Newspaper Page Text
Hii iMium THE ARIZONA SILVER BELT. Snturtlny, May 54, 188 J. Baptist Cuuiicii Notice. Preaching, Sunday, it 10:30 a. m. Sunday School nt 11:80 n. in. Praer meeting niul Hiblo study, Friday, 7:30 p. m., at private iesl uenccs. THE SILVEK BELT U kept on fllo at K. U. Dakcs Advertising Agency, 03 Merchants Exchange, San Francisco, Cal., where contracts for adci Using can bo made for It. OAco Hours of Globe & San graph Company. Carlos Tele- From 8 to 11:13 a. m, 12:15 tn 4 p. in., and 1 to 9 p. m. Sunday hours 9 to 10 a. m. nad,7 to 8 p. in. Nlght-ratu message must bo handed In before 8:20 p. in. to insuro pionipt trans mission over W. U. lines. (!. 51. Allison, Operator. LOC-CL 3TB"rS. D. 1). Lacey is still sick. Groceries just arrived at Van Wag onen's. . . M. y. Bremen is itifNew York on a business trip. ' New stock, ot canned gbod',at, Van Wagonon's. E. 6. Kennedy," left for UasaGrande, 'Sunday morning. James Cline, of Tonto, died at Fort McDowell on the 11th instant. Tobo (Jlino and Harvey Morris were 'hero from Tonto tho present week. Ham, bacon, lard, cheese, codfish, halibnt, etc., etc., at Van Wagencn's. Sir. F. Winkleman, of San Pedro, was here and left for homo on Thurs day. . J. J. Vosburgh and wifo loft on Thursday ou a brief visit to points East. - i . Captain Watkins is confiued to his room and bed; he, however, is conva lescing. Col. Beaumont, of San Carlos, was hero Monday, and returned homo the same dav. John H. Hise has sold hi storo and dwelling to Dr. Johnston. Mr. Hiso intends making his home at Flagstaff. E. F. Kcllner, left on Sundays coach for Santa Barbara, Cal., on a visit to his family who are now residents of that place. . Tho Yaqui who was arrested on Sunday last upon tho charge of steal ing a pistol was given thirty days in the county jail. Frank Foster, nephew of Col. Eddy, is located ou Deer creek, llu Kye r Tr.r- -. - inuaibiiiiJ hi uiu 'neck and hands aro inflamed, bathe them Ipillon Skin Cure; it will nflay inflammation instantly. i i There should be a postofiice at Wil- lliams' store. It is directly on the route from Globo to Camp Vcrdo and lvo miles from tho nearest office. We have-never hoard of such marve llous cures of coughs in children and wdults as l'apillon Cough Cure produce. You should have a bottle in your 'house in case, of need. Papillon Skin Cure will remove Dandruff, euro Barbers' Itch, Inordi nate Itching, Sebaceous Tumors, Blotches, Maggot 1'implcs, Grog Blos soms, Carbuncles and Boils. It never fails. Som3rvillo has opened, in connec tion with his bakery, an ice cream parlor tastefully fitted up, and will bo ready at all times to furnish choice cream, cako and confections. Give him a call. Ed. Shearer is rusticating at tho Warm Springs. As soon as ho has ro covercd sufliciently ho will accept a situation in a mercantile house in Globo, Arizona.-i-Silver City Enter prise. On Sunday evening next Rev. W. Qeojrgo wUl invjUi Jns'eongrogation to "Consider the Heaven?." It is hoped that all who aro interested in other worlds than ours, will mako an cffoit to attend. If you have a cold in your head, been in a draft and havo the result of your1 imprudence annoying your com fort, jnsufiiato with a few applications of Papillon Catarrh Curo, and you " will bo relieved at once. Messrs. Holmes and Hamill returned from a visit to Wild Rye on Tuesday. They express themselves as highly pleased with that section as a stock country. At Watkins' ranch they east&Lon new potatoes, milk nnd Iden buTter. Ed. L. Cumnungs is at Ctiltacan, laloa, Morico. Ho is freight and kket agent for tho Sinaloa it Duran- It. R. Joo Flonrnoy is in that Lie, has pui chased a ranch in con- Ition with his brothers and is about iing it w ith cattle. Earloy Hubbard aim illiam Dick- . . 1 1 1 . 