OCR Interpretation

Arizona silver belt. [volume] (Globe City, Pinal County, Ariz.) 1878-19??, October 13, 1894, Image 4

Image and text provided by Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84021913/1894-10-13/ed-1/seq-4/

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FFCtU IMTKIt OF flllAfiilxtV
Saturday bctober IS 1894
Tb Jovetdlrieit Ucrouiln Interested lo
Viv Ibiportmit ulfl
The aeMutt t ifovcrnment
in MtUiii lipftvt cv rUnn Inrge tract of
llie ptlWl forest lntulh In tho wcttvs
reMUTea was outlined recently In
Uicfco columns Lilrcwlse the value
tof tlieMj vast forests Vrtis referred to In
their relation io the jfvont hrlirattag
systems of the west and thcii utility In
supplying future timber demands As
tjief em remarked tho mere ereatlnr of
these reserves vus lint an incomplete
measure unless wmo permanent sys
tem of federal forestry was also soon
adopted At present the reserves are
under the control of tho land ofilco of
the department of tho interior subject
billy to such limited cafe as ts agents
cap bestow which is slight
lmst summer tho army was sought by
the secretary of the interior for details
to protcet f rom depredations onie of
the reserve Tho actinp judge ndvo
cato gave an opinion that it wasnot law
ful to employ troop upon sneh duty un
less exprely directed by congress
Under this decision it seems that tho
details that hnvo hitherto guarded ex
cept during tho winter months tho
Yellowstone Yosomitc Sequoia and
Gen Grant park will bo withheld
this year
A bill now before congress In refer
ence to the public forests authorizes
the secretary of war to furnish details
of troopatpon requisition of the secre
tary of the interior to protcot those
reservations But why not carry tho
subject a stop further as has been sug
gested by forest advocates and reach
the heart of tho question Substitute
n bill placing the public forests that
arc withdrawn from public entry by
settlers absolutely under tho control
of the army Commence at tho begin
ning and make forestry a department
at West Point with a portion of tho
conveniently situated highlands as an
experimental station Provide for as
signing a portion of the graduates of
the academy each year to command a
specially enlisted forestry guard to
carry out a system of scientific and
practical foreetry upon these reserva
tions It is ventured to predict the
more this plan is considered the more
one will And in it a simple and logical
solution of a pending vital question It
furnishes a new field of activity to the
army it insures fidelity to tho national
interests It would give permanency
and capability at once to the forestry
tin Novel Treatment Undergone by In
valid la Italy
Thore is nothing particularly entic
ing in the sound of mud baths and
those who have tried them at Hamburg
and other places find them not agree
able as experiences however o Readout
they may be as a treatment At most
spas the process is simply that of pour
ing mud into ones bath but at some
Italian bnths to which tho fashionably
sick are tnrning a traveler who has
taken them rinds that they are quite
different The mud iu a very hot and
almost drv form mneh of the consist
vnrv of brick clay is applied locally to
those parts of the body which are af
fected The patient lies on a straw
bed on which is placed a sheet Th
attendant having ascertained the snf
fering parts daubs them to the thick
ness of several inches with the mud
The Invalid covered w ith a hot sheet
or blankets lies for half an hour por
spiring freely then gets into a hot sul
phur bath is thoroughly cleansed
rubbed dry owl returns to a ted arti
ficially wanned where the perspiration
continues for an hour or so longtr
This treatment is repeated almost
every morning for abont twenty day
tnd is of eat value in all manifesta
tions of rheumatism The mud is dut
ut of a mountain a few miles from the
-pa and brought to the establishment
rnd allowed to soak for several year
tn tanks of boiling sulphur water until
required for use
TiiMryc R Tfeififtki to lied
A doctor profession requires him if
he seeks convenience and comfort to
have two telephones one in his ofBee
