Newspaper Page Text
THE ARIZONA SILVER BELT. bVJ'UilAlj PAVKU OF UjA CO. Saturday, Jnnnnry 0, 1883. ORE SAMPLING. How 'Ores are ISouglit and Sold bj Hnmple. Virginia Enterprise A movement is on foot for the es tablishment of an ore-sampling mill at Owens Valley next sutnmor, at &omo convenient point on tho lino of tho Carson and Colorado railroad. This will make that region the paradise of "ciiloriden" and other mining men whoso pluck and muscle aro their principal capital. The mountains on both sides of tho lino of tho railroad aro filled with gold and silver-bearing quartz veins of all kinds and sizes. Many of the small veins and feeders yield paying ore from the start. Heretofore most of tho work on such veins has been dono by Mexicans and others who reduces their ores in aras irttf pf ppeljgifry donkey paver. There aro in tliefJiutry immense quanti ties of oro that was not rich enough to be worked in this primitive way which will now pay well for mining. A properly and honestly conducted sampling mill does equal justice to both buyer and seller. By means of properly taken and assayed samples both parties know exactly what they are bargaining about. Not a few miners who havo sent away ores to California, to bo sampled and sold, have fared so badly that they are in clined to look upon sampling mills as so many traps for swindling honest la bor out of its just reward. However, there are swiudlers as well as honest men in all kinds of business. In Colorado and in Utah the greater part of the ore mined is sold by sam ple. In those localities tho plan proves perfectly satisfactory to all concerned. In Salt Lake City immense quantities of ores of all kinds and grades are sold, and all by sample. That city being a sort of center of tho business, a de scription of a leading sample mill of tho place will be of interest to tho minors of many parts of this State. Following is a description of the sam ples of J. C. Conklin, Salt Lake City, as given by the Chroniclo of thatplaco: The modus operandi of sampling is about as follows: If tho ore is of high grade, running from say 100 to 150 per ton, it is customary to crush the entire shipment; if tho ore is of me- diuin grade, like much of that sent down from Park City, every fifth sack is taken out and milled, and samples obtained therefrom. This, however, is only dono where tho character of the ore is well known to producer, sampler and purchaser alike. After being put through tho crushers, tho reducedore is spread out on the floor of tho l'oom, turned over and over by a corps of men with shovels, thrown into a cone-shaped Heap, and then spread over tho floor again, when tho pile is reduced by taking up and sack ing one-half (two opposito quarters) of tho lot. This process is repeated until not moro than a peck of tho treasure-laden dirt remains to be dealt with. It is then taken up in pans nnd conveyed to tho plate-room for further and similar manipulation on a smaller-scale. Tho plato-room in this department is fdund a largo ca3t-iron tablo about five feet in diameter, on which tho re duced ore from tho sampling-room is placed. The pulverizing, seiving, mix ing, coining, quartering, etc., is re peated on this tablo until the tnmplo is reduced to tho proper quantity, when it is weighed on a pair of very fine scalos kopt for that purpose, prop erly dried in a furnace, weighed again to ascertain tho amount of moisturo evaporated, and finally sealed up in bottles, labeled with tho namo of tho mine, tho number of tho lot of oro and tho weighttereof, and the bottles sont to an assayer for tho determina tion of tho amount of precious metals contained in tho samples. While this process is going on, no person other than tho sampler is al lowed access to tho plate-room, unless it bo for tho simple purpose of wit nessing at a distance tho operator's manipulation