue;!e«d law in New \ork ai er leaving eongnss. He was a man alove reproach in pri vate life mid d.ed without having! accumulating n fortune. • • • Do fit forget that King & White have just rieeived the only com plete s.o-k of Ingrain Pajn'rs ever shippid to N uldez—Broadway near church. — — ■ .J An ounce of prevention is better Ilian a whole house nlire. You flktt gwt the moiee »i. Yak-haw’s. President on Alaska. President Roosevelt fulfilled liis promises to the Valdez delegation that visited him, and inserted the following in regard to Alaska, in his message: I especially urge to Congress tin need of wise legislation for A aska. It is not to our credit as a na'ion that Alaska, which lias Wen ours for thirty-five years, should still have as j oor a sys.cin of laws ns is 1 lie ease. No country has a more valuable possession—in mineral weal h, in fisheries, furs, fores'suud also ill land available for ccr.uin kinds of farming and stockgrowing. It is a territory of great size and varied resoureis. well fitted to stip por a large permanent inpula ion. A aska raids a good laud law am. such provision for homesteaders anti preemptions as will encour age permanent settlement. \V« should shape legislation a view not to the exploiting and abandoning of the territory, hut o the building up of homes therein. 1 he land laws should Ik* liWr 1 in type, ioas to holdout inducements to tlie actual scith r whom we mos. desire to see lake posscss.on of tin conn ry. J he fore sts of Alaska should lie pro e-e-tecl, ami, as a see •nelary hui still im| or >1 lit matte r, the* game also, ami at the same tin.e it is im | erutive that the settlers should Ik allowed to cut timber, under | rop e r re*gu:at;ons, for their own use*. Laws should he enacted to pro eci lie Alaskan salmon fisher.e-sng.tinst the- greed which would destroy t .1 m. i hey should he prese rveel as a permanent iudiis ry and fneie! supnly. Their management and control should he turneel over to the com nissiou of fish and fisher ies. Alaska should have a dele gate-in the congress. It won lei lie well if a congressional committee could visit Alaska and investigate* i s iie*e-els e>n the* ground. Healy Coming. f'apt. John J. lle*alev and party oi capitalists, who are interested in the* townsite of Valdez and the* building of the line of railroad freun Valdez to Copper Center, are cx peo eel to in S.Mttle the* first part of next week, sivs the P. L, according to a letter received in the eh v y> t* enlay. They will prob ably sail lor tlu- r river coun try oil tl j firs, boat leaving after their arrival. During the present winter it is s atcd by those associated with Capt. Healey, preparations will he-i completed fur putting on a large number of men on the railroad con s ruction in the spring, with the intention of completing the linens far as Copper Center by fall. Notice. To :he right man with sufficient capital, 1 will give u three years lease of a part of my corner io. on which to erect a ret!auran. un i Iwtkery, to connect with the Gold Dusi Exchange. The coat of the building will lie allowed towards payment of ground rent. Al. White Town Lots For Sale. Lots in Sex on Addition to Vel de*: For information call on the undersigned at the office of Lcedy <k hit I bey. George Sexton. Alaska’s Official Directory. Governor John it. Brady. Survey »r General and KxOflVIo Tetary - Win. L. M«tln. Chief Clerk (Km, Bio Well. I*. 8. Judge* Melvlll * C. Hr wn, Mat. No. |. u*«t at Juneau: Judge Mtatre. Mat. No. 2. n *at at Nome; Janie* W Irk mbam. Id*!. N* .3, *.