1 P A I . - jrson, "old umo residents oi mis Jftco after a protracted prospecting Inr south. Quijotoa and elsewhere, (turned to Globe, well satisfied that is district outranks all others that U- visited on tlioir recent trip lor Lnbund.iWL of poppir and precious bU ptaaidfrittfrfcaflflpMWttiiiiiOiiftiiiin'Wiii DEMOCItATlC JCEETIXO. In pursuance of a letter of Chair man Howe, of the Democratic commit tee, to Alonzo Bailey, Esq., and a call of Q. C. Tebbs of the County Central Committee, u meeting of Democrats was held at Stallo's Hall, Tuesday evening, May 20th. Tho meeting was called to order by Q. C. Tebbs, who nominated Capt. Wntkins for chairman of the meeting, and moved his election. Ho was elected without, opposition. The chairman stated the object of tho meeting was to express a prefer ence for a dclegato to tho Chicago Con vention, and also as to tho manner, and for the timo of holding a Territo rial convention. On motion, B. J. McGinnis elected secretary. On motion, Mr. Rowe's letter read by the secretary. A motion, by Dr. Hcineman, was was that G. H. Oury and W. K. Meade be se lected from the list of names in Mr. Rowo's letter read by the secretary, as representing tho choico of the Dem ocrats of Gila county, was amended by Judgo McCabe, so as to substitute the name of P.. J. J3olan, of Cochise, for that of W. K. Meade, of Cochi&c. On motion, of McGinnis..the motion and amendment, pending tho expres sion of tho meeting regarding its choice for prcsideutal nominees, wera laid. on the table. A motion, by McGinnis, that Tilden and Hendricks be declared the choico of tho meeting for presidential candi dates, was carried. The chairman stated that tho ques tion was now on tho original motion of Ileincman, as amended by McCabe, substituting tho name of P. J. Bolan for W. K. Meade. Judgo McCabe called for a division of tho house. Tho motion as amended was lost. Tho question -occurring on the original motion was carried. Tho following resolution was pre sented by Dr. Hcineman. Resolved, That the Democrats of Gila county protest against the mode of selecting Democratic national del egates, as practiced in this Territpry, as being undemocratic and not in con formity with party usage, and that'we censuro Mr. Howe, tho chairman of tho Territorial-Democratic committee, for countenancing such irregular pro ceedings. On motion tho resolution was adopted. A motion, by- Q. C. Tebbs; that the meeting now pioceed to cxpres3 its preference for a timo and place, for holding the next Territorial Demo cratic Convention was carried. , Motion by W. Graves that tho first Monday in July bo solected as the preference of tho meeting, 'for holding tho Tovritoriad- fVmvnnt;jfce",J-,iiilt it is in favor of a long and aggressive campaign, was amended by Judge Mc Cdbo, erasing tho words "first Mon day," and "long and aggiessivo cam paign." Ou a division tho amend ment war carried. Tho question oc curring on tho oiiginal motion, was lost. Motion by Judge McCabo that Phoe nix bo selected as the preference of the meoting for holding tho convention, was amended by Graves, so ns to sub stitute Tucson for Phccnix. The amendment was carried. Tho ques tion occurring on tho oiiginal motion, was lost. Motion by Graves, that Messrs. Ba ker and Bolan bo selected as the choico of the meeting, for alternates to the Chicago Convention, was carried. Tho following resolution was of fered by Dr. Hcineman: Resolved, That tho proceedings of this meeting bo published in the am- ZONA SiLVEK Bi:LT. On motion, it was adopted. Thero being no further business, the meeting, on motion, adjourned. 