of tho samples. Tho reason for this is obvious. If inter ested parties were allowed in tho room and permitted to handle samples at their plcasuro there would bo no se curity for parties who might purchase lots of oro from samples that might havo been tampered with. Hence the strict rulo of locking tho plato-room door whilo woik is in progress there. Tho opposition to tho production of the Passion Play is an example of in creasing bigotry and vulgar prejudice not uncommon but, all tho same, un welcomo in this advanced ago and this cosmopolitan city. It is impossible to know that tho Passion Play is objec tionable until it has been seen and it is, therefore, palpably unjust to con demn it in advance of its production. If tho Mayor can prohibit the produc tion of tho Passion Play out of respect to the feelings of Mr. Howard Crosby, why should ho not, at somo futuro time, prohibit tho production of "Sam uol of Posen" or tho "Merchant of Venice" out of respect to tho feelings of Mr. Abraham Levy? N. Y. . & M. News. J. Eedman's Ibvdleat Eaxfeet, UHO AD ST.,' GLOBE, A. T Dealer In beex, io:rjk:, M.uttoii, SuuKsijje, Vcnl, Etc., 12te. January G-tf (Globe City M(eat Market DAVID HORST, iroprietors. m fm Brick Uniting, Oproslto Kcllncr'g, OLODE A.T THE CHOICEST Beof, Mutton Veal Pork Ami everything Ir our line Is I1 lrt-elass. TREASONABLE HATES. TUTT'S PILLS SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. Loss of Appetite, Bowels costive, Pain In the Head, with a dull sensation in the back part, Fain under the Shoulder blade, fullness after eating, with a disin clination to exertion of body or mind, Irritability of temper, Low spirits, with a feeling of having neglected some duty, Weariness, Dizziness, Fluttering at the Heart, Dots before the eyes, Yellow Skin, Headaohe generally over the right eye, Iteotlessness, with fitful dreams, highly colored Urine, and CONSTIPATION. osaamaisaBai TUTT'S FILLS are especially adapted to such enses, one doso o fleets such a change of feeling as to astonish the suflerer. They Increase thn Appetite, and cause ths body to TnUe on ficslj, thus tbe system is nourished, and by their Tonic Action on tho Digestive Orrans, Brjrnlnr Stools arc pro duced. Fries 25 cents. 83 Murray St., H. x. TUTT'S HAIR DYE: Ghat Hair on WnrsiraRs changed to a Glossy Black by a single application of this Dyb. Htm. Carts a natural color, acts Instantaneously. Sold T Druggists, or sent by express on receipt of tl. OFFICE, SS BIVRBAT ST., NEW TOQK. (Dr. TnTS I1XCAL t Tahiti InformUm wl ThM IumIiU wUlb. mlM ITUUS ea rpUtUo.J J. MEYEKS. 12.1 Sanuona St ban i'mmisco SALO SCIIEIN Clobc. MEYERS & 8GHEQT, Beg lcavo to Inform the peoplo of Globe and oi all tho outlying camps, Unit they have opeued a NEW STORE In Hto above natned town, nearly opposite the Masonic Hall, on Broad Street, Whero they will sell goods of tho following descriptions at PRICES THAT CANNOT DE BEATEN IN CENTRAL ARIZONA. Staplo and Fancy Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, Mattrasses, Millin ery, Ladies, Misses, Children's and Infants Shoes, Family Blankets, Quilts and Coverlets, Hosiery, Lu dies and Children's READY MADE SUITS dXD UNDERWEAR $c. Carpets Comprising, Brussels In grain, U Ply turn 2 Ply, Fancy Mat ting, Gents and Boys Fashionable Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Boots, Shoes, Hats and Caps, Blankets, Quilts, Mattrasses, and FEATHER PILLOWS. Anything and Everything that can be found in a Dry Goods and Gen- nrnl Knrnisliiiiff Kr.nrn 10 tn hn fmn1 there. " GIVE US A CALL, And we will prove that our goods are tho best, and our nriccs tho Lowest. DON'T FORGET, Nearly opposite the New Masonic Hall. cct, in- i I. O. O. F. Regular meeting of Gloho I.olgo No. 0, 1. O. O. t, on Saturday night or each week, at 3(aonic Hall. All brothorsin good standing arc cnrdlallv