OCR Interpretation

The Alaska prospector. [volume] (Valdez, Alaska) 1902-1908, December 05, 1907, Image 9

Image and text provided by Alaska State Library Historical Collections

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84021905/1907-12-05/ed-1/seq-9/

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Ladies Furnishings Notions
ffiyrtk £ a ton’s
Parities Dry Goods
Ladies’ Stilt WhIsK Skfrts, Corsets, H„ s ry G, ml. men's Hop, r
Mue I UfUtrwear, Kimouas, \\ r pjiers, Ktr. Shirts. Collars, Cuff
The Golden Rule
Radies' and
Miss P. M. Ross, Prop
Millinery, Fancy Goods and Notions ll AIU poop
In this department you will find .jt &
Blank Boooks Katon-Unrlbuf s Papeteries Letter Fib s
V\ iitiiur 1 ablets l iepe Papeis l’aper Napkins
Tally Farris Lnvflups Shelf P per
Ink Wells Typeuutei Piper Rulers
Fountain Pens Fa-h Bom - Letter Boxes
Letter irays Wa.-to Parer Bi,-kets Far bon Paper
Pencil* Puis Vi-itiny Fards
Men i ran Pun Books
by letting u~ win* v our oine nr plac*' of business for electric
lights or telephone. Our service thi.- winter will he hum hours
and be unexcelled in ev ery rested, !• r w it -jim leave your orders
at the office at. the earliest moment, so as to avoid the fall rush.
Your dreeeries
Where do y«u. hny them? Are you trading with us? It
not you are not receivin': the full value fo,- your doliars.
Try having yo»*r family supplies here and note t ie sav
ing. We are sole ajtent foi Uaninipon Hail Coffee, ?he
finest ever brought to this town. Trv it.
McKinley Street T. E. DOUGHERTY
Warm rooms, newly furnished .Conven
iently located in the heart of the city.
s Simeon Poot - Lessee
Ba n ke rs
Vaidez, Alaska
We Do A General Banking Business
Huv and Sell Exchange, Buyand Ship Cold Dust. Accept Deposits
•lake Collections and Loan Moncv on apprmc-d security at Lou Lntc
!,f Interest
•■1,rr vi r^nxaeBBaBbU-^: -• ^ *•-**-'*■ J*1-*
fnni%A*. ni,ra,. Freight and Passengers t(
lODDer RlVCr an parts of the interior
- FFV1 1 General Trucking.
ED. WOOD Proprietor
>UKiul»v fct.. \ iaIUyz.
s. A. Hemi’i f, Plain .iff, 1
The V LIOX RrEWINO ('•»., . ?
A reparation. Defendant, ' ' 'n ; ’
S. Matthews, tntervei.or. j
Notic e is JIeheby uivf.n, tnat »»v vi11• «»*»-f
judgment of forced' sure and sal in > li nl>,\
nut ed aetion on tlu* 20th day of May, 1*
md an ex • • iti i i i-s u* I o i sa I in It neat, th
the '•ub-erih r. tiie Pnited State* tuaisiiai
tIk-* Third Judical Division, Terntory of Ala
ka. for thut purpose appointed, will sell i
public am tion at ti.c frov t d *or of the coin
house, in the Territory of \Is ka. an 1 to vn <
Vaidc/, on the 7th day of January. 1‘>>. at tl
min «f 2 o'clock in the afternoon ot tba’ da
lie real r*tate and mortgaged premt-r* *ltu •'
d in the *nid division and territory and <!
ected mi said judgment Htid ex euti i
to l»e sold, and tli-rdn d>**er bed >•
ollows. to wi-: Lot s 'veil (7) and e;cl
s) i>> block otic or “A” of the Von Dun
her Addition to the tow n of \ aide/, Al-i»ki
i I g**!her with tile c.mp'eb htcvving p l a I
he 'eon including all machinery, pi-es an
I 'hso, Tli** *ai ' Von «in lit her addition is fn
J 'tier known as the Soldier’s Add tioi.nl lloim
| tea l 'iin i v No or *o much thereof u
‘ may la* sufficient to *ati*fy said judgment at)
j -i si*, am >iin ing In all to three ihoti-nn 1 t v
Hundred eighteen and O'* 1 ' • (|d,2!*c.r-9) d >llar
w.tU intere't thereon from die date of *ai
uidgnn tit with all aeerning cost* , f >a e.
Dated at Valdez, Alaska, ,1ns Itli dnv of Dee
; i9o7.
<iEr» D. Perry.
I’liile I stale* M a-shill
by W . p. WYRR VST.
| Kdmemi smith. Deputy
Plaintiff’s Attv rney.
1 Date of tir*t insertion, Dee. HH»7
■ Date i f la*t insertion, Jan 2, 11M8
Call For Warrants
Valdez, I>cc •">. 19 |_
