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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
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ARIZONA SENTINEL Independent in All Tljjngs. VOL. XXIX. YUMA, ARIZONA, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1900. NO. 45 MEXICAN INDEPENDENCE DAY, A Great CelebrationPublished Pro gram Practically Carried Out. The ninetieth anniversary of the in dependence of the repuhlic of Mexico was celebrated this year in Yuma with greater pomp and grandeur than ever before. The Mexican-Americans of Yuma had been preparing for this oc casion for a long time. The anniver sary comes on the lGth of September, but preparations were made for a three days' celebration the loth, l(5th and 17th. La Junta Patriotica Mexicana had charge of the rendering of the program, which" they carried through with honor to themselves, for they made a perfect success of the whole aifair and too much credit cannot be given those who had charge of the celebration for their tire less efforts for the pleasure and enjoy ment of everyone. The first day's program was rather i short. The forenoon was spent in church services: also in the evening La Junta Patriotica Mexicana marched ' to the church, where Father Durand delivered a patriotic address. Dick i Ronstead's juvenile band from Gila ; Bend rendered a few selections in the j church during the progress of the eve- ! xxie Mexican national nymn was sung . be has not yet been decided, tung services. At 7 -p. m. all marched ' by nineteen handsome young ladies, j Mr R.J.Duncan, trainmaster, whose from the churciAo the school house, who were a11 dressed in whe and im" : headquarters is in Tucson, and Mr. C. where the evening's program was con- , Pressed their hearers by the feeling and K Clark, roadmaster, with head eluded. , force thev Put in the singing. , quarters at Gila Bend, have been in The school house plaza and the front I of the school building were beautifully decorated. At the main entrance to the plaza was an arch entwined with the Mexican National colors, with "Old Glory floating directly over it. The arch was also dotted here and there with electric lights, producing a coum ,De Qesirea-n was nne. beautiful effect. n Pint f attendance this was the Passing through the arch brought reatest hall ever given in Yuma, and one directiv in front of the school the amply dimensions of the hall, easily house, but the front of the building had accommodated the large crowd corn undergone such a transformation that '. frtaDly- .-i,.. n -i Both the celebration and ball will oTnize it S i ZnnZl would hirdl v sfspect ozttilnJ adrated for tL ocfon Elec trie lights were everywhere and all ar- tistically arranged. The front veranda was transformed into as neat and bright a stage as any artistic fancy could have ! conceived. The background was ' draped with two large flags one the ! Stars and Stripes with & picture of i George Washington in the center, the j other that of the Mexican republic, I with Miguel Hidalgo y Castilla's por- trait in the center of it. Everything was tastefully and harmoniously ar- ranged, and the effect was pleasing to the eye. At 8 o'clock the exercises of the even ing was begun. The first was music by the band. . J. L. Redondo, master of ceremonies introduced the speakers of the evening. First was the reading of the Declara tion of Independence by Eduardo Arios Messrs. Y. L. Molina and Luis Kamirez were the speakers. Both young men proved themselves to be able and patriotic orators and were applauded very heartily. The second day, Sunday, the 16th, was the star day. The forenoon was devot ed to church services. At Ave p. m. the procession formed in front of the school house, and paraded the full length of Main street and returned. The order of parade was as follows: The parade-was led by J. M. Speese and Ramon Gallego as color bearers, holding aloft the flags of the two sister Republics. Followed by La Junta Pa- triotica Mexicana. Then followed the Gila Bend Juvenile band, The first float bore the Queen of the Montezumas and the Goddess of Liberty and their attendants. The second float was loaded with little girls in costume holding banners representing the dif ferent states of Mexico. Then came the Yuma Fire Department, followed by the Mayor and council in carriages; citizens mounted and in carriages bring- t ing up the rear. Ramon Villa as marshal of the day, deserves great commendation for his able conduct of affairs. At 8 p. m., Master of Ceremonies J. L. Redondo, started the evening enter tainment at the school house. Among the principal speakers were Miguel and Manuel Monroy, M. B. DeVane, Pierce Evans A. Contreras J. M. Venegas and Pablo Ramirez. Miss Rita de la Ossa delivered an oration which captivated her hearers and brought liberal cheers. Miss Artemisa Molina was than in troduced, and delivered a patriotic re citation in English entitled "The Voyage." She is a handsome lady and a pleasing speaker. joung Lne Ddn PuveQ a selection aiter ! each number, On the evening of the 17th the grand ball was given in the new Gandolfo building. The music was furnished by Prof. Apolonio's orchestra, and was all that lonS be remembered as one of the great j events in Yuma-both in point of plea- ! sure and an exhibition of patriotism. j EXTENSIVE IMPROVEMENTS. To be made by the S. P. Railroad Co., at Yuma Capacity of Yards will be Greatly Increased Double Track on nadison Ave. to First Street Fine new Caboose Shed to be Built Other Improvements. The best evidence in the world of the prosperity of any section of the country is where the railroads are doing a good j business; where traffic is light employes i are discharged .or laid off and the time of those retained is cut down, and a j general curtailing of expenses inaug-! urated all indicative of financial de- pression and dull times. When business is good with the railroads, more men are employed, many of them work extra time new rolling stock is put on, new rails and ties laid, road bed, put in better condition, and capacity for handling traffic materially increased. Now as to our own city of Yuma, the country tributary to it and the South ern