Invited. W. .. Wmu'Luy, N. 0. K. Tatlnr, Si'c'y t tn O Notice of Change of Business. Having determined to Close out my Retail business and to sell nothing less than a car-load at a time, and further, as soon as Congress declares Pi nal creek navigable, will sell nothing less than a steamship load of 2000 tons at a time, I will until then sell all broken packages at 1,795 per cent Beiow Cost, My Superior facilities of buying di- roct at Paris, London, Berlin and St. Petersburg, coupled with being tho only(?) merchant who has a con tract for low freight with the U. P., C. P. and S. P. Railroads, enables me to distanco all other mongers in Globo and the United States. i-This is no "joak.' D. Henderson EST Will also draw exchange in sums to to suit. COnRKSPONDEKTS: Aiulo California llink San Francisco Metropolitan National Hank, Llliuithal liros. -Vcw YorX $25 to $50 PER DAY, Can easily be made by using the Celebrated VICTOR WELL AUGER AND Rock Boring MACHINEEY, In Any Paiit of the Country. Wo mean It, and arc prepaired to dem onstrnto tlio fact. They aro operated by cither Man, Horse or Steam Power, nnd bore very rapid. They ranp;c in size from 3 Inch to 4 1-2 Feet in Diame ter, and will bore to any Itequired Depth ! They will bore successfully and batisfactorily in all kinds of Eartli, Soft Sand and Limestone, Bituminous Stone Coal, Slate, Hard Pan Gravel, Lava, Builders' Serpentine and Conglomerate Hock, and c;uarantced to make the very best of Wells in Quick Sand. They are light running, simple in construction, easily opcratctl, durable, and arknnwledg. ?d as tho heel' and most piactienl Machlno extant. They are endorsed by somo of tho highest State Officials. Wo contract for prospecting for Coal, (Sold, Silver, Coal Oil nnd nil Kinds of Minerals. Also for sinking Artesian Wells and Coal Shafts, &c We also furnish En. gincs, Boilers, Wind Mills, Hydraulic Rams, Horse Powers, Brick Machines, Mining Tools, Portable Forges, Rock Diillsj and Machinery of all kinds. 1HTOOOD ACTIVE AfJENTS WANTED IN EVER. V COUNTRY IN THE WORLD. adimiess: "western maciiiner.y Supply Depot 511 Walnut Street, ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI, U.' S. A. State In what apenou saw this. Iv 30 tf Graydon & Crawford Hate the Largest and most Complete Blacksmith & Wagon Shop IIV GLOBE WE KEEP EVEKYTHIXG ON HAND THAT Is wanted la om line, suih as Holsters Mn glctrces, riank, Spoken, Felloes), Doubletrees, Axles, Sprlnos, Eagle CorrLigo Holts, (all sizes), Clips, Draw lions, Clip Cirlcs, Clip King bolts, etc, at greatly reduced prices. All work warranted. If not satUfictnl inom-y re turned. JttffTarticuIar attention paid to horse shoeing. Wertheimer, 302, 306 Front St., SAN EKANCISCO California Importers and Dealers in Plug Tobacco, Havana Cigars, Domestic and HAVANA LEAF. Manufacturers ol DOMESTIC CIGARS. All orders carefully and promptly attend, cd to. july24-ly. CUYSTAIi IiAKE SALOOU! JOHN II. HINEIIART, Puoi-hiutor. TTEEl'S ON HAND tho ilucst stock of Xjl I.lqors and Cigars oyer brought to Globo. All kinds ol cool drinks such as 'lemonades, milk p uxches, sherry cobblers, whisky punches, Wines, Liquors anil Cigars, Scncd by Poll to and Attentive Bar keepers. 8gy Che me a call. H. A. Anderson Is prepared to Contract for the Build ing of Houses, DO JOB WORK, and General Carpen tering. j)2l) For Itcnt. The hulUling lately occupied as a lodging houso by airs. C. 31111s. Apply to au5 J. D.UKKWSTEU. JOO Reward. No person has any authority to drive or handle any of my cattlo. The above toward will ho paid lor tho detection and conviction of any person or per sons Killing or driv ingany cattle of tho above IjuukI Ail. (i-llm JOHN KENNEDY, Globe, Arizona. Wm.McNelly PROPRIETOB-. Champion Billiard HALL, Cor. Main and Tush Street, Globe, Arizona Keep constantly on Hand nnd Tor sale the finest; , Wines, Liquors and