Arizona Sentinel. WEDNESDAY, NOV. 11, 1908. THIS PfiPER XkeId- VET1SING AGEN Y, INC., 427 South Main St.. IvOs Angeles, anil 779 Market St., San Francisco, where contracts for advertising can be made for it- THE YUMA IRRIGATION 0AM their water above these gates y (BY DAY ALLEN 1VILLEY IN SCI ENTIFIC AMERICAN) Within the next year, one of the most notable projects con nected with the reclamation of arid hinds in the Southwest will probably be entirely completed. While the work hicludes the storage of water on a large scale and its distribution by means of irrigating canals, the extraordi nary difficulties encountered by the engideers in building the necessary dam and in restraining the rivers in the vicinity, have made the undertaking unique among the irrigation enterprises. In a recent issue, a feature of the Yuma project as it is termed was described in the extensive levee work required to confine the channels of the Gila and the Colorado rivers during high water, to prevent the reservoirs a'nd cauals from overflowing dur ing ileods, also to check the movement of sediment carried in such enormous .quantities when the streams are at high-water mark. The formation of the eng bankments by means of abatis iniide from vounir trees arid bruahwood holding the earth eng bankments, also the jetty system for rfttardinir the liow of the water, were detailed and illustra ted. Another problem necessary to be solved, however, was how to create a permanent reservoir of sufneent size for irrigation purposes, strong enough to re sist flood action, and so construct ed that it would not be shallowed or filled with the sediment. The great variation of the Ydlume of water in the Colorado and the depth of the mud and other de t.ritus on its bottom above the rock strata added to the difncul tv. A dam .across the river was essential, but the question was how to build it so that it would not be washed out, or at least partly demolished. Could it be erected on a solid foundation, and could its ends be securely anchor ed to the formation on eitherside? Preliminary surveys for the general project were made early in 1904. Several different ioca tions were also examined to de termine the best place for this structure and a search was made for bedrock with diamond-ore drilling machinery, at all possi ble dam sites between Yuma and Picacho. As a result of these ex plorations, the Laguna weir site was selected as the most desira ble one for the construction of a weir to serve the lard? near Yuma, a high dam and high-line canal being considered impossi ble. The type of weir selected is one that has been tried during the last fifty years at numerous places in India and Egypt under similar conditions, three dams having been constructed on the Nile river within the past fifteen years, on practically this same plan, all halng served their pur pose efficiently and being in op eration today. This type of weir consists of .a loose rock structure with a paving of stones 11 feet in thickness on the downstream slope, the structure being tied to gether with three parallel walls of steel and concrete ran longi tudinally between the granite abutments on the two sides of the river, the entire structure be ing further made secure by an apron of loose rock pitching ten feet in thickness and fifty feet in width at the lower toe of the dam below the sloping pavement. The height of this weir was to be 19 feet above low water, and the slope of the downstream side 12 feet horizontal te 1 foot verti cal, with 50-foot apron below. The design called for the upper core wall of concrete to rest up on a rew of sheet piling driven into the bed of the river. The handling of the silt of the Colorado is one of the most uifii oalt features of this undertaking. It is known that its amount is very large. The river is on a grade of approximately one foot to the mile above the liaguua. foot vertical on the water side, it feet wide on top, and built five feet aboye 'the highest water marks of the year 1903. These levees are 4,000 feet apart (one on each side) along the Col orado river, and 3,200 feet apart along the Gila river. Because the lands are so flat, and the level of the water in the ground so' near the surface, e e r 7 lr- e r s e weir site, so that this