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Read The Arizona San The State's Only Negro Newspaper Published in the Interest of the Social, Political and Economic Welfare of 40,000 Negroes of Arizona. VoT s—sc Per Copy ’ PHOENIX,”ARIZONA, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1946 No. 16 LABOR MUST FIGHT FOR DEMOCRACY Medal of Freedom Given Two Negro Red Cross Men LEGHORN, Italy—Malcolm Cot ton, program director of the American Red Cross Victory Club here, was one of two Negroes to be awarded the Medal of Freedom for meritorious service to the armed forces in a recent ceremony in the office of Brig. Gen. Kenneth Blood. Millard Woods, the other Negro to be honored, returned to the United States last October, and is employed by the Muskegon Heights, Mich., Citizens Recreation Association as a social worker. Mr. Cotton, whose home address is 6 West 128th St., New York City, was due to arrive in the United States on Sept. 11. The award was given him for making himself “in valuable to all soldiers that have sought advice and Red Cross aid,” his deportment creating and ce menting a “splendid inter-color relationship.” Mr. Woods, formerly of 1946 S St., Lincoln, Nebr., received the award for particularly meritorious “work and advice in developing the Leghorn Victory Club.” He had been overseas since 1943 as a director of various clubs. BUSINESS GROUP URGES FEP DEFEAT SAN FRANCISCO. Defeat of Proposition 11, the state Fair Em ployment Practices Act, was called for today by a panel of the Com monwealth Club, local business men’s organization. By a vote of 164 to 68, the panel recommended that the next regu lar meeting of the club, to be held early in October, go on record in opposition to Proposition 11. Another panel voted 21 to 10 to recommend Commonwealth Club opposition to Proposition 3, the $2400 annual minimum salary act for school teachers. The state FEP Act already has been opposed publicly by the Cen tral Valley Conference of the state Chamber of Commerce and by Women of the Pacific, described by the La Follette investigating committee as a front organization for the State Chamber of Com merce and the Merchants and Manufacturers' Association. The Act was placed on the No vember ballot this year by initi ative referendum, after it was de feated in the state legislature last year by lobbyists for the State Chamber, the M & M. and the San Francisco Employers’ Council. BOY SCOUTS OCCUPY OLD ELKS HOME Troop 17 who has been holding their meetings in Father Emmett’s Mission for the last eight years is now occupying the small Elk’s building on Tonto St. After the small building which the Elks occupied during the erec tion of their new one, was vacated, it was turned over to the Boy Scouts, troop 17, which is spon sored by the Elks. The building is being put in shape for the specific purpose for Scouts activities and entertain ment. Troop 17 is the oldest Colored troop in the city and is responsible for the building of outstanding manhood of many of our local boys. The largest waterway lock in the world is the Amsterdam Ship Canal in Holland, which serves as an entrance to the North Sea. The lock is 1,312 feet long and stretches more than 160 feet across. The largest locks in the Panama Canal are only 100 feet long and 110 feet wide. Arizona Co-Op Association Appoints Officers Word has been received in Phoenix that the Arizona Cooper ative Association is appointed of ficial Arizona representative of the Cooperative League of the USA, national federation of consumer cooperatives. Action was taken at the Nation al Cooperative Congress held in Columbus, Ohio, Sept. 9 to 11. Henry Goodman, general mana ger of the Arizona Co-Op, has been advised of this development in the following telegram: “Cooperative League of USA to day unanimously elected Arizona Cooperative Association a member of our body. This means your or ganization will be our official rep resentative for the State of Ari zona. We wish you every success in your splendid work, and offer you our congratulations and un qualified assistance.” The message was signed by C. J. McLanahan, educational director. Significance of this development ARIZOKir£UN FOUR ACCUSED OF NEGRO ATTACK GO TO COURT IN L. A. LOS ANGELES—Four 17-year old white boys, arrested on kidnap ping charges in connection with last Saturday night’s alleged at tack on Negro children and their mothers, were arraigned in Super ior Court last week. Representative Ellis E. Patter son was with a delegation of 40 Venice citizens who went to the Venice police station to protest the Saturday night occurrence. Patterson said he pointed out that “such acts of violence, in my opinion, can be traced back to Ger ald L. K. Smith’s presence in this city and his efforts to stir up race hatred.” ,Mr. Oscar Wallace, a Negro 678 San Juan street, Venice, has sworn out a complaint to police that he, his wife, his wife, two stepsons with two other Negro persons were attacked by a mob of about 20 white persons on the night of September 7. Health For All The TB Patients Diet There are so many superstitions and misconceptions about tuber culosis that the facts about this disease cannot be repeated