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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
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FRIDAY, JULY 8, 1955 SDGDRS NEW YORK, (Global)—The Dr. Jive Rhythm and Blues Show sell-out two weeks ago at Har lem's Apollo Theatre. Dr. Jive is Tommy Smalls, the successful disk jockey on radio station WWRL. . . . Annisteen Allen is one of the singers who should come into her own this year in the R&B field . . . Willie Bryant’s ABC radio &how, “Rhythm On Parade” Still going great. It’s every Thursday, from 9:30 p.m. to 9:55 p.m. Paul Williams and his band playing dates around the metro politan area , . . Erroll Garner at the Embers . . . A1 Hibbler still 4oing great at Birdland . . •#ar len Mcßae at Case Society . . . Art Mooney’s platter of ‘‘Alabama Jubilee” is really taking off. Art currently has one of the top hits in his waxjng of ‘‘Honey Babe.” Betty Madigan still going strong via her personal appearances. Bob Hodges is great as production chief of New York’s radio station WNEW . . . Sarah Vaughn, one of the hottest recording artists today . . . Duke Ellington and band‘at Flushing Meadows Amphitheatre for the summer. , Leroy Holmes and his ork are a must for the college dances . . . The Marion Sisters have a hot platter by the name of “He Don’t Wanna Love Me” backed with “Precious Love.” . . . After a high ly successful tour of the West Coast which included prom dates Minority Group Housing Is Set (Reprint from Park Central fiews Bulletin.) A subdivision of homes unique to Phoenix—designed to offer quality construction to minority groups will be constructed in the near fu ture at 16th Street and Roeser Hoad. It will be known as Roesek Park. Tract plans are being prepared for 300 homes to be located at the southeast corner of the intersec tion. it was disclosed by principals of Park Central, who will develop the area. « The development follows a na- Jon-wide movement among home builder groups to provide dignified housing on an unrestricted basis. To assist in such developments, the federal government has estab lished the Voluntary Home Mort gage Credit Program. Among the principal beneficiaries are minority groups in any area. The local tract will offer high standard homes, of masonry con struction, with streets paved and roll curbs, at prices now estimated at between $7,000 and $12,000. Ralph Burgbacher of the Park Central group said the homes will provide three bedrooms with one or 1% baths. They will carry full FHA or VA financing. 1952 Lincoln Cosmo 4-Door Sedan i ' Radio, Heater, Electric Windows, Hydro Beautiful Tu-Tone Paint $1,395 Harold Young AL 4-0417 1122 E. Van Buren St. played at all the major universi ties in that area, Earl Bostic and his crew move to Anchorage, Alas ka for a three-week engagement. The fabulous Nicholas Brothers are abroad for an extended en gagement. They are going great guns in Geneva, Switzerland . . . Sonny Thompson and Lula Reed doing two months of one-nighters, just added a male crooner to the group. Increase In Slate- Shared Revenues Certification of the 1950 populat ion count by the .U.S. Bureau of Census in the large east side area annexed to the City on April 19 has raised the official population of the City to 140,318. The certification indicated a 1950 population' in the area of 10,735. The City requested the speci»3l census check to gain a larger share of State taxes which are distributed among the munici palities on a population basis. Such taxes are the state sales tax, auto mobile lieu tax and the gasoline tax. An actual census check made in April by members of the Phoe nix Fire Department through a house-to-house canvass of the 4.92 square mile area indicated a cur rent population of 14,736 persons living in the area. The firmen used regular census bureau procedure in making the census check. This boosted the estmated population of Phoenix to 155,338. The new fig ure represents an increase of 51.4% or 52,757 over the 102,581 populat ion count reported in 1950. Since January 1950, the growth and ch ange of the City of Phoenix thr ough annexation is as follows: pop ulation has increased 51.4%; the area of the City limits has increas ed 76.8%, while the general j prop erty tax rates has been reduced 23%. Q. How should a girl with a low forehead wear her hair? A. Keep the top front of the hair of fthe forehead. Sweep that part of the hair up. If you like bangs, wear them high, and don’t let them suggest any more than a slight fringe at the hairline. MERCADO SEAFOODS, Inc. Established 1926 From Our Boats To You Seafobds and Poultry Wholesale and Retail THERE S NO SUBSTITUTE FOR FRESH FISH OR POULTRY FRESH CATFISH AND BUFFALO 432 East Washington Street Ph. AL. 4-2264 AL. 4-7012 HONEYLOVE CAFE AND BUFFET Formerly Johnson's Case We have Vi gallon pitchers Draff Beer at 40c and 1 gallon at 80c Fish & Chips —35 c Chicken & Chips —75 c , Hamburgers —l5 c OPEN UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Jessie Ware, Prop. HOURS: 6 A.M. 