Pacific Railroad Company. Busi ness is good in Yuma and trade is increasing, and the whole surrounding country is prosperous. The S. P. Com pony shares in this prosperity and their traffic has increased to such an extent that they are compelled to greatly en- I large their facilities for handling the business at this point. Following are some of the improvements they are ! going to make in fact have already j begun: The capacity of the yards will be more than quarupled, in doing which the company will expend over $50,000. The caboose sheds will be moved east nearer the lumber yard, and a large addition will be built. Freight house will be moved further north, and materially enlarged. Several additional side tracks will be put in. A double track will be laid on Mad ison Avenue to a point a little north of First street. This work will be first class in every particular. The" heaviest steel rails, and the best ties to - be pro curred will be used; the street will be paved in a first-class manner with Gila City gravel, and the track laid flush with the surface, so as to furnish no obstruction to vehicles in the slightest i degree. The company, will also furnish all of the gravel necessary 'to the city 1 free of cost for the purpose of grading , First street Avest from the railroad over the hill . I A number of other important im - , provements will be made in the east ! end of the yard, but iust what the v will , Yuma recently conferringwith property owners regarding rignt or way regarding right of wav and ! other previleges, and everything was satisfactorily arranged, so that the work will proceed to a finish without any delav. i j The big dredger went up the river to ; Shorey has just received a new line j the Pot Holes last Sunday to beginA ! of Ralston Health Foods. ' operations. i Fine fancy fans. Japanese fans, and i Miss Alma Kerns has been employ ed" ; all kinds of fans at Sam Lung's grocery by the school board of the Yuma dis I store. ' trict as teacher in the Grammar depart- John Stoffella returned last Saturday m Los Angeles, where he had been j on business. Henry Wolff, importer and jobber of ! diamonds, was doing business in x uma I Jl. b. Young, a well-known architect j the first of the week. I 0f LoS Angeles, arrived in Yuma Sun- ! Al Galpin came down from Phoenix ; day night. Ha is here on business ! this morning to assume his duties as a ' Mr. Young was the architect of the i guard at the prison. I You like rolled wheat for breakfast. 1 Shorey has just received a fresh supply ; in bulk 4 pounds for 25c. j Attorney P. T. Robertson returned I; from a visit to Pasadena Saturday. 1 Mrs. Miles Archibald returned Sat-, urday from California, where she spent the summer, very much improved in ; Mrs. Herhert Brown and her daugh- j ter Zelba and son Herbert returned on Friday night's train from California, and will reside in Yuma this winter. , Go t0 Geo. Paxton's store and sret all kinds of fruit, vegetables, cigars, to-1 bacco, bread, cakes,, pies, etc.l Quick sales and small profits is mv ! ! motto. J. V. Coffey and wife were in attend ance at the. grand ball Monday night. Mr. Coffey is one of the trusted em ployes of the Fortuna Mining Company, and is stationed at Blaisdell. District Attorney J. L. Brown and wife came home Sunday night from Los Angeles. Mrs. Brown has been at the coast during the summer and re turns much refreshed and invigorated. H. C. RYDER SUICIDES. Puts a Bullet Through His Heart Ill Health the Cause. Despondency over bad health, and doubtless also because he was penniless and without friends, drove H. C. Ryder to lake his own life, in a little adobe house on 4th street, between Main and Gila last Saturday, about 2:15 p. m. No shots were heard, but shortly after two o'clock smoke wasseen issu-.-ing from the doors and windows of theJ house and quite a number of people were attracted there by it. Upon a bed in the center of the room-.-lay the dead body of Ryder and along side was an old-fashioned Colt's revol ver, of large calibre. The bed-clothes were ignited from the firing of the re volver, and it was this that caused the smoke. Upon examination it was found thatr the bullet had entered the breast di rectly over the" heart, going through, the body and through both the bed and the floor. Death must have followed the shooting very quickly. Coroner Werninger was early at the ; scene. He impaneled a jury and an i inquest was held, the verdict being ! that death was self inflicted Yuma, as he lived alone, and had been here less than thirty days. He was about 40 years old, and formerly lived at Victor, Cal. Only two dollars were found on his person. In the room was a galvanic battery and a package of old letters, but nothing else,of any value. The bodv was turned over to Under taker Johnson for burial. 7 I 1 ri 1 ntiin-i.n -rT-i tit hlCln at The Ruby. The Yuma Fire .Department made a fine appearance in their new uniforms. ment. Miss Kerns comes to us with the highest recommendations from the superintendent of school at Los Angeles, where she has taught several terms. splendid Gandolfo block corner 1st and Main and the fine Gandolfo building, corner 2nd and Main, A. Haines, proprietor of the popular Haines barber shop, returned last week from his summer trip to San Diego, "Los Ansreles and San Francisco. Mr. Haines reports that h"e had a jollyj gooa fc. His ood.natured assistant Harry MorriSt is now "inside," revelling in etc., of California. Dan Devore and wjfe were among the visitors from Fortuna who attended the ball Monday night. Mr. Devore was elected a delegate from Fortuna to the county Republican convention, Devore's many friends are talking of presenting him as a candidate before the convention for supervisor. A bet ter man could not be selected. Mr. S. Darling, the Yuma jeweler, returned last Saturday night from a thirty days visit to San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Diego. The trip was prolific of much genuine pleasure to Mr. Darling, as he met many old friends whom he had not seen for a quarter of a century, some of those were former school mates, and his meeting with them was an unexpected but most grati fying and happy surprise.