and one in hto bedroom As anyone
wholutsoto pay tribute to the tele
phone knows says the lltteburgh Tele
graph their charge hardly represent
Hie progress that has been made in
other lines in the world incheapciiiu
immoditfcs Jttt necessity is th
mother of invention and a doctor 1
tho East End fvitiiid a why to have tli
mvenience of two telephones and jo
nly pay for one lie has his tele
iihine hung upon hooks in his oillec
the connections lelng made by tht
telephone coming in contact wltii an
lectrTe board which he has had con
ducted He lso Imss wires run tbbis
bedroom where another electric board
has been placed The doctor may
be said to take his telephone to
bed with him every night He takos it
from the hooks in his office curries it
under his arm up to his bedroom and
places it Upon Hie hooks there Should
any calls eomt daring the night ho
can answer them- without leaving his
room thereby getting the use of two
telephones for the priee df onov
Tho Dolphins Changing Colors
it is a popular impression among
m st people that while a dolfrttin is in
its death struggle it changes color1 to
iltuost every hue of the rainbow While
making a trip by water from jSVtV
York to New Orleans a few months
ago says a traveler in the St Louis
llepublie the mate of the vessel caught
a dolphin early one morning and the
passengers were summoned on deck to
o It ohng eoior as it lay gasping in
the agonies of death The colors were
certainly very beautiful but not nearly
i vivid as had been expected These
U h are not especinf favorites from a
gastronomic point oi view being rather
try and tasteless The ints caught by
the mate was fried for2 breakfast tho
ok taking the precaution So put a
tr hutMlotiar in the pan while cook-
tig it fb make sure hut the flsJ had
riot been feeding on something poison
cms vWeh is said to bv sometimes tho
tse 11 the silver becomes tarnishedV
ould not be safe to eat the fish
Ono of Uin Old FnmUlea
Japanese papei say that the oldest
jiarried eon pie hi that country live in
sawadatfttheJprovInee of Sado The
naan is 188 yeans old and his wifo 135
ff the family mistberlng fourteen
Icr rn the eldest daughter is 108
- oil mill fh - voi tot
tmmmm4mmimmm mnliimmwtfnwmm iMniftM9 n
The Method Employed In the
VHrttcd Mud Hook A Comforta
ble Revine In the Odd
Many strange ways of making a live
lihood nro to bo found in and near a
great city and one of the strangest of
hcsohorcaboutls fishing p lostnii
hora and anchor chains from the hot
irasof tho bays and of tho sea along
mo eoist It Is not What might be
called ft nourishing industry says tho
now York Kvuhlnir Post but is In
Iced a precarious dependence for tho J
Mssnrics of life yet it yields
enough to hnvo created quite a
dbcr of followers Several
and sloops uro engaged nlmost ex
jsivcly in thl traile and each
arries a crew of from three to ten
These odd fishermen seek their inan
imate prey whenever tho weather per
du and of course are most active
ut ing the long summer days Like
iUo takers of llviug spoils from the
water they know the field of their op
orations thoroughly and expend their
energies mostly where tho fishing is
xit Perhaps of all tho grounds in
this vicinity thoy regard tho stretch
i ea off tho Delaware breakwater as
tho most profitable- It Is widely known
among skippers and all seafaring men
who visit these parts ns a great ceme
tery for anchors Thoy are being con
stantly planted there to use the
nauticnl phrase The perpetual Invol
untary sowing of anchors tlicru is
due to tho largo number of vescls that
ire compelled by conditions of busi
ness or of wind and tide to ride off the
breakwater nnd to their getting fre
quently caught in a gale while doing
si Then the floor of tho sea at that
point appears to have a peculiar facil
ity for fouling nnchnrs nnd vessels arc
not seldom compelled or prefer as the
less of two evils to abandon them
Territory up nnd down tho coast
ranks noxt Ia tho anchor fishermans
estcom as a fruitful anchor bed The
interior waters of the harbor are more
barreu yet repay search Even the
North and East rivers for some dis
tance up nro occasionally harvested
and usually not wholly in vain
