Newspaper Page Text
THE ARIZONA SILVER BELT. OFFICIAL PAPER OF U1I.A CO. MatanUy, February; 16, 1884. "WEST" VIRGINIA. The Tombstone Republican says 1 hero is a 'scheme on foot to restore AVest Virginia to the old state. There is no West Virginia, although it is claimed that there is a state of that name, which was organized out of territory belonging to the state of Virginia, but not in accordance with article 4, section 3 of the constitution of the United States which expressly declares that "no now state shall be v formed or erected within tho jurisdic tion of any, other state." As will be seen" from the above quotation, tho constitution of the United States ex pressly inhibits the erection of a now state "within the jurisdiction of any other state." Virginia" is -and was a political subdivision of the United States, arid an independent sovereign state when a portion of its territory ' was segregated and formed into a new state called West Virginia!- -This seg- rgaU$-$rritory was within the juris-' uicuon oi uie siaie oi Virginia, ana within tho limit and extent of its sov ereign authority. Tho so-called state of West' Virginia was formed in 1861, of tho western counties ,of Virginia which had not ccdod from the Union. A convention which assembled at Wheeling, November-26,"' 1801,' and concluded its labors February'"' 18, 1862, submitted a constitution, to the people of the counties named, April 3, 1862,"and tho returns received showed its ratification by an overwhelming majority. The consent o'f tho bidy recognized by the federal government as the legislature of Virginia was; given, and congress then passed an act, Approved Decembcr'Sl, 1862, pro viding for the admission of the new htatc, upon condition of the adoption of an amendment by tho pcoplo rep resented in convention. -This was done, and tho stato was admitted, with the amended constitution. Such, briefly, is tho history of the matter. But it will bo noticed that the objection to the creation of the new state of West Virginia u funda mental, and obviously tho counties named had no constitutional right or power, (being at tho time within tho jurisdiction of another state,)'to erect themselves into a new staj,e, even though tho recognized legislature of Virginia gave its consent thereto, or congress ratified and consented to its admission into tho union. The su preme Court of the United States vir tually decided this question adversely to the preconceived opinion that West Virginia was a state, when Chief Jus tico Taney, upon an appeal caso from a Wheeling court coming boforo the court of last resort, ordered tho word West stricken from tho papers, re marking that "this, court lias no knowledgo of any such stato within the federal union as West Virginia." Tho wholo country cast, west, north and south has been inundated by the late rains. In Ohio, Pennsylvania and, all along tho shores of eastern rivers, the damage has been fearful. Tho Ohio, at Cincinnati, marked over 66 feet, 4 inches, which was the high est point reached last year, and it was still rising. At Alleghany City 1500 Jiouscs are partially submerged and thousands of peoplo rendered homeless and destitute. At Pittsburg also the loss and suffering is very great. At Wheeling a portion of the city con taining a population of 20,000 is al most entirely inundated. Business in these unfortunate cities is paralyzed, and thousands of people thrown out of employment. On the lower Mississippi no material damage had been sustained at last accounts, but tho river was, rising rapidly. Tho loss entailed by 1 ist years flood is estimated to have? buen between $50,000,000 and 60.000, 000 which will bo equalled, and per haps exceeded by tho present inunda tion. . . " ' ,jrho.taucih'.talk'd,pf,'malch between Dickf'llillo and Edwnrrl Wilson .mn off in Tombstone on tho evening of the 9th inst., beforo a largo audience, and resulted in a victory for Ilulo, his opponent failing to throw him twice in one hour, as the agreement .stipu lated. Wilson won ono fall in twen-ty-ono minutes. Tho Atchison & Topcka has pur chased tho Deming & Silver City It. II. Speculation is rife as to tho object in view, and