too fre quently if people are to form a right attitude about the disease, its control and its treatment. Many false notions center around the diet of tuberculosis patients. That may be because people, on the whole, are apt to get “food fads“ from time to time and to try to win others over to their ways of eating. Then, too, food assumes a particularly im portant part in the life of the TB patient who must spend weeks in bed. Both patients and their families should ignore all the well-meaning suggestions made by friends about food which “cures” TB. There is no food that “cures” TB. A diet high in caloric value and in vita mins is important in the treat ment of the tuberculous patient because it builds up the strength he needs for his body to fight the disease. His physician will recom mend such a diet and the dietician in the hospital will plan meals which provide the necessary calo ries and vitamins. There are still people who think the TB patient should drink as much milk as he can hold during the course of a day. However, if he does this he will not be able to eat other foods which he should have. Doctors are generally agreed that a quart of milk a day is suf ficient for the TB patient. Eggs should be included in the diet, but that does not mean, as some people still believe, that raw eggs must be swallowed in quan- ■ tities. Cooked eggs for breakfast, with the addition of such egg dishes as custards from time to time, should be sufficient, particu larly if other proteins such as cheese, fish and meat are available. Another popular misconception is that condiments are injurious to the TB patient. However, salt and pepper and other seasonings in reasonable amounts will not harm the patient. Os course, the TB patient, like other people, may have some other condition which will be aggravated by the misuse of seasonings. If this is true, his doctor will so advise him. Nor is there anything harmful, per se, in tea or coffee for the patient. If he thinks that these drinks stimulate him too much in the evening, then he might omit them from his evening meal but (Story on page 4) lies in the tremendous purchasing power of the combined member ship of the Cooperative League, making possible substantial savings to individual members of the re gional and local Co-Ops on their purchases. Cooperatives associated with the League purchase or manufacture a large line of high quality farm implements and supplies, home ap pliances, petroleum products, auto accessories, foods and wearing apparel, which are marketed under the Co-Op label. They are also organized to perform many service functions for their members, in cluding insurance. The Arizona Cooperative Associ ation is organized on approved Rochdale principles of open mem bership, democratic control, limit ed interest on capital, savings ac cording to patronage, sales for cash at market prices, constant education and constant expansion. Occupational Therapy Director Retires * S m ISjPSgf Is -lillllf' llflpgf w | I .mm w&a—r- :■ mm Hf; * - Hr Mwm MM ; Veterans Administration Photo. i Shown with a wide variety of handiwork, gifts from patients during his 30 years | as director of the occupational therapy department at the Veterans Adminis tration Hospital, American Lake, Wash., Arnold S. Rennord points out a few of his favorites which will accompany him info retirement. A native of Norway, Mr. Rennord is largely responsible for developing American Lake’s occupa tional therapy department to a point that it has been used as a model for other VA hospitals. engineerlireeaters OPERATESTATION IN THE HEART OF JAPANESE CAPITAL - TOKYO, Japan—Since its arri val here from Yokohama on April 1, 1946, the 1225th Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon has been oper ating the Marunouchi Fire Station and in cooperation with civilian fire fighting forces is responsible for the protection of Army griund installations including depots, hos pitals, warehouses, and docks. On overseas duty since May, 1944 the 1225th first landed at Fin schafen, New Guinea, where its mission lay in protecting the dock areas and supply depots against fires. Landing on Leyte on D plus-8 the unit set about fighting fires in the Tacloban-Dulag area. It was during this campaign that these heroic men brought many laurels to their unit. Once during a Japanese bomb ing raid, the USS John S. Calhoun was set on fire; the untiring ef forts of the men of the 1225th in extinguishing the flames and res cuing those trapped aboard the vessel brought a commendation from Brigadier General Frayne Baker to every man in the unit. In all, three Silver Stars, two Soi diers Medals, and five Bronze Star Medals were earned under combat conditions by members of the units. New Appointment Hadley Murrell, local school teacher at Dunbar Elementary School, was appointed last Tues day to the board of City Athletic Commission by Mayor Ray Busey. Mr. Murrell is a native of Mis souri; came to Phoenix in 1938. He is a graduate of Tuskegee In stitute and was connected with the National Youth’s Administration of Maricopa County, and also a for mer manager of Mathew Henson’s Housing Project. He has been very active in ath letic