Saturday, Jane 14, 18S4.
From now until the result of the
presidential election i9 determined,
eccular newspapers will bo burthened
with political prognostications, and
wilful falsehoods, varying in color
from black through overy shade to
tho mild and comparatively harmless
white lie, thrown out as baits to catch
the unwary and unthinking voter.
It is a deplorable fact that the majori
ty of voters are little versed in the
ethics of political economy, and tho
tricks -of politicians, whose airy
tongues are seamed with double deal
ing. American politics, as now con
ducted, havo an unforgiving eye and
disheartening countenance. Even min
isters, Beccher, Talmago and Now
raan, for instance, talk as flippantly
and abundantly of politics from tho
pulpit, as the stump orator from the
steps of tho corner .grocery. Tho cur
rents however," sets "that way, and
those, who fail to dc)ve lor fdc. an.
likely to follow in tho wako of men no
bettor informed 'than themselves in
.regard to tho distracting issues that at
presopt are tho theme of every tongue.
Litffti on tho living issues of tho day,
from insincere" political oratory, and
newspapers whoso stock in trade is
pithy and exciting paragraphs, jerked
in to fill up, is "like angels visits, few
and far between."
A reperusal of recent newspaper de
ductions, as to the result of tho Re
publican nominating convention, will
prove interesting, and show that oven
the divinations of editors, who raako
politics a study, aro wide of tho mark,
and are no moro to bo relied on than
soothsayors who pretend to foretell
tho future Hope tells a flattering
tale, and gives color to articles put
forth in the interests of tho respective
parties, written and printed with a
view of subserving a present purpose.
Gen. 0. E. Babcock and Levi P.
Lucky, his clerk, formerly assistant
private secrolary of President Grant,
whose deaths by drowning off the
coast of Florida wo announced m our
last, wero not men of savory reputa
tions, in consequence of their having
bocn implicated in tho whisky frauds
of 1875. Both figured in tho resul
ts trials in St. Louis the subsequent
year, the ludictment against Bab
cock contained fivo counts. Grant bo
kCamo alarmeiat tho vigor of the pros-
fcfcJUy .vy-wn li J
tent of thoBro Nation Republican
Convention, and P. Deyer, equally
zealous for conviction, and by revela
tions gleaned J from tho attorneys,
which wero wirled by Lucky to tho
president, and who, at the same time,
informed him that ho (Grant) too
would bo implicated, if Henderson and
Deyer wero permitted to conduct tho
trial further; consequently they wero
retired from the caso.
One of tho members of tho whisky
ring, in giving a statement concern
ing tho trial, said: "This trial was one
of the most remarkable and, in most
respects, tho most noteworthy over
held in America. Not that there wero
any intricate problems of jurispru
dence involved, but because it arrayed
tho people directly against tho execu
tive. It was essentially a fight be
tween justico and tho cormorants of
power and mighty influence, and alas,
that it must bo said, justico was de
feated. Secretary Bristow, although
earnest and determined in the prose
cution of Babcock, felt a delicacy in
placing tho president of tho United
States in a position where he would
appear in tho eyes of the nation as a
co-defendant in the case." Babcock,
through the controlling influence of
Grant, was acquitted.
Wo learn from Dr. Hendrix who
recently returned from tho King mino
' that a magazine at Pinal belonging to
Mr. Martin, containing 1400 pounds
o black und gfiiil powder, exploded
on tho 2nd instant. Tho report was
heard at a great distance and tho con
cussion was sonscbly felt at Silver
King, five nnlrs distant, boing so
bovere as to causo tho houses there to
shake. Ho further reports that, on
May 31st, three men in tho King mino
whilo descending from one level to
another wero precipitated somo fifteen
feet by tho breaking of tho cable by
which thoy wero being lowered. Two
of tho men escaped with slight in
juries; tho third howover had a rib
broken. The Doctor also mentions
having seen a 10 mule toam hauling
thirty-seven and a half tons of ore
from tho King dump to the reduction
works at Pinal.
