Newspaper Page Text!)!'1 jawwmwmiiwiininrf'roawia sffi1 ARIZONA SILVER KELT: DECEMBER 27 1W CHRISTMAS TREES T.he Joy of the Children's Yuletide Party. MILLIONS ARE USED YEARLY. Uncle Sam Leads the World in the Use of Christmas Trees, and the State of Maine Supplier the KiiMtern Cities. From the Nun Yoik Humid. If ono hundred people selected nt random from all walks of life were asked the question, "What in your opinion constitutes the most charac teristic feature of Christmas the one essential which could not be foregone without destroy hifr the best traditions, the greatest enjoyments of the cele bration?" it is safe to say that ninety percent would unhesitatingly answer, "The Christinas tree." And fortunes are made annually in consequence. To imagine a ChrUtmas without trees is as great a stretch of die imagi nation as to picture a city without buildings. All cUsses, kinds and con ditions of people Hud common ground in the deliglita afforded by the fragrant gayly trimmed green boughs, l'lio splendid forest giant, twenty feet high, llishing witli electric lights, covered with decorations costing into the hun dreds of dollars and gracing the par lor of a Fifth avenue mansion, atfords ilrt owner no more delight than the humble two-foot shrub covered with cheap paper dolls, gives to the chil dren of poverty in the lowly attic of an east side tenement. Uucle Sara leads the world in the use of Christmas trees. Statistics compiled from carefully authenticated information show that fully three and a half million are required to meet the great American demund. Of these six hundred thousand come to Greater New York alone, and to p.i88 along West street is to meet with minature forests of spruce and pins. The general protperity has made this a banner year, and dealer are haying all the' can do to get the neCTsa.irv (apply here. Every year tins grows more dilllcult to supply. Twenty years auo live carloads of trees would ha swamped the New York market. To day four hundred loads would not do it. As the forests become denuded the shippers have to go farther and further from the railroad centres to get the kind of trees they want. The cost of transportation, first by wagon and then by railroad, yearly increases. In former days the bulk of the New York supply came from the Catskills, the Adliondacks and the shores of Os weio lake, but now the greater part conies from far off Maine. The Maine Christinas tree is much more valuable than any other. The farmers of Maine have raised the trees for so many generations that they know all about cutting them down, i'hey hare a method by which they catch the tree as it breaks olf at the root under the blows of the axe, and when it lands upon the ground it is .supported so that not a limb is in jured. Though the cutting, trimming, build ing and shipment of Christmas trees is a laborious task, the Maine farmero who do the work themselves make the occasion a holiday, taking their fam ilies to the forest fringe and eating their midday meal around a blading tire that roars and sparkles in the midst of their labors. One man cuts the sizable trees close to the ground; a boy or a strong girl cuts away with a sharp hatchet the few dead limbs at the base; a woman and a boy. or two women, out the trees into bundles of tvvelvo and tie them llrmly together with strong cords, and a large boy or a man drives the team of borne, hitched to a hayrack, which hauls the load to the wharf or the railroad ata tion. . The price which the farmers receive for their Christmas trees, though small for individual trees, amounts to a good sum when the large quantity is taken into consideration. For small trees, five to six feet tall, such trees as would be used by lamilios in moderate cir cumstances, five cents is the usual price. A tree from six to ten feet tall will bring from ten to lltteen cents, according to ita symmentry. The live cent treei. are sold for twenty-live cents in the city markets, while