training of youngsters here in the city. Mr. Murrell, in 1939, married Miss Mable Slaughter of Phoenix, a teacher in the Maricopa County School System. They have three children. He is the first one of his race to become a member of this board, in the city’s history. Unit's Long Tenure At Air Field Ending SAN BERNARDINO ARMY AIR MIELD, Calif. —Squadron H, now only a skeleton of its one-size lusty self is in the process of being in activated after nearly four years of exemplary duty at this field. The squadron, made up of Ne gro troops was organized as the 303rd Aviation Squadron and as signed to SBAAF in October 1942. At one time as many as 700 of ficers and men were assigned. Now as the time nears for its in activation it has only 100 men on its roster’s. During its four years at the field the squadron operated under a number of designations but it al ways continued to perform its vital job as an AAF base unit. Many of its men eventually went over seas as replacements and at times its ranks were swelled by returnees from overseas duties. Several times members of the squadron served on forest fire crews in neighboring mountain areas. It is expected that men remain ing in the squadron at the time of its inactivation will be sent to Victorville Army Air Field, Victor ville, California but even more will be sent to separation centers for discharge from the service. UN Should Control Middle East Oil Field Co-Op Head Urges New York, Sept. 19— (FP)—ln ternational control of middle east oil fields is as important as inter national control of the atom bomb, Pres. Howard Cowden of the Con sumers Cooperate Assn, declared at a press conference here Aug. 5. Cowden, head of a delegation of American consumer co-ops going to the International Cooperative Alliance congress in Zurich, Switz erland, said the group would ask the alliance to use its influence as permanent consultant body to the United Nations to achieve UN con trol of middle eastern oil fields. “The middle eastern oil fields,” Cowden said, “are the most im portant power prize in the world and should be removed from the field of imperialist competition. We consider this as important as international control o fthe atom bomb.” Cowden also anticipated the pos sibility of a world-wide oil co-op. American co-op lubricating oil has already been shipped from the Kansas City wholesale to Sweden, Belgium, France, Holland, Scotland, South Africa and Australia and 15 countries have indicated their de sire to set up world oil trade on a formal basis. Qver one million dol lars has already been subscribed to- ! ward the establishment of such an J international oil co-op, Cowden j said. Grin, And Share it! Col ga t e-Palmolive-Peet Co., manufacturers of Colgate tooth paste among other things, reports net income for the first half of 1946 at $6,311,156 —compared to last year’s $3,000,000 for the same period. Reaction Fights On.. Lesson For Labor By DOUG WARD (Political Editor, People’s World) Win, lose or draw, the need for independent partici pation in election campaigns by the working class does not end on election day. The need for political action carries over from one election to the next. The struggle on the electoral front is a vital part of the whole fight for better living stand ards and democratic rights—and for socialism, too. Many workers know, for example, that the gains they Imunnization Os School Children Recommended Phoenix, Sept. 12—(ALJ) —Dr. G. F. Manning, Superintendent of Public Health, today made a recommendation to all parents in Arizona that they protect the j health of their children during the | school year by immunizations j against certain cildhood infections. It was also recommended that children who have been previously immunized against diphtheria should be given “booster” immuni zations before they enter school; and that all children entering j school for the first time should be j immunized against smallpox and diphtheria. “Every child should be vaccinat ed against smallpox early in in fancy and should be re-vaccinated on entering school,” Dr. Manning said. “If all children in the State were fully protected by immuniza tion against such childhood dis eases as diphtheria and whooping cough there would be few deaths as the result of these infections.” “In Arizona in 1945 there were 34 deaths from whoping cough and diphtheria. When such diseases can be prevented by the simple procedure of immunization there is no reason for any parent to neglect protecting teh health and life of his child.” It was stated that immunization against smallpox will protect the child, or adult, for a considerable period of time, and that immuniza tion against diphtheria secures im munity which can be increased at any time there is an epidemic or undue exposure by the so-called "booster” immunizations. Every parent was strongly urged to take his or her child to the family phy sician or health department clin ics for pre-school and school im munizations. AFL Painters Win $2 Houdly Rate in NYC Washington, Sept. 19. —(FP)— An arbitrator’s award of a 16c an hour increase to painters and deco rators in Manhattan and the Bronx was approved Sept. 12 by the Natl Wage