Newspaper Page Text
& . . " 1 "1 " .. b vcn ski - 1 "w " rt if w5p?t ,-, & ( fE k It. ' :gR9BRfe.c wy'n. "."l-W IJ1 WM',L"Bfc. ' """l" MMMMM SliMMWi JMWMtMM' m ti Tii 1 M ; ,3. i " fc"V y .' ' " M-o " :,,. ARIZONA SILVER BELT: DECEMBER II. 1902 r L. feH Arizona Silver Belt tHTAIIUSIUI) IN 1878, BT A. II. HACKNKT JOS. H. HAMIll, Editor and Proprietor. KntcreAnt the l'ostofflco atGlobo. Arizona, as second class mutter. Mt'llrU'KII'TIO.'k U.ITI O no Year (in ailvanco) $ 2.50 Six Months 1.25 Tlireo Months 7G Ctr AIlVltKTlSINO IUTKS KIM KNOWN ON A CrIOATlON AT THIS OFrlOK. THURSDAY, DECEMBER U. 1802. Represenlolive oper of GiJi Goiily. What is eo raro ns a day in December in Arizona ? Tho California Bard's discordant uoto grates on Arizona's sonsibilitios. Tho president iu his message to congress is most eloquent in what hu does not say. Christmas is near at hand. If von doubt it observe tho increased at tho Sunday schools. There was tho usual abundance of floral tributes at tho opening of con cress. No matter how tho election rocs, tho florist is suro to prosper. Alas, tho resolution to liberally remember our friends on Christmas is sioklied o'er with tho palo cast of tho thought that taxes mustbo paid by uoxt Monday. Tho actual tight iu tho senate oxer tho omnibus bill began yesterday, it prom.sos to be a stubborn coutot, with tho chances against tho admission of Arizona ami Now Mexico. From 1SS3 to 1000, inolusivo, Arizona produced 1,007, 192, 030 pounds of copper, worth, taking tho avorago price per pound during thoso eighteen years, nearly 112,000.000. If Utah wants that portiou of Arizona lying north of tho Colorada river, perhnps sho would be willing to pay a fair consideration for it. Tho territory in question is so iolated by physical barriers that it can never bo of any real valuo to us. The Arizoua Dullotiu advocates a territorial poor farm to be located in Graham county, while tho Jlhbeo Review mildly opposes the proposition. As our friends, tho Kellys, own both papors, it looks as though tboy ought to got togethor on this momentous question. Tho death of Thomas IJ. Reed is tho cause of genuine and widespread re-grot, and is rightly regarded as a national loss. Ho was a man of great intellectual, as well as physical, stature. Ho was, moreover, God's noblest work an honest man, It looks as thongh thoro is to bo a Parker-presidential boom in Now York. Judge Parker, according to all accounts, is worthy of tho very high esteem in which ho is held, and would rnako an ideal prctidcutial candidato for tho domocraoy to tako up. To tho much lower prices of copper during tho current year may in a mcasuro bo ascribed tho heavy foreign demand, copper exports having increased cloven million dolhrs ;n the nino months ended with September, 1902, as compared with tho corresponding monthes of 1901. Tho statehood contention has reached tho stago of crimination aud recrimination betweon tho politicians and their wind-jamming organs. Tho fact remaius, however, that Mark Smith has dono moro for statehood for than all other forces combined, aud if tho territory is not admitted tho republican senators will bo solely responsible for tho failure. It is to tho credit of tho press of tho country that it gives littlo, if any, encouragement to the movement to prevent tho seating of Reed Smoot, tho Mormon apostle, as United States senator from Utah. About tho only effect of tho Utah ministerial association's protest is to remind us that religious iutolcranco is about as provalcnt now as it was threo or four hundred years ago. Tho modern church lacks only tho power, not tho will, to persecute dissentors for opinion's sake. Tho independent operators will, wo think, regret thoir opposition to a private settlement of tho authracito controversy, since tho facts