'TIL 1 A.M. 1029 EAST JEFFERSON STREET * ARIZONA SUN Improvements Made In North For Vacationists More Phoenclans should read Zane Grey’s novels, in the opinion of Phoenix Action, the publication of the Phoenix Chamber of Com merce. Zane Grey, you’ll recall, was the writer who lived and wrote of life in Arizona’s famed Mogollon Rim, Tonto Rim and White Mountain country. These three areas plus the Grand Canyon country—are among the finest summer vacationing areas in the country and deserve real consideration by Phoenicians as likely sports for some summer vacationing. Easier To Reach Each year access to these areas by automobile is becoming easier: The Black Canyon Highway is now paved to Camp Verde, leaving just a few miles of gravel to traverse before edging into the breathtak ing beauty of Oak Creek Canyon; the Bee Line Highway through Payson and Pine and on to Win slow is being steadily improved and realigned, and routes inter twining the White Mountain coun try via Globe axe being paved and lengthened. Big news for all travelers are improvements and proposed im provements at Grand Canyon. A new entryway to the South Rim has virtually eliminated the bot tleneck at the information office and general store in Grand Canyon Village. Sixty camp sites have been constructed on the North Rim, and that areas’ roadway has been im proved and enlarged. The Fred Harvey company, main concessionaire at the Canyon armed now with a long-term lease from the government has em barked on a $1 million improve ment program to nearly all faci lities. Also planned for 1956 is a new hotel on the rim. Rates fit every pocketbook. By Rail or Air Besides automobile, of course, the Canyon can be reached either by Santa Fe railway or Frontier Airlines from Phoenix. Advance reservations for El Tovar Hotel, Bright Angel Lodge or the motor hotel are advisable. A recent survey of Northern Ari zona tourist economy by Stanford Research Institute shows, among other things,-that visitors to the Canyon spent sl9 million annu- HAIR IS WOMAN’S GLORY Cor. 11-15 The KOZY KOTTAGE BEAUTY SHOP 1510 W. Sherman St., AL 2-5347 Keep Your Glory Beautiful at VERA D. McGRIFF Owner and Operator ally in Arizona—about sll in the Canyon vicinity and the other $8 million scattered throughout the state. Q. What can I do for niy hands, which are rather veiny? A. Try washing them with good, pure soap and water, and applying some rich hand cream, holding the hands high in the air and stroking down towards the wrists so to encourage the flow of blood awayffrom the hands. TRADERS OUTLET FURNITURE and APPLIANCES 1402 E. Van Buren New, Used and Repossessed Easy Terms ROLAND'S Market 15 AND EAST VAN BUREN jpi ykW ■■■ You Always Get Extra at I Iv Roland's. Extra high qual ■■ m m ■ la ity Extra low prices. PLUS A BONUS IN ROYAL STAMPS Open Sundays We Reserve The Right To Limit Quantities All Prices Effective Friday, Saturday and Sunday. We Give Double Stamps On Wednesday TIDE . Large Pkg. 19c If you bring this ad to our store on or before Sun., July 10 FOLGERS COFFEE . . lb. 69c WITH A $5.00 PURCHASE OR MORE Swanson, Northern Grade A Vets . Ne ' 2 Ca " EGGS W D '» Fo “ I Me-o,n kWV ' # Tall Can 200 Carton A AP* doz 47c 2 for 35c 5c 2 for 25c ■ * Velv " ,a u . r ' h , ORANGE cheese OLEO GRAPE juice LARD JUICE 2 lb. Box |, _ 24 oz. Bottle 46 oz - Can |l w■■ 79c lbl7c 29c 29c lblsc 7 Minute Oval Cans In Tastewell Renown Pie Mix “ sauce Tomatoes ®. R “" p a , n E d f, e l m l?n n g Sardines N# . 2 , /s C3Ln No bea 3 n L pkg. 19c 2 for 25c 19c 10c FROZEN CHICKEN BACKS FROZEN STRAWBERRIES ant ] necks 10 oz. can 19c 2 lb. box 49c Fresh Produce | Sweet Juicy Fresh Ripe Cut-Up PEACHES .... lb. 5c Pan Ready Juicy, Sweet m FLORIDA ORANGES . lb. 5c Ivy arc WINESAP APPLES . . lb. 5c J Fresh, Ripe IVi to 1 3 /4 TOMATOES . 2 lbs. 15c el Fresh, Green * GOLDEN CORN . 6 ears 25c OQc White Rose POTATOES . . 10 lbs. 25c MEATS CALF BEEF US - Grad aood Ch ° !Ce " Sliced ’bocoiT lb. 39c ® Swift’s Sweet Rasher Round or Sliced Bacon lb. 39c T-Bone Steak lb. 69c U.S. Good or Choice steak lb. 59* 35c Crown Roast lb. 49c Ground Beef 3 lb. pkg. $1 U.S. Good or Choice Chuck Roast lb. 39c Rib Steak lb. 55c Colorado BEER ...... 6 cans 89c WINE, Port, Sherry, Muscatel, Tokay sth 69c Q. How can I keep olive oil in good condition? A. Do not keep olive oil in a cold place, because it is injured by freezing. Always keep in air-tight tins. 1 ~ 111 4 Hours Full of Fun I Meet Me ... of the Prince Hall Club Cocktail Hour WHERE FRIENDS MEET FRIENDS SUNDAY EVENINGS from 8:30-12:30 FREE SNACKS AND SPECIAL MUSIC 4th At East Jefferson PAGE THREE