OCR Interpretation

Arizona silver belt. [volume] (Globe City, Pinal County, Ariz.) 1878-19??, June 06, 1878, Image 1

Image and text provided by Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84021913/1878-06-06/ed-1/seq-1/

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i I
AFteolM . Silver Itair.
ile Hity Pinal 0imtyt Arizona, Thursday, June 63 3878.
4 -re&f
;? & if -
-aBMMW' " " - - fi il i i .I rr i r i i r i " r i i i n r . i i r i " " if - "" 1 -
l&ikH -J - Arizona. f B ;j
Snigia ?r 4
ix mwtlis........ 2.-00
Jirqu altHitliS ........ 1 .?0
Jlatl adr.tis1$g m pftP,
A t t;r tfey a?t Law,
(.itftl'O OitF.Hl''' Arizona .
:i. .. ?
At too am? Counselor at IiH.w,
Special UeiitengiV0n to Mtmtlj? Otaliua-
Atfcpfney at l&w,
- j
Will Dcaillte in all fi the courts
of tlie TdriRftry.
R w
A j'S A Y iE E ,
f Oily. A. T.
: Pork
i. T.
Cer, Bread M SKexaKlte St.,
ceadiog wise nd wj&dl
gur3iaa with Draconic views
'io-driv his ward to mournful muse,
r protests franco. -
& Bamon, good t mm or hook,
With -hom to o' adstuew book
iBy .streamlet .shady.
JXo-sue :is none or mi cne tare,
4i Jim1 ets for the b5 in
oserystjie kne .the pcofio
!For JaortaPs raipUxrt; fwinw;
A child's frank snaile, ninoiottdea,
A qharming woman's graeeEul form,
Inviting capture.
Brimful of wicked innocjan,Gj,
Her -eyes met yours with aro;h proteose
Of moaniqgs tender:
hm sink abashed, reluctant, dow,
Behind the rich red sunset glow
Her blushes lend her.
JUscbos G.w, May 27, 1878.
Ed. Silver. Bklt: As there seems
to be a mini rulers tan ding in the news
papers nod with the public generally
in regard to the locality of the differ'
ant mining cafaps east and northeast
of Globe City, therefore I believe that
a brief sketch of each separate jsarap
ww be appreciated ami read with in
terest by the majority of th,Tatrons
iw . 3 a. w -
tout just go rauen tu worse tor me--1 of th& isiXT.
As we leave Globe, takin thoHaj-
kie WJ$pfi rOld which kwtk t
Jwn jaUt btlh Hm4t$s& f piHl ,
Kiler & Go. , running in a z&rth
plicitja- and the possibility of mak
ing inem or excreraeiy Jignt weignc
will extend the use; of steam erigmes
beyond the preaeiit limit. Kosedule
(Miii.) Jeur.nal.
YavapAi Cnty. Items from the
Preaootc Enteiipri8Qt)f the 22d;
The P, 0 & Go. stage arrived this
morajflgt bringing siher buHion from
the Tip-top valued at $4r,83S3b.
The stage robbers were brought
before Justice Cartter tQ-ua? on
easterly direction, the first oamp4ore has been struck in the lower tun-
Keeps his Birjujianfcly supped
with.th $ grands of-
GIG A K m ?L I Q U Oi$R S,
Assures thosoj favor himnanth
their patronage, 4etin ihis"t&B&.
T$k9 a trifhteh the G!lofeeJ
anil he ooiwinadi
Givilfineer and Surveyor,
?..S.jDgti. Mineral Suweyqr.
Opc& sJJttde Swsisey's 3Sfws Depot
JBiWi'rirrltirkhe OiLy Afizoaa
JlcMiJIeiiville. Arizoiw.
Txkes crpe ot ever.vkhin iaunected
wfth ineialjargf 1 enerprffes. Krertion
LTeductio?i."sw)rks working base ore by
wv pan amalgamation a specialty. Ore
tests Assavs, &6. 3mo
? t
f At the
Main St.,
r e s.s
JiPaved ibe City every Thursday
for JftsM'enville, immediately aej 1
tae &&J?$?pz toe western fmaiH and
returns tGiohe the following day.
3if - W. T. KJSteL.gR.
Justice of the peace, Notary Public,
Commissioner of Deeds for all the
Pacific States and Territories.
OffVrs hr ?urvics to Buyers ami sellers
mines, and to locatiu and ownera
vff -w!h to prticun pHtent- to iXn'u
Hairoi; h$o to tho.e vHntiojg' deeds, con
n Mits, li piyv"ol Attorney otis bUls
li-ttrw ot instruments of ny kind in
y riling v,i fur tlie vuriiUgitiou ol oaths
ut,tt affiria&tioita and laklnjf of cknovl-fdf-inciiu.