weir will make a settliug basin of relative ly quiet water approximately ten miles in length above it. At each end of the Weir, and constructed in solid granite rock, is a sluice way 200 feet wide excavated to the depth of low water in the river. These sluiceways are closed by large gates operated i-nT It irrlrimlip. mn f.hi nor v. The di- i r ...... i.: . ,rrno f.nncu orof tIPf'.PSS 11 V. J.V.U version canais ior irnguLiuii luiiu1lvw wno.. their permanent saie irngttuuu Ivr n flrsiinncrfl SVStem. A main drainage canal has been de signed to run through the cen tral portion of the areas to be irrigated, and when possible tn uatural drainage lines of th country have been utilized, de,ep ening them with a stream dredge to such depth that they will can off the water returning from rigation or seeping through th Ipvpps durinir the high-wiite stncrnof t.he river. "When land CD in nnv district tend to becom alkaline they may be connected, by means of local drainage ca nals, with this main drain, and in this manner they can be kept free from alkali by holding down the level of the gronnd water During the greater portion of th year, when the river is low, this drainage water is discharged in to the stream; but when the river is in flood, its elevation is such as to prevent the discharge into it from the drains. A pumping plant has, therefore, been de signed to lift the drainage water from the levees during the flood period of the river to prevent the lands becoming waterlogged The total cost of the worki will be about 83,000,000, but they will irrigate 100,000 acres all told by means of 26 miles of main ca nals and 138 miles of laterals The most interesting feature however, from an engineering point, of view is tne successful control of a stream whose volume nf water mav rise and fall to the extent of thirty feet in .a week fiowing through a channel of soft silt which it has been accumula ting for centuries. from the sides of the sluiceways. The srea of the sluiceways being so great, the water movement toward the canal is slow, and mostrof the sediment is deposited. It is estimated that the capacity of the sluice gates will be ap proximately 20,000 cubic feet per second each. This great volume of water passing through the sluiceways when the gates are open, will carry out with the sed iment deposited above the intake of the canals. The ordinary low- stage flow of the Colorado river is from 3,000 to 4,000 cubic feet per the capacity of each of these sluiceways will be about five times the low-water flow of the river. The figures are given for purposes of comparison only. As the result of a number of experiments, it has been found that the principal quantity of silt is carried along near the bottom of the river, and that the surface water is relative free from sedi ment. Io was jDlanned, therefore, to take the water into the canals by a skimming process over a long row of flash-boards, so that the entire capacity of the canal can be furnished by drawing but one foot in depth of water from the surface of the river. As a still further precaution, it was decided to construct the first 3,000 feet of canal on each side of the river of such size that the move ment of water through it will be slower than one foot per second. These settling basins, as they are called, will be either excavated from granite, or, where the sec tion is in earth, they will be paved. At the lower end of the settling basins, gates were plan ned to discharge into the river, so that the water could be drawn to the level of the stream. The headworks as designed are of rock, concrete, or steel, with the exception of the sheet piling which is driven entirely below the water level, and so will not decay. Every portion of the weir is of what is known as peaman- ent construction. While the Laguna dam is 4,780 feet, or nearly a mile, in length, ts width is especially noticeable, the maximum dimension being no less than 272 feet, although the height as stated is but 19 feet. These proportions are necessary, however, because of the great force of the flood current, and to prevent the water from forcing its way beneath the dam and thus undermining it.' The capacity of the canals at their intakes is 3,200 cubic feeb per second on the Arizona side, and 