There was great consternation at
Santa Fe, on tho Gth inst., on account
of a report brought in by a very ro
liablo gentleman to tho eil'ect that an
immense bod' of back water from tho
Rio Grande was coining up the Santa
Fo river at tho velocity of a railway
train, and was liable to iuundato tho
town at a moments notice. When our
informant left, Surveyor-General At
kinson was packing up tho papers in
his office preparatory to moving out
on to tho roof, and Walter Hayt was
moving his household goods into tho
second story of his residence AJbu
quorqiK1 Journal
Atchison, Topeka & Mautn
Fc Cx-
Thoro is no longer any doubt that,
it is the purpose of the railroad com
pany to lay a third rail between here
and Deming, and extend this section
of tho lino through to Benson, using
tho broad gauge. This will throw tho
through travel to tho Pacific by way
of Deming, Silver City and Benson.
The reason for tho move is apparent,
Tho solo break in the Atchison, Topeka
lino trom Kansas Uity to Uuaymas is
between Deming and Benson. Here,
by agreement which has still more
than two years to run, they are re
strained from building parallel with
the Southern Pacific. There is nothing,
howover, to prevent them from ex
tending thoSilver City branch through
o JBonson and thus closing tho gap.
In fact tlieir-purcbaso of this road can
be explaihed only upon tho theory of
such purpose. is folly to imagine
that thoy made thiSinvestment merely
for tho satisfacti6n offcwning a plug
road forty-seven miles4o length.
Furthermore the road from Silver City
to Benson would open up extensive
mining districts, and soon beomea
most valuable feede ,to,tue-raainSE?5r
ti- 3om"iajiyTs"now putting on
a line of steamships from Guaymas to
California ports and tho islands of the
Pacific, is pretty conclusive evidenco
of their purposo to build up' a great
through traffic on this line and in that
event thoy cannot but close tho Silver
City and Benson gap. Southwest
Tho Grand Army of the Republic
has been very busy for months past
sending petitions to Congress in sup
port of pension, bounty, and back-pay
legislation. We have already provid
ed pensions and back pay for every
body who was hurt in any way while
in the army. There remain now only
two things to uo. Uno is to pension
everybody who ovor served in the
army, and who has grown older and
less active since ho loft it; tho other is
to pension everybody who would havo
liked to servo in tho armv, but was
prevented by pliyKcal disability, or
tue pressure ot private uusYh", or
who sent a substitute who was killc
or has since died. After the public
has been familiarized for a whilo with
all this, doubtless a proposal to pen
sion every American citizeh, not s
criminal, will be received with a cer
tain amount of favor. Much of the
existing prejudice- against pensioning
is due to the fact that in monarchical
countries they were ititiAfcuist be
stowed on tho privilepKv. It
would rapidly ilio out iffHhsion
i mystajnL
eriUizeuWTireTy ci
sion as .ofsht on .attaining his
Uvonty-first birthday. Moreover, this
is really the only satisfactory way of
disposing of tho surplus. Every other
suggestion would, if adopted, leave
somebody out in tho cold. This one
would givo a certain amount of hap
piness to the humblest individual,
Quijotoa, June 7, 1884.
Waterman, Esq, Secketarv
Peekless Mining Companc)
Dkah Sir: Work in and about tho
various mines is being shoved ahead
as rapidly as possible "Tunnel No. 1,
Peerless, ' east side of mountain is in
195 ieet, tho rock is very hard and
littlo progress has been made during
tho last seven days. "Crocker tunnel
No. 4," east bide of mountain is in 213
feet. Good progress has been made in
this tunnel during tho past week.
