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Hats Without a Woolen String S N Y I) F. R' S. ———-« _ Choice Apples by the Box. A FEW NEWS NUGGETS.! V, C. Stull.Graduate Optician. Full stock of paints at Ken drick’s. Kendrick can make an artistic sign for you. School will re-open Monday, January 5th. A nice line of' fine cutlery just received at Brownells. Yackslinw is now selling stove-' pi|K' at tWc |>cr length. Everything to wear for man. wo-1 man and child at J. Fish <fc Co The latest in nit ns clothing, call; on the American Tailors and lx happy. A few fancy boxes of fancy can dies left at reduced prices at Candy Kitchen. “The Tailor makes the man."; Seethe American Tailors. Key-: atodc avenue. Hathaway & Kaake have now on hand a full line of Window glass of all sizes. Tlie Log Cabin saloon is prepared to sell beer to families or other* at 25 cents per quart. All kinds of woolen overshir's; and heavy and light wool undtr wiar at tin Lion store. A Chamois skin vest may save vor.r life. We have them, the la* test and )k-si, at Owl Drugstore. Just received, the best Miners Shoes ever seen in Alaska. Try a pair, at the Lion Clothing s'ore. The Seattle Market is now open for the sale of all kinds of men . The market is located on the Swan property, corner Keystone and McKinley sts. The young 1st lies are to give a fancy dr»ss hall on Friday evening Jan. 9 h. The affair is ;o lie con ducted entirely by the Indies and invitations will lie issued in a fc\ days. Have you seen the new huteln t shop, corner Keystone and Mckit - ley S s. They have meat to roast. Iniil, fry or any old way. Don’ mis> it. They dont keep meat they sell it. Chas. H. Wilcox, who has lien a valuable assistant in ottr otlic for several months, received lh sad intell'gence of ;lie ilea h of hi. fa le r. on the last mail. Chn Fcldosscr, who is also assisting ti nt the present time, received lit,-< news on the previous lioat, of tin death of his father. The Bertha arrived here on Wed nesday about 11 h. m., after a ver\ rough trip to Kodiak. Whet hound west she was forced to si*el shelter in a small hurtior and los two anchors in an endeavor to hold Two other anchors were tried, which held good. The boat arrived here completely covered with ice No hing has Ih-wi luurdof th Slu-likoff since she left lure nm until she returns we will prohahh hear nothing of the Dawson City or (ien. Siglin, which was last s«-‘-n in the Behring sea last Octo ber. Jt;o. Sargent and N. Papen at tempted to jump a lot in t he reser vation addition a few days ago, and were arrested on a charge ol! tresspassing, on complaint of A. Codiga who located and claims the lot. The case came up before Judge Os rander yesterday' and the de fendants were found guilty ami \ were each lined #5 and costs' The judge remarked in passing sentence ihu. it being the first case of tlie kind to come before him at this! place he would impose the mini mum fine, hut in the future would : deal different in any similar cases, j \\ . C. Stull KxjHTt Watchmaker. Fresh fruit on c.\ery boat. Shaw A* Williams. For money saving in Wall-paper see King & White. Children? Sleds. Strong, U|>-to date, and cheap at Richards. All kinds of ruhlier, felt and lea ther shoes at the I,ion store. Throw away yotir old truss and huy a i>i w one at the Owl Drug Store. For fur caps and parkays and German sox .go to the Lion cloth ing store. Parker Bunk House, on Key stone Ave. Bunk, stove and wood. All comforts, 25c per day. O. J. Anderson lias opened a Hardware store on the Swan prop erty. corner Keystone and McKin ley sts. Mr. Rooney of tlie Propresso Trailing Company lias the thanks of this office for a nice box of Ore gon apples. The lies! ami largest assortment of heavy ami light wool socks at wholesale prices at the Lion clothing s'ore. Felix has lost his night key. ami he is therefore compelled to keep open at all hours and will lie ready :o give you a meal at