what is the objectivo point to be reached. It is tho generally conceived opinion that tho company aro desirous of having a through routo to connect with their Mexican lino at Benson. . A large body of rich carbonato ore .was struck n the Chrjstmas Gift mine, The ore is a sand carbonate, averaging $100 gold, 80 ounces silver and 55 per cent lead per ton. Iho mino is held as a private property and has paid steadily from the day the work was first started. Weekly Lntorpriso. "Tommy tho Kid." a pal of the noto rious "Doc" Baker, was captured while .search was being made in Tombstone for the latter. Both arc wanted in Gruham county to ansvr th diai-jr cj attempt to nuudei A newsdealer in San Antonio, Tex as, has been fined $500 for selling the Police Gazette. Gen. William T. Sherman was, on the 8th inst, placed on the army pau per, alias retired list. Mr B. A. Stephens wNill, about the middle of the month, begin the publi cation of a paper at Logan city, to be called the Quijotoa News. Jas. Graham, a lawyer of New Or leans, who had squandered his wife's, fortune, killed her whilo she was asleep; and then cut his own. throat. A kidndpper, who had stolen two children, residents of Madison, Flori da, was pursued, overtaken, showed fight and was killed. Tho children were! recovered. There was evidently some mistake in tho announcement thai Tom Ochil tree' and Miss Eva, daughter of Bo nanzfy.Mackoy, were engaged to. be marrfedt. Tom is already a happy benodictis' i- . " .-- TqfcSiggestion of an international exposition in St.-Louis,v Mo., -itf 1892 to commemorate fee fpur hundredth anniversary of the landing of Colum bus in America, is being'reccived "with cordJal'approvaU Henry'Bafton, of Pinos Altos, N. M., wassho.t and killed by William Marmaduke of the same place, on the 9th htstj "fife muidercr at onco fled to the- mountains, and at last dates had nbt been apprehended. Mr, N. S. Frost has been appointed by Suryeyor General Johnson to sur vey tho townsites of Logan City, New Virginia and tho other townsites of the bonanza camp. Tho surveys of Mr. Chijson and Mr. Roskruge were ruled out by tho department, on ac count of ho fact that tho surveyors were interested parties. Tho case against Frank James and Charloy Ford, charged with the Blue Cut robbery in 1881, has been dis missed, being tho last of the indict' incuts in Missouri against Frank. James wa3 immediately re-arrested by a U. b. marshal upon tho charge of robbing"". U. S. paymaster at Mussel Shoals, Alabama. Colonel James Stevenson, of tho geo logical survoy of Washington, has io ported tho discovery of several more ruined-cavo and cliff cities, differing-in some, respects from any he had before examined. The most remarkable was a village "of sixty-five underground dwellings near tho summit of ono of tho volcanic foothills of tho San Fran cisco mountains. Flag." Tho rcpoit that tho Christmas Gift mino is played out is not true. It now shows a large oro body. Twenty-two men aro at work upon it. Tho copper group, belonging to the same com pany is also looking well. Twenty eight men aro employed on that. Hel lings is absent, in San Francisco, and expects to bo gone several weeks. E. O. Kennedy is in charge during Mr. H's absence. On the, first of next month the bank ing institution of Blake & Co. will be merged into tho First National Bank of Prescott, with F. W. Blako as its President, and Alfred Foff, at present an attache of Wells Fargo & Co's bank of San Francisco, as cashior, and tho following board 3f directors: Henry Wadsworth, E. A. Hawley, Alfred Eoff, prominent business men of San Fran cisco, and F. W. Blake, Thomas J,' Butler and C. P. Head of Prescott. Flag. i i Dan Dowd, oio of the Bisboe assas sins.'jvho.drovoteara hero for the Buf falo company fo." some time', is. being eulogiiedy the Tombstone Republi can, and'it'says "1 hat sympathy is cx- prussjjqiiojnm ,o icause ne was always a free-hearted, liberal fellow. We did not expect . to, t o such sickly -'sonti-inentalwnftdisp) Ajned-for a cold-blooded murdereij'in afi Arizona community. It makes not n particlo of difference what hisonfier record was; the fact that ho was ono of the