a fif teen cent tree otten brings a dollar or more, so the jobbers or retailers make handsome profits on all they can hell. Ot courso, all the trees left over ufter Christmas are a dead loss, and tlio-o which are sold must be disposed of at rates to preclude a pot-sitillity of run ning behind in the enture. A Christmas tree takes five years to grow. The woodman who raises them can count upon going over the MtrtiH ktrip of land once every five jears. ThU j ear he takes his boy ol five with him. Five years from now he takes the boj again, a lad who can be help ful. Five years later the boy begins to chop for himself in the same spot( and still five years later he is begin ning to count upon tho proceed of the" Christmas trees from this piece of laud, and is reckoning upon starting a little chap of his own in thn business. Thus a few acres of pines upon which vigorous trees will grow will support a family from goneiation to generation, world without end, as long as Saula Cliuis lives. The selling of Christmas trees in the Now York markets begins about De cember l.'i, and continues clear to the Christmas morning. Usually the prices uudeigo many fluctuations. Starting at n fairly high llguie, they usuull) advance steadily until about one day before Christinas, when tho price comes tumbling down. Often on this last day a tree can be bought for fifty cents which started at $5. The poor take advantage of this fact mid never buy until the hint minute. Tho large trees are principally in de mand for churches, schools and stores, while the medium sized ones are bought for family use. Tho trees are ro-shipped from New York to many outside poiutM. This year we hao sent a quantity of them to Cuba and l'orto Itico, also to Texas and Florida, but it is too far to bend them to the rhilipplues. This year tho trees have been plen tiful and within tiie reach of even tho poorest. A very attractive one about lour feet high oould be bought for 30 cents. A tree from six to seven feet high was quoted at 40 to till cents; eight to nine foot high, from fcO ceiitH to 1; ten to eleven feet high, Sl.liO to $1 60; twelve to thirteen feet high, Jl.bO to fc!.2o; fourteen to fifteen feet high, J.fiO to i'i, and a tree sixteen ftet higri will cost $3.50 to H It is een possible to get them tailor than that, although the ceiling of an ordinary room would have to come down for the occasion. A tree from eighteen to nineteen feet high is wortli M 50 to jC, and some monstrous trees, standing twenty-five feet high will probably be sold at not less than 10. It is somewhat dilllcult to compute exactly the total yearly cash outlay on the great American Christmas tree, but some approximation can be gained by considering the figures which are known. Three and a half million trees are sold yearly in the United Stales. Al lowing 5 as u maximum price for the large ones and filteen cents fur tho small, it can be roaghly stated that the a erage cost per tree would amount to about one dollar, a total of three and a half million dollars. No tree can be trimmed for less than 2, and sometimes as much at $,'i00 is expended by the wealthy. Allowing an average at $5 a tree, the total ex pense of trimming reaches the astound lug total of seventeen and a half mil lions, making twenty-onu millions in all. Tortured a Witness. Iiitiuibu sutleriug was umlitred ) witiR.s 1'. Jj Martin ol Dixie, Ky , before he gue this evidence: "I coughed every night until my thront whs iieiirly raw; then tried Dr. King' liuw itimivcry nhlch gave lustuut re lief. I lme u-ed It in my family for four yearn uml rttcoinintiuil it a the greiitet remedy for cough, colds and nil throat, cheat iitnl lung troubles. It will slop thu worst cough, and not only pruvunU hut abtolutuly cures coiiiuiiup tiou. l'rieti 50 c itud SI. Every bottle guaranteed. Trial bottles free at Globe drug store. 