aiivold time. Isaac II. Loomis returned on the Excelsior and will do freighting into the irt r'or this year on a large scale and “Ike” is the bov that ean do it. A new harl>er shop is now lo ••a'ed in the Gold Gust Exchange under the management of S. T. Gotti rdam and T. M. Hempe, who are Imtli artists in their line. The Progresso Trading Co., are ree'inga building 2ox$0 feet on McKinley street adjoining office of Oscar Fish. They received 40 tons •f produce and groceries on the 'ast lioat. King Os'-nr returned from Seni le on the Excelsior and while ab sent made arrangements for the • ipmen of 1.< 00,U<>0 fee* of Inm *>er to this place, whieli will he sent up on a schooner. Shelly and Joe Wickert are now >n the trail coming to Valdez. •>om Eagle, where they went last till in 'heemploy of Cup*. Burnell <> work on the telegraph line. J'hev have evidently given up the >b and are returning to their old haunts. Mrs. F. J. Kinghorn purchased vhile in San Francisco, the finest line of ladies furnishing goods ever ro’ ght to Valdez. These include aney hosYrv. skirts. dr<-ssingsacl> in'nos. ti'tn’iwn rolss and ad s, fans, lares, frills and thrills md many o her things he name f which the Pi n.-e'EcTOH re; on r ’out know, hut he does know hey are pretty and if he had a wife 'ie wouldnt loose any time sending ' «r to Mrs. Kinghorn to secure wha* she needed before they were all gone. Tin- Excelsior arrived here Mon lav. 'lie 20th. having left Seattle the morning of the 20th. She en •onn’i red considerable rough wea ther lietween Sitka and the Sound and could not land at any port un it she reached this place. The vessel was covered with snow and i<-e when she tied up at the dock. There were M2 passengers. 500 tons of general merchandise, and 45, 000 feet of lumber for this port. The following were passengers for Valdez: A fcnvrier, C* Santor, E C Shelton. Torn Kluney. N A V{fluent, M T Collins Mrs Kramer, C II S.*vhj4, T A Jetfrev. r »J Pvhnev, Mr**, .1 in«ui mic-J, J \y Smith, M W Mie' e HI. Mr MeNi. ly, Mr*. McNHy, A Lar*on, 1 L»*>ni»*. S Envlller. Ilailev Hall. Erne*t Tntskrr. I* M f»orjstrM»n. J I» l:ov, Chester Mil!»n«t, E T Hub'll, A J A«1. nxos an<l wife, E'hel tiriffltli, II L T ilv, T L (Marti. 1*« p Paly, O J Me Connell, Kuvak. J Peter* in. Orca. _ J. B- AQEN5. CASH STORE There's Eggs and Eggs. We have the BEST. El, V. Miller, Manxper. Judge Lyons left on the Bertha for » short visit to Juneau. j Buy your HARDWARE at a i Hardware store, of u Hardware man. The schooner Volants left Seat tle on Dec. 18th with a cargo for j this place. There will he special New Years i services at the Endeavor Church | Sunday night. The popular restaurant, the Mer jchants Cafe will re-ojK-n Sunday morning and will Is- one of the fin est and most complete restaurant I in Alaska. The following is the rcjM.rt of ; the Eagle eluh charity hall, given for the Ix-nctil of the Hospital. Keol. for >nlr of tli-ket*.. *'it'.i»> Kxpun-e ol eiitertntium'iil . Itdldtife, . .. . ,ilJt|S The lmlanee has liecn ih jtosited in the Valdez Bank subject to the |<"ill of the trusteesor others having i charge or munnginicnt of the hos pital. A meeting of lot ladders on the ground adjacent to Valdez, was j held at the Court House on Satur day night, last, to consider the question of annexing .0 Valdez, j tnos! of those present were in fa ! 'or of annexation and in order :o put the matter in form, a eominii | tee was appolnnd to draw tip a j petition to the council asking that I they he admitted. When this is | done, further action will Ite^ikcn. Successful K. P. Ball. One of the largest attended and i most successful dances of the sen ; son was that of the Knights of Pythias on New Years eve at von iiiinthers hall. Preparations l ad i l>een in progress for several weeks j for the affuir and everything was • lone to make it a success. The ! hall was beautifully decorated, flic 'Hour in good condition and .he I lunch was excellent. The music I was a special feature of the even ing and was all that could lie 1 wished. The grand march com menced at and dancing con tinued until nearly morning. Notice to Taxpayers. Notice is hereby given (Ut the tax -s for the y*ar hMg are now tin.