The method of anchor fishing is sim
ple to prlmltivencss It consists in let
ting down a chain in n loop from the
sides of tho vessel until the loop trnih
along the bottom Then the boit sails
nlong with all hands on board alert fox
a bite Plain as this tackle is it is
effective as any that could be devised
Planted anchors almost Invariably
lie with one fluke buried in the mud
and the other sticking straight up If
the angling chain is dragging in the
direction of tho inner curve of the tip
standing fluke it is nlmost it have
onteh Then the line wih tho rtlicliot
attached is carefully hoisted some tiraoj
by hand or if the anchor is very heavy
bv means of canstans If the spoil h
a very weighty oiil say four live or
six thousand pounds a driving engine
is frequently employed The instances
ure few however where the fishermen
fail to secure their booty When nec
essary the crew of one anchor smack
u ill lend a hand to another Itoats
often work in pairs A cable h
stretehed between the vessels and
dragged on tho bottom When an an
it is caught one of the vessels take
position ubove it and both crews
iviistln raising it This method in
ire a wide sweep of the bottom
There ore two purposes for which tlie
cateli is disposed of Usually the
anchors are sold to be used as an
chors again for a moderate or even
a considerable degree of rust in
no way impairs their efficiency ns
such If they are too muoh eaten up
by rust which seldom happens they
are -sold as old iron As they nre of
wrought iron the prkc brought is often
aonsiderable Thore are also two ways
by which the ilshcrmen find a market
value for their wares They either
ell them directly by hawking
Jiom about among the vessels in the
narlxw or they sell them to the shlp
handlers Sometimes they have per
mission from wharf owners or lessees
to stick tho anchors up there with a
lotico that they are for sale with the
l ri stated As a rule they get very
jood prices New anchors are sold for
live cents a pound now nnd the re
covered old ones seldom suffer a great
er depreciation in value than one cent
a pound Therefore for every one
thousand pounds of nnchor they cap
ture the fishermen make about fortj
iiollars and if the anchor is one of tho
very heaviest a six thousand pounder
their haul nctv them about two hun
dred and forty dollars They seldom tako
a monster of that size however their
usual capture Is between fifteen hun
dred and twenty five hundred pounds
There ure several reasons for this In
the first plnco tho lighter anchors are
more generally used in the second
place it is tho sailing vessels which
most often Ioms their nnchors and as
a rule they cart y llghtcranchors than
steamers nnd In the third place most
lurire vessels whether stcamor sail
ing commonly carry both a light and
a heavy nnchor and seldom drop tho
latter in the harbor or immediately
off the coast using it for deeper and
rougher 6cas The fact that steam
vessels lose their anchors less frequent
ly than sailing vessels is duo to their
being able to use their steam when
necessary to check the strain upon the
inchor chain
Tho eaptured anallor chains often
make a substantialaddition to the gain
f tho fishermen fetching about three
three cents a pound Sometimes they
c very long and weigh hundreds df
One of the divers of a local wreck
ing company makes a business of keep
inp ah eye open for lost anchors
while examining or working r und
sunken vessels He is taid tohue lb-
cated several and to have made a con
I sidorablbsum as the result of his cnter
I prise
Tub manufacture of nrtiilclnr granite
I is now a California industry
1 As 1ET there have uecri discovered
I but two processes for enameling cast
A hkw and valuable method of coat
ing aluminum with other metals has
been perfected in Germany
CoKU Is better than coal and char
coal better still for producing intense
heat because of the larger percentage
of enrbotf they contain
Tim oHlofopcy of bobbins for prepar
ing cotton s now much increased by
forming ther tubular body part of
i riiiratftl ii ntllt
aia MM imwilrtMrtMiBOuw tttin
Vessel Engaged In Bo r arching for Ownoru Are Advised JSPt to Soil
Lost Anchors I Thorn at ProeOt