310DEIIN FABLE. Prlzoa with all purchases. Old Dominion Crmmorcla Co. fl. I:. Church Services. Sunday school at 2 p. in. Public worship and sermon, 11 a. in. Junior Christian Endeavor, . I p. m. Senior Christian Endeavor, Song sen ice and sermon, 7:30 p. in. Mew.iid's niontliU meeting Mon d.i) evening at":.':o. I'rajer meeting Thursday evening 7:!!0, Choir rehearsal Friday evening 7::S0. Evcrvbody invited. Strangers aic cordially welcomed. l'ou can't alford to jisk your life by allowing a cough or a cold to develop into piieiiiiiomit or consumption. Ouu iiiinutu cough cure will euro throat and lung troubles quicker thu n nny other preparation known. Many doc tors use it ns aHpecilit: for grippe. It is uu infallible remedy for croup. Chil dren like it and motheis endorse it. II O Hitchcock. A Trick of the Trade. "I I think I would hko to look at a diamond ring," said the young man as the jeweler came forward. "Exactly, sir. A diamond ring for aladv?" "Ye "A young lady?'1 Yes." "A young lady to whom you are en gaged?" "What's tho difference whothor I'm engaged to her or not?" asked the cus tomer, with considerable tartness. ( "A great deal, Blr. You Intend this I ring iora Christmas present, probably? "I probably do." "Very well. We have diamond rings for i1 and diamond rings for $.(), $75 and $100. If not actually engaged to the girl, take a $25 ring, and when she brings it. in here to .find out the cost we'll Ho $.() worth for your benefit. If renlly engaged take a higher price, und you can pawn it for two-thirds of its value ufter marriage. Now, then, make j our selection, - Washington rot. Wives Who Talked About Their Husbands. Once there were two married couples who had organized a quartet, so as to have some one else to look at now and then. Mrs. A. had a way of reading the riot act to the other half of tho domes tic sketch. She was constantly rebuk ing him for making bad breaks in com pany. When ho bought striped shirts of the Georgia minstrel pattern she told him that he had the sartorial in stincts of a craps-shooter. She asked him why he wore his hat on one side of his head, just like a common rough. How she would get alter him il he lor. got to speak to the ice cream man when she had invited some one to din ner! It seemed to him that he had made moio eriors and fewer hits than any player in tho matrimonial league ills percentage was about .023. Hut this same .Mis. A., when she talked to her lriends, baid that al though Will might bo thoughtless now and then, the same as all men, he had a heart too big for his body and one of tho sweetest natures that ever came down tho pike, she baid that if other men were as reliable as her Will theie would bo no demand for private de tective agencies, alio said that Will i a disposition that it was a comfort to tie to, and it was a groat bUssing for aii woman with nerves to be an chored to a steady man who never How off tho handle. Sho baid that she was glad of lha chance to play cling ing vino to his sturd oak, and sho didn't care who knew it. When Mrs. A. fU to cracking up her husband she talked like u press agent. Mrs. 11. was different. When she ani the wage earner wore by them selves she would fondle him and make him declare that he still loved her, whether it came natural or not. She would hold him by the hand and call him her haudsome boy, and lead him to think that William Faversham and Henry Miller were not entitled to quite all of tho&e mash notes bccnted with heliotrope. An hour later, while talking confi dentially with a roomful of women, with tho understanding that it would not go any further, she would sa that she had a secret sorrow. She said her husband lacked soul and feeling and imagination and a few other Items not uabeutial on the stock exchange. Uer wings and his wings were not males. Wheii she wanted to soai in the rarelled realm of sentiment and cut didoes among the clouds, he would haul her back to the plowed ground by some allusion to liver and bacou. Although she had tried to grow pinions on him and encourage him to do her