Newspaper Page Text
- THE ARIZONA SILVER BELT. Saturday, October 20, 1883. Baptist Cnuncii Notice. Preaching, Sunday, at 10:SO a. in. and 7:80 p. m. Sun day School at 11:30 a. m. Singing practico Sunday.atO:SOp.m. THE SILVER BELT Is kept on filo at E. G. Dakes Advertising Agency, W Merchants Exchange, San Francisco, Cal., "where contracts for advertising can be taado for It Office Hours o! Globe & San graph Company. Carlos Tele- From 8 to 11:45 a. in. 12:45 to 4 p. m., and ? to 9 p. In. Sunday hours 0 to 10 a. ni. txA 7 to 8 p. ni. Night-rate messages must be handed In beforo 8:20 p. in. to Insure prompt trans mission over W. U. lines. G.-M. ALLisoxr Operator. XiOCiuii arxjVsT-s. Miners are generally doing assess ment work. Wo-direct attention to E. P. Kcll- ncr's "Notice" on this page. Wo have had a soaking, continuous rain for upwards of twenty-four hours. Stove pipes and chimneys should' how oo exumineu ;mu rcnucrea nre .proof. ' If you want good chopped barley go to Alex Graydon who will sell you 100 or 600,000 pounds at $0.05. Col. Levi Rugglcs, of Florence, has a pear tree now in bloom. It has al ready borne a crop this year. . i Mine owners should remember that there are only 72 days in which to do assessment work for the year 1883. The mortality of foxes aro reported as great. The naturo of the diseaso of which they die, cannot be determined. i James Copley and David Lewis, res idents of Globe, during its early his tory, aro now here, temporarily, from New Mexico. A strike is reported in tho Red Hover, which is said to excel anything yet discovered in Globe District. It belongs to Charles Haysc, James Pas coe and Jack Eaton. Mrs. Silas Tidwell and daughters after an absence of three years arrived in Globe from California, Tuesday morning, and at once proceeded to Chromo gulch where Mr. T. awaits them. Major J. J. Safely and a Mr. Rem meti loft first part of present week for tho East, tho latter going to England. They wero accompanied by Captain Thomas, Superintendent of tho Old Globe compares jjnjnes, .as far iys Tucsoiu ' . . .... Wm. Tucker and Norman Salter left for the A. M. B. R. .R, tunnel on Thursday. Dr. W. II. Cook accom panied them for tho purpose seeing what can bo done for the relief rafpe Allard. who had tho misforlVsuto break a leg and who is said to be-greatly in need of further surgical assis tance! i W. H. Sutherland's stages, notwith standing the P. M. General has seen fit to suspend mail sorvico upon tho route between Tucson and Riverside, will continue to run on schedule time. Tho line is well stocked, good teams, frequent changes and good and com fortable coaches which bowl along over an almost level prairie road. Arizona, at the-Albuqueruo, N. M., fair, was awarded first prize for min eral exhibits outside of tho Territory. Tho showing but partially represent ed the mctalio wealth of Arizona, but few of the districts wero represented and those wero neither tho richest or most extensive. Glebe, which cannot bo excelled, had notl"n pound of ore there. Mr. and Mrs.I B. Miller have pro vided themselves with a bran new phaeton, but this doss not indicate that they aro either proud or that llioir physical locomotion is in tho least impaired. Tho ostensible object was to afford a certain Tat editor, now on tho shady side of the hill of life, an opportunity to breath country air, and delight his ears with the songs of birds. m Rev. D. W. Calfeo and Jos. II. Ham ill, made a trip to Salt River, early in the week, for tho purposo of shooting jrJII tho ducks in that vicinity, but tho heavy rain on Tuesday interfered with their sport. It was a better day for duck's than for tho human race. The rain was (he first of any consequence that had fallen in Salt River valley for several months. The trip was not dovoid of pleasuro to tho nimrods however, as they wero hospitibly en tertained by Mr. Geo. Danforth, and son the return trip they bagged a largo tnTifoTquay. i Tho Globo