Newspaper Page Text
THE ARIZONA SILVER WELT. OFFICIAL IWFKri OF 4'IIjA CO. SntnrdR-, September 0, 1884. A f!'lne St. Ilernard I) off. A New York correspondent of tho Turf, Fiuld and Farm says To all frion&s of animals, and especially lov ers of dogs, it will bo of interest to know that tlio largest (so far known) St. Bernaid dog in AmcricAis in this city. His owner is Mr. Joseph Eeh teler, the famous sculptor of the Royal Academy of Munich, who arrived heio recently. This magnificent specimen of "dog doin" is six and one-half feet long, over three feet high, of powciful strength, is fivo years old, and weighs 108 pounds. His color and mano arc thoso of a Sahara lion, and his form is perfect in overy respect. Ho has been awarded the first prize in all tho European dog shows. His ancestor was tho celebrated Barry, belonging to a cloister in tho snowy regions of tho Alps, and who saved forty-six lives. Unfortunately, ho was shot by an English traveler, who only thought of sclf-defenso, mistaking tho noble intentions of tho animal. His remains were preserved, and can bo seon to day iii the Museum at Berne, Switzer land, at which placo also was erected, in loving remembrance by those whoso lives ho had saved, a handsome monu ment to his memory. Tho present "Barry" is a much lar ger dog than his famous progenitor, and to prove his strength and lifo-sav-ing instincts, tho following story is told: One day, eighteen months ago, whilst ho and his master were walk ing leisurely along tho banks of the Eiser, Mr. Echteler's attention was at tracted by tho cries of a man who was drowning. Not thinging ot tho dog, who was muzzled, ho plunged in, but soon his strength gave away; the doq, seeing tho danger, put his powerful paw to his head, and tearing oil' his muzzlo, jumped into tho water, and saved tho lives of both men. Mr. Echteler had hardly landed on Our friendly shores before ho was of fered $5,000 for tho noblo animal, but could not be induced to part with him at any price. Proposed Canal Across Ireland. Thopiojcct of constructing a ship canal across Ireland has boon warmly espoused by tho influential peoplo in England. Elaborato plans and sur veys have beon made at considerable expense, and havo been submitted by Capt. Eads, tho American engineer. Tho plans woro propared by Mr. T. A. Walker, of Great Georgo streot, West minster. Tho proposed canal would bo 127 miles in length, and would con tain thirty locks. For ships of 1,500 tons, tho cost would bo 8,000,000; for ships of 2,500, 12,000,000, and for ships of 5,000 and upward, 20,000,000. If built on this scale tho canal would bo 200 foot wido on tho surfaco and 100 feet at tho bottom. Tho passage through tho canal would bo effected by a system of towage, and it is esti mated that tho passage of a ship from Galway Bay to Kingstown would oc cupy between twonty-four and thirty six hours. An alternative scheme of a ship railway, in which tho ships would bo carried in cradles, which could bo constructed for 10,000,000, is proposed, by which tho duration of tho passage through tho island would bo reduced to twelvo hours. An im mense aqueduct would havo to bo constructed to carry tho canal over tho Shannon at Banogne, and would be over thrco miles in length, being one of tho most difficult and costly works in connection with tho under taking. Freeman's Journal. A St. Louis gentleman of Kentucky birth and education went recently to Montreal. Wanting a cigar, ho went to the stand in tho hotel and made known his desire. Tho dealer, a poit