The faco is a very favorable formation
showing streaks Of quartz with favor
ablo results. The last contract of 100
feet has been completed. The men at
present are working by tho day. Bids
will bo opened for lurther contract
during the coming week. South drift
from tunnel No. 2 is in 75 feet. Tho
faco is looking about the same as when
last reported. The winzo is down 93
feet; foot-wall has been encountered
and we are sinking on that at an angle
of 70 degrees to the .west. "Peer tun
nel No. 3," west side of mountain is in
197 feet. The faco is in a softer ma
terial than when last reported showing
somo iron stains and indicate as being
closo to tho vein. "Crockor tunnel
No. 5," on west side of mountain is in
18 feet, and is being shoved ahead as
fast as possible-vvitli eight hour shifts.
Tr3fou'vs truly.
W. H. Smith, Suit. .
Per LioiiTSTON.
It is about certain that M. W. Bre
men, now in New York, has disposed
of his mining interests hero, for tho
handsome sum of 500,000, and that
the company making tho purchase has
organised witu a capital of 1,000,000,
and will apply tho half million above
purchaso money to the development of
their property, the erection of works,
and, it is believed, to tho purchase of
other property here. Thero is, of
course, a mcasnro of conjecture about
this, but from tho data in hand, the
moro knowing do not hesitate to ex
press the opinion that the situation is
precisely as wc havo stated it and a
feature of tho transaction which is
eminently worthy of our attention, is
this: M. W. Bromen with half a mil
lion of money means something for
Silver City; for Mr. Bremen iYnot a
man to rest on his oars. Womay
safely anticipate that he will at once
commonco work on the mines he still
owncs, and probably erect reduction
works in connection therewith.
Southwest Sentinel.
The San Francisco mint has just
finished coining 1,000,000 for tho
IT.iv. aiian finvernmpnt.
LilVUi UUblllS IJGli- I
A House concurrent resolution, pro
viding for the adjournment of Con
gress June 30th, has been adopted by
a vote of tho House.
Gov. Tritle has offered $500 reward
for the apprehension of the robbers
who held up the stage near Black
Canon a few nights since.
The Rov. Father Gallagher, of Tomb
stone, who assaulted Recorder Reilly,
besido receiving a severo pounding,
was fined $50 and cost of trial.
Somo of the members of the late
special grand jury of Pima, who re
cently indicted county officials, are
having it handed back to them, by
arraignment for violation of law.
A law of Arizona requires that
where oleomargerino is sold that the
fact must bo made known by three
posted notices. The failure to give
such notice subjects the offender to a
fine and imprisonment.
Mr. Marshall, the original discoverer
of gold in California, has presented
the Society of California Pioneers
ttitlTPeiVcj'f'wm GeneiiBkhitter's-tpjlii
ui ueurguiuwu, m jjorauo county.
They consist df the old mill's flutter
wheel, crank-shaft, sot of dogs, an iron
pipe, a hammer, a gudgeon-band, etc.
The Apache Chief says, "Apache
county stands alone in the fight"
against tho Mormans, which is doubt
less a fact. It will be left severely
alone by other counties of the terri
tory in its endeavor to "wipe the Mor
mons out." Tho chivalrous Quixote
was not interfered with when he at
tacked tho windmill.
Here is tho principle adopted by tho
Lawrence, Kansas, capitalists, who
own the Organ smelter, near Las
Cruces: "Tho smelter will not run
on Sundays. The fires will bo banked
up and the furnace kept warm, but
no metal will bo tapped."
Tho owners, to bo consistent,
should only eat cold grub and deny
themselves tho indulgence of kissing
their wives on Sunday.