200 cubic feet per second on the California side. The amount of the silt that would be daily de livered into the Arizona canal, if diversion were made directly from the structure, would ap proximate 17,000 cubic yards of wet. mud by volume. Careiul study was made of the existing canals in the vicinity of Yuma and Imperial, to determine the shape that they naturally as sume, and the roughness of the bottom and sides, which tends to retard the velocity. Based upon these data, the new canals have been so designed as to carry water at a higher velocity throughout than will be found in the settlinsr basins above their heads and. at such velocity as will permit of a minimum loss by seepage and evoporation. The gates and droops of these canals and the Yuma bridges are steel "concrete structures. One of the most difficult problems in con nection with this project was the crossing of the Gila river. It was considered necessary to make this perfectly safe, and for this pur pose a structure was designed that crossed beneath the bed of the river the top several feet below the lowest- point of the stream hed. The strueture is of steel and concrete, and some 3;000 feet in length. The shape of levee adopted was one that has been developed by years of experience along the Mississippi river. It has a slope of three i'eet horizontal to one PRISON LIFE IN , CALIFORNIA PRISONS "Crime, Punishment and Re form" is the title of a lecture by Col. Griffith J. Griffith of Los Angeles, who because of a deed done when intoxicated, served two years in the penitentiary at San Quentin. He was a model nrisoner. He was inexpressibly i - shocked at the cruelties of our prison life. Soon after his con viction, he resolved to devote his ample means and talent to work in up a reform in the treatment of prisoners, and he is doing it "Wnt-roit.hstnndinfi' his term in prison, he has receiveu a reeog nition in influential quarters. He appeared before the late legisla ture and his lecture ust received, was delivered in Calvary Pres byterian church in San Prancis- on whprft mpn and women of prominence welcomed him. tol lowing are a fews paragraphs from it: ' Within the state prison walls of Polsom and San Quentin are some hardened,naturally bad and desperate men, but the great ma ionty are not bad men. The aver age prisoner is not so radically wicked as he is pitifully iwealr. "T clonfc in room A. with 48 others for 14 months, right over the dungeon, where most of the torturinsr is done. Hundreds of times I heard pitiful cries for mercy, followed by human moans and groans. My heart was sick many times, yet I was helpless See what I have seen and hear what I have heard, and you, too would be moved to action. "A great majority of these men, having long been fed on prison slops, are physically run down, leave San Quentin with fco the. hodv in the auu tn w it. w -j - v shape of a suit of clothes cost'm 2.95, which every policeman and detective knows. If there be a .-rwn tttKoh unfortunate man V uv-n tv.. needs a helping hand, it is then He was not allowed to see a state newspaper in prison, consequent lv ho does not know where to turn to look for work, and that S3 is not going to last very long Organized society takes him awa from his vocation and family ties .nln.vps him to the state of Cali forma for a term of years, and i justice, ought not that man be introduced back to society attnc expense of the state, by securing "for him a iob through her pro Each of the chief or gans of the body is a link in the Chain of Life. A chain is no stronger than its weakest link, the body no stronger than its weakest organ. If there is weakness of stomach, liver or lungs, mere is a weak link in the chain of life which may snap at any time. Often this so-called 11 weakness" is caused by lack of nutrition, the result of weakness or disease of the stpmach and other organs of digestion and nutrition. Diseases and weaknesses of the stomach and its allied organs are cured by the use ot ur. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. When the weak or diseased stomach is cured, diseases of other organs which seem remote from the stomach but wnicn have their origin in a diseased condition oi tne sromacn anu other organs of digestion and nutrition, are cured also. The strong man has a strong stomach. Take the above recommended "Discov ery' " and you may have a strong stom ach and a strong body. Given Away. Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser, new revised.Edition, is sent free on receipt of stamps expense of mailing only. Send 21 one-cent stamps for the book in paper covers, or 31 stamps for the cloth-bound vol--ume. Address Dr. R; V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. m Election . CANDIDATES Dklegate to Coxguuss Ralph H. Cameron, K M. a. Smith. D... Joseph D. cannon, S Councilman Donald Mclntyre, R George W. Norton, D John A. Mellon, S Rephes entative Louis B. Carr. R It. A. Hightower, D J. H- Morton, S Alexander E. MacBeath.' 11 j'oo (Jus Livingston, D Ed. L. Crane, S TtfEASUrfKIt' , Lewis W. Alexander.. R... George Michelsen, D J. P. Yemen, S Rbcokukk James M. Polhamus. R J. M. Alvarado, Jr., D John Noble. S DISTRICT ATTOHNEY Thomas D Molloy, R V. F. Timmons, D Fred L. Ingraham, S PnoBATE Judge Joseph H. Godfrey, R D. Li. DeV.ane, D Bert L. Nunnaley, S WO, Ir 48 J Supervisors John M. Speese. R. I Warren W. Woodman. R. J. H. Shanssey. D W- E. Marvin. D George L. Ricks. S Robert D'Luce, S Surveyor Henry C- Johnson, R Jasper Parvih. D Robert L. Morton, S IS-1 l.r : 2'M 35 If !4R 11 4401 231 307 18 Ml 13 5r io jni 20! ecu, li ! 1 1 H S. J t S sis l 1 x. 5 O , 4 o O - 3 UC CS a ri o s :hj w 5 h. 2. - 4 5 33 13... 8 loji8 :15 12 5C0 14 0 27 2U ... 3 23 .... 21 13 -J! 18 535 1 ... 21 4 10 .. -.4.-7 .. 154 3 5 30 10 ... 1 13 .. 7 8 16 29 l053fi 1S C 35 37 ... 4 38 .. 1 24 12 21 IP fi77 ... ... 16 4 12 .. ..419 .. 134 4 5 27 13... Ji8 .. 8 12 20 47.14 505 7 0 31 27... 3 28 .. .. 21 10 14 16 584 17 2... 4 15.... 4.. 5.. 131 1 3 If. 33 ... 3 11.. 3 10 12 23J 9 430 20 8 55 18 ... 3 40 .. 5 24 10 35 21 713 13 : 3 .) .. .. 4 .. 8 .. 108 5 7 14 33 ... 2 12 .. Ill 12 25 S 07 11 5 57 IS) ... 4 40 .. 4 23 16,34 21 711 lj... 11 3 '.) .... 4 .. 0 .. 100 13 4 44 32... 0 35.. 7 IC 25 30 J3 7fK 7 7 J 23 21 il'J .. 1 17 5 IS 10 480 1 ...J 14 3l0 .. .. 4 .. 'J .. 112 2 3 22 13 20 .. 7 12 10 27 7 352 4 5 42 30 28 .. 1 21 9 19 El 559 13 ... 19 4 ... 9 15 .. .. 4 11 19 .. 315 10 5 '25 SO... 3 24 .. 7 12 1931 9559 5 0 42 10... 3 28 .. 1 22 10127 19 600 1 ... 14 310 .. .. 4 1 8 ..'102 0 5 2S 21... 120:.. 011 13 29 10 S'X; ,0 b 18 10 17!.. 4111 12:20 9 375 12 0 43 2S... 5 40K. 4 20 1928 19 701 7 5 40 37 ... O Wl.. 1 22 15 30 19 042 1 ... 14 ... ...J 3! 9l ..418 .. 10H 1!-.. 13 3 11!,. .. 4 1 8 .. 115 -4,3 20 12 10L I 0 12 28 10 548 7 5 37 2.".- 4 20!.. 1 23 14 12618 458 15 5'2l.. .. 4 4.10 .. 141 I ) I i bation officers? I ask not favor, but fair play, for these helpless men. Does not the Bible say, 'Open thy mouth and plead tne cause of the poor and needy.' Proverbs 31-9. - "lam deeply in earnest aout these r.eforms,and my.knowledge comes from experience, and' is ample and. .profound. I am not discussing these matters for either wealth or notoriety I have both." FUN IN THE HOME. The home should be made the jolllest place on earth for the children. Don't be afraid ot a ittlefun at the family fireside. Don't let the boys think that all mirth and social enjoyment is barred from the borne, if you wish to keep them away from places that lead to vice and degradation. Young people must have fun and relaxation somewhere, and if they do not find it in their home, thev will seek at other and less desirable places. Parents should ot repress the buoyant spirits of their children, but join in their merriment around the home lire- side. The children will lose none of their respect for their father jr mother if they occasionally oosen their "dignity" and take part in the ch-ldren's iun ana nort. An evening's romp and play with the young folks-will drive dull care away and dispel the memory of many an annoy ance of the day. Have fun at ome. The New Legislature. Complete returns from the entire Territory show that the democrats will he in absolute control of both houses of the Territorial Legislature. The personnel of the Legislature will be as follows: t . i, . I lomnnMii: 0 ln.ntl hi WA11S Assembly Democrats 14, Republi cans' 10. The personnel of the Council will be as follows: Apache S. E. Day, Republican. Mohave Keen St. Charles,l)emocrat Coconino