Newspaper Page Text
. THE ARIZONA SILVER BELT. Saturday. May 17, 1881. Baptist Onvncii XoTicr.. rrcachlng, Sunday, at lOuSO a. in. Sunday School nt 11:80 a. m. Prayer meeting' ami Hlble study, Friday, 7:30 p. in., at private lesl- JC TriE SIliVEll MELT Is kept on file at E. C. Hakes Advertising Agency, 65 Merchants Exchange, San Francisco, Oal., where contracts for advertising can bo mndo for It. Ofllce Hours ol Globe & San graph Company. Carlos Tele- From 8 to 11:15 n. m, 12:15 to 1 p. and 7 to 9 p. in. Sunday hours 'J to 10 a. in. and 7 id 7 to 8 p. in. , , , . Nleht-rato messages must ho handed In before 8:20 p. m. to Insure prompt trans mission over W. U. lines. U. M. ALLISON', Operator. LOC.Xj 'iT'E'WS. Fresh bread at Chapel's. D. Henderson paid this wsck. Tucson a visit Loavo your orders for fiuo luscious strawberries at Chapel's. t J Wo would call attention to tho now advertiscmentof Tavlor & Hatch. Work was resumed on the Mack Morris by lessees on Tlmvsday lasj.. ( Jos. H. Hamill and W. A. Holmes havo taken a trip to tho Tonto country. $ 9 t J. livers & Schein aro selling white and colored torchon laces, at 10 cents a yard. Tom Yates left, the present week, for a short visit to his former home in California. Chapel has just received tho largest and finest oranjjes and lemons of the season. Captain Watkins returned Thursday to Globe after a three wcoks stay at his ranch on Tonto. Fresh cherries, strawberries and ap ricots daily expected Chapel's, head quarters for fruit. J ' ' Tho average daily product of tho Uwo Old Dominion furnaces is about tfiftccn tons of ingot copper. Wo learn that tho Centennial mine -Will soon resume work, andean sco'no rctson why it should not pay. P. C. Robertson, proprietor of tho 0. JC. livory stable, is out with a new &caic of prices for boarding horses. Job Atkins and D. A. Reynolds have returned to Globe, firmly convinced that bi. is the best, country to stay wUh. , '' rfSTOk Ihc rcceui cd'fotk lroakerJ belonging Dominion Copper Company will 7,i a 9x13 Jump --Ws5b- jnstt&bla ofTadies silk and "taffata" mitteglc1 orsctsajuuibUens ot all shades. V There was (juito a disturbance in Chinatown Tuesday night, but it was Fooii quolled by jugging ouo of tho Celestials. . Normam F. Salter has beon ap pointed census marshal of school dis trict No. 1. Globe, and will commence his duties at once. J. Crampton and family have re moved from Richmond Basin to Globe. H. F. Crawford and family have moved from Salt river to this place. Dr. G. 1 Johnston and J. L. Clark who havo made an extensive survey of central and northern Arizona, re turned to Globo on Thursday. Papillon Blood Cure contains no mineral of any kind, it restores tho blood to a healthy condition, regulat ing excessess, and provents disease. . -- . NOTICE. Persons knowing them Helves indebted to D. Henderson, will call at once and settle, thus saving themselves costs. D. Hi:niei:son. If reports aro true, tho Alice mine will soon bo in active operation, it is rciiKided as a promising claim. Wo hope soon to seo it on a paying basis. A hundred and fifty giade cattle "wanted. Thoso having that number for salo can hear of a purchaser by applying at the Arizona Silveij Belt Office. 1 Wo aro informed that work will soon bo resumed upon tho Cox and Coplin mino and that it is in con templation to reduce tho ore in tho Miami mill. Sergt. Waltor Gow of troop G. com mitted suicide yesterday at San Carlos by shooting himself through tho head with a pistol. If your breath is offensive, your .nostrils fetid and tilled with putrid matter, and you aro rapidly becoming .consumptive, uso Papillon Catarrh 'uro;you will bo purified and per manently cured. Tho El Pao Times, of May 1st. con tains a notice of tho drowning in the accquia of a little son of Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Kerr, nt that place. Tho par Mits were once residents of McMillen, in this county, and were highly cs tceinod. They havo tho sympathy of their nu'nT.ius friends ,uid neighbors liep. 1'IIKMKNTATION. The editor on his return from San Carlos, brought from A. B. Simmons as a present to Chas. Hoi born, an Apache