rlioltincensus (1880) of tho United
States, places the total population of
Arizona at 22,271, of which number
only 471 aro classed as females, but
that was four years ago. The popu
lation since then has more than
doubled, if not trebled. And whilo
there is still a very great number
moro males than females in tho Terri
tory, it is a consolation to know that
"God's last, best gift to man," has
moro than proportionately increased
n njmbe
tan v (Ji Jt muss
imjiu'iUia' tile:
Ono of Butler's friends explains his
plan of Presidential campaign, and tho
scheme is Butlerish enough to be gen
uine He says Butler wants the Anti
Monopoly and tho Greenback nomina
tions simply to givo him strength as a
candidate before tho National Demo
cratic Convention; that he will go in
to the Convention with a largo follow
ing who wiljt cling to him as long as
thore is any hjaic; when his own nom
ination is sce to be impossible he
will use his forces to namo the candi
date, and thus establish a basis for a
claim; that ho will then publish a card
withdrawing as tho candidate of the
Anti-Monopoly and Greenback par
ties, advising them to vote for the
Democratic candidates, and will have
himself nominated again as the Dem
ocratic candidate for Governor of
Roger A. Prior says Samuel J
Tilden will accept the democratic i om
ination. Ex-speaker Randall is re
ported as saying ho has positive
knowledgo of the fact that Mr. Tilden
will accept the nomination if tendered.
This statement was made without
qualification to several members of
congress. Senator Vest, who recently
saw and talked with Mr. Tilden, be
lieves that ho will accept. Ex-senator
Gordon of Georgia, who is reported as
having received a letter from Mr. Til-
don positbteiisirjgtfycfjpntjbfe
detnocja& TuTmination! TBBFhcfK
never seen sucn a letter, carl ischuiz
says it will not do for tho Republican
party to disguiso tho fact that Tilden
will provo a strong man before the
people. Aurther has expressed tho
belief that "Tilden is tho opposition's
strongest man." Georgo William
Curtis coincides in tho oninion nf
Schurz and Arthur. So too does Ben
Harrison and Dick Thompson of
Tho number of electors of states un
der the new apportionment is as fol
Mississippi... ,
. 9
. 3
. 4
. 9
. 3
. 4
. 9
. 4
, 0
California. ...
. 8
. 3
N. Hampshire..
Wew Jersey...
. 4
New York
. 9
Rliodo Island..
S. Caiolina. ...
W. Virginia. . .
Necessary to elpct
Fortify the System.
All who have experienced and witnessed
the effect of HosMter's Stomach Bitters
upon the weak, bioken down, desponding
victims of dyspepsia, liver complaint, fever
and ague, rheumatism, neivous debility, or
premature decay, know that in thlssupiemo
tonic and alterative thero exists a specific
principle which leaches the very source of
the tumble, and effects an absolute and
permanent cure. ,
For sale by all Druggists and Dealers
J:' " "
A Most Eligible Ranch,
Possessing fine pasturage and an abund
ance of
Wood and Running Water.
For particulars apply at the Belt Office.
inch 22-tf
You can secure
To be had in Globe, and at
At the
Pascoe House
l'rlccs for Board and Lodging reduced
$11 to SO Pei "Wcelc.
These terms to apnlv to Miners Only.
Him. J. IIYNDMAN, Manager.
May 2t-tf
To the SMOKERS of
Black well's Genuine
Bull Durham Smok
ing Tobacco.
The genuine has picture of
BULL on every package.
For particulars see our next
Feb. fl-ly
Will be nulled FOfC to all applicants and to
customers of last rllbas year without ordering it.
It contains illustrations, prices, descriptions and
directions for planting all Vegetable and Flower
Seeds, Plants, etc Invaluable to all.
Dec. 8-3m
Sealed proposals will be re
cclveil at (he ofliee of the cleik of the
board of supervisors until MONDAY July
7, 1884, for the care of the indigent sick of
the county. Bids to include lodging, boaid.
Miirolnnr mill rniwi'il uttrn A kn Kl.l. jv.-
... , ...... ,....-... .,.,., .iou um? jui
medicine and medical attendance.
Ti ai fine it Hin IwiUfl
aj uiiili i( yuv uwitivii
Dated, Globe, A. T., June 2, 1881.