ly, side-whiskered person, after tho London pattern, asked him if ho would "like to 'ave a 'Enry Clay," at tho samo time taking down a box of that well known brand. Whilo making his selection, the Kentuckian said, "Henry Clay Clay seems to me I've heard that name. Pray, sir, who was Henry Clay?" "'Enry Clay, sir," re plied tho suavo dealer, " 'o was a cele brated tobacco manufacturer hovor hin the States." "Is he dead?" "Hi think 'o his, sir; but 'is establishment his kept hup by 'is sons." Tho Kentucky St. Louisian smiled to himself, lit his cigar, and went out musing upon tho vanity of human greatness. Argo naut. i Brooklyn Union: Texas is making fast and long strides m progress. Tho growth of tho State is extraordinary for tho South, and is only rivaled by somo of the newer commonwealths in tho far West. Tho population in creased during tho decade between 1870 and 1880 from 818,579 to 1,591, 7-19, or at tho rato of almost 10 per cent a year, and the indications aro that tho growth has been even more rapid since tho last census was takon, The State assessment for 1884 shows a gain off-bout $00,000,000 over that for 1883, and tho total is now nearly 000,000,000, as against less than $312, 000.000 in 1880. Clilmiicjdiii Olden Time. In tho year 1200 chimneys woro scarcely known in England. Ono on ly was allowed in a religious house, ono in a manor house and ono in a great hall of acastlo or lord's house, but in other houses tho smoko found its way out as it could. The writers of tho "lourtoenth century seemed to haYO considered them as the newest invention of luxury. In Henry tho Eighth's roign tho University of Ox ford had no firo allowed, for it is men tioned that' after1 tho students had sup ped, having no firo in winter, they were obliged to take a good run for half an hour to get heat in their feet beforo they retired for tho night. Hollinshcad, in the reign of Elizabeth, describes tho rudoness of the preced ing generation in tho arts of life. "There were," says ho, "very few chimneys; oven in capital towns the firo was laid to the wall and the smoko issued out at tho door, roof or window. Tho houses woro wattled and plas tered 'over with clay, and all the furn lturo and utensils were of wood." In 1089 a tax of two shillings was laid on chimney3. M. & S. Press. A Htory of Cleveland. i I. An oli citizen of Oneida county, N. Y., was in Chicago not long ago, says tho Herald of that city, and ho told somo stories of Cleveland which show tho Governor to have been tho cham pion bad boy: "Thirty-flvo years ago there was a lad in our town who had a charmed life. Tho shotguns that ho blew into were never loaded, tho houses that he fell oft' from were always surrounded with feather beds, and when he broke through tho ice it was generally at a point where tho water was not knee dcop. By rights ho ought to havo been killed beforo ho was fifteen years old. I caught him onco fooling with somo blastirig powder in my stone quarry. I told him he'd get blown to kingdom come, but ho paid no atten tion to me. In the afternoon, when I went up to tho quarry, I found that ho had rolled a keg of tho powder off to one side and had laid a train about ten feet long, leading to tho keg, on which he had pub half a dozen big stones. He had a match in his hand, and was just on tho point of firing the the train when I camo up. I saw in an instant that it would be death, not only for him, but for me, and I yelled bloody murder at him not to strike the match. Ho did, though, and I started to run for