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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
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PAGE EIGHT ft, -J Well, Folks:— It’s been too darned hot to think! Guess I should take some of my own advice and go to ‘Red dy's Corner’ for some of those refreshing beverages that they are so well supplied with. • -“Reddy” l‘.S.: Velina Jean and Beverly are both back with us. Come around and say ‘Hello.’ “Reddy” Air Reserve Tours Begin Lt. Col. Sam R. Maxcy, 1133 E. Fern Drive, Phoenix, makes a rec ord for the longest jaunt of any Arizona air reservist slated for an active duty during the month of June. » Lt.. Col. Maxcy, recruiting offi cer for the 90S5th Air Reserve Group, left June 1 for a tour of Far Eastern Air Force bases un der orders from Headquarters, United States Air Force. Many other officers are making their annual return to uniform right in Arizona, Col. Mel Goodson. commander of the 9085th Air Re serve Group, announced. Capt. Ralph C. Schuenke, 1737 W. Flower, Phoenix, goes on the most extended tour —a 25-day span at. Chanute Air Force Base June 5-29. Capt. Schuenke will take a refresher Aircraft Maintenance Of ficer Course. Q. How can 1 be certain that 1 am buying fresh corn? - A. See that the husks are dry and green, and that there are no wrinkles in the ears. These are in dications that the corn has been picked recently. ZIEDE'S FRANK'S FOOD CENTER SUPER MARKET 2 LOCATIONS: 15TH AVE. AND COCOPAH " (FORMERLY BASHAS') 7TH AVE. AND SHERMAN 4TH ST. AND JEFFERSON "YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD STORES 1 ' WE APPRECIATE YOUR BUSINESS CHOICEST MEATS IN TOWN! LAMB SHOULDER u,™ 39 c BACON ■ 39 C J ROAST - 37‘ POTATOES 10 .= 29 c EGGS - A5 c ISUGARS“45 c DOG FOOD skippy 4 cans 25c STRING BEANS lazy acm .303 can tOc „ BLACK PEPPER benhur.4oz.can3sC PICKLES ARNOLD'S -hot" qt. 27C TOILET TISSUE 5c LARD a 15c CHEER giant. pkg 55c TOMATO SAUCE „ 2 c AN s 13c CRACKERS sunshine krispy lb. 25c SALAD DRESSING borders ...qt. 23c] Notes From Bermuda By GERALD A. BHANGMAN -HAMILTON, BERMUDA, (Gloh-j al).—The array of American ar tists coming to our lovely shores is bringing much enlight merit to the entertainment world. Fridaj 7 saw the arrival of the dynamic Jack Hammer Quintet, featuring Anna, the well known singer and dancer, from New York. They ar rived by Colonial Air Lines and are under the management of the pop ular Al Donahue, who spent'some years here at the Bermudiania Hotel, in the heart of the city. . He is quite a favorite,among Ber mudans.)' For the next two months, this very fine aggregation will be at the Gam bey Room of the popu- Jar resort, Harmony Hall in Paget. Manager Bill Tumbridge is very happy with them. Replacing Bermuda’s Al Harris and his Quintet, gives the local boys something*’! o go after. We are fully aware that something is wrong which has given occasion for the importing of our friends from across the seas. The mutual mixing should prove' a great bene fit to our local boys and we hope that much will be derived from their coming. . " ' New York’s charming and talent ed Dolores Jackson flew in on Sat urday for a week’s stay at the Clay House Inn, the popular meet ing place on the North Shore where the popular D. A Ewart Brown is manager. She began her first series of performances on Monday night to a very enthusias tic crowd. Each night is a com bination of Dolores and Bermuda talent. Monday, Olive Bean and her Rhythmaires took the spot; Tuesday Dancelot . Hayward, the blind pianist and his Latin Band; Wednesday, Al Harris and his Quintet; Thursday, Hubert Smith ARIZONA SUN 9 Chief (Continued from Page 1) lion 1 rouble-shooter and liaison be-' tween the residents of San Patricio : and the Navy is an all-white town | council and vice -mayor. Until last November the resi dents of the small town had no chief executive. In a whirlwind,; chest - thumping, speech - making j campaign, Kimmons (lefeated 1 three other candidates to become the town’s first mayor. He told “Ebony” that holding i down the two jobs has its prob lems. • “When answering the telephone I never quite know whether to say: ‘Chief Kimmons speaking’ or ‘This; Ls the mayor.’ ” and his Coral Islanders; Friday, ; Olive Bean again; and Saturday. l : Al Davis- and his Swingsters. Lo-| eated right on the water’s edge.! Clay House Inn is a real spot for tourists. Bermuda was sorry to learn of the sudden passing of Dr Mary McLeod Bethune. She had won, many friends here, long before she j made a visit here*a short while ago. It was only at her last birth- j day that she gave encouragement! to the Bermuda Good Will Choir) when they visited New York, The! world has lost a great personality.! Q. How can I rid the house of ; rt*l ants? A. Try smearing a plate thickly with lard and leave it over night where the ants congregate. By morning, the plate will be covered with the ants, which can then be destroyed by pouring boiling water over them. HAIR IS WOMAN’S GLORY Cor. 11-15 The KOZY KOTTAGE BEAUTY SHOP 1510 W. Sherman St., AL 2-5347 Keep Your Glory Beautiful at VERA D. McGRIFF Owner and Operator COMING TO RIVERSIDE . '■ ;*. /■ : iITJg v. j,. MMHm O fl Hgmn JHHflHnn iFlifl llllii mm pip Jimmy Dorsey < Those fabulous Dorsey brothers Jimmy and Tommy will be at Riverside Park, Monday, June 20. They are world famous musicians in their own* right. Tommy is that»"senti mental gentleman from. Mahonay “Plains, Pennsylvania"; Jimmy, the world's greatest saxophonist, is credited by many, for the success and establishment. of the juke box industry. His bril lliont career as an instrumentalist gathered with every succes sive appearance with such bands as ; the Original California Ramblers, Paul Whitman and others. Monday, June 20, many Ideal music lovers will have their jfirst chance to hear the Dorsey'brothers r (in person,) play many |of the hit tunes, popularized- by them, such as: "You Took My [Love," "I'll Never Smile Again/' "Boogie Woogie/' Sunnystde of the Street," and many, many others. PHOENIX LUMBER COMPANY 715 W* Jackson Phones AL 3-3300 and AL 44)791 2x4- 8' @ 30c • 2x4-12' @ 48c 2x4-10' @ 40c • 2x4-14' @ 56c 2x4-16' m 64c No. 4 Sheeting—Bsc No. 3 Sheeting sl.lO Same Management for 25 Years E. O. "EDO" HAMRICK, Owner FRIDAY, JUNE 10, 19b?’ Tommy Dorsey ....