postmaster has been no tified that at tho fall lotting of con tracts for carrying of mails, proposals Trill be invited for sorvico on tho route from Globe to ft'inslow on tho A. & P. rGr.ul. The establishment of this route is soWy duo to tho efforts of Donald Robb n-ho visited Washing ton, in that bchf1f. Ho was intro duced to the Department by a cabinet officer and after hi3 statement of the importance of the route the necessary order was at once given by the 2nd Assistant I'pstun-itcr-Ociicral lor the letting IKTTKtt LIST. Llt of Letters remaining in Post Office at Globe, Arizona, for the week ending October 20, 1883. Armas, Joseph T 2 Graham. James Gray, Mltehel Hall, Mrs Norman Hcntserman, John McCathanMis.Tennle O'Brien, Michael C-2 Rynlmrt Thos Ross. K L 2 Smith. Wm E 2 Vail. Mrs I 4 Webb, Gllheit White. G W White, Thos Please say advertised and give date of list. W. E. Spexcu, P. SI. Crook is expected at San Carlos to day. The Sisters "of St. Joseph' have opened a school in Florence, and are already liberally patronized. Miss Delia Middleton highly enter tained her young associates last night with candy pulling. . Merriment ran riot till a late hour? Mrs. Farquar and children aro looked for in Globe, Monday. Mr. F. left this morning, via tho King, to meet and escort them homo. Globe's jail is without a prisoner, and the hospital has but ono patient. This indicates that tho morals and health of Gila County, are good. ' Rev. Ed. Garard-arrivcd last nicrht from Florence, 'He will celebrate high mass to-morrow at 10 a. m Calderon'3 building, opposite school house.. in tho NOTICE.-f A meeting will be held, Wednesday, the 24th inst., at tho M. E. Church, at 7J o'clock, p. m., for the purposo of deciding in relation to the future management of the "hospital. Tho public are respectfully invited to bo present and participate in the pro ceedings. Mits. E. F. Keiaxeii, President. Tho grand jury of Pinal county found two indictment against Frank Carpenter, who was arrested for com plicity in the Rivorsido stage robbery. Ono charges him with having been ac cessory after the fact, to robbery; and tho other, of having been ui accessory after tho fact, of .murder. Tho ropo and poosc was prepared for him and thrown across a beam in the corridor of tho Florence Jail at tho time Tuttle and Redfield were hanged. Major A. T. IIutcliiuK. The many friends of Major A. J. Hutchins will regret to learn of his death, which occurred Tuesday morn ing at 7 o'clock. Major Hutchins was jr gallant officer of tho Army of the Potomac, and promoted from Lieuten ant in the Seventh Now York regi ment to tho position of Assistant Ad jutant General on tho staff of 0. B. Wilcox, in tho Ninth Army corps. Ho watt $W iqw 'nntled-m tho service, and never afterwards recovered his former strength. We are informed by C. T. Connell that the deceased was a brother of H. G. Hutchins so well and favorably known in this section of Arizona. Governor Tritle, in his report to the Secretary of the Interior states that the population of Arizona is now 75,000, and tho taxablo property $25, 000,000, and tho affairs of tho Territo ry aro generally in an exceedingly prosperous condition, and the valuo of tho gold and silver product for tho year ending December 21, 1882, $9,298,-J 2G7 against $8,198,700 in '81. The yield of copper in '82 was 15,000,000 pounds. Tho combined valuo of tho silver and copper product for '83 will bo between $15,000,000 and $1 6,000,000. Tho number of sheep in thoTerrritory is 300,000, producing 240,000 pounds of wool yearly. Tho yield of cereals for '83 was 14,000,000 pounds of wheat and 18,000,000 pounds of barley. i t A writer from San Carlos, evidently writing with a full knowledgo of the authorities, to tho San Francisco pa pers, speaking of tho Indians remain ing on tho reservation, says: "The sol ution of the mystery lios in the simple fact tha,t tho people want the Indians and are"iot going to give them up, at least for