life. Just as I got my back turned a terrible explosion occurred, and a piece of rock hit me on the wrist, breaking my arm in two places. I waited till the smoko cleared away a little, and then looked for the boy. Thero he sat covered with mud, ap parently unhurt. I said: 'You littlo cuss, I ought to murder you for this,' and he got up and walked away, sav ing something about having a little fun. Ho didn't havo a scratch on him, though ho was only ten feet away from tho keg, while one of my mules, 200 yards away, was killed, and all tho glass for a mile around was broken. The boy's name was Cleve land, and he wants to be President." mo RENT.- -A comfoitablo dwelling. CORNELIA ANDERSON Apply to Osxi-peiitoring-! On.rpontcviiig'! ! rphe undersigned Is now piepared to do X nil kinds of woik in Ills Hue. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED and Prices Reasonable. jc21-tf JOAQUIN MILLER. PATENTS MTJNN & CO., of the SenNnrro Airraid, eon Unue to act as Solicitors for Patents, Carcats, Trada Marks, Copjrrlahts. for the United 8tatos, Canada. Kngland, France, Germany, etc. lland Book about ratents sent free. Thlrtr-seven years' experience. Patents obtained through MUNN & CO. are notlocd In the Sc-ii.vriric Amt.ric.aj-, the largest, best, and post widely circulated scientific paper. $3.20 a year. Weekly. Splendid entmrlngs and Interesting In. formation. , flpedmeneopy f the i Scientific A user, lean sent free. Address MUNN A CO , Bcie-ntiho AMrKiOAM Office. Sl Broadway, Hew York. """"J ! BraEMEnv's LumberYard GrloToe, -A.. T. Tho best Quality of PINE LUMBER, And- Mill Timbers IP ARIZONA, Always on Hand. -:0:-- Contracts filled promptly. uiio 10-tf lit Low Rates and J. II. 11YNDMAN, JManagei. THEGREATGERMAN REMEDY FOR PAIN. Believes and cures RHEUMATISM, Neuralgia, Solatloa, Lumbago, BACKACHE. HEADACHE, TOOTHACHE, SORE THROAT, QUINSY, SWELLINGS, SPRAINS, Soreness, Cuts, Brultel, FROSTBITES, nCItNS, KAI,I), And all other bodily aches And pains. FIFTY CENTS A BOTTLE. Bold by all Drurglsts and Dealers. Directions In 11 languages. The Charles A. Vogelsr Co. (Naoiuon u A TOOIIXR CO I Sllliura,H&,C.a.A. wWffliiaffllBJ Dcc-22-ly THE jfiuStlZJOOkT. 1?) SS. The Leading Paper of Gila County, ESTABLISHED, 1 878. A Paper for lbs Miner! A Paper for the Farmer! A Paper for tho Mechanic! A Paper for Everybody! Till SIIiVKK BELT Has the largest bona fido circulation of any weekly paper in tho Territory, and is consequently the bet adver tising medium. THE SILVER HEI.T Job Office 1st Xcir nud Complete, NEW TYPE, NEW PRESSES AND THE DEST WORKMEN Enable us to turn out a much belter class of work than any of onr competitors. EEPFor anything in tho way of printing, call at the Silver Belt Office. G.S.VANWAGENEN, Jobber & Ketnil yealcr in Dry Goods, CLOTHING GENTS' Furnishing Goods, Hats, Notions, Boots i Shoes, Groceries, Hardware, Crockery, Liquors, TOBACCO & CIGARS. My Stock is very full, embracing overy article usually kept in a FIHST-CIiASS ESTABLISHMENT, And the quality of my Goods is not surpassed, if equalled, by any ever brought to Globe. MT r RICES ARE AS LO W AS THE LOWEST. Thanking the people of Globe and vicinity for Jthcir liberal patronage in the past5, and hoping by fair Dealing and Reasonable Prices to merit a continuance of tho same, I am yours truly, G. S. VAN WAGENEN. S. Klein k Co. Main St., Globe, Aiizona, General Assortment -OF- California & EASTERN GOODS, Constantly on .hand, and for sale at r Bed-rock Prices. We bolievo in tho nimble penny rather 'ban musty goods