fiddle made of a mes cal stalk, with one string, on which tho Indians play. The following aro the letters of presentation and response. : Sax Caiilos Agency, May 9. Mr. Chas. Holiioux: I havo the pleasuro hereby to present to you, through tho editor of tho JJelt, a fid dle. It is not exactly a cremona, nor has it ever been performed on by l'a- ganani or Olo Hull. It is, I believe, nevertheless, capable of "discoursing most excellent music" when in the hands of that child of nature, tho no ble red man. It has fewer strings than the far famed harp of a thousand strings; In fact it has only one string, but knowing that, in other matters, you havo moro that one string to your bow, the donor has tho opinion that tliis ono well resiucd string, will while for you many a weary hour away, and that soliloquizing in the words of the immortal bard, you may say, ''If music bo tho food of love, play on." A. 13. Simmons. Mn. A. B. Simmoxs. Dear Sir and Fellow Sinner: It is with no ordinary feelings of gratitude that I received, from tho editor of tho Belt, your cs timablo present for which I return you my best (hanks. I have no doubt that you aro speaking from exper ience when you, recount tho excellent effects produced by this fiddle of tho one string, and that you havo "fed" during many a weary hour on what you call this "food of love." When you visit Globo I hope this fiddle, with other musical instruments, may help to ravish your cars with sweet music. I am, very truly yours, Chas. Holbui:n. Parents generally aro desirous that the school should continue its session during seasonable weather. The trus tees and teachers desirous to oblige have concluded that it shall close Juno 13th which will enablo the teachers to review past studies at which time there will bo a public exhibition. The children havo made remarkable prog ress in their studies which is evi dence of tho satisfactory conduct of the school. The trustees are also en titled to favorable mention for the in terest displayed in behalf of tho insti tution. Capital Comfort. Washington, D. C Mrs. Mary K. Sliced, 1110 Maryland avenue, Wash ington, D. 0., states, that for several years she had suffered terribly with facial neuialgia and could find no re- UcfiIn a recent aUackawfnph exten ded to tu painuv pain-re- affected, threetimes only, all pain vanished as if by maj?;c, and has not returned. Tho mail servico between Globo and Thomas' has been abandoned, and tho stock withdrawn from tho hue. The P. 0. Department telegraphed the Globo postmaster and ordered tempo rary service, for which 82,100 per an num would be paid; a sum much less than the cost of carrying the mail be tween the points named. J. D. Ein mcrson, of Louisiana, is tho contrac tor, who is the only one resposible for the service. . . . It was reported upon the streets of Globo that our townsman Alonzo Bailey was a heavy suflerer by the failure of Hudson k Co., bankers of Tucson and although denied by Mr. B his loss was still referred to. The Tucson Citizen of tho l'Jth contains a list of depositors ai d holders of certi ficates of deposits and other evidences of indebtedness against that bank. Mr. Bailey's name appears as a credi tor for only SI 1.25. Tho Sulphcr Valley Saws, of tho 10th, gives tho number of teams ar riving at Willcox and departing for Globe during tho weok at 80. Wagons drawn by each team will average three. They carry coke atid copper bullion. Tho average incoming weight of freight for each large team is not less than 2!j,000 pounds while a few of them haul 80,000 pounds. The Sonoranian who claims the cat tlo (250) recently taken by Gcronimo from his range in Mexico, was recently at San Carlos and demanded restitution of tho same. Wc havo not learned tho result of his mission. Wo understand that ho identified about 125 by the brands. Chas. Schulze, the shoemaker, has just received a full stock of ladies, gents and children's shoes, which ho will sell at bud rock prices. Call in and see him. We would direct atten tion to his advertisement in another column. Ladies and others who enjoy the rcfre&hing sight of flowers can not puss1 a more agreeable