•*» at Eagle. V. 8. Attorney* K. A. Fri •drlch. Mat. N*». I; F. Urtgg'hy, l»i*t No. j; N. V. Ilarlan. I*l»t. 3 Clerk- Mattie! N. . 1 W. J. Iliil*. Mat. S. . 2, Wc«*. th.mcnenli.a, I Inf No. 3. A. It. Ilehtg I*. 8. Marnbal* .lauien \|. S|it>ii|i. I»l*t. No. |; Frank I.. I*i> hard*. I»i*t. No. 2; ti. C. IVrry, Mat. No. 3. CommKnlonem Edward de hruff. Sitka; II. II. Fol'Oin, Junt-an; F. I*. Tualin, Ft. Wrangell; I,. H. WiNMlwarti, ( nala'ka; I*, hallaglier, Ko diak; JJ Ro»cm. 8kngwa\;< Edayp • >1. rtr *lc City; I.. It. Shepard. St. Mlehael; Bol Riplnaky. Ilalnea Mtaaioii: E. Stack pole, Ketchikan: U. M. Irwin, Doughm; J. II. Br.-wulow.S.inrlae; John l.yoiia. Vaide*, Carl M. Jt.liana*,n. Eagle; 8. M. 1*raff. Forty Mlle.J l.lndl.-y Green. Rampart; D. A. MeKensle, Coldloot; P. II. Kl -gg, Nuah agak; Jauie* R. Saunders, Chi*ua. I’. 8. Land Olfii-era-Register, John W. Dudley. Receiver—P. Mulleu. IH* uty C.8. Mandialn-Mat. No. I, apodal, W McNair. J. W. Snook, skngway; J. P. Caiupb *11, Hltka; E. F. Kelly, Juneau; Wm. I). '•rant, Wrr.ngel; W. Mill, Dougla* inland;, Vald •*; L.mIi L. B »wera, Kodiak t IVter Ninaon, Porcupine; A. Hlioup, Ketebikati; J. I*. Reyiudtlnou, Eagle. J Xuboff. Killiauif, Joliu li lUeharda, Cualaaka. Notice. Notice in hereby gi*«h that a Special Term «*f the United states District Court f..r tl.e Tniril Division oi tue District ol Alaska, will la* n. hi at \ able/, mi said District, ci.iuiiicu.'tn*, February /, naci. That a'-rand Jury will b* snnim >ued t. meet at tin coortio.ims of said court. . u Feb ruary 2.1nu«. ami a trial jury w ill la* summoned to ui< vt at tile «*uic plat e • n February !», l«>a. atut that i».ilb Juri s, and the Term oi said court, w ill cotitinn** In session >111111 all busi ness that may properly com* before »ald court lias Is* -H iiisp .s< d «.f. AD p**r»“iiis iiebt, • r Is.und by recognizance, to app ur at the next tei 111 ol said court, arc her -by retpiir. d to at ten«l al tin- time atm place alorcsanl. Witness the Hon -raid - James \\ Ickcrshaut. djiJt'i said Court. Inis lulu day ol December, Attest: Albert K llellig, ( lerk. Citation. In the United Slut s t -.-mm‘"i nei’s Court for the I*i»: let oi .Wa ke, \ «!.*• /. r.e> in t ?ll IIk* Mallet oi ln«* hsiutc , l.i 1 r but • •»f ■ Joseph Thowiiey, Deceased. ) t tiali *n. The Unite*! •stales of Am Tiea In - it irs oi Joseph Thowuey. dee* a* d —(•reeling. By order of thialourtoi this tint**, y- u are lictcby cited ano requited to app nr b.-lorc tile Judge of this Court ill Valdez I'rocinct, Dis trict of Alaska, at his office in the t. wn of \ a Idea, cn the/ml day i •' *or>iary. pju», at lb 'ch ek a.m. I that day. tn u ami there l>* sh w ca is-, it any -xist. why the real proper ty ot <*ai>l estai *. viz. tin- uimivid *d lie third interest in ami to that certain placer mining • laiin ku w n a* Claim N*» 3 nil C *pp r crock in , tile \ al«lcs Milling District, should not Ik* or-1 dered sold. • Wi tless tin* lloitorahl • John Lyons, Judge of -aid I robatc Court, utih these.!* f sahlt o.irt. tills itli day of December, lts.rj. fsigned] John Lyon*, U. S. C unaKsioner ami Lx- fli. i . Probate Judge. First p .blieati u Dec. I, 19H2. Lu*t publication Jan. /. PJb3. Win. H. Whittl .sey, Attoiuey tor Administrator. Distilled Soda Water Company M,1NI K.U.'TI REHS OF Lemon, Cream, S.r.ivL. i Sarsjiarilia and Iron, l.inj.