Coming- Yar Will Vltn a Ntrons De
mand for Farm and rricpn Will
Kule Much Higher The
lretent Situation
During tho last year u great many
persons have come Into possession of
western farm properties through fore
closures says the United States In
vestor As the present owners to a
large degree are residents of the cast
their only desire Is to rid themselves
of these holdings as soon as possible
A word of caution to such persons may
not be out of place Ileal estate val
ues In the west ure greatly depressed
as a result of last yeurs punic In
many localities it is difficult to find
purchasers at any cost Kow there is
reason to suppose that eastern holders
of western lands may be deceived by
sharpers inuking use of this very state
of affairs These lands are worth
something to day and later on they
will be worth a greut deal more It
all depends ou the ability of the pres
ent holders to carry them until times
improve The danger Is that certain
parties with long purses and long
heads will magnify the unfavorable
side of the situation for the purpose of
frightening timid investors Into throw
ing over their western lands nt merely
nominal prices A word of caution to
holders of western farm lands is time
ly for a number of reasons In the
first place there Is every reason to be
lieve that the worst that can be appre
hended in couneetion with the western
situation has been fully discounted iu
tho drop in real estate prices which has
already taken place Owners of land
should bo on their gunrd against any
nnd all attempts to convince them that
prices will go lower The chances arc
that values will enhance rather than
depreciate In some localities there is
already reported to be a better demand
for form properties Prices are bound
to be low for several years but there is
good reason to believe with an upward
The financial depression in the
United States will undoubtedly keep
immigration down to a low point for a
considerable period The fact how
ever must ever be kept in mind that
this country is the center townrd
which the population of the whole
world is tending Coining years there
fore must inevitably witness a strong
demand for farm lands in the United
States In this connection it is well to
bear in mind that about all the gcldd
government land has been disposed ol
and that farms are not going to be ob
taincd as cheap in the future as in the
past other things being equal
A great deal is being said at this time
regarding the sharp competition which
the American farmer Is going to en
counter In tho future as the result of
the opening up of new agricultural re
gions in various parts of the work It
can bo safely said however th m the
long run this country will he able to
hold Its own Temporarily the Amer
ican agriculturist may experience hard
ship It may even be admitted that
prices of cereals will permanently re
main on a low level The situation will
adjust itself in time and if the farmer
is obliged to take lower prices for his
wheat nnd corn he will obtain what
ever commo iilles nnd services ho may
require at correspondingly reduced
rates It is idle to attempt to demon
stratc that America is about to take a
ond place as the great food
fr country of the world This fact
ould be kept in mind by holders of
cstern farm lands Whatever may be
the status of their investments to day
it can safely be asserted that five years
hence will witness prices considerably
In excess of those now obtainable
Different Slaten Treat Crlmliinln with Va
rylnc Decree of Severity
Probably few people nre aware says
the Springfield Mass Union of the
Teat difference in the severity of pun
i hment for tho same crime which
b different states but the matter
h is been fully discussed in a paper by
lrcd W Wines which was read at tho
meeting of the National Prison associa
tion nt St Paul Mr Wines elalms
that the existing penal system is un
just in some respect In almost every
state nnd the facts given In support
of his statement are decidedly interest
ing In some states thero is no capital
punishment for murder while in
others the death penalty is inflicted
for what in comparison ore minor
crimes If it Is right to spare tho life