Fred Breen, icepublican. Yavatmi M. (i. Burns. Democrat Navajo. William" Morgan, Democrat Maricopa Brady O'Neill, Democrat. Pin!il Thomas F. Weedin Democrat. Yuma Geo. V. Norton. Democrat. Gila Q. K. P. Hunt, Democrat. Graham -I. R. Hampton, Democrat Cochise C. L. Caven, Republican. Pima-Snnt:i Cru.J. B. Kinley, Dem. In the Assembly a partial list of the members is as follows: - Mohave S. W. Tobey, Democrat. Navajo Joseph Petersen, Democrat. Yuma R. A. Hiffhtower, Democrat. Gila John McCormick, Democrat. Pinal G. L. Shaw, Republican. . Graham W. W. Pace. Democrat. Santa Cruz F. .1. Duffy, Democrat. Maricopa S. T. Webb,-Demecrat; Fran! DeSouza, Democrat, Pima John Doan, Pep.; K. Moore, Rep,; G. Hogwotrt, Dem., or Hill, Rep. Yavapai G. A. Bray, Rep.; Perry Hall, Dem.; G. D. Moore, Dem. Attorney Wupperman returned from Phoenix this morning, to find that during his absence he had become the papa of a brand new bouncing baby boy. Everybody well and happy. COFFEE Schilling's Best is a business-like name; you know what it means; and it means what you want. Your grocer returns your raonc7 if yon doa'ft tike it; v.c pay him. Don't forget the Music Recital of Professor Weber's pupils at t.he Yuma Theatre Wednesday night, November 18. Grand ball after the recital. FOR RENT A new fireproof store room, corner of Second street and Madison Ave. Inquire at this office. to JiOat. Restaurant First and Main Meals 25 cents and Dp, Everything new. Private rooms. SANGUINETTI BUILDING Easlsidoof Main St. CHAU t YOUNG, . Proprietors THERE'S NOTHING MORE DE LICIOUS THAN BARKLEY'S BEN-HUR COFFEE. Never sold in bulk, but put hot in air tight, tins direct from the roaster, thereby prcserTiiif,' the rich aroina and high flavoring The people of Yuma have access to an acknowledg edStandard, world-wide advertised Shoe, at the price that it is sold at where it is Made. Wo L0 Douglas in all styles and all leath ers; high cut and low cut; all sizes and all widths, and the one price of $3.50 per pair 7 - Can be found at i E. F. SANQUINETTI'S . MODERN DEPARTMENT STORE. Special Attention to flail Orders. --. DeMUND & WllLLAWlS -. PROPRIETORS 1 Uum& 1 MOTIO dmission ubeatre Thursday and Friday nights Vaudeville Sketch. and entire change of pictures. Admission 10. 15 and 20 cents. LATEST MINING- LOCA TION BLANKS AT THE SENTINEL OFFICE. Saturday niftht Bijr Dance. Wednesday, Nov. 18 Music Recital by Prof. Weber's pupils Dance follows. Nov. 20 "The Devil." Everything New New Music, New Machine. New . Pictures; New Singer. - 10 and 15 Cetats First Performance 7:30 REAL ESTATE LOANS INSURANCE GENERAL AGENTS Entablished in 1899 Incorporated 1906 Abstracts of Title to all Lands, Town Lots, Mines and Canals in Yuma County, YUMA, ARIZONA I ' 11 ir' ,I,M v LOOK OVER YOUR HARNESS CAREFULLY. If it isn't all you want it to be come in and see our harness styles, strength, workmanship and values. There's m compulsion even insistence about buying. lf you're pleased with mate rial and prices of course you'll find it; to vour interest, to hnv without; nnV urging or even asking you. Come in. JOHNSON & BOWLES PHONE 62 Notice to Creditors.' Estate of Adele Priest. Deceased. 1 Notice is hereby given by the under- ' signed, Ward Priest, and liaymond M j Priest, Executors of the I iast Will and , Testament of Adele Priest, deceased, to ! the creditors of and all persons having claims against the said deeeast-d, to ex- j hibit them, with the necessary vouchers I within ten months after the first publi-! cation of this notice to the said Execu tors at the office of Thomas I). Molloy, Madison Avenue, Yuma, Arizona, the same being the place for the transaction of the business of said estate, in said County of Yuma. i Ward Priest, Raymond M. Priest, Executors of the Last Will and Testa ment of Adele Priest, Deceased. Dated Yuma, Arizona, this l(Hh day of October, 190S. 14-4t Red Ribbon Beer is the Rest. At Alexander & . Co., the Dp-To-Date Grocer. iAISES ALL DOUBTS 18 AS TO ITS PURITY BARKLO'S BEN-HUR STRICTLY PURE BAKING POWDER Is made from pure cream of tarter (derived from California grapes) and highest grade bi-carbonateof soda; con tains no alum or phosphate of lime. IfM.U.IHUHJll'.gllf.'JLIl'liH.ilMl I m LATEST MINING LOCA TION BLANKS AT TEE SENTINEL OFFICE.