UEO. W. STHttftlTT. pWV
June 7-lm
yvOj4o-Qred iters. -
uudersUtitd, Executor of tho Estate of
Hans A. Anderson, deceased, to the ci edit
ors of, ancfj, all persons having claims
against the ald deceased, to exhibit them
with the neeessaiy voucheis, within ten
months after tho first publication of this
notice, to the said Executor at the ofliee of
William Graves, Globe, Gila County, Ari
zona, the same being llio place for the
transaction of the business of said estate.
Dated, Globa, A. T., June 7, 1834.
June 7-5v
Administrator's Sale.
in pursuance of an older of the l'io
bate Court of Gila Count, Aiizomi Tcrii
torj, made the 3idd.iv. ot June 1S81, in the
matter of the estate of Collin 1'i.wr, de
ceased, tho undersigned the Administrator
ol tho estate of said deceased, will sell at
piivnte sale to the highest bidder for cash
in hand and subject to the continuation of
the said I'lub.ito Colirt, on, or aftei tlie2Jil
day ot June last, all the right, title and in
terest and estate of the said Collin Fr.uer,
deed, or his estate in and to the tollowing
described pioiieitj, to-wit: An undivided
tliiee-fomthsiiiteiest in and to tiio Equity
mine or mining claim situated in Richmond
Basin, Gila C'ounh, Arizona Territoij.
haid claim was foimcriv. known as tiie
West liichmond.
Bids must be in writing and left at the
business place of the undetsigned .Admin
istrator in the town of Globe, A. T., or with
him personally or may be filed in the office
of the Piobate Judge, and v ill be teceived
at any time after the ilrst publication of
thib notice and befoic making sale.
June 7, JfcSl.
HOMER W. FISKE, Administrator.
June 7-2 w
"a " : ural !,, in.,r nwn Imtn
- x- S.1 Mltnt Irtfl Address It
-vfl- -"v..,. ....... .... .......
Ttirins and
Portisnil Vslfu
HaJlott k Oo ,
mm $ay
BOOT sxixa
Has just received the
Largest Most Complete Stock
Ever brought to Globe.
And of the very Latest Styles.
Miners Boots & Shoes
Hoots end Shoes made onsort notice,
and in tho neatest jnniim.r.VTCTrM'RMHKR
WJIfi PIjAfl&--Broaa btfeet -'
May 17-tf
Q-lcfbe, -A- T.
The best Quality of
Mill Timbers
Always on Hand.
Contracts filled at Low Kates and
promptly. J. II. HYXDMAX,
lime 10-tf Manager.
J. Redman's
Ifcvea,t ZMZstxlret,
BROAD ST., - - - GLOBE, A:T,
-Dealer In-
jVIuttoii, SaiiKagpe,
Veal, JEtc, Etc.
January C-tf
10 RENT. A comfortable dwelling.
I 7011 SALE. Two frame houses one
? containing tlnee looms and the oilier
two. Tho property Is eligibly bituatcd.
fari'rlcc Low.
For particulars apply at the 1!eit office,
inch 10-tf
I. O. O. P.
Regular mcoting of Olobo Lodge No. 6, 1.
O. O. F., on Monday night ot each week,
at Masonic Hull.
All brothers in crood stanillncnrc cordially
-terct:..- O-. WMI. Cook, N. Oi
Regular communication ol White Moun
tain Lodge, No. 5, A. F. & A. M. meets"
Thursday's on or succeeding each full
Moon, sojourning Brethren in good stand
ing cordially i miled.
By order of the W.M.
ug 7tll Secretary,
A nTPTVT'T'U wanted for The Lives
jtLvTJllil A 3 of all the PiebUlents of
tho U. S. Tho latfiest, handsomest best
book ever sold for less than twice our pi ice.