hour than by spending it in Doctor Stallo's garden which is redolent with choicest flowers. He is constantly adding to his rare collections. Papillon Cough Cure cured an in fant only a few weeks old, of whoop ing cough after a consultation of'pliy sieians pronounced it beyond recovery. It stop-, the v. hoop :md allows llir mcMth toiturn 0 gTK. siimiKinrmi inr rBBBBBlBViHIBBIBHVHHM hmui, i tie urcnr Kever. RubCing the pax's mertVHm TKHltlTOniAIi TOPICS. Condensed from Our Exchanges for '.'HUvcr Belt" Ilcau'eifl, E. L. Bradshaw, who was run over by a freight train near Casa Grando some timo since, died in tho Tucson hospital last week, his system not being ablo to stand tho amputation of an arm. Deceased was for a long time a resident of this camp, and will bo remembered as the slayer of Tom Waters in front of the Arcade saloon about thrco years ago. He was an old timer on the Pacific coast and a resident of most of tho mining camps that havo sprung up during the past thirty years. Epitaph. Thrco assignments of Hudson & Co.. James H. Toole and Chas. Hudson were filed with tho county recorder Monday. They aro mado to T. L. Stiles, Esq., of Tucson. Their individ ual creditors aro preferred; after them the depositors in their banking insti tutions, and also J. T. Smith, who de posited with the Tucson house $9,901, 28 on May 8. Tho wheat and bailey crop of Salt river valley will reach a total this season of 40,000,000 pounds. Phillip Mead, a nativo of New Or leans, La., was run over Sunday night by tho Eastern bound train at Willcox. Amputation was mado at tho knees. Ho died at 10 o'clock Monday morning. The phenominal snow and cold weather having struck Apache county during the lambing season, has been disastrous to the sheep interests. The loss in Apache county alone will ap proach 10,000. Tho Willcox postoffico will become a money order office July 1st. Tho Democrats of Gila County arc requested to meet a Stallo's Hall on Tuesday May 20th, at 7 o'clock, p. m. A largo attendance is requested, as business of importance will bo trans acted with a view to tho future pros perity of the party. Q. C. Tebbs, Chairman Co. Com. Tho first fourteen days of this month the Old Globo smelters produced 200 tons of ingot copper or a fraction over fourteen tons per day. Tho company have two thrity ton furnaces in blast. Tho mino never looked better than now; oro is most abundant and of a good quality. e-. Tho machinery for the erection o.f a mill, (a ball-crusher) on the difido be tween Wild Rye and Green valley, is now at Winslow, on tho A. & P. road, and will bo moved to tho placo where it is to bo erected as soon as tho road is pwsiMc for heavy wagons. , finrinK ",0seasontforj!hiosnuitoes kj.viouhou plants, it your skilrtfinipure, a bite will swell aud fester unless you apply Papillon Sinn Cure. A single application will'uGutralize the poison. W. W. llrookner returned from Wild Rye Thursday, and reports vege tation strong and everything lovely. Salt river is barely fordable, and not unattended with danger to tho way farer. Wo acknowledge tho receipt of an invitation to be present at a ball given in Phoenix, at tho Lemon Hotel, March 15th, which marks the opening of that building for the accommodation of guests. i We are under obligations to R. Mc Donald for files of newspapers printed at tho African diamond fields. They contain much interesting reading. An attachment was sued out b' tho Anglo California Bank, of San Fran cisco, against Hudson & Co., of Tucson, to secure the payment of 180,000. i i B. G. Fox has been appointed dep uty assessor, and will be found at all times in the sheriffs oftico, ready for the transaction of business. 1 Patrick Hamilton is doing a good work for Arizona, in the amended re print of his Resources of Arizona. 