of a man who commits a brutal mur
der in Michigan it Is certainly wrong
to hang a wretch who has been caught
setting fire to a dwelling at night as is
done in Montana Nearly all the south
ern states punish arson with death
and in some burglary is a capital
crime In Missouri the punishment
for perjury Is death while In New
Hampshire Connecticut and Ken
tucky the mnsimum bentenco for per
jury is five years In Maine Mississippi
nnd Iowa however the perjurer may
be ent to prison for life while in Del
aware for the offense Is justifiable by
fine The severest punishment in
flicted in Delaware for incest is a fine
of ono hundred dollars in Virginia six
months in jail and in Louisiana tho
death pennlty Is exacted
It is clear that when thepunishment
fo a given crime varies from tho exac
tion of a small ilho to hanging great
injustice is done somewhere and it is
well that men are studying the ques
tion with a view to correcting the evil
Taper and Periodicals
In the United States there are 1855
daily newspapers 11 papcra published
every other day227 published twice a
week and 14017 weekly newspapers
Elghty fivo newspapers are published
every two weeks 249 aro published
ttVice a month 3125 every month and
30f Published every two months and
every three months Thcre arc 20000
papers and periodicals ih the United
The railway system ol the United
states comprises J046f miles of track
ItAiLnoAD stock ih the United States
tVgrcgates In round numbers 810COO
THE receipts of all raifroads fqr last
oar were 81220751874 whife the ex
penses wrre S32702120
It require 34788 locomotives 3l8S4
passenger carsaud 1047577 freight cars
to operate the railroads of the country
JDuiao last yda 593500012 passen
gers werb carried on all tho railroads
in Uncle Sams domains nnd 745110482
1ins of frciplit rnnpited
V xWJTrfcyfV w
Hla Eoueo bn Staton Island to Bo
Torn Down
The Qreat Italian Ocrnpled It for Two
Year With Ills Compatriot Meneel
lie GreW Orapea and Flower
Within IU Inrloture
For many and many a year now the
members of the Italian colonics in and
around New York have counted as a
sort of little Mecca the place on Ptaten
island where in the term of hl3 exile
from Italy the patriot Garibaldi lived
and wrought and planned He left
upon the neighborhood around Rose
bank nnd upon its people the Impress
of his character and to this day they
speak of him
The house where he lived together
With his colnborer Mcuccl Is ft plain
Gothic nilnlr on the grounds of the
Bachmun llrewing company just a
stones throw back from the Uosebank
etution Over its door is a marble tab
let put there some years ago by the
Italian societies telling that Garibaldi
the hero of two worlds had lived there
from 1851 to 1853 Vines clambering
about the plain where tho two Ital
ian geniuses used to sit conceal in
summer time tho tablet from the view
of passersby but they stare in through
the fence with its tall palings at tho
garden where Garibaldi used to grow
grapes and flowers and garden truck
All about the vicinity building Is go
ing on says the World There are all
sorts of evidence that business which
is no respecter of relics ornnything
else is crowding the old shrine But
still the garden gate is closed against
the stranger still you have to get from
the brewery office the key to get a look
in at the workshop of Garibaldi and
Mcucci a shadowy little room on the
top floor of the house with windows
facing the bay
There arc still the tools with which
those two clever men tinkered at vari
ous devices -there ore fragments of
their handiwork bits of lumbering ap
paratus by which Mcucci a man of
most fertile mind was working cut his
discovery of the telephone of wliicll
he used solemuly to usscrt In his life
time he was the original in veil tor
And just across tho way in the brew
cry yards stands tho ruius of the old
plant that the two Italians used in
making candles They built it them
selves and for years pottered away
there boiling down tlie grease and
making some sort of a fist at earning a
livelihood though neither of them had
any particular need to do so
Garibaldi was in receipt of money
regularly from his friends in Italy and