The fastest scllimr book in America. Im
mense piofits Uf audits. All intelligent
people want it. Any one can become a
successful agent. Terms fiee. IlAt.i.r.TT
Hook Co.. Portland Maine. dec.l5-ly
Kotite of Forfcitnre.
ty, or any person holding under them,
and to the heirs of James L. McOargil, or
any one holding under them, and to any
one holding an interest of 125 loot of the
unilei sinned a co-owner of the Continental
minium claim, situate and being within tho
McMiilen mining district, County of Gila
and Territory of Arizona, that I, the under
signed, co-owner in said mine, have done
the work for the j ear A. D. 1883, required
bv Section 232L of the Revised Statutes of
tho United States in order to hold said
claim, and prevent forfeiture of title to the
same: Therefore, if within ninety days
after sen ice of this notice by publication,
you fail to contribute your proportion of
such expenditure as co-owners, and the en
tire costs of this notice and attending ex
penses of these proceedings, your Interests
In said claim will cease and become the
groperty of the subscriber by virtue of said
ection 2321. c. Martin,
Ry his agent, .1 D. L.vRfc
Mrh 15-9M
Olof M. Anderson
Ispicparcd to
Contract for Building of Houses,
Dd Job Work and
General Carpentering.
Furnished and Unfurnished. Apply to
May 24-tf J
U. .VI. AMJl'.ltSOK.
TiijrTtopper & Sheet
" Iron Worker.
oprosrrc the pascoe noufeE,
Cookina: Stoves
; Stoves
and Tinware.
Of every description done to order prompt
ly and at reasonable rates.
LOW PRICES and squaro dealing is
my motto. jj 8
Stomach Bitters,
A'o. 20. S-uth Second Mrett
Thin jrreat Tonic has ben introduced to the people
of the Jtll3i.lppl Valley for the past thirteen j ears
with unbounded sun.evis.iul popularity
There Is nothing of the kind extant, that equals it as
a stimulant, an apetirer, orantt-djsrx.ptic. It Is par
ticularly aflapted to malarious districts and as a
is not surpassed.
It Is endorsed by the best chemists as the most ef
ficacious btrengtt cninsr Tonic Oils country has eicr
prodjced, the lalucof UIcli will be recognized bj all
who may use them.
Prh ate citizens of Arizona isltln: St. Louis hare
impressed their conrlqtions that It Is peculiarly adapt
ed to the wants of tl jt Territory , and needs only a
trial to insure Its speedy Introduction there.
Orders addressed to TlinWESTINDIAMAN'UFAO
TfttlN'OCOHI'ANY will be promptly executed
Dec 13 tf
Pint tslfe If vial,
tC.WEIS, "i
Meerschaum Pipes,
sjiontiis' Allllti rs. Liu,
Repairing done. Send for circular,
aOO nitt ) A DWA V, Nn w York.
Fictoriis-69 WUrSt., sod Vienna, Austria.
George A. Newton
SHOP At Hitchcock & Cos Drug Store,
Globe, A. T.
Sewing Machine
Fixtures and Needles.
i .
Champion Billiard
Cor. JlaiD and Push Street, Globe, Arizona
Keep constantly on nand and for tale the
Wines, Liquors and Cigars,
to De found in tbe Territory. A firnt class
Billiard Tablo and Club Room !
attached. The latest pcrlod'cals and maca
zincs constantly on hand fortnp accommoda
tion of customer- and the nuldic gprerally.
Por Snlc.
J Wagons, and three yoke of work oxen,
for sale. Apply to Jerry Hvnilman.
copt. 29-tfl M W RRrMFN
..i,. ., i y--y
SEI3I2:TC3-a:03Sr & CO.
Notice of Jforfeltnre.
and administrator of the estate ot
I'ordyre Phelps, deceased, and to the heirs
orremcscntatlvesof said deceased, and to
all vviiotn it may concern.
TAKE NOTICE That I, a co-owner, in
uu KCii in mining location, claim aim min
ing ground, situated in Mineral Creek min
ing distrji't. Pinal County, Arizona, about
uiiev-iuiirui m normoasieriy iroauiin-
-ilv from' the mouth of
where It empties into the Gila itiver. said
Keston mine adjoins the Copper King mine,
have done ana expenueu tne sum oi une
Hundred Dollars, the annual assessment
requited by law for the year 1883, to hold
the said mining claim, and unless you pay
me vour proportion of said expenditure,
thirty-seven dollais and fifty cents, together
with the expense of this notice, within
ninety (90) dajsftom this notice, your in
terest and title in said Keston mining
claim, will be forfeited to me.