kind of swoops lie preferred to be of the earth earthy. Consequently her life was as empty as a bass drum. In attempting to get an afiiuity she had made a miscue and was up against it. Under tho circumstances, she would h.iv u to make the best ot a bad bar gain, and hide her grief from tho world, unless some ono should ask her about it. It came about that one ovening Mr. and Mrs A- went to call on .Mr. and Airs. II. l'lio two men were in li.'p room, bllently inspecting some old bindings, when .Mrs. A. and Mrs. U. came into thu loom adjoining and begau to compare husOauds, little reckoning that the men could eaves diop. lien A. heard Mrs. A. catalogue his virtues and say that he was one in a thousand, he was Mirprltod but pleated. When 15. heard Mrs. il. say that she was condemned to a mere ex istence with a sordid monej-gruober, who had no more delicacy ol feeling than a domestic animal, ho also was kiirprNcd, but not pleased. The two men walked softly out of the room and went for their hats. 'My wife is stuck on me alter all," said A. "In a cahe of this kind theie is only ono thing to bo done. Come with me to the club and I will open a keg ol nails." "I am witli you," said B., very gloomily. "I must drown my sorrow." So they went on a toot of tho high lonesome variety. Moral: Any thing for an exciue. Washington Post. No one cnu reuxuuiildy hope fur good liculth uuh'xs his bowels move oneu eiiuh day. When this is not attended to duoiders of tho stomach arise, bilious uess, hviulsuhe, dpep-m nud. ipeM soon follnn. If Jon Mlsli to avoid tin-so ailments keep jour bowels lugulur by titklug Chamberlain's stouitieh and liv er titbUts when it-quirud. I'hey uro so easy to t.iUe and mild and gentle in efTect. For side by II 0 Hitchcock. How to Cure Croup. Mr. 11. Gray who lives uenr Amenta Dutcheos county. N Y. wiys, "Chain' berltiin's cough remedy is the best med icine I have ever iibed. It is a fine children's leinedy for croup ,m,l uever lulls l cure " When given hh ,, H the child bi'conies Iiiiim, or oven af ter the croupy coti,h hns developed, it will prevent the nttnek. This should be borne in miml au 1 a bottle of the cough remedy kept ou baud ready for instant hms as soon as these symptoms appear. For sale by h' C Hitchcock. BUSINESS POINTERS. The finest baths in town tit Towle's harbor shop. A new assortment of pipes at O. S. Van Wagonen's , Blue Grass whisky, 13 years old, at (J. 8. Van Wagonon's. Home made candies, creams and tallies, at the Kandy Kitchen. Dr. Preston, resident dentist in the new Hitchcock building. 0. E. Tuylor is the solo agent in Globe for Cyrus Noble whisky. You can find almoxt any domestic or imported bottle goods at Cafe Itoyal. Qnmiue Sherry is a fine remedy for dysentery and Malaria. At CafeHoyal. For anything in the line of wines and liquors eall at O. S. Vu Wag enen's. Foit Kkkt, a store, now occupied by Uoiqucs liquor house. Apply U J. 0. Lunwv. You will never find any other pills so prompt and so plcosantas DeWitt's Little Early Itlsers. H C Hitchcock. For fine Geneva Holland gin (double stamped goods) there is nothing better than that to koop the kidneys in order. t Cafe Itoyal. Just icceived, a select line of genu ine band carved, ladles' and gentle men's leather uclU and hat bands, at the News Depot- When you want prompt uctiug little pills that never gripe use DeWitt's lit tle pills that uovcr gripe use DeWitt's little curly risers. II C Hitchcock. Mnke glad tho "Waist" places, or tho places to put tho waists silks and cassimoros, at tho Old Dominion Commercial Co. When you want anything in tho .vay of stationery, drop in at-tho News Depot. Wo make a specialty of that dne, from dainty papeteries to account ooks, all sizes. I Wall paper from cheap prints to tho aucst gilt, ombossed and ingrain. Tho only place in town where you can get ho celebrated Renown 5c cigar, also I ill the leading brands of cigars from ic up to 50c each. Tho News Depot. I DeWitt's witch hazel