boiug brought out before the commission seem to strongly support tho contention of the minors. Whilo tho operators havo acted foolwbly, wo think, yet it is fortunate, sinco in tho interest of tho that the hearings before tho anthracite commission were allowed to continue. There are many points upon which tho public is eager to be en lightened, that a private settlement would havo left iu obscurity, "Tho mineral industry is certainly playing a very important part in the commercial aud industrial eLtorpiises of tho world," says tho Western Min ing World. "This interest is wido and throbs with tho pulse of progress iu all countries. Tho pick and spado, and drill, are to be found every where whore mineral resources justify their uso. In this direction tho United States has at present a foromost place, both iu richness of resource aud magnitude of enterprise. Iu gold, silver, lead, iron, coal aud copper, the exploit atious of a century have been magnifi cent iu scope aud results." Senator Gallinger has introduced iu the eeuato a joint resolution providing limited statehood for tho District of Columbia. It provides, by mcaus of a constitutional amoudmout, that tho district shall bo considered a state so far, and only so far, as shall give it ns such iu the seuate, the house aud tho electoral college. There are in tho district nearly iSJO.000 peo ple, making a population greater than iu mauy of tho states, aud which will continue to rapidly increase, and yet tlteso people, located at the vory fountain-head of tho republic, are boiug taxed without n osligo of representation, a principle iu opposition to which thu country fought and along which issue it won its independence. The demand of tho District of Columbia is nltoguther reasonable and there should be no opposition to it. For Change of District. Tho Tombstone Prospector favors a rearraugeuisut of the judioml dtstriot that would place Coohiie, Graham aud Gila iu ouo dint riot, and locate tho United States court at 'tombstone. While suoh uu arrangement would be better than the prcsuut one for the people of Gila aud liiaham counties, it could be improved by tlxiug tha fed-oral court at Solomouville, which would be the canter of the district. Howeuu, iu the event of the early division of (indium county, which uow seems probable, the natural arrangement of a new judicial distnet would include Gila, Graham aud its offspring. Wo agree with the Bulletin that the location of the federal court of the second judicial district at Ploreuco is an injustice to of the people of the district, and that "there is no otter reason for holding the federal conrt at Flcrence than the personal convenience of the presiding judge. The greater part of the business of that court comes from Graham and Gila counties and tho expense of 'the court must necessarily be much larger at Floreuco than it woald be at either Globe or Solomonville." It. S. Maolay, of Troy, who is a can didato for chief clerk of the legislative assembly, ia strongly supported by tho Florence1 .Blade, aud we fnlly eudorso what that paper says of him in the following oxcerpt : "Air. Maolay has served ono term in the legislature ns assistant chief clerk and during tho greater part of the term discharged tho duties of tho chief clork, a work for which ho is exceptionally woll both by practical experience and natural ability. Ho had previously tilled other legislative clerkships and his work was faultless. Mr. Maolay is far nbovo tho average man iu natural ability, is well educated aud has devoted his lifo to clerical work. Uo is familiar with ovory detail of tho routine work of a legislative body, a master of tho art of keeping minutes of legislative proceedings, is a splendid and rapid pennuu, possesses a good voico and is a good reader, in fact