«i Ale, Chani|)agne Cider and an kinds of Mineral va er. Keystone opp. School House. VALDEZ HERE Finest Bread Ever Baked. Try It. r. r. jcnniDT, prof, Cor. McKinley St. and Broadway COOK INLET Prospecting ami Hun'iftg par ties can be supplied tv. tb necessary outfits by H. N. WETHERBEE, a' Kcnai and Kussilorf a' tb. Most Reasonable Prices in Al aska, thereby saving freigh' and trouble of landing suj - plies. GEO. S. MEARNS, Agent, Kknai, Alaska. Hint; iisiun (fit a Complete abstracts of title to all minefal arid o'het claims in the Valdei Min* ing district, including the Prince Williarti Bound, Copper Riverj Chistuchi* na and the Chisna dis tricts. Mitts titiisN It VdMrz Toil lots ■ Valdez, Alaska ' * V Professional j Cards. ! F. M. BOYLE, 1*1. D. Physician and Surgeon VALDEZ, Offitw: • ALASKA! Swun McKmlt y St. DR. W. G. ALEXANDER. ; Dentist. McKinley st* valdez. W. A. RYSTROM, Dentist. Swnn Building. Valdez. GOODELL & EDWARDS Lawyers. VALDEZ, ALASKA; FRED M. BROWN, Lawyer Mining Mini Lmnt I.«wk. M|wn initio* V VI.DKZ, ALASKA -* ' * • • ——mm *• • t<.. m. i.« LEEDY & KELSEY, Attorneys and Counselors. Keystone Ave. Valdez. ' ORLAN CLYDE CULLEN. Counsel I or-at- Law. C. .8.811 promo Court, Registered Attorney C. 8.Patent OAee, Cuitod States and Foreign Pat ent*. Caveat*,.Trade Marks and copy rights. No. 700 7th Street. N. W.t Opp. I'. 8. Pittehl (ifl)" -. WASHINGTON, D. C. A. JUDSON ADAMS, Civil Engineer and Si.nee U. S. DEPUTY MINERAL AN « LAND SURVEYOR, Next dcor to Merchants Cafe, JOHN F. RICE, Lawyer* McKinley St, Valdez. H. H. Hildreth, No ary Public nn<l Conveyancer. Prospector Office. NEW YORK Lire INSURANCE CO. WRITES THE BEST POLICIES. G. Sponterg, A0ent. R. BLIX. NOTARY PUBLIC And CONVEYANCER. COPPER CENTER, ALASKA. B. r. r\niAKb la Prepared to Ex* amine, Take Options on * and Purchase Mining Properties. Douglas City Pharmacy Wholesale and Retail Druggists. Dougins City, Alaska. j GOOD GOOD/. GOOD SERVICE. THE * MZINd” CLUB ROOMS IN CONNECTION DGARF & MACKINTOSH Blacksmith Shop. All Kinds of Iron or Steel Work Done in the Best Manner. HORSESHOEING SLEDS 's s * 3 > & J > -n AO </> .9 6-0 g i a J£ 2 15 S y> l- S S3 £ a. x Geo. Woods. Jas. Fowlie. WOODJ & TCWLIE s/tnPLE K2°nj. VALDEZ, ALASKA Wines, Liquors and Cigars. The Senate. SCOTT & SMITH, Props. P. E. KERN, Geld ;rd * Silver Sffiltf. Fir . \Va «•! R. f airirp «id Suppel Jrinlry A Hj'teial v. Dl •” on-’* ^ cv i\ ^ .4 L vi U *S, Silverware. Clocks. WE EQUIP And Supply Exj »'or.i ion par ies. Goods and Pass*ngers Transported to ull par s of the Interior, Operating Roadhouses and Supply Stations in ihe In erior. Publishers oi Tho At a kan. Miners, Settlers and Touris s Guide, giving full information °t the great resources and {tossibiliiie* of .he Copper R.ver Valiev and Prince William Sound with three complete maps, Sent post paid for 50 cents. Address ^ 0\\ ns and Operate the riEKIIKLECllV R *udhouse, 4S miles fraru Valdez, on the all American route and Railroad, also owners an I operate The IJQTfl HOltlJM at (op (ester. Dr. Lenlis: aal Gpfcaa. AKuii L n i Sjijv- .'in.son Hand. Clocks an>l \\ a dies I{<-|iaircJ on Short N'oliee. McKinley St. Valdes. pniL zinnERMAM | Cleaning Repairing and Altering Done on Short Notice. } Ladie* Sui*s C lea net) and Pressed j PRICES REASONABLE. Keystone Ave. next to Prospector Office. C C. BOGflRDUS Assayer and Chemist. Gold and Silver $1.00 Geld Silver and Copper $2.50 60 Cot I’SIRIA St.. Seattle. Wash. I | imU^M Rough or Dressed. LUlllUul DOORS, WINDOWS SHINGLES. C. E. HATHAWAY & CO. Office cn Alaska At*