Dated, March,22, IfcSt.
To be published thirteen times succes
sively in n weekly newspaper published
nearest to the claim. , inch 22-18w
ATOlTrZl? ScmI sIx cents for
SL XXiJSll postage, and receive
free, a costly box of floods which will help
v ou to more money right away than any;
thing else in this world. All, of either sex,
succeed from fust hour. The broad road to
fortune opens before the vvoikcrs, absolute
ly sine. At once address, Thue & Co.,.
Augusta, Maine. declS-ly
MTJNN & CO., of tho Scientific AMsniruy. con.
tlnuo to act as Sullclti ra fur 1'ttenta, (Jaruatu, Tina
Mark. Copyrtgbts. fur tho tJndol f tatcs, Canada,
Knirland, Franco, urroanr. etc Iluml Rook aboil,
l'fiienta sent frw?. TlilrtT-rr.n yoarv exptrlnc,
IntheScirNTino AMtmcAV. tho largcn. rast. ami
mot wldelT circulated fctcntlrlo paper. (SKInyear.
Weefely. Pplemlld cneravlnan and Intprpsiln In
formation. Specimen copy of tho Mclrullfic A inrrv
icon sent frno. Artdres Ml'NX K CO . r riE.VTinO
American pace, ft.1 Bruadaiiy, Yor. j
(First Publication, May 10, 1831.)
Application !o. 377 anil 378, for Pat
ents fci- the Zlark IV. uli; TXlucontly
2I1I1-Ki(c Claims. Land Office, 1
Tutbon, Aiiona, May 5, 1S31. j
"XToiice is beiebv given that Alexander A-J-i
McDonell, vvIukso postufiico address Is
Los Angtles, lauforui.1, has filed bis ap
plication lof a patent for l'JTti linear leet of
uiim-K. -j. wain mine or vein, Dealing
t-'K with surface ground JW lectin
l the boutawest end and 443 feet at
Ihenst end, situated in Globe Mln
NO I . i ,i V iiiiliiTii)il.riiaifrK
ot Atiztma, and ueiguaua in the neiu
notes and otlltial plat on hie In this office as
Lot No. 00 A, In .said district said Lot No.
00 A beinj'-'as. lollows. to-wit:
Resuming at initial point mentioned in
notke ot k-'Mtiou. at the b W tenter of the
claim, and tn.' . E end (.enter of tiie Buffa
lo mining claim, Lot No. 41, at a stone 4x8x
21 ins., in a mound of stones, matked "M.
T.M.C.No.1' L. !s.M. 31. No. 2, Globe
Distiict, Is N 5S E Sua feet distant S M
deg. 'II nun. W &15 feet, initial point of the
Maik Twain Mill-bite: Thence !s 6 deg.
52 mill. L ou the boundaiv line between
the Kutfdloaud Mark Twain mining claims,
iMUtccttob E vomer of claim at a hole
diilled in the uppu- edge ot a quaitzlte
lock in place. 'Hie poiiion of this rock
above ground Is ot such nature that It U
impossible to ltftter and number it; t 89
deg. 05 miu. W 3 feet distant, a similar
uiaikou uiock in place and above it the
letters, -il. T.-No. 2, R. IV; 14 deg. E 3oii
feet, N E corner ot the Globe Mining Claim,
Lot No. :5'J; "thence N 21 deg. 58 mill, h
1270 feet to the N E corner ot claim at a
poat 44 ins. in a monument of stone,
maiked "M. T. M. C. No. 3"; tllence N 5-j
deg. 52 min. W 2o feet to a post t feet long
4x1 ins. in a monument of Muncs, marked
'M. T. M. C. No. 4"'; thence same course 154
leet to the N corner of claim at a post
4x4 ins. in a monument of stones, marked
".U.T.JU.C. No. P; thence h M deg. 6S
mill. W 1203.4 to is W corner of claim to
lock in plate maiktd "3I.T. M. C. No. 0.'