awhile." That may bo tho feeling of General Crook and the army and contractors, etc., but it is not the foeling of tho people of the Territory. Further on ho says: "Tho Indians will abide with us yet for many years, sim ply becauso there aro more peoplo di rectly interested in his welfare than thero aro peoplo whose business inter ests it is to havo him removed." This writer is set on to stir up bad blood and so he fires this at Wilcox: "Thero aro two stores, located about fifty yards apait, and the cash receipts of each will amount to from $100 to $400 every day in tho year. Tho son-in-law, whose name is at tho head of tho con cern, has nothing moro than a family interest in it. At this present time ho is in tho East and every night Agent Wilcox visits the storo and receives from tho clerks the day's receipts, which ho carries to his own residence, and in othor respects manages the business just the same as if it were openly his. Ho is making money, and whilo tho sun continues to shino ho will reap a harvest of at least $50,000 a year. The whole agency business may be summed up in a few words. It is a wheel within a wheel ; a govern ment of the people by the people and for tho people who are on tho inside; a simp'.o pretext to give a good living to political bummers and a chanco to plunder tho public treasury out of a comfortable fortune." Aiupiw Cili-xcn.'i The Edmunds bill is acknowledged to be a complote'fiiilure as far as the suppression of polygamy in Utah is concerned, and the attachment of the Mormons to the institution appears to bo unabated. At the recent Church Conference in Salt iLako City, the speakers strongly commended it to the support of tho faithful, and rebuked tho faint-lieartedness and lukewarm ncss of thoso who wore frightened by the recent Congressional legislation into sending away some of their wives. The Church has eighty-one missiona ries at work hero and in Europe, and reports great progress. It now num bers 127,294 members and 23,000 fam ilies. Probably tho greatest impedi ment in tho way of dealing with it energetically is the condition of popu lar sentiment about the marriage con tract in nearly all parts of tho coun try. In a community in which divorce is so easy and so frequent tho indigna tion against polygamy docs not, in spito of all that is said in Congress, easily become a consuming fire. In fact, as long as wo tolerate a man's having so many wives in rapid succes sion, all attempts to frighten those who prefer having them all at once, -must bo rather lameand impotent. 'Pa flirt fnvinftn Wrtmnti fVin niflarflnno between the two systems must really seem a question of taste or convenience rather than ono of morals. Of the governor of the 38 states, 27 aro Democrats, and only 11 hold al legiance to the Republican party. The reader cannot but have remarked that only four of tho number are states where the political situation is such as to relievo the Republicans of -anxiety. Minnesota, Nebraska, Rhode Island and Vermont, may, perhaps, bo re garded as still solid in every detail, but the Republicans hold Indiana only by virtue of Dorsey's campaign of bribery, whilo they wero forced to di vido the state offices in the last Illi nois election. Iowa is yet theirs, but it has been so persistently of late the the theater of incessant tribulation, no Republican can turn to it with any thing but a feeling of grief. Maine, New Hampshire, Oregon and Wiscon sin are Republican by majorities so slender and uncertain, that it is im possible for the most sanguine Repub lican to be confident that they will not take their proper places in the Demo cratic procession at the very next election. A decision was rendered by tho Su premo Court of tho United States, Monday, Oct. 15, in five civil right cases, based upon violations of the first and second sections of tho civil rights. They aro lcspectively prose cutions under the act, for not admit ting certain colored persons to equal