also from well-to-do Americans who
w ere in sympathy with the cause whose
father he was Mcucci who had been
for years at the head of the mechanical
department of the grand ojieras iu
Home and Milan and who driven from
Italy by political enmities had found a
haven in Cuba had amassed about Sf5
000 which in those days and in the way
they lived was an ample fortune
Little by little what with Meueclu
experiments nnd his open handedncss
and his association vith people who
had keener eyes and nimbler fingers
for the dollar than ho had his money
dwindled and he died poor more orlss
the ward throughout his later years of
the societies of his countrymen
But while the two great Italians were
together they were lords Their plain
place was in its way a veritable Tuscu
lanum nnd tho island and its people
the older ones nt least have many a
tale to tell of the two patriots They
had a great fashion of going fishing ou
the dock at Clifton near the old Van
derbilt ferry landing Some of the old
shoremen still hnvo odds nnd ends of
fishing utensils which were used by
Mcucci and Garibaldi
The furnace where Garibaldi fried
out his cuudlc gtease is of brickwork
with a heavy foundation of stone The
caldron within is of heavy copper and
the fire chnmbers underneath arc lined
with iron
Garibaldi wanted to be comfortable
about his work and around his work
place he built a summer house The
remains of that ure tumbling down
too but the vines which lie used to
train with his own hands still clamber
about the trellis posts and the scraggy
trees which still thrive there To move
this dilapidated old piece of brickwork
will be next to impossible so far has it
gone on tho way to ruin but A Lazza
rl who owns tho Hotel Cnprcra on tho
hill jURt above the brewery has offered
to donate a plot in the middle of the
chestnut grove adjoining the hotel nnd
have there rebuilt out of the old mate
rials the kettle as it is known to peo
ple thereabouts
There has been talk too among lead
ing Italians of taking out the old cop
per and having it coined into souvenir
medals and sold Unless this is done
it is more tlinri likely that Garibaldis
old candle factory which has stood
there in tlie brewery yard for over
forty years will just disappear alto
The Sexton Iot No Time In Doing the
Hectors Hlddlng
I was sexton of Grace church when
Itev Mr Blank was rector there says
a writer in the Utica Observer Itwns
a summer night and rather warm so
when the reqtor commenced his sermon
I turned down the gas in the body of
the church to make it n little cooler
The text that night was ifI remem
ber it Let there be light I was sit
ting in the rear part of the church not
paying particularly close attention to
tho sermon nor In fact to anything
else Suddenly the rector exclaimed
More light More light
I jumped to the stop cock in the gas
supply and turned on the gas full head
nil over the church Well sir you
ought to have seen those peopfe Some
of them jaughed right out and those
that didnt had hard work not to I
found out afterward that when tho
rector said More light he was not
giving directions to me but quoting
the dving words of Goethe
55 i r nrr -v i u
Samoan head hunters
fienowal of tho Brbarouo Prac
tioo Durlntr Booont Troubles
Native Troop Cut Off the ilesd of dirt
aft Well a Men and Plato Them
at tho Feet of Their
There wns a renewal of the practice
of hend hunting In Samoa during the
rcccltt troubles between the partisans
i if Mnlletoa and of Mntnafa and upon
the occasion in vlolatlonof old Samonn
customs thoheadsof girls ns wellasof
men were taken by the native troops
engaged to fight for the triple protec
torate which exists under the authority
of tho British German nml American
governments By advices received in
Washington from spies a short time
ngo says a recent dispatcln It wns
learned that an attempt to put u stop
to the practice had been made by the
American jurist Mr Ide of Vermont
who was lust year appoIUted to the
office of chief justice of Samoa but the
nttempt was unsuccessful Us it wns
not sustained by tho resident consuls
When tho government troops Went out
to fight MUtaufni people in the rebel