He win always bo lound in
hn wftictitt; thfs Pioneer i?t3W5 Depot.
Broa4 St. Globe City, A. T.
Main St. GKwQty, lu T. ,
r TftTTfM, I ! '
J Attacflied to jfc iSikn B-ry
l4id Jeed si4bH wllie lii.nualjivni
- I ;i r
F. B. Kox, MG&ir.
ROeiETOfJ- f
Cesser Breadwy nn(lPn.lk sL3
Kcop caHiHof on bn(t .and u
wit; iinh - a
: T-SSl 4 - 3
in be found ii the Territory.
Bi T A
Your f riend? Ahl yes. $arti it seems
rThat Friendship pure ensign gleams
O'er Cupid s cresaent
Aoross the gulf we may not -pass
We laugh, and idly .chat, alasi
And find it pleasant.
Just while it lasts. But ahi whs knows
What fate may hide baaeath the rose
For hearts uncertain?
We run the mk. She's fre to sigh
Gr smile for whom she wtll, and I
PU drop the curtitin.
D&re." the Globe City aorres-
lpondent of the San-Eancisco Morn
ing Call, . has this to say of San
Francisco judge) of our mines:
"The so-called experts who came
&ere .some months back, looking as
jwise aa owis, and keeping until they
were at home as silent as if their
heads were of wood, came mainly, it
appears now, in the interest of Corn-
Utqok' sd ecjijato r s . Their little pieael
wluchtn called report were m
Snbeu ace all pretpared fer vem tse
fore hand. If the rich mines of
tVrizo m became productive too quick
ly, imv would it be possible to keep
;the silver market firm? Here is the
ley that unlocks the mystery connec
ted -frith some of these reports. 55
The mine3 Sihat they reported val
ueless are really rich and already
have more han ' satisfied the owners
that the prices they offered to sell
for wasnot a tithe of their value..
aUo O'nb ;om alachcd
Til tatit peridiculn jajfp rpAjj-;
sin en ooiwUutiy d hnad tte
comuiodDOw o AFtointB ani i
pTocti?xl (Padrder.
Globe Qty, - - A. T.
GiUiiiii Bronzing,
tfrec&ing, J6hs!iing,
ktiMpining, Burnilhing,
OfHametfta 1
Work pfemptly done tOi.o.rd;short;
notice fir cask.
Biobe City, v
Gur Bar k conpantly suplki with1
the choicest tfrancMjof
Liquors ad 0gi?.
I - " -' I'M
! attached. Good aceomodtknl IS
' f ' I
It is currently rumored, here that,
under the direction and influence of
Warren Bristol, John 3. Grouch and
others, thd grand and petit jurors j J
sown vq sii in uvim. jxmi councyw
fere seiectea wttu tne especial view
jpl indicting and convicting Mariano
B.areia for having killed a notorious
thief and murderer.
Wfi take pleasure m sssurjng Bris
tol that neither he nor the officers of
ibis court, nor yet the pafcfcy politici
ans of Doiia Ana county cap use the
BIi 35, Mran.t qounty jnembers of thbe juries
iror tne rurtnerance or tnoir peculiar
nds. Grant County Herald.
We were in the MesiUa valley a,t
he time of the occurrence referred
, and wre duly advised of the cir-
imstances attending the .shooting,
vnd then, and .now believe tho sheriff
was fully justified in what he done,
I .1 i 1 1 J :
Ift . . 'c --?n ml. 3
u: ine ciw.zens ol Ji.vmzix. xne ae-
Ire to indict hm i& not for ihe pur-
qso of subserving the ends of jus-
ml . . r T t
ice. ine iact is mac Mr. jjareia is
power in Bona Ana county and is
politically in accord with thoie
re trying ,tp n.eutraliz&His;f oree
fob a procedure and we here pre-
ie that Mr. Barela will ot be in-
cted and if ho is he will never be
itSpeciai &g$jfk Ai?anis by work
fight find out hp ojeas nearly ev-
y package ofJI descriptions that
is uirougE teenaiis from the east,
ot$: they reajchXthsir deetjhida.i
reachtd, about two miles distaiit
from Glota, is Cottonwood springs
which is in reality the pioneer oamp
grounaotthe uastnet, and is occu
pied at present by Messrs. Wilder and
Hskins. Abour. throe and a half
miles distant from Gottonwood, north
east, is Mineral Hill, owned by By
ron k Bixby j turning a- little to the
north, up what is called Quartzite
Guleh, about nne mile further we
come to the camp of M. Whelan and
oera, called, I believe the McNelly.