1 Just received at Somerville's Bakery, a largo and assorted supply of sweet crackers, ginger snaps, c. Prof. C. Soycr and Chas. Denhart returned from their southern trip yesterday. i Tho supremo court reports of this territory, arc now ready for distri bution. A committeo of the Cochise county grand jury is engaged in an examina tion of tho accounts of Hudson & Toole's Tomstone branch bank. The Epitaph of the 12th says it is suscep tible of proof, that tho funds deposited in the Tombstone house have been drawn out by the Tucson house, and used in loans and speculation in that section; that Tombstone has been tho big end of tho funnel into which the deposits wore poured, and Tucson the other end from which tlicy escaped. If Hudson it Co. havo anything that can bo realized upon, it is in Tucson, and not in Tombstone. A lato New York dispatch an nounces the existence of the wildest excitement, in conscciuenco of recent failures. Sidewalks and carriage-ways in some localities aro impassable. A run upon the banks is threatened. Money in Now York, on tho 14th, was loaning for or.e j or crt p"i- day r- M3l 'v-'AB 5l Q6vornor Tritle informed the; , . ,,. .. , , "11 A 11 co it Miner that ne wm noi caiu tra session of tho legislature. A Washington special to the Cj natti Ennuircr savs an adj&unMfit 6f concress is nrobablo in Juno". - r im.i Tho reaper death has harKed Cyrus II. McCormick, who madaWpr tune by manufacturing rcap in Chicaco. He had lived 75 yearsaDF " t China and Franco havo buriejhe hatchet, edgo down. China agroI to withdraw her troops from ToBfiuin. France abandons all claim for ii demnity. Tho Chicago billiard match between Schaifler and Slosson, on the 13, "re sulted in a victory for Shaiftw'. His highest run was 211 ; Slossongbored 200 as his highest. 4T , The Prescott Miner says a nSn an swering the description of JoeJ-Wine-brow, tho murderor of a Chinaman at Piiccnix, has been arrested byjfDeputy Sheriff Vandeburgh. p - f' The bronze slatuo of the lato Cbiof " t . Justico Marshall was recently unveiled on tho capitol grounds, 5in Washing ton. Marshall was ono of America's most profound jurists. . i A San Francisco dispatch of the 12th says: Before tho oponing of th"e Sharon case to-day the plaintiff, Miss Hill, in formed General Barnes, .counsel for tho defense, that she would cowhide him if ho persisted in talking to her cousin, Frank Rodney, about her af fairs. The day was lonsumcd in tho cross-examination of II. L. Wells, who on Friday last admitted to having tes tified falsely. On motion, of Judge Terry, of counsel for plaintiff, Wells was arrested and charged with per jury- i The following explains' itself. Mr. Rowe has been entirely. too fresh in this matter, and should be invited to take a back seal: Quijotoas, May 5, 1884. Aloxzo Bailet, of Ten' D'em. Central Com. for Gila County. Dear Sir: For delegates to National Dem. Conven tion, the following gentleman have been nominated by the various mem bers of the committee: &tbcrt F. Ban ta (presented by) 2; W. K. Meade, 7; Alonzo Bailey, 1; P. J. Bolan, 1; A. R. Owens, 1; Ed. Thompson, 1; A. C. Ba ker, 1; G. H. Oury, 7; C. P. Head, 1; Hugo Richards, 2; SamT Purdy, 3; L. C. Hughes, 7. From this list please) to mako your final choice of thy two allowed, "and forward tho record of Vour vote to me at Prescott, prior to-Juno 1st, 1881. Also your vote as to tnie.and place of holding Territorial Coition. For alternates, myrplan wa-wTut the two highest nunibor of vAttoO tho dele gates, and the ucfxMfe ighest the twoalteruflBfejHHpgihrnjtted iMlmt' tl)inlcuTJP5rSgMffvv''ll be taken. ,n s itothjE0H9?t wjl (no jjievcL ChairmaffrerDeli. 'Central Com. Daily tomperaturo for tho week: May 9, max Ls, 90 min A. I ".. 57 " 10, max l. 91 min .h 55 " 11, max 91 min k: 40 " 12, max I-. 88 min f..i 45 " 13, max ..7) 87 min J 44 " 14, max r!, 82 min : 56 " 15, max ,.'.-. 84 win '. 