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Image provided by: Alaska State Library Historical Collections
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Letter From Powell. 'Seattle, December Is*, 1002. Editor Prospector, Valdez, Alas ka. Dear Sir:—Pursuant to yourj request, I will endeavor to given! statcm«nt of some of my obaervn- ! turns in the t'hittina country. ""«■ leave the schist formation of > the const range by crossing lime stone contact at titi miles inland on 1 the (iovernnicnt trail. The schis of the coast range is auriferous.i bj*. s» far n * ol ij; ln< liven found ; where it is sufficiently conceit ru led to pay. Poor Clark Moore Worked for two years with hopes of finding pay on the eastern slope and it may some day he found. Some quicksilver deposits are found in the gravels of the lower j Copper river, but not nearly so ex tensive as in the upi>cr valley. There is an anticlinal upheaval extending along the western base of the Wraugel group, with a strike north and south and the sides dip alsmt So degrees. The anticline is incomplete, ns the top is disconnected, showing an up heaval from great depths. Owing to the grea' depth of this upheaval it is not surprising t hat such cop- i jht ores as are usually found at ! gn at depths are here found on the surface. The sides of this uphea- j val are from four to six miles apur. t and all the \altiable copper finds j are along its sirik*. Along this! Iwli are great dejosits of white' limestone amt us it is followed nor-j tin rlv the lime In-conics darker; ami in places, bo.h b.uCi. and blue limes are found. It is probable that the large cop- ] per nugget found on Nugget creek! settled out of the dark lime that' crosses at that place. Lime dolomite and carboniferous rock with incrustations of lime are also found along this belt. In the fall oi ’J8. in an article to my ho ne paper, I proplusied that the Clnttina would surprise the world with i s copper. That was based on .he lime found, the variegated mineral s ain and the native copper in possession of the indians. From the indications it is a won der eruliesoUe, or silver with copper, lias not Iwcn found and surely will during the next season. I aru willing to hazard ano'her prophecy, and that is, those moun tains will some day Ik* great r producers. That is based on the ex.ensive lime and porphyry con tuc.s wi.h iiiiin* use sla.e deposits. From the great depths of this up heuMil, and the carboniferous for mation, if is found along it, we may expect a good quality ot un.hruci.ccoul. From the or blanketed appearance of the country ouig'ue oi t his “flt.dtrie, it is safe to pre dict that the Chittinu valley w ill some day he in the center of a great oil field. lucre is no asphnltum nor the carbonate of lime, known us chalk and it is probable that when o.l .s fomul, it will he of base. The Chitlina widely differs irom the Alaskan range as the like for ma ioi.s of the upper are on the lliiu or jasper order and the coal is-he brown or lignite char acter. The cold, where it has been found in paying quantities, is on the west of this gnat upheav al, in hloek slate where areporphy rilie intrusions. The east side has not been prospected. This upheaval can lie seen from the steamer decks oil the way from Kayak to Yakutat, where it break s out to the sea at Yukutuga. The prospectors should consult together and exchange opinions oi the different parts of the country; have more caiup talks. Mining experts may be very poor prospectors and their reports are seldom seen by most of us. A successful prospec'.or is a good worker, a poor traveler iftfd seldom camp. Owing to my ex tensive traveling, i regret to say 1 have not been admissuble to that class. 1 would like to see rej ortB from the many more competent pros pectors than myself and may some time write of the Tanana and Shu shitna countries. Adihsox Powell. Additional Local. 