Pursuing our way a few hundred
yards further up the Gulch we find I
the camp of Buck &Hayei the pro
prietors of the famous Julius mine,
which is located a few hundred yards
southeast of the camp on the Quartsc-
lte mountain. I understand this
camp has been christened Gakvale,
romantic somewhat for a mining
camp, but as long as the mines turn
out Ore worth from one to ten dollars
per ponnn, as cney are at present,
we will not quarrel over a simple
name. They have here an excellent
office, provided with every
thing necessary for testing ores for
silver and copper and, in fact, all
characters of mineral. It is occupi
ed by Mr. H. ty. Kearsi.ng of Silver
King fame. He is a number one as
say er and chemist, and no doubt will
do juatice to all who patronize hira.
Sots for hundred yards from Oafc'
vale, and about one-half mile from ;
Whelan's camp is the camp of Mil
ner & Watson seven miles distant
from Globe. This camp lam in
formed has been named Watsonvrlle
in h-onor of one of the fortunate dis
coverers and proprietors o f the Silver
Era and Etna mines, on the Quartz
ite range, and wiiidli are at present
yielding large quantities of rich ore.
At this place there is a saloon black
smith shop and hotel. The latter is
presideaWver by Mrs. Larcombe, a
widow Imy. Everything is tidy and
nice about hor premises, and the
hungry and wearied trayelex.will do
wen to give uer a oau.
02 camp is about one and a
half miles west from Watsonville and
five and one-half miles from Globe,
and is tho second oldest camp in the
rii&trict; in fact it has the first house
that was built in Globe District after
the discovery of silver in August,:
1876. This camp was established!
by Mr. Henry Ramboz, one tf the
first discoverers of silver the dis-1
triet. The first building was erected :
here in Gctober, 1875, out f rock,i
and is yet standing, good as. new.
warrant to appear for ain
ad bound oif Hii ihe bui
la airjoir-to
Another large and rich body of
Ben Taylor, a colored man, living
in this place, has lately returned
from Washington, whither he has
been to secure & patent for a new
steam engine which he hag invented,
and wJWpS. if the judgment' of many
experienced and scientific men to
whom he has shown his model is cor
rect, is calculated to revolutionise
the present applicitjifon of steam.
The engine is rotary,, having the
steam applied at the circumference
of a wheel, giving this treble the
force of ordinary engines, with no
diminishing of power at the various
stages of the revolution of the wheel.
This invention dispenses with all the
machinery except the one wheel,
which answers at once the purpose of
cylinder and driving wheel, and two
steam boxes through which the steam
is applied! It Is estimated that en
jiaes Qn jthjs jglaR caa be nianu&.G
$&rid at onotV or less .the c&t
nel on the Tip -top ground. The ore
is worth 800 per ton.
A great many houses will be epaot
ed during tho coming summer. 5hera
are but tew houses tolet aw? rents
are high.
The Tip-top company now employ
about lou men, and ar? paying out
promptly frpm seventeen to twenty
thousand dollars monthly, which
makes that camp a lively one.
Pima County. Items from the
Tuecon Sar of the 2Sd ult. :
it is estimated that the yield of
silver bullion in Ajnsona Turrltoty
wali reach $6,00,000 during 1878.
In the southern portion we expect to
have onp of the largest stamp milk
on the Pacific eoas,t in operation by
Septomber next, wlien tho yield will
far exceed the uhoi'o estimate.
The St. Louis mine, adjoining the
Washington, in the Harsh w dis
trict, has been purchased by Messrs.
Seveno&js and Edwards for $3QUpOG,
$15,000 oash down.
Last week Riohard Gird &-Co.,
bonded to Gol. Tozer, nine names,
ioc&led in the Tomb Stone district,
far tho sum of $ao,00. $1,000 be
ing paid down on the contract.
Ike JaMS yirglnia Cltf, the
wall known surveyor of the Coiastoek
mine, arrived in Tueson yesterday.
He leaves immodiatery for the Hr
sUaw district to inspect some mines
in the interest of California-and Ne
vada parties.
Prof. Bickard has been making
some assays oi gpld and silver rock,
cropping from locations m Southern
Arizona, during the past week, which
reach u.p into tlte thousands in value.
In all his experience in California
and Hevada he never saw snch rich
By private advices we loam that
Hon. H. S. Stetydite, our Delegate to
Congress, will roturn home after the
adjournment of Congress in June,
and offer himself as a candidate for
re-election. His rcqord during the
two terms he has served the people at
Washington, is very satisfactory, and
no doubt his friends in the Territory
will be glad to know of his intention
to be agam a candidate He is the
first candidate announced from Pima
.so far.
A Big Hone.