54 Preferred Locals. Fresh ranch eggs at Somerville's. Have you seen Schein's tcoop hats, for ladies? ?c- Go to the Crystal Lake saloon for a cool drink. -j Puro Ohio maple sugar at Chapel's, a few cakes left. T Parties desiring wood, please leave orders at Chapel's. !t For pretty prints and ginghams, go to J. Myers & Schein. :, Canned pie plant, 3 for pno silver dollar, at Chapel's. Farties desiring ice can now leave their orders at Benbrook & Morcing; saloon. Elegantly furnished rooms at -Chapel's on Oak St., by the day, week or month. i Chapel has a mowing machine and a good sulky horse rake to .trade for hay, barley, corn or cash, f Another large invoice of fresh'ranch eggs just arrived at Chapel's, 50 cents per dozen. They go like hot cakes. Graydon has just received a car load of assorted iron and hard wood, which he will sell at greatly reduced prices. Chapel makes a specialty of fresh and dried fruits, butter, cheese, eggs, and everything that's good. J. Myers & Schein have received tho latest novelties of satines, buntings, nun's veiling, lace checks aud french knadder.3. A choice selection of toilet and laun dry soap just arrived at Chapel's. Call at Chapel's for a messofRqund Shore herring for breakfast. Call at Chapel's for a packago, of Boone's lye hominy, America's nation al dish. Assorted and fancy candies just ro ecived at SomervilloV. I , .... yy,. Soirtervillo i3 just m receipt of 'dfie'd fruit, raisins, citrons, currants, ja'ra and jellies, as also orariges, lem ons and apples. Somervillo has Middleton's ranch bnlter for sale, fresh every week. ' Van Wagenen has received a choico assortment of fancy candies and crackers. Fresh ranch eggs at L. Robinson's. Butter, eggs and cheese at Somer villo's. Go to Somerville's for oranges, lem ons and apples. All classes of goods at bottom prices at Van Wagenen's. Another fresh arrival of fancy cakc3 and crackers at Somerville's. J. W. Douglass, clothes cleaner and repairer, will bo found at his rooms on Broad Street, between the Globe and Arcadia saloons. If you want fancy crackers and fan cy biscuits, go to Somerville's. A now and elegant stock o f men's hats iust received at Van Wagenen's. A new invoice of gentlemen's fur nishing goods at Van Wagenen's. J. Myers & Schein, would respect fully announco to their customers, and the public in general, that they are now ready to ofl'erttt unprecedent ed low prices, tho largest and most complete stock of dry goods ever of fered in Globe. Our various depart ments cannot be uxcelled, by any other house in tho Territory; they comprisq a full line of dress goods, white goods, fancy goods, hosiery, millinery and notions. Our ladies, misses and chil drens shoes, is the largest and finest selection ever brought to Globe, and will be sold lower than the market value. Having bought the above in largo quantities, it will enable us to sell cheaper than any of our competit ors. Our stock is now open for in spection. srAimtKv. BEACH BltlGIIAM In (ilobc, May 11th, at the residence of John Clark, by B. G. Fox, Justice of the Peace, 3Ir. A. Beach to Mrs. Manuela Brigluim. MARSHALL SWAXSEX In Phoenix, Feb, ulli. by Rev. Dr. Gregory, Joseph J. Marshall to Miss Gcity Swaiibcn, both of Globe. Scvr Advertisements. u.Tjyj .-irgr-i: z. j- 'j mjl,: Fop Kent. A dwelling containing FOUR ROOMS. Apply to CHAUXCY GUXX. GREAT Reducti o n IN PRICES. TAYLOR &HATCH Will sell & Cigars for 12 1-2 cts. Except Imported Bands of ALES, PORTEK, BEER, MIIN'ERA.IL. WATER, O. P. S. WHISKEY, Imported & Key West Cigars 25c. A Large Lot of cox;ni:sM, MM; IjEGATj cap, IKTTEll l'APEIl, ENVELOPES a PICTURE FRAMES CAUIXKT-SIZr. Very Cheap for Cash. This is a GEXERAL IXVITATIOX, TAYLOR & HATCH. May 17-tf CHAS. SCHULZE, BOOT audi Shoemaker, Has just received the Largest - Most Complete Stock of LADIES, GENTS and CHILDREN SHOES Ever brought to Globe. TIES of EVERY DESCRIPTION, And of the very Latest Styles. liners loots & hoes Boots nnd felines made on short notice, and in the neatest manner. REMEMBER THE PLACBBruad Street. sT tiicx or tjii: TS BIG BOOT. May 17-lf SJSrtSiSiooiiiaii iTsTT mT7 h'iim I inwimi iiMMiin FORT THOMAS i BOWIE STATION Stage Line; SHORTEST, PUICKEST AND CKEAPEST ROUTE TO GLOBE; DAILY LINE OP CONCORD COACHES. Fare from Fort Thomas (EEThis line offers special inducements to parties traveling cast from Globe, as a saving of 24 hours is effected in time, and about $17 in fare is saved, besides 120 miles in distance. fr)HN Fcb.9-tf PALACE HOTEL, TUCSON, A. T. fading $4 of rizcna. F'irst-Class Accommodations. FREE BUSS to and from Depot. oct n GEO. RAYFIELD, Prop. J. LIBERMAN & CO. WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE AND Commission Merchants WILCOX. A. T. Freight forwarded