1903. Kendrick for signs. A happy New Year to yon. All kinds und styles of win'er caps at Jas. Fish «V Co. The rush to Valdez HI14I the in terior country has already com menced. For Herman Sox and Hold Seal rubber goods go to the Lion store. I H. L. Tully returned on the Ex celsior after a short visit in the slates. Step into Kerns jewelry store and look at the fine new line of goods just received. 0. tt. Dehnev, of the St. Elias.! returned on the Excelsior after a short visit to the states. Voice Culture and Teachers of Sotigs for public performance. Pi ano Introduction and Harmony. Schneider Sisters, Broadway. A letter just received from B. F. Milurd. sh'is iliut lie lielicves tli. t he railroad will Ik construe* ted and that his j etude will build it. The company is being reorgnn izid und it is exj ected ilia' actual work will commence in ilie early spring. A full line of cooking and heat ing stoves for coal and wood. Richards & Co. In 11 let'er recently received from IMiil Blminicr, lie states that Cap!. Aliercromliie received liis second payment of on his one ll '.li iti.eres'. in ihc Kon11117.11, from Helm, on the first of December, and that there is a report current in Seattle that Sieve Kirch has bought 7-11. h» of the Bonanza for ♦2o.0(K) per 11 h. He says he is positive that this rumor is correct. Felt Shoes for the children at J. Fish & Co. A. Jiulson Adams and wife ar riied home on the Excelsior. Mr. Adams will have a residence built in the near future and for the pres ent is s.oppingut tlioOsland house. Chase and Sanliorn’s Celebrated Coffee is io Ik* had at iicmple & Dougin r.y’s. The Sea. tie pu| crseonTiin a sen saiional account of the trip of the Kiiby Cousins Ik-tween here mid .ha. place. Capt. Love must have been giving the reporters some if tie ”i.o. an” for which he is here. Bread that never sours and pies .it for the Gods, for sale at the x'aldez Cafe. M rs. M. Gregory wishes to call he a in ion of litr }a runs to In tact (but she is now set . led in her new quarters on the reservation, McKinley St., and is prepared to do all kinds of sewing and dress making. bliuw & Williams are carry .ng a full line uf fresh fruits. Shi) - .uen.s received on every boat. Arthur M. Edwards writes from Washing on 1). C., that himself and Ed. Van Frumlt have had u pleasant trip acrors 'lie coun ry and were to leave for Sew Orleans Dee. 15th. They expect to re'.uri o Valdez early in January. Buy a nice, clean Iron Bed. a yum-vum Spring, and a hi-yu sofi Mattress from hi' lmrds & Co., and you vvil dream of luilrouds, corner o‘s and grea Your ’roll' ll swill disappear like dew In-fore lie morning sun, and life- in Val dez will lie one continual round of pleasure. The city council failed to meet again this week, only Couneilmen Crary and Simons'ad showing up for business. After waiting nn'il 10 o’clock for the remainder of the council they udjourned. The coun cil has only met twice in eigli weeks and al hough there is im |>or ant business to a'tend to, they fail to meet and transnet it. Wall-paper from 5 cents per roll up, at King & Whites. Rev. F. C. Taylor has received a letter from Bishop Rowe in which he expresses himself pleased wi’h lie hospital project un i will help and sustain Mr. Taylor in his ef forts. The Bishop says that al though the muintainance of the hospital will lie exia-nsive and bur lnnQ<, yet if the reside!)ts of Valdez will furnish the lot and building he will guarantee that the Episcopal church will support and msintain the same. SHAW & WILLIAMS, DEALERS IN Cigars, Tobacco, Candies, Fruit, Produce - . * Loomis T ransportation: Company Is now ready to move supplies to all points in the interior. Full Line of j MINER'S SUPPLIES at Tonsina and Nizina. I SEATTLE MARKET DEALERS IN % Meat and Poultry of all kinds in large quantities. F. W. SMALL, Prop Cor. McKinley and Keystone, Valdez CHURCHES SOCIETIES ETC. Endeavor Cong. Chervii—Cor. Glacier Avenue and Street. Rev. I). \V. Cram, Pastor. Rev. G. L. Hosford, acting pas or. Services every Sunday at 10:80 a. in. and 8 p. in. Prayer meeting Wednesday night. Christian En deavor Society meets Sunday even ing at 7 o’clock. Melvin