Stabilization Board to bring their rate to a $2 per hour figure. The decision covers 8,000 mem bers of the Brotherhood of Paint ers, Decorators & Paperhangers (AFL) and gives an equivalent 8.7% increase to paperhangers. Although the WSB majority held that the increase was a move to- j ward the reestablishment of parity! between rates for plumbers, car penters and electricians, industry members expressed fears it would lead to demand sfor increased rates from other crafts. Carpenters in New York City area are working under an agree ment of January, 1946, giving them $2.10; electricians, $2.25 and plumb ers $2.25. This contract contains no provision for adjustments equal to that received by other crafts I during the life of the agreements, j TEXAS LIEUTENANT IN TOKYO PACES BTH ARMY TEAM TO TRACK VICTORY Pullman Conductors Win $44.40 Monthly Washington, Sept. 19—(FP) — The Order of Railway Conductors (unaffiliated) won its battle with the Pullman company Sept. 6 as a presidential emergency board in vestigating the Pullman car con ductors’ claim to a $44.40 monthly raise ruled in the union’s favor. Point at issue in the dispute was the number of hours constituting ithe working month, since the union and the company had previously agreed to an 18.5 c hourly raise. The union claimed conductors worked 240 hours monthly and the com pany figured only 225 hours, bring ing the wage raise total to $41,625 a month. Non-Polittoai Most Good For The Greatest Number win in negotiations or on the pic ket line are often taken from them by the legislative actions of politicians who represent the bosses. The electoral front should be given attention equal to that given other forms of labor’s struggle. But this is not well understood, and such attention is not given, with the result that workers, in their “economic” struggles often resemble squirrels on a treadmill; always scrambling toward a better life, but never able to reach and hold that goal. Fascism vs. Democracy An understanding of the impor tance and the continunity of the electoral struggle is of extreme importance this year, because the issue in the November election is not merely living standards, but also fascism versus democracy in the United States. Let’s trace briefly through the Administrations of Franklin* D. Roosevelt, to create a background against which this year’s situation will be seen more clearly. From the first, the most power ful and most reactionary of the finance capitalists tagged Roose velt as an enemy of their private plans for America, and began to unite against him in and around the Republican Party. They ran Hoover against Roose velt in 1932—and won nearly 16 million votes for Hoover, against nearly 23 million for the New Deal. The pro-Fascist financiers did not become demoralized by that defeat, but organized more effi ciently and fought harder than before. Willkie—Reaction’s “Tool” In ’36, they gathered nearly 17 million votes for Landon, as against 27h million for Roosevelt, an increase of 1 million votes for the reactionaries. They tightened up their organi zations and drove ahead, and in 1940, with Willkie as the GOP can didate, ran up a vote of more than 22 million, compared to 27 million for Roosevelt. Willkie was not identical to Lan don and Hoover, but the reaction aries were smart enough to make use of his liberal reputation after their more reactionary candidates had failed—thus gaining six mil lion votes over 1932 and five mil lion over 1936. In 1944, their urgent desire to prevent the complete destruction of fascism abroad forced the pro- Fascist financiers to resort again to an outright reactionary candi date, Tom Dewey, whom they did, however, try to present as a lib eral. In that vital election year, the GOP campaigned along pro-Fas cist, anti-Soviet, anti-labor, anti- New Deal, anti-Semitic lines which prompted Robert Hannegan to re mark that this was “the lowest, most despicable campaign in the history of the Republic.” It was all of that and more. It was also a dangerous bid for power by American fascism, a bid which failed by the narrow margin of 22 million votes for Dewey to 25i million for Roosevelt. Despite the> clearly anti-democratic character of their campaign, the Republicans had lost only about 300,000 votes between 1940 and 1944. Defeated four times in a row* (Continued on page 3) TOKYO, Japan. Representing the Bth Army in the Occupational Forces Track and Field Meet held at Meiji Stadium during the lat ter part of August, First Lieuten ant Upshaw Sams, Beaumont, Tex., paced his team to a decisive vic tory over a field of five competing Army and Air Forces teams by taking the 400 meter run and run ning the anchor leg on the winning 800 meter relay team. Lieutenant Sams, former Tuske gee Institute NCAA competitor, in addition to holding the occupation al forces record in the 400 meter of 50.4 seconds won every race he entered in the All-Japan and Inter- Command meets which led up to the final championship meet at Meiji Stadium. Sharing honors with Lieutenant Sams was Staff Sergeant Stanley McCalla, Jamaica, New York who placed first in the 800 meter run. Sergeant McCalla also represented the winning Bth Army team..