Cigars, to do found. in tho Territory. A first class Billiard Tablo and Club Room ! attached. The latest periodicals and maga zines constantly on hand for the accommoda tion of customer) and the public generally. O. K. CORRAL. Change or Proprietorship. The subscriber has leased tho above Cor. ral and is prepared to glvo owners of Stock left hi bis care, PERFECT SATISFACTION. Ho will keep a Herd uudor careful men. SADDLE HORSHS Always on Hnntf. HUGGIKS have been ordered Irom San Francisco. STYLISH OUTFITS "At" UviiiK Trices. fillEMEMBCIt the O. K. Conal on Ouk Street, Globe, A T. P. C. ROBERTSON. PIONEER DRUG STORE, DR. S. C. IIEIXEX AX, Globe, .... Arizona. Deales in pure Chemicals, Drugs and Assay Material., Wholesale nnd Rolnil. Keeps constant y on hand a well assort ed stock oft'ancy Goods.Tollet articles. Stationery, Cigars, Paints, Oils and Liquors for Medical use. 8"lrescriptioii3 prepared with great care at reasonable pi ices. mr28-tf .ETNA IRON WORKS, PENDEGAST, SMITH & CO. 217, 211) nnd 221 Fremont St. Between IIouird and I'olsom, San Franc Uco, Ctl. MANLTACTl'IlEUb OI' TUB LATB&T IMPROVBD Mill and Mining Machinery Of Every Description. S0I.K MANUFACTUIIERS OP THE IMl'KOVKD WHITK'S IIOTAUY l'UHN'ACi: for ChlorldlilBg Da&e metal ores, (idtuoululxti to be the best now in me on tho I'.uiflc Coast. Our DOliBLU 1SUEL HOISTINO WOKKS cost less money, does moro work, consumes less fuel ami occupies less space than any other works of tho samo capacity uou In use. Sam pies of the same ean be been at the bulphurct and Glrartl mines, Tombstone. bole Jlanufacturcis of tho MeCaskcll Patent Axles for Mining Cars, used almost exclusUely at Virginia Citj, Kcada. Can bo' seen at the (irand Central mine Tombstone. Water Jackets, Turnaccs, Oro Feeders, Kock Breakers, Mining Cars, Amalgamating ! Cut MnVJ Imfntn.j flun ti.T'.i IVin IFntn.t. ...19, UV.W.-it, ..IVU.U.Oj lkUII'li 111., IIVIUIv., ConiUh Rollers, Melting Furnaces, Ingot anil liar Moulds, bafcty Hooks, Ore Duckets, Water Wheels, Wcll-Rormg Tools and lee Machines. ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO THE ABOVE AD DRESS WILL RECEIVE CLOSE AND PROMPT AT TENTION. 'e-li Gift THE WEST IXBIA MANUFACTURING COMPANY. PROPRIETORS OK THE WEST INDIA Stomach Bitters, Xo. 20. S-uth Second Street SAINT LOUIS MISSOURI. Tills great Tonic has been introduced to tho people of the Mississippi Valley for tho past thirteen jcars vith unbounded success and popularity There is nothing of the kind extant that equals it as n stimulant, an njictizcr, or anti-d speptic. It is par tlcularly adapted to malarious districts, and as a PREVENTATIVE OF CHILLS & FEVER Is not surpassed. It is endorsed by tho best chemists as the most cf flcacious strengthening Tonic this country has cer produced, the aluof which will bo recognized by aU who ma) uso them, Prhato6itlmof ArlzenaUsltlng St. Louis have expressed their con Ictions that it is peculiarly adapt ed to the wants of that Territory, and needs only a trial to Insure its speedy Introduction there. Orders addressed to THE WEST INDIA MANUFAC TI'RINO COMPANY will be piomptly executed Dei: i:jtf - '',&- .- J. HEATON. ALONZO BAILEY. Eaton & Bailey. GLOBE, ARIZONA. iDcnlers in.... GENERAL MERCHANDISE. THEY KELT 03 HAND The Fines Stock IN .AJRLIZOIV i . v KEEP OV HAND Xiy G oods, BOOTS and SHOES. Quccnswnrc and Glassware. WINES AND LIQCORS. Groceries and Provisions, ToTcacco axua. Cigfars, X-Isxi-lvsxic, CLOTH 1NO Powder Fuse, niul Steel, TAINTS AND OILS, Miners' Supplies, rn CANNED COODS, LtC Etc.. .Elc Everything Needed by the Minr, Farmer Freighter, Stockraiser .AND THE. Public Generally, Can be obtained at E-ATOiT 5c BlJ:IjE"2"S 3Iain Street, Globe, Arizona. Tucson Advertisement. Tully, OchoCa DEALERS IN ALL KINDS Of General Merchandise. Make a Special ' Business to Outfit Miners, Freighters' and Stockmen. Keep tho