S 50 deg. 32 miu. E 12 feet distant; a rock in
place nuiked "M. T. 31. C. No. 0. R. P. ';
thence b 50 dog. 52 min. E !1U0 tcet to center
of ledge initial monument ami place of be
ginning. Total area of elaim 15.13 acies variation
13 deg. 20 min. East.
This claim adjoins the Buffalo claim, Lot
No. 41, on the N E and the Arundel on the
b W ami is situated on the southeasterly
slope ot the Eullalo Hill, about IK miles
noi Hi of the town ot Globe, Gila County,
ALSO For C61.7 linear feet, with surface
ground 330 feet at b W end and 321) teet
at N V end, as a mill-site claim, situated
in Globe .Mining Distiict, Gila County,
Aiizona, and designated by the field notes
and oflicidl plat on hie in this office as Lot
u. uu x, .tm lui UC1U& as iimun?, iuu.
Commencing at the initial point, a monu
ment of stones, mi'iHioiiL'd in location no
tice, on bouml.n-j of a mining claim located
b) A. D. bkiuner, St a post 4x4 p- in a
monument of stones, post marked -31. T.
31. s. No. 1, 1. IV '1 lio b W coiner of the
(ilobe ledge mining claim, Lot No. 40. bears
b bo deg. 02 min. E W2 leet L. S. M. 31.
No. 2, Globe District, bears N 58 deg. 56
min. E 6036 teet. The initial point ot the
Mark Twain mining claim is N &'J deg. 27
min. E, 3015 feet distant.
Theme N 01 deg. 44 min. E, along the
southeasterlj bound.uj 2U.7 feet to the N
E cornel ot claim ut a conglomerate quartz
rock in place 53 feet b about 5 ins. high
marked with a cross thus : Thence N 13
deg. 31 nun. Y along the noitheasterly
boundarj,824'4 feet, to N V coiner at a
lock in place 4 ins. high 12x12 ins. marked
with a cioss thus atcx.utN W corner,
stone ai ii "31. T. 31. fe. No. 8V;
thence b 00 deg. 3u min. W, tbl" feet to b
V con.ti at a iui , 1 1. i.. a mound of
earth and stone, m irkeu "31. 'i . 31. S. No.
4," N W, deg. L. jj teet to aim iter, tnence
b 23 dei. 30 mn. 1 , along U.e souihwestei-
ly boundaiv ihWleo, to b E iviner, at a
post Jx7 ins In a monument ot Mono and
c,ulIi,niarLed-'M.T.M. bvo. oVtheucc
N 00'.. ileg. fc. 4iU.7 feet to initial point aiul-
pl.ite of beginning, containing live acres.
Variation 13 de;;. IS min. J.t.
This mill-site is about ono mile N W
fiom the town of Globe, on the L bank of
Pinal ueck.
The locations of bjth this mine and mill
site areiccoided in the Recoidcr's office of
Gila Count) , Arioua, in Rook 2, Record of
3Iiues, ,il iMge 134.
An and all persons claiming adversely
an portion of said 31aik Twain mine i
Mirface giound of either said mine or mill
tile ai enquired to tiio their adverse claim
with the Itegister of the United States Land.
Office at Tucson, Ai I zona, during the lty
days' period of publication heieof or they
will be barred bv virtue of the provisions
of the statute.
It is horoliv oidered that the foregolmr
notke of application for a patent be pub-- lor tne penoa oi teu consecutive
weekly new-sparer published at Globe, Glli
County, Arizona.
I1PX M Tr03IAf, Register
May 10 llw