on shelves. Groceries, IProvissiouss, Liquors, Tobacco and Cigars, Miners' and Prospectors' Outfits, Riding and Pack Saddles, Blasting and Vulcan Powdor, Safety Fuse, Mining Implements, Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Hardware, etc. We aro now prepared to buy and sell Exchange, also pay the highest cash prico for gold and sil ver bullion. J85y Special inducements to cnh buycrc One up a cal. before purchasing elsewhere rmrfe-tr. NOTICE TO TUNERS! You can secure The BEST BOARD and LODGING To be had In Globe, and at The LOWEST PRICES --At Hie Pascoe House Prices for Board and Lodging reduced from Si 1 to 0 Per Vcelt. These terms to firmly to MIneis Only. SIHS. J. IIYNDMAN, Manager. May 21-tf THE PIONEER, FEED, LIVERY -AND- Sale Stable Is supplied frith first-class Saddle Horses & Stylish Outfits. Go There for Your Teams, Iiorica bo.irded by tho day or week at Reasonable Hates. The best care taken of Stock. Civil nnd Polite Attendants. The Stable is one Block west of the Sil vek Belt office. J. H. EATON, July 3tf Proprietor, O. K. Corra Change of Proprietorship. The subscriber has leased the above Cor ral and u prepared to give owners of Slock left iu bis care, TERFECT SATISFACTION. SADDLE HORSES Always on Hnnd. i STYLISH OUTFITS At Living Prices. BS5REMEMBEU tho O. K. Corral on Oak street, Globe, A T. P. C. ROBERTSON. Aleck Graydon Has the Largest and most Compute SlsicHsisxnitlx and Wagon Shop, I1V GLOBE. HE ECErS EVERYTHING OK HAND THAT is u anted hi his line, euch as Bolsters Sin ;es. Plank, bpokes, J etlocs. Doubletrees, Axles, Springs, Eagle Carriage Bolts, (all sizes). Clips, Draw Irons, Clip Clrles. Clip King Dolts, etc, at greatly reduced prices. All work warranted; if not satisfactory money re turned. SS" Particular attention paid to horse shocirg. TERMS CASH. Poitlvelv No Credit. Globe City Meat Market. i HOltST & WILEY, PROPRIETORS. Brick Building, Opposite Kellner's, GLOBE A. T. -THE CHOICEST Beef, Mutton, Veal, Pork, And evcrj thing Ie TREASONABLE RA1 our hue is t Irst-class. ES. I. O. O. F. Regular mcctlngr of Globe Lodge No. 6, I. O. O. V., on Monday night of each week, at Masonic Hall. All brothers in good standing arc cordially invited. .los. Thompson, N. G. A. Gr.wdon, Scc'y. MitKOiiic! Regular communication of White Moun tain Lodge, No. 8, A. F. & A. 31. meets Tliursdav'a on or succeeding each full Moon, Brethren in good stand ing cordially invited. By order of the W.M. W. II. COOK, UK "" 1 iecrctary &JT-faw I sV0 JKs& i jm"tjmsitI jKlttR?S32sasBpL ltoTJ- jjTTnrntjji mpBfri Tl fir3 Tncson Advertisements. Tully, Ochoa & Co. DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OK General Merchandise. Make a Special Business to Outfit Miners, Freighters and Stockmen. Keep the best stock of all kinds of Wagon Materia And wagohi for sale. dee.S-lj E.L.WETMORE -AND- Metallurgist. TDCSOX, Arizona. Gold and Silver Assay, - $!.oo Copper Assays, - - . I.oo " Lead, - - - - I.oo ORES SAMPLED AND ACTUAL working test made by any process. Assa.vlng done in all its branches. An alysis of ores, minerals, etc. Examination of .Mining Properties and of Mills a special ty. Orders from the inteiior promptly at tended to. Assaying taught practicallyand theoretically." jan.20-tf H.C. Hitchcock & Co. -WHOLESALE AND KETAIl DKUGGISTS, ALSO DKALKUS VS FANCY GOODS, TOILET ARTICLES, STATIONERY CIGARS, PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES. BRUSHES & Pure Liquors For Medical Purposes. 