All cit> warrants up to and iudud ng No
l■ >titi wiil l>e pa d it presented it my office with
in t'-n dnv* iroiti date.
K. b. WIIK \T. Town Treasurer.
Mutual Commercial Go.
Freighting Wrecking
Marine Contracting
D. R. MORRIS, Manager
Launches for Sale or Charter
II. U ATE KMA N O. \V. II A KKI.\<iT< »
Waterman & Harrington
Mining Engineers
t-.Milr I II* Oll!t». Mil UHgClUCII t, MIIVCM
< ■! >|ll . . . $1 Hi
Uold tom »iacr J.t".i
Copper. .1 'hi
Lead. 1..H)
Uold, Silver anil Lead HI
(■old and < 'upper.. J.ihi
Uold. silver and Copper. . . ii.'n)
Uold, Silver, Copper and l.ea I I Hi
Uold and Silver Empire. ;>.oo
Iron.. -Lon
Stilpliur, Aluminum. Tin, I'latiuum,
j Quicksil ver, Zinc. Nickel. ('ninth,
('nromnim, etc rt.w
Com including Sulphur 10.00
\Ilii tests ...... !lMo$30
• >re MiiHlv.-ts. flOundup
—J———— ■
IS all that the name im
o'ios. «' AII kinds of
Baths from Tub to
Turkish. «' Steam-heated
rooms, (iood Beds. ,TOpen
H. L. Stull, Praj.
tavern Lunch
Hoorn and Buffet
Dinners and
Parties a Specialty
Official announcement comes that
he Alaska C Mst (kiaipany now has its
mu hjUHi fei s in Taco na, although a
n a in* 11 ntlfiv will ho maintained m
itvi .tie forth-' transaction of the com -
• my’s business lhere A numher of
•usuiess men of Tacoma recently se
•nred control of the stock of this
• iiiipauv from tin* Reynolds-Alaska
Development Company ami II I)
i»>\in tils, mil a i ew sei of officers
veie chosen, as follows: President,
lolin S llakei; vice-president; Wil
li tm Yiip-s; p’liend maiiai’er, II. F.
Mexandci; secretary-frertsuier, John
li. Aikley
1 lie !muster ot .til* steamship line
o Tacoma iutelects wll be beneficial
o Alaska, in tliat it will give people
mottiei point of direct c<>uimuiiicatioii
and yu ible them to take advantage of
Minpetition from the merchant* of
that oilv.
General Manager Alexander say*
bat the proposed an angernrnt I c
ween i{**yji,ilds and certain shipper*
m Alaska, whereby the latter were
promised something m the way of ie
hates payable in stock, has not been
considered by t tie new stockholders of
the Alaska C ast Company, i or has
my action been taken by the board of
directors ratifying any such proposed
id ion by Mr. Reynold-*, consequently
rho company cinuot recognize any
irrangement In? may have made in this
connection The company has no
further connection with the Alaska
Home Riilway, the lteynolds-Alaska
Development Company, nor any of its
allied comp..nil's
The Alaska Coast Company will
o; eriite the steamers Portland, bertha
and Jennie on the present run.
F. F. Gray Returns
L. t'. Gray, president of the Gieat
Northern Development Company, re
turned from an inspection of the com
pany's copper properties in the Kot
siua country last night Mr Hunt m,
the superintendent of th - development
work on th< claims, accompanied turn
Population 1306
Valdez now h is a p • pulation of 1300,
accoidii g to the revise 1 and Collected
c-iisus as presented by the Committee
at the meeting of tt.e Council last
night. The number as origu ally
taken was 1338, but there were some
duplicates and error-, which when cor
rectid lett th- above number.
For Sale
Several second hand stoves in good
cond.turn. Inquire Owl Ding Store.
Mail orders .-eid to lied Cross Drug
Co, are given prompt and careful at
The late t in pillow tops, pillow rib
bon and cord, band-ome centerpieces.
Full line Carlson Currier silks at
Lessons given in shorthand. For in
foimution apply to Mrs. Mil nie A.
Kel-*• v. Whaling building, rooms ()
and 3
Motlmrs - We ha ve t he Best Shoe
! for licit folks ever put together.
A flexible and wide extension sole
verv stylish and durable. This is
the ideal shoe for children. !8izet
to *js at A L U'W C©

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