possesses, to a marked degree, every natural and ac quired accomplishment necessary to rnako an ideal chiof clerk." It pays miners and prospectors to ndvortru and talk about tho resources aud probabilities of the sections m which thoy tiro directly interested. If a mining district is worth anything at all, it is worth talking about, worth keeping boforo tho public, worth ills- ensaiug in print. If it has nothing to recommend it, if there aro nothing but a few barren prospect holes there, the sooner the minor who is blowing m his money gets out tho better. But if a district has merit and can show up good mineral and encouraging pros-pi cts, tho mon who aro interested there should not hesitate to tell what they know about it. They should get their district before tho public eyo Intelligent newspaper discussion of a mining section attracts attention, leads investigators to examine personally tho mines of tho district, and, if it proves satisfactory, then investment will follow. 1 lie Proper Thing to Do. Our suggOBtiou that tho few counties burdened with indigents establish and maintain a poor farm jointly, appears to have met with approval. Tho Tombstouo Prospector advocates establishing a poor farm on tho tho San Pedro, between St, David and Benson, to bo maintained by tho counties of Cochise, Pima aud Santa Cruz, and tho Bisbco Review and Nogalcs Oasis both endorse tho proposition Perhaps if tho SoIouiouvrIIo Bulletin would exert its iuflnence.Graham county might bo admitted to the combination. Tho proposition is certainly much fairer than to establish a territorial institution aud compel counties that would derive little, if nny bouellt, to help support it. PROGRAM Of the Gila County Teachers' Institute to Be Held at Globe December 29-31, 1902. MONDAY, DKUHMUI1H 20 AKTKHNOON SHSMON. 2:1)0 Addrese by County Superintendent P. C. Robcrtsuu, followed by preliminary work and organization or institute. JtVHNMU SHSSIO.V. 7:30 Invocation. Addiosa of Woloomo. Response. Vocal Solo Soleotod. Rending Selected. Vocal Solo Selected. Rending Selected. Miihlc Mandolin Club, lufornml reception. TUKSDAY, DKCKMAKU ."JO MOItNlNO SKhMON". 10:00 Paper ' Number Work," Mlw Uitnglo. DUcusslou, led by Miss Oliver. (lenorHl disousMon. 10:30- Paper' Reading in Piimary Or,Klei,'' Ml Cittmi. DUcuwiou. led by .Hltw Allen, tidiierul riifrcumtion. NatureSludy," Micr Annie Ilord. I)iscuMlon, ld by Mis Gibson General discussion. 11:80 Paper "Btwy Work," Mrs. Reid. JMhOUSHlon, led by K. G. Gduoar dicuhslon, KVKNINO SKWUO.W 7:.'$0 Music. Paper " Kuglish lu Grammar Grade," Julm T. Dteeueeion, led by MIhj Comment-. General 8:45 Music. Paper-"Vertical Writing' Miss Ollyor. DIciiMion, kd by U. Q. Robertson. General dleeuselon. Vi KUNltaDAY, DKCH.MBKH 31 MOllMMi bWMIO.N. 10.00 Government," Mlhs Dot Ilord. Discussion, led by John T. Hefly. General discutwlon. 10:30 Paper "Libraries iu Country Schools," Miss Eddy. DUouwion, led by Miss Giinn. General discussion. 11:00 Paper "Tho Teacher ns a Citizen," E G. Stooksbury. led by A. M. Davis. Genoral dlhcustilon. l'.VHXINO SKS6IO.N. 7:30 Mmic. Paper "Importance of PhjMeal Culture," Miss Comnientz led by Miss Eddy. General discussion. 8:45 Music. Paper "School Administration," .1. W. Wilkltwou. Discussion, UmI by Judge P. O. Robertson. General discussion. 