best stock of all kinds of "Wagon Material And wagons for tale. f dcc.6-ly HUDSON & CO., SUCCESSORS TO Safford, Hudson & Co. B A N K E It S , TOSCON.. '.., ARIZONA. i j ncDOltlt accounts received In currener or csin sublect to check at rtrfit. CertlflcntrM ol Deposit Kucd, raj able on demand, or at a fixed date.waring lntcrt. ExrllfUiKCdrann, in sums to tuitt on Ketr York, St Louis, Chicago and ban l'ranclsco; or trans fer of funds made b) telegraph DeiKwlts made with our corrciipondcnts w ill be credited to parties here, up on receipt by us of adt Ice of the amc. Will purchase or make adi anccs on Gold or gilrcr bullion, Territorial and Count' Bonds and Warrants appro ed coniBiercfal lupcr, etc. Orders or requests by mail, or otherwise, i ill rcceh e strict attention, and by a prompt and faithful execu tion of our correspondents' ubhes 'io will aim to mer it their esteem and confidence. Colections promptly made and remitted for as cpkired docH ly SAN CARLOS & Camp Tliojiifis BTJCKBOARDLItfE Till" company U now prepared to accom modate the traveling public between Ulobn and Camp Thomas, connecting with 1M1I cox coaches, They have New Concord Coaches, Carrjinsr If. S. mall, and will lc;ivc tflobo em'y Monday, Wednesday ami Fiiday, and return alternate days to 6'lobe. For freight or passago apply to J. .1. VOSUUIIGU aul2 tfcncral Agent, O lobe, Arizona. POWDER Absolutely Pure. Tills powder ncier varies. A marvel of purity, strcnn'th and wholesomeness. More economical than the ordinary kind, and cannot be sold In competi tion uith the multitude of low test, short weight, alum or phosphate powders. Sold only in cans ltoiAL Bjikino roDF& Co., 100 Wall st., N. Y. sept.30-ly W. C. bJIITII. n. WATZI.AVZICK. Smith & Watzalvzick, KOnWAUDING AXI) Commission MERCHANTS, Cusa rradc, A. T. W; c pay special attention to (Jonslgu ments in our care. -. TiTJIAUK COODStm "Care of 8. & W., Casa Grande, A.T.,T' 3Iarch2-tf -, ."" . NOTICE. Minors and others aro inform ed that the Hospital Association aro pieparcd to furnish certificates of member ship. The conditions require a monthly payment of one dollar per month, and a failure to pav forfeits a right to the bene fits of the Institution. The mtilicates will be placed in tho hands of the dilleient Superintendents of mines and mills, and at the stores In town. llt.S. E. K. KKLLNE1S, Piest. MItS. A. (J. I'EXDLKTOX, See. janl8-tf The Great English Iteincl.v. i&Fsi.rz.JraBm isancicr-iauin,'curcior 1 wt.nltti- Mnmtnntu.aL- ness, bpcnnatorrliffl, Losi l'araljtis, l"rctatorrhocd, and all the terrible effect of Self -abuse, J outliful fol lies, anu execbos i" "' turerjears uch as low of memory, Lassitude, ?iCtl r.oaurnai cnmMum, a cr- of iion, Noises in thullcad; the ital fluid paw ing unopened In tin urine, and many other dis eases that lead to tnsanlt) and death. DIt. JII X TI C 111 a'rcc to forfeit TiVK IIbvpru) iruLuiiiii loracaMeoiimsKinu iiie i am . ,-j -.--TI VE (under hl specLil adt ice and treatment) 111 not cure, or for am thing impure or injurious found in it. lK.MIXTIi: treats all piirato diseases stcecss fully without mercun. roimiiHKl" Free. Tlioroujch examination and adriee. including nI sisof urine, S5 60. Price of ViTAlItEsroRiTiie.M 00 i .... .. .t .i -..tif fiin iX Rent la any address upon receipt of price, or CO. D jsecure ' I. HIVTIK. Jrl. 1. 11 Kearney ttrcct, Sin ITancisco, Col. n. MINTIK'S liidney Kemeily 3N. ltlirellrmn, curcsallfctndsof kidnc and Bladder 'mplalnts, Gonorrhoea, Gleet, Lcucorrhaa. rorjals by all drusv-lsts: 1 00 a botUe, six bottles for & 00. tt.!M'IO Dntidolloii IMIIsarcthe best and chcapcst"I)sriTrica Bimor euro InUie niarket. For sale b all drugirMs anii-t lta-SA5II'LE nOTTI.E, WEE. Sent on opph.-a cation l Utter staling sjmptoms. Ml and se Coinniunluatioi.s trk fl i-onDdential. &0YAI fom& Ei-rKSB rrss i 7 mmmm EKSrcvTfTY.'