to C'nmp. Grant nnd Thomas, Dos Cabesas, Globe, Sallord. Pueblo Vlcjo, and all points supplied from Wilcox. LOKDSDUUG, M.M Freight forwarded ioSliak.peare, Sliver City, Clifton, (A. T., and all points in Sew Mexico to bo Mipplicd from I.ordsburg. "CAItE OF .1 L. & CO." WILLCOX OR LORDSBURG. Nov. G-tf TUTT PILLS TORPID BOWELS, DISORDERED LIVER, and MALARIA. ., . From these sources artea tnrco-fourtlis ot o-,r riLnoRpa of Hio tamiiajrncp, Ohefla. yraptom3indlcat9theircsuiienco:I.oM ot Appetite, Bowel cottlvct Sick Head cclic, fullneas niter eating, arerilon to exertion of body or mlndt Eructetlon of food, Irritability of temper, low spirits, A feellnff of Iiaving ncplccted mine duty, J)lzslnes,E'laUerltigattlie Heart, Dots before the cyca.IiicUlycol ored ferine, GOA'STIPATIOWV nd da jnand tho uso of a remedy that nct3 directly on tho I.lvcr. AsaLlvermedioiuoTDXT'S FILLS havo no equal. Their cctlonon tho KlJncysnndSkial3alsoproiapt;;rcmoYing all Impurities through theso thrco "scav enger of the system," producing appe tite, sound digestion, roRulnr Btcol3, a cleir ehlaandavlsorouabody. tOX'jC'HIILI.S ennso no nausea or griping nor interfere, with dally work and aro a perfect ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA. HolU eYcrywhcrgc. OU.4UInmyStMN.Y. Gbat IUnt on WniSKCia changed In. Etantly to a Ulogsy 'Ilack hy a slnclo ap plication of thU DTE. Sold by Drugs'813! or sent by express on receipt of SI. , Ofnee, Murray Streot.Xew York. TUTT'S MANUAL OF USEFUL RECEIPTS FREE. J.iii.5-ly Deelaration ns Mole Trader. I MAGGIE O'BOYLE, WIFE OF WIL- liamC. O'Uoyle, dodoclaio, that I in tend to cairy on biiMiii's-. in my own naim1, and on my own account. The business, trade, pi ofession, occupation or art, I in tend to carry on, Is that of hotel, retail rant, saloon and boaulin house keeper, and also in buj hn; nnd selling all kinds of commodities puitainlni: to such business, as well as general merchandizing. That I intend to carry on said business at Mixer King village, Aiiznna, and elsewheie in tills Territory. Principal place of business Silver King. That the capital to be in Nested in said business does not exceed Khe Thousand Dollais, and I am imlividu all lesponslble for all debts contiactcd by me" on account of my trade and business as aforesaid. Dated, May 1. 1SS4. MKS. MAGGIE OTJOYLE. Mav 10-3v I'robatc Xotice. IX THE PltOUATE COURT OF GILA County, Tenitnry of Arizona. In the matter of the KsUleoi HANS AX TOX AXDEUSOX, deceased. Xotice is hereby gien that Tuesday, the 3rdda of June, A. I)., IhSI, at 10 o'clock a. in., of said day, and the couit loom of said couit. in the town of Globe, Gila County. Teiritory of Aiizona, hae been appointed as the time and place for proing the Will of said Hans Anton Anderson, deceased, and for healing the application of Olof Maitin Anderson, for the issuance to him of Letters Testamentary thereon. Globe, A. T., May 1. 1&S1. . L. LONG, rrobate Judge. Wim.iam (iRavks Atl'y for Petitioner. May 3-lw Fur Sale al a Rargain. OXE XEW ASSAY OUTFIT, ALL complete, three new Fish freight wag ons. Iron axles: one second-hand Poi tabic Holler and Engine, eight horse power; one good strong top buggy and liariie, one second-hand billianl table outfit, one tw eh o mule team artl harness and wagons, one delivery hand cat t, on springs; one auto malic music, cabinet organ, several good new bed-room seK Anph to E. 1 KELLXElt, Globe, A. T. Mav 3-lm & fi ii a w eek at home, f 5.00 outlit free. 3M)0 Pay absolutely sine. Xo risk. Capital not required. Header, if on want business at which person of either sex, joungorold, can make great pay all the time they woik. with absolute certainty, write for p.utieulais to II. 11ai,li:t v Co.. Poi (land. -Maine. dce.I5-ly (2ir Fair Warning. ALL RILLS XOT PAID MOXTIILY will be closed up. fuither ere.lit re fused and collections forced h law. I make nociceptions to this rule, milcv. bv special agreements. E. F KFLLXEU. " apl 12-lm to Bowie Station, S I 2.50. S. QUINN, Proprietor? THE l'HYKlCIAVS ADVICE. "What shall I do?" old Aker cried, "For this sharp anguish in my sldo, "This dreadful lhcumatisin I "I've tried