Newspaper Page Text
FRIDAY, APRIL 29,-1955 Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge F. & A.M. Arizona and Jurisdiction, Inc. CHAS. N. PATTERSON, M.W.G.M. 16 EAST GARFIELD STREET JAMES L. DAVIS, R.W.G. SECT AND PUBLICITY CHAIRMAN 1340 EAST MADISON ST. MINOR H. HAGLER, R.W.G. TREAS. 705 S. MONTEZUMA AVE. PHOENIX, ARIZONA ROSTER OF LODG ES AND OFFICERS Maricopa Lodge No. 1 Phoenix, Ariz. Alfonzo Campbell, W. M. M. H. Hagler, Secy. 705 S. Montezuma Ave. E. A. Emerson, .Treas. S T $;■•••• * * * • , Thoumb Butte Lodge No. 3 Prescott, Ariz. Earl Dale Porter, W. M. Lloyd D. Porter, Secy. / 411 S. Granite St. Joseph N. Burkhardt, Treas. Salt Valley Lodge No. 4 Phoenix, Aria. William T. Miller, W.M. S. W. Dennis, Secy. 1718 E. Jackson St. Walter Risby, Treas. * Jttlle Olympic Lodge No. 5 Douglas, Ariz. I. H. Johnson, W. M. Chas. H. Gannon, Secy. 924 15th St. Victory Lodge No? 6 Yuma, Ariz. A. L. Reed, W.M. James Roberson, Secy. 415 13th Ave. McKinley Lockard, Treas. Keystone Lodge No. 8 / McNary. Ariz. Robert MosS, W. M. Leon Sibley, Secy. P.O. Box 66 Fred Thompson, Treas. Mountain Rose Lodge No. 9 Globe, Ariz. O. B. Walker, W. M. J. R. Jones, Secy. P. O. Box 242 Wallace Ferrell, Treas. t. Pima Lodge No. 10 ■ p*——*—"""■ 1 ' ~ ~ ■■■" "■ COMPLIMENTS r <* Dr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Crump FOR SALE CHOICE CORNER The Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church having pur* chased a new site, will move the church to it, now will dispose of the present corner at —# BUCKEYE ROAD and NINTH AVENUE plus seven room house. (For instance, an up-to-date drug store at this location cannot miss). PRICED RIGHT WITH LOW DOWN PAYMENTS AND EASY TERMS Broker, AL 3-1918 T ucson, Ariz. Edward R. Thomas, W. M. Oscar Williams, Secy. P. O. Box 2811 Charles T. Johnson Lodge No. 12 Nogales, Ariz. Joseph S. Alexander, W. M. Lucius F. M. Jackson, Sec.-Treas. P. O. Box 1021 Geo. W. Prioleau Lodge No. 13 Lowell, Ariz. John H. McCullough, W. M, Joseph Black, "Secy. P. O. Box 3036 ; ' Charlie Hightower, Treas. King Solomon Lodge No. 14 Phoenix, Ariz. Thomas E. Wilson, W. M. E. Willis, Secy. . 1818 E. Jefferson St. Chester Cartwright, Treas. St. Marks Lodge No. 15 Las Vegas, Nev. Alexander C. Austin, W. M. Nathaniel Collins, Secy. 416 Monroe St. Johnnie Crockett, Treas. St. John Lodge No. 16 Flagstaff, Ariz. Luther Clayton. W. M. James W. Williams, Secy. 315 S. Eldon Ave. James Avery, Treas. ’ , l • FY f > U. D. Lodge No. 18 Casa Grande, Ariz. E. R. Peters, W. M. Leonard Johnson. Secy. General Delivery ( St. Paul Lodge No. 19 Winslow,' Ariz. W. M. M. Blanks, W. M. Lucius Scott, Secy. Ralph Simmons, Treas. P. O. Box 224 ♦ > ARIZONA SUN Masons and Eastern Stars (Continued from Page 1.) half of the Eastern Stars, Mary Lou Harvey; response, Juanita Kinmon; principle speaker, Rev. T. A. Patterson, Past ‘ Grand Patron of California Jurisdiction, who will be introduced by Grand Master Patterson; solo, Wallace Farrell; remarks, Grand Matron Emma E. Gardner and G. M. Patterson; of fertory; announcements, and bene diction. Calendar of events: Sunday, May 1, 8 p.m.