accommodations and privileges in hotels, railroad cars and theatres. The court holds that Congress had no con stitutional authority to pass tho sec tions in question, eithor under the thirteenth or fourteenth amendments to tho constitution. Decision, how ever, is held to apply to validity in States, and not in tho territory or District of Columbia, where legisla tive power of Congress is unlimited. So far as States are concerned, tho two sections of law above referred to aro declared unconstitutional and void. The last number of tho Florence Enterprise, ono of Arizona's wide awake journals, has discovered that military officers now or lately on the San Carlos Reservation havo disregard ed section 2,139 of chapter 4, by bring ing spirituous liquors upon the reser vations and challenges a contradiction of the charge. The section referred to is very specific and only authorizes tho introduction of liquor into tho In dian country "by order of or under authority from the War Department.' If the officers charged, Captain Craw ford and others, will venture a con tradiction, the fact can be established that they not only brought it upon the reservation, but keep it in then quarters. m About 4 o clock on the morning of tho 13th inst., three miles north of Guthrio, Graham county, J. W. Jos lyn of Clifton, was held up by three men. He refused to surrender his money, when the robbers fired on him. The ball took effect behind tho right ear, coming out in front and shatter ing the cheek bone. Joslyn had about $1,000 on bis person, none of which was secured by the robbers. m Some of the newspapers of the Ter ritory aro inclined to poko fun at Donald Robb, of the Silver Belt, be cause he went to Washington and had a talk with Secretary Teller, and some what modified his views of that gentle man after tho interview. Mr. Robb, knows how to take care of himself, and tho way ho sticks pins in some of the editorial timber in tho Territory is amusing. Citizen. Tho President disapproved the sen tence of dismissal in the case of First Lieut. James F. Simpson, Third Cav alry, who was tried on a charge of con duct unbecoming a gentleman and an officer for marrying a woman whohad been his mistress. The Silver City Enterprise infoims us that M. W. Bremen and family "will shortly leave for New York whero thoy purposo spending several months." Tho material of tho Yuma Advanco was advertised by the sheriff to be sold yestordav. 1 here are otliT news jwpp'is in Aii.ona upon their lat Ieg. HtfafchTMif-'T-- True as Holy Writ. IChlcago Mining Reic. ' Miners, and those interested in mines in different'parts of tho country, would receive much practical benefit if they would avail themselves of tho assist ance of tho local and special journals devoted to thrintercst. Tho columns of a number of min ing journals in tho different financial centers arc open for descriptive let ters showing tho advantages of loca tion and value of mineral discoveries in any portion of tho mineral-bearing country. A little attention to this matter would socure - representation of the different claims' and properties in places most likely to attract the at tention of capitalists and investors. It is no uncommon thing to find a paper published in a mining camp that makes no mention of any mine in its locality. This is by no means the fault of the paper, but the blame must rest upon those interested in the mines. Mining is a business, and the local papers aro under no more obliga tion io advertise mines than stores' hotels, livery stables,! or any other private enterprise of toerr vicinity. There cannoTBe"found alocal paper but what has done this gratuitously for the mines, and many a 'district to day owes its prosperity to the enter prise and generosity of the publisher of a paper who had no more than a common interest with others in the growth of a camp orttown. The pub licity given attracted capitil. sold mines, built mills, and established a prominent