lion of this year he warned them that
they would be punished if they in
dulged In tins practice of head hunting
and yet notwithstanding as soon as
hostilities were begun the head hunters
broke loose nnd when they returned
from the field they brought with them
tho heads of their victims which
were luld at the feet of the king
with the knowledge of the foreign
consuls serving nmlcr the protectorate
On account of the peculiar circum
stances of the case Chief Jus Ide
found himself unable td iije libUrc out
the punishment Wileh he llml threat
ened to inflict The rulini authorities
would give him no assistance the of
fenders culd not le identified The
native warriors disregarded his w am
ine he Had 110 lneans of enforcing his
orders I can look for no tup jrt
here physical or moral savs ic cliief
justice Por reasons that re not to
their credit the L or nls living in
Samoa declare tint l bnrous practice--must
be tolew ui until the n bclllotle
natives ai f r rUy crushed and so
orosd to any interference
with r old Samoan Institution of
b Alunting The next outbreak in
o iCKi therefore will probably again
jive evidence of tho existence of the
abominable prncticc In an enlarged ttf
sortmentof nuinan ln iicK
Tho strongest of all the protest
against Its continuance nnd r el- ilied
authority has just licen iimde by Mr
Kobert Louis Mcveusou the cilcbratcd
novelist who in a letter fenl from
Apia tells of vrauof the icenc that
were recently witnessed there IJcsay
that the government troops upon re
returning from the field where they
had fought the Mataafuns not only
brought with them the hcadr of relsl
warriurs but also those of gills They
marched in procession to Molinuw car
rying the girls heads v hiuh they had
taken and made i them an oblation
to that nKlsneholy cujjry the king
vho nt on the veranda uf tllt
building offered thanks Ui h
head hunters and crowned as heroc
those who should ao been hrngid
criminals The three members of the
consiilar trl
vmvliatc unanimously winked upon
tbo occasion as they had previously
winked at other incidents not lest
shocking perpetrated under the re
sponsibility of the protecting Jiowers
Germany and ilic United
states When the girls heads were
brought in Mr Stevenson went to the
British consul Mr Cusnck Smith and
pressed him to take some action yet he
only drafted a protest which was put
under a paper weight where it lay un-
the sava tjc ecrcsiony was ended 1 le
icn spoke without any good result to
- ine of the fjghtlng men who hart
ken heads and some of whom hail
iitented themselves with taking only
he cars of their dead victims ns tro
phies no next conferred with the
Amrrfcan ehiof justice who however
already been said wis power
IcSo I must not wonder though 1
may still deplore that Mr Ide accepted
the situation Jt is but fair to say
however that since Mr Ide took office
ho seems to have done all he could tc
prevent licnd hunting It is the gov
ernments uner whose authority he1
V Ids his place that reft c to give him
the power to put a stop to it The old
king Matasfa who was dethroned and
has been sent into banishment by
the protectorate forbade the taking of
heads in war but the king who now
rules by the grace of tho protectorate
is devoid of squeninlshness In regard to
it nnd even this year has shown him
self rendy to accept an oblatioil of
girls heads
Mr Steveiison declares Unit iilany
horrible atrocities have been perpo
trntcd during the last campaign
against the followers of Mataafu lie
tells the story of Manono where the
aged Matatifa flung himself on his
knees before a liillsh captain and im
plored prolclion for his women and
children Very soon afterward at the
lime of nightfall flames were observed
to rise from the island There wns wild
disorder all through the night the
houses were burned the women
rtripped naked tho food trees hewn
down the animals killed and a great
part of the island was reduced to ruins
He tells of other outrages not les
atrocious m me province ol Ana and
elsewhere all perpetrated under the
responsibility of the triple protectorate
Tlip SuperiiUlplh iroplo of Cnlmtta
The grossest Mipcrstition exists in