11. J. McUixkis, Scc. Salt river and Tonto valleys never looked so attractive as they do at pres ent; everywhere mother earth is car peted with green. Tho ficquent rains havo rendered irrigation unnecessary and some of tho finest fields of barley havo received no water except what fell from tho heavens. Gcorgo Dan forlh has fifty acres of tho finest bar ley ever grown on Salt river. Messrs. Robertson, Vinyard, Cline and Wat kins also havo promising crops. Tho round ups on Salt river, Tonto and Wild Rye creek aro over and a largo number of calves were branded. Feed is unusually good and cattlo aro in prime condition. O ' A letter from Cceur d'Aleno mines to a gentleman of this place, dated May 8th, convoys a very unfavorable account-of that camp. The writer had been there about fivo weeks but saw nothing worthy his attention, and was about going to Wood river. The country is overrun with tho rougher class. Virgil Earp and brother aic there, as well as others of like ilk, from Tombstone. Tho correspondent also says that "every other house is a saloon and three-quarters of that oth or half aro saloons alio." Stewart formoily of the Globo mine is at Cceur d'Aleno, as is aUo A. II. Mitchell formerly of this place. Captain W. E. Dougherty and Lieu tenant (!. S. Anderson, members of the court of inquiry, now in session at San Carlos, wero in Globe, Satin day and Sunday, returning Monday morn ing. Thr had a visit and mad main fiiends heie CO VST V VAXCS. I notice in the Silveii Belt of tho 10th inst., that two of tho county su pervisors, Messrs. Wostmeyer and Robertson, took occasion to indirectly criticise myself and others who signed a petition respectfully requesting the Board of Supervisors, when they levied tho taxes for 1884, not to exceed two per cent on tho assessment, Ac.; nnd that they seriously consider tho pics ent financial condition of the county, and, if possible, spare tho tax payers from onerous duties. This petition, signed by fifty-six of tho principal citizens of Globe, was read in open sossion by tho Board, and "laid on tho table," accompanied with remarks from Messrs. Westmeycr and Robertson, in which myself and other signers of tho petition were severely criticised, for presuming to intimate to them our wishes. It was claimed by Mr. Westmeycr that many of tho signers paid but an insignificant sum of taxes, and that he himself was ouo of tho heaviest lax payers, but he failed to stato that ho was also one of tho largest "tax caters" in 'the county. He failed to stafco that he has drawn from tho county treasuiy, in ready cash, the past year, tho.sum of 695.15, fully one-half of which (was for per, diem services as supervisor, and the balance for rents and merchandise- at a largo profit. Now Mr. Wcstmoyer paid tho sum of $217.46 into tho county treasury, and if all the tax-payers of the county could liquidate their taxes by serving tho county a few hours monthly, and kstill have a good profit for a margin, they would not object to havo the tax lavy double what it was last year. This fling at poor men, who pay but small amounts in taxation, docs not become Mr. Westmeycr, who daily eats tho bread of the same men. Tho right of petition is a sacred right, and no one is so poor and humble that this right should bo denied him, for we live in a republic that knows no distinc tion between tho rich and tho poor. Mr. Westmeyer's fling at me about wishing to secede from tho county with a fortune, regardless of the fu ture, is also unjust. I brought more capital here when I started in Globe than Mr. W. ever had, or will have, and this capital is hero yet, and will slay here as long as I am able to at tend to business. This is not tho first timo tho tax payers of a cpunty havo deemed it prudent to make suggestions to "the powers that be," for it is a notorious fact that officials often' get into a groovo from which nothing short of giant powdor will movo them. Almost every county has its ring Who cats tho taxes of file couniy-'witn",a7ravenous appetite, and under which tho people groan and complain at their excessive demands. Mr. Westmeycr, in his great ardor to show the wisdom of the county supervisors in levying and col lecting tho oppressive taxes of 1883, amounting to $-H,000, failed to show why this large amount was necessary. Thirty-fouv thousand dollars for about 1500 people, is certainly too much, and there are lots of counties of twenty, thirty and forty times our population which get along on an assessment of about 30,000 per year. In Pinal county tho Board of Supervisors aro