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FRIDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1955 CHURCH NEWS | f L% ChWcQ 'Di/iect&uj Bethlehem Baptist Chuich Dr. Joshua R. Miner, Pastor 10:30 ajn. Sunday School 11:00 aim, Morning Worship Tanner Chapel a. M. E. Church Bth St. at E. Jefferson Rev. Charles K Hayes, Pastor 9:45 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship Lucy Phillips Memorial Church Corner 14th at E. Adams Rev. L. J. Harper, Pastor 9:30 a.m. Sunday School Morning Worship FIRST INSTITUTIONAL BAPTIST CHURCH A. G. Kendricks, pastor 1143 E. Jefferson 9:30 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship WESLEY METHODIST CHURCH 1802 E. Washington Rev. Wm. H. Stevens, Jr., Minister 9:45 a.m. Sunday School L1:00 a.m. Morning Worship PILGRIM REST BAPTIS ~ Rev. H. Y. Stevenson, PastOir 9:45 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship NEW SALEM BAPTIST CHURCH 1706 East Lincoln Rev. Leo Nichols, pastor. 9:30 —Sunday School 11:00 —Morning Worship PENTECOST CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST 1802 East Buchanan Bishop T. Davis, pastor 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 11:31? a.m. Morning Worship SHILOH BAPTIST 9th Avenue and Buckeye’ Rev. N. L. Huff, Pastor 9:30 a.m. Sunday School. 11:00 ajn. Morning Worship. ANTIOCH BAPTIST CHURCH 41 North 11 Street Rev. R. N. Holt, Pastor 9:30 a.m. —Sunday School 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship Pentecostal Open Door Church 109 South 11th Street L. Barnes, Pastor 9:30 a.m.—Sunday School 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship St. Paul Missionary Baptist Church 1509 W. Sherman Rev. B. J. Stanton, Pastor 9:30 a.m.—Sunday School 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship Fellowship Baptist Church 2536 E. Pueblo Street Rev. Wirr. C. Crawford, pastor. Church with a Program Minister with a Message You are Welcome Antioch Baptist Rev. R. N. Holt, pastor, filled the pulpit last Sunday after an absence of several Sundays be cause of illness. The Youth Choir provided music. Burton Jacobs sang a solo titled “Precious Lord.” The assistant pastor, T. C. Baker, conducted the evening services, which included the observance of the Lord’s Supper. dr Sunday, December 18, at 7:30 p.m. the Youth Choir will present “Born in the Manger.” Newman E. King is music director; Willie Walton, president. Q. E. White, reporter Moving IS OCR BUSINESS . . . We move trunks, household furnishings or anything 1121 E. Jefferson AL. 8-4674 Shiloh Baptist Rev. Winfred McKnight was the speaker last Sunday morning at the morning worship hour. He spoke on “Elijah’s God and God’s Elijah”—2 Kings 2:14. In the afternoon, ordination services were held for Rev. E. J. Sykes. The presbytery was com posed of the Reverends N. L. Huff, chairman, J. H. Payton, F. V. Nelson and J. D. Hardison. Rev. Sykes was formerly a deacon hav ing served Shiloh in that capacity for many years before he accepted the call to the ministry. Rev. McKnight preached at the touching message “Overcoming evening services, another heart Difficulties” —21 Numbers. —Lillie Evans, reporter. Lucy Phillips Memorial CME Last Sunday morning the temple was filled with spirit as Rev. L. J. Harper preached. A large number partook of the Holy Communion at the close of the services. In the evening the lay department had charge of a program featuring Mr. Newford Jones, a member, as speaker. He spoke on “The Lay man .As a Christian.” In a meeting Monday night at the church, $650 was reported in the first effort of the current financial drive. Delegates representing the church at Eloy last Tuesday were Mrs. Melissa Smith, Mrs. Bertha Clark, and Mrs. Bessie Sass, who served as secretary to the presiding elder, and the pastor Rev. Harper. Sunday, Dec. 11, the Broadway