Calcutta llecently an Indian had a
live ppat flung down from hi twp btory
house in accordance with tho direct iqns
of a so called magician who wassailed
In to cast out a devil with winch a Hjon
was supposed to bo possessed The
poor brute was first fed with a few
bamboo leaves over vyhich the wizard
mumbled some mnntrnhnd tyvfasthen
pushed over the terrace ihc animal
was hilled and its llcsli was distributed
to tho poor
It is estimated that New York line
no less than ten thousand opium smok
The United States silver thrce cebt
piece was first coined in J1
lfon every w idowcrf Jfy marries a
widow tiierc are eleven who espouse
Statistics profp that not less than
three thousand ivo hundred babies are
born every day ou United Stat6s sotf
In the United States twoMndrbd and
fifty five thousand dwelling houses that
aro occupied by the owners arc built
every year
fias the largest bftna fido circulation
of any weekly paper in the Territory
nnd is consequently the besl advor
fcistng medium
Has hW fciiftoa now la book fta and for
sale fully illutraur his rM approved
dsof Alterinir Colts HnayiBitjitle ana
especially nillUllUal Hor i etc Al
shovlnghisropeaaJlnitniiriims and tell-
1 L VKM a HnlmaMI T niilvfllrl
lllg UJU iktu mil I x v vi
stock Very Important tu l Mitt r and
castrators For price aiiii pirticiIdOf bock
write him at Charleston CouiiO 111
iiitj -
MacrBi rs
rt km ilMKlFR5
M 5481-
1 io1 MWjGftwi
171a J
c jj Tht folltwfiip
-9 sa
a f oiiraa ooj
llSXVULISttm 1 878
A Vapor for the Minerl
A Id per for tho Barmerl
A Papcrforthe Mccbanic
Aijapgr for Everybody
Proprietors Pino Creek Stoam Saw Mills and Pi
Crook Toll Road
Iir II
Contractors for LUMBER frEIGM 0EE Sol
We will not h Undersold Ij Anybody or In any on
Arclclo and our Stock la tho Largest In Cila County
iJSTlM 111
The Leading Paper of
GMa County
l lllrlifft
IkmEkIi lilil
Birtifil MUBI
Billiard Pariorsr
net of Jiafeetuxl and tfcwortgx
Liaur wid Oigsn
First Class Gluh Rocm Atfjwtf
Tw fOirceklnti arnunlH K
t JM
rilrM KrMiII fpr HiriH tf
AUofn n nnert dcttnptiert lotted
lC ttulacM ct rtrtW iMfrf
wao wiatio emtpena tor iqs er
mtnmeny rti a r4m ctf4 sv
forealTlOeUi vfe
lor TTefckre3Q6tI
Bkor cf thra tr beautiful ami
tUlnr CireoKriptonoCtfel4ief
w U wSora you wrth tooorr i Wa
tftatMltfto J1ru
tla oniy aire lurlnluide 60
tet Perfect
work TClct and cannot I
trrttd tijcatfcMtn OonAtfntM
ccmfon nee vltagiunea
twmt Wfc
ec rrtce uissouu
FlrBlrtl Eje lrory ocuttaIr t3 ao lodxU
nipn onowfia uniinar wonc copAia txmem
vr vivtniu pur ii lory 4u t ine mr u
rnUmadC0rMiei anpat 6i rajr tt J RE
The success ot tbii Great Cough Cure ll
without a psralltl In the history ot medicine
All druggist are authOrtied to sell it on a pos
itive guarantee a test thrtno other cure cub
successfully stand That it may become
known the Proprietors at an enormous ex
pensc are placing a Sample Bottle Free into
every home in the United States and Canada
It you have a Cough Soro Throat or Bron
chit J nsi It for it will cure you If youi
rhlld has the Croup or WhooplneCoogh use
it promptly and relief is sure If you dreoi
hattusidiousr dUeaso Consumption use IU
Ask your Druggist for SHILOHS CURE
Pricel0cts50ct and 100 If your Lungs
are sore or Back lame use Shilohs Porettg
Plaster Price 23 eta For sale by all Drug
cists aud Dealers
Onr of the I
rmicf 1 li u
the orni Jt Wfj
iu iDf f ArM illMnJrlKS
la h r mirr aii make kir nf
M Ih bill A tt VM h ta il
t53t tf torn Ii t ihi M of Hi l
WlJi lW t wtv 1 -rear nfrbtaaM
a il 111 ir tA roi the fc
FMttB Kf llm 4vafHrBt a4
lnura it ma m 01 inr ir
rival 1 vf ifTHilf
rmitfrUtvlJjrii f lit
M II Ui L I I V wa
a r tnnlith llV
titwmioss liorbairV
rarrtfuTlf tlrftt da not
U- teHhor tntirfiro witUrWeBusln a ow
pl jware It builds tnd improv s the Kn rl
v rfjJlra en liTOMncui JolMw this trralment
YAtiTjcA by rncluans afil leading eocietr Indies
SSlalr SSt4nlr Sa4lcaaUl ttMrpiferyarlftuUnto
3i 0 ft f SKTCEfL HTflCKta S IBtHtS CSlCiEl ILL
NiMiit in riyfA ierjt 7ctrTnlhrmAll or
exprru vlll rccelva prompt and currfui MicaO
Gold a Silver Bullion 1iVeKte5iJr
iiiren 1735 ft 1733 lTitcl Ct STer Ccb

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