8Prescnptlou careftilly compounded at all hours of the Day and Night. One door South ol Van Wascnen's .Store. DR. ALLEN'S TKIVATK mSPEXSARV, SJ Kearney St.. San Francisco, Cnl.. Established for tho Scientific and Speedyl Hue oi Chronic, .Neivous and bpceial JJls cases. THE EXPERT SPECIALIST, DR. ALLEN", AS IS WELL KNOWN, IS a regular graduated Phj siclan, educa ted at Uowdoln College and Uiiiu-1-.ity of Michigan. He has demoted a lifetime to ami is acknowledged to be, the most expeit Sur geon in his specialty on the Pacific Coast YOUXG MEN And middle-aged men, who arc suffering from the effects of Youthful Indiscretions or Excesses in matuier jears, Neivous and Phslcal Debility, Impotence, Lost Man hood, confusion of ideas, dull ej cs, aversion to society, despondency, pimples on the face, loss of energy and memoiy, frequency of urinating, etc. Remember that by a com bination of xtgttallt remtdiet of gieat cura tive power, tho Doctor has so arranged his treatment that it will not only afford imme diate relief but permanent cure. HOSPITAL, EXPEniKXCE, f Ilaving been surgeon in charge of two leading nospitaisj cnauics mc to treat an private troubles w ith excellent results. 1 wish it distinctly understood that I do not claim to pel form impossibilities, or to hao miraculous or siipernatuial power. I claim only to be a skillful and successful Physi cian and Surgeon, thoiouyhly informed in my specialty DISEASES OF MAX. AH appl) lug to mew 111 iccehe my Hon at opinion of their coniplaintb No experi menting. Iwillguaiantcea potitice cure in ctery cae I undeitake, or forfeit 31,000: Consultation in office or by letter Free and stiicth mivate. Charcesicasonablc. Thor ough examination, including chemical and micioicoplcal anaijsis of urine and adIce, 85.00. Call or addicss it. ai,li:x, 20V Kearney Street, San Franeiseo, Cal. Office houis, 9 to 3 daily, 6 to 8 evening. annua s, a to is oniy P.S. Ihac a vkoetam.k compound. the result of mauyyeau of special practice and haul study, which under my special advice hat ntrti failfd oftuccess in tho cure of Lost Manhood, PiiosTATonmii.'A, etc. .Nov. 3-tf To Capital Seeking Investment. I OWN THE CONTltOLLINCr INTER est in the two copper claims, with a lai uc amount of hlh undo copper oie In sitiht. Plenty of wood and wafer on the daiins. I u .int $35,000 to huj outtdndin; Intciests, dexelop claims .imf nut them in bullion pioducin;; condition. I will rejiay this &35,O00 out of fhc hiM copiiei pioduccd, IeaiiiL' jou witha one-Ii.ilf inU'K'Nt in two good, le eloped claims, with j;notl reduc tion wenks on projierty. You cm tcnue yourself by deeds to claims and all Im proemcnts until moncj Is paid back, then ih ide property and go ahead. Who wants to imestigate this in good faith ? Call on or addiess JOHN I). BURGESS, Dunlap Postoflice, Gr.iham County, Arizo na, via Port Grant. sept. 8-tf "tilad Xcn h Tor tlie I'lilordinatc." Tho world lenowned "Hcnn's Specific" positively cures all cases of Nervous Debil ity and weakness of the generative organs. In availed practice of ocrlhIrtv jears In treating men's diseases and disabilities. Henry's Specific has met w ith unparalleled success, having sold during that time up w ai d of forty thousand packages, and In no Instance without success when "Specific"' was used as directed. This --Specific'' Is pleasant to take and docs not interfere-with business puisuits. bnlleiers mav consult free. Inclosing stamn for lcnlv. -vSiuvinV one dollar per package ; six for fi e dollars; sunt ft oo of detection, secmely sealed, by man, im iix-i-ii'i m mici. .miuiess an com munications