—welcom ing program. Monday, May 2,7 to 9 a.m., breakfast, at Temple for delegates and members, (free), 8 a.m. regis tration, 9:30 opening of Grand Lodge business session, 32:30 to 1:30 lunch will be served after which session resumes, 5:30 p.m'. recreation, 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. grand entertainment at the Temple. Tuesday’s schedule similar to s£onday. Eastern Stars—Wednesday, May 4,7 to 9 a.m., breakfast at Temple, (free), 8-9 a.m. registration, 9:30 a.m. Opening of Grand Chapter, 12:30-1:30 p.m. lunch will be served. The general public may attend ,the -welcoming program, Sunday night, and the grand"entertainment, Mionday night, which will include a floor show. T- * v . am 9 3 jP I jfl JAMES L. DAVIS Grand Secretary >m **"' M>i . *■» \ + HAZEL FARMER Grand Secretary m Jfcgjf I- mtm b9e|hQß3| &? J M. H. HAGLER Grand Treasurer Sovereign Grand Chapter Order of Eastern Star Arizona Jurisdiction Inc. Prince Hall Affiliation Emma E. Gardner, Grand Worthy Matron $ 1229 E. Washington, Phoenix, Arizona Lloyd D. Porter, Grand Worthy Patron 411 S. Granite Street, Prescott, Arizona Mary E. Jones, Grand Associate Matron P. O. Box 1473, Globe, Arizona James Christopher, Grand Associate Patron 913 S. Third Ave., Phoenix, Arizona Lillian G. White, Grand Treasurer 2043 W. Washington Street, Phoenix, Arizona Hazel Stewart Farmer, Grand Secretary 2338 W. Jefferson Street, Phoenix, Arizona Juanita E. Kinmon, Grand Lecturer 914 17th Street, Douglas, Arizona Lynn Ross Carter, Grand C.C.F.C. Phoenix, Arizona Naomi Gilbert, Grand Temple Fund Chairman Grand Trustees, Phoenix, Arizona % Lillie I. Hall, Phoenix, Arizona Pearl Rae, Inspiration, Arizona Effie Moore, Phoenix, Arizona ROSTER OF CHART ERS AND OFFICERS Maricopa Chapter No. 1 Phoenix, Ariz. Mary Lou Harvey, W. Matron James Christopher, W. Patron Legusta Lynch, Treasurer Mattie Boyer, Secretary 1417 East Monroe St. •Yavapai Chapter No. 2 Prescott, Ariz. Georgia E. Porter, W. Matron Lloyd D. Porter, W. Patron Mary Jordan, Treasurer Helen Porter Smith, Secretary 602 S. Montezuma St. Palm Chapter No. 3 Phoenix, Ariz. Robbie Young, W. Matron Bertha Perkins, Treasurer Bertha Clark, Secretary 1804 East Jackson St. Queen City Chapter No. 5 Douglas, Ariz. Juanita Kinmon, W. Matron Robert B. Wilson, W. Patron Hattie Johnson, Treasurer Lillian Hamilton, Secretary 803 16th Street Golden Gate Chapter No. 6 McNary, Ariz. Jean Glynn, W. Matron L. G. Russell, W. Patron Mary Lee Fisher, Treasurer • Juanita Jackson, Secretary P. O. Box 165 True Workers Chapter No. *1 Globe, Ariz. Mary E. Jones, W. Matron Johnnie R. Jones, W. Patron Arzilla Benton, Treasurer - Pearl Rae, Secretary P. O. Box 327, Inspiration, Ariz, ! Desert Star Chapter No. 8 Tucson, Arizona Jimmie David, W. Matron Oscar Williams, W. Patron Ruth Matthews, Secretary 250 East Elm St. Silver Star Chapter No. 10 Las Vegas, Nevada Almeda Moody, W. Matron Nathan Soott, W. Patron M'aggie L. Gordon, Secretary 1120 W. Washington St. Alice Reed, Secretary 503 S. San Francisco St. COMPLIMENTS OF ' ' ' Dr. and Mrs. David M. Solomon •, ■ v * Condon Chapter No. 12 Don Luis, Ariz. Laura W. Franklin, W. Matron Walter E. Kelley. W. Patron Elizabeth Black, Treasurer Dorothy Jackson, Secretary } P. O. Box 3347 Lowell, Ariz. Ruth Chapter No. 34 Yuma, Arizona t i Florence Lott, W. Matron Minnie Gordon, Treasurer Alberta Roberson, Secretary 415 13th Ave., Yuma, Ariz. Aubrey Carter Ch<ap. No. 17, U.D. Winslow, Ariz. Lulu Mae Oliver, W. Matron Edna Wilfong, Treasurer Willie Lee Wasdon, Secretary P. O. Box 910 Bethlehem Star Chapter No. 15 Tucson, Ariz. Callie B. Grandberry, W. Matron Willie Drake, W. Patron Evelyn J. Sparks, Treasure r Maggie Crowther, Secretary 122 East sth Street Please note No. 13 above is our last chapter. Coconino Star Chapter No. 11 Flagstaff, Ariz. * Mary Standfield, W. Matron. Luther Clayton, W. Patron For Sale House and Lots SIO.OO Down and SIO.OO Per Month Located on Transmission St. ! Call W. H. Nelson AM 6-1713 PAGE THREE