parties in that hellish affair is sufficient reason that he should s'.rctch homp, and we havo no doubt but that we shall shortly re cord his permanent removal from this mundane sphere. W. L. Jerrell, a reputable and lead ing citizens of Las Ornces, New Mexi co, was killed when resisting a stage robbery noar Abilene, Texas. Messrs. Jerrell and Tar bow made a most des perate resistance, killing, it is sup posed, one of the attacking party- who wus seen to throw his pistol iri tho air, place his hands upon his stomach, and fall, but this desirablo result is no compensation whatovor for tho hfo of so praiseworthy a citizen as Mr. .Ter rell, whose valuable existence was sacrificed to the hellish cupidity of men too lazy to work, and who depend ed solely tipon robbery and murder for means to support a dissoluto life. The governor of Texas owes it to that commonwealth that these stago rob bers andtnurderers should bo pursued, apprehended and executed, no in.iUer .it cM. THE BI8BRE BAXDITS. Tried and Convicted of Mnrdc In the First Decree. The trial of the Bisbeo murderers, which has been in progress sinco the 4th inst., was concluded last Monday, and tho defendants found guilty as charged. It is just two months since those cowardly murderers rode into the town of Bisbee and wantonly shot down unarmed citizens. The evidence of Buckles, at whose ranch their plans were laid to commit tho robbery, which culminated in the dastardly murders, was sufficient to hang them, even had it not been corroborated by other witnesses. His testimony was in substance as follows: The morning after the murder, defendants came to his ranch in tho Chiricahuas; Tex stated that they had robbed a store in Bisbee, and got $1,200) and that they had killed three or four persons. Bed said he had been shot, and showed him tho place. Dan Dowd, the night before the robbery, said they were going-to.Bisbeo to 'rob a store, and said ho, was afraid," Bed and Delanoy would get' excited And kill somebody. Red put a pistol to witness' head,.just befor,ej4eavingrliiSk. ranch, and madjt him "pVo'njise fiat he .u woujd not "sqiieaTori thorn. ' Kelley remarked after ho and ,his pals wero remanded to jailr "Well, boys, hemp seems to be trumps." Ho, Delaney and Dowd seem to take things very coolly. Tex Howard, with all his bravado, was the first one who of fered to squeal, but was not' listened to by the prosecuting attorney. A Willcox special'of to-day says, tho Bisbee murderers will be sentenced Monday, the 18th: In the state of New York tho legis lature is just now busily engaged in debate on tho merits of a bill, intro duced by Senator Gilbert, requiring that instruction bo given in the pub lic schools of that state on the subjects of physiology and hygene, with special reference to the effects of alcohol on tho human system. Tho Now York Sun, while taking an opposite view of this matter, thus soundly and plainly speaks of the overdoing of mental training in our public schools? it"says: Moro than all, however, the pupils in the 'schools aro already overbur dened with work. The great trouble .with our educational system is the multiplicity of the studies to which the children are required to devote themselves. School Boards have gone on introducing new devices for taking up time and distracting attention un til it has become welb-Jiigh impossible for a child to get more, than super ficial 'or confused knowledge of his tasks. And yet Senator Gilbert would imposo still more work on tlio pupils. Whatever good the public school children may derive from understand ing tho evil physiological effects of the excessive use'of alcohol, thejr would gain nothing from tho fit'ful attention their already, distracted minds could give .to this new branch of study. Rathor let tho school course bo sim plified, so that tho boys and girls shall corao out with a thorough knowledge of a few things, instead of a superfi cial knowledge of many. Then the Eupils will be sounder in mind and ody, and less disposed to indulgence in stimulcnts when they reach maturity- TWENTV-ONE BOOKS IN ONE VOLUME. Vo One Can Afford to be Without ft. G. L. Turner is now canvassing for subscriptions