sulve will quick ly heal the worst burns and scalds und not leave a scar. It can bo applied to cuts and raw surfaces with prompt anil i soothing effect. Use it for piles ami ' skiu diseases. Beware of worthless ' counterfeits 11 O Hitchcock. WE PAY TIIE FREIGHT Todd I ,V- Duuhip, of Safford, who have one of the largest stocks of furniture in Ari zona, will prepay the freight to Globe on every purchase from them by a Globe citizen to the amount of fifteen dollars or over. Bottom prices. See catalogue und price list ut office of Knight Parker. Todd A- Ditnlap. i He Struck Them. I'rora Ilrooklyn Ufe G. Ormandlzer, (struggling to carve the first turkey bis wife has ever cooked) Say, Mary, the bones in this bird aro thicker than a shad's just hear tho knife grit. Mrs. G. Ormandlzer (almost crjing with anxiety) You must bo against the shells. John. "Shells?" 4 Yes, John; don't you rempruber that you asked mo to stuff tho turkey with oysters?" No approach heretofore to bcautj of prcscnt'stock. Lovi; ,t Jonhix. Olk. MS JXk A(ff fcyj waffcv J&J Sja The highest claim for other tobaccos is "Just as good as Durham." Every old smoker knows there is none just as good as L' Rlakweftll'st. T BULL DURHAM Smoking Macco d-ss ffAVjjtuiA lilt iA y Rest. The 'Rest" was a prie winner at the Graham county fair. When or dering Hour ask for the "BesL" Handled b all grocermen. Christmas goods arriving dally In carload lots. Full lino of choicest grocorlos. gont's furmshlngKoods, underwear, hosiery, fancy tollot articles, manicure sets, cnrpctlnga, rugs, art squares, now linos of shirtings. Old Dominion Commercial Co. The Kentucky Liquor Store Handles straight Kentucky whiskey, bottled goods a specialty. Family trade solicited, goods delivered. Telephone No. 13. J. T. BuoYua, proprietor. Stanfield & Son, Confectionery, Fruits, China and Glassware, Notions, Etc. Broad Street, .Globe. Ariz. ICodoi Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. It artificially digests tho food and aids Nature In strengthening and recon structing tho exhausted digestivo or gans. It is thelatestdiscovered digest ant and tonic. No other prepatation y.n.. nnnrfl9ir1l It. Ill n!rlnwM. Tf In. ii ci'i""v. - , ""'v-nvj. xv in stantly relieve? and permanently cures jjyspcpsiu, j.iuikiiuu, ncariuurn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, OII-Tlo'.rfni.llO f!!ISt.r!llTl!l f'r.lmno ..r.r! allotherrcsultsofiinperrectdlgestion. PricoMftiUMlll. IirKOhlzocontaliisS'i u-m small site. Book all about dyspepsia mitlkii 1 1 1 Prepared by E. C. DeVVITT 6 CO.. Chlcegj cicov MfWk mlrm JSP Mm Tmmr You will find one coupon inside each two ounce big.imd two cou pons inside each four ounce lugol Ulackwell's Durham. Buy a bag of this cele brated tobacco and read the coiiDon which uivcs n list f of valuable presents and how 10 gci mem y .V' m mm A HONA PIDE SALARY 12 Weekly. Men and women to appoint agents and,hoine U travel, others for local work. 312 weekly salary and expenses. Old established house, pleas ant permanent positions, rapid ad vancement and ipere.ibe of wages. Write at once. Address Rutmjii & Al-OKlt, Dept. 12. New Haven, Conn. Photograph Gallery. L. A.Skolly has opened what has been known as rhe Miller Gallerv and hxs purchased the Miller outfit and negatives. Portraits in Platino. Pho to Stamps and Buttons a specialty. East of the new Rank. SkkllvV PiunoonAi'iiia Studio. ROWAK1) WKCK, Insurance and Heal Estate Agent, Policies carefully written. LOSSES S3ESSS And paid ui my ofllce. Globe, Arizona. Tim: -ruin: ivmiiii- stimiu:i IVOIIi Vlrrlillan.) $STfe;v VAIZV -Ji :sy"C" v.' a SLHECT -til I O OGOEN 4 SHASTA J un routes n; v y 4 i IS JJTKCT OcTOBEn 29, lb'JU. ZASTBOU.ND 5:30 li.nLV l:20uiA!t 2-00 inn lv 1 10.32 pm lv .VuZsml.V 7.0.i am LV UOfiamLV 10 J2auiLV 11 S. am A a IHVinrnLV, ITipmLV 3-rO.inLV I'rOOpm.vB, 8 20mLVi Tpiri vnl h 00 pin lv ' lO'l.'piiiMi .T.Vatn vn , I -00 uin l.v CUApmAK STATION San Francisco hos nselen L Angeles Yuma Maricopa TWnon Tucson Uensnn Wllcnj Rowir l!m i; Lnrdsburg Demin? El Pawi Kl Pajn San Antonio San Antonio Klatonia Hotxton Himnton New Orleaiw ) WESTBOCSD Ar 8:45 pm j lv 12-30 pm aUISOO m ah 2-.'i0airi i Alt 9 35 pn lv i v pn ar ?nn,.h. . .w , ... lv 4 '67 pm lv 3 0lpn lv 2-18 pm ar IT-Spu. Lv 12-15 pm LvlO'lSau. LV 7 20 am AH8-40nm lv !