Missionary Circle will have charge of the evening program. There will be a guest speaker and good sing ing. Mrs. Leberta Ray is chairman. Dorothy Webb, reporter r u t $3.50 PER YEAR W fIP IH I ¥1 $4.50 PER YEAR U.S.A. & POSS. w ||| ||; W FOREIGN ARIZONA. SUN Pilgrim Rest Baptist i The morning message by Pastor H. Y. Stevenson, last Sunday morn ihg, was “If Any Man Come With < Me Let Himself Deny Himself.” Two candidates, for membership ] received the right hand of fellow- i ship. < Rev. Stevenson also brought the j message at the evening service at which time the Lord’s Supper was administered. * The senior choir regrets the loss of Mrs. Savannah Canada, pianist, ( 1 who is now making her home in ( California. ] Sunday afternoon at 3 p.m. the < Pastor’s Aides will sponsor a program. . 1 —Florine Johnson, reporter. ( St. Paul Missionary Baptist . Rev. W. W. Reid, District Mis- sionary of Zion Rest Association, | spoke at the morning services on “The Necessity of God’s Power”— ( Act. 1:1-8. Music included the hymns “God Is Real” sung by the ; Men’s Chorus, and “He Is My Everything” and “Amazing Grace” by the choir. At cornerstone laying ceremonies in the afternoon, Pastor B. J. Stan ton delivered the sermon, “Foun dation Stone”—lsaiah 16:28. Thirty people were present at the night services to receive the Lord’s Supper. —Lucille Raiford, reporter. Church Dinner Wesley’s Women Society of Christian Service will serve dinner Sunday, December 11, at the church, 1802 E. Washington, 1:00, to 4 p.m. Sponsored by Mrs. J. C. Johnson and Mrs. Vergie Woods. MENU Baked ham, candied sweet potatoes, green beans, a salad —hot rolls, dessert, all for only SI.OO per plate. How Can I? Q. How can I boil a cracked egg? A. Wrap ordinary white tissue paper around the egg and boil as usual. The paper becomes wet and clings so tightly to the shell that the cracks are closed and none of the egg escapes. Q. How can I prevent having cold feet? A. When bothered with cold and damp feet and legs, exercise will promote circulation. Also massage every night with rubbing alcohol, mentholated cream, or camphor cream. Q. How can I remove rust stains from a white enameled sink? A. By rubbing the spots thor oughly with fine coal ashes. Q. How can I easily mend torn curtains? A. Torn lace curtains can be Q. What can I do about unslight ly enlarged pores around pay nose? A. Bathe this area regularly with lukewarm water and borax. Q. What ornaments will help to flatter the short, broad type of hands ? A. You should use the solid type of bracelet, pushed up on your arm, and rings with elongated settings. Wear light nail polish. MAGEE'S I HILL'S BARBER SHOP PHOENICIAN BEAUTY SALON Everybody Is Welcome Yoor Complete Beauty Service 1241 East Washington St. 2110 E. Jeff. St. AL 4-0831 The Best Costs No More Our 49th Year y x RAGSDALE MORTUARY ™LincJln" ™ 1100 E. Jefferson Chapel in the Valley Ph. AL 2-3471 Ist Institutional Baptist Last Sunday’s Sunday School I lesson was “The Meaning of Dis cipleship” Luke 9:7-62 taught under the supervision of Olin Boyer. Rev. A. G. Kendrick spoke at 11 o’clock on “Why Fail Your Worship at Night”. Two were added to the church membership. After this . service, baptising rites were held at the old church, sth and Jeffer son. In the evening services, Pastor Kendrick read the covenant, of the church with some instructions to new members, after which the i ordinance of the Lord’s Supper was administered to approximately 175 members, one of the largest num ber of night worshippers. The 50th Anniversary of the church will be observed from De cember 26 through January 1, with nightly services. The money raised will benefti the building program. The community in general is in vited to join in the Golden Anni versary of First Institutional Church. James L. Davis, reporter PAGE SEVEN