Dempsey, President. Churc h ok the Epiphany—Cor. i flncier Avenue and Hohart S;ree‘. Services on Sunday at 11 a. m. and 8 p. in. Rev. F. S. Tay lor, Rector. Order ok Alaska Moose. Pioneer Tent No. 1. Meet in their own Hall on Kestr valitn Avenue, e\erv Thursday i veiling i 8 o’c.oek. J. L. Steele, Ruling Spirit; Fred J. Date, Kteperof Wu Wu.i.Sec) Arctic Brotherhood— \ uiccz Camp No. 10. Meet* at Moose Hall every Toes ilav evening. A. M. Edward*. Are ie Cliief. G. Snyder, See re ary. Brotuebiioodof Alaska Pioneers Arthur Kohgai, Chief, W. J. McDonnell, Secretary. Heado.narters, Afognak, Alaska. ValdezChamiier of Commerce- - Meet on the first and third Friday night of each month. F. M. Brown, Pres. A. \V.It >chford, Sec’y. Valdez OddFel LOW’itCLUB-Mee'.i* every Fr.duv evening in club room*. A. R. Heili", Pns.;P. 8. Hunt, Sec’y. Knioiits of Pytiiias Club—\V. A. Rys'rom, Pres., \V. K. Bmscbor. Sec. Meets 1st and 3d Monday of each month in club room* over Shaw & William*. P. ANDERSON, Shoemaker Repairing Promptly Attended to. I McKinley St. nkak Keystone Av. Cameron Golden 1999 PionedoMial Parlor 1999 The Oldest and Most Reliable in Town. Ladies’ Shampooing a Specialty. Ladies’ anl Gents’ Baths Porcelain Tubs. Fresh and Salt Water Baths. Rooms Sep arate front the Shop. All Modern Improvements WHERE s ? Who? STOP Everyone From Valdez. AT THE FRANKLIN OF COURSE. On y Fin-. Claw* Err.)) ran Hotel in JUNEAU. Juhn T. Spickett Proprietor H3TEL DILLER. Headquarters lor VALDEZ People 120 Rooms. Rates 50e, $1.00 and l *l .50 per day. First class res taurant in connection. Free bus. Opposite U. S. Postoftice. W. G. POTTS, Manager. Cor. 1st Ave. and University St. SEATTLE For Assays Send Your Ore To L R. CAMPBELL PRICDL Gold, Silver and Copj>er $3.50 Gold and Silver - 1.50 Copper - 2.00 Lead - - - 2.00 LLLAMAR ALASKA H. R. Elliott E. E. Smith 5. Q. MATHEWS, Sanitary - Plumbing Steam Fitting and Water Heating. LIVE AND LET LIVE. Valdez. # PACIFIC PACKINQ & NAVIQATION CO. Carr>tag U. S. Mail and Express. c. «, ( From Seattle For Valdez. Ktli and 25th J)tr« ItOmC City v Of each mon'li. From Valdez for Se ( atile, 14tli and Hist of each month. From Seattle for Valdez, Cook Inlet and Cfr pvt'alcinr way ports, 2nd of each month. From ijll* EALC1MUI Valdez for Seattle ami way |>oris, 22nd of w each month. [ From Seattle for Valdez, Cook Inlet and C*r Cnntn Ann J way ports 20th of each month. From 311* >3aillu Alld j Valdez for Seattle and way )>or,s, 8th of each month. From Valdez to Unalaaka and way porta c*r 29th of each month, connecting with Str. Oil* OilUi&Ull Santa Ana from Seattle. Arrives at Val dez 20th of each month, connecting with ^ Str. Excelsior for Seattle. Coni|inn}' reserves right to change steamers or date of flailing without notice. Seattle Office—Glolai Building. J, C. Martin, San Francisco Office—HO California Si. Chicago Office *—53 River St. New York Office—95 Hudson St. I HONE is. STRICTLY AMERICAN AND FIRST CLASS. EUROPEAN PLAN. Hotel Northern Only Billiard Hall In The City. St. Clair & Lauer* Props. Felix's Restaurant. Regular Meals. Short Orders A Specialty. McKinleyS*. Valdez. The Bohemian Saloon Liquor and Cigars, None Better. IAc Kin ley St. Between Keystone and Glacier Ave. I New Process Steam Laulry. Fine Laundry Work A Specialty. Tfcird St., West of Alaska Av. Valdez. \VM. WORKMAN P. MAGNESON Workman’s Road House First roadhouse built on Government Trail. Can accomodate 50 people, has large warm barn for 20 horses and good quarters for dogs. Good meals and everything the musher desires. Twenty Miles From Valdez. THE COTTONWOOD INN On Tasnunn Trail, at Co'/onwool Ca rip, 45 M ies Front Valdez and 25 Miles form Workman’s Roadhouse. All Accommodations for Man or Beast. WORTMAN and MAGNESON, Proprietors. This Is Yager's . TON JIM BRIDGE. Outfits Cached Free of Charge Free Horse and Dog Stables. Distance From Valdez, 77$ Miles, via Government Trail. Beat Accomodations for Travelers. CHAS. C. YAGER, Prop. 77$ Miles From Valdes Advertise in the Paper That Has the Circulation.