paid for about thirty days for tho en tiro year, and receive 150 per year. Tho assessment of Pinal county is about $1,800,000. The assessment of Gila county for 1883 was a little over 1,000,000 nearly one-half less than Pinal count-, and still our supervi sors draw more than double the pay that the supervisors of Pinal county draw. Tho very life-blood was drawn from tho people to pay this amount of taxes, as every property owner knows, and it is strango that no itemized ac count of tho expenditures of the coun ty has ever been published, so the tax payers could sco who aro tho "tax eaters. Mr. W. coolly says, "They appear to find fault with us for having money in the treasury. They call it surplus." Yes, Mr. W., "surplus." There is not a county in Arizona, and for that mat ter hardly a county' in the United States, that levies and collects more than is necessary to meet tho obliga tions of the county for the first three quarters of tho year. County war rants aro issued to meet the expenses of the last quarter, deeming it sound policy to permit the tax-payers to keep their money in their own pockets, rather than pile it up in the county treasury, where it is an inducement for reckless cxtravagai'ce, and docs nobody any good, but is liable to bo squandered. Persons working for the county, and for that matter county olficers, can afford to wait one quarter for their pay, as well as business men, who aro glad to get their pay after waiting that length of time. Why should there be money on hand always to pay our county officials, whilst the mass of our business men and labor ers have to wait from mouth to month for their pay? Truo it is handy for tho county supervisors and officials every month to step from their room and di aw their pay for a few hours labor, spun out from day to day. This may bo convenient, but the tax-payers fail to seo why they should be exces sively taxed to keep this ".surplus" on hand for the good of a few office-holders. County warrants aro resorted to in almost every county in tho Uni ted States to a deficit" oyer year, . j. and thero is no reason whythe young and feeble county of Gila should be an exception to the general rule, and her people bo impoverished to gratify a few "tax-eaters." t Mr. Wcstmoyer, in giving a state ment of tho resources of tho county resulting from a tax levy, exhibits some wonderful mathematical ability. After enumerating the amount of the levy to cover territorial taxes for county, school and other purposes, ho makes out that 1.20 is consumed out ot two per cent, tax, leaving .w per cent, for county purposes, amounting. to $4,462.06 to defray county expenses.. Then ho deducts 1200 to pay county interest, whilo ho has already em braced this in his 1.20 per cent. I mako the broad assertion that by proper economy and care 1,402.06 is sufficient to carry this small county for the first threo quarters of 1885. Our court expenses aro greatly re duced, our pauper account amounts to little or nothing, and if our Board of Supervisors will meet quarterly only, so that no one member shall have a salary to exceed 100; thai Hiey employ- a secretary say at 150 per year, instead of fivo or six huiuir'cd, and in various way53ai'"lhlfilars that' our hard presied ax-; ayerk'?obliged to furnish, tho amount of J4,i 62.06 will be amply sufficient to run tho county, unless extraordinary contingencies should occur, antPthe deficit, if any, can just as well be carried in tho pock-, ets of the tax-payers; as' to be hoarded in the county treasury. As to the remarks juade by Mr. Robertson, as to the labors of the county commissioners and tho amount of days they were necessarily em ployed, ho states, "That one month was consumed in equalizing the taxes." Will he be kind enough to publish, so the tax-payers can see, what their la bors consisted of; who was benefitted by this equalization; how many tracts were acted on, and the taxes either re duced or raised by their incessant la bors? A wholo month