* and will b-eo.n- delis quent on th*lAth day of Janu try, lima, at o* cloek |». in., atter which a jh nalty of 1 > per cent will lx* added. 1 will la* found at uiv office during business hoars for the p trpo«c o’f receiving tlie taxes. John ii. Snyder. Treasurer of the Town of Waldes. Dissolution of Partnership. | Notice is hereby given that the parlneraliln ! here.ofo.e existing tie tween F. J. «»ol ien and | iicruard Frias. thong business as the » ienua Bakery, t offoe and < nop Htiiise is this day dis j solved by mutual council!. F. J. «•olden mic ; veils to flic bti'ineas and will receive a 1 debts due to and pay all debts due by tue lat • co fairinerahip. • Frank J. < olden. 1 ernard Fries. hated at Valdes, Alaska, 1 ec. Jd, li*.r>. . . Take Your Christmas Dinner at the Vienna Cafe. Everything FIRST CLASS. F.J. GOLDEN Proorietor. i I -1 You Don't Need a Wife If You Get Your Work Done at The STAR LAUNDRY We Repair and Sew on Buttons. Tie Ovl Dm; (o. i • • I Pure Fresh Drugs. ; Valdez. Alaska: 1 . . Hemple Dougherty, Pioneer Outfitters. Having purchased the stock of Groceries of Jas. Fish & Co., we now have the MOST COMPLETE LINE IN VALDEZ. We are prepared to fill orders, either large or small. Goods Delivered To Any Part Of The City. Miners Meeting. A min *r% meeting i* h*rebr phIImI to m^l at the hi* rlei < o irt room, Vald •*. Alaska. on llivtii'l day of January. A. h. 1*»»CI. at * p.m.. to i jciMfr I lie adoption o. miner* ml.** for t lie Vahle: »'ce**rdlfig I i**rfel. ami lor tin* tran**.-. Hon of *u -b other buxine** a* may rninr Vxtforc •aid in • ting. ^aid me ting may be d»lJourii-«l from film* to firm* to*iiitllie eonv.-ni *i»«,e o| »lie greatest i.tnnb r 01 miner* ami pro*p *i tor*». >aid uieel i« g i* i nil -«i by author!ry o i • Iti/.etiS m acting li Id in Va!«les on I*ee. 1 Mil. I'.nu. For Hulilnr (ilovt*? tuul Mitt? ••nil a: Lion store*. WANT8--FOR SALE. .\dv *rti*em *nt* under l hi* head. in edit* a line l*»r one in*erti«n, 5 cent* for each *ub*e «4 .eii! in* Mtion. F'»R SALK-Ho ne line large .|»;», well fed and in *o.»d oou lltion. Kugulre II. Syring P K HALE - A Hire ■ r«a»m cottage, two floor*. A all in tiu»* condition. Euu dre Herman ftyrlug. BUM* hot! FirM da** bird dog for Hale. Schneider Si*tcr*. Hroa«lft ay. PIANO—A Fine upright piano for *ale by tlie Schneider Slater*. Broadway. HOPW&i \\i» LOTH for feat or for min. Cull on hr. Von tiuuther. Hot Chili and Waffle Kitchen. Open Always. Broadway, Opp. Reading Room. Mas. J. H. Ryan CHAS A. HAND, Prop. The Only Short Order House in City. - — i BANK Or VALDEZ, AND SAFE DEPOSIT VAULTS. Capital, Paid-up - $10,000 Ke-erv**, in Krai and Per sonal Property - $07,000 Oenurnl Bunking Busine*.*. Hold ihi*t Bought. a ml 1 •i-euuni». Foreign and Kin-tern Exchange Bought anil Sold. (.tenoral Collect ing PATRONAGE SOLICITED. LI MBER and TIMBERS of all kind* Special Order* jai Promptly Attended To. ' H. F. ROBINSON, SjOt Gold Dust Exchange. Highest Price Paid For Gold Dust Treasury Notes, Drafts and Money Orders Cashed Free of Charge. AL. WHITE, Proprietor RICHARDS & CO, Furnture, Stoves arid _ _ _ Household Supplies. Second-Hand Good* bought and Sold. J. F. HIELSCHER &• CO. Wholesale and Retail BUTCHERS Speeial Attention Given to FAMILY TRADE. Orders Taken and Delivered to Hotels and Restaurant*. RAILROAD CONTRACTORS SUPPLIED. European Plan Pates peasonable HOTEL ST. ELMS (Only First Class Hotel in Valdez.) Headquarters for Mining Men and Commercial Travelers. DEBNEy a POOT, Proprietors. Keystone Ave. Valdez, Alaska. For General Hauling see The Alaska Transfer 0o. Piano and Safe Moving Special Attention To City Tra<*e. COAL and General Forwarders