to Wlieelcr & Co.. chemists, 149 East Twenty-scxeiith stieet, Now York City. janlM-ly iLVDTJJil X O of all the Presidents of the U. S. The laigcst, handsomest best book cv er sold for less than tw ice oui pi ice. The fastest selling book in Ameiica. Im niensi) piofits to agents. AH intelligent people want It. Anv one can become a successful agent. Teiius fm- Hah hi Book t v., Portland Maine. du15 lv DR. LIEBIG'S WONDER FUL German Invigorator. THE OLnnST, GREATEST sr.d nns,T LhULni for the cure of UJ DC till Kluuistlcn, fccniinaj WesVncsa. iitiuua biiu uijbKai UtlAUlY. vi j.o- ci j:smiocu, rolling: Memory and Relaxed end UnfeeUcd cendj. tlcns of the Genlto Urinary orcans It niiccillly cnren. lroro tenco. Earlv Decav. L. r.ii,.,. OM SEMINAL WEAh.NEtS, nnd tilt! i saj cffccls of jouthful fellies snd abuse or L.CISES OF MATC- VnP'0,.nin,,!,,,.,"rc','" .til l r.natural Lcs ficn. 11 eis'cm us thouM-nds can attest hb hs uwd tlie Uen.cdj In the r t tuir. terof anntury vihich it has tcn lefcre the 1 ubllc. It Ih Indeed a M'cndci fnl Remedy toning the nems, strcnethenlnj tl e uiclei, check, inj U'd TTjitc, InUrorstirj Us whole sjeUm snd restoring the al. flletid to HEALTH and HAfPI. NESS. The Ioctor will sjrrce to forfeit Cl.GCO fer a case undertaken, not cured. Th reason so tran y tan not get cured of Weakness and the aboro diseases. Is owinjr to a complication, called HlOSTATOliHHAr. itl Ilyperaeitliia, hich.rcqulrs spil treatment' Da. LitBio-sIxitoBiTOB, f.o. t, ritlicut ruliar treatment Is the oniy cuie for PjoMrAiprrccA. ty it Mamiood is restored and Hie 1-and tl'tims moreS back from sjfe to jenlh. Prlro oroltlicr Iiitlcorntcr, -2. Case of six bottles, $10. tent to any addrcwi, cowed se curely frrm ortcnatiui. Iir.I.IelilR & Co. treatsuccc.ifullybrnenxro. pathy ciery form cf SPLCIAL, l'lilVATEorCHRON 1C DISEASE without uercur) or raseti's druS. If vitality is drained frrm the lod, numeious diseases follow that laffe ordinary medical treatment. If it. lowed to untinue, Hie unnatural less causes Con sumption, Dlibetes, r.rlght's DIseatc, InsamtT, etc Cures guaranteed. Dbacwcs of. the gcuito-urinary sr (tans, Lidnejs, liter and bladder speiUllv treated. UisEsari or ior err.iini.T cism tcuiilillrri.nnri Itcaiioii-lMc. Ir. I.!ell;A Co. from M r.orn, re or,inUed In compliance wnn California Medical Law. Diploma procured by regu lar college education and arc new In tho nineteenth ear of special practice. Most powerful elcctlic belts free to patients. To raotBTIiBWoirEsriLrowra of the INVIOO. rtATOK.A 2 Boms gitl or. f est raiz. Cessulta tion free snd prhate. DR. LIEBIG'S WONDERFUL GERMAN IKTIOO. It ATO It is protected by copj right from latent Offiee of United btatcs Cnrcrrmcnt. Ilcware cf Imi.atiiai. Call or adJren 1.IF.IIK; I)IMT.NAItY. COGiar. Mrcct, San Traniisco, Cal. Prlra'e Entrance, 4C5 Mascn Mrcct, four blocks up Geary Street from Kearney, Main Entrance through Dispensary Drug Store. dec 6-lj Dr. MINTIE, (Specialist and Graduate,) Xa. 11, Kearny St., San Francisco, Cal. Treats all Chronic. Special and Piivate Diseases with N'ondeiful Success The Grant English Roii:cIjr. Is a neTcr-failing enre for Ncri jus debility, ehaait c- cu iiaiuy, ocminai weak fig n ess, Spcrmatorrhs, I.esT VJ U A K II o o n , rmptteno CTTaraljsis, ProsUterihocd and all the terriblo efcets A of keif abuse, jouthful !i li lira, aid citciiis in ma 3 lurer years such as less Q of memory, Lus.tude, -j Nocturnrlsiiiissicn9,air. 1 sion to societr. D mnem ot vision, poises in the Head; the ital fu'd fast