9:30 Farewell Address, II. Q. A cordial InvlUtlon is given all teachers, frlondg of education and the public in genoral to attend the somiIuiih of the institute and tako 'part In all discussions. Tho citizens of Globe aro especially urged to to prosrut at all meetings and to do all In their power to make tho teachers feel welcome and at homo while in Globo. P. C. RoilKUTSOjf, County School Superintendent. His Estimate. "Has our client a good case ?" asked one member of the law firm. "I guess so. So far as wo are concerned It ought to bo good for thousand dollars" Washington Star. Uuy your meats at the Globe Meat market, where the bostof every thing is kept Orders promptly tilled and delivered in any part of town. D. Murphy. AcKint's Rfjoou Exixm positively cures (Jhromo Blood poisoning and ail Scrofulous AlleotiouH. At all times a matchless system tonic and purillor. Money refunded if vou aro not satisfied. f)0c. and 1. Tho Old Roliablo Drug Storo, II. O. Hitchcock, Prop. Globe and Black Warrior STAGE LINE Carrying the United States Muils. Leaves Globe (from tho Globe Drug Store) every day atlO o'clock a.m.; arrlvcsat Black Warrior at 11;30 a. m. Leaves Black Warrior dally at 2:30 p m.; arrives at Globe at 4 p. m. A. P. FLOOD, Proprietor. THE BREEZE OF OPINION kes Our Goods Move Our lines include many desirable and attractive articles for comfort and convenience in summer. We flake a Display of the Best the Market Affords Put out in the finest style, and invite you to inspect them. DRY GOODS, GENTS' FURNISHINGS, BOOTS and SHOES, GROCERIES. The W. W. Brookner Co. Where quality counts we win. ffigrjiaOKS3ggSgnHgg vrrrrvr'rrrT?',FC' wyrvww rrrvr umifwyttf wim fSrand! Cpportu&ilty On account of fosing overstocked in Our Men's, Boys' and 2 dren's clothing Department, we will sell anything in tho above lino 4 AT ACTUAL COST REMEMBER, this is an opportunity to BUY FIRST-CLASS CLOTH- 3 ING AT MANUFACTURERS' PRICES. J. G. OLDFIELD CO. 'vifcwfeUAJAJkjb )AftA r IBEbe." "r." 6' "j'IRf "OBBb.1 ?. II o- .-0"i ihi The Old Reliable Drug Store of M. C. Hitchcock Tueiilv it In buMiie.vx III Glot? aid still rl -ml' Imvliiosa :it, llio 1it ntand in tho lieu i.iiildiiiL' It 1it alwavs Its by doa'liif lairly with itsrnsti ii'prsaud L'lviin: hr.t class HMMilsaLdhirviCi lor tt.c moin. Alwajs on nat. i lire iineM oru ana iauj, kihiuii hi s. leutc for dinpouMiii: mi plijwcUi i' ns Always keeps In slock .1 Hit lino nf IVrfiuin. soaps and Faucy Articles or lat.t designs. Holiday Goods of ccry kind, new M,.rk cvory year, .lubbers " orders receive cureful attention and promptly tilled. -O BEST LINE OF... CICARS IN TOWN I'rcMJrtpUoiiH a specialty, and dispensed only by competent pharmacist, day and iiIkIiL Drue Store open regularly from 7 a. in. until 10 p. m all day Sunday for prescription work. Niht clerk- at head of stairs. !S3::SSZESS13ESESS!SiSl!SSmi ACKER'S Dyspepsia Tablets euro VytpepKia aud all dirdcrH una jug from Iiidigcutioii. l'.udorsed by pbysiciitiiB everywhere Sold by nil drupgist. No cuio, no py 25 TriBl paokage free by writiug to W 11 IIookrk k Co.. Buffnlo, X. Y. GLOBE LIQUOR STORE Ki'cpH coiwttuiUy ou blind the Ctioieotit of Liquor IJottlu anil Demijohn Trade a Specially Tim Bur at all tinittw in supplied with tho ClioiccM mid Gi'KurN ft. s, Van WagBiien Proprietor EDWAKD WHCK, insurance and Heal Estate Agent, I'olicles carefully writtou. LOSSES SSISSSJ And paid In my ofilco, Globo, buy Si Di is i rl What You Eat and Wear from QfiTv I D I a GF tmM DEALERS IN DRY GOODS NOTEOWS GEftH'S' FURNISHINGS CROCKERY SADDLERY GROCERIES HAY AND GRAIN! Did it ever occur to you that "A dollar saved s two saved ?" The first order may bo placed as a feeler, tho second and subsequent ones come from satisfaction. We prido ourselves on our legion of old customers. Cvery order turncdlout with care. SULTAfoi BROTHERS UP-TO-DATE MERCHANTS THE MEWS DEPOT Carries n Largo Stock of (Hall Paper, Paints, Oils, Window Shades PAINT BRUSHES, Etc. liar Glnscew, I'lnviui; Curds and Dieo Kiro Arns aud Animuuitiou, flirrarM. Tihucco"iiiid Pipes. Cutlers', Notious, Toys aud Dolls. ntfndqnnrters for .School Supplies, Stationery, Legal Uianke, Etc. Book. Magazines and Newspapers. Aptents for Bulterick ralterns. Post Office Building. MIDE -.ETON & ALLISON. A I