for the publication of a book entitled "Lives of the Presidents of the United States," and will extend his operations to the Territory at large. Ho is most thorough in all ho docs and no ono will be deprived of the opportunity, by not being called upon, of subscribing for so admirable a work,vwhich should be in every household. The book is beautifully embellished, containing a finely exe cuted steel engraving of each of tho Presidents, from tho commencement of the government to and including Arthur. In" addition toithe twenty one portraits, other attractive pictures illustrating scenes in the life of each of the distinguished gentlemen, together with engravings of the great centen nial buildings, Independence and Car penter's1 halls, at Philadelphia, Pa., Fanuel" fialj, Boston, and a 'represen tation o&ifio. battle of Lexington, as also four full page engravings deplet ing sconos in each of the four wars in which tho United States havo been en gaged tho whole numbering over sixty. .As a book of. reference ' it is invaluable, and besides it is most at tractive in every respect. Taylor & Hatch will also receive subscriptions for tho work. It is to bo hoped that the train rob bers, now in jail in Silver City, N. M., may soon be sent to join the silent majority. T11K IMIVSICI.VXM AlkVIC'K. "What shall I do?" old Aker cried, 'For this sharp anguish In my side, " This dreadful rheumatism ! "lAe tried all sorts of physic vile, 'Which certainly hno cost a pile. ' '"And still 1'vo paroxysm." ' The doctor said : "My friond, cschow These noxious nostrums, or else you "Will be too weak to kill a eur; 'Give up old physic, try the new, 'The cry thing that's meant for you "The mighty Ballcyllca!" (jb (( a cek at home. PB.OO outfit .frre. !PJvJ Pay absolutely sure. "o risk. Capital not required. Header, If ou want business at which persons of cither sex, young or old, can make great pay nil the time tlify work, with ataolute'Mvrtainti, wriu1 mi purui'iiiiir to ji. jiam.t.t v: hi, , Poitldnd. Maine. dtc.l5-ly ' FORT THOMAS I Stage shortest; quickest and "uine of concord coaches. 'i , ., .: V Farer6m Fort Thomas to Bowie Station, $ I 2.50. j-vt v'l .v., " - x.-i . : i.. '-oJsk.- '..- j t ...(lihjs. line offers special inducements to parties traveling east from Globe, as-'qaving'of'24lbours is -effected in time, and Knbout i$17rin fare 'is saved, bedes'JStf miles iri distance. ' '' "'tuiJ i . .V" . .. oi t,w ,1 -v., ' ' (, " ' - - ' JOHN Fcb.B- r.l i PALACE HOTEL, . TUCSON, A. T. - ' First-Class Accommodations.' FREEs BUSS to and from Depot. Oct. 6-tf,) GEO. - 3.LIBERMAN&CO. WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE . AND Commission Merchants WILCOX. A. T. Freight forwarded to Cumps Grant and Thomas, Dos Calietas, Globe, Safford. Fucblo VIsjo, and all poinU Mipphed from Wilcox. and all points In New Mexico to be supplied ."CAUKOf .J L. & CO." WILLCOX 1AMCUSIIUKU, IN. M. jvrcigiii loryvarueu CEUBRATEO ,V lj A BlffERS They who work early and late the yi sr round need, occasionally, the healthful stimulus imparted by a wholesome tonic like Hostetter's Stomach Bitters. To all, Its purity and efficiency as a remedy and preventive of disease commend It. It checks Incipient rheumatism and malarial symptoms, rpllees constipation, dyspepsia find biliousness, arrests premature decay of thephjuleat energies, mitigates tho In firmities of age and hastens convalescence. For sale by all Druggists and Dealers generally. H. W. FISKE, Machinist. Puts up and repairs Ma chinery of al.l kinds. ALWAYS on hand a full lino of Steam pipe, Kitting, Packings, &c. &c. A Splendid Ajiortmeot of Arms, Ammunition, Cutle.rjr. and .General Hardware. A CeneralKcpnir Shop In connection ' nqittlfihe Salesroom. Q.ilcsroom under the Masonic Hall, llroad Street, Glolie. A. T. T O NEXT. A comfortable dwelling. Apply to COIiNKLIA ANDEKSOX. NOTICE. No person is authorized to do business In my name. Feb.SMf 5 ALK. KINNEY. "W7AXTED EMPLOYMENT IN ANY m capacity by a man of clisslcal cdu- cuuon and excellent general nusiness qual ifications has had successful experience as teacher, book-keeper, accountant and cor respondent,. Satisfactory references