-0Oain ak 8 -30 am lv 5 30 am LVirifiprc ar 10 i0 pm LV STOnm HIrIi Standards. The bard would never have u't. r -aiusic nam cnarnis, - etc, ud h. heard the rasplnir .sounds enianjtm from the "thump boxes" and ! terla-generatintf'' rackets that are ix ini; nulmed nil on the uninltutpi . tirst class pianos. They are ttj , u. nitu inettj- oiiKiavuu uAienor ' dscs t catch the unwary, but they no stand this climate over three sum thcrs. Yon will make no mistake it seiccuni.' tno iamous "iteiir Br.v' "Kranlch & Rach" "Chick, r r., - "Waldorf" or "Mason & Ha. , in pianos, all hl(,'h standards and si (d ail j.w aim up, v A. ItEDEWILL&bONs Phoenix Music St re CILl V A 1 1.1,1. UMIIIK A Mlltllll ItVH.kl Time Table No. 2, taking effect 12:01 m I JunH 14. 1000. MnunUin Time I Second class train No. IS. leaves Ciune oil .Mimuay:. eonpsuitYH ana tnaaysoni) First class train No. II leaves Globe Die except sunnay. Toward Globe first class train No lid-i. c cept Sunday. out'onu ciass irain ro. id leaves uofrie oil Tuesdays. Thursday and Saturdays onh I An extra conlstlnir of u straUbt pav.ei.getl irdiawiuueniauuiu ways eacu bunaT od I ii.e uraeoi isos. u ana i No 15 so It MUX STATIONS J.O 1 (ArriT Lcay'i a m 700 T33 7 51 8 32 fJo 10 17 11 3 11 Hi p m I 10 I I 3J 00 S3) I Lcav u m SOD B21 G 31 655 730 7 87 8 35 .M If 18 0 30 I) 10 0 60 to 08 to so 10 M 11 10 t II X 10 8 3U8 41 E 163 6it 72 5 76 5 79 I .6 81 8 W5 101 7 w ' Central time e-nt of 1)1 Paso, two hour, faster than Pacific time. ' I'. II. liltOIIUlVn PtT Ak-rnt,bu Fiiict.c.. W. II Dn ssrr. Lcl Prrljht and Ticket Atewi Howl? Arizona. T. K. Ilil ill. Commercial A I tut. LI Tiu.cs T.n II 10 ,107 0 J5; 'II 30 jlll 9 Alt sou 4 i) JISU0 U'l It GUMIE ( Cutter ; 4 0 f! Ikon's t 86 Rice : 11 1 San Carlos J 10 9 Dewey ; 14 & Geronlmo J 63 fort Thomas v Mathewsvllle; 4 0 Pima ( m 6 Central : 25 Thatcher t 3 2 .Safford I Solomonville I Kail N ltanch; a) llle Tank : m 3 Halley-K Well: 7 a Summit Spur U 4 uown: i p m VZj 1 8 lo i I 8 57 830 800 733 653 5 JO 4 a i ai 420 (S .a 6 3S IS VI a m 6 10 ii to 5 50 la Yi 5 40 in 3 5 31 in S IS li'Of l :! r (X 4 31 4 ' 4 14 3 37 li Lcav n 3 30 : om All regular trairnt are clafnifiul on the tin tulile with regard to their priority of right t thetraclc, train nf the fiit clarr lein, perior to thoe nf the fecoml and all tuccwi ui); clahies. All oouthlxmnd trains have absolute nstn of tmclover all nortliuound traini of tic name or inferior clans. Train Xo. 11 and 12 make connection m I5ow with .Southern Pacific trains 19 ard V for an ix.ints Kavtand West, and withetace linei at filohe to Payson, Up)er Salt l.'iw Valley, Tonto Ilasin, Riverside and the Hf iiiine Telesraph utati ins . Flajj statinn ajient, J. All trains carry pasiengers. Wm. Oakland. PiwMmh A. M. Real. Superintendent. WILLIAM ZIIVSMERMANIM UNDERTAKER And dealer in FURNITURE !U on hand it .ill tinif- a .fleet araortinrm of furniture, for nale at inoderate pner. Opposite Kinney Houeo GLOBE. ARIZONA. 4-IMPORTANT GATEWAYS-- ,CkJ tjHHI. JoisSi through Fast-Freight and Passenger Service The direct through line from Arizona and New Mexico to till pom" in the north, east and southeast Low altitude. Perfect pasteiige' service. Through cars. No lay-overs Latest pattern Pullman Buf fet sleepers. Handsome nevv chair cars, seats free. Speed, safety and comfort combined. For particulars address B. F. DARBYSIIIRE, K w. CURTIS, S. W. F. P. A., El Paso, J ex t. F. & P. A., El Paso. Tm E. P. TURNER, G. P. T. A., Dallas. Tex NO TnOUBLE TO ANSWER QUESTIONS. - "f Sfs ', s W- ' ' -3v l .- ir ' iltjfe X T? SCT tc - " ffeSEPSET 4- V -3i4 A &K mti, $ ,ki, 5ff