thirty days at 5 per day is 150 into each supei visor's pocket, and 'I venturo to say that neither tho county or any indi vidual was otherwise benefitted to this extent. Mr. Robertson complains that ho receives only mileage quarterly, and that he comes to Glnbomany times for which ho receives no mileage. What a great wrong it is that the county of Gila docs not pay Mr. It. fir every trip he makes to Globe, for he has business connections here in the shape of a very extensive corral, and his mercantile co-partnership with his brother super visor, Mr. Westmeycr, also to attend to. The Hon. Supervisor usually ar-nvns-bcirc a'wy;nl-ttfck-.f.n UA &vf the board meets, they meet and adjourn after calling the roll to meet next day to do some business. The first day counts 5 per day and mileage, the next the same, less mileage, and in the interval Mr. R. attends to his private business, and yet 'finds fault that he does not icceive sufiicient mileage. Tho remedy for all this i with the tax-payers, and that is to simply re lease Mr. Robertson from all this un profitable job, and hereafter let him come to Globe as a private individual, relieved from the burdensome tasks as a county supervisor. In conclusion I will say that it has been intimated to me that I would suft'er this tax year for daring to at tack the almighty county supervisors, but would say that I don't scare worth a cent. I know that all tho just and disinterested tax-payers aro with me in this petition, and will see justice done this year. Do Messrs. Westmeycr and Robert son think that any other two business partners, say the most popular, could be elected and servo as the majority of tho Board of County Supervisors? No, gentlemen; common sense de mands that you should not bo business partners, and run tho county at the same time. Why was it made so dis agreeable to Hon. Alex Graydon that he finally resigned? Why doesythe thiid supervisor, Mr. Chas. Fisk, at tend but few of the meetings? Why was the road petition signed by thirty-seven of tho people from Salt river to change the road where it passes the storo of Messrs. W. & R., laid on the table, like this last petition? I regret my limited time, for I havo still lots of statistics to offer which may throw some light why these pe titions are laid on the table and utter ly ignored. E. F. Kellxek. Globe, A. T., May 18, 1881. A Uo eminent Mirriit. Mr. Edward L. Green, Sheriff, Auck land, New Zealand, wrHes: "I re ceived an injury to my shoulder in June, 1882. and from that date until July, 1883, I could not use my arm. I applied to medical men 'and used all sorts of liniment, without any benefit. I have great pleasuro in seating I had occasion to uso St. Jacobs Oil for it, and I had not used it m'oro than ten minutes beforo I felt the beneficial effect, and I can work with my saw or spado as well as over I did, and recom mend it to any ono suffering pain, i The non receipt of mail matter, at tho Globe office, until days after it is due is tiring the patience of our citi 7oas. The fault is with those who han dle the mails and not with tho car riers. The departmont should look to it that employ, do their duty. i.ETTKIl I.I8T. List of Letters remaining in Post Office at Globe, Arizona, for the week ending May 21, 1834 Anderson, Thos Beaut, W M BaIdrldge,CA-2 Beach, fl E-3 Blackburn, John Copley, John Douglass, J YV 3 lllnton, Elmer Jordan, S T Linstrum, Kate Martin,)! Morris, 11 1) 1'arellon, Lunro 2 Stewart, John C Stenilman. Hubert naw ley, u li Pleaio say ndertUed and ghe date of list. V. E. Si'BXCK. P. M. Mrs. Gill has opened a fruit store aljoining Heineman's drug store. - i jiuuuiter uiiuu-j x. jjuvis reports wie liabilities of Grant it Ward, as far as ascertained, at 14,501,531. Assets inot stated. J. H. Eaton, has encased James "Fredericks to take charire of his liverv lousiness, which is a guarantee that frimmnla Will vnstmim tho hast rf MM 'and customers be courteously treated. 