and recommendations guaranteed. Address, W. SHELTON. Care Silver Belt Ofliov. Globe, A. T. Feb. 9-tf Notice to (Jrcditora. ESTATE OF JEbSE YOUNG. De ceased. Notice is hereby fgiven by tho under signed. Administrator of the Estate of Jesso Young, deceased, to tho creditors of, and all persons haing claims against the said deceased, to exhibit them with the necessary ouchers, within ten months af ter the first publication of this notice, to the said Administrator at Globe, Gila County, A. T., the sa'fnobeing the place for the transaction of the busftipss of said vstnte. AL1IEHT. IS: YOPXG. AdininiMi.itor of the IMatc of .li'e Young, deeehvil. DjUjiI at Globe. A. T.. Ibin.u P. IS.SJ. Kelr. lv BOWIE STATION Line. cheapest route to globe. - .y ' i -.i S. QUINN, Proprietor.. RAYFIELD, Prop. from l.ordsburff. OU'LOItDSBURG hi ouaicpcaru, ouver jiit pinion, (a, i.,) Nov. Ctf THE PIONEER FEED, LIVERY Sale -Stab I a Is lupplicd with flrat-clas SADDLE HORSES And stylish outflts. Go There for Tour Teams. lionet boarded by the day or week at Reasonable Rates. The bcBt care taken of Stock. Civil find Polite Attendants. THE STABLE l one Block west of tho Belt ofilco.. EATON & YOUNG, July 2tf Proprietors .VdmiiiiMtrai oi-'h Sale Rbrtl Estate. oi NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT In pursuance of an order of the Pro bate Court of the County of Gila, Territory of Arizona, made on the Fifteenth day o'f January, 1881, in the matter of tho estate of F. B. Knox, deceased, the undersigned, tho administrator of the said estate, will sell at public miction to the highest bidder for eash, lawful money of the United States of America, and subject to confirmation bv said Probate Court, on MONDAY the Ele venth day of February A. D. 1881, between the hours of 9 o'clock in the morning and the setting of the sun, to-wit at 12 o'clock m. of that day In front of the court room of said Probate Court, ail the right, title, in terest and estate of the said F. B. Knox, at the time of his death, and all the right, title, and Intel est that the said estate has by operations of law or otlterwise acquired Oilier thnn'or in addition to tHat of the said F.D. Knox at the time of his death, in and to all those certain lots, pieces or parcels of land and Immurements thereon situate, 1 lilg and being in' Globe, County of Gila, 'Tcrrttor.vofrtnma,mid1ounded nnd de scilbed ns fpllous, tij-wjt: (1.)' IIoiims and lot on Broad Street now occupied ns if More by D. Henderson, said lot Is No-ii, in block No. 87, ns designated on the official map of Globe Unuibltc, on tile in the ltccorder's office of the County of Gila. (4.) House and lot on Mcsqultc Street fonncrly occupied by S. L. Burbridge, said lot being a central portion of lot .No. 4, of block No. 70, as designated on said official map and more particularly described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a stake markj?dM on (he southerly line of Mes quite Street about 04 feet from the south east corner of said Mesquite Street and tho public alley running northerly and Miuth erly through said block, and running thence easterly along said southerly line ef Mcs qulto Street 25 feet; thence southerly paral lel to said alley about 102 feet to the south erly boundary line of said lot No. 4; thence westerly on said last mentioned boundary line 25 feet; thence northeily parallel to said alley about 102 feet to the place of bo ginning. (t!.) House and Jot on westerly side of Broad Street' directly opposite the imbllc school house, nnd designated on said map as lot No. 8, in block No. 2. (7.) House and lot on northwest coiner of Willow and Oak Streets, designated on said ofheial map as lot No. 25 in block No. 82. ANo an undiwded one-sixth (HI) in terest in the "Gladiator" mine situate in Globe Mining District, County or Gila, Ter ritory of Arizona, and recorded on page 194 book 5, of said Mining District Records. Terms and conditions of sale, cash, law ful money of the United States, twentv ier cent of tho purchase money to be liald to tho administrator on the day of the sale, balance on confirmation of sale by said Probate Court Deeds at pxihmiso of pur ( baser. WILLIAM (11M.VES, Adminlstrntorvof the estate of 1 II. Knox, dcce.e-ed. janlfl-td rOHTJTOXKXKXT. The abme is pnMpomd until l'cbru ai v IS, ISM. Same hour. H.C. Hitchcock & Co. i WHOLESALE AND 'RETAIL : , DEUGrGISTS, j-ALSO DEALERS IX FANCY GOODS, TOILET ARTICLES, STATIONERY CIGARS, PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES. BRUSHES & Pure Liquors For Medical Purpoici. jCB-Prcucnptloiu carefully compounded at all hours of the Day and Mght. One door South ol Van Wagenen'i Vtore. rr Aleck Graydon 1 Haj th rgft and niort -Complete Blacksmith & ' . i . - - I . t Wigon':SKoii 't.j. t ' -f - i i-ivTg- lobe. - TT E KKEP8 EVERYTHINO OX HAND THAT Yl !i wntd in his line, itnh u Dolatera 'An- Jauu tla.t Ctwsliu FallnA flA,k!,MU,a Aln bpringa, Eagle CanLg. RoltB, (all ilza), Clips, Draw Irona, Clip Culca, Clip King Bolts, tc, at greatly rcaucuu pneu. All work warranted; U not monny re turned, fSrl'articular attention paid to horae shoeing. TERMS CASH. Positively TVo Credit. O. K. CORRAL ClIANOB OF rROrKIETORSMP. Tho subscriber has leafed the above Cor ral and h prepared to give owners of Slock left in his care, TERFECT SATISFACTION. lie will keep a Herd under careful men. SADDLE' 1IOKM.KS Always on Hnnd. UUOQIE5 bare been ordered from San Francisco. STYLISH OUTFITS At Living Prices. jtST-REM EMBER the O. K. Corral on Oa Street, Olobe, A T. P. C. ROBERTSON. D. Henderson Dealer in GENERAL Merchandise, .ii. w u. , AND- EXCHANGE DEALER O-ood. IBaxgralrL- 50,000 pounds whole barley nnd 60.000 pounds, ciackcd baric v for sale at S3.C5 per 100 pounds. ALEX. URAYDOX. sept, lo-ii Xoticc of Vorfcitnre. rpo i:. rniEDMAX. on those who X mav claim under him an co-oum-r r owners of the Golden Gato milling claim, sitiiHlc and liclnj; witlilu the Olobc liiinlnjr district, county of Gila nnd Territory of .irizon.i, mm i, me uuiiersiKiicu, co-owner In said mine, have at my solo cost, done the annual work as required by section 2324 of the Revised Miitutos of the United hUilcs in oi dir to hold said claim, nnd necnt forfeiture of title to the samo. Therefore, If w ithln ninety days nfter horvico of this notice of luiblicatlon. ou fall or lofuse io contribute your proportion f smh expen diture, as coViwncr, and the entile ost of tins nonce ana uiiciiains expense or moo proceedings, jour lntentst In said claim will utterlv cease and heroine the nrnneitv nfjlioniliscilher, hi hliieof said cdlqiil SKI. Kl.l'.lV. Jim.?-!. ISM. '0,1 ftotlce. IJKOM- AND AKTKH TJJIS DATK, : .September 29, 1888, no one to authorized to contract any debts on my account. ' sept 2!Mw . M. W. UHKMKN. Jl'otlce. ALL - THOSE '"kXOWIXG T1IFM elve Indebted to thejale lirin of 'Ira Wood, will make immediate settlement at the Tost Office building,-Globe; and save' further costs. I have for sale three horsesythrco ninle, two setts of doublo harness, and one wag on. For further particular apply to the undersigned at Pioneer. JAM'.ULliAU), dee.29-tf . AsslRnce of Ira Wood. "tiladXewsforthe 'IlvrtnBatp.,' Tho world renowned ''Henry' Specific" positively cures all cases of Xerous J)cbil-' ity and weakness of Hie generative organs. InavaricpracticoMovCTthlrtv years Inr Ueating mea dlswses. and dlsabilitleo. Henry s Specific fcw met witlu fuiparalleled uccrs, having sold during that time up ward of forty thousand packages, and In no Instance -wlt&ont success when '"Specific" was used H-dlrected. This ".Specific" Is' pleasant to te and does not Interfere with business pUBWlts. Sufferer may consult free, Inclosing atamp for reply. "Sjlclfic," one dollar rarMckage : tto, tor fiv9bllars; sent free of detection, securely scaled, by mall, on receipt ofprlcc. Address all com munications. Io Wheeler Co, chemists, 149 East Twchty-seventh street, New York City. -- Jan20-ly To Capital Seeking Investment. IOWfN THIJ COXTKOLKING 'IXTKR et In thv two copper claims, with a j. ei in nifci iwo copper claims, Willi large, aigamtof higji Jfrndo.:cQpjipriP"-sight-. PlcntiTit wood and w;atrr claims "I want $35,000 10'buyi.outMaifati i-iii the UtUlldlllC Interests, develop claims nnd ppt. them in bullion producing condition. I will repay this 885,000 out of the first copper produced, leaving