Bx-Sheriff Walter , of Butrer, P,
is the owner of uPleasant Laddie',
imported from Qlydesd$e, Scotland
about eighteen months ago. At. the?
royal horso show, Battersea, London,
England, he took the first premium
He- has a bright, cear eye, i&a dapU
pit gray in color and weighf:2:i22
pounds. The foreleg m its jares
part k thirty-four inches in eTrcUm.
ferenees and fourteen inches around
m its ffeiallest part. The weight o .
tuna feliAoa a -Em TAnnAo Ataxia i W vl r. ' .
ins roroioctt reacaes to tne enq, of
his nose, mane fifty-eight inches m
length, and very heavy. It takes a
strap eight feet two inches long to.
girt hira, while a collar 36 inohesldeiep:
ineioees ms necic.
Tub Hombuo MimNO Bistriot
AiuzuKA. A correspondent writes
us from Tip-top that a Mr. Mcrfin
ley has made a noh disoovery o;& sil?:
var in the western part of thedisir.
The ore is a sulphuret, and, itiisajd,,
will assay up m the thousands.. : Thel
southern portian of the distriot is im-
proving rapidfor the amount
work being done. This portiqn olf
the district lias near the mi 11 sites o.n
Tale creek. The central portidn" of?
the district, commencing at Tip?tap
and running norh, shows a lively aor
pea ranee, xoe erose-cut loaojpnr
ning from north to south is Mated
For a distance of about eight miles;,
nearly every claim having twit- of
more men at work upon the s'ahte.. .
The Swilling Basin, so calledja::
ivery camp of itsalr, full of Iojcaititm&
and nearly all being worked. Ssm
of therc curry nigh gi-ade ore. Thi
John Meagher locations have beep.
bonded by a. man by the name, oft
Bryan, who, it is reported, has gpjiC
do umoago witn teem, two otnei:
sales have been made to Lot Anglic
A Mmy'u CezaoKitleH en Girls.
Girls is, the opjy folks that has their
own way every time. Girls is of sev
eral thousand different kinds, and
sometimes one girl can be like sever
al thousand other girls if she wriitts
to do anything. Girls is. alike one
way, they aro all like cats. If you
rub 5em the right way of their mk
they!! purr and look sweet at you,
but if you rub it the wrong way, or
step on their tails, they'll clawyou.
So long as you let a girl have her
own way she's jnigo and sweet, but
jusj; cross her and she'll spit at you
worse nor a cat Girjjs is also like
mules. If a girl don't want to be
leive anything you can't make her.
If she knows its so she won't say so.
Brother George says he doesn't like
big girls, but he does like little ones,
and when I saw hia a kissing Jennie
Jones last Sunday, and told him of
what he'd said, he satd he was a bit
ing her, cause he don't like her I
think he hurt her for she hollowed
and run, asd there was a. big red spot
all over her two cheeks Thk 11
know a&ot& girls, and father says
& hml BMput iheinSrbW
$er off I am.
wtcfcjes a few days ago. T6efflj
top company have about 70 menj&fc
work. There are great chanosajnone
for capital. Some of ie Sanvgrrir
eisco idlers could do well hqS alio.
S. F. Bulletin. ' " '
Proposals will be received at.Jhe
Contract office of the Postofilce Je
partment at Washington until p.,
ra. of July 20, 18T8, for conveyjn
the mails of the United States off tfe
following routes in Arizona, irqm
Gctober 1, 1S7B, to June 30, :
From Prescott, by Agua FH& Wi
ley, Cieoego, Camp Yerde. n?
Sunset, Union, Mineral Spriags-S&.
Mex.), Fort Wingate, San :M&
and San Ysidro, to Santa Fllpfl
miles and back, three times a week.
From Phcemx,byHayden'sFeif? v
to MeDowell, 26 miles and bfckjj
twice a week.
From Florence, by Riverside .an&
Globe, to McMillanville, lOfnugJ
and back, three times a week.
From Florence to Silver Eong3;
lewks and back, three times a
From Phcenix, by Gillefct (ijto)
and Agua Fna, to Prsscbk, lf)
miles and back, once a week.
There will be quite an active moves
ment of troope here, as soon as w&
army appropriations become avaifa:&
a fter July 1st. The regiment,fp
have been so long in the TerE,.
will be marched out and repla
others. Arizona SenUnel.
The transportation of! troops Opstsd:
money. What is the o b j e c-iJf
"marching out and replacing byS?
ors," v it is not to deplete the Wt vi
uryf we oeiieve tnat omcara and
man on the frontiers, who hay e Hi5
miliariseu themselves with the rfangf v
and habits of the tribes they fi!';
been ordered to hold in checfecar -better
calculated to do effectfye s
vice than men ; who are ney? tqpj
Kansas City muhderla id withgM' '
pimcing rorsp, at. a, ppen otr
ieec, tao gas was qigcqyececi.
Ben Bute fayoBffie. :
fic railroad bill.
- -
c'--fit. --
-AiV- - 'AT- .--a. -f, - "it;
. - 3rj j,- ,.n. -
... .
""J?'- -----

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