1 O I Tom Pascoe, now in California, wri ting to his brother Ben, announces that his father and mother arc conva lescing, and that his brother James would soon leave for his homo in Qlobe. x --""". . Tho Sunday school picnic, on Sat urday last, was attende'd bVu'oiit-one hundred and fifty adults and children, tho latter largely predominating. Oc casions of this kind arc to be warmly commended as affording much needed relaxation and desirable enjoyment. Mrs. V. Anderson, of Mangus Springs, is in town, having sustained a severo dislocation of tho shoulder from which she has suffered most acutely for tho past fivo weeks. She had the shoulder re-set yesterday and has been resting easier since. Silver City Enterprise. A Lowe, a co-owner in the El Capi tan mine, was in town on Thursday and presented us with a rare speci men of ore from the Mable mine, be longing to Messrs. Duryca and Wcnt worth, which contains much ruby sil ver. Tho tunnel from which this specimen was taken, is in 70 feet and shows a "pay streak" which assays very rich. A Yaqui Indian, who had stolen a pistol and two dollars fiom M. Caldc ron, fired on Sheriff Pascoe when the latter attempted to arrest him. Pas coe, aided by James Watkins, pur sued tho Indian and after a short chase captured and lodged him in jail, where ho now is awaiting legal ac tion. We are indebted to Dr. Stallo for a plate of luscious stra berries grown on the ranch of Stallo "ft Moodv at Cnerry Cre5k.-TnU-jT.TJf "T5erFfPl7i SO'R D &$& measured 8 inches in circumference and all wero above the average size, firm and sweet. Moro attention should be paid to fruit cnlcuro in Gila county as tho few experiments made havo proven conclusively that small fruits of all kinds can be successfully srown here. An interesting boy, (fivo' years old,) of J. B. Hockcr of Salt river was se verely hurt by falling into the cellar which subsequently resulted in his death. The funeral was 'largely at tended by residents of that vicinity and persons from Globo. Tho Rev. Mr. Windes officiated on the occasion. The parents of tho deceased desire to extend their thanks to friends for their assistance and sympathy upon the trying occasion. J. F. Gerald is making himself a home on Pinal creek, eight and a half miles from Globe, where he will en gage in cattle raising. A commodi ous house is being built and will be ready for occupancy in a few weeks, He has sunk a well and with tho aid of a force pump, worked by horse power, obtains a supply of fine water sufficient for several hundred head of stock. It will be an attractive place when tho improvements now in prog ress aro conipleted. iCIV Advfcrtlwmcnt. notice to auis.v.ias: You can secuie The BEST BOARD and LGiNG To bo had in Globe, and at The LOWEST PRICES At the- Pascoe House Prices for Iioaul and Lodging reduced f 10)11 SHio &i Per "Wcelf. These tei ins to ai teims to applv to Miners Only. MUS. J. HYXDMAX, Manage igcr. Max 21-tf Olof M. Anderson Is prepared to Contract for Building of Houses, Do Job Work and Greneral Carpentering. t-T HOOKS TO I.KT, Furnished and Xlnfiirni-bed. Apply to May 21-tf O. M. ANDEKSOX. rflO KENT. A cnmfoi table ilweHinz. 3. Applj to COUNEI IA ANDERSON FORT TftOMAS I Stage SHORTEST, QUICKEST AND DAILY LINE OF CONCORD COACHES. Fare from Fort Thomas fSErThis line offers sjie'cial inducements to parties traveling east front ' Globe, asi-asiiving of 24 tours' is effectdun-time, and,abouti417nfrJar9ig saved, besides lf20 miles in AUi'Je.M m - I t"- "-" -- m 1j JOHN Fcb.9-tf PALACE HOTEL, TUCSON, A. T. leading Iptyl c U'irst-Oass Accommodations, FREE BUSS to and from Depot. Oct. 6-tf GEO. J. LIBERMAN & CO. WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE AND Commission Merchants. WILCOX. A. T. Freljilit forwarded to Camps Grant and Thomas, Dos Cabeeas, Globe Bafford. Pueblo Vlejo. and all points supplied from Wilcox. LOUDSIJUUG, N.M Ficijilit forwaided 10 Sliakspc.irc, Silver Cltv, Clifton, (A. T.,f Slid all points In New Jlcxlco to be supplied from Lordburg. "CAKE