and promising center of business, but in nine cases out of ten the chief cause of these favorable cir cumstances receives no reward, but is left to struggle along, drawing its life usually from sources outside of the lo cality it has benefited, There aro hundreds of camps to-day with rich minerals showing in thou sands of prospected claims, with many advantages, that are languishing and dying, attracting no attention, un known to those rushing to less desira ble localities, simply because'they are unknown and their many attractions never have been presented to the east ern public, who, though often deceived, have by no means lost their faith in the future of well conducted mining operations. There is a reaction in fa vor of good mines at reasonable prices, worked for mineral in a business like way. Those camps that can present the best location, the best quality of ore, best natural advantages, all tend ing in tho.direction of profitable pro duction of mineral, will havo tho ad vantage if these things aro impressed by continued repetition" f Jicts until they aro fixed in the minds of the peo plo. Nothing can do this better than the papers, published in tho midst of the interests to bo developed. The present dearth of mining news in tho local papers is really working an injury to tho mining interest in tho east. The silence in regard to the development of mines, in which many are interested, is looked upon as indicating inactivity, failure and general abandonment of mining busi ness, and at this time tho real value of reliable local and mining journals and something of the work they have done may bo better appreciated than ever before. I Guthrie, A. T., Oct. 17. A party of railroad men, four miles south of Clif ton, discovered twenty Indians en camped on an old trail leading south of Mexico. The men fled to their camps, but are very poorly armed, and a mas sacre rivaling that of 1882 would not be a surprise. It is reported that a large band of Indians have left the reservation. Arms were sent to the railroad camp by special engine last night. Citizen. Preferred Locals. All classes of goods at bottom prices at Van Wagenen's. Barley at D. Henderson's at $3.50 per cwt. A new invoice of gentlemen's fur nishing goods at Van Wagenen's. Fresh eggs, applfes, pears, oranges, lemons, choice raisins, canned goods, crackers, oat and corn meal, 4c, &c, just received at Chapel's. A new and elegant stock o f men's hats just received at Van Wagenen's. D. Henderson sells extra family flour at $5.50 per cwt. Every sack guaranteed. Persons in want of furnished rooms eligibly situated, can be accommoda ted by applying to H. A. Anderson. Taylor & Hatch are tho solo agents, in this city for Cyrus Noble's celebra ted Whiskies. A magnificent assortment of Wos tenholm s cutlery, consisting of razors, pocket and shoeing knives, at Taylor & Hatch's NOTICE. First class baker wanted to rent tho New York Bakory, or work by the month. Inquire of H. M. Cabkt. Taylor & Hatch havo tho finest lot of imported and domestic wines, whis kies and brandies ever offered to an Arizona public. They will sell in quantities to suit. My accounts aro left with John W. Palmer Jbr collection. W. W. BttOOKNEK. Oct. 6th, 1883. Taylor & Hatch havo in their sta tionery department, tho most varied assortment of that lino of goods, and all of tho leading perio'Yic.iK and stauilaid jiools. -i'; firir-iiiinmiimin-irr-frTnsmttiiafii BOItX. CLARK On the 18th Instant, to the- wife of Cha. SI. Clark, a son. Xcw Advertisement. $ Sheriff's Sale. BY VIRTUE OF A DECREE ISSUED out of the 2nd Judicial District Comt in and for Gila County, Arizona Territory, dated the 12th day of October A. D. 1883, fii n certain action wnrretn i Tea ueite ana u. W. Snedeker, as plaintiffs. recovered Judg ment against tne Noulciiskold Silver Stirl ing Company a defendants, for the sum of 8528 and cost of suit taken at $89 60 and all accruing costs on tho 5th day of October A. D. 