ing unbentd in the urine, and rrany thcrus easrs that lead to Insinit and death. IU. ,MI.NTIKiIl agree to forfeit FitkIIckeo Dollars for a case of this kind tlio 1TAL RESTOR A Tl VE (under his spcciil adi ice and tl eatment) w ill nut cure, or for an j thing lirpurc or Injurious found in It ItK.MIMlE treats all private diseases sutcets. fully without mercury. Consultation r'ree. Thorough examination nnd adiice. Including anal), sis of uruie, $5 CO Price of ViTALi:csroRATHi:,jl.BJ a bottle, or four times tho quautlti, 5, seat to an address upon receipt of pri.e, or C" 0. 1) , teeuro f rem obscri ation, and in livata name if desired, b a. i:. .lu.siu:, m. i) II Kearney street, San Francisco, Cal nn.JUNTirH Kilnc.T Ilemeily Kr. Ilirctlcnni,curesallk!ndsof Lidreand P.lsdder complaints, Gonorrhoea, Gleet, Ixuconliaa. Forsale b) ail drugsrlsts ; $1 00 a bottle, si bottlui for J", CO. Illl. t INTIIl'S IlKiiilellmi i'Mlxarethe best and cheapest DrsraiTic and P.illiov cuie In the market. lor sale b all dnusldH anl7-t rSLSAJIPLE COTTLE, H1EE. fent c. rppliri cation by letter stating -:.ptonis, sex ami" ago Communications ctrfitli couridcntUl. MmjAWM rZacscRSPJg-'PjZccP ticy w?dF &n&Jd mwM mkFon Tafia.. Will be mailed rr.EE to all applicant, and to cu tomers of last roar without ordering It ltcoctaras about i;s rages, 600 illnrtratlnn, prlcw, tceurara drfccrlptions aud valusble direction for lamia? Ma varieties of Veiretable and llower Eeea, 'Isnts, Trult Tiww, etc. Iovaluablo to iH, ccpsc lally to Msrset Gardeners. Send for It 1 D. M. FERRY 2-CO. DETROIT MlOH- riAT Tfc for the wAi kinp clas. Send V7T J JJJL 10 tents for postage, and wo will mall yourev. a roj al, aluable box of sample goods that will put j on In the way of making more money in a few dajs than you ecr thought possible at nn business. Capital not required. Wo will slait on. You can work all the time or in spare time only. The woikis unieis.illy adjpted to both sexes, oung and old. 1 on can easily earn fiom 50 einfs to f5 cny ci cuing. That all who want work mav tet the busi ness, we make this unparalleled offer; to all who are not well satisfied we will (end SI to pay for the trouble of wiiting lis. Full patticulais, dlrcetlons, etc., sent fiec. Foi tunes will be made by thoe who givo their whole time to the woik. Great suc cess absolutely sure. Don't dclav. Stait notv. Addiess Stixsox & Co., Portland, Maine. dec.!5-ly $2."30 REWARD. Theaboe lewaid will be naid for the detectisn and comiction of any person or person s ca ugh t i stealing or killing any Icattleof theaboebiand. JOHN KENNEDY. Globe, A. T. S-iO ltowurd. The aboe reward will ,bc paid for. tho comic- tlUU If, ',111 (VIOUj caught stealing or kill ing any cattle with the above lirand. ETHEL KENNEDY $50U ItKWAKD. Five bundled dollars will be paid iijion the conviction of nnj person caught stealing or kill ing an cattle with tho ahovebiand or with BK on the left libs and shouldei, or a diamond bar on tho middle of the left side. Micep iion off the left ear, two slits on the light. Post Oftice Plieniv. A. T. sept 22-1 1 J. M. iV A. A. WA HI). 8200 ItKWAl.I). Cioss on left hip. I ir nitiiks eiop ot right and under-cut In radical. The above revv.ud will bo paid bv Hie un dersigned for iufmm.itlon that will lead to the conviction of anv onemiiltv of defacing, alterimr. or in anv wav c'"lni'tli .iIhim desciibed maiks iir stealing cattle be.uing them. Mmm Mil w MiMM te sVMMaaUsi IBS LmrS-iO? Hauge MrHiilcn. Post Ofli.r -dilic-ss Globe. (.Ih liiun'v 1 d'v ' . I" MIWIM