OF J L. & CO." WIL1AJOX OU LORDSBb'RG. Nov. 6 if TUTTS TORPID anrf MALAR. From these sources orlsa tBrco-fourtl.8 oi tho dUeoses of the bunion mco. Xlicsa symptoms Indicate tholrcxiatencotloss of Appetite, Bowelf cotlTC, Sink IIcatN ache, fUllneU alter eating, aversion to exertion of boily or mlna Eructation of lood, Irritability of temper, low ipiriU, A feeling cf hcvinr; neglected tame duty, Slzzluc9lF!utteriii2bCtbe Heart, Dot beforo the eyc,lighly col ored IJrlue, COJVSTIFATiOai; and de mand the uso of a remedy thaf. acts directly ou the Liver. As aLIvcr mcoklMl'VXI'B rilLS havo no equal. Thelrnetlonontho KlUiioysuncl Skin is also proant; removing all Impurities through thcsoihxco" scav enger of the system," proc'aclns appe tite, sound digosilon, regular pforla, a clear eMnandavlsorousbody. SOIL'S I-HXS cause no nausea or criplns nor interforo with dally vrork and aro apcrfect ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA. 01U't'.4tMiirrnyBt.,N.i, OTTS mil DYI t UHiftiBUR KB U tiao Rpir mm rm 'WiiiKia'ES-'ChancPd in stantly to a Glosst Ulack by a slnttlo ap plication of this DTE. Sold by Druggists, or sent by express on receipt of fit. CMllco, 44Hurray Strent, hew 1 ork. TUTT'S MANUAL OF USZrUL RECEIPTS f?.U Jan. 5-ly Declaration as Sole Trader. I MAGGIE O-BOYLE, WIFE OF WIL- llainC.O'Hovle. do declare, that I in tend to carry on business in mv o n name, and on iny own account. The business,, tr.ide, profes-don, occupation or art, 1 In tend to carry on, is that of hotel, reau r.uir, saloon and boarding house keeper, and also In buj ins and selling all Kind', of commodities peitaiuiiiK to such business, asuellasgcneial nierdiandliing. That 1 Intend to cany on said business at bilxer KIiir Ullage, Arizona, and tlsewlieie in this Tcnitory. Principal place of business Silver Kin;,'. That tho capital to bo In ested in said business does not exceed Fiu Thousand Dollars, and 1 am indiidu ally lesponsiblo for all debts contracted by niu'on account of my trade and business as aforesaid. Dated, May 1, 1&S4. MHS. MAGGIE O'BOYLE. May l0-3v 1'roliatc ZVoticO. v. IX THE PROBATE COURT OF GILA County, Territory of Ai irona. t In tho matter of the Estatcoi II AXh AX TON AXDEKbOX, deceased. Notice is hereby given that Tuesday, the 3rd day of June, A. I)., lbsl, nt 10 o'clock a. in., of said day, and the couit loom of said court, in the town of Globe. Gila County. Territory of Ai irona, Iunc been nppointed as the time and place for pio hiK the Will of said Hans Anton Anderson, decoded. and for hearing the application ot uiol Martin Anderson, for the issuance to hi in of Letters Testaiuenlarv thcieon. Globe, A. T., May 1. 1831. 1!. L. LONG, Probate Judge. William Gijavks, Att'y for Petitioner. May 8-lw For Sale nt i JSaraiu. rSK NEW ASSAY OUTFIT. ALL J complete, tluee new Tisli freight nati ons, non aies: one secoiui-nanu I'ortauie Iioler and Engine. eiL'ht horse noncr: one good strong top buggy and harness, one second-hand billiard tabic outfit, one twehc mule team ard harness and wagons, one dcllery hind cat t, on spilngs; one auto matic niiiMfi cabinet organ. seeral good new bed-iooni sets. Aipl to E.F. KELI,NEU,G J lobe, A. T. .Mav iS-mi Sift ft a week at home. S5.00 outfit ficc. tjjvvl Pay absolute!) sme. No risk Capital not required. Reader, if you want business at which pcions of either sex, jouiizorold, can make gnat paj all t!ic Mini: (hoy wmk, with aVolute certainty, write for particulais to II. IIallkt & Co., Portland, Maine. For Salt. 9 NEARLY NEW LARGE FREIGHT i Wagons, and three yoke of work oxen, for sale. Apply to Jem Ilvudimn. jcpt. 20 til M V BREMEN PSLLS Eovini s, if k. tvt BOWIE STATION Line. CHEAPEST ROUTE TO GLOBE, to Bowie Station, $ I 2.60. A.-v.t -. - i, Vi" S. QUINN, Proprietor. ItAYFIELD, Prop. TUB PIIVSICIAVM ADVICE. "What shall I do?" old Akcr cri-d, "For this sharp anguish in my side, "This dieadfiii rheumatism ! "I've tried all sorts of phjsic vile, "Which certainly have cost a pile. "And still I've paroxysm." Tho .i.