j ou with a one-half interest In two good, de eloped claims, with good reduc tion works on property. You can secure jour.sclf by deeds to claims and alt im- Snnemeuts until money is paid back, then Ivlde, property and go ahead. Who wants to Investigate this In good faith? . q Call on or address JOHN D. BURGESS, Dunlnp Postoflice, Graham County, Arizo na, via Fort Grant. sept 8-tf EARS for the MILLION ! F00 CHOO'S. BALSAM OF SHARK'S OIL Positively Restores the Hearing, and It the On ly Absolute Cure for Deafness Known. TWs Oil t ttWrocttd f ram peculiar pcic ol small White Sliark, caught in the Yellow Sea, known MCiEciunoDos ItoM'turrii. Kery Chinese, fisher man knows it Its virtues as a reftoratire of hearing were dlcoerc(ll) a Buddhist Priest about the') ear 1410. Its cures erc bo numerous and mant so (irm 1XGLT mikacclois, that tlie remedy vm offlcialljr pro cbimed o er the entire Kmpirc. Its use became so unheraal that for cuEaitO teaks so VityttH uu ixisrKn aiiono tiik Cui.'.Kti! rsorLK. Sent, charges prepaid, to any address at 1 1.00 per bottle Ilcnr Avliol tlc Deal Say I It has performed a miracle in my case. I hare no unwirthlv noises In my head and hM niuch better. 1 hate been greatly benefitted. My deafness helped a great deal think another bottle ill cure me. My hearing is much benefitted. I hate received untold benefit. M) hearing is improving. It is giving good satisfaction. Have been great! benefited, and am rejoiced tliat I saw the notice of It. r "Its irtues are unquestionable and its curath character absolute, as the riter can personally tetb fy, both from experience and observation. W rite at once to IUiiock i. Jrstr, 7 Dej Street, Kew York, enclosing 1.00, and you will recche by return a remedy that will enable you to hear hke anybody else, and whoso curative effects to ill be permanent. You.will neer regret doing so." Editor or Mr CAKTIlk liK nv. tfsT To avoid loss in the Malls, please tend money by UanifiTriiED Lmu, Only Imported by IIAYLOCK . JKXXKV. Sole Agents for America. Sept. M-lyl 7 Iy Bt, X. V. A COMMON-SENSE .REMEDY, . t SalKcylrca. JSo moro Klieumfiilnni, G out or ZVem-tilgla. Immediate Relief Warranted, Per manent Cure Guaranteed. I?1VE YKARS ESTADLISHED AND . never known to fail in a single case, acute or chronic. Refer to all prominent physician-, and druggists for the standing of Salicj Ilea. SECntT! The only dUsoher of the poi sonous uric acid which exists in tho blood of rheumatic and gouty patients. , SALICYLICA in known as a common sense remedy, because itstrikcsdirectly at the cause of Rheumatism, Gout and Xeu ralgia, while so many so-called specifics and supposed panaceas only treat locally the effects. It has been conceded by cminentselentlsU that outward applications, such as nibbing with oils, ointments, liniments and sooth ing lotions will not eradicate those diseases which are the reultof the poisoning of the blood with Uric Acid. SALICYLICA works with marvelous e' fecton th!i acid, and so rcmoNcs the disorder; It L now exclusively used by all celebrated physicians of America and Eu rope. Highest Medical Academy of Taris reports 05 per cent, cures in three da s. "pEMEMBEIt thattialicjlica is a ccitain XX Cure for Rheumatism, Gout and Neu ralgia. The most intense pains are subdu ed almost instantly. Gle it a trial. Relief guaranteed or money refunded. 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In the Scientific) AsrtJBiCAK. the largest, I tot. and PnlfntiinMAtnRd thwntiffli nsuwi uo. are noticed muei iucjt ein:u taiea -vcienunc paper. eo.?u a year. Wetklr. Splendid enaravlnes and Infeifntinx In formation. Specimen oobr of tlio Sclcul lf?e A mer Icon sent free. Addreaf JIII.NN iCO . Miuvriria AUIH1CAN Office. d Bry way, ew Vurk. . SAN"CARLOS & Camp Thomaa BUCKBOARiDLINE TliiM'oinp.iny Is nnw'prepared toaqi-utn-lnodate the lr.iclmg pillillr betueru Glolie and Chiiim Thoint, toiincctbig tMlh It'll!, cox coaches, '1 hey hac New Concord Coaches, Cmrjlnj; l'. S. mall, ami will leii f.'tohe cery Jloud.i), dned.iv anil Knilm, :nnl return altcinntr ds to rvinbe. For ircight or p.t-vig" npnl to .1. .1. VOM'.nttlll MtilS fiinei il enl '.'lobe, rjrii;