1883, 1 lm o le led upon the follow lug described property, to-wlt: That certain mining claim' known and designated as tho Lazy Bob mine, together with all tho appurtenances thereunto be longing. Said mining claim is situated In Globe Slinlng District, Gila County, Arizona Ter ritory, near the base of the Apachu Sloun tains and about one-half mile west of the Chromo mine and was located Slarch 6, 1876, and is recorded In tho said Globe Min ing District Records, to whichjreference Is hereby made for further disci lptlon. Public Notice Is hereby given tliat on SIONDAY the TWELFTH day of NOV. A. D. 1883, at 9 o'clock a. m. of that day at Public Auction at Globe, in front of tho Sheriff's office, I vv ill sell all the right, title and interest of the said defendants, in and to said described property to the highest and best bidder to satisfy bald execution and all costs. B. F. PASCOE, Oct. ZO-td Sheriff Gila County, A. T. NOTICE Of Intention to Apply for, Pardon. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT an application will be made to F, A. Tittle, Governor of Arizona, Oh or after Nov. 21, 1883, for the pardon of Thomas Gordon, tried at the April term of the Dis trict Court, In and for the County of Gila, A. T., on ail indictment for grand larceny and upon a verdict of'gullty, sentenced by the. court to Imnrlsonment In the Territo rial Prison at Yuma, for the period of two years and six months. Said application will be made upon an agreed statement of the testimony taken at said trial, and a pe tition in accordance with the rules In such cases made and provided. Globe, A. T., Oct 20, 1683. Oct. 20-6t WSI. GORDON. Notice. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO COKE and Copper Freighters that all who fa vor mo with their trade for what Slerchan dise they require in Globe, A. T., can have their drafts on J. Libcrmaii & Co. CASHED AT PAR, or in other words, I will advance you the necessary funds on your Bills of Lading Without any Charge or Discount and sell you goods at prices which defy competition, and Barley at less than any other house in Globe. Oct20-tf E. F. KELLNER. NEW YORK Bakery, Broad St., - Globe, A. X. THE UNDERSIGNED HAVING Rent ed the old established bakery would respectfully infoim the public of Globe and vicinitythat they haverfliotpUKlilr'renova ted the name and from tlris dato will bo picpared to deliver ' uf " GOOD and WHOLESOME Bread, Pies and Cakes, at any residence In Globe or vicinity. We propose to give a good article at Living Prices and respectfully solicit a fair share of patronage. FRANK HOFFSIAN, oct. 18-tf OTTO THARSIAN. DFixst-Clsiss DKESSMAKING. The undersigned is prepared to do Dress making and PLAIN SEWING, And will guarantee to givo entire Satisfac tion. Appiyio juuo. vai .uunn, Oct. 6-lml Hoskln House. TREASURER'S REPORT For Quarter Ending Sept. 30, 1883. nALAXCES ix fusds: County General Fund S532.28 " Contingent Fund,.., 11.18 " RoadFund, 288.29 School Fund 8136.28 Territorial General Fund 998.41 School Fund, 83.54 Fund of '77, 83.56 " Fundof79 27.84 Total oalance, $5,111.33 D. B. LACEY, County Treasurer. A. FUNNY OTSTAKE. Some time ago an editor had what was called "a cystle tumor" in his throat, and one of his contemporaries stated that "Sir. Blank Is suffeilng from a sciatic tumor on his neck." Of course thls'was an error; but a, greater error is the mistaken idea that prevails among some peoplo that' sciatic pains cannot uc cured. -ot only those pains, but Rheumatism, will yield to the action of Salicyllca. one of tho most relia ble remedies of modern times. Treasurer's Notice. GLOBE, A. T., OCT. 31, 1883, NOTICE is hereby given that thero Is funds in the Tiensury to p.iy all outstanding war rants on the County General Fund up to and including No. C82, and that interest will cease on said warr.ints from this date. D. B. LACEY, County Treasurer. G.S. Van Waoenen, Deputy. Lodging House, WELL FURNISHED ROOSIS 10 rent, at the Lodging Iloue, opposite l)UIi:iia UUUWU1 UUll KLIIILIJi ..'