all soits of physic viley "Which certainly have cost a pile. "And still I've paroxysm." The doctor said : "My friend, eschew "These noxious nostrums, or else you "Will be too weak to kill a cur; -'GitO Up l'i j'.,) -':-,. lij illL 1.' U, "The very thing that's meant for you "The mighty Sallcylfca!" -Vlmiiiihitiiitor' Sulo Kciil JS.sttvto. of NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEX THAT in pursuance of an order of the Pio bate Couit of the County of Gila, Territory of Aiizona. made on the Fifteenth day of January, 188t, in the matter of the estate of F. 11. Knox, deceased, the undersigned, the administiator of the said estate, will sell at public. auction to the highest bidder for cash, lawful money of the United States of Aniciiea, and subject to confirmation by said Probate Couit, on MOXDAY the 2stli day of Api II A. 1). 1884, between thehoms of 9 o'clock in the morning and the setting of the sun, to-wit at 12 o'clock m. of that day in fiont of the court room of saidPiobateCojirt, all the right, title, in terest and estate of the said F. Ii. Knox, at the lime of his death, and all the right, title, and inteiest that the said estate has bv opeiations of l.iw or otheiwisu acquheil other than or In addition to that of the said F. II. Knox at the time of his death, in ami to all those certain lots, pieces or parcels of land and imjnovcments thereon situate, Ij Ing and being in Globe, County of Gila, Territory of Aiizona, and bounded and de scribed as follows, tn-wit (4.) House and lot on Mesquite SUeet foimerly occupied by S. L. lUirbridge, said lot being a central poi tion of lot Xo. 4, of block Xo. 70, as designated on the oillcial map of Globe townsite on file In the office of the clerkof the Probate Court of said Coun ty of Gila and more particulaily described, as follow?," Um it: Heginning at a stake marked M on the southerly line of Mes quite Street, about 61 feet from the south east corner of said Slcsquite Street and tho public alley running northerly and south erly thiough said block. and l mining thenccr easteily along said soutbeily line of Mes quite Slieet 25 feet; thence southeily paral lel to said alley about 102 feet to the south erly boundaij line of said lot Xo.4; Ihcnce westerly on said last mentioned boundary line 23 feet; thence northerly parallel to said alley about 102 feet to Uie place of be ginning. (7.) House and lot on northwest corner of il!ow and Oak Streets, designated on said oniciai map as lot -o. i!j in block Xo 82. Also an undivided one-sixth (1-6) in terest in the '-Gladiator mine situato in Globe Mining District, County of Gila, Ter ritory of Arizona, aihl recoidcd on page 191 book 5. of said Mining District Hccoids. Teims and conditions of sale, cash, lavv fill money of the United States, twenty per cent of the purchase money to be paid to the administrator on the day of the sale, balance on confirmation of sale by said Piobatc Court. Deeds at expense of pur chaser. imnti'oxi:hi:t. The above sale is postponed until MOX DAY, Maj lit, im. Same hour. WILLIAM GItAVES, Administrator of the estate f F. 15. Knox, deceased. Koticc of Forfei turc. ritO AAHOX MASOX. EXECUTOR X and administrator of the estate of Fordjce Phelps, deceased, and to tho heirs or representatives of said deceased, and to all whom It mav concern. TAKEXOT1CK That I. a co-owner, In the Monitor mining location, claim ami mining giound. situated in Mineral Creek mining distiict, Pinal County, Arizonn, about live miles northeasterly from Minei a"? Cieek and about eight miles fioni the Gila ltivcr, and adjoining the ("rent Republie mining claim, have done and expended tho sum of One Hiindnd DolUrs, the annual assessment lcquned b,v l.irr for llicvear IS.V1, to hold the said mining claim, and un less you pa me our pioitoi tion ofal(le-pciKlitiiie.tvventy-fiveilol'nrs.togeihervvitli Ihe cpense of this notice, vvilhlu ninetv (90) duj.s from this notice, jour interest and title in said Monitor milling claim, wilt; be foifeited tome. Dated. March 22, 1SS4. THOMAS HEALY To be published thirteen times succos sivelv In a "ivevVh newspaper nearcsfto the clJlm- iich mv- t