-cto- sn'.l : -V.- fri'-j "These noxious nostrums, i "Will be too weak to kill a cur: 'Ghe up old phjsic try the new, "The cry thing that's meant for you "The mighty Salicjlica!" Admiiiitiuioi' Salo Kenl JS-slulfe. oiE NOTICE IS IIEIiEBY GITEX TOA? in pursuance of an order of the Pro bate Couit oi the County of Gilo, Tenllory of Aii7nna. niadeon the Fifteenth day o"f Januarj, 1881, in the matter of (he estate of F. B. Knox, deceased, the nndei signed, tho administrator of the said estate, w ill sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, lawful monej of the United States of Ameiica, and subject to conlirmallon by said Probate Couit. on MONDAY tho BMh day of Apiil A. D. 1881, between the bonis of '.1 o'clock in the moining and the setting of the sun. to-wit at 12 o'clock in. ofthatdaj in fiont ilf the court room of said Piobate Court, all the right, title, In terest and estate of tho said F.-B. Knox, at the time of his death, and all the right, title, and inteieat that the said estate has by opeiations of law or otheiwise aco,uiiea other than oi in addition to that of (he said F. I J. Knox at the time of his death, in and to all those certain lots, pieces or Jauels of land and impiou-incuts thcieon situate, lj ing and being in Globe, County of Gila, Tenllory of Arizona, and bounded and de scribed as follows, to-wit (1.) House and lot on Mesnuite Street formerly occupied by S. L. Burbiidge, said lot being a central portion of lot No. 4, -of block No. 70, as designated on the official map of Globe low nsitc on file in the olllce of the chikof the Piobate Couit ot said Conn tyof Gila and moic paiticnlaily desciibcd as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a stake marked M on the southeily line of Mcs quitcMicct. about fil fret from the south east comer of said Mesiiuile Street and tho public alley running northerly and south eilj thiough said block.nnd running thence catcil along said southerly line of Mes quite Street 2o feel; I heme southerly paral lel to said nllej about 102 feet to the south erly boundar line of said lot No. 4: thence westeily on said last mentioned boundary' line 25 feet; thence northeily parallel io said alley about 102 feet to the place cf bo ginning. (7.) House and lot mi northwest corner, oMUllow and Oak Stucts, designated ou said official map as lot No. Jo in block Xo. 82. Also an undivided one-sixth (U) jn tcicst in the ''Gladiatoi" mine situate in Globe Mining Distiict, County of Gila.Ter litoiy of Aiimna. and 1 fronted on page 184 book 5, of said Mining District llecords. Terms and coi.diMons of sale, cash, law ful money of the United Stales, twenty per cent ot the pmchase monej to be paid to the adiiilnistiatoron the daj of the sal, balance on confirmation of sale by said Piobate Court. Deeds at expense of pur chaser. l'OSTt'OM'.JIKAT. The aboe sale is postponed until MOX DAY, Ma 19,lb84. baine hour. WILLIAM GRAVES, Administrator of the estate of 1 B. Knox, deceased. Notice of Forfeiture. mo AAKOX MASON, EXECUTOR JL and administrator of the estate of Fordyce Phelps, deceased, and to the heirs orreiucscntamesof said deceased, and to all whom itmav concern. TAKE NOTICE That La co-owner, in the Monitor mining location, claim and mining giouud, situated in Mineral Creek mining district, Pinal Count, Arizona, nbout lie miles northeasterly finm Mineral Cieek and about eight milt s from the Gila Rier, and adjoining the Great Republic mining claim, have done and expended (ho sum of One Hundied Dollars, the annual assessment roiuiiied b law for the ear 18S3, to hold the said mining claim, and un less you pa me our proportion of said ex int -fit e dollars, together with the expense of this notice, within ninety (90) days from this notice, jour interest nnd title in said Monitor mining claim, will befoifeited tome. Dated, Mai ch 22, 18S4. THOMAS HEALY. To be published thiitoen times succm sivfly in a weekJv. lvwupapernearestt'Ml'e claim r.rh 22 lSw