.'. J -. S7SI. SOMERVU ILLE. FOUND. A Sorrel buckskin mare, two years old, branded B on loft shoulder. Owner can recover the animal by proving title and paj ing charges. Oct.6-tf WM. SIDOW, rioneer. Notice. IROSt AND AFTER THIS DATE, " September 29, 1883, no one Is authorized to contiact any debts on my account. scpt29-4v SI. W. BREMEN. T?.K. SAt.K Tn frame houses one JL' containing three rooms anu tno oiner two. The property is eligibly situated. tlTVrlce Iioiv. For particulars apply at the Belt office, meh 10-tf 3. J. JiOORE, Raxoh Salt River, Post Office-Upper Salt River, CSIlll Omnty. A.T. Hi ,., ,...,. ..,,.J. - if.e - TJ 10 S3 P 4 e-t- 13d hi 3 U b ' ' o , , -n - fIBa,' iTmmll,l J" " ' CD p p- 0in$ $. Great SACRIFICE. W e aie now offering the GENERAL i-uisivii; an oi our siock ai Cost for CASH ONLY. To Close the Business. We have a Full Line of Choice and Well Selected Dress Groocls, Ladies Cloth Cloaks andSacqucs.Kid Shoes, Slippers, Ulsters, Ladies Hats, Rib bons, Floweis, &c, &c, all of First Quality. Our Stock of Moii's Clotliinjer, Boots, Shoes, Slippers, Shirts, Hats, Overcoats, Stc, Is large and of Fine Quality. & i' Blankets and Quilts, Mnttrasscs, Linens, Cali coes, Tritnlcs and "Val ises, X.allos Wrap pers and Suits. We SHALL SELL all As lapidly as po&sible For CASH. Great Bargains. J. MEYERS & SCHEIN. Oct. 6 if - V..T - J-r- &s week in tout oVra totffl. Tpnni aH'i S? 5 outfit trt. Addresi II. Hallett i. to.) Portland Maine. Mwaai.i JFor Sale. t NEARLY 'NEW LARGE FREIGHT 'Jmi Wagons, and three yoke of work oxeir, for sale. Apply to Jerry Hvndmau. sept29-tf M. W. BREMEN. , 50,t)0Q pounds, whole barley and'W.OOUi pounds cracked barlev for sale at 53.65 per 100 pounds. ALEJL GRA-YDON. sept 15-fv HoapUoi Notice: ' ' OERTiFICATESOK MEMBERSHIP IN tho Globe Hospital Association can bo procured at iTohnlli Hlse's, G. S. Van Wag wen's and of Di liobWat theSiLVEnBELT office. Ladles alb je'nucsted to confer. di rectly with the officers. The Hospital U ready for the recention'of patients. MRS. E. F. KELLNER, Pret . MRS.A.G.rEXDLETOX.Sec. &bl7-tf - Kotlee. , . The Hospital Association have arranged with Dr. E. C. Thatcher to be In attend ryjK'. SIfis. A: Gi FendLeiox, Secretary. aUR,85-tr $5 Reward THE AB0tUli,LfttJfJUT0il infonnatWn that will lead to the tali: 'vlctlon of any one who shall knowingly In jure or molest the Globe and un Carlos Telegraph Line. The offense Is puuUhabl by fine not exceeding 91,000,. or imprUon' ment not exceeding one j ear or both, at the' discretion of the court having cognizancu thereof. A." H. HACKNEY, Plesldeut. lnd N'ev ftr tlib Unfortunate." The World renowned "Henrj's Specific" positively cuics all cases of Nervous Debil ity and weakness of the generative organs' In a varied practice of over thlrtv vears In treating men"? diseases and disabilities. Henry's Specific hat met with unparalleled success, having sold during that time up ward of forty thousand packages, aha In no Instance without success when "Specific" was used as directed. This "Specific" 13 pleasant to take and docs not Interfere with business uursuits. Sufferers inav eohsuIt free, Inclosing stamp for reply. "Specific," one aouar per pacKagc ; six lor live dollars 1 sent free of detection, securely scaled, by mail, on receipt of price." Address all com' munlcatlons to Wheeler & Cc chemists, 149 East Twenty-seventh street, New York City. - jan20-ly To Capital Seeking Investment, I OWN TOE CONTROLLING INTER est In the two copper claim?, with a large amount of high grade copper ore lit sight Plenty of wood and vvafer on thi claims. I want S35.000 to buy outstanding interests, develop claims and put them In bullion producing condition. I will repay this !$85,000 out of the first copper produced, lcav Ing ou with a one-half Interest in two good, developed claims, with good reduc tion works on property. You can secuie yourself by deeds to claims and all im provements until money Is paid back, then divide property and go ahead. Who wants to investigate this in good faith? Call on or address JOHN D. BURGESS, Dunlap Postofflcc, Graham County, Ari7o na, via Fort Grant sept 8-tf JARS'for the MILLION;! F00 CHOO'S BALSAM OF SHARK'S OIL Positively Restores (he Hearing, and Isthe On ly Absolute Curo for Deafness Known. T 'lila Oil is abstracted from ncculia-fpecUsof White Shark, cauirlit In the Yellow Sen. knonri a CinciliRODOX Bondelxtii. Every Chinese fisher man knows It. IM virtue lis a restorative of hc&rlug were discovered ly a tiuddhiat l'rlat about the ear 1410. 1U cures w ere so numerous and mAky so bkem. ikolt HiRACnxce, that the remedy was officially pro claimed over the entire Empire. Its use became sd universal that for over Sua tears ko Deafxess ms existed aiioso the Ciiimwe FEorLE. Sent, charges prepaid, to any address at $1.00 per bottle Hear -what the Deal" Say I It his performed a miracle In my case. I have no unearthly noises In my head and hear much better. I have been rrcatly benefitted. My deafneps helped a great deal tbfnk another bottlo Mill curo me. My hearing is much benefitted. I have receited untold benefit. My hearing Is impro In;. " It Is giving (rood satisfaction. IIa e been greatly benefited, and am rejoiced that I saw the notice of it. 'Its virtues are unquestionable and its curatlro character absolute, as the writer can personally testi fy, both from experience nnd observation. Write at once to Haylock 4 Je.nev, 7 Dey Street, New Yoik, enclosing tl.OO, and you will rccclie by return a reniwiy that will enable jou to hear like anybody else, and whose curative effects will be permanent. You will never regret doing so." Editor cf SIer CANTitE Review. tiT To avoid loss in the Malls, please tend mouev by BeoisTEitES Letter. Only Imported by jTAYLOCK A JKNSEY, Sole Agents for America. Sept. 22-ly 7 Iey Ht, X. V. A COMMON-SENSE REMEDY. Salicylica. JSo more X&hcum&timu, Gout or Kcurnlglnj Immediate Relief Warranted, Per-., tnanent Cure Guaranteed. FIVE YEARS "ESTABLISHED aVd never known to fail-in 'a single caaei nrnre. or ohronle. Refer to- alH-prominent bphysicians and druggists for tho standing oi iSdiicyiirn. SECRfcTl The onlv dls.0lvcr of the poi sonous uric acid which exists in tho blood of rheumatic and gouty hatiGnta. SALICYLICA is known as a common sense reracdv, because Itstrikesdircetly at the cause of Rheumatism, Gout and Neu ralgia, while so many so-called specifioa andsupiosed panaceas only treat locally the effects. .... lthasbeen conceded by emlnentscientlste that outward applications, such as rubbing w Ith oils, ointments, liniments, and sooth ing lotions will not eradicate those diseases which are the 1 cult of the poisoning of the blood with Uric Acid. SALICYLICA works with marvelous ef fect on this acid, and so removes tb disoidcr. It is now exclusively used by all celebrated jihvslelansof Amenca and Eu rope, Highest Medical Academy of Paris reports 95 iier cent euies in three tlavs. TJEMEMBER that Salicj Ilea Is a certain JLV cure for RlieuniatHm, Gout and Neu ralgia. The most intense pains aie subdu ed almost instant!. Give it a tiial. Relief guaranteed or money refunded. Thousands of testimonials sent on appli cation. 81 a Box, 6 Boxes for S5. Sent ficc by mall on receipt of money. Ak j our liruzRlKt for It. But do not be deluded Into taking Imlta tions or substitutes, or something reconw mended as "just as good 1' lnsit on the genuine with the name of WASHBURNE & CO.. on each box, which Is guaranteed chemically pure under oar signature, an in dispensible requisite to Injure success In the tieatment. Take ho other, or send to us WASHBURNE & CO., Piopiietois, 287 BrdadWay, Ar. Rcadc St. NEW YORK. For sale by Dr. S. C. Helnemnn and all leading DmggUK t'l.rll II ly ance anu nave cnarcc oi an paucnts-ai rectly chargeable to the Association: Globe, A..T., August 23, 18S3. " JIBS. G. S.-VAN WAOKKkKli ' mm